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Wheres the Washroom

Functional English

1. Ask where the washroom is

Read the exchanges, and practice with a partner.
A1: Can you tell me where the washroom is?
B1: It's upstairs.
A2: Do you know where the toilet is? ("toilet" is
common in British English)
B2: It's downstairs.
A3: Where is the ladies' room?
B3: On your right.
A4: Where is the mens' room?
B4: I'm not sure, sorry.
A5: Is there a restroom nearby?
B5: No, it's at the other side of the mall.

2. Practice asking "where is..."

Complete the dialogue, and practice with a partner.

A: Can you tell me ________ the washroom is?

3. Informal phrases
you may hear
I gotta go pee!

B: It's ____________.
A: Do you know where the _________ is?

I gotta go.

B: _____ downstairs.
A: _________ is the ladies' room?
B: On your ____________.

I need to use the little ladies'


A: Where is the mens' ________?

B: I'm not _______. Sorry.

Where's the loo?

A: ________ a restroom nearby?

B: No, it's ____ the other side ___ the mall.

Copyright 2013, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of in accordance with membership terms.

Wheres the Washroom

Functional English

4. Finding other important places

Change the information to other places you may need to find. Use the list of places below.
Practice your new dialogue with a partner.
the bank / the telephone / the restaurant / the beach / the shopping mall

A: Can you tell me where the __________________ is?

A: Do you know where the __________________ is?

A: __________________ is the telephone booth?

A: Where is __________________?

A: __________________ a bank nearby?

B: It's __________________.
B: It's __________________.

B: I'm __________________ sure. Sorry.

B: __________________ left.
B: Yes, it's __________________.

5. Sentence building.
Answer or write the questions or responses. Use complete sentences.

Where is the restroom? _____________________

Is there a washroom nearby? _______________

Do you know where the ladies' room is? ________________

Is the loo downstairs? ____________________

_____________________? It's on your left.

_____________________? No, it's downstairs.

_____________________? The bank is at the other end of the mall.

____________________ ? I'm not sure. Sorry.

I gotta go pee! _______________________


Is there a washroom in this restaurant? _________________.

Copyright 2013, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of in accordance with membership terms.

Wheres the Washroom

Functional English

6. Listening Practice
Listen to your teacher read the following list of words in a random order. Which word did you
hear first, second, etc.? Number the words as you hear them. Check to make sure you heard
them in the same order that your teacher read them.

ladies' room ! _______

washroom ! _______

mens' room ! _______

restaurant ! _______

right ! !


restroom !


left !


toilets !!


downstairs ! _______


upstairs !


7. Opposites
Match the word that means the opposite.

____ far away !

! a


____ left !

! b


____ downstairs ! !

! c


____ back ! !

! d


____ here ! !

! e


Copyright 2013, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of in accordance with membership terms.

Wheres the Washroom

Functional English

Answer Key
Student review language and useful expressions related to finding the washroom. They practice matching opposites.
Tags: functional English, useful expressions, low-intermediate, washroom, bathroom

Exercise 2 - Many options are possible in

some of the blanks.
A: Can you tell me where the washroom is?
B: It's downstairs/upstairs/down the hall/on
your right.
A: Do you know where the ladies room is?
B: It's downstairs.
A: Where is the ladies' room?
B: On your right/left.
A: Where is the mens' room?
B: I'm not sure. Sorry.
A: Is there a restroom nearby?
B: No, it's on the other side of the mall.

Exercise 4

Exercise 5. Sentence building.

1. Where is the restroom? It's downstairs.
2. Is there a washroom nearby? No, it's far
3. Do you know where the ladies' room is? I'm
not sure. Sorry.
4. Is the loo downstairs? No, it's upstairs.
5. Where is the washroom? It's on your left.
6. Is the restaurant upstairs? No, it's
7. Is the bank nearby? The bank is at the other
end of the mall.
8. Do you know where the phone booth is? I'm
not sure. Sorry.
9. I gotta go pee! The washroom is downstairs.
10.Is there a washroom in this restaurant? Yes,
it's on your left.

A: Can you tell me where the bank is?

B: It's at the end of the road.
A: Do you know where the mall is?
B: It's at the end of the block.

Exercise 6.
Read the words in random order. Mark the order as
you read the words out loud. Check to make sure your
students wrote the same order.

A: Where is the telephone booth?

B: I'm not sure. Sorry.
A: Where is the restaurant?
B: It's on your left.
A: Is there a bank nearby?
B: Yes, it's around the corner.

Exercise 7.
1. b !
2. c!
3. d !
4. e!
5. a!

Copyright 2013, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of in accordance with membership terms.

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