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vaccination gifted sensitivitiess Archives - WiseOnes Australia

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Vaccination for gifted and parent choice.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Melbourne Time

posted by wiseones 6:41 am

NB I am pro parent choice about their children. Gifted = sensitive. You

probably dont get to read documents like these much.
Latest news

AEST : 2016-05-22



Angela Katsos

In every country where the HPV vaccine is pushed, growing numbers of

injured daughters and concerned parents begin to sound the alarm. Looking
at recent history, as the numbers of injured mount and the voices get louder,
it is only then that individual health bodies/authorities make a public
statement assuring their populations that the shot is safe and effective a
simple lie disproven through continuous documented research.
For those reading about the struggles of Irish parents and their daughters,
these circumstances are not isolated incidences. Colombia, Brazil, Japan,
New Zealand, Spain, Italy, France, the U.S., India and numerous other
countries are seeing massive resistance and pushback from their
populations as severe adverse vaccine reactions continue to leave a wake
of injury and regret.

Claudine Berman

Also FDA document admits vaccines are linked to autism

Pat Truscott

Ive, (Mike Adams), just posted a new video detailing the discovery of a vaccine
document on the FDAs own website that openly admits vaccines are linked to

Pat Slattery
Sandy Robertson
Pat Slattery

autism. This document, an insert sheet for the Tripedia vaccine, openly admits to the
vaccine being linked to idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, SIDS, anaphylactic
reaction, cellulitis, autism, convulsion/grand mal convulsion, encephalopathy,
hypotonia, neuropathy, somnolence and apnea.
Ref:Mike Adams (aka the Health Ranger) is the founding editor of, the internets No. 1 natural health news website, now reaching 7
million unique readers a month.


My, (Pat) doctors handbook, 11th edition, which I picked up in March 2016 says,p
134, Vaccinations are highly toxic substances, composed of foreign and animal
proteins mercury, aluminium, formaldehydes, viruses, a combination of neurotoxins

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22/05/2016, 8:41 PM

vaccination gifted sensitivitiess Archives - WiseOnes Australia

I think WiseOnes is a highly

beneficial program. It provides

and chemical preservatives all of which dramatically interfere with the natural

immunity of our bodies. These toxins are injected directly into the bloodstream

bypassing the bodys own natural detoxification system involving the skin, mucous

challenging and meaningful

membranes and the liver. There is a list of serious consequences none of which

lessons. Students are engaged

sounds good. He also lists what to do to preserve your childs immunity if you

at all times.

decide to vaccinate or not to vaccinate. Your child can be detoxed at the clinic if
necessary. He says indiscriminate use and lack of careful patient examination are a

-Koreen Donegan, Minchinbury

Public School NSW

Parent notices

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bad medical idea. He has qualifications in 19 disciplines inc MBBS, MD PhD.

I am concerned because we know how much more sensitive gifted children

are due to their extra neurological connections. Giving them neurotoxins
seems illogical. You know they grow extra neurological connections at
140% the rate of average people from conception. The more gifted the
greater the increase.
Although the Licensees are against me putting this on the website I feel
strongly about the risk to gifted children and have always cared as a whole
person for them. Wisdom is more than education but education is part of
wisdom. It is these sensitivities that allow them to learn so fast and the
downside is allergic reactions. Dr Linda Silverman has shown this in her
research over a long time working with geneticists. This is the best I can do
for the gifted children under the new laws. I am willing to help educate
online any children of vaccine refusers. I have used Vit C since 1972 for flu
,colds, shingles, epstein barr , sore throat. No doctors. Not sick. Dr Linus
Pauling who is our double Nobel prize winner found this out long ago. Now
Dr Mercola is promoting it also. I fully support parent choice in this matter.
If your child already has an alert immune system then think carefully.
The following is from the Australian legal service on Informed Consent:
Pat S
10.48 Informed consent refers to consent to medical treatment and the
requirement to warn of material risk prior to treatment. As part of their duty
of care, health professionals must provide such information as is necessary
for the patient to give consent to treatment, including information on all
material risks of the proposed treatment. Failure to do so may lead to civil
liability for an adverse outcome, even if the treatment itself was not
NB I sold my CSL shares the day the federal government gave them total
immunity from prosecution for any damage caused by Gardasil whatever. At
least 88 girls have died now in USA from it and many many damaged. My
conscience is clear.
Recent, 2015, doctoral research at University of Wollongong on vaccination
in Australia suggests be very careful.

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