Drama Script 2013

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Papa is preparing breakfast. Calls daughter to take her breakfast.
Papa : (Cheryl, come have your breakfast dear.)
Cheryl : Papa, it's the same old thing everyday! Don't you have anything new?
Papa : (Sorry, I don't earn much, please bear with Papa, dear)
Cheryl : (Eats silently)
Papa: (Eat well, dear, it'll help you to grow.)
Cheryl: Oh wow, bread and milo everyday can help me grow? Give me a break, Papa.
Papa: (Very sad)
Cheryl: I'm leaving to school.
Papa: (Wait! I'll send you dear, don't tire your feet.)
Cheryl: I hate you Papa! Everyone's calling me names just because you're deaf and mute!!!
(School at 0700 hrs. Everyone's busy sending their children off to school in big cars. Rhea, a
wealthy businessman's daughter is seen with her handsome father while Cheryl arrives with her
father on a bicycle)
Rhea: Oh, thank you, Daddy!
Rhea's dad: See you later after school!
Papa: (Study hard, dear. Be good girl, you'll reach the stars.)
Cheryl: (Pushes her dad's bicycle and walks to school.) Go away, Papa. Leave! Everyone's
Papa: (Sadly pushes his bicycle and leaves)
Rhea: (Puts up notes on Cheryl's back)
Cheryl: Hey, what? Stay away!
Rhea: Friends, please welcome, the deaf-and-mute's daughter! Hahaha!
Kate: Oh, yes, look at her new pair of shoes.... ahahaha!
Janet: Girls, please.... stop teasing her. Hmm.... let's see if we can get some fried noodles from her
father.... fried noodles!! Fried noodles!! Anyone? Hahahaa....
Cheryl: (Cries and walks away)
(At home during dinner time)
Papa : (Dear, come let's eat. These are all Papa can afford for today)
Cheryl: Stop bugging me, Papa. Leave me alone.
Papa: (You must eat well, Cheryl. It'll help you grow...)
Cheryl: (Goes to the table and starts eating. Suddenly...) Why do I have a father like you, Papa!
Why! I just can't stand it anymore! What have you done for me all these while? You've only brought
tears and sorrow to me!

Papa: (Don't say that dear. Papa loves you very much....)
Cheryl: I'm embarassed to have you as my Papa. I simply hate you, Papa.... simply..... (Throws the
rice bowl at her poor dad)
(At school)
Rhea: Here comes, the deaf and mute's girl...
Kate: Oh sweetie, where's your daddy?
Janet: Guess he'd punctured his bicycle tyre!
Rhea: Oh well, girls, my dad's here, I'm off to T.G.I Friday's for my birthday bash. See ya'll
Kate and Janet: Bye Rhea! And yea, bye Cheryl...
Cheryl: (Gets really mad, and throws her bag onto the bench. Sits and cries and a boy comes and
they share a moment of silence)
(At home. Cheryl brings her newfound boyfriend back home)
Papa : (Who are you? What are you doing with my daughter?!)
Ivan: Hey, cool it old man.
Papa: (I don't want to see you here again! Get out of here or else I'll call the police!)
Cheryl: Papa! Leave him alone!
Papa : (Tugs at Ivan's collar)
Cheryl: Papa! I said let him go! Don't you understand?!! (Pushes her dad onto the ground)
Papa : (Sadly looks at his daughter walking away)
(At the school bus stop)
Cheryl: Thanks for being with me, Ivan. You're my soulmate.
Ivan: It's my pleasure, Cheryl.... (Tries to hold her hands)
Cheryl: Uhmm.... I'm not ready for this, Ivan.... Please....
Ivan: Hey sweetie, we're in love aren't we.... There's nothing wrong....
Cheryl: Ivan, this is not right. I... I have to leave, Ivan.... (grabs her bag and starts walking when
suddenly two thieves armed with knives demand for her money.)
Cheryl: Ivan... Ivan!!!! Help!!! (Turns to the back only to find Ivan fleeing)
Ivan: Sorry, dear.... bye.... I'm just not your man!!
Thief #1: Hey, give me your bag.... uhmm...money.... uhmm... handphone....everything!
Thief #2: Yes....yes....
Thief #1: What yes yes? You! Grab her bag!!! (While holding a knife)
Thief #2: Yes.... bosss!!! (Steps on boss's right foot accidentally)
Thief #1: Ouchh! Why in the world am I still keeping an assistant like you? Hah!!!??
Thief #2: Ok...ok boss. This time, sure ok one. (Grabs her bag and she faints)

(Later, Cheryl wakes up and cries thinking about her fate and walks back home sadly)

(At home. It's Cheryl's birthday and Papa is waiting with a cake to celebrate)
Papa: (Practises talking.... Happy Birthday, dear.)
Papa: (When Papa was born, Papa was deaf and mute. Sorry for that, dear.)
Papa: (Eventhough Papa cannot talk like other fathers, Papa loves you more than anything else...)
Papa: (Sorry, if you're not happy with Papa, baby girl)
(Suddenly, a loud thud is heard outside the house. Papa is waiting anxiously, as he's not aware
that something had happened because he can't hear anything. Later, Cheryl walks into the
house, with her clothes smeared with blood)
Cheryl: Papa.... oh Papa.... I'm.... (faints)
Papa: (Oh...my baby....!!! What happened to you!!! Oh Lord...please save my child!)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SCENE 8
Papa: (Doctor, please, save my child! Do something! Take my house.... my money...everything!!
My daughter.....She - cannot die!!!)
Doctor: Don't worry, we'll try our best. Please....calm down.
Papa: (Take my blood! Please! Save her!)
Doctor: Nurse, prepare him for the procedure. I'll be right back.
Nurse: Sure, doctor. Mr, please lie down on the bed.
(Cheryl regains her conciousness after a 2 hours)
Cheryl: Papa! Oh...please forgive me papa!! I've hurt your feelings! No one's ever been there for
me, except for you Papa! No one will - Ever!! Oh, how foolish I am not to realize your love!!!
Please, Papa! Say something!
Papa : (It's okay, dear. I'm sorry.... I...love you, child. Will always do so....)
Cheryl: Oh...thank you Papa. Come, let's get out of here. Walk with me, Papa. Now and forever.
Cheryl: Papa, why are you so quiet? Wake up, Papa. Come.
(After a moment of silence)
Cheryl: Papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
----------------------------------------------END OF SCENE----------------------------------------------------

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