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Usability Test

Types of Sexual Harassment Training

Purpose of the RLO
The purpose of this course is to provide employees of Company XX with a deeper
understanding of what sexual harassment is and how to handle harassment situations if they
RLO Terminal Objective
Participants will be able to recognize what is and is not considered to be sexual harassment.
RLO Enabling Objective
Participants will be able to compare quid pro quo and hostile work environment scenarios and
identify the differences.
Target Audience
The target audience for this training will include all employees of the company (approximately
1200) spanning across 9 global locations.
Instructional Delivery Method
This course will be delivered in an e-learning format. Participants will be assigned the training
through the companys learning management system and given a due date for completion.
The training will consist of multiple modules that the participants will go through at their own
Usability Test
Please answer the questions under Modules 1-4 while completing the training. The other sections can
be answered after the training is completed.
Module One
1- Do the slides provide clear explanation of what can be expected in the training?

Module Two
2- What path did you choose to complete the module?

3- Did the path taken seem efficient?

4- Did the navigational buttons make sense?

Module Three
5- Are the instructions clear?

6- Once an answer is submitted for the scenario, is the feedback helpful?

7- Is there sufficient information in the training to answer the scenario questions?

Module Four
8- Navigate to the resources, what do you see?

9- Navigate to the notes, can you see the transcript of the audio?

10- Is the navigation clearly labeled and easy to use?

11- Are there enough images?

12- Are the images helpful?

Color and Fonts

13- Does the choice of font and size seem appropriate?

14- Are the color choices appropriate or are they distracting?

15- Is the information presented in a logical, understandable way?

16- What did you like best?

17- What did you like least?

18- What other suggestions or comments do you have?

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