June 19 El Clarín

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El Clarn de El Faro

12 de Junio de 2016

Message From Presidente Dayton

Lessons from Dad

Father's Day was celebrated in the U.S. today and it has caused me to reflect on
my wonderful father and the great lessons he taught me in life. The Proclamation on
the Family makes it very clear that faithful, loving fathers are a part of our Heavenly
Father's plan. In any society where there are loving, dutiful, kind, spiritual fathers,
families are stronger, divorce is less common, crime occurs less frequently, and the
family unit is healthy and well. Since the family unit is the basic unit of society, when it
is healthy the society is healthy. Thus dads are important and dads are necessary. I
know that many of you will reflect on your own fathers as you read this and my hope
is that you will all make a special attempt to recognize your fathers and express your
love for them tomorrow on Preparation Day. Tell them how grateful you are for a
good father who taught you correctly and helped you be a person of integrity and
character. Let him know how much his life has influenced yours. Thank him for being
a man of faith who influenced you to go on a mission. While the Mission doesn't allow
you to call home on Father's Day, it doesn't mean that fathers aren't every bit as
important in the Lord's plan. The Lord lets us know that honoring our fathers is
important when he gave the 10 Commandments telling us to, "Honour thy father and
thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth
thee." (Exodus 20:12) Of all of the topics he could have included in the 10
Commandments, honoring your father was deemed so important it was included in
the most basic law given to man.
S. Reed Dayton was my dad. He was fairly short at about 5'8" and was quite stocky
in his build. He never went to college, he never got a graduate degree, he never
became a man of letters and he was truly self-educated. Despite the lack of formal
education, Dad went on to become a bishop for 25 years, a stake president for 13
years, a mission president in Las Vegas, Nevada, and a stake patriarch. He became
president of the local school board and a state senator. He was influential in the
community and had a profound impact on the development of my little hometown
of Cokeville Wyoming. (I learned that the individual and his drive and hard work is
more important than any other factor) Dad was a hard worker and the highest

compliment you could pay someone in his era was, "Boy, you sure are a hard worker!" (I
learned how to work hard from him). He was disciplined, always going to bed right at
10:30 PM and always getting up at 5:30 AM (I learned discipline from him). I never met
anyone who could outwork him. He was completely honest and without guile. The
people in my home town knew that the promise of S. Reed Dayton was as good as a
formal contract because he would never break it (I learned complete and total honesty
from him). Dad was smart and made a number of wise business decisions while running
a 2,000 acre cattle ranch and milking 40-50 milk cows night and morning (I learned to
use my mind and common sense from him). Dad was fairly sparing in praise, but when
he praised you, you could be sure you deserved it (I learned to be genuine and real
from him). He was deeply spiritual and the gospel meant everything to him.
He studied the scriptures daily for most of his life and became a magnificent
scriptorian (There is no doubt my spiritual persona and love of the gospel are because
of him). Dad was kind and considerate of people and always felt that people were
more important than programs or "things" (I learned kindness and respect for other
people from Dad). Dad was a realist and called a spade a spade; there was no
beating around the bush for him (my ability to be frank and real came from him). I
never once heard my father utter a swear word (swearing is not a part of my
vocabulary because of him).
I owe so much to my short, wonderful, Wyoming-rancher dad. I know he is on the
other side looking down at me tonight as I write this. So I will take this opportunity to say,
"Thanks Dad for everything you have done for me. So much of what my life has
become is because of you. I love you and think of you often and hope I can become
half the man your were. Tell Mom hi for me. Happy Father's Day!"
Con amor y gratitud paternal,
President Merril T Dayton

El Clarn de El Faro

12 de Junio de 2016

Message From Hermana Dayton

Deference vs. Offensiveness

Deference is putting the welfare of others ahead of our own personal pleasures. It
is making personal sacrifices to help others be successful and putting off words,
attitudes, or actions that would cause others to be offended or weakened. It is
deferring when it will benefit building the kingdom and bringing others closer to the
When Paul instructed believers to prefer one another in honor, he defined the
essence of deference. He said, "Giving no offense in any thing, that the ministry be not
blamed." 2 Corinthians 6:3. After he taught that we should not give offense to the
Jews, the Gentiles nor the church of God he states his own commitment to deference,
"Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking mine own profit, but the profit of
many that they might be saved." 1 Corinthians 10:33.
When we defer to others, we experience the paradox spoken of by the Savior,
"Whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be the servant of all. Mark 10:44. With the
words we speak, we can build someone up or tear them down. We should always be
aware of others and consider how our words affect them. It is important that we never
spread rumors or gossip, that we never build our self up by putting another person
down, that we avoid laughing at jokes that belittle others, and that we always use
appropriate language. If we are upset with a person, we can go directly to the person
and resolve the situation peacefully, using terms like, "when you did this it made me
FEEL..." Discussing feelings in a peaceful, loving way can bring us closer to others.
Controlling our speech shows strong character and helps us be successful in life.
Manners are very important in helping others feel comfortable around us.
Some important reminders as we eat with others, always chew with your mouth

closed, swallow before talking, use a napkin to wipe your mouth, and never burp. We
should speak politely, saying, "please, thank you, please pass the peas, etc. We
should always serve others before ourselves and we should take small portions if there
is a limited amount of food. Deference is showing others the true meaning of self
denial. President George Washington once said, "Every action in company ought to
be with some sign of respect to those present."

We can apply deference in missionary work by:


with kind, uplifting language to our companions, ward members,

investigators and others.
Refraining from any disobedient activity in order to be a role model for other
Showing respect to leaders by obeying and not talking back or talking behind their
Respecting the feelings of our companions, ward members, and other missionaries.
Wearing modest clothing to not offend others.
Keeping our apartments clean, organized with uplifting pictures on the wall, soft
music, etc.
Speaking well of others of their culture, race, or ethnic group with words that will not
Understanding and following protocol of the people in Spain.
Using good manners at the table and wherever we are.
We are grateful for the example you are in our mission. We notice good table
manners and the way you speak and interact with each other and leaders in your
areas. Thank you for your obedience and diligence in bringing others to the Savior.
Hermana Dayton

Christlike Attributes- Faith, Charity, Love, Virtue, Hope, and Humility, Knowledge & Wisdom,
Patience, Diligence, Creativity, Enthusiasm, Generosity, Forgiveness, Dependability, Availability,
Orderliness, Gratitude, Endurance, Persuasiveness, Compassion, Alertness, Character, Decisiveness,
Determination, Truthfulness, Benevolence, Honor, Sincerity, Punctuality, Joyfulness, Gentleness, Self
Control, Initiative, Cautiousness, Loyalty, Meekness, Sensitivity, Obedience, Discernment, Boldness,
Discretion, Responsibility, Attentiveness, Flexibility, Attentiveness, Hospitality, Thoroughness,

El Clarn de El Faro

12 de Junio de 2016


Sherif Kwame Opoku

Gerona A

lderes Brog y Allen

Ibrahim Moses Anthony Eronna Ahamdi

Castelln A

lderes Tuthill y Warr

Devany Jave Paredes

Castelln B

Hermanas Arauco y Martnez

Jennifer Zulay Quintero Reales

Valencia 3B

lderes Johnson y Keen

Barbara Filipa Dos Santos Casal Ribeiro

Las Arenas

lderes Moulton y Morley

Maria Camila Flores Rodriguez

Las Arenas

lderes Moulton y Morley

Jonathan Jos Pinargote Falcones

Hospitalet 1B Hermanas Ingram y Howell

Maria Elisa Falcones Torres

Hospitalet 1B Hermanas Ingram y Howell

Jess Garca Isidoro

Lleida C

Hermanas Hollenbaugh y Batten

Myriam Fokam

Zaragoza 1

lderes Hemeyer y Bromley

Mara Makussu Dzeno

Zaragoza 1

lderes Hemeyer y Bromley

Mimi Lucienne Ngnotue

Zaragoza 1

lderes Hemeyer y Bromley

Amaya Gargalio Oyarbide

San Sebastin A

lderes Carter y Lisonbee

Willy Montaa Villarroel

Barcelona 3C

Hermanas Walker e Iregui

El Clarn de El Faro

12 de Junio de 2016


Eran contados y se
inscriban sus nombres

Confirmaciones esta semana


Confirmaciones este mes

Confirmaciones hasta la fecha
este ao























Fechas bautismales














Inv reunion sacramental














Lecciones con un














Lecciones con un m. p.














Nuevos Investigadores














Anuncios de la Oficina

Please make sure that you arrive on time, seated, reading the scriptures
on the day of your zones Zone Conference.

Calendar Reminders
June 23rd Noche de Hogar with President and Hermana Dayton
June 24th Feast of Sant Joan

El Clarn de El Faro

12 de Junio de 2016

And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith.
Doctrine & Covenants 42:14

Compaerismos que lograron

las pautas de excelencia:

Hermanas Hollenbaugh y Batten

CUATRO: lderes Stuart y Riggs

lderes Hemeyer y Bromley
lderes Carter y Lisonbee
Hermanas Ingram y Howell
lderes Carballo y Kimball
Hermanas Arauco y Martnez
lderes Latteier y Perri

Oremos por estos investigadores con

fechas bautismales para esta semana:

lderes Garca y McArthur

Hermanas Manotas y Sperry
lderes Tyson y Muoz
Hermanas Romero y Larson
Hermanas Steinfeldt y Francisco
lderes Robles y Harris
lderes Murley y Simon
lderes Bennett y Pemberton
Hermanas Fernndez y Johnson
lderes Ganowsky y Jacobson
lderes Busath y Cvijanovich
lderes Phillips y Dunn
lderes Johnson y Keen
lderes Male y Lightfoot
lderes Gonzlez y Miller
Hermanas Crofts y Spencer
Hermanas Sebasti y Stahl

Noris, Florin
Jenny, Ana
Cintia, Csat, Vicky
Jos Luis, Maria

The Zone
Lleida is in the Zone!
-With a total of 4 baptisms in the zone!

Bilbao is in the Zone!

-With an average of 3.4 investigator in church
per companionship this week!

Barcelona 3A
Barcelona 3B
Barcelona 2C
Badalona 2A
Zaragoza 1B
San Sebastin A
Hospitalet 2B
Hospitalet 1A
Vilafranca A
Valencia 3A
Castelln A
Castelln B
Valencia 1C
Ganda A
Ganda B

El Clarn de El Faro

de abril de 2014
12 de Junio de 132016

The Miracle of Baptism

Hola. This week has been
greater feeling in the world
great. So as you know Moses
than knowing that because I
was baptized, so with him he
have done my part, because I
actually told us his side of his
have done what the Lord
conversion story which is very
expects of me, His children are
good. He was stopped by the
able to have the opportunity
Hermanas awhile ago and
to gain this beloved
talked with them for a bit, then
knowledge. That's the miracle

they met with him and learned

of a mission.
he was in our area so they gave
us his information. So we met
The district is on fire! 4
with him and asked him to read
baptisms in the last 3 weeks.
the book of mormon, and he
And if I'm not mistaken 10
told us the first time he read it, it
fechas. They're all super good
made no sense to him, but as
and working hard. I don't really
we continued meeting with him
have to do much or worry
we taught him of its importance
about them. They all have true
so he read again and this time it
desires to serve the lord, they're
opened up to him, and he told
working hard, getting along,
us that he became happy, the
and having fun.
whole week before his babtism
he was just happy and felt the Whoo! I love the mission. We
spirit. He eill be a leader in the
had a great week. We went
church someday, he has a
from 6 to 0 in church but got
desire to serve and share this
almost everyone back this
message with others, I am so
week and we have permission
grateful for this opportunity to
from Raul's parents to baptize
serve a mission.
him this week. We're excitedly
making baptism preparations
and after applying principles
Presidente!! This week we
taught in the Mission Tour the
saw one of the biggest
members are starting to buzz
miracles I have seen in my
about missionary work. We're
mission. Willy was baptized.
getting ready for the second
And it was the most touching
baptism in the _______ branch
baptismal service I have had
and we're expecting a few
the privilege of assisting.
more in the coming weeks. It's
Everything went perfectly and
work, worry, and will-requiring
the Spirit was so sweet and
but we're loving it.

touching. He was able to

finally enter the waters of
Jesus is progressing so well,
baptism and make covenants
and he is getting baptized
with the Lord after a year of
Saturday. He said he wants it
waiting to do so. I've never
to be full of people "como un
seen someone else who has
Domingo." It is very touching to
been so happy. This work is a
see his conversion. I really
work of joy. I know that the joy
admire that my companion is
I feel is only magnified by the
so fearless in contacting. She
joy other people feel in
has really taught me how to
coming closer to their Savior
contact everyone and why
that is so important in the
and Redeemer. There is no

mission. Our miracle this week

was setting a fecha with our
investigator Nica. She is so
prepared. The field is truly
white and ready to harvest.
We were walking down the
street to go to the train station
when we heard someone
yelling at us. Elder _________
says to me"turn around" so I do.
There was a man from Africa
running towards us. Elder
_______ then turns around and
said "this man either wants to
fight us or be baptized really
bad." Well it turns out that he
knew about the church in
Holland and in Barcelona and
he's been looking for a Book of
Mormon ever since. We
scheduled an appointment for
the next day and he
accepted everything that next
day. We got him an English
book of Mormon and he was
super excited to the point of
tears. He had a dream back
when he was in Holland about
the Book of Mormon and he
desperately wants to be
baptized. So we have a date
for this Saturday at 6 o clock in
the ________chapel.
I am almost scared to
mention this, but I am pretty
sure _____ has a big week
coming up. We have 4
baptisms for this Saturday and
they are all looking good! I am
so excited because I will be
having my first baptism this
weekend! I am going to work
as hard as possible and do
everything I can to help these
people. So, I had a great week
and am really looking forward
to this one! Love you! See you
on Friday!

El Clarn de El Faro

de abril de 2014
12 de Junio de 132016

Mission News

Baptisms in:


Valencia 3

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