EGR245 Mid-Term 1 Su 16

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Virginia Western Community College

EGR 245 Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics

Summer 2016
Mid-Term 1 [CLOSED BOOK]
Professor: Dr. R.L. Clark, Jr.
To the Proctor:
First, thank you for your willingness to assist one of VWCCs students in completing this requirement for this semesters
course at VWCC. Please sign this coversheet below:
Please contact the student you are proctoring and identify a 2-hour time block to administer this Mid-Term 1 to the
student between the dates of Friday, June 10th at noon EDT Friday, June 17th at 5:00 pm EDT.
The student is allowed to have the following items:
1. Calculator
2. Pencil(s)
3. Please make sure the student Prints and Signs his/her name on EACH page of the Mid-Term 1.
The student is NOT allowed to have:
1. Access to Internet
2. Use of computer or software
3. Any other individual
4. Textbook
Once either the student completes the Mid-Term 1 OR the 2-Hour time limit is reached, please collect the Mid-Term 1
and return to VWCC using one of the following methods:
1. FAX: 540-857-6944
a. (SUBLECT Line & Filename: StudentLastName_FirstName_EGR245_Mid_Term_1_Su_16.pdf)
3. Please DO NOT email my account.

Proctor Signature:
To the Student:
Have fun! Remember, each problem is worth 5 pts. (total = 20 pts.).
Please Print and Sign name on EACH page in the upper right-hand corner (5 pages).

Name: ________________________
EGR 245 Dynamics
Mid-Term (Summer 2016)
Show ALL work. Be methodical! If you cant solve a problem, write a qualitative explanation.
Each problem is worth 5 points.

1. The 0.5-lb block is pressed against a spring and released from rest. Ignoring friction, determine the
smallest deflection of the spring such that the block will travel around the loop and just remain in contact
with the loop at all times.

Name: ________________________
2. Car A moves with a constant speed shown below as it crosses the intersection. At this instant, Car B starts
from rest with the acceleration shown. Determine the (a) position, (b) velocity, and (c) acceleration of Car
B with respect to Car A five seconds after Car A crosses the intersection. (Hint: Watch units!)

Name: ________________________
3. Determine the acceleration of Block A (80 lb) when the system is released from rest. Block B weighs 20 lb
and kinetic friction between Block A and the incline is k = 0.2.

Name: ________________________
4. The crane swings a wrecking ball with a mass of 600 kg from a weightless cable with length of 12 m. If the
ball has a speed of 8 m/s at the instant it is at its lowest point, (a) determine the tension in the cable at this
instant. Also, (b) Determine the angle to which the ball swings before it stops.

Name: ________________________
EGR 245 Equation Sheet
P-2D > Kinematics & Kinetics

Name: ________________________
Variable Mass.

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