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What is Tiered Instruction?

Teachers MUST know their curriculum in order to uncover

curricular outcomes
Students always work in groups
Teachers scaffold in order to provide support
High-level, complex thinking can be built into every tier of
Leveled resource materials should be used.

Macbeth English 20-1

Tiered Lesson

Essential Questions for the class:

Thematic: To what extent can a true hero be
susceptible to temptation?
Literary: What literary devices does Shakespeare use
in characterizing Macbeth and are they effective?

Tier 1: Define and identify antithesis, Motif, Atmosphere in Act I scenes

I and ii in Macbeth.
Tier II: What evidence about Macbeths character is given through the
use of antithesis, Motif and Atmosphere in Act 1 scenes I and ii?
Tier 3: Are antithesis and atmosphere effective literary devices for
indirectly characterizing Macbeth?

Study of Macbeth Act I scenes i and ii
1. Read aloud Act 1 scene I of Macbeth. Assign parts. Ill play witch I
(use witchy voice)
2. Define Antithesis.
An antithesis is used when the writer employs 2 sentences of
contrasting meanings in close proximity to one another. Whether
they are words or phrases of the same sentence an antithesis is
used to create a stark contrast using 2 divergent elements that
come together to create one uniform whole. An antithesis plays
on the complementary property of opposites to create one vivid
picture. The purpose of using an antithesis in literature is to
create a balance between opposite qualities and lend a greater
insight into the subject.
3. Explain tiering choices to students
4. Students get into tierd groups of 4-5
5. Students work on answering questions Students are to record
their discussion and email it to me.
6. Once students have completed tiered choice they are to answer
the thematic essential question.
Assessment: Student responses (oral) Monitor and assess small group
Students answer questions to hand in (formative) recording.
a) Does Macbeth seem heroic thus far?
b) Does he seem to be the kind of hero that is easily tempted?
c) How do antithesis, equivocation and motif contribute to the
atmosphere of the play thus far?

Specific outcomes:
Discover possibilities (1.1.1)
construct meaning from text (2.1.1,2.1.2,2.1.3,)
Understand and appreciate textual forms, elements and techniques
(2.2.2)5.2 work within a group (5.2.1,)

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