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On Human Dignity

Understanding the value of a person, the worth of a human being, is

important. Human dignity is intrinsic. It is not given to us, nor can it be taken away
by anyone. Recognizing it is comprehending the essence of being a human.
Addressing the basic needs of a person is identical to knowing its value or
worth. Each of us have the responsibility to fill the inadequacy of the fundamental
needs (such as clean access to water, sanitation, shelter, education, sustainability,
etc.) within communities which exist because of the failure to recognize that each
person is born with inherent dignity. One of the means to be aware of the existence
of the innate dignity of the person is to have a real, actual and pragmatic
representation that addresses those fundamental needs, one that will take the
discussion in a forum of a worldwide scope in able to be recognized by world leaders
and policy makers.
The difficulty to achieve a unified resolution regarding policies that addresses
the issues surrounding human dignity is the difference of ideas and thoughts, the
opposing views that exist among intellectuals who offers solution to problems
confronting human dignity without the apprehension of such question as Who is
the person?
Achieving a unified resolution can be done through attainment of a common
practical concepts and convictions that will enable us to make necessary actions. It
is of prime importance to affirm and safeguard all human life as the basis of free
and just societies. It is of prime importance that the modern society understand who
the human person is in able to build strong communities. Succeeding in creating a
united view will ensure that our communities will last and stand the trials of time.
Comprehending the human person, answering the question Who is the
person? is vital in determining the direction of policy making for our world leaders
for the continuous development of our society as a whole. The meaning and
purpose in the life of a person is the foundation of human dignity. The right of a
person ensures that he or she will live to fulfill the purpose of his or her existence.
The persons freedom should be at all cost protected at all times and must not be
suppressed in able to have a meaningful subsistence. The rights that grants free will
grants a person dignity. The person is the man and woman with intrinsic dignity,
granted by rights and recognized by the society.
The freedom of ideas and thoughts guarantees the continuous discussion
about resolving the issue of being aware of the distinctive value of a human being.
Ideas serves as the significant molder of the foundation of our society. Ideas and
thoughts must be pursued; their continuous exchange must thrive despite the great
risk that entails its pursuit.
Forming a society based on ingenuous ideas and thoughts makes the
development of culture certain, assimilating it as a vessel of ideas and thoughts
corporal to the growth of a person living in a society.
The importance of understanding the concept of human dignity is therefore,
can be sought by: having real representation in a global forum that addresses the
need to fulfill the basic and fundamental needs of a person; to be unified to a
common practical notion that requires action in policy making; and, to ensure that

ideas and thought are freely expressed and passed in the society through culture in
able to give meaning and purpose to a mans or womans life. Ultimately, these
actions will provide us the vision of humanity which we will pass down the world
today and in posterity.

Leandro Angelo Castro, May 3, 2016, 11:11 pm

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