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Volume 4: World Crucible

Prologue: Normal?
As usual, I ate breakfast peacefully in my condo unit and got myself ready to go
Mapua was still in the middle of repairs so I thought of buying a few groceries for
dinner later as I will most likely be in [Harus] for the rest of the day.
I locked the door behind me and I began to make way downstairs.
After going out of the building, I turned right in the direction of the nearby mall.
At first, I thought of just riding a taxi but since this was one of the rare occasions
that I actually go out, I decided to walk instead.
As I walk, I hear the people around me talking about [World Gate Online], [White
Knight], and a few other related topics.
Nobody knows Im the [White Knight] that seemed to have become a celebrity
already and they also dont know that I am the [White Haired Adventurer Lucas].
Though some tried to give me second glances, probably to confirm Im a
different person, they ignored me soon enough since I gave an anti-social kind of
atmosphere. The type where I could make others think that I-wont-reply-even-ifyou-talk-to-me kind of thing.
Well, I couldnt care less that they dont know it was me. Heck, Im grateful that
they didnt know.
Once, I tried walking while in [White Haired Adventurer Lucas] mode for
patrolling and I was immediately flooded with people.
People who kept talking like theyll die if they didnt talk to me. Seriously, what a
painhow do normal celebrities even go out of their houses? I honestly admire they can withstand crowds like that
I think I was even touched in weird placesit got to the point where I have to use
[Dragons Wrath] to silence themeven though I told myself not to use it
Anyway, Im in [Earth Lucas] mode so its safe. Walking is safe.
My trip to the mall passed by normally, thats right. Normal.
Everything is absolutely normalexcept
Ah- oww. (Old Lady)

I hear an old ladys voice from behind me seemingly in pain.

When I looked over, I see she tripped herself but no one seemed to be helping
Well, I guess thats just how people are nowadays. Since the old lady seemed to
be a beggar, no one thought of even helping.
Maybe theyre just cautious that they believe she has an accomplice that will
snatch their belongings once they helped her, or maybe they just dont care, I
dont know.
Honestly, if I had been the same Lucas as I was before I entered [Harus]I
mightve done the same.
But now Im different.
Its not because Im a [Hero] now. No, that is the [White Knights] job.
What I meant as different is this
Can you stand up? (Lucas)
A-ah, thank you (Old Lady)
I stretched my hand towards the fallen old lady that seemed to have sprained
her left foot.
As the old lady touched my hand, a faint green light poured from my hand
towards her and healed her foot which made her surprised.
I only gave her a wry smile and placed my index finger to my lips as if to say its
a secret.
She seemed to have understood so she nodded. After that, I left as is.
I have no further obligation to help her apart from that.
The only reason why I healed her is because I can and I was there. Thats all
there is to it.
Apart from that, everything is normal
Chapter 1: Dark Fire
July 10th, in a household that can be considered as wealthy, Zeal and Lowy Argot
was lazing around their room.
Though the two were considered as siblings, they were not related by blood since
Lowy was someone that was adopted by the Argot household.
The two were of the same age and there arent any visible conflicts between the
two, except maybe, according to their preferences.

Lowy was someone that wouldnt mind eating roasted rats or cockroaches or any
other exotic food for that matter while Zeal was very picky and only wanted the
edible looking food.
Lowy was also more into gore while Zeal was a mecha fan which caused a few
fights between the two here and there but nothing severe.
Zeal doesnt get arrogant being the legal son and Lowy doesnt disrespect the
parents who took him in. It was a perfectly normal family.
Both were Mapua students and in their second year already. While Zeal was a CS
student, Lowy was a BA student. So to say, Zeal was more into computer and
Lowy was more in business.
Zeal, Lowy! Come down here, we have a surprise for you! (Mrs. Argot)
A female voice resounded throughout the house.
Coming~! (Zeal)
Normally, they would keep saying Just a minute~ but as there was nothing for
the two of them to do, they immediately came downstairs to see their mother.
Having seen their parents downstairs, Zeal and Lowy wore curious faces.
Whats wrong mom? Did something happen? (Lowy)
Huhu, son, have you heard of virtual reality? (Mr. Argot)
Zeal and Lowy looked at each other seemingly asking the other if their father
was alright.
Wellyeah I guess? As its name suggest, it is a virtual world right? (Zeal)
Then what would you say if the technology for a virtual game was already
made? You know, diving into the virtual world and have adventures and stuff.
(Mrs. Argot)
At the moment, the two sons fell silent.
Both in their minds screaming what was happening? Is this real? Are they
messing with us again?
In truth, the two of them has no idea what sort of job their parents did, when
they asked, they were only answered with I wonder~? and leave it at that.
They were very mysterious parents but they were good parents so the two just
assumed that they will tell them when its the right time.
Haha, shocked aint you? What, you dont believe us? Then why dont you find
out yourselves? (Mr. Argot)
The father brought out two boxes with a wide grin.

Already guessing what was inside the boxes, Zeal and Lowy immediately
grabbed one for each of them and opened them.
What was inside was a visor that looks futuristic all over it.
I-is this really-!? (Zeal)
A virtual gaming device!? (Lowy)
Since when did you two finish each others sentences? Well yeah. As I said, if
you dont believe me then try it! (Mr. Argot)
Not needing to say anything more, the two dashed towards their room and
turned the [Portals] on.
Hm? Why a CD disk?...Well whatever, lets go! (Zeal)
As a CS student, Zeal was naturally familiar to computers and gadgets so he
noticed how come a virtual game is in CD form but since virtual gaming was
already way ahead of his knowledge, he decided that there must be a reason to
it and ignored it.
However, as excited as they were, they were met with an unfortunate message.

And thus ended their adventure.
Haha, sorry, sorry. I forgot that servers are still offline at the moment. (Mr.
Well dont worry about it. Servers will be online 3 days from now so just wait a
bit. (Mrs. Argot)
The two parents began their explanation.
They worked for the company called [IDEA] which made the [Portal] as well as
[World Gate Online]. While their father was a guard, their mother was in charge
of records.
Since the product has finally finished, they gave one for each employees for their
service and for a test run. At this point, the topic of virtual technology is told to
be under wraps for a while.

Hearing the explanation, Zeal and Lowy has no choice but to sigh and accept it.
Well, at least that new game will be release tomorrow right Zeal? Lets just play
that first before this. (Lowy)
Haah, I suppose it cant be helped. (Zeal)
The next day, the two bought a new game to rid their boredoms.
Its a game where you catch monsters and have them battle against other
Time flew by, before they knew it, college has begun and the two had no choice
but to attend and abandon their game for a while.
I feel like Im forgetting something reeeal important (Lowy)
YeahI wonder what it is (Zeal)
Thats right, the two had completely forgotten about the virtual game.
When these two begin on something, they tend to finish that immediately and
forget about anything else.
In fact, they had nearly caught every monster in the game already. The story was
finished long ago, now, they were focusing on catching all monsters in the index.
How these two didnt hear the news however, was a complete mystery.
In fact, when their friends would talk about the virtual game, they werent
present so they only remembered about it when a movie was released that
centered on said virtual game.
After a friend of theirs gave them VIP like pass and finishing the movie, the two
dropped the game they were playing and picked the [Portal] instead.
Gah! How did we forget about such an awesome game!? (Zeal)
What? Dont blame me, I also forgot about it till now! (Lowy)
Hence, their adventure finally began.
After their quick read on the wikis and the game site, the two chose to start in
the central continent [Cravon] like most others. In the city of [Morburn].
Since they figured the tutorial will already be something they know, the two
skipped it as they want to play the game even by a second faster.
Zeal chose the name [Ashclad] while Lowy was known as [Blood]. Both of the
[Human] race.
Why [Blood], Lowy? (Ashclad)

What? Doesnt it sound awesome? And why [Ashclad], Zeal? (Blood)

I dont know, it kinda justpopped in my head at the time since I want to play
already, I didnt really mind. (Ashclad)
After that exchange, they decided to show each other their statuses.
[Status Window]! (Ashclad & Blood)



Through some amazing stroke of luck, or some kind of fate, the two had the
exact same status points distributed amongst them. This may have been the
reason as to why they had such a title.
Seeing this, the two looked at each other in amazement and laughed together.
Afterwards, they decided to follow through the guides they saw in the internet
and hunt some monsters already.
Like the guide said, a knight official was giving out quests to hunt monsters. This
was the quickest way to reach level 10 for a job change.
Not only that, but the two had already began preparing for their job quests which
was to collect some monster drops.
The two wanted to be a [Magician]. After all, if were talking about fantasy then it
has to be magic right?
Based on the wiki, they needed to gather 50 [Slime Gels], 9 [Fox Tails], and 4
[Wolf Fangs].
Rather than complete that after they receive the quest, since they already know
what they will need, then theyd rather gather those as they level up themselves.
Ah! Slashes and piercing attacks dont work on [Slimes]! Punch it or kick it to
earn the skills! (Ashclad)
I know! Hah-! (Blood)
The two sheathed their [Beginners Dagger] and began to punch and kick the
slimes freely.
From their surroundings, a similar scene can be seen as well.

After defeating around 20 [Slimes], they finally rose up to level 5 which gave
them the [Bash] skill.
After completing the 50 [Slime Gels], they now faced against Lvl 9 [Foxes] while
at Lvl 7.
Since there was two of them, they decided to fight 2 against 1 so they have to
defeat 18 [Foxes] to complete the loots necessary.
This seemed to be faster rather than risking your life and attack them by
yourself. With two of them, they were able to defeat the [Foxes] faster than
alone, this was already proven when they tried it earlier.
Though now that theyre already at Lvl 12, they decided to finish the loot
gathering first before job changing and faced against Lvl 13 [Wolf].
G-gh! Damn, this guys are harder than I thought! Blood, try to pin it down!
I-Im trying! (Blood)
As the [Wolf] was too fast, even though there was only 1 level difference and
there were two of them, the [Wolf] was harder to beat than expected.
Blood tried to slice its paws to stop its movements but the [Wolf] always
manages to dodge.
Nggggg arrrrgghh!!! Annoying! (Blood)
Annoyed by the fact that he cant hit, he threw a fit and attacked wildly.
Ah, hey! Watch where you swing that thing oi! (Ashclad)
Ashclad, who was confronting the [Wolf] was also in the range of Bloods
However, maybe because Ashclad was also evading Bloods attack with the
[Wolf], they ended up dodging in the same direction which became an opening.
Not missing this opportunity, Aschlad slashed the [Wolfs] neck which made it
collapse in pain.
What happened next was a one-sided massacre so its better left unsaid.
After that, they decided to use the same tactic by having one of them
deliberately attack the [Wolf] in a rehearsed direction so they can guess the
direction where the [Wolf] evades and the other aims there.
After finally killing 8 [Wolves], the two are now at level 20 Novice.
Phew, now, lets go change jobs. (Ashclad)
Finally! (Blood)

Having visited the magician center to change their jobs, the two accepted the
quest to hunt for the loots said earlier.
Since they already achieved that, they immediately gave the loots to the
magician on the counter who revealed a surprised expression.
There seems to be a lot of novices that immediately have the required loots the
moment they enter here (Magician)
Hm? Well, of course. Since they already know what to get, they decided to get
them while leveling up. We also did the same. (Ashclad)
Oh? So you mean to say that the quest information has already been leaked
huh?...I wonder if I should change the requirements? (Magician)
E-eh!? Please dont joke aroundafter we already got the loots (Blood)
Haha, its fine. In the first place, I dont have the authority to do such things
anyway so you two pass. From now on, you are a [Magician] (Magician)

Next is this. What element do you desire to use? (Magician)

This was the normal process in job changing.
They give of skills without the [Skill Point] cost but only to the basic elemental
magic and only one of them for you to start.
Fire for me. (Ashclad)
Dark here~ (Blood)
After that, Zeal received [Basic Fire Magic Skill Tree Book] and [Basic Staff Skill
Tree Book] while Blood received [Basic Dark Magic Skill Tree Book] and [Basic
Staff Skill Tree Book].
Though they still cant unlock any magic yet as they are still low in [Skill Points],
they decided to buy it now that later.
After that, the two would always activate the basic elemental magic on their
finger so as to raise its proficiency while walking around.
They didnt do anything further than that since they thought that that was all it
could do.

In fact, the wikis said that it aside from the stat it gave, it is a useless skill that
cant even be maxed out. The highest you can get is Master LVL 9 (99.99%) and
no one has passed that limit. At least, none that were known.
The two continued to grind for 2 more days in real life which is 6 days in game.
The two brothers had completed multiple quests from the [Magician Guild] which
rewards items, equipments, weapons for [Magicians] as well as [Skill Points].
[Harus] has a guild for each job where you can easily raise your job levels and
earn skills. They say that the hardest job is the [Thief] job which is one of the
second jobs of the [Scout] job because finding the [Thief Guild] is hard itself.
There are a lot of benefits when choosing a job the proper way, in the case of
Ashclad and Blood, they immediately have the basic element magic as well as
the [Magic Appraisal] skill. They can also access jobs specific for a [Magician] job
where they can easily increase their job level, skill proficiency, and skill points
while Lucas, cannot and has to earn his skills the hard way.
Both are now level 35 and Magician level 31 and have number of skills already.
Ashclad who also uses his staff, the [Staff of the Salamander], in fighting, also
adds points to his STR stat while increasing INT as well for a coordinated attack
of magic and staff while Blood, who wields the [Grims Staff], solely focuses on
magic attack.
They were both already known well in [Morburn] and were called the [Dark Fire
Brothers] for a while. The reason for this name was not because they have the
Fire and Dark elements but because of their melded magic, [Dark Fire].
It was an accident at first, but every player who saw it was amazed.
Blood used a normal [Dark Wall] and Ashclad fired a [Flame Shot] from behind,
when the two magics collided, instead of blocking off the [Flame Shot], the [Dark
Wall] coated a small portion of darkness to the flame which created a black flame
that is twice as powerful as a normal flame.
After seeing them, the other players naturally imitated them but were
In which, made them become the center of attention in an instant, forums
started to appear with the video of the melded magic, asking how it was
possible, or why the [Dark Wall] didnt block the magic, etctera.
Because of this, the two were repeatedly asked the moment they appear in
public which made it harder for them to play, hence, they decided to lay low for a
Though they tried to answer them by saying it may be because of their linked
titles, as expected, believing two players having the same status distribution

points entering the game at the same time and place was hard to accept as
answers so they no one believed them.
The next day after that was when Lucas showed himself and revealed an
unexpected quest which made other players divert their attention from the two
to Lucas.
2 days after that, was the attack in real life.
It was enough to say that it has been a traumatizing day for them and the other
students involved, but thanks to Lucas, they were rescued.
Instead of being afraid, once they knew that there is a way for them to bring
their characters in real life, they were more pumped up.
Not letting themselves lose to Lucas who seemed to be so far away already.
With that in mind the two logged in again to the gameno, to [Harus].
Well, we cant be losing to Gavin and Kanin, especially to Lucas so we need to
find out other job now! (Ashclad)
Yeah! Gavin and Kanin will also be visiting [Morburn] as they said so we need to
be stronger than them by the time we meet up! (Blood)
The two then began to search for a quest to level up while thinking of their other
job when man approached them.
Excuse me, you two are the [Dark Fire Brothers] right? (Man)
Ashclad and Blood looked at each other first before answering.
Yeah? What about it? (Lowy)
Are you going to ask how we created the [Dark Fire] because- (Ashclad)
Ah, no no no nowell actually (Man)
The man looked behind him where his party members seemed to be at and
We found a new dungeon, the only problem iswe think the only way to open
the door to the dungeon is using your [Dark Fire] so. (Man)
You want us to open it for you? (Ashclad)
Yeah, sorry, we promise to reward you with gold. (Man)
Hmm (Ashclad)
Ashclad placed his hand on is chin and thought about the offer first.
Glancing towards Blood, he saw him nod as if saying he doesnt mind.

Alright, but no need to pay us. We want to join your party, is that fine?
The man seemed surprised at first and talked it over to his party then reached an
Alright! If the [Dark Fire Brothers] are with us, then it will make the hunting
easier! The names Bane, its a pleasure to work with you.









19 G 47 S 12 C


Magician LVL 31 Race



















Ashclads Soul Brother




Passive Skills

[Staff Mastery] Intermediate LVL 3 (42.53%)

[Magic Appraisal] Intermediate LVL 5 (64.45%)

Active Skills

[Punch] Intermediate LVL 3 (12.35%)

[Kick] Intermediate LVL 3 (63.34%)

[Bash] Intermediate LVL 2 (41.74%)

[Skotdi] Intermediate LVL 6 (42.75%)

[Dark Ball] Intermediate LVL 4 (63.75%)

[Dark Wall] Intermediate LVL 5 (63.58%)

[Dark Cloud] Intermediate LVL 3 (52.64%)

[Blinding] Intermediate LVL 7 (36.75%)

[Black Shot] Intermediate LVL 4 (64.12%)

[Darkness Sword] Intermediate LVL 3 (42.62%)

Chapter 2: Labyrinth

Hmmit truly meant to say that the Dark Fire is needed huh? How about this
ring? Do you have it? (Aschlad)
Currently, the Argot brothers, together with Banes party, were looking at what
looked like a scripture on a boulder just east of [Morburn].
Behind the boulder was a huge mountain as if saying that there is a hidden door
behind the boulder and will lead to a cave of sorts inside the mountain.
Getting to this location was easy for their levels, though they met plenty of
[Kobolds], and [Goblins], they were already no match for their party.
There were 3 other members in Banes party.
May, a blonde girl that looks around 20 years old, ample breast, and a nice curve
on her waist, was a Priest/Bard that is mainly the partys healer and support. As
well as the eye candy of the group.
Miles, a black haired Scout/Marksman who always puts on his black hood and
face mask that covers his nose and mouth, also around 20 years old, was in
charge of finding traps and hidden enemies as well as supporting the party either
in close range and long rage, in which, he uses a dagger and a short bow.
Blake, a red head with a sturdy body which makes you think hes a good fit to be
a tanker but is actually a Magician/Cook and has a surprisingly shy personality
unfit of his appearance. He is the partys chef and long range supporter in battle.
Then there was Bane, a Warrior/Swordsman, a complete close ranger only fit for
battle, he has a short buzz cut black hair and a normal face that you seem to see

everywhere, all in all, he was the most normal person in the group. He is in
charge of tanking and the main attacker of the group.
At first, these 4 were surprised to hear about Ashclads and Bloods job since
they only have one. With the system, they are free to choose up to 2 jobs so
most had taken this for granted and choose 2.
But of course, there were players that only sticks to one or players that sticks to
only one type of job like Bane who is purely on close range fighting.
The two simply answered that they were still hesitating on choosing a second
In any case, these two brothers were assigned to attack from a distance like
Blake as they are magicians.
Yeah, at first, we were only passing by here to rest but then Miles saw there was
something carved on the boulder so we removed the moss covering it. After
seeing what was written, we frantically searched for the ring the scripture told
but (Bane)
Hey, hey, if we dont have the ring, even if you have us, we will still be unable to
open it you know? (Ashclad)
Ah, no, no. We found it. Its just that it took us a long time to find it. See?
Bane showed a ring that colored silver.
There were no decorations in it, just a plain looking ring which doesnt seem to
hold any value.
We found it in an antique shop, it has the power to store a spell and fires it off
once, just that. (Bane)
What do you mean just that? If you placed a healing spell on it in advance, it
could save your life you know? And you can even dodge an enemys spell with
that. (Ashclad)
Yeah, only temporarily anyway. And if you place a powerful spell, it would brake
so its not really that helpful once you get stronger. At most, it can only serve as
distraction to high level monsters. (Bane)
Ashclad took the ring and examined it.

Hmmmare you sure this is the right ring? (Ashclad)

Well, only one way to find out right? (Bane)

Bane cocked his head towards the scripture seemingly telling them to do their
Shrugging his shoulders, he gave the ring back to Bane and placed some
distance between them.
Hold that for me will you, lets do this Blood! (Ashclad)
Nn! (Blood)
Seemingly guessing Ashclads intent, Blood nodded while Bane panicked. After
all, he will be made into their target.
W-wait! Why does it have to be m- (Bane)
[Black Shot]! (Blood)
[Flame Shot] (Ashclad)
Though it was different than their usual [Dark Wall] and [Flame Shot], it wont
matter anyway what spell they use as long as the two spells came in contact
with each other at some point.
Immediately after they chanted their spells, a fire and a black mass the size of a
basketball combined and turned into what looked like a black flame twice as
large as before.
Since they only used E ranked spells, even combined, it will still be an E rank and
thus, below C.
Bane blocked his face with his hand with the ring so as to avoid his health going
Sure enough, the black flame was sucked into the ring like a vacuum and was
stored inside.
Now, all thats left is to place it there? (Blood)
Bellow the scripture, there is a symbol resembling a triangle with a ring on the
topmost corner as well as a flame on the bottom left and a black circle on the
bottom right.
When Bane placed the ring on the ring symbol, the ring stuck onto the boulder as
if attracted like magnet. But thats that.
Nothing else happened.
Hmmdid we do something wrong? (Ashclad)
Dont tell me we actually need to find this flame and black circle too? Maybe
its a figurine? (Miles)

Eeeeh, just looking for the ring was hard enough, we were lucky to have found it
in the antique store but I doubt they have these two as well (May)
U-umm, please dont get downhearted leader (Blake)
Ashclad and Blood were still not used to Blakes character so they can only frown
at the weird spectacle in front of them.
Haah, sorry about that you two. It seems that there were still more that we
need. (Bane)
Nah, its fine. RatherhmmmBlood, what do you think? (Ashclad)
Wellmaybe we dont need an item? After all, there was never a word in the
scripture that a sculpture is needed, just Dark, Fire, and a ring so (Blood)
The two looked at each other as if confirming the others thoughts and nodded.
Like that, Ashclad moved forward and placed his palm on the flame symbol while
Blood did the same in the black circle symbol.
[Foti] (Ashclad)
[Skotdi] (Blood)
The twos hands were engulfed with a flame and darkness respectively and had
their hands stuck in the boulder like the ring.
N-nggg!!! I-its (Ashclad)
Nggggggg!!! I-I cant remove my hand! (Blood)
Soon enough, the boulder shook and from within the triangle, a key was formed.
The key has a base color of black with red fiery outlines as well as a triangle
mark on the handle.
A.key? (Ashclad)
Y-you did it! (Bane)
Yaaaah! We dont have to waste time to look anymore! (May)
Hooh (Miles)
I-Im glad (Blake)
The two brothers were overwhelmed by May who suddenly hugged them and
Bane slamming their backs with his STR powered palms.
I-its not a big deal but (Ashclad)
What do we do with this key? (Blood)

Ashclad held the key and showed it to the party, the boulder didnt move as they
expected and they have no idea where the key is used for so they were at a dead
Hmmm, first, lets see what it is. (Bane)

door to his labyrinth located everywhere in the world!

Daedalus? (Bane)
I feel like Ive heard that name somewhere (Miles)
Everyone seemed confused except for Blake who seems to be fidgeting and
hesitating whether to talk or not.
...You know something, Blake? (Bane)
Y-yes! Actuallythe name Daedalus, as well as what the scripture said about an
endless path, the labyrinth, and that Delta markthey are from the Greek
mythologys Daedalus. The creator of the Labyrinth designed to trap the
Minotaur. (Blake)
Now that you mentioned it (Ashclad)
It was certainly true. The triangle, rather, the Delta mark is Daedalus symbol
after all.
And if this is the entrance of that Labyrinth then
O-oi, I dont think we are equipped to enter this dungeon yet (Ashclad)
Thats certainly trueaccording to the myth, Daedalus labyrinth was a hard
place to escape once you went insidebut we at least know what we will need!
A string, right? (Blood)
Exactly, if we have a string like in the myth, we will also be able to safely get
out! (Bane)
Truly optimistic
Though there was still that chance that the Labyrinth in this world is enchanted
or magical and had gimmicks that changes the labyrinths order, since they got
this far, they wanted to see what was inside.
Alright, since the dungeon seems to be a lot harder than expected, lets gather
everything that well need first before entering, well all meet up tomorrow, same
time in real, at the east gate. (Bane)

Nn, then, who will keep the key? (Ashclad)

Even though Banes party seemed to already have absolute trust with each
other, it does not change the fact that Ashclad and Blood are outsiders and
naturally, will have a hard time trusting the other team.
Hmmit would be nice if we all each have onebut before that, we dont even
know where that key goes. (Bane)
As if noticing something, Ashclad suggest doing the same thing again.
As expected, another key was born when they placed the three requirements
again. Though they were constantly drained out of mana, the other members
gave them mana potions so it wasnt a problem.
In no time, they now have 6 [Daedalus Keys]. Now the only problem is to where
to put it.
Geez, if we cant find where to place this key, then regrouping later will be
useless. I mean, its not like a keyhole will appear if we constantly poke on this
boulder right? (May)
By some stroke of luck, or maybe an accident, or some kind of miracle, the
moment Mays key hovered above the center of the Delta mark, a keyhole
appeared which sucked her key and turned automatically.
W-wha-!? I cant let go!? (May)
Mays hand seemed to be stuck on the key as it turned, in the next instant, the
boulder rotated so fast that they werent able to follow and before they knew it,
May was gone.
M-May!? (Bane)
O-oi! Youre joking right!? (Ashclad)
They were about to follow May inside since she might be trapped but at the next
moment, the boulder rotated again and May reappeared.
May! Are you alright!? (Bane)
Bane was holding May up who seemed to have collapsed and was visibly
Her face drained in color and one can only see fear, despair, and darkness in her
What happened!? (Ashclad)
M-monster (May)
A monster? You saw a monster? What kind!? (Ashclad)

A-a monsterwith a face of a bulland a body of a man.holdinga huge

axe. (May)
To have seen the Minotaur from the legends so fast! But that still didnt explain
why she looked so scared.
Level600 (May)
As if turning a switch, Mays consciousness slipped out and she fell into deep
This left the party in silence.
For a level 600 monster to exist so near themand this early in game
Obviously, this worlds Minotaur is different from [Senerths] Minotaur which
Lucas defeated countless times but they didnt know that and thought of all
Minotaurs as this powerful.
There should only be one Minotaur in this vast dungeon. It mightve been just
roaming around and by coincidence, saw May enterif we enter in a different
time, I doubt it will be there again. (Bane)
Bane was thinking optimistically again.
It could be waiting. Rather, cant it destroy this boulder? This isnt a game that
you cannot destroy the Demon Kings door because the codes said so. (Ashclad)
We tried destroying it as well butwe cant even leave a scratch. Seeing as the
Minotaur is not destroying the boulder, then were safefor now. (Bane)
They fell silent once again.
This time, the one who broke the silence was Blood.
At least we now know that one key can only transfer one person. (Blood)
How does that help us? (Bane)
Its simple. But first, I want to know if you guys are still up for this. (Ashclad)
Banes party minus May looked at each other first to confirm their thoughts then
We already got this far, next time we see that monster, he will pay the
consequences for scaring May. (Bane)
Satisfied with his answer, Ashclad and Blood nodded.
Then we form a raid. (Ashclad)

After their discussion with Banes party, Zeal and Lowy logged out and talked to
their friends online if they can help come up with a plan.

to be way stronger than the one I defeated like a hundred times, there is a high chance none of it will work sm

What do you think, Zeal? (Lowy)

Lowy, who was also logged in the chatbox beside Zeal, asked his brother if he
will agree or not.
Hmmm.No, like I said, we cant let ourselves be outdone by Lucas and the
others (Zeal)

Even though it looks like hes too far to catch on already? (Lowy)
Are you giving up? (Zeal)
No. (Lowy)
Then we find another way. Inside that Labyrinth may be our only way of
catching up to Lucas. Even if we cant be his equal, then let us be someone he
can rely on in the future. (Zeal)

Alright! Lets do what we can, Blood! (Zeal)

Ou! Ashclad! (Lowy)
Everyone ready? (Bane)
A large number of players had gathered in front of the boulder towards the
With the ring which can only be used 100 times due to its durability, only 98 keys
were made, but thankfully, a high leveled blacksmith was present and was able
to keep on fixing the ring so there are now around 200 massed produced keys
News of the Labyrinth traveled fast and high leveled players immediately
gathered in [Morburn] to get the key. Of course, it wasnt for free and was sold
for 10G per key.
Though the low leveled players can only grit their teeth and spout insulting
words to them, they dont really have a choice since even if they do enter, they
will immediately die.
Even Banes party is low leveled players which are why they lured the high
leveled ones.
Bane knows they cannot lead such players so they served a different purpose.
They will be the bait for the Minotaur.
If there are more parties inside the Labyrinth, then there are less chances of
being the targets.
Ashclad had told them that winning is impossible despite the numbers if they
arent united so they abandoned their original idea of forming a raid and this was
all they can come up with for now.

Each had earned around 320G just by selling the keys so there is no problem. As
for the blacksmith that fixed the ring, he said that payment isnt needed, just
that 100 ores found inside the Labyrinth will be his.
For a blacksmith, ores are more important than money. With a single ore, they
can make a good weapon. And with a good weapon, they can get more money.
Hence, he asked for 100 ores of whichever kind instead of money.
Many players had already gotten inside the Labyrinth since a few minutes ago
when they started selling the keys but it was still Banes party that had the first
discoverer bonus because of May, though they were only left with 2 more days
but still better than nothing.
May had also calmed down somewhat and was ready to enter the Labyrinth
again even if it meant facing the Minotaur once more.
Merchants had also erected their stalls by the entrance so the place was more
lively than normal.
Well then, lets enter. (Bane)
Seeing as every member had gathered, Bane and the rest entered the Labyrinth.
Woah (Ashclad)
What awaited them was a dusty old room.
Old bookshelves, desks, books, papers, piled up around the room like some
research room.
Whatis this place? (Blood)
Therethats where I saw the Minotaur. (May)
When everyone else was looking around the room, May pointed at the rooms
other end which is the actual entrance to the Labyrinth.
The corridor was dark, damp, and eerie. Like something will pop up anytime.
He just stared at me in that corridornot enteringnot attackinghe just
stared at me with those beady eyes of his (May)
As May continued to recall the incident, everyone can only listen in quiet.
Even though she was not harmed physically, it mustve been mentally tiring to
be stared at by a monster 20 times more powerful than you. Waiting for you to
get out of the room.
Its alright, look, as we thought, since there is only one Minotaur in this
Labyrinth, it was only a coincidence that you saw it immediately. Were safe for
now so theres no need to worry. (Bane)
U-un (May)

Lets survey this room first, we may find some clues here. (Ashclad)
Seeing as May has calmed down, Ashclad suggested their first mode of action.
Youre right, if were lucky, then there may be a map somewhere herethough
if there is and the other players already got them thenwell, lets just look
around (Bane)
First of all, the bookshelf, Ashclad and Blood skimmed through the books in the
bookshelves, trying hard to read the letters and careful not to damage the old
The result, they were mostly contained of references and studies about machines
and alchemy so they werent important.
Though it did pique an interest to the two, they ignored it for now to search for a
way to travel inside the Labyrinth as well as counter measures for defeating the
Next, Bane and May looked through the papers spread at the old desks but only
found scribbles and weird sentences that dont make any sense so they were
also ignored.
Miles and Blake looked inside the drawers but there were also nothing of
There are also vials containing something on top of the desks, tables, and
shelves but none of them knows its use so they were also ignored.
Though picking them up now and having other people appraise it outside is also
an idea, in the end, its a waste of time and space in the [Inventory] so the high
leveled players also ignored it and focused on the monster drops instead.
Theres nothing here but these scraps! Forget it, lets just hunt inside before the
other players kill too many. (Bane)
Bane slammed the papers on his hands in frustration and suggested to stop
searching for clues here.
Thats when Ashclad noticed something from the papers.
Waitthese are (Ashclad)
This too (Blood)
Where others saw only scribbles and weird sentences, these two saw something
A robot? Noan automaton! Its a blueprint for an automaton! (Ashclad)
Homonculus! These are formulas and theories for creating a homunculus!

The two exclaimed as they found the true meaning of the papers.
This ahhhhh! Where are the rest of the blueprints!? (Ashclad)
Arrgghh! Why did you have to throw them, Bane!? Ah ahhh, there, there and
where is the rest!? (Blood)
Wh-whats wrong with you guys? (Bane)
Bane cannot understand why these two are now crawling on all fours frantically
searching for the missing parts.
Oi, look at those two.
Haha, what are they crawling for?
They look like animals haha!
The other players that also went in was ridiculing the two which made Bane and
the other three to divert their eyes as if saying they dont know who these two
Damn! Its still not complete even after we searched through everything!
Dont tell me that the other parts are scattered throughout the Labyrinth!? If
so (Blood)
We will definitely conquer this Labyrinth!!! (Ashclad & Blood)
With the newfound goal, the two began their new goal.
Now I know what my second job is, I need to be a Blacksmith! (Ashclad)
And I, an Alchemist! (Blood)
Bane and the rest was only able to stay silent and watch the two be drowned in
their laughter, still unable to understand what had happened to have changed
the two into like this.
Now! (Ashclad)
To the Labyrinth! (Blood)
O-oohhhh. (Bane, May, Miles, Blake)
Overwhelmed by the twos over energeticness, Bane and the rest can only
answer like so.
And thus, begins Ashclads dream in creating an automaton and Bloods desire of
making a homunculus.
Later on, these two will be known throughout the world as the two people with
the weirdest personal army but that will be another story.

Chapter 3: Mt. Neibelheim

After the Mapua incident, Lucas friends went straight home.
Some still shaken, some afraid, some were motivated to get stronger.
And it wasnt only Zeal and Lowy that were pumped up to catch up to Lucas,
Gavin and Kanin were as well.
They logged in immediately to the world of [World Gate Online], no, to the world
called [Harus].
The two reappeared inside a town a few or so kilometers north of [Drachedge]
that they were at before logging out.
The town was called [Materia], which is found beside a huge mountain which
houses higher level monsters compared to the [Slimes] or [Wolves] in the
outskirts of [Drachedge].
They arrived here 14 [Harus] days after leaving [Drachedge] and have settled for
3 more days until now.
The two have grown stronger compared to when they were having a hard time
with the [Young Bear] and has gotten a bit of fame.
Ah, there they are! The Beauty and the Beast!
Ughhhow long are they going to call us that? And just whore you calling beast
dammit!? (Geeves)
Oi, Im supposed to be the Beauty? (Rice)
Thats right, as Geeves has a girly appearance, many had made a mistake of
seeing him as a girl, though as for him noticing this is yet to happen.
On the other hand, the werebeast Rice has an appearance of a good looking guy
plus the wolf ears and canine teeth which made him a target for girls as well.
Though, sometimes, the [Beauty] doesnt always refer to Geeves nor does the
[Beast] always to Rice. Why? Because one can say that Rice is a cool beauty as
well and the violent Geeves was the beast.
Hence, they were only called [The Beauty and the Beast] when theyre together.
Anyway, the two decided to grind their levels to catch up to Lucas so Geeves
went to a tavern to gather informations and quests they can accept while Rice
went to the marketplace to gather ingredients for travel.
Rice noticed that there was a shortage of food and supplies which made the
prices higher so he asked what had happened. Turns out that there has been
rampaging monsters from the nearby mountain that kept raiding the farms and
storage houses.

Though they had asked many adventurers, they can only stop the raiding from
happening so not everything has been lost, but every day, the raid kept
happening and happening which resulted to the adventurers resupplying again
and again until it turned out like this.
When did this started? (Rice)
The night 3 days ago.
It was the time where the two had most likely logged out and thus, missed the
chance to see it start.
After resupplying and gritting his teeth because of the overpriced foods and
supplies, Rice went to meet up with Geeves.
It seems that Geeves had also heard about the monster raids and waited for Rice
so they can enlist with the other adventurers for the quest to find the source
which was given by the citys lord.
Are you sure you want to join them? (Rice)
Well, its a quest right? (Geeves)
Think about it. Look how many these guys are. If we join, we cant get stronger.
In fact, I think well be weaker since well be relying on numbers instead of
individual power. (Rice)
Thats right, theyre goal is to catch up to Lucas and get stronger. If they were to
join, they will only be going with the flow.
How about Lucas? Did he get stronger by following everybody else?
No. When everyone dived into the river to go with the flow, he got out, and
walked a different way. He did things his way and went against a quest given by
a King for a larger purpose.
One thing that others should learn after the announcement of the Kings
treachery, is that not everything is at it seems.
So what do you think we should do? (Geeves)
Hmmthey dont seem to understand the situation and will most likely be
wandering about. We need more information. (Rice)
Ah, I think I know of someone. I heard there is a prophet that lives at the top of
the mountain. Maybe since he lives there, he can give us information about why
the monsters are raiding [Materia]. (Geeves)
Alright. Get ready. Well leave by sunset. (Rice)
At night? Are you sure? (Geeves)

What, are you scared? Monsters are stronger in the night so well get more EXP
as well. Besides, there will be few players in the night and tomorrow is when the
adventurers raid against the monsters. (Rice)
Im not scared! Fine, then lets see who can kill more monsters! (Geeves)
Its on! (Rice)
The duo set out as the sun fell and went towards the foot of the mountain.
Mt. Neibelheim huh? Its as dark as ever. Are you sure youre not scared Geebf!? (Rice)
Geeves glared at Rice who was teasing him again and sent a straight punch to
his face.
For a while, the two were engulfed in silence.
Then, Geeves ran full speed inside the forest towards the top of the mountain
and Rice followed him in rage to chase him.
Dammit Gavin! Come back here! (Rice)
Shut up you pervert wolf! Catch me if you can! (Geeves)
As they race towards the top of the mountain, various monsters like [Wraiths],
[Sabertooths], and other poisonous monsters intercepted them only to be thrown
aside or defeated quickly by the two.
They no longer cared about the EXP they give and just chased each other in the
deep sea of trees.
Midnight finally came and the two now lay on their backs, tired from running
HaahhaahImfirst (Geeves)
Asifdamnwhere are we? (Rice)
Rice sat up to look at their surroundings.
Is thata chapel? (Geeves)
Looks like it. Lets go and see. (Rice)
The chapel looks old and run down. Based on their surroundings, it would seem
that they reached a small clearing with the chapel at its center.
There are also no monsters that seemed to pass inside the clearing, only waiting
inside the forest.

Inside the chapel, the altar and the chairs are all destroyed and scattered
around. In fact, everything but the cross at the far end is destroyed.
Below the cross was a hooded figure wearing a tattered robe.
Is that the prophet? (Rice)
Why live here? Did monsters raid this place too? (Geeves)
Idiot, you saw how the monsters cant enter the clearing. There must be some
sort of barrier surrounding this chapel. As for this situationwell, lets just ask
him. Go do your thing Geeves. (Rice)
Alright, alright (Geeves)
Rice urged Geeves to talk to the prophet since he is more talkative than Rice and
is likely to get a quest or information from the hooded figure.
In fact, most of their quests were activated by Geeves because of his talkative
nature. One second you lose sight of him, the next, you find out he already
befriended the guy next to him. He was that kind of guy.
Excuse me, are you by chance, the prophet the people in the [Materia] town
spoke of? (Geeves)
Hm? Who are you? Eh? Prophet? How did you know Im a prophet? (Prophet)
I asked some guy next to me back in [Materia]- anyway thats not important old
man. Why is this place so wrecked? (Geeves)
ThatI do not know. It was just fine a few minutes agoor was it yesterday?
The prophet looked around appearing to be trying to remember something at the
tip of his tongue.
No good Rice. This guys already too old. (Geeves)
Yeah, I can see thathow are we going to proceed now? Should we just hunt
monsters instead? (Rice)
Since they cant seem to get any answers from the prophet, they tried to switch
plans and simply search the mountain for clues while hunting.
Theres also the choice of going back and enlisting to the monster raid quest but
the two didnt want to be restricted by others nor do they want others to lead
MonstersYes! Monsters! (Prophet)
Seemingly having overheard Rice, the prophet recalled something.
Did the monsters do this? (Geeves)

What? No, how can that be? This place is protected by a holy barrier. Monsters
cant get inside. (Prophet)
Then what? (Rice)
Hm? Was I saying something? (Prophet)
A vein popped from Rices forehead.
Let me go Geeves! This guys clearly messing with us! Let me punch him at
least once! (Rice)
Calm down. Hes already old so it cant be helped can it? (Geeves)
Ah! Who are you guys? Since when where you here? No, it doesnt matter. I
need your help. (Prophet)
Huh? (Geeves & Rice)
Geeves, who was holding Rice back was as dumbfounded as Rice was at the
prophets sudden change.
U-umm, what is it that you need our help with? (Geeves)
The monsters! Theyve gone mad! I mean, sure, they are vicious creatures that
murder people indiscriminately but they were never this violent. Ive been
watching them from inside the barrier but I can still feel their murderous intent
drowning me. (Prophet)
The two sighed since the prophet has finally come to his senses and actually
gave valuable information.
So you mean to saysomething, or someone, is causing their outburst?
Yes, there is something that must have caused this mysterious phenomenon. If
you dont extinguish the source, the area of rampage will spread even to the
humans from the city.
Imagine a whole city driven by madness and massacre. As expected, Geeves and
Rice clearly felt the danger and importance of this quest and can only gulp.
Geeves looked at Rice to reaffirm his will to accept the quest and sees him nod.
Do you know what might be the cause? (Rice)
Yes. If Im not wrongthen the source is definitely (Prophet)
Geeves and Rice closed in on the prophet and gulped because of the tension in
the air.
Definitely (Prophet)
Definitely? (Geeves & Rice)

However, what came next was the sound of a snore.

Silence engulfed the two once more with a hint of awkwardness.

Geeves, did I just hear what I think I heard? (Rice)
I certainly heard it as well Rice (Geeves)
The two looked at each other and nodded.
Huwah-!!!??? Huh? Who are you? Eh? Why is the chapel so wreck!? You thieves!
How dare you! (Prophet)
Out of nowhere, the prophet seemed to have gotten an old broom and started
beating the two out of the chapel while reprimanding them.
Wha- hey! Stop it! We came here to help! (Rice)
Thats right! Damn, my HPs going down fast! Just how high is this guys STR to
be able to hurt me with a broom!? (Geeves)
Now stay out! (Prophet)
The doors of the chapel were slammed right in front of their faces and silence
shrouded the two once more.
Now what? (Geeves)
So much for doing your thing-gh!? (Rice)
Geeves gave another straight punch at Rice who was trying to blame him.
Rice glared at Geeves for punching him like last time and his irritation grew
Meanwhile, Geeves kept a poker face and stood slowlyslowlythen ran again!
Dammit! Just how many times are you going to pull this stunt off!? (Rice)
Im pissed! I cant punch the old man so Im punching you! (Geeves)
Im pissed too! Come back here so I can punch you as well! (Rice)
Like hell! You have higher STR than me so it will hurt more! Why did you think I
ran!? (Geeves)
And so began the chase once more.

Perhaps the area of rampage had affected them as well or theyre just pissed at
each other, no one knows. But even the enraged monsters were cast aside in
their chase.
Soon, Rice chased Geeves towards a cliff, behind them were monsters that
followed but Rice ignored them.
Haahhaahnowhere to run now you damn trap. (Rice)
Haahhaahwaitpeacewhite flagwhatever just uhh (Geeves)
Too late for that. (Rice)
Rice slowly walked over to Geeves not because its dramatic but because he
wanted to catch his breath first before the massacre but, he was interrupted.
The horde of [Sabertooths], [Wraiths], [Goblins], [Trolls], and other monsters had
begun their attack. Apparently, they didnt like how they were ignored and
attacked just like that. But then again, theyre enraged so that might not be the
Tch- annoying! [Torque Punch]! (Rice)
Rice gave a straight punch that seemed to possess rotation as well which made
the punch stronger and blew the nearby [Goblin] back.
Rotating his body, Rice used a rotating kick to damage all the monsters around
[Target] [Charge Shot]! (Geeves)
An arrow whooshed pass Rice and struck a [Sabertooth] straight into its head.
With Rice using close combat skills and Geeves on his back, the two forgot their
own fight and fought as a duo.
[Wind Path] [Rapid Shot]! (Geeves)
Creating a path of wind, Geeves used successive shots powered by the wind path
to further strengthen the attack and instantly killing a [Wraith].
As for the [Troll], Rice circled around it and threw punches creating combos which
further added damages to the number of combos.
Maneuvering himself towards the [Trolls] back, Rice kicked at the back of its
knees which made the [Troll] kneel and aligned its head within arms reach.
Grabbing the head of the weakened [Troll], Rice used his skill.
[Skull Grab]! (Rice)
Like popping a balloon, the [Trolls] head was clenched and popped. Normally,
this skill wont work when the opponent still has a lot of HP but to those who are

within 5% of their HP, it was an instant kill skill. That is, if you manage to grab
the opponents head.
It was not a popular skill but nonetheless, Rice found it awesome to crush
someones head with a simple grab so he unlocked it.
The fight raged on for an hour, maybe two. At the end, both of them had nearly
depleted their health and are now catching their breath.
Hah! I killed 53! (Geeves)
Thats because youre targeting from afar and stealing my kills! Half of those
were mine! (Rice)
Yeah, yeah. Anyway, all that fighting made me hungry. Sanji, food~ (Geeves)
Dont bring a manga character here! And I use my fists not my feet! (Rice)
I saw you do a rotating kick. How about it, rotate and use the friction to burn
your feet then- (Geeves)
That would hurt! Here! Eat and be done with it! (Rice)
Rice shoved the food he was currently cooking to Geeves who was still going on
and on about using feet instead of fists.
Since Rice has [Ingredient Curing], even if the monster was poisonous, once he
cooks it, that poison is immediately dissolved unless the monster holds a strong
Ugh, stop giving me rice, I feel like Im eating you. (Geeves)
Thats disgusting, dont say that with that girly face of yours. Are you done?
Confirming that Geeves had finished his meal, Rice nodded and stood up.
Alright, we should get moving. (Rice)
Nnnnhnow that Ive eaten, I feel sleepy. Hey, how long are we gonnaAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh
hhhhhhhhh!!! (Geeves)
The reason why Geeves shouted was because of Rice. Specifically, because of
Rice kicking him off the cliff.
Hmph! If you think Ive forgiven you for earlier then youre wrong! (Rice)
With a satisfied face, Rice began his walk down the mountain to find Geeves.
A few minutes passed, Rice noticed he was in trouble.
He was lost.

Completely lost.
Damn, where the hell am I? (Rice)
Since he was already lost, he decided to just go with the flow and continue to
Finding a cave, he decided to go in thinking Geeves mightve gone inside as well
for cover but as soon as he entered, Rice felt dizzy.
N-nngggggg!? (Rice)
His head ached, when he closed his eyes, instead of darkness, he saw a demonic
figure. A figure that seemed to wear a cloak made of darkness, holding a scythe
that seemed to hurt him as he saw the figure swing it.
It was his first time feeling pain.
After all, due to the system, pain is controlled in [Harus] and he never had a
[World Key] so he had not felt real pain.
Soon, the pain ended and his mind calmed down again.
Damnwhat was that? (Rice)
Rice looked at his HP to see if there as any actual damage and found out there
was none, however, an icon that shouldnt have been there was there.
The icon looked like a popped vein you often see in mangas.
If Im rightthat is the enraged status? (Rice)
The enraged status is an abnormal status that enrages those that has it. Which
means that the player would abnormally be easily affected to taunts and would
not be able to properly control his emotions.
Well, it shouldnt be a problem if no one pisses me off. But what was that vision?
Could that be the source? (Rice)
[Thats right. What you saw was [Death]. A monster that has been haunting this
mountain for centuries and was sealed until now. But you wont hear me
anywayits been a while since I saw a human so I just talkedand Im still
talking] (???)
A sigh can be heard from inside the cave.
Huh? Whos there? Is that you Geeves? (Rice)
[!? You can hear me!?] (???)
Ughhthat damned Rice. He actually kicked me off a cliff! (Geeves)

Geeves, who fell from a rather high cliff was only able to still be alive because he
dropped into lake and is not being washed away in a stream.
Tch- now Im all wet (Geeves)
Geeves swam to the shore and got up to find a cave he can take cover to.
Seeing a cave, Geeves started to feel dizy.
His head felt like its being pricked by hundreds of needles and also saw the same
vision as Rice when he closed his eyes.
Ughh, damn! It hurts! What the hell was that!? (Geeves)
[That was [Death].] (???)
Huh!? Whos there!? (Geeves)
[!? So you can hear melook like it wasnt a waste trying to talk to everyone I
met.] (???)










365 G 23 S 71 C


Brawler LVL 71
Cook LVL 53




















Monster Exterminator



Passive Skills

Passive Skills

[Heighten Senses] Master LVL 7(74.46%)

[Brawling] Master LVL 3(24.56%)

[Gauntlet Mastery] Master LVL 1(78.65%)

[Combo] Intermediate LVL 7(54.23%)

[Ingredient Appraisal] Intermediate LVL 7(09.45%)

[Food Appraisal] Intermediate LVL 7(24.58%)

Active Skills

[Punch] Master LVL 10 (100.00%)

[Kick] Master LVL 10 (100.00%)

[Bash] Master LVL 10 (100.00%)

[Knock-out] Intermediate LVL 8(52.34%)

[Canon Punch] Intermediate LVL 7(43.67%)

[Cooking] Master LVL 2(34.65%)

[Bone Crusher] Intermediate LVL 6(87.56%)

[Torque Punch] Intermediate LVL 5(65.32%)

[Windmill] Intermediate LVL 4(67.98%)

[Ingredient Curing] Intermediate LVL 6(45.76%)

[Skull Grab] Intermediate LVL 3(86.24%)


Drachedge +500

hapter 4: Death
Geeves! (Rice)
Rice! (Geeves)
The two collided their heads together as they glared at each other.
How dare you kick me off a cliff you damned wolf! Womanizer! Pervert!

Why the hell are you still alive you unknown gender! Trap! Stalker! (Rice)
The two continued to fight clearly under the effect of the enraged statuswell,
Looking over the two, two beings can only sigh at their idiotic behavior.
They were a race called [Phantoms]. Beings that can only exist in darkness. They
are the shadow people.
Aurora, he was found by Geeves in a cave near the point where he landed.
Aurora is the same as Geeves, meaning, he also has a face that can be mistaken
as a girl. Short hair that fell up to his shoulders and an expressionless face.
He was the typical Kuudere look onlywellhes a boy and as for whether he
will show a dere sideone can only wait for it to happen.
The other [Phantom], Azoth, was found and freed by Rice.
He was, in a manner of speaking, completely opposite of Aurora. Short hair and a
bright expression. He was the typical noisy yet fun guy often found in the class.
[Aha! I knew this will happen!] (Azoth)
[Haahcan these guys even stand a chance against [Death]?] (Aurora)
After Auroras constant nagging, Rice and Geeves broke up reluctantly.
Tch- so how are we supposed to deal with [Death]? (Rice)
How about the damn geezer in the chapel? Maybe he knows the way. (Geeves)
Give me a break. I doubt I can hold myself back if I ever see that guys face
again (Rice)
[Well, nothing we can really do about it right? That guys the best shot we
have.] (Azoth)
After agreeing somewhat, they made their way towards the chapel while Rice
and Geeves still glaring at each other.
After the two of them met the [Phantoms], they understand the situation of the
mountain better.
It would seem that [Deaths] curse takes time to take effect but the caves are
more potent when it comes to Dark attributes so the time it took sped up once
they entered a cave which led them to be affected by the curse faster than
The [Phantoms] were not affected no matter how long they were here since they
seemed to live off in an entirely different plane.

The two [Phantoms] however, were stuck inside the cave they were in for a
different reason not even they know.
They only knew that the only one that can free them is the only ones that can
see them. [Death] can also see them but it chose not to free them since its spells
were not effective against the two which resulted to them hating [Death].
In any case, in order to defeat [Death], they need information. And the prophet is
most likely the only one that can give them that.
However, reality can be so cruel.
When the four reached the clearing, they saw the prophet being hold up by a
dark figure holding a scythe.
[Death]! (Geeves)
Damn! I thought there was a seal in this place that prevented monsters from
entering!? (Rice)
[This must mean that [Death] is just that strong.] (Azoth)
[But why target this old man?] (Aurora)
I dont knowbut it cant be good! Lets go! (Geeves)
Geeves nocked an arrow and shot it towards [Death] who was able to easily
deflect it with his scythe.
[Death] then turned his skull head towards Geeves and snorted.
Without paying them anymore attention, [Death] looked towards the prophet he
held once more.
What pitiful creatures they are. Did you drag them yet again to a conflict that
doesnt concern them, [War]? (Death)
Gh-! I have no idea what you mean! I no longer have my sword so I cannot
possibly do that! (War)
Fuh, well of course you dont have it. I already merged it with my scythe and
nowyou are nothing but an old man. (Death)
[Death] continued to talk to the prophetno, to [War].
[Death][War]d-dont tell me they are!? (Geeves)
What? Do you know something Geeves!? (Rice)
Do you know of the [Four Horsemen] from the [Book of Revelation]? (Geeves)
How the hell am I supposed to know that!? Just quickly tell me! (Rice)
Geeves explained what he only knows so far.

[Conquest], [War], [Famine], and [Death]. They were the first four of seven seals
that Jesus opened in the [Book of Revelation] as the harbingers of the [Last
Each of them has the power to end millions of lives if they were to wish it.
O-oi, if what youre saying is truethen were in serious shit! (Rice)
We cant possibly handle this with just the two of usbut if we were to walk
away now (Geeves)
It would be against their pride to do so.
Of course that wasnt the only reason. If [Death] were to expand his reign of
terror, then even living inside [Harus] will be troublesome.
[H-hey. If youre saying there are four of themthen wheres the other two?]
I dont knowbut if all four of them were to appear now (Geeves)
Just thinking about it makes their legs wobble.
Just then, Aurora calls out to them.
[You guys. The old guys dying.] (Aurora)
Old guyyou mean what [Deaths] been calling [War] for a while now?
Come to think of itif hes [War]then why are they fighting? [Death] also
mentioned something about merging a sword and scythe (Rice)
Hearing Rice, Geeves suddenly had a theory.
Could it be?...No, thats certainly it! Guys! The scythe is his power! If we can
take that out of his hands, then our chances of winning will increase! (Geeves)
C-calm down hey. Explain. (Rice)
Rice, getting irritated by the fact that Geeves seemed to know more about the
situation more than him, held back his own pride and asked.
The enrage status we have. Its not [Deaths] curse but [Wars]! More
specifically, it was originally [Wars] power! (Geeves)
I seeand since the old man just said that he is no longer capable of doing such
a thing because he no longer has the swordthen the same principle must work
on [Death] as well! Who are you and what did you to Gavin!? (Rice)
Whats that supposed to mean!? (Geeves)
Having an actual goal now, they continued to think of a plan to rid the scythe off
of [Death].

But stillcan we even go toe to toe against [Death] himself? (Rice)

U-ugghhhhm? Wheres Aurora? (Geeves)
Geeves and Rice looked around only to find Azoth.
[Ah, if youre looking for Aurora, he went inside the chapel. Ah, there he is
now.] (Azoth)
From the direction of the chapel, the figure of Aurora could be seen.
It seems [Death] has also seen Aurora enter and leave but as he cannot do
anything to him, he ignored Aurora instead.
Whats wrong? (Geeves)
[I tried looking inside to see if theres anything that can helpbut all I saw was
rubble and an old book.] (Aurora)
An old book!
All three of them exclaimed as they most likely thought of the same thing.
Its most likely that the old book was the [Book of Revelations] that Geeves had
talked about seeing as there are already 2 of the horseman here at the same
If it wasnt, then the least they could do is check on it as it might help a bit.
But the problem is how to get there with [Death] still nearby (Geeves)
Let me take care of that. (Rice)
Huh? (Geeves)
Im telling you to leave it to me and just go! (Rice)
Rice grabbed Geeves by the collar and threw him as far away as possible
towards the chapel.
[Death] seemed to have noticed it as well and decided to move but Rice was
already closing in on him.
[Canon Punch]!!! (Rice)
Futile. No matter what youre trying to do. Theres only one end for all of you.
[Death] merely caught Rices skill with his bony hands and crushes it whilst
sending Rice a cold glare that sent a chill down Rices spine.
Me. (Death)

G-ghhheh, if we werent in this situation, I wouldve commented that [Death]

just made a pun buthaha, I cant even joke about it. (Rice)
Rice made a forced smile upon suddenly being wrapped with [Deaths] killing
[Deaths] shadow loomed over Rice, holding his scythe up high in preparation to
swing it.
Dammit Geeves! Hurry up! (Rice)
Ughhhthat damned staple food of a pervert (Geeves)
Geeves sat up while rubbing his butt from the landing.
Even though he complained about it, he knew there were better things to do so
he shrugged it off and went inside the chapel.
Since Rice had thrown him near the chapel, it didnt take much time to get
Looking behind him, he can see Rice distracting [Death] but he knew that
wouldnt last long.
Aurora, where did you see the book? (Geeves)
[Over there, below the cross.] (Aurora)
Looking over where Aurora was pointing, Geeves found an old book.
There were no decorations on the cover, it was just a tattered old book.
Seeing the old book, Geeves sighed inwardly in disappointment.
Well, lets see whats inside first. (Geeves)
Geeves renewed his expectations and thought to not judge the book by its cover.
But that expectation was also destroyed utterly.
Inside the book wasnothing.
It was completely blank.
Damn! Does this mean that all our efforts were useless!? (Geeves)
Geeves slammed the book to the ground in frustration.
That was when he noticed something was off.

Since the book was too old, the durability shouldve been quite low already and
Geeves STR shouldve destroyed it when it collided with the floor but it was still
Confused with the sudden occurrence, Geeves tapped the old book twice to see
its description.

Come." I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was follo
T-this is!? (Geeves)
Just as he found out about the books true nature, he heard a scream of a very
familiar voice.
Rice! (Geeves)
Geeves ran towards the voice and found an unnatural scene.
Rice was groveling beneath [Death], screaming in pain while [War] was collapsed
on one side.
It hurts doesnt it. Thats because youre rejecting it. Embrace Death, for it is
the natural end of all beings (Death)
[Death] spoke in a weak voice while looming over Rice.
In the end, you are a mere [Human]. Unable to do anything but livethen die.
But Rice never gave up.
He was still gritting his teeth while enduring the pain that, for whatever reason,
felt very real despite the pain filter system.
Give up. Dont you get it yet? You were made to DIE. There is no use fighting
Death for it is impossible to win unless youre immortal. (Death)
Too hell with that! I know of someonesomeone that has faced Death in the
face many times! He was eaten by a dragon! Forced to have a whole city turn
against him! Poisoned twice by an assassin! And theres still probably more but
the point is-! Im going to surpass him! (Rice)
Rice declared loudly and stood.

If I cant even surpass this, then there is no way I can surpass him! (Rice)
Nicely said Rice. (Geeves)
Geeves moved closer to Rice with the old book at hand.
What unnecessary effort. I see that you have my book. But that will not help
you here. (Death)
Is it? So you dont care what happens to your book? (Geeves)
Hah! Why would I? If anything, that book is my prison. (Death)
Dammit Geeves! After I sacrificed myself, you dont have a plan at all! (Rice)
Out of anger, Rice grabbed the old book, slammed it to the ground, and trampled
it countless times.
Ahhh!!! What the hell are you doing!? That could be our only way out! (Geeves)
Geeves frantically tried to stop Rice but was unable to since Rice had a higher
During this, Aurora and Azoth sighed in disbelief at the two who decided to pick a
fight with each other at a time like this but they soon changed when they noticed
something from the sidelines.
More specifically, they saw [Death] seemingly in pain.
[!? Could it be that the book is his life line!?] (Azoth)
Hearing this, Rice and Geeves stopped fighting amongst themselves and noticed
[Deaths] circumstance as well.
I take it back, youre a genius Rice! Destroy the book! (Geeves)
Hah! No need to tell me twice! (Rice)
NOOOO!!! STOP IT!!! (Death)
[Death] tried to lunge towards them but with his weakened body, he had
difficulty even with just walking.
Rice and Geeves continued to strike the book with their skills completely ignoring
Heh-! For someone who governs death, you sure are afraid of dying! [Canon
Punch]! (Rice)
Its over! [Charge Shot]! (Geeves)
With their last move, the old book finally gave in.

Black light appeared from the cracks scattered in the book and at the last
moment, released a burst of energy which made Rice and Geeves, who were the
nearest, to be blown away several meters back.
ooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Death)
Finally, [Death] disappeared as he leaves behind an echo of his despair.
For a while, nobody said anything.
They all just let themselves be swallowed by the calm silence that came after a
fierce battle.
Geeves, no longer able to hold it back, was the first to celebrate.
Hah! Its thanks to me that we were able to defeat him! Im sure even that
Lucas hasnt defeated a monster as strong as this! (Rice)
[Wohooo! Now we can finally say goodbye to this mountain!] (Azoth)
[Fuu, nicely done.] (Aurora)
Each of them was already in a celebrating mood that they completely forgot of
the other horseman.
Ah, theres still [War]! (Geeves)
Hm? You mean the prophet? I thought hes dead already? (Rice)
They approached [War] to confirm his condition. Since they still dont know
whether he is ally or not, they approached carefully.
Oi old man. You dead yet? (Rice)
G-gh-!? (War)
Looks like he wasnt dead yet.
All of them thought as they see the old man coughing up blood but still
Fool (War)
Huh? (Rice)
Foolish brats! Do you have any idea what you have done!? (War)
[War] shouted with all his might despite the heavy injuries he has.
Whats with you. [Deaths] dead so theres nothing to worry about. (Geeves)

You idiot! The book is the only thing thats weakening him! Now that its
destroyed, he is free to roam the world! (War)
W-wha? (Rice)
And do you seriously think you can kill [Death] itself!? HOW MUCH OF AN IDIOT
ARE YOU!!!??? (War)
Its true. For someone who is the embodiment of death itselfis killing it even an
Not only that, but there was another thing thats odd when they killed [Death].
Our levelsthey didnt increase!? (Geeves)
Geeves, realizing this, assumed that there can only be one reason why they
didnt gain any EXP from killing [Death].
Huhuhuhu, foolish humans. Your kind has always been so arrogant. (Death)
Different from before, the voice [Death] made was no longer as hollow as it was
Turning their heads towards the voice, was not a skeleton in black robes, but a
pale knight in full body armor riding on top of a pale horse holding a pale scythe
with red linings.
I must thank you though. [War] made through such great lengths to disguise my
book into a tattered old book to keep me away from itbut thanks to you, I
didnt have to go out of my way to destroy it myself. Now I am finally free from
that damn promise with him. (Death)
Whabut you were in pain when we damaged it! (Rice)
Ah yes. That was truly exciting. It was my first time feeling pain. Well dont look
at me like that, it wasnt an act mind you. The book and I have a bond of sorts so
to say, so of course severing it would hurt but that was a necessary pain to be
freed. Its likecutting your own hand to free yourself from the shackles that
bind you. (Death)
For some reason, [Death] was more talkative than usual and the four can only
look at him in disbelief.
Youdont look like you lost anything though (Geeves)
Oh? I did you know. I can finally die now. (Death)
Not just Geeves, but everyone including [War] opened their eyes wide at the
After all, this means that they can finally have a chance to defeat him.

Hooh? As thanks for freeing me, I was thinking of sparing you for now butshall
I silence you? (Death)
The surrounding was immediately surrounded with a thick mist. As if darkness
itself was swallowing them.
They could clearly feel that they will die if they moved even one millimeter from
their positions.
It was the type that can suffocate you just by being within his presence.
Guess not? Well, Im sure well meet again. When youre lifes spent that is.
Kukukuku (Death)
Like that, [Death] disappeared into the mist leaving all of them still shivering in
No longer able to hold it, their legs all gave up and they were forced to collapse
on the ground.
No one spoke a word.
All that was there was an absolute silenceuntil Rice spoke.
[War]was it? Why did you keep his book from him? (Rice)
For what else? To save every being of course. (War)
But youre supposed to be the embodiment of war. Why is it that you want to
protect? (Rice)
[War] fell silent, as if contemplating whether he should tell them or notthen he
spoke again.
Do you think I enjoyed it? Bringing war and conflict to every place I go? Why
do you think I chose to live in a secluded place like this? (War)
Not having any answer, Rice and the rest can only listen quietly.
We of the [Four Horseman] cannot die as summons. So one day, I decided to
destroy the origin of my summon, the book. But I made a mistake. I thought it
will end me but it didnt. It freed me from the promise we made and made me
vulnerable to death yes butWhen [Death] found out, he also moved to destroy
his book. (War)
[War] paused for a while and stared towards the stars as he lied down.
Fearing the chaos he might release, I took his book and hid it. I tried killing
myself in order for [Death] to no longer have a way of finding it buthe just
brings me back. Over and overwhile exchanging another beings life. So I
decided to live in a remote place. At least here, he can only use the monsters
life as replacement. (War)

[War] sat up so he can look at Rice and the rest properly.

As years pass, I met a man. A man powerful enough to seal [Death] but alas
the seals effect had worn off 3 days ago where [Death] took my sword and
merged it to his scythe which led to this situation. During those years [Death]
was sealed, instead of killing myself, I decided to help the humans. Since I still
govern over war, I know where, how, when, and who will start a conflict.
Disguising my knowledge as a prophecy, I was later known as a prophet. After
that is just as youve seen. (War)
For a while, the four listeners grew silent.
Im sorry. If I hadnt found the book then (Geeves)
No, if I hadnt destroyed it (Rice)
Its no use trying to blame yourselves. Right now, [Death] can finally be killed. If
you really feel bad then get stronger. Strong enough to kill [Death] himself.
[War] intervened when Rice and Geeves was blaming themselves and gave them
a light punch.
Im afraid I can no longer run away from deathso this will be my gifts to you. I
hope they will help you in your quest to defeat [Death]. (War)


Go find the rest of the [Four Horseman] and warn themthere is no doubt that
[Death] will come for them and steal their power. (War)

Rank SS (Rice)
More likethere wasnt even a confirmation. (Geeves)
Rice and Geeves can only look at the windows in disbelief.
Now then (War)
[Wait!] (Aurora)
Out of nowhere, Aurora shouted before War fall into eternal rest.
[You lived for a long time right? Can you tell us why we were trapped in that
cave from the start!?] (Aurora)
Seeing Aurora shout was a first for all of them.
You areah yescome to think of ithe mentioned somethingabout
creatinga new race (War)
[He!? Whos he!?] (Aurora)
Hethe one whosealed[Death] (War)
[WHATS HIS NAME!!!???] (Aurora)
Lu. (War)
Before [War] can even finish uttering the name, [War] drew his last breath.
Seeing him die like this, Aurora cannot help but clench his fist in frustration.
Aurora (Geeves)
[What!?] (Aurora)
Come with us. You too Azoth. Whatever you want to ask [War], the other
horsemen can most likely answer as well. (Geeves)
Let us help you find the truth. And you will help us in finding the remaining
horsemen. (Rice)
Azoth and Aurora opened their eyes wide.
With this, they now have a definite goal that they can take and are no doubt, the
best offer they had heard.

Not only that, but they can also be with them and journey around the world
which has been their dream being stuck inside a cave and all.
So? (Geeves)
Seeing the stretched hand of Geeves, even though he knew he would just phase
through it, he still placed it on top.
Seeing Aurora place his hand on top, Rice followed and soon, Azoth as well.
Defeat [Death]!!
Find the truth!!
Seeing the four leave, a hooded figure approached the body of [War].
Sorry, I forgot I wasnt supposed to say your name. (War)
Its fine, I was able to mute you before you completed it anyway. Moreover, do
you have any last wishes old man? (???)
Heh, Id say kill [Death] knowing you can do so easily butits no good huh?
Yeah, sorry. Those two are destined to kill [Death]. There is no use of me doing
it. (???)
I seewell then. Remember the sweet you gave me1 000 years ago? When
we first met (War)
Yeah. You sure liked it old manhere. (???)
The hooded figure took something from his pocket and gave it to [War].
So you have it...just smelling it reminded me of our first meetingand the
tasteis still the same as it were (War)
Yeah (???)
Thank youfor giving this old man a second chance (War)
Tell mewhat is it like after death? (War)
Nothing you have ever felt before. (???)
Hahaso you cant tell me huh? You really have been theredo you.(War)

With that, [War] dissolved into light and dispersed.

Falling from [Wars] hands just before he disappears was a plastic wrapper that
fluttered along the wind.
Just like that, the hooded figure disappeared as fast as he appeared.
Chapter 5: Back to Harus
Ah, Lucas! (Freya)
After logging back again after my talk with Trask, I was met with a familiar face
that I havent seen for a week, the vampire lord Freya.
Ah, Freya (Lucas)
I stared at Freya for a while.
Different from the ragged cloak she wore before, she now wore a white one piece
dress with red ribbons which suited her quite nicely.
W-what is it? (Freya)
A-ah its just thatyou seemed more beautiful than before (Lucas)
E-eh!? I cant believe that just came out of my mouth so smoothly!
I dont think Im the type that complements women like that so why did I
Maybe its because I didnt see her for a long time or something.
F-fue!? T-th-thatummt-thankyou (Freya)
A-anyway, is there anything that happened while I was gone? (Lucas)
I asked since I wanted to change the topic immediately.
N-not really. More importantly, how did you get so strong all of the sudden?
Huh? You can tell? (Lucas)
She shouldnt have any skills that can verify my level right?
I mean, if she can then I can too.
W-well yes. After all werec-connectedright? (Freya)
Freya blushed and covered her face with the hand that wore the other end of
[Ring of Connection].
Ah, so that was it.

Come to think of it, I forgot that I can view her status as well
Ah wella lot has happened (Lucas)
A lot you sayeven though the change was less than a second. So, why is that
monster attached to you? (Freya)
Freya pointed at Vil who is sitting on my head for a while now.
Ah, she is- (Lucas)
Oh, so youre back boy. Hm? Its the first Ive seen that creature. Why do you
keep bringing unknown beings like that shadow brat? (Denneth)
[The names Warren. W-A-R-R-E-N! Stop calling me shadow brat.] (Warren)
Ah, familiar faces keep sprouting up.
Why is it that I feel like I havent seen them for years when I was only gone for
about a week?
Hm? Isnt there a monster that looks like her? Like, Al-mi'raj or something?
I remember seeing one in a wiki.
There is butthat one is different. An Al-mi'raj has longer spiral horn. That is
justan inch shorter horn. (Denneth)
Ah, so there was such a difference.
Well, lets go see Sebastian first so I dont have to repeat my explanation.
Looking around, I see new faces.
I say that because due to my skill [Photographic Memory], I already memorized
all the faces of the vampires before. So these new one should be players that
chose to start as a [Pure-blood Vampire].
There are also ones from a different race, I guess they already got here while I
was battling that [Behemoth] in [Earth].
After finding Sebastian, I began to tell them about Vil and of course, about the
other world called [Senerth].
As they listen to the story, they all displayed shocked expressions which were
only natural.
After all, not only finding out that [Earth] isnt the only world other than [Harus],
they now know that visiting other worlds is possible through summoning.

To think you were summonedand as a [Hero]. You certainly keep surprising

me. (Sebastian)
[Another world huhmaybe Im] (Warren)
U-uuuI just started to feel something and I already have rivals (Freya)
Rivals? (Lucas)
N-nothing! Dont mind me! (Freya)
Though I think Freya was acting suspicious, I let it go since it doesnt seem
Anyway, there was someone thats awfully quiet since the story started.
No, it was since I told them about my rampage.
So? What is it that you didnt tell me about [Dragons Wrath], Denneth? (Lucas)
Boywhy didnt you tell me that you got that skill? (Denneth)
Eh? Didnt you give that to me yourself? (Lucas)
If not him then who?
Well, come to think of it, I havent really spoken about that skill to him huh?
When did I give such a skill? (Denneth)
When I was almost dying inside you. That time, a voice called out to me
saying to avenge him and gave me his wrathI thought it was you since it
sounded like your voice butso its not? (Lucas)
When I asked, I was answered with a growl full of murderous intent.
W-whats with that? I dont wanna get eaten again so please dont stare at me
like that!
Damn. So he finally woke up (Denneth)
W-who? (Lucas)
The [Dragon of Wrath]. [Kamirth of Rage]! (Denneth)
Kamirth? Its the first Ive heard of the nameyet somehownostalgic
Wait, I dont remember meeting another dragon before Denneth so that should
be impossible.
Unlike us [Great Dragons] that were created by the Almighty Being, Kamirth was
created from our negative emotions, namely, wrath. He is the manifestation of all
the [Great Dragons] wrath so he held power far unimaginable than ours. In the
end, we were only able to seal him. (Denneth)

Denneth closed his eyes and sighed.

However, that seemed to have lost its effect already. (Denneth)
T-then, what do I-? (Lucas)
Do not! Do not ever use that skill again! Kamirth isnt complete yet but you, you
are his way out. (Denneth)
Y-you dont mean that if I mastered that skill then
He will be reborn in your body. (Denneth)
S-so thats why both my name and race became unreadable beforeIm getting
Close to becoming someone else
Close to becoming something else
Just the thought of it sends shivers down my spine.
Listen Lucas. No matter what, should you encounter another [Great Dragon], do
not let them know about this. Unlike me, they may choose to kill you instead if
they found out. (Denneth)
T-then, why arent you killing me? (Lucas)
Well first of all, Ive heard that this body of yours revives after 3 days so its
useless. Second, because you still havent killed the bastard that leads the demivampires. But most importantly, I believe that you will do the right thing.
The right thing huh?
Denneth looked at me in the eye.
Can you do it? (Denneth)
Y-yes! (Lucas)
Good, you too vampire girl. Since you are connected to the boy, then you must
also not use the [Dragons Wrath] skill. (Denneth)
Y-yes! Ill be careful! (Freya)
Suddenly being called, Freya stuttered and bowed.
Butit activates sometimes without my knowing (Lucas)
That is probably because of a nearby dragon. Anyway, avoid angering dragons
from now on. (Denneth)
Even if you say thatI guess hunting dragons are a no go as well?

And there was that one time where there was no dragon nearby yet it
Well with that, lets proceed to the next task.
For now, Ill try to visit [Watervilet], you wanna come with me, Freya? (Lucas)
C-can I? (Freya)
Sure, how about you Warren? (Lucas)
[Well, I suppose so. I said Ill be traveling with you anyways.] (Warren)
With that, I used the [Watervilet Ring] to teleport in [Watervilet] together with
Warren and Freya.
After being surrounded with a bright light, we were greeted with a wide room
filled with decorations and we stood in a pedestal with a magic circle engraved
on it.
Though it had a feeling of something like what I experienced in [Senerth], it also
felt different.
I guess its the difference of a summoning and teleportation magic, or maybe
because its of a different world.
The structure of the magic circle is also different.
So this is [Watervilet] huh? (Lucas)
I heard Vils purris it called purr? Well whatever, I heard her made sound so I
rubbed her head.
Why? No idea.
Anyway, why is it so empty though?
Dont I have attendants or something? Like a maid or knight?
Suddenly, the door opened at the other end and a handsome noble man
appeared accompanied by maids and knights.
He wore noble clothes, medium build, blue eyes, had a blonde hair, about an
inch or so taller than me and looked to be in his mid-20s and carried an
expensive looking sword on his waist.
Looking at his equipments with my appraisal eyes, I noticed that they dont have
good defense and is probably only for show.
The sword as well has pitiful damage.

Good afternoon milord. I apologize for the absence of welcome for we were not
informed that you will be visiting today. (???)
Ah yes, good afternoon Jacob. Sorry for not informing you in advance but, how
did you know I was here? (Lucas)
That is of course because of the castles surveillance monitoring devices. I was
informed that the lord had come with one accompaniment so I hurried over.
Jacob looked back towards the left corner in the ceiling which I followed and saw
a familiar looking device.
No, it only looked distinctly the same but somehow different.
Frankly, it was a camera butmagical? Is that how you describe it?
It doesnt look like it is powered by electricity butmana.
I can see the flow of mana with my [Magic Appraisal] skill so theres no doubt.
I seeso they use mana for power instead of electricity.
I take a mental note to myself to further study the magic devices in this world
Hm? Waitif there was such a thing thenhow were we able to easily sneak in
the royal palace? I guess Ill investigate this matter when I get back to
Ah, if I may ask. Did his Highness the Prince told you of my name? I believe I
have not introduced myself yet. (Jacob)
Ah, that was my skill. Sorry for prying. (Lucas)
Normally, looking into ones personal data without consent should be rude and is
against the law or something but that does not exist in this world since there is a
skill to easily do it.
I see, so it was like that. Please dont apologize, I was simply curious. But this is
indeed good. With that skill, you will not be fooled of imposters very easily.
I-imposters? (Lucas)
Yes. There are those that impersonates a person of high rank fordifferent
purposes. (Jacob)
Like assassination or information gathering huh?
Come to think of it, since I am now a noble, there will be others aiming for my life

But even if they kill me, with this body, I will revive anyway so its kinda useless.
Now then. Let me guide you to the guest room to meet his Eminence. (Jacob)
Hm? I already have a guest? (Lucas)
Yes, I believe you know him. He is an Arch-bishop of the Church. (Jacob)
Geh- that guys here?
What does he want with me now?
Alsowhy is it that he seems fixated on me? With a rank like his, theres no way
he is not busy right?
Me, Freya and Warren was directed outside of the wide room and into a hallway
also filled with numerous statues and paintings which made my [Art Sense] stat
rose quickly.
Speaking of art, I havent painted in a while huh? Guess Ill paint later.
But what to paint?
While I was engrossed in thinking what to paint later, we reached the end of the
hallway and turned right where a door was at the end.
After your talk, I would like to show milord around the castle as well as introduce
your subordinates so please come find me. Now then. Please enter, his Eminence
awaits. (Jacob)
The door opened and a room with more decorations appeared!
UuuIf I sell all of this, I feel like I would be set for a hundred years!
L-Lucas, youre drooling (Freya)
A-ah, no good, no good. That was close
I guess the power of greed is really too much to handle. Even though Im plenty
rich already in real life.
The number of 0s that Trask gave me was really too much for me to handle that I
gave most of it to my parents.
They said that it was because the movie was also sold internationally so the
money earned skyrocketed.
They even began to talk about making Blu-rays and DVDs as well as scouting me
in advertisments
Anyway, I see the Arch-bishop sitting relaxed at one of the couches so I greeted
Its been a while Arch-bishop, what brings you here? (Lucas)

Im aware that my greeting is impolite in noble standards but I dont really know
how a noble lives and I know this guy to the point where he gave me an [Archbishops Bracelet] so it should be fine...right?
Yes, I was told you will be here today so I came to see you. (Arch-bishop)
Huh? He was told? By whom?
Even Jacob did not know I will be coming so how come this guy knew?
Well, this is good as well since I also need to talk to you. (Lucas)
I sat on the other end of the couch and looked at the Arch-bishop from across the
Freya as well sat next to me and Warrenwell, hes somewhere in my shadow I
Oh, what is it that you wish to know? (Arch-bishop)
How come a high ranked person such as yourself was in [Drachedge] that
time? (Lucas)
Thats right, its too much of a coincidence that this guy was there and just
happened to be the same time that I decide to help Freya.
[Drachedge] cannot possibly be their main base of sorts so why was he there?
He also mentioned something like a prophecy
I was told that I will meet the [Hero] we have been searching for there, and I
did. (Arch-bishop)
That againwho told you that I will be there and here? And what is this [Hero]
thing about? (Lucas)
Unfortunately, I cannot tell you who he is. No, to be precise, you can never
know who he is. You being the [Hero] of the prophecy was decided many years
ago. (Arch-bishop)
I can never know? What is this about?
Who the hell is he!?
This isnt some kind of twist where he is actually my father right? Maybe it was
actually the Arch-bishop all along? Or maybe its Trask?
NoI guess thats impossible given our talk earlier.
Anyway, if he cant tell me then at least the prophecy.
What is the prophecy all about? (Lucas)

Its is about a [Hero] destined to save the world, that kind of thing. (Archbishop)
The Arch-bishop answered with a smile.
Somehow, this guy really irritates me.
Can I at least hear the contents? (Lucas)
No, that wont do. (Arch-bishop)
Why!? (Lucas)
I was told to not tell you and that you should discover it yourself. (Arch-bishop)
Told again!?
Who the hell is this guy!? Is there anyone higher rank than you in the Church!?
Hm? Ah, I believe you are misunderstanding what the Church is. You see, the
[Church] is an alliance of different religions worldwide. It is not a single church.
Hm? Then that means that youre an equal to the other leaders of different
religions is that it? No one higher? Then how come you decided on your own that
the Church forgives the pure-blood vampires before? (Lucas)
Thats right, if its an alliance, then making a decision like that on his own should
not happen so I assumed that there is only one religion in this world and he is the
leader of that.
Well, theres a chance that he contacted the other leaders but a decision this big
shouldnt be decided with a simple call.
Ahwell, actually, that decision was made before you went and caused such a
commotion but was not put into action because it was the only thread we have
to find you. I was sent there as I am the one closest in order to find you. (Archbishop)
Whatin the end, it was all planned!? How did you even know that everything
will happen before it happened? (Lucas)
I dont understand if this guy is lying or just playing with my head.
Everything was planned you say? Is me sneaking inside the royal palace also
planned? Was that why I was not caught despite the cameras?
Of course. Because it is an order from God. (Arch-bishop)
G-Godyou say? (Lucas)
I keep forgetting.

In this world, there is an actual God that actually does something noticeable
unlike in Earth.
But theres something wrong with what he just said.
I thought the [Church] is made of different religions, is it fine that you all
believed in the same God? (Lucas)
Ah, but I never said it was only one? When I said it was an order from God, I
meant the God of our religion since I couldnt care less of the Gods of a different
one but actually, all of their Gods gave the same order and same prophecy.
S-same? Is that even possible? (Lucas)
Of course, we were also shocked. Thats why you hold a really high value to us.
In fact, you can be said to be the symbol of the [Church] itself. (Arch-bishop)
T-this is too much for me
Not only in [Earth] but this world toowhat does the universe want me to be?
[So you were this popular huh, Lucas?] (Warren)
Waaah, I cant believe someone that important is my mast-hus-lov-boyf-
f-friend.. (Freya)
It seems Freya is confused on something but I didnt take notice of it since I am
still shocked about being this important as well.
Just a few weeks ago, I was only a normal, teenage, college student who is
ignorant to almost everything in the world.
And now Im a [Hero] that symbolizes the collective faction of [Harus] religions,
the [Church], as well as [Senerths Hero], and the [White Knight] that will later on
be the symbol of a new era in [Earth]
Can I even bear the responsibility of all 3 worlds?
You dont have to worry you know? Just live normally whichever way you want.
All we ask is that you will do the right thing. (Arch-bishop)
The rightthing? (Lucas)
Denneth also said thatwhat is it with everyone?
Somehowhes hiding something from me.
I feel that if I keep going normally, I would still move like their puppet. Tangled in
string that I cant see or feel.
Is this what [Fate] really is?
So, is that all your questions? (Arch-bishop)

The Arch-bishop looked at me with a smile.

Even though that face of his looks innocent and harmlessI feel like theres
some meaning to it.
As if he already knows my answer
Y-yesthat will be all. Will you be staying here? (Lucas)
Since I really have no idea how to deal with this guy, I didnt say anything else
and stepped back.
Since Im free, yes. I would like to see you manage the city as a Marquis. Will
that be any trouble? (Arch-bishop)
N-no, in fact, I would be grateful if you were to guide me if I did something
wrong. Im still new to this after all. (Lucas)
Though I feel that by doing so, I would slowly become his puppet, I decided to let
him guide me since I cannot possibly be selfish here.
I now govern a city, if something bad happens because of my selfishness, I would
be affecting every citizen not just me.
I understand. However, I am also unskilled in terms of governing a city. After all,
I am simply the leader of a religion. (Arch-bishop)
Thank you. Come to think of it, what is the name of your religion? (Lucas)
I only know of the [Church] and I didnt really look up any religion in the wikis
since it didnt interest me at the time.
We are the [Order of Alanis], we serve his Holiness [Alanis] as our God. (Archbishop)
[Alanis]huh? (Lucas)
I dont think theres such a name in Earths religions or gods.
Well, this is a different world after allits just that, there are similarities like the
Greek mythology from [Earth] since there is the [Labyrinth] here. Theres also
the [Four Horsemen] so I thought that the religions of this world is similar to ours.
UghhLowy and Zeal is probably having a good time exploring the [Labyrinth]
by now and Gavin and Kanin are also searching for [Death] which is really
awesome and interesting.
And here I am watching over my citywell, I guess it is exciting on its own its
just that I wanna fight, run and go wild!
Come to think of it, what is your religion Lucas? Im sure you have one right?

Ah, yes. Im Catholic, I think it was Roman Catholic to be precisewell, in [Earth]

anyway but I dont have any here in [Harus]something wrong? (Lucas)
I asked since the Arch-bishop suddenly revealed a surprised expression.
Oho, now this is the face I want to see from someone who seems to know
everything. Ha! Take that!
Thoughwhy is he shocked?
Something wrong? What are you saying!? The Catholic religion has gone extinct
over a thousand years ago! In fact, most of the [Churchs] religions are only a
small fragment of that religion, even our order is one! To say you are from that
ancient religion is-!... (Arch-bishop)
I-is? (Lucas)
For some reason, the Arch-bishop who suddenly shouted at me stopped speaking
all of a sudden as if noticing something and started to mumble something which
I cant hear completely.
Entirely possibleI seeso thats how it wasSo heso it was like that
U-ummwhat happened? (Lucas)
Nope! Nothings wrong! Now then, shall we tour around your castle? (Archbishop)
As if the surprised Arch-bishop from before never happened, he was now all
smiles again and urged me outside.
Whats wrong with him?
I see Jacob waiting outside of the guest room with a maid and a knight.
Has milords talk ended? (Jacob)
Y-yesthe Arch-bishop wishes to join us in our tour so I hope you will lead us.
Very well. First of all, allow me to formally introduce myself. (Jacob)
But I already know who you arewell, I guess its weird for someone to know
who he is without any introduction and this may be a custom for nobles so I
remained silent to listen.
Jacob then placed his right palm on his left chest, left hand behind, and bowed
My name is Jacob Morgan. From now on, I will act as your Regant and as the
acting Lord for when you are not present. I was also told that since you will be
adventuring most of the time, I am allowed to decide things on my own for this

city his Highness gave me so I apologize in advance if my actions are not to your
liking. Of course, I will send you a message if there is any actions that are too big
for me to handle so please take note to check your messages every now and
then. I hope to maintain this relationship if there isnt any objections. (Jacob)
W-wow, that was quite a lengthy introduction.
He has an expressionless face and an aura that seemed to scream he doesnt
care so it was no wonder that the Prince said he did not have the charisma of a
ruler but he seems to be smart and wise on his decisions.
Even I, an amateur, can clearly tell that he is more suitable than me.
I understand. Im sorry if I caused you any trouble. Also, I would appreciate it if
you want to maintain this relationship. (Lucas)
It isnt any trouble at all. In fact, I myself know that I am not good with dealing
with people so I may ask of you to attend social meetings and parties. Also, if
there is any request that you wish to add, I will see to it myself to get it done.
Understood. They are? (Lucas)
I turned to the maid and knight behind Jacob.
The maid had a black hair tied behind like the so called twist doughnut bun
hairstyle but I doubt people from this world even know what a doughnut is so I
guess they dont call it that.
She had black eyes and a fair skin close to white as well as moderate breasts
which I think is a bit smaller than Freyas wait-! What am I thinking!?
I shook my head back and forth from the thought.
From beside me, I saw Freya glaring at me quite a bitwhy are you looking at me
like that? Im innocent!
A-anyway, the maid wore the standard maid clothes you often see in animes or
mangas with black and white color and frills.
She had an air that seemed to soothe you so it was somewhat relaxing looking at
Kind of like Emma, Sebastians wife and Freyas step-mother.
Even though the maid only appeared to be slightly older than me.
Its nice to meet you milord. My name is Ellen Pearl. I am of common birth born
at the Southern part of [Watervilet]. From now on, I would be your personal maid
so please rely on me for anything. (Ellen)
P-personal maid you say!?

T-this is not good! This isnt good for my heart at all!

I-its nice to meet you as well Ellen. Please t-take care of me from now on
How do I say thisIm really not used to have a personal maid so this situation is
a bitI dont think I can reject as well since she may not have any job if I did
Next is the knight.
He wore the standard armor of [Drachedge] unlike Fawkes but he appeared to be
strong and young as well. Most likely just a bit older than me.
I guess the Prince chose them so it would be so.
The knight had blue hair like the ocean, cut short and somewhat looked like the
common hairstyle you often see in mangas or animes where their forelocks reach
the eyes which were blue as well by the way.
He had a sturdy build which is completely not like the [Earth] me as I dont have
any muscles at all.
He is also around two inches taller than me so I have to tilt my neck when talking
to him.
He gave off the feeling that he will even take a bullet for me which I hope does
not happen. I guess I better make it clear to him.
I am called Alfan Coral. I am to be your personal knight and I vouch to sacrifice
myself for milord. My life is yours to command as you see fit. (Alfan)
Alfan kneeled on one knee and bowed.
So I was right that hes that type huh?
By the way, are most people here has a sea-themed last name?
Thank you for your loyalty. However, instead of sacrificing yourself for me,
please do not do so as I will not die anyways. Your life is more important than
mine that does not end while in this form. (Lucas)
Even so! I do not wish to see milord die. (Alfan)
And I tell you, I will not. Id like to tell you that this lord of yours had faced an
army of monsters and dragons from a different world as well as survived even
after being eaten by a dragon so there is no use worrying over me. Besides, I will
not always be here and I wish to travel alone anyway. (Lucas)
I boasted in front of them, which is rare by the way. I dont really like to boast but
I dont want them to worry over me.
And besides, though I said what I said, I was killed by bats...w-well, if they dont
know then it doesnt matter right?

I see Alfans eyes glitter.

W-what was that!? I thought he was the cool type but hes actually a hot-blooded
type that gets excited over this kind of things huh?
Ellen also, maybe because she is just a commoner so adventures like this are
W-wait, even Jacob seemed excited
Is it really that amazing?
It is you know, Lucas? I dont think theres anyone that can face an army of
minotaurs, giants, cyclopes, and a bunch of other monsters alone and survive.
Even meeting a dragon army is no joke already (Freya)
How did you read my mind!? (Lucas)
That should be impossible, even if you say were connected, I cant really read
your mind at all you know?
No, it just shows in your face. (Freya)
A-am I really that readable?
I touched my face but as expected, I cant really understand.
U-umm, if I may ask. That other world that you spoke of, is it milords home
world as we were told? (Alfan)
Ah, no. In my home world, there are no monsters or magic. I was speaking of an
entirely different world which is a bit like this one. (Lucas)
A-a third world! Does his Highness the Prince already know of this? (Jacob)
Ah, not yet. After all, I only discovered it yesterdayrather, 3 days ago I guess?
Right now, theres only a handful of people that know it and I was thinking of
discussing it to the Prince as well on a later date. Can you inform me if he has a
free schedule? (Lucas)
Thats right, there are still that matter to discuss.
Y-yes! I will arrange for it immediately! (Jacob)
Jacob bowed then stared at something in front of him.
Ah, I guess they also have the chat system huh? How convenientfrom the
moment they are born, they can already send messages from afar and it doesnt
even need batteries or signals!
P-please wait, Lucas. What is this about another world besides [Harus] and
[Earth]? Come to think of itI thought that the horned rabbit on your head was
an Al-mi'raj butis it actually from that world? (Arch-bishop)

The Arch-bishop who has been standing behind me grabbed my shoulder and
asked me as he looked at Vil on my head.
Oh? So he doesnt know this as well huh?
Well, I guess he doesnt know everything after all.
I summarized what happened to me in [Senerth] since its too much of a bother
to tell everything again. I would tell them again later anyway together with the
Alfan and Ellen were also able to hear it and they seemed amazed.
Summoned as a [Hero] huh?... (Arch-bishop)
I understand, thank you for your time. I just spoke with an aide of his Highness,
The Prince is free tomorrow afternoon so please be there. (Jacob)
Ah, his aide not the Prince himself huh?
Well, I guess it would be weird to add the Prince as a [Friend] after all.
Thank you. Also, will it be alright for the Arch-bishop to join us as well? As the
representative of the [Church]. (Lucas)
I understand. It seems this matter is of importance. I would gladly join. (Archbishop)
All right, thats one task down. To kill some time, lets try touring this city of mine
for now.
I would also like to try experiments regarding the [World Key] afterwards.
Now then, shall we see my castle? (Lucas)
Chapter 6: Watervilet
My castle is big.
Too big.
If I didnt have [Photographic Memory], then I wouldve gotten lost already
Lets see what we have here.

1 wide bath which can fit 20 people for who knows what reason which is
located underground

4 more mini-baths (2 for boys and 2 for girls), though I say mini it was still
bigger than the one I have in [Earth].

Around 20 small rooms for the employees or free rooms

2 ballrooms for events

4 guest rooms

1 cylinder shaped library that goes up to the second floor

1 cylinder shaped room for storage that also goes up to the second floor
and yes, the castle was 2 storeys high.

1 armory

1 art gallery

1 huge kitchen

1 surveillance room

1 master bedroom.

And oh, a dungeon

Maybe I should install an entertainment or a theater room in one of the empty

rooms later.
My bedroom, the master bedroom occupied the size of five small rooms for some
reason and also has a bed that can fit 10 or so peopleagain for some reason
that I do not want to think about
Also, the bedroom was filled with numerous decorations and expensive looking
paintings, statues, furniture, and stuffs. I cant believe all of this is now mine
The castle was designed such that upon entering through the front gate outside,
you will be greeted with a garden path then a wide living room(?) upon entering
the castle itself.
Im not sure if it can even be called a living room since its too big to be one
maybe calling it an entrance hall would be better?
From the top view, the castle is shaped like the letter H with the two front ends
on each side being cylinder shapes. Right side is the library and the left one is
the storage.
On the front yard of the castle is garden path, I say that because it is really a
path of numerous gardens on each sides of the path towards the castle from the
front gate.
Behind is a training field for soldiers which looked interesting so I decided to join
when Im free. There was also a building separated from the castle which looks
like a barracks of sorts.

The art gallery was also amazing since they seemed to have been bought from
all over the world from different artists. There were texture paintings which I will
be using as a reference later on when I get the hidden job. There are also
sculptures that seemed so real that it could move at any time.
The effects they give were also no joke. To the point where my previous works
seemed trash.
Whats more, forget [Fine Arts] or [Master Arts], these ones displayed far
surpasses that. Some were even [Legendary]just what the hell is in the
previous owners mind that he bought all this expensive stuffsah, I forgot he
was corruptmaybe the wide bath was actuallyno, lets not go there
Haahjust seeing all these expensive things makes me wonderdid the
previous Lord even properly run his city or did he waste all of the countrys
money here.
In fact, though the royal palace is even greater than this castle which I havent
fully explored yet, still, the size and expense of this castle is no joke. Im new to
this noble thing but a castle this bigis it really normal?
I looked inside the armory and saw uniform armors, some stacked up, some in
mannequins, and some in shelves. They were a bit better than an average armor
but later on, Im going to bless them all with a skill so they will be even better.
As for the kitchen, since they have numerous ingredients from the storage, I
decided to also play with it a little when I have free time. Maybe even create
dishes from our world!
Ahhh, the number of things I can do in this placeI now know why shut-ins want
to remain shut-insbut as this is a different world, I dont want to hole up even
Well then, time to see my cityI hope it isnt as I feared
While walking down the garden path, I notice an empty spot.
Can I plant something there? (Lucas)
Hm? Well, if milord wishes for it. But I must warn you, the reason why that spot
is empty is because the soil there isnt very good so growing something from
there was deemed impossible. (Jacob)
Huh? Why just that spot?
I examined the soil with [Ore Appraisal] to see.
And yes, soil can also be considered as an ore for some reason

e the soil on top of her that prevented her from going out which then caused any plant to die within a 5 mete

Ah, so thats why the space was unusually big

But manto be buried alive, I think I have an idea who did it butwell, we can
just ask the deadI hope this works though. If it doesntwell damn.
I placed the [Seed of Life] a few centimeters beneath the soil and waited.
May I ask? What kind of plant did you place milord? (Alfan)
The [Seed of Life]. (Lucas)
I see Freya and the rest open their eyes wide in surprise but I ignored them and
Looks like it wont grow immediately. Well, it can wait till later. For now, lets
see my city.
Before going outside the gate, I received a summary of the citys description and
state from Jacob.
[Watervilet] is a city with three layers stacked like a wedding cake. The topmost
being where I am now, the so called [Lord Layer] where, of course, the lord of the
city lives. The second layer, [Noble Layer] is as its names suggests, an area
designed for nobles and nobles only. And lastly, the third layer, [Common Layer],
where commoners live.
It seems that because of the previous lord, the discrimination of nobles and
commoners is pretty big.
It was arranged so that no one from the lower layer can pass through the stairs
leading to the upper layer without proper invitation. On the other hand, if its
going down, then there is no problem.
Haahwhat a troublesome lord that guy is (Lucas)
Seriously, creating so much trouble for me to clean up
I need to remind myself to demolish that system later.
For now, I went down towards the [Noble Layer] and gave greetings to the
guards stationed on the stairs leading upwards.
While walking down the road of the second layer, I noticed there are three kinds
of nobles here. One that absolutely hates commoners, including me who is their
lord. I guess the fact that someone of common birth made it into a Marquis faster
than them annoys them. Well, I couldnt care less.
There is also the type that is favorable to commoners which I can call a true
noble. Meaning, they actually practice the saying Noblesse Oblige and does not
abuse their power. Although they numbered about 20% of the nobles.

The last type, is the ones that simply didnt care which was about 10% of the
nobles. They are the ones that simply want to live peacefully and quietly.
To sum it up, I have 70% troublesome nobles to kil- *cough* discipline.
As expected of a noble residence area, the streets are clean and seemed to be in
orderwell thats because there are rarely any people that actually go out.
I see commoners though, but theyre more of a servant than a resident judging
from their clothes and atmosphere.
Well, nothing really interesting here, in fact, I dont feel like walking in this place
Next is the third layer, the [Common Layer].
Like before, I greeted the guards stationed on the stairs downwards and
preceded inside the city.
Unlike in the [Noble Layer] this one is actually very welcoming.
Ah! Its the Lord!
Milord, what brings you to this place?
Waaa! Its the lord!!!
Townsmen and children flocked around me!
Whats with this? What did I do?
Me and Vil looked at Jacob and the rest with a questioning look as if asking why
they were this attached to me.
Well you seestories and tales about you have already spread worldwide. It
isnt common for a man of common birth to suddenly become a Marquis, own a
city, a historic figure, and to top it off, an other-worlder. Perhaps they have liked
milord as a hero in the tales. (Jacob)
I-I see (Lucas)
Was I really that popular? Or is this the effect of the [Fame] stat?
Well, there may also be the reason that they wanted to befriend me since the
corrupt lord was no more and thought to have connections with me as soon as
Well lets see herelike the second layer, the road here seems to be deeper than
the sidewalksI wonder why?

I didnt take much notice of it before since I thought it was normal for nobles to
like high places that lets them stand above the rest but if it was like this hereIs
there a different meaning to it?
Saywhy is the road so deep? (Lucas)
Since I cant take it anymore, I just asked Jacob.
It has been like this since I was born. I think I was told that it is a tactical
strategy in the case where the city is under siege. (Jacob)
Huh? I cant imagine how this is an advantagedo they mean that when the
enemy invades, if theyre not on the road then chances of getting attack is low?
Because they will be out of reach? Or that the line will be more orderly in the
case that the citizens were to evacuate?
I dont get it at all.
I circled around the third layer in order to have a better grasp at the city.
At the western part, there is a leveled surface shaped like a circle where stands
seemed to form. I think this is the so called market place huh? But why the hell is
the road depressed like this!? I have to climb a lot of stairs just to go up then
back down again!
I see a lot of goods being sold in the market place which seemed interesting but I
held back buying since I feel like Ill take forever just to choose and though I like
discounts, I feel like Im abusing my power if I appeared there and suddenly
being told that I have a discount
Well I probably couldnt care less but since Freya is here, Ill hold back
I looked around the third layer once more and saw a lot of interesting places
which I took note to go if I have free time.
While touring, I cant help but really get annoyed with the deep road and noticed
that there seems to be drainage paths below with even intervalscould the
depressed road be for flood?
Now that I noticed that, the sea is really nearby huh? Actually, it seems to be
touching the eastern wall already.
When I looked earlier, there seems to be a gate that kept the water from pouring
butwhy was there a gate there?
I mean, if they want to stop a flood from happening, then they shouldnt have
built this city so near the sea or just use a solid wall instead of a gate for
stopping the water.
Its not like they can open it anyway since that will let the waterin
Could it be? Is it like that?

I ran towards the 2nd layer wall to confirm my thought. Sure enough, I think Im
On the north, east, south, west sides of the 2nd layer outer wall was also a gate
like the one I just saw. Then since there are no depressed roads on the 1st
layerthe outer wall of the 1st layer, meaning the innermost wall, should have
holes or something.
I quickly ran back towards the outermost wall in order look at the innermost wall
which was the 1st layer.
There, the walls seemed to have rectangular holes on it with even spaces!
Like I thought, this place is
The City of Water! (Lucas)
In [Earth], it was called that way, Venice that is.
This means that this place was originally like that. A fountain city! Haha, this is
Now how do I make it work?
Since this is a layered citythen there should be a contraption or something that
lets the water rise up in order to fall down again
Hmmmlets look at my castle again. Maybe the answer is there.
It was just my wishful thinking. Since the castle was at the center then maybe
there is an activation of sorts there.
Going back to my castle, I stood at the entrance and stoppedwhere am I going
to start!?
This place is hugehow the hell am I supposed to find the key to activating the
city fountain? Heck, I dont even know what it looks like.
Well, lets try my bedroom first. Since it is located at the 2nd floor and the center
of the castle, then it is the most conspicuous place!
But once I got therenow what?
No matter where I look, nothing stands out. I mean, sure there is a table at the
middle of the room but I dont think
The tableat first look, it looks normal. Surround it with couches and it looks
even more normal! Butis it?
I sat at the couch and stared at the table.
U-ummLucas, what are you doing? Suddenly running around like that

Ah, forgot you guys were here (Lucas)

F-forgot!? (Freya)
Dont worry about it Eu-Freya. I was just a little preoccupied with something.
W-wait! You just called me with a different name! (Freya)
I didnt. Anyway, can you see anything strange about this table? (Lucas)
I played innocent and ignored her rant since its too troublesome.
Strange? No matter how you look like it, its a normal tea table isnt it? (Freya)
I also cannot see anything out of the ordinary milord (Jacob)
Fuu, if Lucas says something is strange in this table then Im sure it isnt
normal! (Arch-bishop)
Since they werent giving me any concrete answers, I ignored them all. Especially
the Arch-bishop.
HmmI really feel like theres something off about this tableits like it was
placed here deliberately.
I tried to lift it, push it, pull it and it wont budge.
This is definitely not normal.
But howah, I have x-ray vision in my [Dragon Eyes] now right? Why didnt I
think of this earlier?
I focused my eyes on whats inside the table and found something amazing!
There are gears inside! Following it where it made contact to the surface of the
table, I noticed that the designs at the sides were actually rotatable!
So this means that the whole table itself is a lock?
Since I can see inside, unlocking it was easy.
After that, came an earthquakenolooking downwards, I can see gears turning
and turning.
W-whats happening!? (Freya)
Aha, so it really wasnt normal! (Arch-bishop)
Even though the others are panicking, it seems the Arch-bishop is as laid back as
Well, theres nothing to be afraid of anyway since the water will only flow
insidewaitthe citizens doesnt know that!

I hurriedly locked the activation on the table again and soon enough, the gears
stopped turning as well.
Haah, that was a close one.
I almost drowned every citizen still at the road
I walked towards the veranda that views the whole city and activated my
[Watervilet Rings] skill, [Watervliets Lord Projection] and soon, a 3D hologram of
my head was seen above the city.
I bet everyone will see such a huge image so they should also be looking up right
Even the Arch-bishop and the rest were surprised.
Ahem. To all citizens of [Watervilet], and to everyone that reaches my voice, I
am the new lord of [Watervilet], Lucas. (Lucas)
My voice resounded throughout the entire city.
There will be changes now that I am the lord. But first of all, I would like anyone
who is standing on the depressed roads to please step out. I repeat, please step
out. (Lucas)
After that, I ended the skill.
U-umm, milord. What is it that you wish to do? Actually, what is that image
above just now? (Jacob)
Hehe, youll see. I will now show you the true beauty of this city.(Lucas)
Now then, lets activate it once more.
Accompanied by a slight earthquake, the gears began turning again.
Soon, the sound of water flowing can be heard from below.
If they didnt listen to me, its their fault.
Looking over the city, I see the gates from the second layer and the gate at the
east that prevented water from flowing open and the third layer was then filled
with water roads.
Then, water appeared from the holes of the first layers walls which fell and filled
the roads of the second layer, before falling again to the third layer.
T-this is!? (Jacob)
My, myso this is the true nature of [Watervilet], the city of water huh? (Archbishop)

W-water is flowing in!
Quick, take shelter!
The townspeople took refuge in their houses expecting a flood to happen soon.
But surprisingly, the water only flowed at the height of the depressed road.
After seeing that there was no harm being done, slowly, they all went out of their
houses to view the scene.
They saw water falling from the first layers walls towards the second layer and
flowed back towards the third layer.
A fountain!
Its like Venice! A fountain Venice!
Ooh! I bet this city will be flooded with players soon! Especially couples!
Players that were in the city, the Earthlings so to say, understood that this is how
the city was supposed to be and most likely began to record the scene.
Waah! Mommy, lets swim!
Careful now, you might slip.
Ohhh, I wonder if I can now fish here? I dont need to leave in front of my house
Such noises were heard throughout the city, even in the [Noble Layer], it was not
an exception.
Hmm, truly, this is better than going up and down repeatedly.
Prepare a boat! I want to take a stroll in the city now filled with water.
Hoh, the feeling of the sea at your doorstep does not seem bad.
Nobles then began to change their opinions about Lucas as the new Lord.
However, it still wasnt enough for all of them to like him
Hmph! Lets see how that lord deal will with this now. How can we even cross
without getting wet?

Tch, now its noisy outside.

I hate water.
If Lucas were to hear that last one, he will no doubt retort Then why are you
living in a city so close to the sea!?
Now, we need to start construction of bridges. (Lucas)
R-right away! (Jacob)
Snapping back to reality, Jacob took note of my order.
Also, demolish the layer system. By that, I meant that rule where the lower
layers cannot visit the upper layers. (Lucas)
E-eh!? (Ellen)
A-are you sure, milord? (Jacob)
Hm? Why? (Lucas)
Was there something preventing them besides the previous lord?
Nothing, its just thatthere may be more disputes if that were to happen. Also,
that will mean that they can also visit your castle without permission. (Jacob)
The castle is open to everyonescratch that, prepare a route from the entrance
to the art gallery and prevent anyone from going beyond that. (Lucas)
If I may ask, why? (Jacob)
Jacob. I am a painter so I know. Art is meant to be seen, not kept like this. If
there is no one that will see an artists art, then its useless creating it. (Lucas)
Thats right, whats the point of creating an art if no one sees it?
Well, increase in proficiency I guess? But still, that will not make the artist known.
Actually, the names of the ones in the art gallery should be famous but it was
still the first time I heard or seen them.
This should also be the same for those who have no knowledge about arts.
Im merely letting famous artist famous as they should be.
And it will increase the popularity of this city which means more people which
means more money for me!
Also, how much is the citys budget? (Lucas)

Yes, 18 940 Gold 80 Silvers and 79 Coppers. Actually, you can get a better view
of the state of the city by saying [Watervilet Status] as you are now the lord.
Ah so there was a command for that huh? Waitwhats with that absurd
A-as a referencethe money you spoke of just now, is it normal? (Lucas)
Right after I said that, Jacob and the Arch-bishop revealed bitter expressions.
Wait, dont tell me its actually too much!?
Actually Lucasits one third of a citys normal budget. (Arch-bishop)
Ahh I seelike I expected, its really too much huh?
Wait what!?
Its one third!? That absurd amount of money is one third!? Why!? (Lucas)
Ah yes. For the soldiers monthly pay, all in all costs around 5 000 Gold already
add to that the pay for your employees, its 6 500 Gold solely for you to pay your
subordinates. Then, theres also the money for the citys maintenance as well as
new buildings which will cost around 20 000 Gold for the materials and man
poweralso, theres tax that is towards the capital which is 10 000 Gold per
month and- (Jacob)
STOP! STOP IT! I dont want to hear anything anymore! (Lucas)
Why the hell is the money for running a city so much!?
Enough! Id rather spend all my money to my equipments! I dont wanna do this
anymore! I wanna go home!
I got down on all fours and began to cry.
Yes, I cried.
How the hell did that previous lord even run this city? (Lucas)
T-thathe spent most of the money to this castle andwellslaves (Jacob)
I know I promised Denneth to not use [Dragons Wrath] anymore but just this
oncepleaseI want to use it on that bastard of a lord
Haah haahbreatheslowly.phew.
Lets start this over again.
Problem: Lack of money

Now, how to solve this?

Jacob. Everything in this room besides this table. Sell them all. Also, buy me a
cheap bed, thats enough for me. (Lucas)
E-eh!? P-please wait milord. I cannot possibly- (Jacob)
Jacob. All this decorations are useless. Sell them all. I understand that the ones
outside should be left there since guests will still be coming but I doubt Ill bring
any guests that are not my friends to my bedroom so all the decorations in my
bedroom are useless. Sell it. (Lucas)
A-are you sure, milord? (Jacob)
S-E-L-L I-T (Lucas)
R-right away, milord! (Jacob)
I see even Freya and the rest surprised of my decision while the Arch-bishop only
smiled and nodded like he was expecting it.
Haah, I honestly dont understand how rich people think. I mean, is there even a
point to all this expenses?
Then I shall also sell every decoration in my room. (Jacob)
Eh? You dont really need to you know? I mean, those stuffs are yours that came
out from your own wallet. For me, Im simply returning what should be the
money of others. (Lucas)
After all, this is all because of the previous lords corruptness after all.
Also, its not like Ill stay here for long.
Im going to be adventuring most of the time so theres no use for these
No, if it can be used for the city. I do not mind if I have to sell everything.
I-I as well! (Ellen)
So will I. (Alfan)
Wellsuit yourselves. (Lucas)
That should solve the money issue in the meantime. But I would need to find a
way to gather more money for the future.
I hope the fountain city gimmick would be effective enough to gather more
residents and travelers here.
Next, lets see [Watervilets] status.

[Watervilet Status] (Lucas)

Urban Development

I have no idea what these numbers are supposed to tell me but what I do know,
is the monthly income from tax
The mothly income from tax alone is already higher than the present budget!
Why the hell are we so broke!? (Lucas)
L-like I just saidthe previous lord spent it all on this castle and slavesand
food (Jacob)
Tell me, has the monthly pay to the capital done already for this month?
Not yet milord. (Jacob)
Seriously oi!

That guydoes he even do the maintenance and the pay for the soldiers and
employees properly!?
Also, the previous lord does not pay his subordinates properlywell, except for
women that he liked (Jacob)
I was right!
Damn that previous lordcreating so much trouble for me
Jacob, can you also view [Watervilets] status? (Lucas)
Im afraid not, milord. I can only do so once you grant me to. (Jacob)
Then I grant you. (Lucas)

What a convenient systemnaturally, I chose [Yes].
As I will be away most of the time, it would be more convenient if you can see it
yourself as the acting lord after all. (Lucas)
Understood. (Jacob)
Also, Im sure he can understand those numbers better than me anyway.
Now then, first construct the bridges as Ive said earlier as well as demolish that
annoying layer system. After that, use the remaining money for the necessary
maintenance. (Lucas)
Then, once we have enough money, only then will I start with constructing new
Thankfully, there already seems to be churches of different religions here as well
as guilds for different jobs.
Next, Ill probably make something big to gather more people. I think an arena
would be good.
Maybe I should also place sports fields? We will be coexisting from now on
anywayswell, the discussion for that is still not made but Im sure it would lead
to thatwell, I still have to prepare for that to succeed.
Now, while I wait for my audience with the Prince, I would need to have a better
understanding with this world. Basically, I would need to understand this worlds
Chapter 7: Abnormality
-cas-ucasLucas! (Freya)


I shot my right arm outwards in hope of pushing an unknown being from stealing
my key.
*Squish squish*
Kyaa!? (Freya)
Just then, I heard Freyas scream which brought me back to reality.
In front of me was Freya which for some reason, was flushed with deep red.
Scratch that, I think I just found out the reason why she looks like that. Why? It
was related to the squishy feeling in my hand.
Thats rightmy right hand was without a doubtgrabbing the fluffy clouds of
Waah! S-sorry! I didnt mean to-! (Lucas)
MuuuLucas pervert (Freya)
As I quickly retracted my hand, Freya turned her back against me with her hands
embracing her chest.
To think that I touched her.................just thinking about it I can feel my face get
I stare at my hand while opening and closing it.
All of a sudden, I feel Freyas gaze piercing me.
A-ah, haha. Sorry, I dozed off just now. (Lucas)
Lucas, I get that your happy touching miss vampires breast but you were the
one who asked us to tell you this worlds logic so please dont doze off. (Archbishop)
Wha-! I-Im not-!... (Lucas)
UghhI cant bring myself to say Im not happy because I am!
Haahstill though, what the hell was with that dream? Some kind of malfunction
occurred when I tried to get back from [Senerth] and some green eyed golem
using a flash bomb to blind me while he tries to steal my [World Key]
A-anyway, can you please repeat what you just said? (Lucas)
After managing to convince them to repeat, I nodded and recollected my

Now, lets start with something everyone knows.

The time in this world, [Harus], is three times faster than [Earths]. Also, from
what they just said, the planets size and distance from their sun is also roughly
three times that of [Earths]. The sun is also three times largerall in all, this
means that the rotation by axis and by itself should also be three times that of
[Earths] which should be why the time is three times faster.
[Harus], like [Earth], has 60 seconds per minute, 60 minutes per hour, 24 hours
per day, 7 days per week, 30-31 days per month, and 12 months per year.
Because of this, they should have gone 3 years before a year pass on [Earth].
I would say this would mean that I can experience my birthday three times as
well as Christmas three times but since Im not really a resident of [Harus] and
there seems to be no such event as Christmas, I sighed at the thought of not
receiving a present 8 times in a single year
Next is
Freya, what is 1 + 1? (Lucas)
Umm, could it be that Lucas thinks Im an idiot? (Freya)
Freya looked at me with pained eyes.
N-no no no no! I just want to confirm if its the same! (Lucas)
Of course it is. The answer is 2. (Freya)
Damn! If she had said 3 just now, I can finally have my proof that I was right on
my Math test back in elementary!
I hung my head at the thought.
What? You think 1 + 1 cannot be 3? Rather, the very thought of 1 + 1 = 2 is but
an illusion! For all we know, there could be a world out there that practices 1 + 1
= 3 and I might actually be an alien!
Alright, Ill stop now.
Judging from the lack of technology in this world, it should be about the same on
around the 1500s in [Earth]. On the other hand, magic advancements far surpass
[Earth], as we have no magic in the first place, but it also surpasses [Senerth]
from what I saw.
Well, its not that far apart though as both worlds do not use any incantations
aside from the name of the spell. Both also still use magic circles but in [Harus],
there are more magic devices than in [Senerth]. Not to mention there are already
magic guns here.
Well, because [Harus] focuses more on magic, it led to their technology to
decline. I mean, how can I blame them? Having such a convenient thing called

magic that can do almost anything, is there even a need to advance non-magic
But as this will be a problem later on, I suppose we would need to solve that.
The holo-windows as well in this world seem to be functional from the moment
they are born. I think [Senerth] is also the same in this matter. Though, I still
dont understand how it happensmaybe if we cut a person open
Aside from those, there doesnt seem to be much difference in logic than our
So next isI need to know this thing called [World Key] more. Not to mention
[Portal] and the game [World Gate Online]somehow, I think that theyre not
just as simple as they look.
I mean, this [Portal] can send a persons consciousness to another world. If it was
just a virtual word then I can understand somewhat but this? A complete and
natural world that only has aspects like a game? This would make [Portal] into an
artificial [World Key] which means, a method to mass produce these keys should
be possible.
AlsoI wonder why the topology of this world is roughly the same as [Earths]
well, I doubt these guys knows about that so I cant get any answer from them.
Lets leave that for later.
First of all, lets go try going to [Senerth] from here.
[World Gate Open]! (Lucas)

[Senerth]! (Lucas)

Damn, I forgot about this, whats the deal with this seal? Who put that there?
Fine, Ill log off for now and enter [Senerth] again.
After telling Freya and the rest that Ill be back in a few minutes, I logged off and
entered [Senerth]. But not as [Harus Lucas] but [Earths Lucas]. This is because I
wanted to test something.
Appearing in the last place Ive been in [Senerth], the [Dorville Forest], I saw
Aeran make an astonished face when I appeared.

Ah, come to think of it, they dont know my real face right?
Oh, its Sir Lucas. (Princess)
On the other hand though, the human princess beside Aeran immediately
noticed it was me which seemed to surprise Aeran.
But stillto immediately notice it was meits true that I only changed my eye
and hair color butwell theres no use thinking about it.
Who knows, maybe shes just good at remembering faces.
Ah, its nice to see you two again. This is my real appearance, Im surprised you
noticed it was me princess. (Lucas)
A-ah, yes. It was just a guess really. Its not like Ive seen your real appearance
before after all. Ha-hahaha (Princess)
I tilt my head at the princess words.
Somehowits like shes hiding something. Hmmm
Uuu, to think that Aleris would notice Lucas before me (Aeran)
Aleris? Ah, come to think of it, it was the princess name huh?
So, what is it that Lucas came here for? Can we finally see your world!? (Aeran)
Aeran looked at me with glittery eyes full of anticipation.
S-sorry, not yet, there was just something I would like to try. In our world, there
is no mana or magic so I just tried to come here in this form and maybe learn
magic! (Lucas)
I see (Aeran)
Aeran dropped her shoulders and hang her head clearly displeased.
Even the wings in her back dropped.
A-ah but. I promise I will take you with me a few days from now! After all, if
people were to see a person with wingswell, a lot of things will get more
troublesome (Lucas)
Muuu, I understand. But you know, Lucas. If there is no mana or magic in your
world, then your body shouldnt have any either right? (Aeran)
D-does that mean thatI cant ever learn magic with this body!!!???
I used the command to view the status window of this world to see it for myself.


Max Mana

How can I have 0 mana when I have 67 INT!? Also, after all this time, in my whole
life, I only leveled up to 5!?
And whats with that absurd LUK!?
Not to mentionWHEN DID I GAIN THAT TITLE!!!???

called of you whenever they see someone asleep.

T-though I admit that Ive been asleep most of the time in classes butto think
this would happen!
I got down on all fours and started recollecting my life
First, no mana, now this!?
I dont wanna do this anymore! Please, just somebody kill me!

HaahIm going back (Lucas)

I sighed and prepared my [World Key] with clouds over my head when Aleris
suddenly remembered something.
Ah, come to think of it, Lucas. A few days ago, someone apparently killed
Slazore. (Aleris)
Hm? Who was that again? (Lucas)
Its the demon that attempted to start a war as well as the one who imprisoned
the Demon Queen Euomun. I cant believe you already forgot (Aleris)
Ah, come to think of it. Something like that did happen huh?
So? Why did the culprit kill him? A grudge? (Lucas)
Thatthe culprit hasnt been caught yet. Actually, the guards never saw anyone
enter. They only discovered the body when they did the daily check. (Aleris)
Hm? Isnt that dangerous?
I get that this person cannot possibly be a bad person because he killed the bad
guy but that doesnt mean hes right.
Also, there is a chance that this guy is Slazores accomplice and he simply killed
him because Slazore might tell about him.
Actually, just the very thought that there is someone powerful enough to get
past the guards and kill Slazore is a problem in and of itself.
I understand. Please continue investigating. (Lucas)
I see Aleris nod and said my goodbyes to the two of them.
Hm? Come to think of it, where was Eu?...Well, she is the Demon Queen so she
mightve had some work.
Anyway, let me try my next experiment.
After Lucas had went past the [World Gate], Aleris bade farewell to Aeran and
went off her way.
The reason why she was in [Dorville Forest] was only because she wanted time
to relax and since this forest was now a famous spot for that, she had herself
relax while being surrounded with fluffy animals.
Getting back to her room in the [Human Kingdom], she sighed and fell towards
the bed.
Youre really bad at lying you know? (???)

!? (Aleris)
Aleris sat up after hearing another persons voice in her room but soon sighed in
relief upon knowing who the man was.
Geez, so its just you. So you were nearby? (Aleris)
Well by nearby you mean on the other side of the planet yeah, Im nearby.
The other person revealed himself from the shadows and what appeared was a
man wearing a hood that hid his face.
The other-well, I guess its what you expect from a Godwait, can you also
see from that far? (Aleris)
Yes. (???)
Suddenly, Aleris was dyed in deep red and embraced her body to cover it.
Realizing what Aleris had in mind, the hooded man sighed and rubbed his
forehead with his index and thumb.
I can only see and hear from afar when I concentrate on something or someone
as well as know the location. If I dont then all these images and noises would
surge in my brain which is a headache so I dont do that. (???)
And you just happen to know my location and his and listened? (Aleris)
Of course I know where he will be. I only came here to check up on you. (???)
So you never peeked when I take a bath or anything? (Aleris)
I didnt. (???)
I see (Aleris)
Aleris sighed and released her hands from her chest somewhat disappointed and
Looking at Aleris, the hooded man cannot help but sigh again.
In the first place, I can see through clothes already so it doesnt really matter
Hn? (Aleris)
Aleris tilted her head when the hooded man murmured something and hoped to
have him repeat it.
Nothing. (???)
Of course, it was met with a deadpan reaction.

Sowhy did you kill Slazore? Was there a real need for that? (Aleris)
Of course. If he had been left alive, the [Death Eaters] wouldve find him and
millions of people would die andbecome someone else thanks to his
Slavemancer skills. (???)
Slavemancer, a very rare class that supposedly didnt exist. Its a type of class
that forces people or monsters to obey the user unconditionally.
Of course, this would be a very powerful class but at this time, Slazore has yet to
achieve that class which was why he was defeated easily.
Slavemancerto think such a terrifying class existed. If I hadnt seen you I
wouldnt have believed it. (Aleris)
Well, theres no point worrying about that, after all, Slazore no longer exists.
Aleris saw the hooded man turn around and caught a glimpse of the man under
the hood but only saw his black hair.
Like that, the hooded man disappeared once more leaving Aleris alone.
Reallycarrying the burden of all worldsyou never change no matter the
time (Aleris)
So, it didnt workOwell, theres no need to rush, who knows, someday in the
future I may be able to have mana in my real form.
For now, I want to confirm something else.
Going back to the guest room in [Watervliet] after setting things up in my room, I
greeted Freya and rest again.
This time, I want to know what happens to my real body after the [Character
Switch] so I placed a camera to record myself in my room.
[Character Switch]! (Lucas)
After being engulfed with a familiar light, I became [Earths Lucas] once more but
this time, in [Harus].
Alright, now to check the video after logging ou-!?
Gah-!? (Lucas)
Before I logged out, I was suddenly met with a pain in the chest.
This pain is different from getting punched, hit, stabbed, or poisoned.
It was much much worse.

My breathing stopped and Im releasing rough gasps to try to breathe but I cant!
Lucas!? (Freya)
What happened!? (Arch-bishop)
I hear Freya and the Arch-bishop run towards me to check my body but I cant
focus enough to know what theyre doing.
I feel my lungs contracting, trying to get some air but for some reason, the air
wont enter.
I can clearly feel my heart thumping as well as the pain in my head.
The feeling Im having just now, if I had to describe it, its like Im exploding from
the inside!
I shut my eyes from the pain while I clutch my chest.
In the darkness, I can see a door that wont open.
Like how my lungs wont let any air enter, the door rejected everything that went
its way.
Just then, I hear the Arch-bishop activate a spell but I cant understand it
because of the pain.
I was engulfed with light thinking that it was a healing spell but it had a different
I feel more pain.
As if the light is burning my body.
I cant even shout anymore because of the lack of air inside me.
Damn! Am I going to die like this!?
No! If I die nowthen everything Ive done until now will be lost!
Suddenly, I see a hand grab the door in my vision.
There was only one thought in my mind right now, PULL!
At the last moment, I was able to open the door and suddenly, like finally
surfacing in a deep ocean, I was finally able to breathe in.

For a while, I gasped for air and even coughed once or twice in the process.
W-what happened? (Lucas)
But before I was answered, Freya suddenly threw herself in my chest with tears
trickling down her cheeks.
Y-youre safe right? *sniff* Y-youll be okay now right? *sniff* Please tell me
youre okay *sniff* (Freya)
Im okay. (Lucas)
Even though I dont know what just happened, I said the words that she wanted
to hear and I rubbed her back to calm her.
I see the Arch-bishop as well as Jacob, Ellen, and Alfan sigh in relief upon
knowing Im okay.
Looking closely, a lot of sweat seemed to have been released from watching me
nervously not knowing what to do.
Its a good thing my spell workedtruthfully, it was the first that Ive seen such
symptoms so I used the highest healing spell I know (Arch-bishop)
What spell was that? It hurt like hell. For a second there, I thought you were
trying to kill me. (Lucas)
Huh? But that should be impossible. What I used was an SS ranked healing spell
[Angels Light] so it should have a soothing effect instead. (Arch-bishop)
SS rank spell!?
H-hey, is it fine to use such a high rank spell on me? Doesnt it have effects?
Not really, it just takes time and takes 90% of my mana. Only the leaders of the
Church have that spell. (Arch-bishop)
I see, so harsh effects like Eus probably were only meant for the magic in their
This means that magic works differently from the two worlds.
But stillI feel like I was burning when you used itDont tell me that spell is
meant for sadists!? (Lucas)
Like I said, it shouldnt have that kind of effectodd, what just happened?
Thats what I want to know too
Anyway, somehow, I feel my body is different from before.
Like there is something else flowing inside me aside from blood.

Hm? Freya, youre injured. (Lucas)

I noticed her bare feet having blood and saw that a broken glass was on the
She mustve rushed immediately to me that she even didnt notice her own
Its fine, *sniff* I could heal it with a simple spell. (Freya)
Even if you say thatI feel responsible so let me at least wipe off the blood.
Ignoring her reply, I took my scarf and held her foot with my free hand to wipe
off the blood butall of a sudden, a green light was released from my hand that
went towards her injured foot.
Just like that, the blood that flowed from the injury went back and the injuries
closed all by themselves.

What was that!? (Lucas)

That lightwithout a doubt, that is [Angels Light]! But I didnt even hear the
activation! (Arch-bishop)
Eh!? That just now was an SS rank healing spell!?
C-could it be
[Status Window]! (Lucas)

[Angels Touch]so its like thatwhat happened was that the magic the Archbishop used was given to me.
Come to think of it, while in [Senerth], there are things or someone that does not
have any mana, in this world, everything has mana.
That includes air which would be why my body didnt accept it.
And that pain wasthe process of adaption!
This is just a theory but there has already been an event that proved it.
It was when I switch characters or summons Freya in [Earth]. If you think about it
logically, both of our bodies should have a different density than that of [Earths]
normal density because of the size of this planet.
Upon coming to [Earth], a [Harus Body] should feel light since [Earths] size is
smaller than what it is used toor maybe the other way around I dont know but
it should feel different!
But that didnt happen before.
This can only mean something, summoning magic and the [World Keys] effects
have the same principle. That is, having the summoned body to adapt on the
other world.
I didnt feel anything when I went to [Senerth] because there also exists people
there that do not have any mana. But this world is different. Everything has and
should have mana.
Because of that, the mana filled air was forced into my body and forced it to
adapt. Thus the pain from before.
Butno matter what the change, I should be able to feel it if my theory is
correct. Whether the change was in accordance with the bodys density or those
holo-window thingys that seemed to be a part of [Harus] and [Senerths] body
there was no pain, why?

Could it bepeople with no mana actually existed here?

Hey, are there cases where people with no mana exist? (Lucas)
YesThere is but they only numbered few, in fact, the number of such
occurrences can be counted by hand. A baby that has been born without mana
immediately dies so there are no known methods to cure it. (Arch-bishop)
So there is. Meaning, something that does not have any mana can exist, but
unable to exist for long. So the adapting system judged that a person like me
who has no mana can also exist here and does not care what happens to me
So how was this solved? Like a vacuum, once that door in my vision was opened,
it sucked everything to fill itself, including the Arch-bishops magic as well as the
mana in the air around me which resulted to me learning a passive skill as well
as gaining a lot of mana.
But stillits a shame that the SS rank magic passive skill is now in my [Earth
body] rather than the [Harus] oneI bet it wouldve been a lot more helpful in
the future.
I want to try absorbing more skills but I have a feeling it wont work again since
the room beyond that imaginary door is already filled.
And like that, I stopped being [Normal]
Chapter 8: World Key Experiments
Wellafter having calmed myself from the sudden change in my body, I switched
my attention to Freya who was still clinging to me.
U-umm, Freya. N-not that I hate the feeling of being hugged butumm
All I have to do is say how long until she let go but feeling that it will be rude to
say so, Im really stuck on what I should do.
Glancing at the Arch-bishop for help, he only let out an amused laugh as if he
found the situation amusing and does not want to help.
Well, it seems that Freya has already come to and realized her actions as she
pulls herself away from me giving me a glance at her deep red face.
T-thatIm sorryyyy~! (Freya)
Ah- (Lucas)
Unable to hold her embarrassment, Freya darted out of the room in full speed!

As I was unable to stop her, I was forced to stay still for a few seconds while
blinking repeatedly to process what just happened.
Meanwhile, the Arch-bishop is still laughing while my subordinate trio has wry
smiles, Vil was sending piercing glances on me for some reason. Warren isah, I
forgot he was actually here
[That face, you completely forgot about me huh?] (Warren)
*C-cough* Anyway. As there seems to be no other change in my body, I think I
will be monitoring myself from now on but I want to continue the experiments.
Understood, only, Lucas. If what you just said is right then (Arch-bishop)
Yeahif people from my world were to now of it, they will definitely try it. And
when they do, in the end, I have no clear solution as to how to solve this
phenomenon so if they try the same method as I did (Lucas)
They could die. (Arch-bishop)
I nodded at the Arch-bishops conclusion.
The process of the adaptation isnt something that should be tried without
If people just blindly do it, then there is a high chance that they will die.
Moreover, I have no idea what the door in my vision is.
And pulling it was really hard so there may another factor to it.
And even if they do surviveif the power they get issomething bad. And it
falls into the wrong handsI have another faction to worry about. (Lucas)
Damn, I need to warn Trask about this.
For now, what just happened in this room stays a secret, got it? (Lucas)
Yes, milord! (Jacob, Ellen, Alfan)
My subordinate trio bowed while Warren and the Arch-bishop also nodded in
I also nodded upon seeing their reactions.
Now then, to check what happened to my body in [Earth].
[Log Out]! (Lucas)
I was surrounded by a familiar light as I close my eyes. When I opened my eyes
again, I saw the visor of [Portal] in my vision as well as the familiar bed in my
backwas not what happened!

N-no way!
Th-this is that isnt it!?
Im stuck arent I!?
This is the scenario where the MC cannot find the log-out button and is now
forced in a death game right!?
Nooooo! I dont wanna die!
I just survived after that painful adaptation process only to die a few minutes
Dont screw with me!
Damnlike this, how can I fight if all my fighting abilities are probably in [Earth]
because my [Harus body] is there!?

[Disconnect] (Lucas)
Switching back to [Harus Lucas], I tried to log out once more.

It worked!
Haaah, damndont scare me like that.
I sat up on my bed and noticed my body drenched in sweat. I guess I was that
nervous huh?
Geez, and here I thought I cant log outturns out, I wont be able to if Im in
[Earth form] in [Harus] huh? What a pain
After a few minutes of calming myself, I looked over the scene recorded by the
camera set up in my desk.
Huh, we really did switchwhat a weird phenomenonBut this is bad. I should
avoid doing this in the future since it renders my more powerful self, defenseless
in this stateI dont wanna get stabbed while playingmore like, what will
happen if that happened? (Lucas)

I dont even want to think about itnor can I even test it.
Its best to leave unanswered questions like that, unanswered.
Also, I saw the [World Key] disappear from my neck when I logged incould it be
that the key is somehow tied to its wearers consciousness?
Now then, for the next experiment. I grabbed a t-shirt as well as a kitchen knife
from my condo and stored them in my inventory after switching characters
I also made sure that there are no manas in them using [Magic Appraisal].
The [Magic Appraisal] is really a nice skill as it lets me know the identity of a
magic as well as traces of it. Though its not high enough to see descriptions
from high leveled spells as well as identify the caster.
If I focused [Magic Appraisal] in [Harus] I would see a faint glow on every object
and beings. The stronger the light, the higher the objects internal mana.
Not only that, but the scene of seeing the world filled with magicthere arent
any words to describe it other than magical.
But here in [Earth], it can be used to identify which is from another world and
which is not.
Now then, to test something.
Logging in again, I took out the t-shirt and kitchen knife and looked at it again.
Wow, they already have mana (Lucas)
Im envious on how objects dont have to suffer in the adaptation process
I gave the two objects to a [Tailor] and a [Blacksmith] that are present in the
castle to have them improve it.
What happened was


d strength, so they stay sharper longer, and the soft-grip handles are easy to control, even with wet hands.

The T-shirt aside, I didnt think my kitchen knife is this great!

Where did I get this again? Ah, there was an old lady walking in front of me one
time and this knife fell on her bag. At that time, I thought that she was actually a
killer so I took the knife and hid itNow that I think about it, Im an idiot arent I?
Haah, why did that even cross my mind? I mean come on. An old lady? A
murderer?...I really am an idiot huh
Well, no use fretting over it now. Its not like Ill see her again anyway
While I maniacally laugh inside my head, I confirmed that my experiment was a
The experiment was whether materials from [Earth] can be tempered with here
and still achieves the same effect as tempering with materials in this world.
Now, time to try tempering with [Earth] materials while in [Earth] using skills
from this world.
Logging out, going back to my world and switching characters again, I took a
random shirt from my closet and started beating it. Yes, I am beating it.
After checking that it lost durability, I used [Cloth Repair] on it and it worked! I
also checked with my [Magic Appraisal] but it seems that the shirt didnt get any
The same also happened on a normal knife in the kitchen.
This means that skills from [Harus] can be used here while not affecting it too
much. After all, if I healed someone here, who has no mana, and it ended up
having them suffer the adaptation process, then it would be bad.
Ah, but me and Freya healed a bunch of people here during that Mapua
incident didnt we?
Next isif I can take people with me in the [World Gate].
Since I cant open it in [Harus], I went to [Senerth] instead.
Ah! Lucas! Hehe, I recognized you! (Aeran)
A-ah, good girl (Lucas)
Is she still upset that Aleris recognized me before her?
Well, since its kinda cute how she clung to me, I petted her head before I knew
Speaking of Aleris, shes no longer here huh? Well, I guess she mustve gone
home already.

Alright, time to experiment.

[World Gate Open]! [Earth]! (Lucas)
Eh? Youre leaving already? (Aeran)
Ah, I forgot to explain it to her.
Well, I am testing a few things. For that, Ill need your help. (Lucas)
If its Lucas, Ill do anything! (Aeran)
Aeran cutely pumped out her chest looking confident.
Then, come with me. (Lucas)
E-eh!? (Aeran)
Aeran seemed shocked at how I grabbed her hand so suddenlycome to think of
it, that was quite rude huh? I forgot that Aeran is still a girl older than me and
just treated her like a kid.
S-sorry, that was rude of me. (Lucas)
A-ah! I was just surprised! (Aeran)
After I let go and apologized, Aerans face looked like that of a kid whose candy
was stolen and immediately held my hand.
Though I dont know what just happened, I shrug it off and took Aeran with me to
the gate.
Passing through was a success!
It seems taking someone with me is fine after all!
While I nod to myself at the experiments success, Aeran was hovering around
excitedly in my room.
Aeran, I still have a few things I want to test. After that, you can roam as you
like. (Lucas)
R-really!? I thought that can wait until after a few days? (Aeran)
Its fine if you dont leave this room. Rather, its still night so most tourist spots
are closed. (Lucas)
I looked at the clock in my room and see that its just past 10:00 PM.
Well, its the same in [Senerth]. Im surprised that Aeran isnt asleep.
Rather, even Aleris was up until a few minutes ago.
Thats fine! Now, what do I do? (Aeran)

I want to know what exactly triggers for the [World Gate] to close. (Lucas)
In fact, ever since we got here, I already opened the [World Gate] again and after
the short talk just now, I still see the gate open.
I dont really want it to stay open for long so I decided on the next test.
Can you go through it, Aeran? (Lucas)
Roger! (Aeran)
Aeran happily salutes and flew towards the gate.
I guess some aspects of her is still that of a childs huh?
Thinking that the gate will close if someone passes seems to be wrong as the
gate is still open.
Aeran, can you hear me!? (Lucas)
I can hear you, Lucas! (Aeran)
Seems like sound also passes.
Im going to throw something, if the gate doesnt close, then throw it back!
I grabbed a random object on my desk and threw it in the gate, after a while a
pen dropped from the gate.
Huh, so objects will still not close it.
Could it be the [World Key]? But Aeran has one as well but it didnt close. Ah,
maybe it has to be the key that opened it!
Aeran, Im going to throw my [World Key]! If the gate closes, open it again and
come here! (Lucas)
After hearing her confirmation, I unequipped the [World Key] and threw it in the
Immediately after it passed, the gate disappeared without a trace!
So that was the key after allbad pun not intended.
After a while, a gate appeared in thin air and a child with wings appeared from it.
Hehe, did I do good? (Aeran)
Yeah, thanks for the help. (Lucas)
Once again, my hand unconsciously went towards her head and started patting

Well, thats fine I guess since she seemed to like it.

Now then! There is something that I needed to check no matter what!
I opened the gate again but this time, I gave the key to Aeran and have her stay
there while I pass alone.
Seeing the gate still opened behind me, I took out something from my pocket.
That is, my cellphone!
Switching it on, I looked at a certain icon on the top. It was the wifi icon and it
has full bars!
Woo! Wifi in a fantasy world! (Lucas)
Well, thats that. I only want to say that haha.
After celebrating, I went back to my condo and had Aeran close the gate.
How? With the [World Gate Close] command. It appears after a [World Gate] is
opened but the opening command itself does not disappear so it should be
possible to open multiple worlds but since [Harus] is sealed, I would have to find
another world to test that.
Alright Aeran, I still have a few things to do but you can roam around the condo
if you want. (Lucas)
Un! (Aeran)
I let out a wry smile as I look at Aeran clearly holding herself from darting off and
looking at everything in the room.
In fact, if she had a tail, I could imagine it wagging wildly right now.
One more thing. Can I borrow both of your keys? (Lucas)
Sure! (Aeran)
Thanks, you can go around now. (Lucas)
Like that, Aeran started looking at every object curiously like a cat being brought
to a new home.
After switching characters and storing one of the keys inside my inventory, I
switched back again twice and took the key in my inventory.
This experiment is to know where my [Harus body] goes when Im not logged in.
[World Gate Open]! (Lucas)

Huh, its not recordedwhat could this mean?

No matter how I think it thoroughly, I cant get a good theory. In fact, I dont even
know how to start thinking about this.
Haah, well. I guess Ill have to figure this out for later.
Thinking about it now only hurts my head.
I looked for Aeran to give back her key only to find her looking at the flat screen
TV in the living room seemingly trying to find out what that is.
I smiled wryly at the sight and grabbed the remote to switch it on.
Suddenly seeing the bright light and sounds coming out of the TV, Aeran had the
face of someone who just saw the most unbelievable thing.
She even went around it a couple of times trying to figure out how the people in
the TV are there.
Seeing her like that, I cant help but release a chuckle.
Ah, Lucas! What is this thing!? I can see people butI cant seem to touch them
nor can they hear me. (Aeran)
Of course, that is called a [Television]. Simply put, it projects images or videos.
Images? Videos? (Aeran)
Cant be helped. I started teaching her terms from [Earth] and she listened
I also explained her how to use the appliances and gadgets that I have. The most
outstanding reactions were from TV, cellphone, blender, electric fan, refrigerator,
headphones, dryer, shower.okay fine, all of them.
Really, I cant get enough of her reactions as they were very funny. I even
videoed it by the way. I think I should also do this to Eu and Freya. I bet it will be
Right now, shes currently enjoying playing wii sports in front of the TV.
Seeing a spirit flying while holding a wii remote was really a surreal scene that I
can only smile wryly again.
Well, I need to go back to [Harus] so Ill be leaving you here for a while, is that
fine? (Lucas)

Un! Leave it- waa that was close! Aha! Scooooreee! Leave it to me, Lucas!
Once again, I smiled wryly at the sight of her playing.
I wonder what will happen if I gave her a [Portal]?...I think I need to try that later
as well in Freya. For nowwell, some other time
Logging back in [Harus], I see the Arch-bishop is already gone.
After asking Jacob, he said that he went off to sleep as it was already 7:35 PM.
Confirming the time in my vision, I nodded and also told the three they can sleep
if they want.
I also told them to say the same to Freya if they were to see them.
What will milord be doing? (Jacob)
Hn? For now, Ill be painting in a free room somewhere. (Lucas)
Its been a while since I last painted after all.
W-would it be possible to watch milord paint? (Ellen)
Ellen asked while fidgeting.
HmmI suppose theres no harm in it.
Sure, but compared to the other painting here, I am still an amateur so I might
disappoint you. (Lucas)
Not at all! Please let me watch over milord as well! (Alfan)
Well I suppose I also want to see milords skills. We can even post it in the art
gallery afterwards. (Jacob)
Eh, no no no no. My work does not deserve to be in the same room as those
ones! (Lucas)
But didnt milord say that an art is something to show others? (Jacob)
Damn you for using my own words against me!
Fine, but place it in a different room. You can also include that room in the route
where visitors can enter as I said earlier. (Lucas)
[Heeh, I didnt take tsundere as your character, Lucas] (Warren)
Whore you calling tsundere!? In fact, how did you even know that word!? More
like, dont just appear all of a sudden! (Lucas)

DamnI keep forgetting that hes hereI guess he really is a shadoweven his
presence is as thin as a shadow.
[Ah yeah. Ive been meaning to ask this buthow did you break out, Lucas?]
Break out? (Lucas)
Ive never been arrested you know?
Wait, did I just think that I will definitely break out if I were arrested?
[I meant break out from the [Dragons Wrath]. You were clearly not in control so
how did you snap out of it? You only told us that you somehow managed to be
conscious butI find it difficult to believe that you can just somehow escape
from that dreadful spell.] (Warren)
Whats with this guy suddenly saying serious stuff even though he doesnt
appear often.
Ah, is it because he doesnt appear often that he wants to emphasize himself
when he does?
To the side, I see my subordinate trio tilt their head at me seemingly wondering
what had happened so I explained them Warrens existence.
They seem to doubt it but when they saw a red lightning ball appear in thin air,
they believed it.
For some reason, that spell is the only thing other people can see and its not
even a dangerous attack spell. At most, it can only kill mosquitoes.
Well, after I told them about Warrens question, they also nodded as if waiting for
my answer.
Even if you say thatI mean, I dont even understand it myself. I thinkbefore I
regained consciousness, I was thinking about love. (Lucas)
Love? (Jacob)
Yeah, it only started when I recalled about enemies and somehow led my mind
to love and regained consciousness. (Lucas)
Now that I think about it, wasnt that weird?
Then milord mustve simply recalled the love of your life. (Jacob)
Kyaa, what a romantic event. Unable to control himself, the image of his love
one broke the bonds that bind him! (Ellen)
I see, so it is true what they say that love can make a person stronger. (Alfan)
[Loveis it?] (Warren)

Jacob let out a knowing smile, Ellen seemed to be drowned in her delusions,
Alfan was nodding to himself while stealing glances at Ellen, and Warren seemed
to be trying to recall something.
But thats weird, after all I
I no longer have someone I love. (Lucas)
Sighing and turning my back towards the four I recalled an image in the past.
An image of a girl who I once swore to love with all my heart till the very end.
The girl who was once the center of my universe.
But that girl
She already betrayed me a long time ago (Lucas)
She was the reason why I can no longer understand how a girl thinksI guess,
somewhere deep in my heart, I feel like the more I try to understand a girl, the
more I will only get hurt when they leave me. So I stopped understanding them.
Thinking I just made the atmosphere heavy, I sighed, walking ahead of the four
along with a sad nostalgic atmosphere around me.
Lucas (Freya)
In a corner near Lucas and the rest, Freya leaned on the wall as she clenches her
She was only going back to find them after she had calmed down somewhat but
ended up overhearing Lucas so she hid herself.
So Lucas had that kind of pastlike I thought I (Freya)
Freya looked at the ring in her finger with sad eyes.
I was not loved (Freya)
Chapter 9: Painting and Training
Now thenwhat to paint
Upon arriving at a free room near the Art Gallery of my castle, I stare at the
empty room thinking what to draw.
[How about painting a mural on the walls about your life or something.]
Or so Warren suggested from behind me with a bored tone.

A mural huh? Well I guess anythings fine for now. (Lucas)

While saying so, I used Warrens idea and started painting on the upper left side
of the doors wall thinking to start from there going downwards then moving
Lets seestarting from when I was born is tedious and I dont remember much
of my childhood anyway so lets go with when I first logged in the game.
I painted myself in [Beginners Set] in a certain plaza in [Drachedge]. Moving
downwards, I painted myself meeting Feredir and Ravi, partying, and meeting
the [Blood Werewolf] and finally, falling in the cave thinking about it, its all those
twos fault that I didnt get to have a proper start.
I wonder what those two are up to? If I ever see those two bastards, I will
definitely kill them. I dont care if I turn into a criminal! I will definitely get my
revenge for those two ditching me like that!
Moving along, I started painting how my life began from then on.
The most entertaining ones were when I painted the fight with Denneth. While I
was painting that part, Jacob would do an understanding nod every once in a
while, Ellen looks scared, and Alfan looking furious.
When they found out about the demi-vampire inside the dragon, they all made a
surprised face.
I seeso the dragon was not in control. (Jacob)
So this is the power of the demi-vampires (Ellen)
Having others fight for you without their consent, what a disgrace! If I find a
demi-vampire I swear that will be his end! (Alfan)
Jacob nodded again while Ellen looked frightened on what the demi-vampires are
capable of. Seeing this, Alfan became more furious on the demi-vampires.
What a weird couple.
Though I said couple, it seems Ellen is oblivious to Alfans feelings. Haah, even
though Alfan is openly displaying it like that, how come Ellen hasnt noticed?
As I thought of that, I felt a slight chill run down my spineI wonder what that
After that, the rewards, meeting Warren, going to [Drachedge], chance meeting
with Freya, the scene in the abandoned building, sneaking in the Palace, fighting
When I got to that part, Alfan exclaimed something about how great it was to
have the honors to fight Fawkes of the Phoenix or something like that but I didnt
really care about that.

Then the scene in the dungeon below the Palace, being attacked by the Black
Hand assassin Tibb, and rampaging in [Dragons Wrath] mode again.
Even though I saw this myself in the video, I still cant believe how much I
changed because of that skill
Moving on, there was the scene of awakening in a church and meeting the Archbishop, and my favorite moment, the part where I launch the trash king with a
Finishing that part, I felt Vil from on top of me seemingly excited with sparkling
eyesdont tell me, she wants to do that?
Well, it does kinda looks like fun
After that was the summoning part.
The audience with the [Sennerth Human King], gaining the [Mithril Set] now
called [White Knight Set], riding and dropping from a wyvern into the horde of
monsters beneath.
I painted that part where I was falling with black and white transparent arms on
both sides. Needless to say, that was [Dragon Claw] and [Heavens Fist].
After that was a badass scene of me standing on top of mountains of monster
corpses while my armor starts to turn demonic. Then I met Eu in that flower
garden inside the cave, battling the [Tree of Life], walking in the empty gorge,
and meeting Vil.
On top of me, Vil seemed excited to see herself in the painting and has sparkling
Then, I met Aeran, cured her, led the army of fluf- monsters outside of the forest,
meeting Eude and defeating the enemys monster army.
After that, I felt my hand moving unconsciously, continuing my work even though
I have yet to visualize what to put in next.
My hand moved and painted.
After a few hours, what was painted was the battle I hadrather, me in
[Dragons Wrath] mode, with the dragon army and Slazore.
Not only that, there is a silhouette on my back showing a gruesome black
Just looking at it makes me uneasy, yet there is this feeling of familiarityCould
this be the [Dragon of Wrath]? [Kamirth of Rage]
How can this be? I mean, Im sure Ive never seen this guy before. Denneth
should be the first dragon that I encountered.
Oh, there also a different silhouette, though this one is fainter than Kamirth

It was a silhouette of a girl.

It was her
I wonderIts been a long time since I last saw her, I think its been 7 years? But
how come I still remember her to this point of detail?
And 7 years agoI was 10 and she was as well. Meaning, we were kids. But she
was clearly 17 as well in this painting
No, to begin with, why did my hand move on its own?
Argh! I dont know anymore!
I want to erase it but the quality of the painting will drop and Im aiming for a
master piece at least.
Tch- this is clearly because of our earlier conversation which made me resurface
that memory.
Forcing it back in my head, I filled it with what to paint next to distract myself.
After this was meeting the three Kings and visiting the [Skill Shrine] in the elves
territory before going back to [Earth].
Then I battled with the Lvl 100 [Behemoth], met Trask, and finally, going back to
[Harus] and visiting [Watervliet] before finally, showing the new water fountain
city mode.
I didnt paint me painting since its weird, and I will constantly update this anyway
like a diary anyways. I cant be drawing myself painting at the end every time
after all.
My only concern is how will be completed. To complete this, I need to die and Id
rather not do that.
Why did I paint this again?

Oh, looks like I dont need to die after all.

I set the name of the painting as [Lucas]. I thought of naming it [Life of Lucas],
[Lucas Life], [Lucas Adventure], or even [Legend of Lucas] but it feels like Im
some sort of historical figure and really embarrassing so I stick with just my

able to share.

s he faced as he encountered different problems in different worlds!

hile for new effects.)

This isas expected of milord! What an amazing art! I also gained [Water
Manipulation]! To be able to manipulate water even though milord is not an
[Elemental]truly amazing! (Jacob)
Wah, I gained [Cloth Repair]! Hm? Isnt this a [Tailors] skill? (Ellen)
+20 to all stats! Not only that, I also gained [Enemy Appraisal]! A [Scout] skill!
*Vii vii!*
Oi, dont tell me Vil also got a skill!?
Rather, whats with this effect!!!???
Aside from the stat increase, the other effect is no use to me at all! Wah! I
demand reset! Im going to start over!
No, no, waitcalm downits not that bad.
+20 is already a lot. Rather, Im surprised I was able to make a historical art.
From what I know and seen so far, art rankings goes like this.
Art>>Fine Art>> Master Art>>Historical Art>>Legendary Art>>Godly Art
Another way to put it is like this.

I bet this would be a hit in the news as a historical art and would therefore,
attract people.
Not to mention that there is that 2nd effect. Since many had seen me fight in the
movies, they would definitely be curious about my skills and would want them.
Not to mention, a skill gained here can be something that isnt a part of ones
class as showed by the fact that Alfan got a [Scout] skill despite not being one.
Also, Im opening the castle anyway and the Art Gallery and since this room will
be part of it as well, it would be an instant attraction!
Long story short, awesome art = many people wanting to see = many people
coming to [Watervliet] = many people buying from [Watervliet] stores = more
money comes back to me from taxes!
Alright! I dont need to be concerned about a few certain skills since it said
except for specific skills unavailable to share. I dont know why but I know that
the dragon skills are one of those specific skills mentioned so there is no harm in
letting them use the others.
And its just at 5% anyway.
I also placed my other arts so far.
Namely, the 2 paintings of Freya in the abandoned building, and the [Elemental
Arts] I made in the empty gorge.
Freyas paintings were placed in a canvas stand near the part where I painted
that on the wall while I gave the [Elemental Arts] to Jacob so that he can arrange
for glass displays to be made and have him put them inside.
Finally going out of the room, I looked out of the window only to see its already
dawn. Looks like I actually painted all night huh?
You three can sleep if you want. I kept you up all night after all. (Lucas)
Wellhow to say this, it seems that my drowsiness was instantly swept away
after milord has finished painting. (Jacob)
Me too. I suddenly feel like I can clean the whole castle by myself! (Ellen)
Rather than sleeping, I feel I can take on a dragon at any time! (Alfan)
Th-this is that huh? The effect of the paintingIt did say in the description that
Those that gaze upon the mural will be filled with excitement and thirst for new
Well, if theyre fine with it then its fine.
Alright, but dont push yourselves. Oh, and from now on, Im banning anyone
from entering this place during the night. It would be bad if people start to use
this effect to keep themselves up all night every time. (Lucas)

Understood, I will inform every personnel. But will it be alright to open it to

those in night shifts? (Jacob)
If its themalright, Ill permit it. Also, can you order for boats to be made?
Around a hundred should do. (Lucas)
Boats? (Jacob)
Yeah. Just the standard one. The plainest. In other words, the cheapest. But
dont buy damaged boats that are bound to sink. (Lucas)
Understood, I shall make the arrangements. But if I may, what will it be used
for? (Jacob)
Hearing Jacob ask, I let out a playful smile.
I then explained my idea, to which, Jacob was amazed and both Ellen and Alfan
showed gratitude.
After that, lets seewhat should we do next?
Milord, it is almost time for the knights morning exercise. I would like to excuse
myself. (Alfan)
Morning exercise? (Lucas)
Yes, every day, us soldiers and knights under milord train every morning so as
to not neglect strengthening our bodies. (Alfan)
Trainingwhen I heard that word, the only image in my mind is when Fawkes
trained me when he was drunk
But still, I almost forgot. But doing this will increase stats so I shouldnt ignore it
just because I can raise stats from leveling up.
With this, I will be able to face stronger enemies despite having a low level.
Meaning, this is another chance to get ahead of others.
Players have a mindset that leveling up is the easiest way of getting stronger
after all. I cant get haughty just because I have a high level. What I need is
Also, training would increase my proficiency in [Sword Mastery] faster and Im
already near in maxing it.
Alright, let me join too. (Lucas)
!? Are you sure, milord? (Alfan)
Come on, it couldnt be that bad. I doubt it would be worse than a drunken
Fawkes training. (Lucas)
Master Fawkes trained milord!? (Alfan)

Ah, just one night, he was drunk and was lashing out complains to me which led
to training me one way or anotherdo you have any idea how many times I have
to repeat it because he cant count properly while drunk? (Lucas)
Just the thought of it makes me shiver
Hm? Is it just me or did Alfans eyes sparkle just nownah, theres no way this
guy swings that wayright?
I shook my head trying to forget my thought a while ago and followed Fawkes to
the training field.
The soldiers seemed to have already formed lines once we got there.
From what I can see, there are 4 types of activities being done.


who only swings a wooden sword.

paired up and practicing offense and defense moves.
who runs around the field building up stamina.
who supervises them.

Hmm, what Im interested is those paired up and practicing moves. Its like a
different move from skills. The moves they make dont seem to be random like
what I do.
Theres a flow of movement and everything.
Ah, what they are practicing is called the [Dragon Sword Style]. (Alfan)
[Dragon Sword Style]? Is that some sort of skill? (Lucas)
Ah, no milord. Its different from the skills which are systematized and has
default moves. Styles are what you can call techniques. It does not require mana
and teaches you how to attack on certain points or defend properly. (Alfan)
Thisis the first Ive heard of it. Come to think of it, Fawkes also didnt use any
skills while I battled with him and that didnt make it easier for me.
You said [Dragon Sword Stlye] earlier, are there any other styles? (Lucas)
Yes, theres a lot. Only, the [Dragon Style] is the most practiced style here in
[Drachedge]. (Alfan)
According to Alfan, there are many styles in the world but what he only knows
are those limited here in [Espion] which is the [Harus] counterpart of
In the northern continent, [Cyble], governed by the [Cyle Kingdom], they use the
[Bull Style] which practices the saying Defense is the greatest offense. Alfan
doesnt know the exact moves but he says that fighting them is like fighting a
stampede of bulls. Overwhelming charges that will make you step back.

In the central continent, [Cravon], governed by the [Morburn Kingdom], they use
the [Turtle Style] which mostly focuses on defense. Alfan also doesnt know the
exact moves but their defense is said to be stronger than the [Bull Style] and
hard to break. At first, youll think that you are winning, but before you know it,
your stamina is already depleted while the enemy is still full. Thats when they
start to attack. Just like the story of the Hare and the Tortoise. The Hare rests
while the Tortoise uses it as an opportunity to win.
Lastly, is the southern continent, [Etrano], governed by the [Drachedge
Kingdom], they use the [Dragon Style] which is the complete opposite of the
[Turtle Style], in other words, complete offensive. Just like the raging dragon, the
relentlessly attack without a care on defense. It involves moves that are easily
connected to each other and can be re-arranged in any number of ways.
Its not as powerful as its name sounds. There are others that uses styles that
can easily defeat us and if not used properly, even the [Turtle Style] can easily
win. Also, these are not the only styles but just the most frequent used. There
are still many styles that are not bound to any kingdom like Master Fawkes
[Phoenix Style]. (Alfan)
[Phoenix Style]? (Lucas)
Yes, it is somehow the same as our [Dragon Style] but mostly uses counters.
Even has counters for counters from what Ive heard. (Alfan)
So in other words, they use the enemys strength against them? (Lucas)
Thatsreally an overpowered style
Can you only use one style? (Lucas)
Not really, but its not advised to use many. Because once you learn one style, it
will be difficult to manage another since your body still remembers the previous
style. Also, if you did manage to learn it, you cannot possibly master them. As I
said, your body will be confused which styles to follow and will not be able to use
the complex higher leveled moves. (Alfan)
Hmm, this is a problem.
In other words, I need to choose wisely huh? I want to immediately learn a style
butI also want a powerful style like that [Phoenix Style]
Or should I gamble that I can learn multiple styles?
What level is milords [Sword Mastery]? (Alfan)
Hm? Master Lvl 1 at the moment. (Lucas)
Then it is impossible to learn any styles. (Alfan)

Isnt it that I can easily learn if I have Master level already?

Actually, most knights have already maxed their respective weapon masteries.
Only soldiers have not yet. (Alfan)
Alfan explained the ranking of the army.
urion>>Military Tribune>>Legion Legate>>Imperial Legate
From what Alfan said, If you want to be a of Knight rank, then you have to at
least have maxed a weapon masterywhich means Im actually still at the
bottom huh?
Somehow, I feel depressedand Im supposed to be a [Hero]
W-well, this is only the ranking for those who are within the army so theres no
need to compare other yourself to them in terms of strength. Besides, there are
those who have reached high ranks but still weak in terms of strength and have
reached that rank because of his smarts. (Alfan)
Alfan tried to console me but I ignored him and only sighed.
Well, for now, I guess Ill max [Sword Mastery]. Then Ill start using a different
weapon to master. Hopefully, on the way, I can find a good style to use.
I decided to join the bunch who practices sword swings as well as those whore
running around the field to increase my VIT.
By breakfast, I only managed to increase [Sword Mastery] to Lvl 2 and a +3 on
After eating breakfast, I continued training with the soldiers until afternoon when
I will meet the Prince.
Fuh, I didnt think that simply swinging a wooden sword will increase my [Sword
Mastery] faster. I guess Ive really been doing random moves until now huh?
By afternoon, I raised [Sword Mastery] to Lvl 5 and a +4 on VIT.
By the way, at the corner of the field, I see Vil also training by creating black
walls and hopping from one wall to another. Huh, so she gained [Dark Wall] from
the painting huh?
I grinned at the sight of the soldiers and knights who seem surprised at a rabbit
that can use magic.
Since my bodys full of sweat now, I took a quick bath before going to the
teleport circle to go directly to [Drachedges] Palace. And by quick I mean using a
[Water Wall], passing through it, and the basic wind and fire elemental spell to
dry myself. Easy right?

Since most of the noble houses that are under the King are connected, there are
teleportation magic circles in them for ease of transfer like the churches.
I could use the teleportation portal of the city itself as I already discovered
[Drachedge] but it will be hassle to walk to the Palace afterwards.
I stepped onto the teleportation magic circle together with Vil, the Arch-bishop
who has awoken before breakfast and was watching me training ever since,
Warren, and Freya who has a somewhat lonely atmosphere around her.
WellI was not with her after that incident after all, shes probably mad that I
ignored her all this timeguess I take her out someday.
Being surrounded by a familiar light, we were transported to [Drachedges]
Now, the next job is to convince the Prince. Though, I have a feeling hell accept
any way.


(This part of the chapter is not official as I am still trying some things out.
Eventually, a real Vil's POV will be made but I'm not sure this sounds cute enough
so this is just a trial. There is no need to reed this part if you don't want to.)
This ones name is Vil.
Master granted Vil the name Vil the first time Vil met Masterwell, it was
actually Masters other companion that time that named Vil but she is not Vils
Master so Vil only accepted Vils name when Master called Vil, Vil.
Vil still remembers that time when Vil met Master~
At that time, Vil was scarred of Masters companion because she was a Demon
and a rea~lly powerful one so Vil thought that Vil will die.
Though, Vil managed to stay alive, Vil still ended up as the Demons plaything
and Vil did not like it that much
Vil doesnt really understand it but the Demon likes to play with Vils fur so Vil let
her do what she wants so Vil can stay alive.
Right, for now, the Demon can hug Vil as much as she wants. When the Demon
lets go, Vil will run!
That was the only thoughts Vil had that time but the Demon did not let go of me
so Vils only choice is to beg Master!...which wasnt Vils Master that time but Vil
was taught of a way to let a Human spare Vil so Vil used it on Master!

Right, Vil remembers how it was. First, tilt the head slightly downwards then
widen the eyes, pretend to cry and even shake in fear then look at the other in
the eye!
Now, this should be the part where Master lets Vil go but Master wont be Vils
Master if Master let Vil go that time so that means that Master did not let Vil go!
All of a sudden, this red transparent thingy appeared in front of Vil but since Vil
cannot read, Vil has no idea what it means.
Then Master and the Demon started talking about classes but Vil doesnt
understand it so Vil has no idea what was happening.
Before Vil knew it, Master became Vils Master!
Because of that, Vil was stuck with the Demon so Vil hated Master that time. Of
course Vil doesnt hate Master now!
Though, Vil was really worried that Master would get sick when Master kept
eating herbs from the forest. Vil heard that to others outside the forest, all the
herbs in Vils forest is bad for their tummies so Vil though that Master must be an
idiot for keeping on eating bad food.
As Vil travels the forest with Master and the annoying scary Demon, Master
made me fight other residents of the forest.
There are a lot of different types of residents in Vils forest but Vil doesnt talk to
other types since they are scary. In the end, Vil can only defeat the plant types.
Master looks disappointed when he saw that. Vil doesnt know why but Vil felt
that Vil needs to be stronger!
Thats why when Master taught Vil how to fight properly, Vil was pumped up for
the first time!
Because of Masters teaching, Vil now has nothing to fear but the annoying scary
Demon beside Master! Vil was really happy to be of help to Master but after Vil
celebrated, the annoying scary Demon hugged Vil again and Vils mood went
down again.
Continuing on following Master, we met more of my kind and the annoying scary
Demon forced Master to take them all again.
Muu, Vil really wants to tell that annoying scary Demon not to force Master but
shes scary so Vil has no choice. Sorry Master.
Well, because of that, Vil was freed from the cuddling of the annoying scary
Demon so Vil was happy!
Oh yeah! Vil forgot to mention, Masters food was rea~lly delicious! Maybe Vil
can also learn how to cook?

But when watching Master, cooking seems hard~ so maybe not.

While traveling with master, I found out that Master is amazing! Sometimes,
Master would suddenly disappear and reappear like he was hiding his presence,
Vil cant detect it at all!
Though, Master is also weird because Master would walk with one foot
sometimes and even hold his sword on his mouthhmm, maybe Master is
There was also times when Master would use magic and create something pretty
and when the annoying scary Demon likes it, she forces Master to take give it to
Master would also use his magic to wrap out feet with fire or other things.
Like Vil thought, Master is amazing! Vil cant even feel hot even though there is
fire on Vils feet!
Vils other friends also agrees with Vil so we decided to make Master our King!
After some time, Master also welcomed other kinds and soon, the forest was
once again reunited!
After that, lots of things happened like meeting a Spirit or other Humans and
Monsters and Dragons which makes Vil think that Master is amazing after all.
Master was even called a Hero!
Then, when Master was about to leave, Vil asked Master if Vil can stay with
Master and Master accepted! After that, Vil saw Masters home!
It was not like any Vil has ever seen!
But then, before Vil can explore, Vil suddenly appeared in a different place!
Though Vil was still in Masters house, the surroundings completely changed in a
blink of an eye!
This must be the so called teleport that Vil has heard!
Before Vil can ask Master, Master suddenly took off from the window so Vil was
not able to follow
When Master came back, Vil looked at Master with a grumpy face and said things
like going out are bad for Vil because Vil has horns.
Vil doesnt really understand it but if Master says so then Master must be right.
Vil also liked the brown food that Master calls chocolate. Right, when Master
comes back again, Vil should ask to get more chocolates.
Then, the next thing Vil knew, Vil was already in a different place again. This
time, VIl seemed to be in a cave.

Since its scary, Vil went up to sit at Masters head.

Master kept meeting with new people and Vil doesnt understand what they are
talking about so I rested on Masters head while occasionally being petted.
Vil has no idea why but the way Master pets me feels good unlike the annoying
scary Demon.
Vil still learned a few things about Master from seeing how different people talk
to Master.
It seems Master has also saved this place some way like Vils forest and Master
even owns a huu~ge castle!
Master is amazing after all!
Right now, Master is painting in a wall in one of the rooms.
Starting from the top right of the door side, Master painted about meeting two
people and running away from a wolf man. Then Master fell in a cave and was
chased around by bats!
Is this Masters life before meeting Vil?
If so, then Master is amazing after all!
Because there was a huuu~ge black dragon and Master lead a huge army to
defeat it! But it seems Master was eaten, Master still won against the creepy guy
that was controlling the dragon inside!
And Master only has one leg!
I seeso the dragon was not in control. (Jacob)
So this is the power of the demi-vampires (Ellen)
Having others fight for you without their consent, what a disgrace! If I find a
demi-vampire I swear that will be his end! (Alfan)
Seeing Master paint it, Masters fourwait, it was three. Right, three! Vil can
Masters three subordinates commented. The one with pretty clothes nodded,
the one with the frilly dress looks scared and the armor guy looks scary
Then, Master continued to paint. There was receiving an arm from the dragon,
going out of the cave, meeting a shadow guy, and arriving at a city!
There, Master painted himself protecting someone with tattered clothes which Vil
thinks is a slave. Master is really kind.
Master took the slave in an empty big house and introduced the slave. Turns out
that the slave was a vampire princess!

Master then proceeded to paint showing Master and the vampire princess
sneaking in a huge castle and fighting a scary guy with red armor as well as
going in a dungeon under the castle.
Then Master fought against a person with black clothes all over which Vil thinks
is an assassin! How dare that assassin attack Master!?
But it seems Master defeated the assassin and passed out from poison.
Hmm, so this must be why Master was eating bad food in Vils forest before.
After everything was done and Master has saved the vampire princess, a person
was drawn strapped in a catapult and was shot far~ away!
Waaaa, that seems fun~ Vil will ask Master to make Vil fly like that someday!
After drawing that, Master was grinning so Master must want to do it as well!
Then, Master was suddenly in a different place. From what Master said, Master
was summoned to Vils world so this must be that.
After receiving the shiny white armor, Master rode in a small dragon and dropped
in the group of monsters!
The next scene after that, Master was already standing on top of the monsters
corpses and the white armor was no longer all white.
There are black spots and red splashes, probably blood by Vil doesnt know what
the black spots are.
Then Master was in a different place again, this time, it was a pretty place with
full of flowers but there was an annoying scary Demon in the middle so Vil didnt
like it.
Defeating a huge wood man and passing through an empty gorge, Master arrived
to a familiar place. Right! This is Vils forest! Vil remembers that tree in the
Master draws meeting Vil and my other kinds as well as the others and meeting
the Spirit.
Right, this was where it all began for Vil. If it werent for Master, Vil would
probably die being eaten but Master took me away from that and now, Vil is
happy going with Master in different places!
After helping the Spirit, Master draws the fight with the many monsters!
Ah! Vil looks cool in that scene! Oh! Vil is there as well! There is Vil again!
Since Vil kept seeing Vils image on the wall, Vil jumped up and down on Masters
head while pointing at Vils image on the wall.
After the huge frozen army, the army of dragons was next.

But what Master drew was different from what Vil remembers. After all, on the
wall, Master was wearing a black armor and behind Master was a silhouette of a
hu~ge black dragon which was scarier than the previous black dragon and there
was also a silhouette of a different girl that Vil does not know.
Vil thought of asking Master but when Vil looked at Masters face, Master was
crying. Well, there were no tears but Master was definitely crying inside.
Since Vil has no idea what to do, Vil simply petted Masters head since Master
might like it as I like Master petting Vil.
After that, Master looked at me surprised and smiled.
Thanks, Vil. (Lucas)
After Master said that, Master petted me again and continued painting until
todays events. Except for Master painting since Master did not paint himself
painting on the wall.
Chapter 10: Prelude to a Warof Love!?
Lucas, I was expecting you, come in. Arch-bishop as well and Ms. Freya (Prince)
The Prince greeted us with a smile and gestured inside the room where I bowed
slightly before going in and sitting on the couch. To which, the surrounding maids
frowned upon.
I guess its customary to let the higher rank to sit first? Well whatever, the Prince
didnt seem to mind it anyway.
The Prince then gestured the maids and knights out of the room and seated as
So, Ive heard from Jacob about the main topic of our conversation butcan you
tell me the details? Of that other world as well as this[Dorville]? Was it?
Yes, but that is not the main topic, but just the prologue of a larger topic.
A larger topic huh? I take it that this is also the reason why his Eminence, the
Arch-bishop is here? (Prince)
Yes. (Lucas)
The Prince seems to understand and nodded, gesturing me to start.
U-umm, should I be here? (Freya)
Hm? Its fine, its not like what we will be talking here is any big secret. Dont
worry, were not plotting world domination here. (Lucas)

Its not like that! I mean, is it alright for someone normal like me to be in this
meeting? (Freya)
Youre a Princess yourself right? And a Vampire Lord to boot. Also, youre my
familiar so youre anything but not fine. (Lucas)
I patted her head and gave her a reassuring smile.
Seeing her calm down, I continued our talk.
Now, let me start from the time I was summoned in another world. (Lucas)
Fuhthats really a lot to takeI understand, Ill see what I can do on my end.
Ill convince the other leaders of the [Church] as well. I too, want this project to
succeed. (Arch-bishop)
I nodded while hearing positive feedbacks.
There is one weekno, here, there are three weeks to prepare so Ill leave
[Harus] matters to you guys. The [Sennerth] leaders have already been informed
and we in [Earth] are also preparing. (Lucas)
I relaxed my back feeling a heavy load being taken from me.
For a while, I let myself rest like thatseriously, this burden is too much
Amazingto think something like this will happen (Freya)
Hm? Wanna come as well? (Lucas)
N-no! I would get nervous if I even stand in the same room! (Freya)
Right?... (Lucas)
And here I am from a simple college student tothishaaah, what did I do with
my life?
Reset! I want a reset!
I wonder if I will be reincarnated if I die?...Nah, I dont even want to try it
Ah, concerning the matter of [Sennerth], not many people know about it just yet
so we were planning to surprise everyone, can you keep it a secret for a bit?
I said in a playful tone and a wink.
Why keep it a secret? Well, I just want to see the look of their faces with wide
eyes and hanging jaws. I realize how fun it is to surprise high ranking people
from the Arch-bishop.

Haha, never a dull moment with you huh? Alright, I also want to see their
reactions. (Prince)
Hahaha, since I was on the receiving end before, I too want to see from the
perspective of the one surprising. (Arch-bishop)
The Prince and the Arch-bishop replied with a playful tone as well.
Kukuku, this will be a sight to see!
The three of us laugh like a villain plotting to dominate the worldno, make that
four since Vil joined as well laughing like *Vi vi vi vi vii* while Freyais distancing
herself from us.
Warren iswell, he seemed interested at least.
Like that, we continue to plot how to dominate the worl *cough* I mean, plan
how to proceed next.
Well, theres still a few things I have to do. (Lucas)
Me too, since youve given me such an assignment. (Prince)
Haha, sorry about that. Ill be counting on you Future King of Drachedge.
Fufu, now, I wonder what faces those guys will show after telling them about
this? (Arch-bishop)
Like that, me, Freya, and Warren went back to [Watervliet].
Jacob, Ill be going home for now so Ill leave things here to you. Also, dont
open the castle yet to anyone. The matter of the tour will be opened around 3
weeks from now. Also tell me once the boats I ordered are finished. (Lucas)
Understood. (Jacob)
After seeing Jacob nod and bowed slightly, I turned to Freya and Warren.
How about you guys? Do you want to head back to the cave? (Lucas)
Ah, yes please. (Freya)
[I think Ill stay here for now and explore for a bit.] (Warren)
I nodded and see Warren go out of my shadow before taking Freya back to the
cave using the [Teleport] function of [Watervliet Ring].
Then, Ill be going. Take care. (Lucas)
Mmyou as well (Freya)
Freya turned and walked away.

Somehow, I feel like I did something wrong.

While shrugging off this uncomfortable feeling, I logged out.
Seeing the familiar ceiling, I cant help but feel different.
Like, Im being sandwiched by two soft walls
I tried to take of [Portal] from my head butI cant move my arms. Looking
beside me, I see a kid with green hair sleeping.
It was Aeran
Did she got bored and slept beside me? Geez, she still behaves like a kid even
though shes supposed to be older than me.
Shes hugging my right arm like a pillow butwhats with this soft feeling? Even
though shes flatwait, the feeling came from my other arm
I look to my left and seeL-Lily!?
What is she doing here!?
And why is she also sleeping!?
MoveI have to move
I try to take away my arm that shes hugging butevery time I try to move it,
her breast shakes and her face frowns a little.
D-damn! I want to stay! But I need to move!
My familys supposed to be coming today as Mom said when she called me after
my talk with Trask yesterdayand they have a keyIf they walk in and see
Eh, no no no no. Thinking that way is a flag! A death flag!
L-lets just wake them up
A-Aeran, Lily! Wake up! Hey! (Lucas)
I tried shaking my arms which shook Lilys breast harder but only received a
frown from the two.
O-oi! Wake up! (Lucas)
MhhLucas? (Lily)
G-good! Lily seems to have woken up! Now, Aerans the only one left!
Though Lily seems to still be half-asleep as she was still clinging to my arm, at
least shes awake. While I try to wake Aeran, the sound that I feared came.

*ding dong*
Luke!~ Were coming in!~ (Mother)
G-gah! W-wait! (Lucas)
I tried to stand uponly to stumble and fall on the floor because my two arms
were still grasped by two girls which then caused me to be imbalanced. The
[Portal] on my head also fell with a *clunk*.
Uwa-! (Lucas)
Kya-!? (Lily)
Eh-!? (Aeran)

D-damnt-this is one of those right!? A clich event of a lucky pervert in many

animes and mangas!?
As if to confirm my thought, my head is being sandwich by two bountiful hills
while my right hand is touching a small hill that can be mistaken as a plain
Lily and Aeran should be awake by now and shouldve quickly taken me off their
bodies butas expected, their brain are still processing what just happened and
unable to take any action immediately. In fact, even I was completely frozen not
knowing what to do.
Al I can do is brace myself from whats about to become.
As if on cue, my mother enters
Luke? What was that sound (Mother)
T-thatI can explain- (Lucas)
Sorry to disturb you. (Mother)
Mom bowed and closed the door as she leftEh!? Wait, is that the proper
As if finally realizing what just happened, Lily slapped me away from her and
covered her chest.
It hurts
Kya-!? W-what are you doing so suddenly Lucas!? (Lily)
N-no, it was an accident! (Lucas)
I-I know that, but still! (Lily)

Besides, why were you sleeping beside me? (Lucas)

U-uuuthat (Lily)
Evading my question, she glanced towards Aeran for help.
Come to think of it, why are these two together?
Also, how come theres no reaction from Aeran?
Curious, I also looked at her buthow to say this, she was panting while cupping
her blushing head with her hands while fidgeting.
Waaa, Lucas. Its still too early (Aeran)
(Lucas & Lily)
Both Lily and me were silenced by her reaction.
So what happened? (Lucas)
I decided to ignore her and asked Lily.
Y-yes, I actually came this morning to talk to youbut it was her that opened
the door. (Lily)
After that, it seems that Lily was surprised and was chatting with her until Aeran
started to doze off and climbed towards my bed, to which, Lily was again
surprised but was unable to remove Aeran on me.
And why were you doing the same? (Lucas)
W-wellhow to put itYou werent waking up and I suddenly became sleepy as
well andlooking at the two of you just seems so comfortable so (Lily)
So you tried it and fell asleep? (Lucas)
Y-yes (Lily)
Lily hung her head while saying sorry.
T-this is that isnt it? The effect of my [That sleeping student in the class] title
It did say that people around me will be overwhelmed by drowsiness whenever I
Not to mention combined with my absurd LUK which then created the lucky
pervert event
Rather, Im not a pervert!

Damnwhat with this!? Am I really a pervert!?
I got on all fours and started to pound on the floor while crying.
Lily and Aeran who has no idea what just happened started to look at me with
worried faces.
Uuuuanywaywe need to explain the misunderstanding to Mom
I stood up and walked out of the room followed by the two behind and looked for
Oh, Finished? That was fast. But stillI can even hear the poundings from
here (Mother)
What are you talking about!? And that pounding was me punching the floor!!!
Also, how can you talk like that in front of these two!? (Lucas)
I pointed at my two younger siblings sitting on the couch together with Mom.
There were two of them, a boy and a girl.
The boy is the second son just next to me and 4 years younger, which is 13, by
the name of Len. He has short black hair and dark brown eyes like meactually,
all of us in my family has black hair and dark brown eyes. Anyway, Len wore a
grey shirt with a big black text that says [DOPE] on itI dont know why but he
thinks thats cool, and has a headset hanged on his neck as well as black jeans.
Len, unlike the otaku me, likes music and a few more things that I found
bothersome like photography, music editing, and DJ-ing(?) the one where you use
a turn table or something. Hes also more sociable than me and likes to hang out
with the popular kids.
Well, its not like our relationship is bad. Actually, Len was also fond of animes
and mangas back then, but immediately grew out of it.
Next is the girl that is 5 years younger than Len and 9 years younger than me,
which makes her 8. Her name is Roselyn but we just call her Rose. She has long
black hair that extends to her waist tied up in a ponytail on her back and just the
same height as Aeran. She wears a white frilly one piece with a red ribbon by the

side and is holding a tablet seemingly watching something as earphones seemed

to be connected to it with the other end on her ears.
Rose here is also somewhat like me as she likes animes and mangas a bit
especially the shoujo ones which I didnt like so much so there was no topic that
we can even talk about. But that also was replaced by this new thing that she
liked. K-pop music videos. She seemed to have a crush on one of the boys but
since to me, they all look the same, I have no idea who she likes so I cant
bea*cough* recognize him
By the way, my Moms name is Margo whose hair is only about shoulder length
and was wearing a seemingly same dress as Rose, only, adult version I guess?
Anyway, I explained the situation to Mom who just laughed and nodded after I
Haha, fine, the situation from earlier was my misunderstanding. But that doesnt
mean that you didnt sleep with them. (Margo)
Dont say it in a way that can be misunderstood! (Lucas)
I didnt notice brother was this popular to girls. Then again, youre a celebrity
now. (Len)
Im not! (Lucas)
Waah, a fairy! (Rose)
Shes a spirit! (Lucas)
Haah haah haahI cant believe how much I just retorted just nowthis is really
bad for my health.
So? Why did you guys visit? (Lucas)
After calming myself, I finally asked.
Ah thats right. We want to watch the second movie of yours together. (Margo)
Second movie? Its already showing? (Lucas)
I tilted my head at the sudden news. That was fast.
Ah, yes. Actually, the reason I visited just now is to give you the tickets. (Lily)
Lily, who has been quiet until now, finally spoke and took out strips of papers
from the handbag that she brought with her.
Thats a lot!
Well, I guess Ill also give ones to Gavin and the rest.
Ohh, then since theres so much, how about you come as well umm (Margo)

Right, I forgot to introduce them. This is Lilianne Bristow, an IDEA employee and
was my [Guide] when I was creating my character. (Lucas)
Lily bowed after being introduced.
Huh? So the ones from them werent NPCs? (Len)
Ah, youve also played, Len? (Lucas)
Yeah, since you gave so much money to Mom and Dad, they also bought each
of us a [Portal] so we can play. (Len)
Ohto think that those parents who seemed to have only studying in mind
actually give their kids a toy to play
I just started yesterday. Right now, my [Base Level] is 13 while I have [Scout Lvl
10] and [Bard Lvl 7]. Race is [Pure-Blood Vampire]. (Len)
Ohh, which city did you start? (Lucas)
[Drachedge], same as you? Though, it was mostly because thats the closest to
the vampire village so everyone who chose the vampire as the race chose that
as their starting point. Also, some of my friends also started there and some, still
starting because of you. Thats why, Ill be expecting you for presents, brother.
Len gave a seemingly innocent smile which is definitely because he wants me to
give him good equipments to start withwell, not like I dont have any.
Heeh, well. Im currently away from [Drachedge] at the moment. Im at that
vampire village that you mentioned. Also, how come you know my starting city?
I shouldnt have told Momright?
Brother, youre already all over the internet. Whens the last time you actually
looked at your facebook? Or even searched the net? (Len)
Now that you mentioned itI took my cellphone and opened facebook.
Hmm, well, theres not really any notable notification about me but thats
because they dont know Im the [White Haired Adventurer]. However, the posts
from certain pages I followed and liked are different.
Almost all posts are about the [White Haired Adventurer] and the [White Knight].
Some photoshopped the images and edited them, placed them in other posters
and such. Even memes are formed! Theres also one where they edited pictures
from [The Dark Knight] and turned them into [The White Knight] and such.
I even discovered that a fanclub has been made for the two and looked at it. In
there, discussions are being made about my skills and where I came from. Some
were true while others are not

This (Lucas)
Huhu, but be careful brother. It seems that this [White Knight] will be taking the
spotlight from you! (Len)
No, thatthats me (Lucas)
Wow, so does that mean more money for me? (Margo)
How did it come to that!? Rather, is that all you want!? Is that why you let these
two play as well!!??
Where did you get that equipment!? I want one too! (Len)
Ah, geez! Ill explain later! Right, I was in the middle of introducing them!
Since the topic was straying from the original topic, I hurriedly introduced Aeran.
Shes called is Aeran, dont be fooled by her looks, shes a [Spirit] thats over
hundreds year old! (Lucas)
Ah, Lucas! Its not good to say a womans age! (Aeran)
Aeran punched me but since there was no force in it, it didnt really hurt.
Eh, so thats why she has wings? I thought shes a fairy or something though.
Yeah, anyway, she came over from [Sennerth] and I had her play with this
worlds gadgets for a bit. (Lucas)
Ahthis will lead to another explanation
[Sennerth]? Isnt the world of WGO called [Harus]? (Len)
Its another world (Lucas)
Anotheras in a completely different world that [Earth] and [Harus]!? How
come I never heard of this!? (Len)
Its still a secret a few people only knows. The actual announcement will be
done a week from now. Ah, but I can take you guys there if you want, maybe
tomorrow. (Lucas)
Tomorrow should be Sunday since today is Saturday right? So they shouldnt
have school then.
A new world! I wanna go too! (Rose)
Hey, hey! Tell us about this new world! (Len)

Rose and Len seemed to be excited about it. Well of course they should. Its a
new world after all!
Now, now. Well go tomorrow like Luke said. For now, why dont call over your
friends so we can just all go together, Luke. (Margo)
On her suggestion, I called Gavin and the gang.
And so, while we waited, I talked about [Harus] with Len while eating breakfast,
Rose seem to be playing with Aeran and Mom was chatting with Lily.
Lens character name is Ren. As he said earlier, his race is the new addition,
[Pure-Blood Vampires] which gave a 20% of increase in stats during the night.
However, there is a severe penalty in stat during the day without any shade
which is a decrease of 80% to all stat.
Luckily, he logged in when it was night in [Harus] so there was time to buy a robe
with a hood to cover his body and started levelling up. As he likes music, he
chose [Bard] as one of his jobs and chose [Scout] because he says he wants to
be an [Assassin].
Well, vampires are night creatures after all.
Right now, he and his friends are levelling up around [Drachedge] but they
intend to move towards the vampire village after everyone passes Lvl 30.
Thats good, because the weakest monster in that cave is a Lvl 30 [Dracula Bat].
How did he know about that? Well, I already released the info in the net together
with the other monsters there as well as what to expect.
I also told him that Ill introduce them with to the village chief Sebastian after
they reached it and hopefully get a quest.
This is not cheating, this is the power of connections!
Rose was still too young so she havent played yet but has a [Portal] anyway
while Mom seemed to have already started too with the name Mary but started
at [Cyle], the capital of the northern continent,
[Cyble] so we were quite a distance apart.
As for why, she said that shell be riding on a boat that is scheduled to leave
towards the [Hong Kong] counterpart in [Harus] as Dad seems to be there.
After a few minutes, Mom called me as if bored already.
Luke, how about you call Freya as well? (Margo)
Hm? Well, were waiting anyways. (Lucas)
Switching with my [Harus] self, Len and Roses eyes glowed in amazement. Next,
I summoned Freya to which, seem surprised at being summoned.

Ah, Lucas, is there something you need? (Freya)

Freya, do you want to go with us to watch a movie? (Margo)
Movee? (Freya)
Ah, I guess she doesnt understand the word. Vil also tilted her head to which,
was suddenly grabbed by Rose to play.
No choice then, I started explaining to what a movie is and what well be
E-eh!? T-thata big screen that will be showing t-t-t-th-that event!? (Freya)
Ah, maybe we shouldve asked for her permission first
Sorry, I shouldve asked first. I can cancel the release if you want. (Lucas)
Ah, no no, its fine. I understand that this was also part of the reason why our
village seems to be popular. I-Im justembarrassed (Freya)
AhI get what you mean (Lucas)
WellI wonder if she knows that there are a groups of people out there that sees
her as an idol? Should I get her to create a facebook or twitter account? Or at
least an e-mail?
As if finally noticing her surroundings, she founds Aeran and started to look
I guess Ill introduce themagain
After the introduction of my family, Lily, and Aeran, Freya seemed to have
understood the situation and nodded while looking longingly at Lily and Aeran.
I wonder what shes thinking?
Lucas, Ill be going back a bit to inform the others that Ill be out for a while~
I nodded and Aeran opened the gate back to [Sennerth] which Len and Rose
again looked at with an amazed expression.
Freya and Lily as well looked amazed as she stares at the gate that lead to
another world.
Aeran also left the key here so she doesnt have to open it again.
After a while, familiar voices shouting could be heard from the other side.
Waaaaa! No fair! I also want to see Lucas home! Why didnt you tell me!? (Eu)

Ah, looks like Eus there huh?

You werent nearby so I didnt! (Aeran)
Then I want to go as well to see this movee! (Aeran)
No way! There are already two girls there so if you join, there will be more
competition! (Aeran)
Competition? Were they fighting or something? Rather, arent there four girls
T-two!? You mean there are two more besides us and that annoying human
princess!? (Eu)
Hm? Is she talking about Aleris?
She didnt strike as annoying though.
Thats right, so you dont have to come! Ill act as our representative! (Aeran)
Thats not fair! Wait! I still have something to discuss with Lucas! (Eu)
Then, two figures passed through the [World Gate] which tumbled down the floor.
The two was, of course, the ones making all the noise since earlier. Eu and Aeran.
Haah, I have to re-introduce everyone againand again after my friends got
Then, another figure passed through the gate.
This time, it was Mare, Eus close friend and secretary.
Im sorry for the disturbance Lucas. Ill be leaving Eu to your care. Huhu, such a
cute nickname you got her. (Mare)
Ah, sorry for the trouble. (Lucas)
After that, she bowed and left which I stared for quite a bit trying to recall her
figure but stopped as soon as I feel cold piercing gazes from four different
directions. Eh? What just happened?
Geez, always looking at Mares body (Eu)
*cough* So, what is it that you want to discuss, Eu? (Lucas)
Quickly diverting the topic, I asked Eu about her business.
Its about the [Necklace of the Unidentified] and [Mimic Mask] that you own.
Ah, do you need it back? (Lucas)

Thinking so, I put it out of my [Inventory].

No, wellactually, its like this. (Eu)
Eu then began to tell the situation.
It seems that items in the Demon Castle are always catalogued and properly
sorted and recorded. Seeing the two items back then, Eu caught a feeling that
those two were not there the last time she was there but then again, Slazore
couldve simply added them while she was imprisoned.
So she checked with Mare after I went back but it seems that she also didnt
knew of it so they tried to manually look through the records only to find none of
them listed.
They also found different items like the [Necklace of the Unidentified] only, its
ring counterpart, bracelet, earing, choker, and all sorts of accessories hidden
somewhere in the castle. However, theres no other [Mimic Mask] found.
Eu also asked the demon closest to Slazore that is now in prison, as Slazore is
dead himself, because Slazore mightve kept it in secret only to find out that he
is oblivious to such items.
It might be that Slazaore kept this to himself for some kind of plan that we dont
know of yet so its best to be careful. Also, on the chance that it wasnt himthat
means that there is another one to watch out for. (Eu)
I seethen let me take care of these as well. (Lucas)
Hm? Do you need them? (Eu)
Well, yeah but thats not the main reason. Whoever that guy is, he might come
and get these back so hes bound to go back to the castle. In this case, instead
of targeting the castle, hell target me instead. (Lucas)
Not to mention, I want to know who and why he did it.
I-in that case! Let me take them after all! (Eu)
No way. Besides, I wont keep all of it. Ill give some to a few guys I know.
Youll still be targeted! (Eu)
Thats fine. (Lucas)
For a while, Eu glared at me but soon gave up and sighed after seeing that my
stance wont change.
Fine. So, these are? (Eu)
Ah, let me introduce them. These are my family, my Mom, my little brother Len,
and my little sister Roselyn. Next is Lilianne who is a resident of this world as well

and Freya, a resident of a different world called [Harus]. Everyone, this is the
Demon Queen of [Sennerth], EuoEu! (Lucas)
Wah! Dont cut my name like that!~ (Eu)
Eu complained.
But your name is longand hard to say
My name is Euomun Ebrerohn Baresur. Like Lucas said, Im the Demon Queen
but as you are Lucas family and friends, feel free to talk to me normally. Its nice
to meet you all. (Eu)
D-demon Queenbrother, just what did you do in that other world? (Len)
Len looked at me with an amazed yet scared face.
Hm? He hasnt told you? Hes the [Hero] that united the whole of [Sennerth]!
Because of him, even our Demon race was accepted into the alliance of the
Human, Elf, and Dwarf race. (Eu)
S-seriously!? (Len)
Uuudo you have to say that Eu? Its really embarrassing
Lily, Freya, and Aeran, knowing this already, nodded while the rest were
surprised as expected.
Then, if I go there, will everything be free for me as his little sister? (Rose)
Breaking the silence, Rose asked with a seemingly innocent tone while still
hugging Vil who looked a bit uncomfortable.
Hearing this, Mom also nodded.
Then, as the mother who gave birth to the [Hero] of you world, everything is
free for me as well right? After all, without me, Luke wont exist and your world
wouldve fallen into ruin. (Margo)
W-whats with this Mother and Daughter combo!?
So it was as I fearedRose has the same traits as Mom!
T-thateven if you say thatthe only thing Lucas has is free from access to any
facility like the Elves [Skill Shrine] or the Dwarves furnaces and such. (Eu)
[Skill Shrine]? (Len)
Hearing the explanation, Len also diverted to the dark side.
I cant believe thisto think my family is this corrupt
Well, I can tell they are just kidding around butwait, are they? Even I cant tell
from how they look right now

Anyway, we played for a few more hours waiting for my friends to come over.
By playing I meant lending the [World Key] to Len so he can try using Ren here. I
also gave him a warning never to switch characters while in [Harus] for now if
ever he founds a key. At least, until I find a way to raise the chances of
They were surprised on how my [Earth] self can now heal with a touchbut,
when I touched Eu, she was hurt instead.
Well, she is still a [Demon] no matter how kind she actually is
Right now, I can only touch her with a glove but I should really find a way to fix
this. After all, Eu looked sad knowing I can never touch her with this body
Then, Eu seemed to have noticed something and immediately grabbed Lily,
Aeran, and Freya. I wonder what theyre talking about?
Anyway, I chatted a bit more with Len while I let Rose play with Vil.
Soon, the doorbell was rung and my friends finally came. Geez, what took them
so long?
When I asked, they said that they met all met up before going here and one of
them was a late so they were all late.
Woah! D-dont tell methese are (Gavin)
Gavin and the rest naturally looked surprised as behind me, my family and four
more beauties were gathered.
Introduction again.
Naturally, they asked for explanation to some details but Im already tired from
explaining so I told them Ill explain later
Rather, will we be okay? Going out with this crowd
Aeran, can you ummretract your wings? Or make it disappear or something?
Hm? Yeah. (Aeran)
Ooh, her wings did disappear!
Now, all thats left is Eus horns!
I gave her the [Mimic Mask] so she can use it to change her looks into that of a
normal human without any horns.
Naturally, she still looks beautiful without them.
As for me, my white hair will be dead giveaway so I wore a hat and a pair of
sunglasses. Freya did the same as well.

As we got out, I noticed something that I should have a long time ago.
Freya, why arent you getting hurt from the sun? (Lucas)
Fue!? A-ah, yeahI wondermaybe because there is no mana in this world? I
think I only get hurt because even sunlight in [Harus] has mana. (Freya)
Huh? Why did she sound surprised so suddenly? But stilllooks like shes back to
her usual self huh?
So its not that vampires are hurt by the sunlightrather, its from the mana
within them? I seethat also explains why [Light] magic affects you but light
from a light bulb does not. (Lucas)
Then eh? If that wasnt the case, she wouldve gotten hurt while we were talking
leisurely at the room?
I guess we were lucky huh?
Curious onlookers seem to be staring at usrather, theyre staring at the four
women surrounding me.
Oh, there are also those who are looking at mebut theyre not good ones
Like thatI led a bunch of otherworlders outside of my condohopefully, nothing
bad happens. But then again, thinking that is a Death Flag huh?


(Another trial Vil POV...hope this one is better than before since Vil was more
Human-like then. Now, she should be more like a child...)
Vil here~
Vil went to another place with Master~
This time, it was an even bi~gger castle that Masters!
But even though Vil and Master went here, all Master did was talk! Buuu~
But Vil is a good Dorville so Vil will wait.
Still waiting.
Still waiting.
Still waiting.
Still waiting.

Still waiting.

Vil will just sleep

Vil dreamt of jumping on clouds with Master~
After Vil woke up, it seems Masters talk is finished and Master was laughing with
the others. I want to join too!
*Vi vi vi vi vii*
Why are we laughing?
Oh well.
*Vi vi vi vi vii*
Then, Vil was at Masters home again! Waah, so many people!
The [Spirit] is also here, but the annoying scary Demon is not so Vil is happy!
Or so Vil thought but a little Human suddenly grabbed Vil!
From what Vil heard from Master, this little Human is Masters little sister! So she
is my little Master!
Ok, Vil will let her play with Vil as much as she wants!
But she was the same as the annoying scary Demon!
She hugs Vil too much and Vil nearly died because its hard to breathe!
Uuuu, but she is Masters little sister and my little Master so Vil will endure!
No more! Vil cant take it anymore!
Thats why Vil broke free from little Masterno, from now on, she is annoying
little Human!
Vil ran away from annoying little Human while she chased Vil.
Muu, this annoying little Human sure is persistent!

Ah! Vil still has Masters skill!

[Dark Wall]!
A black wall was formed in front of annoying little Human and she slammed head
Hah! Take that!
Now Vil won!
Uuuu (Rose)

Vil turned back when Vil heard a silent moan behindthe annoying little Human
is crying!
W-waahhhh! How can Vil forget!? This is Masters little sister!
Wah wah wah! Master will be mad at Vil!
N-no choice thenVil will sacrifice herself to the annoying little Human
Like that, Vil once again became the annoying little Humans plaything

Author's Notes
Finished a new chapter fast!
Why? Because no more FINALS!!!!....actually just one more tomorrow but meh,
Really didn't planned it to end like this...owell, the continuation will be on the
next volume cause I like to be balanced with all volumes having 10 chapters! and
an Illustration page! So I'll probably draw something from boredom and just
place it there. You can ignore it if you want.
Thanks to Ignis who pointed out things I should improve and hopefully, I did
improve, even just a little. Also to Hyoudou for ideas in the future chapters!
Especially that one with Lucas' style since I was stuck there and he mentioned
something that led me to finally think what [Style] Lucas will learn. :3
So, that four finally meet!
And it seems that Freya has went back to normal!
What could've happened in the girl's talk? Huhu, is this a good sign? Or a
premonition of troubles going on Lucas' way? What has Lucas asked of the Prince

and the Arch-bishop? As well as the leaders of [Sennerth] and the people from
[Earth]? An event that would change the world!? And just who was the
one who led Lucas to pick up on the seemingly convenient items?
Next time, on [World Gate Online]!

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