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1. Give an example each for time limited and time unlimited signals.
2. Give an advantage and a disadvantage of digital communication.
3. State sampling theorem.
4. What is quantization error?
5. Which parameter is called figure of merit of a digital communication system and
6. What is meant by distortionless transmission?
7. Why is prefiltering done before sampling?
8. Define quantization noise power.
9. Draw the basic block diagram of digital communication system.
10. Define Half power bandwidth.
11. Compare uniform and non-uniform quantization.
12. What is meant by temporal waveform coding?
13. How can BER of a system improved?
14. Differentiate temporal waveform coding and model-based coding.
15. An analog signal with maximum frequency content of 3 KHz is to be transmitted
over M-ary PCM
system where M=16. What is the minimum number of bits/sample that should be
used for
digitizing the analog waveform? Assume quantization error < 1 % of peak-to-peak
analog signal.
16. Explain how PWM and PPM signals are generated.
17. Classify channels. Explain the mathematical model of any two communication
18. (i) Explain a non-uniform quantization process.
(ii) Write notes on temporal waveform coding.
19. (i) Explain a spectral waveform encoding process.
(ii) Compare various speech encoding methods.
20. Draw a neat block diagram of a typical digital communication system and
explain the function of the
key signal processing blocks.
21. (i) Distinguish between baseband and band pass signaling.
(ii) Explain Binary symmetric channel and Gaussian channel with their mathematical
22. State the Nyquist sampling theorem. Demonstrate its validity for an analog
signal x(t) having a
Fourier transform x(f) which is zero outside the interval -f m < f < +fm
23. Explain in detail the Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalisation procedure.
24. Discuss in detail the different mathematical models of communication channel.
25. (i) A television signal has a bandwidth of 4.5 MHz. This signal is sampled,
quantized and binary coded
to obtain a PCM signal.
(1) Determine the sampling rate if the signal is to be sampled at a rate 20% above
Nyquist rate,
(2) If the samples are quantized into 1024 levels, determine the number of binary

required to encode each sample.

(3) Determine the binary pulse rate of the binary coded signal, and the minimum
required to transmit this signal.
(ii) Compare different speech coding techniques.
26. (i) Explain the following sampling techniques with necessary waveforms.
(1) Impulse sampling
(2) Natural sampling.
(ii) Write a short note on spectral waveform encoding.
27. (i) Explain the communication channel models.
(ii) State the advantages and disadvantages of digital communication systems.
28. (i) Explain sub-band coding.
(ii) Explain the working of DPCM system. Derive the equation for slope overload
noise distortion in
DPCM system.

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