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4. Which of the following functions are performed by

Gram Sabha?

Ram Nagar, Coimbatore - 09


Polity Test
1. Consider the following statements regarding the removal of chairperson of UPSC-

Select the correct answer using the Codes given below:

A. 1, 2, 3

1. President can refer the matter to the Supreme

Court for an enquiry.
2. Under the provisions of the Constitution, the advice tendered by the Supreme Court in this regard is not binding on the president.

B. 2, 3, 4

C. 1, 3 and 4

D. 1, 2 and


5. Consider the following statements regarding CAG.

1. He is appointed by the president for a term of 5
years or 65 years of age whichever is earlier.

3. During the course of enquiry by the Supreme

Court, the president has to suspend the chairman or the member of UPSC.

2. The CAG has no control over the issue of money

from the consolidated fund of India.


Which of the above statements are correctA. Only 1 and 2

D. None


1. A vigilance Commission is constituted in order

to keep a watch on the Panchayats.
2. Beneficiaries of various Government Programmes are identified.
3. Budget and programmes of village are framed.
4. Public related problems are discussed.

(Ph: 0422 - 4391758; Mob: + 91 - 78452 02153)

B. Only 2 and 3

C. All

3. The salary and service condition of CAG shall

be determined by the president.

2. Consider the following statements regarding the 74th

amendment act -

4. The CAG can be removed only on the grounds

of proved misbehaviour or incapacity.

1. It gave statutory status to the municipalities.

2. The act lays down that four-fifths of the members of a municipality should be elected by the
elected members of the district Panchayat and
municipalities in the district from amongst themselves.


Which of the statements is/are correct?

A. 1 and 3
3 and 4


Which of the given statements are true-

7. Consider the following statements about Election

Commission in India.


C. Only 3

1. Election Commission of India is a nonpermanent Constitutional Body.

2. The Secretariat of the Commission has an independent budget, which is finalised by the Cabinet.
3. The Commission ensures inner party democracy
in the functioning of registered political parties
by insisting upon them to hold their organizational elections at periodic intervals.

3. Consider the following statements.

1. The office of Solicitor General is a constitutional
2. The Attorney General of India is a member of
central cabinet.
Choose the correct answer from the codes given below.
A. 1 only

B. 2 only

C. Both 1 and 2

D. 1, 2,

A. Members of the Union Parliament belonging to

that area B. Elected members of the State Legislative belonging to that area C. Sarpanchas of all the
Panchayats D. All of the above are members

4. Metropolitan Planning Committee is mandatory

under the Act.

B. Only 1 and 2

C. 1, 2 and 3

6. Who among the following is not a member of the Panchayat Samiti?

3. District Planning Committee is voluntary under

the Act.

A. Only 1, 2 and 3
D. None

B. 2 and 4

D. None



4. The decisions of the Commission cannot be chal- 11. Which of the following are voluntary provisions under
the PRI Act?
lenged in the High Court and the Supreme Court
of the India by virtue of it being a Constitutional
1. Organisation of Gram Sabha in a village or group
of villages.
Select the incorrect statements from the codes given
2. Giving representation to members of the Parliabelow:
ment (both the Houses) and the state legislature
(both the Houses) in the panchayats at different
levels falling within their constituencies.

8. Which of the following statements about the election

commission are not correct:

3. Providing reservation of seats (both members

and chairpersons) for backward classes in panchayats at any level.

B. 1 and 2

C. 3 and 4


D. 1, 2 and

A. Only 1

4. Granting powers and authority to the panchayats to enable them to function as institutions
of self- government (in brief, making them autonomous bodies).


1. Qualifications of the election commissioner are

not prescribed in the constitution.
2. Term of the office of the election commissioner
are not specified in the constitution.
3. Election commissioner is not debarred from taking any roles after retirement from this position.

B. 2 and 3

C. 2, 3 and 4

D. All of


A. 2 and 4
the above

4. Constitution prescribes that election commission 12. Consider the following statements regarding FIRST
should be a three member body
Chose from the following options:
A. 1, 2 and 3

B. 1, 2 and 4

C. 2 only

1. In this method every party gets seat in the legislature in the proportion to the percentage of
votes that it gets.

D. 4

2. In this system voters vote for the candidate &

not for the Party.

9. Which of the following is/ are true with respect to


3. In this election method the winning candidate is

one who gets majority of the votes.


1. A proposer of any candidate can also be a candidate for the same constituency

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

2. The nomination of a candidate cannot be rejected by the Returning Officer for suppressing
or giving false information in the affidavit

A. Only 1

C. 1 and 2

D. 2 and 3

13. Consider the following statements with reference to

Lok Adalats:

3. Even if a candidate is contesting from two constituencies, one oath is sufficient.


B. Only 2

D. 1, 2 and

1. No appeal lies against the order of the Lok


10. Which of the following is not in the list of the 29

functional items placed in the purview of panchayats-

2. Resolution of disputes by settlement by the Lok

Adalats has been given statutory recognition by
the Legal Services Act, 1987.

B. 2 and 3

C. 1 and 3


A. 1 and 2

3. The procedural laws and the Evidence Act are

not strictly followed while assessing the merits
of the claim by the Lok Adalat

1. Fuel and Fodder

2. PDS
3. Libraries

Which of the above statements are correct?

4. Education

A. 1, 2

A. 1 and 2 only
B. 2 and 3
D. None of the above

B. 2. 3

C. 1, 3

D. 1, 2, 3

14. Which of the given below electoral reforms were made

prior to 1996?

C. 3 and 4



2. The reports of State Finance Commissions are

submitted to National Finance Commission so
that it may suggest ways to augment the consolidated fund of state.

1. The minimum gap between the last day of withdrawl and the polling date has been reduced to
14 days.
2. The facility to opt to vote through proxy was
provided to the service voters belonging to the
armed forces.

3. Chairman of 13th National Finance Commission

was Vijay Kelkar.

3. Provision was made to facilitate the use of electronic voting machines in elections.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

Which of the above is/are correct?

A. Only 2

B. 1 and 2

C. Only 3

B. 1, 3 only

C. 3 only

D. 1 only


A. 1, 2 only

18. Gerrymandering is a term generally used for:

D. 2 and 3

A. Situations when event of one country have a ripple effect on the surrounding countries
B. Falsifying the result of elections in any manner, for example
booth capturing or ballot rigging
C. Deliberate
change in the boundaries of a constituency in a manner such that a political advantage for particular party
gets established D. None of the above


15. Consider the following statements regarding

Comptroller & Auditor General In India. Which of
the following are incorrect?


A. CAG doesnt have powers to audit any private

sector companies under Companies act.
B. Supreme Court of India has expanded the scope
of jurisdiction of CAG recently where he got the 19. Which among the following statements are incorrect?
right to audit the receipts of private sector companies
that share revenue with the government for use of
1. The office of the CAG is modeled upon that of
the Auditor-General under the Government of
C. The CAG is removed from office in like manner
India Act, 1919.
and on the like grounds as a judge of either High
2. CAG, being a civil servant is subject to the proCourt or Supreme Court of India.
vision of Pleasure doctrine under Article 310 in
D. CAG is appointed by the President of India.
the matters of his removal.

3. The independence of the CAG is ensured by

making the tenure of his office amendable only
by special majority.


16. According to supreme court ruling on freebies which

of the following statement is correct

4. Article 74 endows the Prime Minister with the

power to advise the President.

1. Freebies promised by political parties in their

election manifestos shake the roots of free and
fair polls



A. 1, 2, 3 B. 2, 3, 4 C. 1, 3, 4 D. 1, 2, 3, 4
2. The promise of freebies in election manifestos
by political parties do not come under corrupt 20. Inter State Council enshrined in article 263 of constitution consists of following:
practices and electoral offences defined in the
Representation of the People Act
A. Prime Minister, Chief Ministers of all the states
and UT with legislatures, administrators of other
3. Freebies are directly related to the Directive
UTs, six central ministers including Home Minister
nominated by PM
B. Prime Minister, Chief Ministers of all the states
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
and UT with legislatures, administrators of other
A. 1 and 2 B. 2 and 3 C. 1 and 3 D. 1, 2 and
UTs, two minsters from each state, six central minis3
ters including Home Minister nominated by PM
C. Prime Minister, Chief Ministers of all the states
17. With reference to membership of the Finance Comand UT with legislatures, administrators of other
mission, consider the following statements:
UTs, members of Planning Commission, six central
ministers including Home Minister nominated by PM
1. State Finance commission is appointed every five
D. Prime Minister, Chief Ministers of all the states
years or at such earlier time when the governor
and UT with legislatures, administrators of other
considers necessary.



3. Establishment of School Management Committee in all schools.

UTs, members of Planning commission, Home Minister of every state, six central ministers including Home
Minister nominated by PM

A. 1 only
B. 2 and 3 only
C. 1 and 3 only
1. The chief election commissioner and the two
D. 1 and 2 only
other election commissioners have equal powers
but in case of difference of opinion amongst the 25. With reference to the Right of citizens for time bound
Chief Election Commissioner and/or two other
delivery of goods and services and redressal of their
election commissioners, the matter is decided by
Grievances bill, which of the following statements
chief election commissioner.
is/are correct?
2. They hold office for a term of five years or un1. Publishing of citizens charter is a must for the
til they attain the age of 65 years, whichever is
public authority stating the time in which the
service needs to be rendered.
Which of the given statements are NOT correct2. The Head of the Department in each public auA. Only 1 B. Only 2 C. Both D. None
thority shall be responsible for updating and verifying the Citizens Charter every year.
22. Read the following two statements about municipalities in the context of 74th amendment:
3. Any person who, does not receive a decision
within the time specified or is aggrieved by a de1. Reservation of SCs and STs in the proportion of
cision of the designated authority may appeal to
their population in the municipal area
the State Public Grievance Redressal Commission.
2. One third of the seats will be reserved for women,
excluding the number of seats reserved for SC
4. Appeal against the decisions of the State Public
and ST women
Grievance Redressal Commission can be filed in





the high court.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

B. Only 2

C. Both

A. 1 and 2 only B. 1, 3 and 4 only

3 only D. 2, 3 and 4 only

D. None

A. Only 1

C. 1, 2 and



23. Which of the following is/are correct about world Social forum?
26. The question of disqualification under the Tenth
Schedule is decided by the Speaker in the case of Lok
1. It is an organ of United Nations to promote equal
Sabha. The power of Speaker in this regard isrights for indigenous people
A. Arbitrary
B. Tribunal
C. Civil court
2. It is an annual meeting of various advocacy
D. None of the above
groups to oppose Neo-imperialism and capital27. Consider the following statementsism.
3. Its headquarter is located in Porto Alegre,

A. 1 and 2 only B. 1 and 3 only

D. All of the above

2. President appoints the attorney general of India

and Parliament determines his remuneration.


Select the correct answer using the code given below

1. Parliament can appoint a commission to investigate into the conditions of SCs, STs and other
backward classes.

C. 2 and 3 only

24. Which of the following statements regarding RTE Act

is/are correct?

Which of the above statements are true?

A. Only 1 B. Only 2
ther 1 and 2

C. Both 1 and 2

D. Nei-

1. It provides for prohibition of deployment of

teachers for non-educative work.
28. Consider the following statements with respect to alleged inhuman conditions of relief camps for riots vic2. It does not provide for educational qualifications
tims in a state in India:
of teachers.



1. Taking suo motu cognizance, NHRC may order 32. Which of the following statements are correct:
independent probe to inquire into violation of
1. The High court cannot issue writs to any person
human rights but only within one year of the
outside its territorial jurisdiction.
2. An aggrieved person can approach the Supreme
2. NHRC may order the state government to make
Court directly against the decision of a tribunal.
payment of compensation or damages to the victims.

A. 1 only.

B. 2 only.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

B. Only 2

C. Both

D. None.

33. Correct statements with regard to Panchayati Raj Institutions are:

D. None of the


A. Only 1

C. Both.

1. The people directly elect all members of Panchayat at the village, intermediate and district

29. consider the following statements regarding the cabinet committees:


2. Governor can remove the State Election Commissioner on the recommendation of the State

1. These are constitutional bodies.

2. These committees are set up by the President
according to the exigencies of the time and requirements of the situation.


3. The 73rd Amendment act of 1992 (PRI Act) is

applicable to all states except J& K.

3. Non-cabinet ministers are debarred from their


A. 1 only.
B. 1 and 3 only.
D. 2 and 3 only.

C. 1, 2 and 3.


4. These committees not only formulate proposals

for the consideration of the cabinet but also take 34. Corrects statement/s with regard to UTs is/are:
1. The parliament can make laws on any subject of three lists for the UT except Delhi and
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
A. 1 and 2 only B. Only 4 C. 1, 2 and 3 D. 1,
2. The Lt. Governor of Delhi is not empowered to
2, 3 and 4
promulgate ordinances.
30. Consider the following statements:
A. 1 only. B. 2 only. C. Both. D. None.


1. Provisions relating to the administration of tribal 35. Corrects statement/s with regard to Election Comareas in Schedule Sixth applies to whole North
mission is/are:
East Region.
1. The constitution debars the retiring election
2. Contemporary laws included in ninth Schedule
commissioners from any further appointment by
are open to judicial review.
the government.
A. Both 1 and 2
ther 1 nor 2

B. Only 1

C. Only 2

2. The election commission is not concerned with

the elections to state legislatures, for this the
constitution provides for a separate state election commission.

D. Nei-


31. Which of the following articles are correctly matched:

1. Election Commission - Article 338.

A. 1 only.

2. Finance Commission - Article 280.

C. Both.

D. None.

36. Which of the following statement/s is/are correct

with regard to Joint State Public Service Commission

3. National Commission for SCs - Article. 324

4. CAG - Article 148.
5. Attorney General of India - Article 76.

A. All except 1 and 5.

C. All except 2 and 5.
options are correct.

B. 2 only.

1. President can provide for a JSPSC on the request

of the state legislatures concerned.

B. All except 1 and 3.

D. None of the above

2. JSPSC will be considered as a constitutional

body with all the powers of a SPSC.


A. 1 only.

B. 2 only.


C. Both.

D. None.

37. Which of the following are quasi judicial bodies:

1. Finance Commission.
2. Central Vigilance Commission
3. National Human Rights Commission.
4. Central Information Commission.


5. Competition Commission of India.

6. Union Public Service Commission.
7. National Commission for SCs.


A. All except 1, 2 and 6. B. All except 2, 4 and 6.

C. All except 6. D. None of the above options are
38. Which of the following is/are not the functions of National Commission for SCs:


1. To advise on the planning process of socioeconomic development of the SCs.

2. To investigate all matters relating to OBCs.
A. 1 only.

B. 2 only.

C. Both.

D. None.

39. Which of the following official/s is/are appointed by

the President by Warrant under his hand and seal.

1. CAG.


2. Chairperson of National Commission of SCs.

3. Attorney General of India.
4. CVC

C. 1 and 3

A. 1, 2 and 4 only. B. 2 and 3 only.

only. D. 1, 2 and 3.


40. Which of the following funds/authorities/bodies can

be audited by CAG:
1. Consolidated funds of India, States & UTs having legislative assembly.


2. Contingency funds of India.

3. Public account of States.
4. Receipts and expenditures of PPP.
5. Local bodies.

A. 1, 2 and 3 only.
B. 1, 2 and 5 only.
4 and 5 only. D. All.

C. 1, 3,

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