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Egyptian Cartouche Initiations

Workshop 2 Days - The Initiations into Egyptian symbols brings

about a state of heightened awareness and clarity. There are 24
Initiations into the ancient archetypal universal symbols from Egypt
and Atlantis which can enhance healing powers and psychic
development. Cartouche is the oval in which the hieroglyphs are
drawn. The book and cards called "The Way of Cartouche" by Murry
Hope does an excellent job of explaining the fundamental symbols.

YOD - is the first initiation that opens the initiate to inner knowing.
The remaining initiations connect the initiate to archetypal energies.
The difference that the initiate feels after the initiations is that the
Egyptian symbols and the energy they create has more substance.,
connects initiate to higher thought patterns
Yod Initiating Symbol hold to your forehead
The diamond represents wisdom, the curving lines are
the raised arms of the initiate seeking help, the vertical
line shows the power flowing down in a grounded
manner into the mind and heart and body of the seeker.

Yod is the first active thing, Heh is the

receptive second thing, Vau is the gentle and
profound affection between them, and Heh
the second is the portal to new dimensions
this energy seeks.
Yod Heh Vau Heh was known as the Tetragrammaton, the hidden holy
name of God, the cornerstone of creation. It is written in Hebrew this

except it would be right to left

Now gaze at each card, then hold it to your forehead and imagine
walking into the Great Pyramid and meeting the person or thing
pictured in the card, who will grant you new energy alignments.
First you will get the modern energy interpretations, then the visual
symbols of a convenient deck and its oracular meanings. The cards will
also be found in another file which is printable for your convenience.

No 1 : Osiris (Ausar)
Osiris - the good father, teacher, consoler, the warrior who protects
God of the underworld, resurrection, responsibility, stability, spirituality.
Father Figure. Stability, Wisdom, Honesty, Justice, Respect for those older
and wiser, Philosophical matters, Responsibility
Spiritual strength in times of need.
Rely upon your own judgement.
A degree of security and a stability.
Success through practical efforts and self-discipline.
Take responsibility for your spiritual growth and the direction your
life takes.
Take responsibility for your decisions

No 2 : Isis (Auset)
Isis - the nurturing mother, earth magic, earth power, earth divination. The
Isis Blue Moon energy is a beautiful yet simple energy that can be used for
healing and balancing of other energies such as the four elements of fire,
air, water and earth. It can run cold with the resultant practitioner looking
'blue' when using it
Wife/sister of Osiris, patroness of mothers, embodiment of maternal love
and care, goddess of magic. Compassion, Esoteric Arts, Perseverance,
Maternal Love, Nurturing
Help from the other side is at hand.
The issue in question should be persevered with and nurtured, not
pushed forward too quickly
Trust your intuition for something may be hidden from view at this
Psychic and spiritual development.
A period of going within to plant seeds for the next stage of your life.
A time of retreat to absorb lessons learnt on a physical level.
People involved in the welfare of others ie the caring professions.

No 3 : Horus (Heru)
Horus - healing of the physical eyes as well as the third eye.
Son of Osiris and Isis, avenger of the slain Osiris, defender of the family.
Patron of Families & Homes. Courage, Creativity, Balance, The Arts,
Beauty, Family.
Strong healing energies for conditions affecting the physical body.
Family situations, family loyalty, reliability and devotion.
A good omen for those who feel they have been unfairly treated.
Personal charm and charisma

No 4 : Bast
Bast - psychic abilities and psychic protection
Daughter of Osiris and Isis, overseer of orgies, sexuality, sensuality,
psychological health. Patroness of Cats, Happiness, Intuition, Protection,
Success, Devotion, Mental Healing, Generosity, Caution
Mental worries will soon pass and be replaced with happiness thus
bringing with it good health.
Also stands for devotion, generosity and the arts (acting, painting,
dancing or singing).
Walk with care and caution in whatever area of life is under
consideration and you will succeed.
Follow your intuition.
Psychic protection.
Liking for warmth, attention and affection.
Give out as you wish to receive.
Fidelity to the family unit.
Happiness, inner peace and a need to express yourself

No 5 : Thoth
Thoth - lord or karma, lord of time, healer and magician

God of writing, teaching, law, medicine and magic. Patron of Healers

Healing, Education, Fate, Karma, The Law, Education.
Healing of the spirit.
Interest in alternative therapies, herbal/homoeopathic remedies or
natural healing gifts.
Knowing the appropriate response or action for each situation as it
Matters of Law, writing ability and the spoken word.
Skills in formal medicine.
Creativity and faith in life's possibilities.
Renewed hope, inner peace.
Actions and feelings bringing a sense of inner peace.
Good luck.

No 6 : Hathor (Het Hert)

Hathor - patron of women and beauty. Her mirror is protective as it reflects
back both negativity and harmony to the sender times ten
Egyptian goddess of beauty. Patroness of Women, Patience, Courage,
Nurturing, Astrology, Self-Assurance, Organisation.
Strong-minded, organisers of groups and causes, career women and
the woman who appears in a role of the supportive partner.
Well organised, well groomed.
Positive outlook.
Likes the good things in life ie fine food, quality clothes and
furniture etc.
Harmony and stability on the home front.

No 7 : Nephthys (Nebt Het)

Nephthys - hidden knowledge
Sister of Isis, goddess of decay and putrefaction, psychic receptivity,
obscurity. The Hidden One
Psychic Talents, Peace, Esoteric Arts, Keeping ones own counsel,

Could represent a person of the Light with deep spiritual beliefs and
strong psychic talents or somebody leaning in that direction.
All things hidden yet to be revealed.
Wait and see because you are not to know yet. The information is
hidden because if it were given it could sway your reasoning and
affect your karma.

No 8 : Ptah
Ptah - architect, builder, patron of men
The Great Architect of the Universe, the opener of the creative cycle which
gave birth to the universe, manual skill, care for the community. Patron of
Men, Masculinity, Craftsmanship, Inventiveness
You have the tools.
Hard work and progress.
The craftsman or tradesman skilful with his hands.
Now is the time to start new projects.
It is a positive time to initiate action and execute plans.
A clear sense of purpose and an application of willpower can result
in success.
A person who contributes to the community in general as well as to
himself and his family.

No 9 : Anubis (Anpu)
Anubis - protection and guidance
Guide of the dead in the underworld. The Guardian & Protector Protection,
Diplomacy, Humour, Navigation, Guidance.
Provides guidance through difficulties.
Careful speech.
Able to steer a straight course through life's troubled waters.
Impending journey is indicated.
Movement is on the way.
Act now without concern for the risks.
Living in the moment and feeling connected with life as a result.
Protection during travel

No 10 : Set
Set - Slayer of Osiris, God of chaos and death, the Egyptian equivalent of
Satan, defeated in battle by Horus (avenger of the slain Osiris). Opposition,
Obstacles, Problems & Delays at all levels.
Subconsciously we are the cause of our own problems and
restrictions and should not put the blame on others.

Look within yourself for the answers.

Irritating upsets.

No 11 : Fire
Fire - connection to the fire elementals
Energy, Heat, Expansion, Creativity, Loyalty.
Spiritually suggests creative gifts that can be used to bring Light.
Personal energy and mental creativity.
Burn up the old for the new.
Purifying and refining.

No 12 : Air
Air - connection to the air elementals
Intelligence, Movement, Ideas, Communication, Work & Business, Travel.
Communication at all levels.
Air always moves things on blowing away the cobwebs in the
A good memory for facts and figures.
Friendly and communicative but detached.
Dislike of being tied down.
Speed of thought and action.
Travel is indicated.

No 13 : Water
Water - connection to the water elementals
Change, Coolness, Relationships, Emotions, Flowing.
Emotional change.
Awareness of the sufferings of others.
Changeful situation - not fixed.
Travel across water could be suggested.

No 14 : Earth
Earth - connection to the earth elementals
Money, Solidity, Growth, Possessions, Work & Business Interests.
The person who has learnt that money and possessions are no more
than energies manifest at a level necessary for the negotiation of life.
The person who can handle money, take care of property and puts
something back into the earth.
Industrious and hardworking
Someone who has a green thumb
A person who cares about the Earth and our environment.

No 15 : Sirius
Sirius - connection to the star people
Hope, Extra-terrestrial energy, Space travel, Stamina, Adventure, Risktaking, Pioneering, Physical Strength.
Reach for the stars.
Endurance and physical energy.
Creativity and faith in life's possibilities.
A time for expansion.
Stamina and determination.

No 16 : Lotus
Lotus - peace of mind
Peace, Meditation, Contentment, Reflection, Continuity, Tranquillity.
Peace of mind at all levels.
A time to go within to meditate or to be still.
A definite release from life's tensions.
Don't worry all will work out peacefully and satisfactorily in the end.
A time for reflection.

No 17 : Crook & Flail

Crook & Flail - taking back our own authority. Helps to connect with the
path that was chosen before birth. When we release our wills to the Will of
God and surrender to our own path rather than try to recreate someone
else's or force things to happen our way, then life takes off! Things happen!
We meet the right people! The right opportunities come our way!
Disciplined mind, Authority, Leadership, Control, Mastery of the ego,
Worldly Status.
Represents authority of all kinds.
Be careful not to tread on the toes of people in a more senior
Success through self-discipline & practical efforts.
A strong business or worldly success.
Success through patience and persistence.
A step up in the world.
Could represent travel.

No 18 : Uraeus - Snake
Uraeus - power, ancient knowledge
Integrity, Wisdom, Occult adept ship, Control of sexual force, Honesty,
Uprightness, Movement, Soundness of judgement, Intuition, Strong
Dreams, Mysticism.
The careful and wise handling of a situation.
Cautiously wait until the time is right to strike.
Face your fears because they may be stopping you from achieving
what you want.
Powerful dreams are trying to tell you something, listen to them and
you could find the answer you seek
Look beyond the surface to find out what is actually going on in a
You will outwit people who do not have your best interests at heart.

No 19 : Winged Disc
Winged Disk - success
Spiritual Guidance, Victory, Flight, Following one's intuition, Inspiration,
Wise guidance on a spiritual level.
Ability to rise above problems or difficulties.
A time for reflection.

No 20 : The Twins
Twins - connection to the twin flame, our guardian angel, who watches out
for us from the world of spirit. It is our twin flame, who holds the other 2/3
masculine (or feminine) and 1/3 feminine (or masculine) balance of who
we are.
Partnership, Integration, Attraction of opposites, Marriage.
Integration of the masculine and the feminine.
A card for decisions usually about a relationship.
An important relationship in your life.
A loving partner who gives practical and emotional support.
The opportunity in a relationship to grow and develop.
Partnership could be work or business related.

No 21 : Sphinx
Sphinx - animal medicine and the connectedness between the animals,
ourselves and Mother Earth.
Strength, Patience, Secrecy, Observation.
Keep your own counsel about whatever is being referred to.

Sit back, observe be patient, say nothing and wait.

Could also represent lessons learned through observation rather than
Sphinx shows the ability to keep a secret or to find one out.
You have the ability to face life, difficult circumstances or change
with hope, inner strength and courage.
Having the inner strength to face your inner fears and desires instead
of subjecting them to your will.
Love of animals.

No 22 : Scarab
Scarab - transformation
Rebirth, Adaptability, Acceptance, Change, Death of a situation.
A spiritual rebirth.
A new beginning or new phase in life.
The ability to adapt to a new situation
"Move things around" - clean our your wardrobe, try a new hair style
All things must pass.
Death puts an end to the old to make way for the new.
Have faith that life will bring something better than it takes from
Do not struggle against this change, instead try to accept it.
Cast off the old for the new.
Release the past with love and let it go.

No 23 : Pyramid
Pyramid - initiation and protection
Preservation, Initiation, Longevity, Enduring through time, Eternity.
An initiation or test condition.
On a spiritual level the initiation is likely to be of the self imposed
kind which means that no-one else can help. You have the knowhow
to come out on top.
Time will sort the whole thing out.
You are being tested. Hold tight and you will make it in the end.
Good news eventually.
It is only a temporary situation and you may benefit if you use the
time wisely.
Go with the flow and you may be pleasantly surprised.

No 24 : Ankh
Ankh - the key. After the initiations the Ankh serves as the energizer. the
key., much as Cho Ku Ray is the energiser of Tera-Mai Reiki and Tera-Mai

Seichem symbols
Emotional Love, Fulfilment, The life-force, The key to a problem,
Understanding, Balance
Ankh represents Love depending on which area of life is in question
it could represent a good marriage, a love affair, love of money or
material possessions, love of friendships, love of writing or
communication, love of law, order and discipline and so on.
You are open to receive new opportunities, it may be a new
relationship or a new stage of an existing relationship.
A time when you feel emotionally fulfilled.
It can suggest that someone in a relationship with you is helping you
to connect with your spiritual purpose.

No 25 : Buckle of Isis
Buckle of Isis - fertility in ones endeavors
Fertility, Loyalty, Childbirth, Birth of a project, Growth but with sacrifice.
Represents prosperity in investments, the family, farming or
anything you care to name, however, there is a price to pay at some
point in the proceedings. ie People who give up valuable careers to
care for family or nurse or care for another person.
Can also indicate a new addition to the family, promotion at work
which may entail overtime or more stress.

Cartouche Cards and their Indications

Information & Cards taken from the Book The Way of Cartouche by Murry
Hope - some of the meanings have been added onto by those at Atlantis
Rising. The Initiations into Egyptian symbols brings about a state of
heightened awareness and clarity. There are 24 Initiations into the ancient
archetypal universal symbols from Egypt which can enhance healing
powers and psychic development. Cartouche is the oval in which the
hieroglyphs are drawn.
No 1 Osiris

Father Figure - A Tree Stability, Wisdom,

Honesty, Justice, Respect for those older and
wiser, Philosophical matters, Responsibility, A
Father Figure. Spiritual strength in times of
Rely upon your own judgement. A time for
laying foundations and putting roots down.
A degree of security and a stability.
Success through practical efforts and selfdiscipline.
Take responsibility for your spiritual growth
and the direction your life takes.
Take responsibility for your decisions.May be a need to become
more grounded.A time of Action.

No 2 Isis Patron of Mothers

Compassion, Esoteric Arts, Perseverance, Maternal

Love, Nurturing. Help from the other side is at hand.
The issue in question should be persevered with and
nurtured, and not pushed forward too quickly.
Trust your intuition for something may be hidden
from view at this point.
Psychic and spiritual development.
A period of going within to plant seeds for the next
stage of your life.
A time of retreat to absorb lessons learnt on a
physical level.
People involved in the welfare of others ie the caring

A time for taking time out for self care ie getting close to
nature, walking in a park or along a beach.

No 3 Horus

Patron of Families & Homes

Courage, Creativity, Balance, The Arts, Beauty,
Strong healing energies for conditions affecting the
physical body.
Family situations, family loyalty, reliability and
A good omen for those who feel they have been
unfairly treated.
Personal charm and charisma.
Nurture creative talents be they musical, dancing, painting etc.

No 4 Bast

Patroness of Cats
Happiness, Intuition, Protection, Success, Devotion,
Mental Healing, Generosity, Caution.
Mental worries will soon pass and be replaced with
happiness thus bringing with it good health.
Also stands for devotion, generosity and the arts
(acting, painting, dancing or singing).
Walk with care and caution in whatever area of life
is under consideration and you will succeed.
Follow your intuition.
Psychic protection.
Liking for warmth, attention and affection.
Give out as you wish to receive.
Fidelity to the family unit.
Happiness, inner peace and a need to express yourself.

No 5 Thoth
Patron of Healers
Healing, Education, Fate, Karma, The Law,
Healing of the spirit.
Interest in alternative therapies,
herbal/homoeopathic remedies or natural
healing gifts.
Knowing the appropriate response or action for
each situation as it arises.
Matters of Law, writing ability and the spoken
Skills in formal medicine.
Creativity and faith in life's possibilities.
Renewed hope, inner peace.
Actions and feelings bringing a sense of inner peace.
Love of Learning.

No 6 Hathor

Patroness of Women
Patience, Courage, Nurturing, Astrology, SelfAssurance, Organisation.
Strong-minded, organisers of groups and causes,
career women and the woman who appears in
the role of the supportive partner.
Well organised, well groomed.
Positive outlook.
A born organiser.
Likes the good things in life ie fine food, quality
clothes and furniture etc.
Harmony and stability on the home front.

Love of children.

No 7 Nephthys

The Hidden One

A Seeker of the Truth, Spriitual Growth, Psychic
Talents, Peace, Esoteric Arts, Keeping ones own
counsel, Receptiveness, An Opening of the Heart.
Could represent a person of the Light with deep
spiritual beliefs and strong psychic talents or
somebody leaning in that direction.
All things hidden yet to be revealed.
Wait and see because you are not to know yet. The
information is hidden because if it were given it could
sway your reasoning and affect your karma.

No 8 Ptah

Patron of Men
Masculinity, Craftsmanship, Inventiveness You
have the tools.
Hard work and progress.
The craftsman or tradesman skilful with his hands.
Now is the time to start new projects.
It is a positive time to initiate action and execute
A clear sense of purpose and an application of
willpower can result in success.
A person who contributes to the community in
general as well as to himself and his family. A good
time for home renovations.

No 9 Anubis

The Guardian & Protector

Protection, Diplomacy, Humour, Guidance. Provides
guidance through difficulties.
Careful speech.
Able to steer a straight course through life's troubled
Impending journey is indicated.
Act now without concern for the risks.
Living in the moment and feeling connected with life
as a result.Could represent loyalty of those in your
environment.Protection during travel. Love of
animals especially dogs.

No 10 Set
Opposition, Obstacles, Problems & Delays at all
levels. Subconsciously we are the cause of our own
problems and restrictions and should not put the
blame on others.
Look within yourself for the answers.
Set represents all forms of opposition, delays,
hindrances and unforeseen problems.Can indicate
one's personal opposition to an idea, to change or to
a proposed project.
Irritating upsets.
No 11 Fire

Energy, Creativity, Loyalty. Spiritually suggests

creative gifts that can be used to bring Light.
Personal energy and mental creativity.
Burn up the old for the new.
Purifying and refining. Depending on the question

and where the Fire card falls it could be interpreted that the person
receiving the reading or someone close to them is a Fire Sign. If it were
to fall in the future someone who is an Fire Sign maybe coming into or
have an influence on the person receiving the reading. Fire Signs are
Aries,Leo, Sagittarius.
No12 Air
Intelligence, Communication, Work & Business,
Travel, Teaching. Communication at all levels.
Air always moves things on blowing away the
cobwebs in the process.A good memory for facts and
Friendly and communicative but at the same
time aloof.
Dislike of being tied down.
Speed of thought and action. News arriving about
your question.
Travel by air is indicated. Depending on the question and where the
Air card falls it could be interpreted that the person receiving the
reading or someone close to them is an Air Sign. If it were to fall in the
future someone who is an Air Sign maybe coming into or have an
influence on the person receiving the reading. Air Signs are Gemini,
Libra, Aquarius.
No 13 Water

Change, Emotions, Flowing. Emotional change.

Awareness of the sufferings of others.
Changeful situation - not fixed. A time of
cleansing.Go with the flow. Travel across water could be
suggested. A love of history.Love & respect of ancient
times.Growth from the lessons learnt.
Depending on the question and where the Water card
falls it could be interpreted that the person receiving
the reading or someone close to them is a Water Sign.
If it were to fall in the future someone who is a Water
Sign maybe coming into or have an influence on the
person receiving the reading. Water Signs are Pisces,
Cancer, Scorpio.

No 14 Earth

Money, Possessions, Work & Business Interests,

Growth and Fertility.
The person who can handle money, take care of
property and puts something back into the earth.
Industrious and hardworking
The person who has learnt that money and
possessions are no more than energies manifest at a
level necessary for the negotiation of life.
Someone who has a green thumb
A person who cares about the Earth and our
It could be that the person having the reading needs to come down to
Earth and ground themselves.
May enjoy working with crystals and gems.
Depending on the question and where the Earth card falls it could be
interpreted that the person receiving the reading or someone close to
them is an Earth Sign. If it were to fall in the future someone who is an
Earth Sign maybe coming into or have an influence on the person
receiving the reading. Earth Signs are Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

No 15 Sirius

Hope, Pioneering, Adventure, Physical Strength.

Reach for the stars.
Endurance and physical energy.
Creativity and faith in life's possibilities.
A time for expansion.
Beliefs outside the square, that there are many
possibilities.Stamina and determination. A child of
the stars.

No 16 Lotus

Peace, Meditation, Tranquillity, Unconditional

Love, Beauty of Nature. Peace of mind at all levels.
A time to go within to meditate or to be still.
A definite release from life's tensions.
Don't worry all will work out peacefully and
satisfactorily in the end.
A time for reflection.Represents an opening of the

No 17 Crook & Flail

Disciplined mind, Authority, Mastery of the ego,

Worldly Status. Represents authority of all kinds.
Be careful not to tread on the toes of people in a more
senior position.
Success through self-discipline & practical efforts.
Mastering of the ego.
A strong business or worldly success.
Success through patience and persistence.
A step up in the world.
Could represent travel.

No 18
18 Uraeus

Integrity, Wisdom, Soundness of judgement,

Intuition, Strong Dreams, Mysticism. The careful and
wise handling of a situation.
Cautiously wait until the time is right to strike.
Face your fears because they may be stopping you
from achieving what you want.
Powerful dreams are trying to tell you something,
listen to them and you could find the answer you seek
Look beyond the surface to find out what is actually
going on in a situation.
Like the wise snake you will outwit people who do not
have your best interests at heart. Ancient wisdom.
No 19 Winged Disc

Spiritual Guidance, Inspiration, Success.

Wise guidance on a spiritual level.
A strong spiritual connection.
Ability to rise above problems or difficulties.
A feeling of freedom.
Freeflowing energies for pursuing a
worthwhile goal.

No 20 The Twins
Partnership, Integration, Marriage. Integration of
the masculine and the feminine.
A card for decisions usually about a relationship.
An important relationship in your life.
A loving partner who gives practical and emotional

Indication of marriage.
The opportunity in a relationship to grow and develop.
Partnership could be work or business related. A meeting of like
minds.Could represent a Gemini.

No 21 Sphinx

Strength, Patience, Secrecy, Observation. Keep your

own counsel about whatever is being referred to.
Sit back, observe be patient, say nothing and wait.
Could also represent lessons learned through
observation rather than participation.
Sphinx shows the ability to keep a secret or to find
one out.
You have the ability to face life, difficult
circumstances or change with hope, inner strength
and courage.
Having the inner strength to face your inner fears and desires instead
of subjecting them to your will.
Love of animals particularly cats.Could represent a Leo.

No 22 Scarab
Rebirth, Renewal, Adaptability, Acceptance, Change,
Death of a situation. A spiritual rebirth.
A new beginning or new phase in life.
The ability to adapt to a new situation
"Move things around" - clean our your wardrobe,
try a new hair style etc.
All things must pass.
Death puts an end to the old to make way for the
Have faith that life will bring something better than
it takes from you.
Do not struggle against this change, instead try to accept it.
Cast off the old for the new.
Release the past with love and let it go.

No 23 Pyramid
Preservation, Initiation, Eternity. An initiation or test
On a spiritual level the initiation is likely to be of the
self imposed kind which means that no-one else can
help. You have the knowhow to come out on top.
Time will sort the whole thing out.
You are being tested. Hold tight and you will make it
in the end.
Good news eventually.
It is only a temporary situation and you may benefit if
you use the time wisely.
Go with the flow and you may be pleasantly
surprised.Ancient knowledge.
No 24 Ankh

Emotional Love, Fulfilment, Understanding,

Balance, The Breath of Life, Protection. Ankh
represents Love depending on which area of life is
in question it could represent a good marriage, a
love affair, love of money or material possessions,
love of friendships, love of writing or
communication, love of law, order and discipline
and so on. A general love of life.You are open to
receive new opportunities, it may be a new
relationship or a new stage of an existing
A time when you feel emotionally fulfilled.
It can suggest that someone in a relationship with
you is helping you to connect with your spiritual
No 25 Buckle of Isis
Fertility, Loyalty, Growth with a sacrifice.
Represents Loyalty to family & friends.

Represents prosperity in investments, the family, farming or anything

you care to name, however, there is a price to pay at some point in the
proceedings. ie People who give up valuable careers to care for family or
nurse or care for another person. Can also indicate a new addition to the
family, promotion at work which may entail overtime or more stress.

Good luck with your Yod and Cartouche initiations!

Updated and condensed April 2009

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