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Saturday 19th of September between 11:00 am -1 pm

I was out on the back dock going through drink pallets when I decided to finish
the drink crates first before breaking up more full cartons, I then went to the fruit
and veg fridge and tried to open the fridge door only to realise it was jammed, I
believe I tried 3 times to open it on the 3 rd time I had to force it open and had all
the uncrushed boxes that were stacked up above the height of the door come
falling out onto me, I went to start crushing them when I realised I wouldnt be
able to crush them all before the fridge started warming up too much. I left the
fridge and walked out the back door to the front floor to find the produce
manager in order to get him to come help clean the OHS mess he had created I
could not find him in the produce area, I knew that Jennifer was out doing
gourmet fridge stocks so I went down the fridges to get her to come help me in
which she did.
We began crushing the boxes when produce manager came back through the
doors and walked straight by us watching us do his job (which should be getting
crushed as the boxes are empty as to keep the area safe and clean for others to
do their jobs efficiently) he went around to the produce room coming in through
the other fridge and thanking me for doing his job for him, I responded to him
saying that is okay, I did not mind doing that for him once but then went on to
say I didnt want to have to do this again and then I mentioned that the area
should not have been left like that as it can cause a possible OHS issue he then
lent over the pallets that were under all the boxes to tell me in a raised angry
tone that he had only been there for 3-4 days and he is stressed and trying to
get this done, I said that I realised this but safety is the first thing, that is when
he cut me off to get even more angry. I then said Im not going to do this with a
manager that should already know what his OHS policies are, I stopped and said
I will be straight back with someone to monitor this I left the dock area to find
Rhonda cook my shift manager as I got to aisle 1 Rhonda paged me to the front
to speak with her about an entirely different matter (delivering the sandwich
platters to hopper groups head office) she told me this and then I started to tell
her that I would like her to come to the back dock to monitor the escalating
situation as this was said we both heard the produce manager coming down aisle
3 raising his voice and trying to get his say in before I had said anything about
what was going on I had no intention of making the situation worse on the shop
floor. He came out to make a scene in the store instead of waiting where I said Id
be back with the proper people to sort it out. He started calling me obscene
names in front of customers ( retarded, spastic, idiot, etc.) when Rhonda said we
are to do this in the back dock all three of us turned and walked through the
fresh produce section to the back dock when I said to Rhonda I wanted to show
her the reason for this we stopped in front of the produce door were the door was
still left open and nothing had changed I pointed out the boxes me and Jen had
just crushed and the remaining boxes that were still stacked over the fresh
produce inside the fridge, he then started name calling me again the same words
as before I repeatedly asked him to stop insulting me and act as manager should
by not insulting his work colleagues, he then added a new one (a retarded cunt)
and a (melodramatic spastic) that is when I raised my voice and Rhonda turned
to me with closed hand and hit/pushed my left shoulder I stepped back and put
my hands in front of me in a stop gesture to tell her not to lay hands on me she
shrugged it off to tell me to leave the area and go and deliver the platters to

head office as to defuse the situation, I agreed and went to have him keep calling
me names and running me down. I turned back to him and made the same stop
gesture again and asked him multiple times to stop acting like a child and drop it.
I went to the deli fridge grabbed the platters and placed them in the trolley. I
went up to Rhonda to ask about the labels I needed so I could charge it to the
head office she informed me that I had to find Michele who was on her break in
the crew room. I went to the crew room as I walked in she asked me what was
going on I informed her I was having an ultication with the produce manager he
heard me say this as he was just outside the crew room near the gourmet
shelves he yelled out come on keep talking crap and then made his way into
the crew room to cause another argument I walked straight out of the crew room
to find Rhonda and get her to tell him to leave me alone, stop following me and
harassing me. As I left the crew room Rhonda was walking through the dock
doors I stopped her before she left the hallway and asked her to come and say
that to him, I believe he exited the crew room to the hallway to meet me and
Rhonda, then interrupted me to pursue another argument about me disobeying
Rhondas first request, she turned to me told me to get the tickets and leave with
the platters, I told her why I hadnt then went back to Michele in order to ask her
if she could get them printed so I could leave, she interrupted her break to get
them for me and inform me that the 3rd platter was not ready and I had to wait
for it. I then went to the register to get the purchase receipt for the platters and
came back out to the back area to find Michele in the crew room with Rhonda
and the produce manager in their name shaming me to Michele saying I have no
respect for management and going on about the issue at hand in front her
instead of taking it to Andrews office. I took offence and asked her why she is
handling it like this she then cracked it at me and told me to hurry up and leave.
I did as told because I didnt have an issue or want to show any disrespect
towards her and left, I got the platters from the dairy cool room where I had put
them and left I was out of the store for about 10 to 15 minutes I went looking for
Rhonda out the back office and then walked out on the floor to find her at the
end of aisle 4 or 5 making an end capping. I asked her if she still wanted to speak
with me in Andrews office she insisted we walk to the back office without any
problems. We entered the office and before shutting the door I asked her if I
could record our conversation as I feared for my job at this point because the
situation was not getting any better. She refused me to do so and I stated to her
that it was probably because she didnt want me to say that she had laid hands
on me and it was she didnt want it on an actual voice recording of her manager
abusing me and name calling me. I shut the door and sat down, I then said that
she had touched me in an unprofessional manner. She insisted on showing me
exactly what had taken place when she did touch me, she leant across Andrews
desk and poked me in the left shoulder (not gently) I stood up and went to leave
the office and said I would not tolerate being touched by anyone in the
workplace. She told me to sit down and I said I wanted to have Jennifer brought
in to verify my story or I wouldnt continue this discussion she said she would so
she paged Jen to the office, she continued disagreeing with what I had to say and
I to her comments. Jen came in and relayed exactly what I had already said then
the point of Michele came up so Rhonda paged her in there also. Michele
confirmed that I had said what was previously written and that he had followed
me in there once Rhonda had left the area to start the argument again and
confirmed that they were both in the crew room telling her about the whole thing

which should have been a private matter. After that Michele went back to her job
and Rhonda, Jen and I stayed within the office to continue the conversation,
Shortly after that I broke down in tears. I then requested to go home as I was not
in the current state of mind to be in the workplace for the remainder of my shift.
Rhonda agreed and sent me home.

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