Easergy Range L500: Supervision System For MV Substations

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Technical leaflet

Easergy range L500

MV substation supervision system

Supervision system for MV substations

Easergy L500 is a basic SCADA system running under Windows 7
and Windows 8 - 32 or 64 bits, Windows Server 2012, designed to
monitor, in a few clicks, the products of the Schneider Electric
Telecontrol Easergy range and of the Schneider Recloser Solutions
ADVC range with ACR function (series U and series N).
Its relevant functions and its quality/price ratio make it an exceptional
tool for the following applications: :
Remote control of small networks
Provisional system pending the implementation of a DMS
Maintenance of the installed base.
Easergy L500 assures you of:

Easy-to-use supervisor
Investment focused solely on
network devices
Very short return on investment
Immediate quality service (reduced
Short training period required for
Configured by operators using a
simple configuration tool

A quick return on capital through operation of your network as of

the initial investment in substations.
Validation of your Master Plan without the establishment of a DMS
type remote control system.
Adapted and gradual learning by the personnel in charge of
network operation.
With the guarantee of compatibility of the Easergy range (T200,
F200C and G200) and of the ADVC range with ACR function (series
U and N) with any type of SCADA DMS proven by our projects, we
offer you a comprehensive solution for the initial phases of your
project while capitalizing on the investment made in substations.

Technical leaflet



Functional contributions of the

L500 system


Easergy L500 incorporates all the functions for

real-time operation of the MV network:
An acquisition system with native management of
RS232 type interfaces, Hayes modem and IP
communications (up to 10 communication ports


In addition, through the addition of accessories, the

L500 can manage the following types of link:

Leased line
Optical fibre

Please don't hesitate to consult us for the choice of



Various transmission modes depending on the

type of link:
Permanent transmission
(cyclic polling of devices).

Non-permanent transmission (data interchange

upon alarm at the initiative of the remote terminal
units or the supervisor)

Semi-permanent transmission (in TCP/IP only:

open TCP connection but data exchanged on
change of state or any action on either side
requiring a connection to update data).

Two communication protocols, serial and IP,

are available

Modbus and Modbus TCP

IEC 60870-5-101 and IEC 60870-5-104


Flite 116

Flair 200C

Alarm views
Refreshed in real time.

The last 6 alarms are displayed on all the views.

An overall alarm view. Can be consulted by substation and by filter. They are
animated by colours according to their status.

An archive log
Can be consulted by substation and by filter.
The archive logs are archived in a proprietary database or in an SQL database.
A system view
With status of communication equipment.
Multistation architectures
Allowing network management by several operator stations.

A control station with 1 or 2 screens.

Web access

Access secured by password.

Several profiles (viewing, control, configuration) can
be configured.

1 or 2 simultaneous accesses for standby duty station or mobile station.

Please don't hesitate to consult us for more than 2 simultaneous Web

A general view with representation of the

network (mimic diagram or geographic)

A project configuration tool

The remotely controlled substations are managed

upon alarm synthesis.
A substation view
Single-line illustration of the substation with:
Switch position, earthing switch, fault passage
indicator, measurements, trend curves for certain

Sending of opening and closing orders secured

by selection/confirmation

Communications status: call, date of last


For the creation of remotely controlled substations and transmissions in a few


The applications can be constantly enhanced by this editor

The illustrations of network and substation views can be enhanced by the

supervisor's graphics editor

Complementary system functions

Remote terminal unit time setting by the protocol

Call management: general check, automatically and at the operator's

request, regular call, one-off call on request

Event log printer management

Numerous accessories come with the Easergy L500 offering.

The detail views can be accessed from the

network view (click on the substation) or from a list
of substations

Easergy G500 FSK or FFSK radio modem

PSTN and GSM modem

FSK 4-wire leased line modem

RS232/optical fibre interface

External luminous and audible alarm

Technical leaflet



Basic principles of the L500 system

The L500 is designed to include all basic functions needed to manage an
electrical MV network. An extension of the functionality is possible.
To summarize, the system comprises the following components:

operator interface

Basic control and surveillance functions (SCADA)


Example of MV network view


Communication mediums

Project configuration tools (L500 configurator)

The operator interface is a human-machine interface (HMI) which allows

users to interact with the system in the most efficient and simple manner
Three operating modes are available at the system level.
The HMI covers each mode:
Run mode: The operator monitors and controls the electrical network
under safe conditions

Edit mode: The operator can modify the system to create and update
the electrical network diagram and customize the MV substation views

Configuration mode: The supervisor system administrator can

configure the system operating parameters (user access and rights,
screen layout, etc.)

These various operating modes are secured thanks to the use of operator
rights mechanisms.
The HMI of the L500 system is available for several language combinations :




(*): The devices available in Russian and Chinese are the T200 and the Flair200C series 3.

Exemple of MV substation view

The L500 system proposes a comprehensive range of control and

monitoring functions (SCADA). This range includes the following functions:
Retrieval, processing and display of network data (for example, status of
the component, analogue values, etc.)

Sending of control orders (e.g. open, closed, etc.) to network devices


and event generation

Trend functions

Manual configuration of non-remotely-controlled devices (simulation of

T200 only)
Control operations can be performed directly on the diagram symbols in just
a few simple clicks:

Display of detailed zones in the MV electrical network

Remote control of a device to change its position


Technical leaflet



Network data processing

Telesignals (TS) are associated with the background map symbols, e.g.
switchgear.The change of status of a telesignal updates the corresponding
symbol. This updating is dynamic and results in a change of shape. The
symbols accordingly inform the operator of the status of the network devices
(e.g., opening or closing of switchgear / fault on the network).
The updating of telemeasurements depends on the protocol used. In
Modbus, the measurements are updated whenever polling is performed on
the device

Example of MV substation view

In 60870-5-101/104, the measurements are updated on establishing

connection, then either when the dead band is exceeded or cyclically
depending on the configuration of the device. At any time, a general check
can be performed to retrieve the current value.
Lastly, telecontrols (TC) allow real-time control of switchgear via RTUs, and
more generally sending of orders or remote controls (opened or closed) to
the RTUs.

Alarms management
An alarm is the consequence of detection of an event that should attract the
operator's attention. It may have various causes, e.g. the processing of a
status change, the failure of a component of the remote control system or an
anomaly observed following or during a control operation.
The alarms are presented in the form of an "alarm list" window. The general
alarm list shows the last 1000 alarms on all the substations. A filter shows
specific alarms by substation.

Updating of the system database

Alarm view

Consistency of the system data with the RTU data is ensured by the
repatriation of telesignals from the RTU. This update of states regarding
informations/data/measures is called a "general control" (GC).
Requests for a general check on a RTU can be made at the initiative of the
operator or automatically by a cyclic call.
Moreover, during a call issued by the RTU (case of an alarm), the remote
control system repatriates the entire database from the RTU.

System synchronization
The system synchronizes cyclically the RTUs via the protocol. Time
stamping of events and alarms is managed at source by the RTUs.
Time stamping of system events is managed by the Supervisor.
The L500 system archives system events. The operator can process these
events via the archives view. Events can be filtered by date in order to limit
the display on screen.
The archives are of the proprietary type (usable only via the L500), or SQL
type (open to third-party tools).
Log view

The L500 incorporates the SQL Express version allowing archiving of up

to10 GB.

Technical leaflet



Event archiving
The events reported are the result of a sort based on criteria entered by the
operator. The latter can retrieve the events that have occurred from or up to
given date, corresponding to one of the following selection criteria:
Events concerning the whole the system (synchronization, access

Events concerning a given "substation"


the events are time-stamped (date + time), and the source of the date

(RTU or supervisor) is specified

Telemeasurement archiving
Archived telemeasurements are presented to the operator in the form of
curves using trend functions. These curves, added by customization, can be
displayed or printed.

Communication with remote terminal units (RTUs)

The system manages up to 10 networks and several protocols
simultaneously. The system is capable of managing the following protocols:

IEC 870-5-101 and Modbus RTU for so-called serial' networks.

The Modbus and IEC 870-5-101 protocols of the L500 support time stamping
of events.

IEC 870-5-104 and Modbus TCP for so-called IP networks.

The Modbus TCP and IEC 870-5-104 protocols of the L500 support time
stamping of events.
The L500 can manage a variable number of devices depending on the
communication medium and the number of variables. Please don't hesitate
to consult us.

Communication networks
The L500 can communicate with RTUs on the following networks: GSM / PSTN / GPRS / Ethernet.
It can also communicate with LL, RS485 and Radio networks by adding RS232 converters to the type of link to be managed.
Special attention has been paid to IP networks (Ethernet and GPRS).

In Modbus TCP protocol, the L500 manages the following access modes:

Permanent : for Ethernet and high-speed networks. The L500 performs Master/Slave type polling in this mode. Refreshment of
variables on screen is instantaneous
Semi-permanent : for GPRS networks. Communication is of the Master/Master type. Data interchange between devices takes
place: upon alarm/upon routine general check and at the user's request. Since invoicing on GPRS networks is based on the
volume of data exchanged, this mode offers the user an economical means of communication for this type of network
Non-permanent : for devices with low power supply (e.g. G200 with solar panel power supply)

With the IEC 870-5-104 protocol, the L500 manages only semi-permanent access.

GPRS communications between devices require the use of a private APN to:

Secure exchanges with the devices

Have static IP addresses on the devices

Be protected from undesirable flows for solar devices

This access mode is provided by the telephone operator.

Please don't hesitate to consult us for further information.

Technical leaflet



System architecture
The L500 is a scalable, modular system which adapts to each specific case, thus providing energy distributors with a solution
adapted to their needs:

The L500 can be used as a standalone system.

The L500 can also use a multistation architecture:

Addition of operator stations on the Ethernet network: multistation options
Addition of Web access for mobile operators or in situation on duty at home: WebVue option

In modern remote control systems, it is essential that users have efficient maintenance and configuration functions.

L500 Server station

L500 client Stations

L500 client Stations


PSTN, Leased line, GSM, Radio, xDSL


WebVue access

Creation and initialization of configuration data

The L500 offers a sophisticated tool allowing operators to create and upgrade the electrical network: the L500 configurator. The
operators are not necessarily software experts; these tools are therefore fully integrated into the control system with automatic
creation functionalities. The operators can thus modify the network diagram and the associated database without risk and with
minimum suspension of normal operation. Distribution networks are subject to frequent changes, usually each week and at certain
periods each day. This frequency can entail significant costs of updating and maintenance of the network diagram.
To fully meet these operator requirements, the L500 provides a communication network and equipment editor specially designed
for electrical distribution networks. This editor is a high-level tool which uses graphic editing functions. The operator no longer
needs specific database skills; he is therefore relieved of complex, long (repetitive) data entry operations that are sources of
errors. The editor contains a library of electrical equipment of the Easergy and ADVC ranges (G200, Flair 200C, T200I&P, ADVC
ACR series U and N) and offers automatic creation of transmission modes appropriate for links of the GSM/GPRS, PSTN,
Ethernet, Radio and RS485 type.
All data are generated from the L500 configurator. Start-up therefore requires no special knowledge and can be performed by the
operator himself.

Technical leaflet



Operating system

Windows 7 or 8 - 32 or 64 bits
Windows Server 2012

Communication networks


Intel Core I5
RAM 4 Go

Hard drive

ATA 7200 tr/min > 100 GB

Network card

1 RJ45 GigaBit Ethernet

Inputs / Outputs

2 USB minimum
Serial ports (RS232, etc.); the number depends on the external modems
used for the application (phone, radio, or GSM)

Video card

NVIDIA GeForce 512 MB or equivalent

In order to use the multi-screen feature (up to 4 screens), the video card
must be able to manage such a number of screens and the extended
desktop mode

Communication networks

RS232, PSTN and IP connection (Ethernet, GPRS) in native.

Specialised line, fiber optic, RS485, Radio via modems and accessories.

Communication ports

Up to 10 COM RS232 or Hayes

Communication protocols

Modbus RTU / Modbus TCP

CEI 870-5-101 / CEI 870-5-104

Maximum number of devices

Depends on the type of media and number of variables.

Please contact us.

Number of variables available

250 / 1000 / 5000 / 65000

Type of architecture

Multistation: 1 server / n clients (n depending on the size of the application)
Requires the purchase of a "Full Version" key and n "Client station" keys
Web access: Up to 2 users simultaneously, above that please consult us.
Requires the purchase of a "Full Version + WebVue" key ref.: L500-FWBV1-X-1 (1 user) or L500FWBV21-X-1 (2 users)



Horn option allowing visual indication of the presence of a fault


GSM Gener modem


Easergy G500 modem with FSK radio modem


Easergy G500 modem with FFSK radio modem


USB PSTN modem


Easergy G500 modem with RS232 interface


FSK 1200 baud LL modem, Black box


RS232 optic insulator, Black box


Power supply for GSM Gener modem


Schneider applies a policy of continual improvement of its products and its services. Each L500 system is implemented with the
most recent available version of the system.
System updating and maintenance can take several forms:
Hardware extension of the system,
Extension of system functionalities,
Upgrading of the system software to a new version.
In view of changing customer needs, Schneider Electric proposes a maintenance and service policy based on contracts and services adapted to each case.
Please don't hesitate to contact your dealer for more information.



ART.837845 Schneider Electric - All rights reserved

Technical leaflet

Schneider Electric

35, rue Joseph Monier

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Publishing: Schneider Electric
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