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Devonte Little

CSIT 101
June 15, 2016
Fred Bartlett Jr.
Assignment 1: Information Literacy

a) List the keywords you used to find the articles.

Future, Technology, science, genetics, robots.

b) Identify the database you used.

CCBC library database.
c) Why did you choose this database?
I use the CCBC library database in order to review scholarly articles.
d) Cite DB article 1 in APA or MLA format.
Kalil, V. K. ( July 2015). The Future of Computer Science and Engineering Is in Your Hands.
Business Source Premier, 39-41.
VALIRON, B. R. (August 2015). Programming the Quantum Future. Communications of the
ACM., 52-61.

Devonte Little
CSIT 101
June 15, 2016
Fred Bartlett Jr.
Assignment 1: Information Literacy

Devonte Little
CSIT 101
June 15, 2016
Fred Bartlett Jr.
Assignment 1: Information Literacy

2. IBM launches quantum computing as a cloud service

a) Write a paragraph summarizing the article in 3-4 sentences. Include the title of the article.
Quantum computing is still very much in the early research stage, but IBM is hoping to
accelerate the progress around it by making a quantum computer available to researchers as a
cloud service. IBM is allowing interested parties to access a 5 qubit quantum computer. They are
calling it IBM Quantum Experience.
b) Cite Internet article 1 in APA or MLA format.
Miller, Ron. IBM launches quantum computing as a cloud service. 15 May 2016.

3. Find one additional Internet article on the same topic.

a) List the keywords you used to do the search.
Quantum Computing
b) Cite Internet article 2 in APA or MLA format.
Kevin Bonsor & Jonathan Strickland
"How Quantum Computers Work" 8 December 2000. <> 20 June

c) Run the same search (using the same keywords) on two different search engines. Identify the
search engines you used. Google and

Devonte Little
CSIT 101
June 15, 2016
Fred Bartlett Jr.
Assignment 1: Information Literacy
d) Create a table to compare the results from the two search engines was one search engine
better than the other, why, how. How many search results did you receive? Etc.
Quantum Computer search

About 12,600,000 results

(0.94 seconds)

Does not tell number of


a) Time when was it written? 15 May 2016 Has it been updated? It has not been updated.
b) Relevance does it relate to your topic or answer your question? Yes It does, it main topic is
how Quantum computers work.
c) Authority who is/are the author(s)? Ron Miller
Are they qualified to write about this topic? Yes
How do you know? The article is from

d) Accurate is the information trustworthy? Yes. Is it supported by evidence? Yes. Has it been
tested for accuracy? Yes.
e) Purpose why was it written, to inform, sell, persuade? Is there a bias or is the material
objective? The article was writing to inform, and persuade people to learn more about the IBM
Quantum Experience. The article could be bias to get more people to help with their project.

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