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Thursday, December 26, 2013 19:48 GMT


EUDC 2001 Portoro? Slovenija Motions

Round 1: This house would make organ donation compulsory

Round 2: This house believes that sporting events are for the people not media moghuls
Round 3: This house would put a brake on Albania
Round 4: This house would end farming subsidies in the European Union
Round 5: This house believes that asylum seekers should seek refuge in the first safe country that they reach
Round 6: This house believes that Rome should look beyond its own walls for a new Pope
ESL semi finals: This house fears for the little countries in Europe
ESL final: This house believes that capitalism is in crisis
Quarter finals: This house believes that NATO has had its day
Semi finals: This house would put Slobodan Milosevic on trial in the Hague
Final: This house would clone human beings

European University Debate Championship Haifa 2002 Motions

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R1 THBT referenda are the way forward for European democracy

R2 THBT Women should have equal rights and equal obligations in the Army
R3 THW Deny liver transplants to alcoholics
R4 THW Clone Britney Spears
R5 THBT The European Union should ban bullfighting
R6 THB that religious education is brainwashing kids
EFL Final "THW ban the advertisement of gambling"
EFL Semifinal ?THW hold the accountants accountable?
EFL QFinal ?THW prefer castration to incarceration for sexual offenders?.
ESL Final "THW give Europe its own constitution"
ESL Semifinal ?THW guarantee the amnesty of retired dictators?

European University Debate Championship Zagreb 2003

THW hold parents legally responsible for the criminal actions of their children
THW make smokers pay for their own medical expenses
THB that the minority religious practices should be exempt from the national laws
THW close its doors to the immigrants
THW reform the UN security council

THB that the USA is right to tie its foreign aid to the support in war against terrorism
THB that the cost of space exploration is not worth it
THB that the EU should start immediate accession talks with Turkey
THB that the state should tax the graduates to cover the costs of their education
TH supports compulsory drug testing in the workplace
THB that parents have the right to choose the sex of their children

European University Debate Championship Durham 2004

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Grand Final motion

This House believes that elected politicians should not be allowed to own media companies
ESL Final motion
This House would ban international adoption
Semi Finals motion
This House believes that a foetus harmed in a criminal attack on its mother should be considered a victim of
crime in its own right
ESL Semi Finals motion
This House believes that junk food companies should not be allowed to sponsor sporting events
Quarter Finals motion
This House supports compulsory HIV testing for immigrants
Preliminary Round Motions
This house believes that any EU Constitution should contain reference to Europe's Christian heritage
This house would ban the production for road use of cars capable of driving over 160kph/100mph
This house believes that post-war reconstruction contracts should be restricted to companies from countries
which supported the war
This house would legalise consensual cannibalism
This house would not allow embedded journalists attached to military units in warzones
This house believes that governments should insist that the software they use is open-source
This house believes that the military targeting of any place of worship is a crime against humanity

European University Debate Championship Cork 2005

"THW Allow the Use of Racial Profiling By Police Forces." ESL Final
"THW make failure to render reasonable assistance to a person in distress a criminal offence"
Semi Finals
"THW withdraw from the Ottawa convention banning the sale of land mines."
ESL Semi Finals
"THW remove the Arms Embargo on China"
Quarter Finals "THW condemn companies that seek to avoid first world regulations on human drug testing
by conducting their trials in the developing world."
Preliminary Round Motions
1. "THW make the post-mortem donation of organs compulsory without exception"
2. "THW support the right of Chechnya to secede"
3. "THBT popular referenda should not be used to ratify the EU constitution"
4. "THW prosecute the perpetrators of domestic violence
without the consent of the victim" 5. "THW grant immunity from prosecution to dictators who step down"
6. "THBT the state should assist healthy people commit suicide"

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European University Debate Championship Berlin 2006

R1TTHW abolish the international criminal court R2TTHB that gender reassignment surgery should be
included in state funded medical care R3TTHB that governments should block the foreign takeover of
important companies R4TTHW ban the use of evidence acquired from countries which practice torture.
R5TTHW ban all religious involvement in schools R6TTHW remove the right to refuse medically necessary
treatments ESL Semis TTHW allow insurance companies to consider the results of genetic tests in
asessing potential customers ESL FinalsTTHW destroy the artifacts of fallen oppressive regimes
QuartersThat this house would take cult members into psychiatric care SemifinalsTHW grant an automatic
right of asylum to women trafficked for prostitution FinalsTTHW allow companies to refuse to hire smokers

European University Debate Championship Istanbul Koc 2007

"This house believes that the state should publish deliberate mistruths during times of war."
"This house would withdraw the right to veto the accession of new members to EU."
EFL Semifinal
"This House would grant the state the exclusive right to make decisions on behalf of the mentally ill."
ESL Semifinal
"This House believes that the state should not fund any fertility treatments."
EFL Quarters
"This House would forcibly settle the Roma."
ESL Quarters
"This House would distribute development aid through religious organizations rather than the state."
Preliminary rounds:
R1: "This House would take lifestyle choices into account in the allocation of scarce medical resources."
R2: "This House believes the state should prohibit all items of clothing which cover the face."
R3: "This House believes that democracy is a necessary condition for economic growth and stability
R4: "This House believes that Turkey should invade Northern Iraq to fight Kurdish terrorist organisations."
R5: "This House would require prescription for the 'morning-after-pill'"
R6: "This House would introduce a time limit on bringing prosecutions for genocide."
R7: "This House would prosecute parents who take their children to another legal jurisdiction in order to carry
out an act which is illegal in their home country."

EUDC 2008 Tallinn debate motions

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Round 1: This House would require people to work in return for welfare payments.
Round 2: This House believes that sporting bodies should penalise teams when their players commit criminal
acts off the field.
Round 3: This House would use military force where necessary to deliver emergency aid.
Round 4: This House would make fines relative to wealth
Round 5: This house would ban the physical punishment of children by parents.
Round 6: This House believes developed countries should not accept skilled migrants from developing
Round 7: This House would pay morbidly obese people to lose weight.
"Main break" quarter final:This House would ban the broadcast of recordings produced by terrorists
ESL quarter final: This House would require all schools to teach safe sex to children from age 10 regardless
of parental consent
"Main break" semi final: This House would abolish income tax
ESLsemi final: This House believes the European Union should declare thatenergy security is a legitimate
reason for military action
"Main break" finals: This house would ban Nazi and Soviet symbols
ESL finals: This house would allow soldiers to opt out of individual conflict for personal reasons

EUDC 2009 Newcastle motions

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R1: THW allow the police to use entrapment.

R2: THW use the education system to instill moral norms in children beyond mere obedience to the law.
R3: THW grant citizenship to illegal immigrants who report on work-place exploitation.
R4: THBT the gay rights movement should oppose gay marriage.
R5: THBT western liberal countries have a moral duty to spread democracy across the world using force
where necessary.
R6: THBT custody hearings should not take a child's biological parentage into account.
R7: THW allow doctors to actively lie to their patients in order to create or augment a placebo effect.
ESL QF: THW allow the police to physically discipline children below the age of criminal responsibility.
QF: THW allow political parties to designate certain pre-election claims as binding promises, the breaking of
which would trigger immediate fresh elections.
ESL SF: THBT countries where assisted suicide is illegal should prosecute those who assist others that travel
abroad to receive euthanasia.
SF: THBT desecration of religious sites is a legitimate tactic of warfare.
ESL GF: THW remove all legal barriers to the genetic enhancement of humans.
GF: THW abolish all limits on immigration.

World University Debate Championship Glasgow 81

First Rounds
1. This house believes that violence is legitimate political expression
2. This house believes that the developed world has failed the underdeveloped
Final This House regrets living in the nuclear age.

World University Debate Championship Toronto 91

First Rounds (Thanks to Randal H for this information)

1. The state has no place in the bedrooms of the nation.
2. Kuwait should be freed by military force.
3. Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
4. All evils are equal when they are extreme.
5. Democracy is the bludgeoning of the people, by the people, for the people.
6. This House condemns the war on drugs.
7. This House would kiss the sky.
8. Environmentalism will go the way of the hula hoop.
9. To die for an idea is to set a rather high price for conjecture.

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This house would not dare lift the veil.

World University Debate Championship DUBLIN 92

First Rounds
1. This house would support positive discrimination.
2. This house would support the right to strike.
3. This house believes that sex kills romance.
4. This house believes that freedom of the individual is a myth.
5.Short men cast long shadows while the sun sets. (enforced humour round)
6. This house reveres the memory of the British Empire.
7. This house would out-closet homosexuals.
8. This house rejects consensus.
9. This house would abolish capital punishment.
Octo Final: The problems of the nation are better solved by the private sector than by government.
Qtr Final: This house would give land for peace.
Semi Final: A Federated Europe will protect the weak from the strong.
Final: Nationalism is a hangover from history.

World University Debate Championship MELBOURNE 94

First Rounds
1. This house believes that right is more important than peace.
2. This House believes that political correctness is the new McCarthyism.
3. This House believes that space exploration can no longer be justified.
4. This House believes that Islam has had a bad press.
5. This House believes that the blood of East Timor is on Australia's hands.
6. This House believes that there is in this age a dearth of heroes.
7. This House believes that feminism should give way to multiculturalism.
8. This House believes that the West will regret free trade.
9. This House believes that cricket is to sport as Rolls-Royce is to motorcars. (enforced humour round)
Octo Final: This House believes that the state of the union is stuffed.
Qtr Final: This House would support affirmative action.
Semi Final: This House believes that the Pope should get married.
Final: This House believes that Machiavelli is the way to go.

World University Debate Championship Princeton 95

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First Rounds
1. This House would plan for peace by preparing for war.
2. This House has more to fear than to hope from genetic engineering.
3. This House would open its doors to the world.
4. This House believes that the separation of church and state has gone too far.
5. This House believes that the United Nations belongs on the ash-heap of history.
6. This House believes that American culture is an oxymoron. (enforced humour round)
7. This House believes that capitalism is a dead end.
8. This House believes economic sanctions should not be used to influence domestic policy.
9. This House believes that the government that governs least, governs best.
Octo Final: This House supports the statement, "Yankee Go Home!"

World University Debate Championship CORK 96

First Rounds
1.This house would put pragmatism before its principles.
2. This house would test nuclear weapons.
3. This house would rebuild the Berlin Wall.
4. This house would sacrifice economic growth for the good of the environment.
5. This house would give racists a platform.
6. This house would make the blood of the patriarchy run in the streets. (enforced humour round)
7. This house would heed its priests.
8. This house believes that developing nations should adopt Western feminism.
9. This house would in trial by jury.
Octo Final: This house would reject big government.
Qtr Final: This house believes that the melting pot has failed.
Semi Final: This house would let the language die.
Final: This house believes that strong dictatorship is better than weak democracy.

World University Debate Championship STELLENBOSCH 97

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First Rounds
1. This house believes that developing nations need strong dictatorship.
2. This house would legalize prostitution.
3. This house has an unhealthy obsession with sport.
4. This house believes that the U.S. is more sinned against than sinning.
5. This house would let the information superhighway run free.
6. This house believes that fanaticism works.
7. This house would allow same-sex couples to adopt children.
8. This house will regret the trade bloc.
9. This house believes that the Truth and Reconciliation Commission is a weak response.
Octo Final: This house supports privatization
Qtr Final: This house would adopt quotas.
Semi Final: This house believes that one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
Final: This house would legalize all drugs.
ESL Final: This House believes that there is no such thing as universal human rights

World University Debate Championship ATHENS 98

First Rounds
This house believes in Economic policy before social policy
This house would look to the East
This house would put an immediate ban on land mines
This house believes he who controls information technology controls the world
This house believes that the glass is half full
This house believes that marriage is an outdated institution
This house believes that environmentalism is mostly hot air
This house believes that liberty should be rationed
This house would protect the rights of smokers
Octo Finals: This house believes we should leave nation states to the scrap yard of history
Qtr Finals: This house believes that the olympic games should come home for good
Semi Final : THis house would give national treasures back to its people
Final: This house believes that humanitarism is a first world affectation

World University Debate Championship MANILA 99

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First Rounds
1. This house supports the bombing of Iraq.
2. This house believes globalization marginalises the poor.
3. This house believes the father should be present at conception.
4. This house believes ASEAN should rally behind Anwar.
5. This house believes art should be free from censorship.
6. This house believes democracy is the best way forward for Russia.
7. This house believes religious leaders should listen to opinion polls.
8. This house would rehabilitate criminals.
9. This house believes that federalism will not work for europe
Octo Final: This house believes that old dictators should not have to face the music
Qtr Final: This house believes that Media is more Powerful than the Government
Semi Final: This House would get US bases out of Asia
Final: This house believes Nethanyahu is the biggest obstacle to peace in Israel
Final: This house believes that a celibate priest is an unhappy priest
Semi-Finals: This House believes that Child Labour is necessary in developing countries
First Round: This house would support global nuclear disarmament
Public Speaking:
Long live the adjudicators
From the original recepie to extra crispy
Fish & Chips
The adventure of coach commando
Sex- a deadly weapon
Its a jungle out there
True love is another myth
Writing in the snow
Pick-up lines at a sushi bar
We want rice with that

World University Debate Championship Sydney 2000

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First Rounds
1. That this house believes that election campaigns should be fully financed by the state.
2. That this house demands work for welfare
3. That this house would alter its genetic code.
4. That this house would put worker's rights before trade rights.
5. That this house would have lots of sex.
6. That this house would ignore the war in Chechnya.
7. That this house believes religious doctrines are more important than women's rights.
8. That this house likes its environmentalists radical.
9. That this house would put corporate profits before individual privacy.
Octo Final: That Asia should take the liberal path.
Qtr Final: That this house would shut down Macdonalds.
Semi Final: This House Believes the IMF is the British Empire of Today
Final: This house believes Marx would have approved of the internet
Final: This house favours Positive discrimination
Semi That women should apply lipstick.
Rd 1 This house would Club Baby Seals

World University Debate Championship Glasgow 2001

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First Rounds
1. This house would ban criminals from voting (Cancelled due to mis times announcement)
1b. This house would give Europe it's own Army
2. This house would put a speed limit on human Traffic
3. This house would make company directors criminally liable for the wrongs of their company
4. This house believes the US should get out of the middle east
5. This house would make pollution a tradable commodity
6. This house would remove patents on pharmacutical drugs from the 3rd world.
7. This house believed that the WTO should grant exemptions to developing nations
8. This house would ban performance enhancing drugs in sport
9. Round Cancelled. Octo-Finals: This house would outlaw genetic discrimination
Quater Finals: This house supports a one child policy
Semi-Final: This house would make reparations for slavery
Final: This house would elect it's judges
Public Speaking:
Round 1: 5 min prep on a film quote (e.g. "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going
to get next")
Round 2: Prepared motion: "So long as even one hundred of us remain alive, we will never submit to the rule
of the English"
Final: Impromptu
Semi-Final: This house would keep peacekeepers out of civil wars
Final: This house believes that a language which needs proteting isn't worth protecting.
Final: This house would squeeze the rich until the pip squeaks
Semi: This house believes that the rights of the child are paramount
Quarter: This house would censor hate

World University Debate Championship Toronto 2002

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First Rounds
1. This house would bail out failing industries.
2. This house believes that making Yassar Arrafat a partner in peace was a mistake
3. This house believes that the west should treat state sponsored sexism as aparthide
4. This house believes that the WTO is the friend of the developing world
5. This house would force feed anorexics
6. This house believes that political assassinations are a legitimate tool of foreign policy.
7. This house supports domestic content quotas in broadcasting
8. This house believes that the sexual history of rape victime should be admissible in court
9. This house believes that US foreign policy is responsible for September 11.
Octo-Finals: This house would extradite accused criminals to face the death penalty
Quater Finals: This house supports surrogacy for profit
Semi-Final: This house believes that civil liberties must be restricted in the interests of security
Final: This house would ban prisoners publishing accounts of their crimes
Semi-Final: THis house believes that prisoners have no right to vote
Final: This house believes that the Nobel Prize proves that the UN has a strong role to play

World University Debate Championship Stellenbosch 2003

Final This house believes that the world has learned nothing from 9/11
Semi-Final This house believes that globalization is imperialism repackaged
Quarter Final This house believes in the absolute right of the patient
Octo Final This house believes that tobacco companies should have social responsibilities
Round 1 This house fears an expanded Europe.
Round 2 This house would return land to its original owners
Round 3 This house believes that AIDS drugs should be freely available to all
Round 4 This house believes that the media is the West's most effective weapon
Round 5 This house believes that harmony is more important than diversity
Round 6 This house believes that environmentalism in the Third World is the responsibility of the First World
Round 7 This house believes that the West should accept the democratic decision of the people of
Round 8 This house believes that the US should be answerable to TRCs [Truth & Reconciliation
Commissions] in South America.
Round 9 This house believes that Sharon should stand with Milosevic
ESL Final This House would make population control a pre-requisite of aid.
ESL Semi This house supports Compulsory Military Service

World University Debate Championship Singapore 2004

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Final TTH would ban the abortion of fetuses on the grounds of their permanent disability
Semi-Final TTH believes war journalists should be forced to reveal their sources in international criminal
Quarter Final TTH believes parents should cast proxy votes for their children
Octo Final TTH would support regime change in Iran
Round 1 TTHW try Saddam Hussein before an international tribunal
Round 2 TTH supports all forms of child labour
Round 3 TTHB eviormentalists should use terrorism in support of their goals
Round 4 TTHB students all round the world should be taught in English
Round 5 TTHW tie world bank aid to womens' rights
Round 6 TTHW make the release of child sexual abusers conditional on chemical castration
Round 7 TTH believes only African countries should be peacekeepers in African conflicts
Round 8 TTH would use international sporting events for political change
Round 9 TTH would ban religious symbols in state schools
ESL Final TTH believes that Japanese armed forces should fight in foreign lands
ESL Semi TTH prefers regional trade agreements to the WTO

World University Debate Championship Multimedia University Malaysia 2005

Final This House Supports Corporal Punishment in Schools

Semi-Final This House Would Use Gambling To Rejuvenate Depressed Economic Zones
Quarter Final This House Believes That Mentally Handicapped People Are Better Cared For In The
Community Than In Institutions
Octo Final This House Believes It Is Time For an ASEAN Parliament
Round 1 This House would compel HIV infected people to disclose their disease to their sexual partners
Round 2 This house believes the EU should open its doors to North Africa
Round 3 This House would not teach vocational studies at University
Round 4 This House would positively discriminate women in the armed forces
Round 5 This House believes that outsourcing is good for the developed and developing nations.
Round 6 This house would have harsher sentences for celebrity criminals
Round 7 This House Believes that anti-terrorism is the new McCarthyism
Round 8 This House Would Expand NAFTA Into South America
Round 9 This House Would Prioritise Organ Donations To Those Who Have Lived a Healthy Lifestyle

World University Debate Championship Dublin 2006

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Final: That this house would abolish all laws prohibiting cruelty to animals
Semi: This house would prohibit speeches that incite hatred (wording may be incorrect)
Qtr: This House Would permit legislating by citizen initiated referenda
Octo: This House believes that international law should recognise the right of each state to unilaterally
undertake armed humanitarian intervention
ESL Final: This House Believes that European Governments should payparents to have children.
ESL Semi: This House would abandon the civilian use of nuclear power.
1 This House Would Grant An Amnesty To All Illegal Immigrants Currently In The United States
2 That This House Believes That The Catholic Church Should Allow The Use Of Condoms In The Fight
Against HIV/AIDS In Africa
3 That This House Believes The West Should End Military Cooperation With Pakistan Until It Holds Free
Presidential Elections
4 This House Would Prohibit Women Over The Age Of 45 Years From Undergoing Assisted Human
5 This House Would Give Japan A Permanent Seat On The United Nations Security Council
6 This House Would Not Allow Intelligent Design To Be Included In The School Science Curriculum
7 This House Would Recognise A Legally Enforceable Right To A Minimum Standard Of Living
8 This House Supports The Creation Of An Independent State For The Iraqi Kurds
9 This House Supports Indigenous Persons Convicted Of A Crime Being Sentenced By Their Community
And Not The Courts

University of British Columbia, Vancouver 2007 WUDC

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Final This house believes that economic growth is the solution to climate change
Semi Final This house would ban websites that glorify eating disorders
Qtr Final This house believes that people sentenced to life imprisonment should be allowed to choose the
death penalty instead
Octo Final This house believes that developing nation should nationalize their energy resources
Round 9 This house would grant citizenship in exchange for military service
Round 8 This house would ban Cosmetic Surgery
Round 7 This house would support regime change in Myanmar/Burma
Round 6 This house would abolish all taxes on inherited wealth
Round 5 This house supports independence for Quebec
Round 4 This house would criminalize the payment of ransom
Round 3 This House supports accelerated land redistribution in South Africa
Round 2 This house believes that the UK should abolish it?s nuclear arsenal
Round 1 This house would ban government funding of religious schools
ESL Final
This house believes that politicians have a right to a private life
ESL Semi This house believes all serious crimes should be trialed by Jury
Masters Final This house supports a 35 hour working week
Masters Round 1 This house would designate one city to permanently host the Olympics
Masters Round 2 This house believes that governments should provide heroin addicts with safe injection
EFL Final
This house would lift sanctions on Iran

WUDC 2008 Assumption Motions

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Round 8 THB that governments should never rescue failing private industry.
Round 7 This House would assassinate Vladimir Putin.
Round 6 THW subject foreign political contributions to greater restrictions than domestic contributions.
Round 5 This House believes that every criminal defendant should be required to use a government provided
defense lawyer.
Round 4 This House believes that the European Union should only direct aid to nations that pursue
environmentally sustainable development.
Round 3 THW not allow local government to pay for the relocation of homeless people
Round 2 This House believes that Taiwan should declare independence now
Round 1 This House would allow the use of torture.
All the motions have been taken from the Global debate blog (Tuna) (didn't ask for permission, but as far as I
know Tuna he is not mad at me :D)
Motion: This House would require doctors to report all cases of suspected domestic violence.
The motion:This House believes that the Turkish military should stop enforcing the separation of church and
Motion: This House believes that governments in the developing world should invest in sex tourism.

WUDC 2009 Cork Motions

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Final : That this house would allow abortion at all stages of pregnancy
Semi Final: This house believes governments should subsidise private home ownership.
Qtr Final: This house believes that the international criminal court should prosecute crimes against the
democratic process.
Octo Final: This house would arm local militia to fight the taliban in Afghanistan.
ESL Final: This house would implement quotas for domestic players in national football leagues.
EFL Final: This house would prohibit all private health care.
Round 9: This house would ban the publication of political opinion polls.
Round 8: This house would apply a lower rate of income tax to women.
Round 7: This house believes that the west should recognise the independence of Abkhazia.
Round 6: This house would criminalise adultery.
Round 5: This house believes that China and India should bear the same obligations as the West in fighting
climate change
Round 4: This house would force the religious desegregation of Northern Irish schools.
Round 3: This house would allow soldiers to sue their government for negligence.
Round 2: This house would fire the senior managements of all corporations which receive government
Round 1: This house would ban all forms of gambling.
Womens Debate: This house would ban all forms of religious gender discrimination.
Adj Test: This house would allow insurance companies to view genetic test results in assessing potential

WUDC 2010 Koc Motions

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WUDC 2010 (Koc, Turkey) Motions Round 1

This house would ban labour unions.
Round 2
This house believes that developing nations should pay for the full tuition of female university students.
Round 3
This house would financially incentivize both inter-faith and inter-ethnic marriages.
Round 4
THW prohibit high-ranking members of the Sri Lankan military and the Tamil Tigers from participation in the
Round 5
THW abolish taxes on alcohol and cigarettes that go beyond normal sales taxes.
Round 6
THW prosecute communities for complicity in honour killings.
Round 7
THW grant those diagnosed with terminal illnesses the right to access treatments that have not completed
clinical testing.
Round 8
THW partition Sudan.
Round 9
THW ban all pornography.
EFL Semifinals
This House would use faith based rehabilitation in prison.
EFL Final
This House believes that democratic states should own their own broadcasting corporations.
ESL Quarterfinals
This House would ban any scheme intended to cure homosexuality
ESL Semifinals
This house would allow prisoners to raise their babies behind bars.
ESL Final
This house would prohibit expression that portrays convicted war criminals in a positive light.
This house believes the West should recognise the Dali Lama
This house would ban all procedures to alter one's racial appearance.
THB that the United States government should subsidize Twitter to liberalize oppressed societies

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Grand Final
THB that the media should show the full horror of war

WUDC 2011 Gaborone Botswana motions

Rd1: This house believes that national sporting teams should reflect the diversity of the national population
Rd2: This house believes that all states have a right to nuclear weapons
Rd3: This house believes that governments should not provide benefits on the basis of marital status
Rd4: This house believes that central banks should set limits on government spending
Rd5: This wouse would prioritise asylum Seekers who have engaged in armed struggle against oppressive
Rd6: This wouse would allow teachers unions the right to strike
Rd7: This wouse would require individuals to reveal their actual identity when communicating on the internet
Rd8: This house believes that the southern african development community (SADC) should pursue political
Rd9: This house believes that social movements should use the courts rather than the legislature to advance
social change
Octo: This wouse would buy countries votes in nternational organizations
Qtr: This house believes that courts should not enforce wills that discriminate on the basis of race Semi: This
house opposes organised religion
Final: This wouse would invade Zimbabwe
EFL Semi: This house supports a one state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
EFL Final: This wouse would give more votes to the poor
ESL Qtr: This house believes that domestic courts should try foreign nationals who commit war crimes
ESL Semi: This wouse would prefer that the children of racial minorities be adopted by parents of that race
ESL Final: This house believes that the courts should break up consistently dominant political parties
Masters Rd1: This wouse would buy local
Masters Final: This house prefers a philosopher King to a tyrannical democracy

Katowice international debate tournament, Poland 2007

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TH shivers at the thought of global warming

THB FIFA and UEFA should follow the law
TH wouldn't count the bodies
THB the EU needs more energy
THW liberate the people
THB we have forgotten the Enron lesson
THB the EU needs to rethink its relations with neighbours
The EU should help developing nations
THW establish an EU Ministry for foreign affairs
THW bring Kosovo back
THW keep the European door open
THW hire the Polish plumber
Europe should have a strong social dimension
THB the UN Human Rights Council is a joke
THW adress the situation in Darfur
THB only united we can stand strong
THB we need another Green Revolution

Leiden open 2007

Preliminary rounds:
This house would not go to Bejing.
This house believes that the Nederlands should stop the sale of drugs to all foreigners.
This house believes that all alied forces in Iraq should be replaced by merceries hired by the Iraq
This house believes that when a murder is committed as an honor killing the motivation should be a
mittigating circumstance.
This house believes that all countries that have a abortion ban should remove the rape exception (not 100%
sure the wording is right)

Oxford IV 2007

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Round 1. THW Criminalise Gang Membership

Round 2. THW allow nations without states a seat at the UN.
Round 3. THW permit religious courts to rule on family law in the UK.
Round 4. THBT every citizen deserves a universal basic income beyond their basic needs; regardless of
whether they have ever worked, are looking for work or will ever work.
Round 5. THW channel all development aid for Africa through the African Union.
Quarter-finals: parenting licences.
Semi-finals: THBT the US should match its military aid to Israel with an equal amount of humanitarian aid to
Final: THBT the state should pay a wage to house-wives and house-husbands.

Debate topics ESU Korean Debate Championships 2007

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Round one: Prisoners

This house supports exhanging prisoners to free hostages from terrorist organizations
THBT rpidoners on facing life imprisonment without parole should be allowed to choose the death penalty
This house would use electronic bracelets to monitor paedophiles after release from prison
Round two: Life
This house believes that All states should grant the right to citizens to have dual citizenship
THBT new migrants wishing to become citizens should be required to pass a language and values test
This house believes flag burning should not be a crime
Round three: Sports
This house believes that only countries with good human rights records should be allowrd to host the
This house supports the use of performance enhancing drugs in sports
This house believes that female athletes at the olympics should get the same amount of tv time as male
Round four: Free
This house believes that drugs created from research funded by the government should be free of copyright
This house believes that governments should only use free open source business software
This house believes that once we find the cure for AIDS we should give it out for free
Quarters: International organizations
This house believes that international overnment ais should only go to Non-governmental organizations
This house would ban rogue nations from the United Nations
This house believes that the EU should abolish all preferential trade agreements with former colonies
Semis one: That country
THB that China should float its currency
THB that China should intervene to support thepeople of Burma/Myanmar
THB that China's dominance of global manufacturing brings more harm than good
Semis two: Schooling

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THB that pregnant High school students should be allowed to take maternity leave
THW teach ethnic relations in schools to promote national unity
THB that homosexuality should be included as part of compulsory sex-educataion programs
Finals: Women
This house believes adultery should not be illegal
This house would abolish all women only Universities
This house would allow late term abortions of fetuses with disabilities

Kyiv 2007

THW prosecute parents who give alcohol to their children under 16 years of age
THW ban gay-specific service providers from turnirn down heterosexuals
THW repeal all legislation restricting monopoly power
THW criminalise denying any genocide
THW privatise prisons

Bristol 2007

1. This house would prevent doctors from opting out of performing medical procedures on religious grounds
2. This house would privatise all UK Universities
3. This house, as the UN, would deny the Vatican all rights of a state
4. This house would allow soldiers, sailors and airmen in the British forces to sue the crown for negligence
5. This house believes the British Museum should give back everything to where it was plundered from
Semi. With Hindsight, this house would never have established the state of Israel
Final. This house would consider Government ministers under Oath for all Public Statements, thus making

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them criminally liable for perjury if they lie.

UBC 2007

1. This house would ban government funding of religious schools

2. This house believes that the UK should abolish it's Nuclear Arsenal
3. That this house supports accelerated land redistribution in South Africa
4. This house would criminalise the payment of Ransom
5. This house supports independence for Quebec
6. This house would abolish all taxes on inherited wealth
7. This house would support regime change in Myanmar/Burma
8. This house would ban cosmetic surgery
9. This house would grant citizenship in exchange for military service
Octo final: This house believes that developing nations should nationalize their energy resources
Qtr final: This house believes that people sentenced to life imprisonment should be allowed to choose the
death penalty instead
Semi final: This house would van websites that glorify eating disorders
Final: This house believes that economic growth is the solution to climate change
ESL Final: This house believes that politicians have a right to a private life
ESL Semi: This House believes all serious crimes should be tried by Jury
Masters Final: This House supports a 35 hour working week
Masters Round 1: This house would designate one city to permanently host the Olympics
Masters Round 2: This house believes that governments should provide heroin addicts with safe injection
EFL Final: This House would lift sanctions on Iran

UC Dublin 2006

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1. This house would grant an amnesty to all illegal immigrants currently in the United states
2. This house believes that the Catholic church should allow the use of condoms in the fight against
HIV/AIDS in Africa
3. Tat this house believes the west should end military cooperation with pakistan until it holds free
presidential elections
4. This house would prohibit women over the age of 45 years form undergoing assisted human reproduction
5. This house would give Japan a permanent seat on the UN security council
6. This house would not allow intelligent design to be included in the School science curriculum
7. This house would recognize a legally enforceable right to a minimum standard of living
8. This house supports the creation of an independent state for the Iraqi Kurds
9. This house supports indigenous persons convicted of a crime being sentenced by their community and not
the courts
{mosloadposition user9}

ESL Semi: This house would abandon the civilian use of nuclear power
ESL Final: This house believes that European governments should pay parents to have children
EFL Octo: This house believes that international law should recognize the right of each state to unilaterally
undertake armed humanitarian intervention
EFL Qtr: This house would permit legislating by citizen initiated referendum

EFL Semi: This house would prohibit speeches that incite hatred (wording may be wrong)
EFL Final: This house would abolish all laws prohibiting cruelty to animals

Random debate topics by Tuna

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This list of the debate topics was provided by the University of Vermont debate trainer Alfred C. Snider on the
IDAS 2007 CD. Im publishing it to give you insight into what other topics you can use. Thanks Tuna.
This house would abolish student Grants
This house believes that the Olympic ideal is dead
This house favors compusory aids testing
This house favors genetic engineering
This house would give Russia back to the Communists
This house would permit Gay couples to adopt
This house believes that the private lives of public figures should remain private
This house would genetically engineer farm animals
This house believes that democracy has failed the third world
This house would ban boxing
This house would support the public funding of political parties
This house would legalize soft drugs
This house has lost confidence in the Catholic Church
This house believes that the values of western cicilization cannot meet the challenges of the mored age
Thois house demands a right to privacy
This house believes that women should get an equal position in war with men
This house believes that genetic engineering triggers more harm than good
This house believes that morals and science do not mix
This house will practice direct democracy
This house believes that we should be our own censors
This house believes that TV does more harm than good

IUB Open 2007

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Round I:
This House would privatize all universities.
Round II:
This House would allow having sex with animals.
Round III:
This House would compel football clubs to field a minimum number of domestic players.
Round IV:
This House believes NATO should intervene in Sudan.
Round V:
This House opposes the use of nuclear power in the developing world.
This House would allow denying the holocaust.
Grand Final:
This House would put children of long-term unemployed parents up for adoption.

WUPID 2007 Motions

Preliminary motions. Other will follow. Taken from Tunas Global debate blog.
Motion for round 1 is: THW pursue a policy of constructive engagement with rouge states.
Motion for Round 2: The medium for education should be in the first language.
Motion Round 3: THBT civil disobedience is an integral part of a peaceful society.
Motion Round 4: This house would give the Kurds a homeland
Motion Round 5: This house believes that the Bolivarian Revolution has failed

Melbourne mini 2007

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R 1) TH would grant asylum to victims of global warming

R 2) TH would impose a general restraining order on all paparazzi
R 3) TH would force pregnant women under 16 to give their child up for adoption
R 4) TH would abolish conscience votes in Parliament
R 5) TH believes that western democracies should impose diplomatic sanctions on Russia
R 6) TH would ban homosexual re-education camps
Semis) TH believes that Kyoto Protocol signatories should place a compensatory duty on the imports of
Final) TH would support the use of bounty hunters in law enforcement.

Oxford IV 2004 motions

Round 1: This house would from prosecution armed police in the line of fire.
Round 2: This house believes that the developing world should not be held at the same environmental
standards as the developed world.
Round 3: This house wouldabolish state pensions.
Round 4: This house supports the use of truth and reconciliation commissions instead of war crimes tribunals
in Iraq.
Round 5: This house believes that the systematic harassment of individuals is a legitimate means of protest.
Novice Final: This house would criminalise smoking when pregnant.
Quarters: This house would give the Palestinian Authority a vote in the UN General Assembly
Semis: This house would privatise the BBC.
Final: This house would ban reporting of hostage taking in Iraq.

North Americans 2008 motions

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Final - This house believes in an obligation to remain plugged in to the violinist.

Semis - Even if it is effective, This house believes that torture is not acceptable.
Quarters - This house would not distinguish between the freedom of belief and the freedom of religion.
Octos - This house believes a just state would be libertarian
Preliminary Rounds:
This house opposes the registration of sex offenders
This house prefers a draft to stop-loss
This house would ban Kidnap & Rescue insurance.
This house supports Jury Nullification
This house believes that holocaust denial is not hate speech. Assuming no racial bias,
This house supports capital punishment.

English speaking Union EP IV 2008

R1: This house would recognise an independed KosovoR2: This house would criminalise the payment of
ransomR3: This house would introduce a EU-wide salary cap for footballersR4: This house believes that the
state should not fund any form of fertility treatment Finals: THB That The European Union Should Have A
Common Foreign Policy.

Edinburgh International Open 2008

Round 1: This house would force supermarkets to give more money to farmersRound 2: This house supports
state sterilization of those in institutions for mentally illRound 3: This house would introduce compulsory
organ donation without exceptionPolfinale: N/AFinale: This house believes in the three states solution for Iraq

Cardiff Open 2008

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Round 1. This house would Use GM Technology to Feed Africa

Round 2. This house would Stop doctors from opting out of procedures on ethical grounds
Round 3. This house would support Turkish military action in Kurdistan
Round 4: This house would not give the contraceptive pill to people under 18
Round 5: This house would give to every citizen an equal share of revenue raised from the sale of
public/national assets
Finals: This house would hand Kosovo back to Serbia
(Thanks debatie and GRM for the motions)

Amsterdam Open 2007

Round 1: This house would withdraw state funding for gay pride events
Round 2:This house believes that the state should fund the establishment of imam training colleges in Europe
Round 3: This house believes that the state should provide basic income to all its citizens
Round 4: This house would introduce an EU-wide system of tradable quotas for asylum seekers
Round 5: This house believes that the state has a right to limit individual freedoms even when there is no
harm to third parties
Semi final: This house believes that the EU should adopt different categories of membership
Final: This house would hold biological parents to the same standards as adoptive ones

KHSDC IV 2008 motions

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Motions:Round 1: Education
THB Korean universities should have the right to select their students based on their own standards.
THW require high school students take classes in fine art and music.
THB single sex schools are more effective than coeducational schools.
Round 2: THB that governments should exclusively use open source software for all administrative tasks.
Round 3: Sports
THB all professional sporting leagues should have wage caps for their athletes.
THW allow the use of performance enhancing drugs in sports.
THW require all nations participating in the Olympics to include female athletes in their delegations.
Round 4: Pop Culture and Media
THW censor obscene lyrics in music.
THB politicians should not be allowed to own media companies.
THB the Academy Awards do more harm than good.
Round 5: THB developing nations should nationalize their energy resources.
Round 6: Economics
THW abolish the inheritance tax.
THW abandon regional trading blocs for global, multilateral trade.
THB China's position as the world's factory does more harm than good.
Octofinals: Law and Order
THW have juries participate in all criminal trials.
THW post information about pedophiles on the Internet.
THB all white collar criminals should serve mandatory jail time.
Quarter Finals & Rookie Semi Finals: Massive Engineering Projects
THW join the race to build the world's tallest building.
THW outlaw the reclamation of coastal wetland areas for development.
THB deep space exploration is a waste of resources.
Semifinals: International Relations
THS the partitioning of countries plagued by ethnic violence.
THB the United Nations should have a standing army.
THW make Jerusalem a UN protectorate.
Grand Final: THB minority communities brought over during past colonial rule have a right to reparations.

Slovenian nationals 2008 motions

R1.: This house believes that the white man should appologise to all his colonies
R2: This house believes that celebrating chatolic religious holidays as national holidays discriminates other
R3: This house believes that human trafficking should become a much more important EU priority
R4: This house believes that conformism will destroy the world
R5: This house believes that the people of the EU should decide about the Lisabon treaty on referendums
Finals: This house believes that the EU should establish an Ombudsman institution for the human rights of

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economic migrants.

Ancients 2008 motions

Round 1: This house would introduce a minimum price restriction for the sale of all alcoholic beverages
Round 2: This house would legalise incest between consenting siblings of the age of majority
Round 3: This house loves the smell of napalm in the morning (Open Motion)
Round 4: This house would force pharmaceurtical companies to give full disclosure of clincial trials
Round 5: This house believes the government should never fund IVF treatment
Semi-Final: This house would refuse to recognise an independent Kosovo
Final: This house would restrict access to pro-anorexia websites

Irish Maze 2008 Final motion

This house Believes That Non Consensual Sterilisation of Persons with an Intellectual Disability is Always

NPDA 2008 motions

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NPDA Nationals Resolutions: 2008

TH should legalize prostitution2This House should increase regulation of home school education.3Ground
the fleet4 Mute the red phone5The United States should value constructive engagement over isolation.6
When in conflict, United States politicians should value their personal conscience over the will of the people.7
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization?s responsibility for European defense should be transferred to the
European Union. 8 The North American Free Trade Agreement should be dissolved.Quad Octas The USFG
should eliminate subsidies for the production of ethanol.Triple Octas The United States Supreme Court
should rule to substantially restrict gun ownership in the United States.Double Octas The U.S. should
substantially check growing Chinese influence in Africa.Octas The United States Federal Government should
expand the scope of the federal Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993.Quarters Access to potable water
should be a human right.Semis Russia should reinstate the cold war with the United States.Finals America
needs a Presidential unity ticket.From Tuna

Ankara open 2008 motions

1st round: THBT the usage of images of Prophet Mohammed should be banned.
2nd round: TH would trade with African Nations regardless of their social development goals.
3rd round: THBT parents who have had one child taken into care should be prevented from having another.
4th round: THBT all jobs should pay equally.
5th round: THW extend punishment for those convicted of corruption to family members who profit from that
Semi Final: TH supports an independent Tibet.
Grand Final: THW reduce the size of the state.
The tournament winners are "Pass the Dutch" (Eric Stam & Rob Honig).
From Flynn

Allen & Overy 2008 debate tournament motions and results

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Best speaker of the tournament Will Jones (Anarcy in Drenthe)

Best team of the tournament Leela Koenig and Will Jones (Anarchy in Drenthe)
Teams in finals: Anarchy in Drenthe, I haven't done it since Euros, Berlin Mitte and Newcastle.
This house would dissolve NATO
This house would pay surrogate mothers
This house would ban all religious face covers
This house would abolish the doctor-patient confidentiality in terrorist cases
This house would stop using crops for creation of bio-fuel
Semi final motion: This house would send fat kids to fat camps
Final motion: This house wouldn't send the representatives of democratic states to the Olympic games

Debate motion from the debate conference

We have prepared a live debate at the International debate conference "Thinking and speaking a better
world". Debate trainers and debater from all around the world have debated the topic "This house believes
that the in school tests kill the education".
I will post a link to the video from this debate as soon as Tuna uploads it.

UYNGO FIRE motions

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This house (TH) will prohibit to change sports citizenship

TH should prohibit mass media to inform society of terrorist organizations activities
TH should prohibit silicone implants
TH believes that one should divest driving licence for rule of the road persistent delinquency for life
TH should reform Commonwealth of Independent States

Quarters: TH should abandon nuclear-free status

Semis: TH believes that USA President should be elected through direct elections
Finals: This house believes that the president should not have privileges

AUBG 2008 Motions

Round 1: This house would deny extremist parties, the oxygen of publicity.
Round 2: This house believes the EU should force its citizens to recycle.
Round 3: This house believes in African solutions for African problems.
Round 4: This house believes terrorism is justified.
Quarter Finals: This house would re-tailor the Common Agricultural Policy.
Semi Finals: This house would embrace the Lisbon Treaty.
Grand Final: This house would draw state boundaries to comply with the principle of national

Thanks Ivaylo from for the info

Moscow State Academy of Law Open Motions

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Round 1. This house believes that the US should lift the economic sanctions against Cuba Round 2. This
house would give equal rights to the football legionnaires in the EU Round 3. This house would grant the
barristers the right to deny execution of a commission at any stage of criminal process Round 4. This house
believes that the international community should fight with visa regime usage as an instrument of external
politics Round 5. This house believes that the state bears liability for breakage when its actions lead to an
economic crisis final. This house would demonopolize the railway market final. This house would allow
default judgment on criminal cases Final. This house would boycott Beijing Olympics.

Korean National Debate Championship motions

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Demo debate
THW not confiscate land from descendants of collaborators with Japan during its colonial rule.
Round 1 : Korea
THBT Korea should priortize China over the US in diplomatic relations.
THW nationalize the tele-communications industry.
THW exclude Soju from the list of essential items announced by the Korean government to monitor inflation.
Round 2 : Social Contract
1. THBT all democratic governments should abandon laws which allow prosecution of citizens for insulting
their nations.
2. THBT government should not financially profit from its citizens' sins.
3. THW limit civilian use of guns in America.
Round 3 : Human Body
1. THW allow commercial surrogate motherhood.
2. THW give prisoners with a life sentence the right to choose the death penalty.
3. THW chemically castrate pedophiles.
Round 4 : Ideology
1. THBT socialism in Latin America has done more harm than good.
2. THBT authoritarian regimes are justifiable in developing nations.
3. THBT feminism has not contributed to the well-being of women in the world.
Round 5 : International Institutions
1. THW limit the number of times United Nations Security Council members can veto.
2. THBT democracy should be the condition for debt relief for African nations.
3. THBT it is legitimate to use aid to buy votes in international organizations.
(Rookie Final) : Cute Animals
1. THW ban fur imports from developing nations. (debated)
2. THBT zoos bring more benefits than harms to society.
3. THW allow the police to shoot poachers.
(EFL Final) : Celebrities? on the spotlight!!!
1. THBT paparazzi are beneficial for celebrities.
2. TH supports celebrities entering politics.
3. THBT celebrities should not adopt children from developing nations. (debated)
Quarter : Elections
1. THW repudiate the democratic election in Bhutan.
2. THW discourage women in Pakistan from casting ballots in order to protect their lives.
3. THW place a cap on the spending of candidates during election campaigns.
Semis : Greater Asia
1. THBT China's quest for raw materials from developing nations/rogue regimes is detrimental to the world.
2. THW pressure India to open its border to accept Tibetan exiles.
3. THBT the Kurds are better off without a Kurdish state.
Final : Law and Justice
1. THBT civil disobedience is essential to democracy. (debated)
2. THW abolish the use of insanity as a legal defense.

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3. THW require doctors to report minors with HIV to their parents regardless of patients' consent.

Amsterdam open 2008 motions

Round 1 - This house would criminalize the act of having sex with a heroin-addicted prostitute
Round 2 - This house would not allow political parties to be based on religious grounds
Round 3 - This house would publicly recognize the right of the Tibetan people to national independence
Round 4 - This house would limit the voting rights of the elderly
Round 5 - This house would ban the practice of S&M
Semi Final - This house would mandate multinational companies operating from the EU to provide a
reasonable level of education to their workforce in the third world
Final - This house would allow the police to use racial profiling

PIDC 2008 motions

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* THBT the State should ban all private schools from sanctioning students who exhibit homosexual behavior.
* THW allow Universities to allot slots for the admission of children of alumni.
* TH supports the right of private elementary schools to require pre-school education for grade one applicant.
* THBT America should welcome Iran's involvement in Iraq.
* THW lift U.S. sanction in Cuba.
* THBT U.S should not support the entry of former Soviet States into the NATO.
* The government should stop funding research searching for the gene for autism.
* TH supports the parent's right to avail of medical procedure infantalizing their disabled children by inhibiting
their physical growth.
* THW abolish employment quotas for the disabled.
* THW abolish the MMDA.
* THBT the Sangguniang Kabataan is irrelevant today's youth.
* THBT instead of being a political appointee, the Ombudsman should be elected by the people.
Round 5
* TH celebrates the role of organized religion in attaining equality.
* THBT the Dali Lama should cede control of Tibet to China.
* TH would remove restrictions on campaign donations made by religious organizations.
* THBT the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Plan has served the interests of the Filipino farmers.
* THW end the conservation of the indigenous lands.
* The developing world should prioritize food security.
* THBT Independent Filmmakers should welcome the piracy of their work.
* THBT authors of commercial spin-offs of copyrighted literature should not be made to pay royalties to the
* THBT sponsors of commissioned art should have the right to alter the final work even without the consent
of the paid artist.
Octofinal Round
* TH regrets the joint seismic marine undertaking at the Spratlys.
* THBT democratization should not be a goal of Western Foreign Policy.
* THW prioritize citizens of former colonies in admitting guest workers.
Quarterfinal Round
* TH regrets formal and informal rules restricting sexual and romantic relationship in the workplace.
* TH celebrates the rise of easily accessible and non-commercial on-line amateur porn.
* THBT States should give married individuals the option to have multiple legal spouses.
Semi-final Round
* THBT the leftist populist revolution in Latin America has failed.
* THBT post modern feminists have betrayed their sisters in the third world.
* THBT the culture of privileging formal education has broadened inequality in the developing world.

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Grandfinal Round
* TH celebrates Philippine historical attachment in former colonial masters.
* THBT the mass emigration of workers has eroded Philippine Nationalism.
* THBT the hold of the elite in the Philippine governance has strengthened democracy.


IIUM Debate League Motions

Round 1: Legal/Politics
1. THBT the Shariah Law has a Place in British Courts
2. THBT the Australian Government Should Compensate the Aborigines
3. THW Not Recognize an Independent Kosovo
Round 2: Social
1. THW Ban Size Zero Models from the Runway
2. THW Monitor Employees' Internet Activities During Office Hours
3. THW Make Governments Register their Bloggers
Round 3: Politics
1. THW Grant the Kurds a Home
2. THBT Pakistan Should do More in the Fight Against Terror
3. THBT Cross Border Offensive is a Legitimate Tool to Protect National Security
Round 4: Economics
1. THBT Trade and Environment Should Be Kept Separate
2. THW Support Government Bail Outs of Failing Industries
3. THBT the WTO Has Outlived its Purpose
Round 5: Entertainment
1. THBT Amy Winehouse Should Not Have Won the Grammys
2. THBT Trials Involving Celebrities Should be Held Behind Closed Doors
3. THBT Celebrities Have No Right To Privacy


ICRC International Humanitarian Law Debate 2008 Motions

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Round 1: Intervention
THBT the UN's responsibility to protect is more important than its respect to national sovereignity
THBT constructive engagement works better than military intervention
THBT invasion into other sovereign countries is justified only in the name of counter-terrorism
Round 2: Nukes
THBT all nations have the right to possess nuclear weapons
THBT only democratic states have the right to civilian nuclear energy
THBT South Korea should provide unconditional aid to North Korea
Round 3: Negotiating with terrorists
THBT Israel should include Hamas in its dealing with Palestine.
THW not recognize Hezbollah as the rulers of Lebanon.
THW not negotioate with violent separatist movements.
Round : Food Security
THBT the World Bank and other bilateral donors should tie developmental aid to investment in agriculture.
THW curb the production of biofuels to address the growing food crisis.
THBT the EU should not bow to the pressures of WTO in reducing agricuktural subsidies.

Quarter Finals: Cluster Munitions Treaty

THBT the greatest impact of the ban on cluster munitions is not in protecting civilians but in hampering the
military capability.
THBT the "Big Players" persistence on the option of using cluster munitions is a threat to collective security.
THW criminalize countries that cooperate with other nations using cluster munitions.
Semi Finals: Responsibility
THW force countries to make contributions to relief funds proportional to their GDPs
THW hold states responsible for collateral damage
THW allow America soldiers to not respond to the call of war
Third Placing: Justice - 3rd
THBT perpetrators of crimes against humanity should only be tried in international courts or tribunals, not
local courts
THBT the ICC is ineffective in delivering justice to victims of crimes against humanity
THBT TRCs are a sufficient form of recourse afforded to victims of crimes against humanity
Grand Finals: The Geneva Conventions
THBT the Geneva Conventions have no place in modern warfare
THW include terrorists as combatants under the Geneva Conventions
THBT rendition has no place in a democratic world.

10th Turkish Nationals Motions

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Round 1: Thbt Income of gambling addicts should be directly given to their spouses
Round 2: Thbt University graduates should not be sent to places of war for fulfilling their military service.
Round 3: Thbt all football clubs should have salary cap
Round 4: Thbt people in drunk drivers? car should be also punished
Round 5: Thbt local governments should not forcibly move residents for ?Urban Renewal Projects?
Round 6: Thbt Central Bank should stop being guarantor to bankrupt banks
Round 7: Thbt Political party leaders should have a time limit of duty
Quarter: Th would force media agencies not to use any word other than 'terrorist groups' for whom state
declares to be 'terrorist group'.
Semi: Thbt UN Food Office should have all the responsibility of distribution, pricing or sale of wheat across
the world
Final: Th would abolish inheritence

Topics for parliamentary debates

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From the office of the webmaster: This is a long list of different debate motions, that you can use as they are
or just get new ideas on debate topics. They are probably not as plan (model) orientated as you would get
them on EUDC, or other Western European tournaments and are a bit more open, but you can have great
practice debates on these topics.
This House believes that 'the power to tax is the power to destroy'. (Justice John Marshall).
This House believes that god can prevent evil, but doesn't.
This House believes that only the elite can truly successfully manage national affairs.
This House believes 'the state is not abolished, it withers away.' (Friedrich Engels).
This House believes that renewed strength of labor organizations is necessary for a progressive economics.
This House believes that the three-strike felony law will reduce crime.
This House believes in the separation of church and state.
This House believes in pacifism.
This House believes that the public monies should not finance art.
This House believes in poetic license.
This House would use force to make peace.
Political Correctness is the new McCarthyism.
This House would support positive discrimination.
This House believes that censorship can never be justified.
Freedom of the individual is a myth.
This House don't need no education.
The West will regret free trade.
There is, in this age, a dearth of heroes.
This House would reject consensus.
This House would put pragmatism before its principles.
This House would test nuclear weapons.
This House would rebuild the Berlin Wall.
This House would sacrifice economic growth for the good of the environment.
This House would give racists a platform.

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This House would make the blood of the patriarchy run in the streets.
This House would heed its priests.
This House believes that developing nations should adopt western feminism.
This House believes in trial by jury.
This House would reject big government.
This House believes that the 'melting pot' has failed.
This House would let the language die.
This House believes that strong dictatorship is better then weak democracy.
This House believes apples and oranges make strange bedfellows.
This House would have California secede from the Union.
This House believes that everyone should ride first class at least once in her or his lifetime.
This House believes that television is more significant than the computer.
This House would privatize it.
This House believes that there are necessary illusions.
This House rejects distance learning in higher education.
This House believes that triviality is more oppressive than tyranny.
This House believes that propaganda is amoral.
This House believes that there ought to be a law.
This House believes that the value of natural resources is found in their exploitation.
This House would ration the old to nurture the young.
This House believes that developing nations need strong dictatorship.
This House would legalize prostitution.
This House has an unhealthy obsession with sport.
This House believes that the US is more sinned against than sinning.
This House would let the information superhighway run free.
This House believes that fanaticism works.

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This House would allow same-sex couples to adopt children.

This House will regret the trade bloc.
This House believes that the Truth and Reconciliation Commission is a weak response.
This House supports privatization.
This House would adopt quotas.
This House believes that one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
This House would legalize all drugs.
This House supports an across-the-board tax cut.
This House believes that the poverty of the third world is the fault of the first world.
This House rejects the American way of life.
This House believes that the truth is out there.
This House believes that competition is overemphasized in the United States.
This House believes that negative political advertising is significantly detrimental to the democratic process.
This House believes that privacy protections have become too extreme in the United States.
The system of justice, in this House, should be retributive, not distributive.
This House believes that the United States should/should not repay its one billion outstanding debt to the
United Nations.
This House would/would not support a constitutional amendment to protect the flag from desecration.
This House believes that the World Trade Organization should/should not accept China.
This House believes that, on balance, prescriptive punishments benefit/do not benefit the United States
criminal justice system.
This House believes that the President of Pakistan should/should not allow Benazir Bhutto to participate in
the upcoming election.
This House believes that the Republican majority should/should not abandon the Contract with America and
seek a consensual agenda.
This House would/would not support Proposition 209.
This House believes that the United States should/should not start a dialogue with the Front for the Islamic
Salvation of Algeria.
This House believes that the European Community ought/ ought not expand now.

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This House believes that parliamentary debate should/should not encourage the inclusion of evidence.
This House believes that the United States ought/ought not commit troops to Zaire and/or Rwanda.
This House believes that ex's should/should not remain friends.
This House believes that President Clinton should/should not be forced to face civil charges while in office.
This House believes that the state should/should not seek the death penalty in capital cases involving
persons under the age of eighteen.
This House believes that the war on drugs is inadvisable in a free society.
This House believes that old enemies can become new friends.
This House believes that what costs little is of little worth.
This House believes that the public deserves the politicians it elects.
This House believes that a ban on flag burning better serves fascism than freedom.
This House believes that it is better for athletes to retire at the peak of their careers.
This House believes that the Japanese government should allow trials to be broadcast on television.
This House believes that physically challenged people should not be separated in schools.
This House believes that its better for the Japanese people to learn world history than Japanese history.
This House believes that collectivism is better than individualism.
This House believes that aging is golden.
This House believes that Okinawa should be independent.
This House supports same sex marriage.
This House supports political advertising.
This House supports open borders.
This House opposes war propaganda.
This House opposes the death penalty.
This House would meet cruelty with kindness.
This House believes that television destroys lives.
This House opposes patriotism.
This House believes that justice in America can be bought.

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This House supports physician-assisted suicide.

This House believes that the meek will inherit the earth.
This House believes that disagreement is freedom's privilege.
This House believes that a minute of success pays the failure of years.
This House believes that conventionality is not morality.
This House believes that divided we stand, united we fall.
This House believes that well done is better than well said.
This House believes that imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality.
This House believes that there is no security in the world, only opportunity.
This House believes that change is not progress.
This House believes that war is ugly.
This House would remove government from the lives of the people.
This House believes in social unity over cultural diversity.
This House believes ion the adversary system.
This House would soak the rich.
This House would repudiate history.
This House would establish English as the official language.
This House would negotiate with terrorists.
This House believes that it is better to have time than money.
This House believes that in term limits for federal officials.
This House believes that minority privileges deny equality.
This House believes that the American media are corrupt.
This House believes that technology is killing our work ethic.
This House believes that we learned everything we needed to know in kindergarten.
This House would limit the cost of election campaigns.
This House supports a flat tax.
This House believes that the US war on drugs is misdirected.

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This House believes that capitalism is detrimental to social justice.

This House believes that presidential term limits should be revised.
This House supports sanctions for citizen non-participation in the democratic process.
This House believes that public shame is an appropriate means of punishing criminal offenders.
This House values life over liberty.
This House believes that commercial advertising is our reality.
This House believes that god is dead.
This House believes that there is a better way to elect the President of the United States.
This House believes that America is blinded by the light.
This House believes that space exploration and development should be an international priority.
This House believes that higher education was intended for the intellectual elite.
This House believes that there is no justice without retribution.
This House believes that nationalism is a virtue.
This House believes that Miranda rights favor the guilty.
This House would detour off the information superhighway.
This House believes in the concept of intellectual property.
This House believes in the two-party system.
This House believes that the scales of justice are tilted.
This House believes that peace is only an illusion.
This House believes that extremists provide an important contribution to the marketplace of ideas.
This House believes that history is not her story.
This House supports discrimination.
This House would establish a national religion.
This House would put an "X" in the center square.
This House would end US participation in the Olympic Games.
This House would restrict free speech.

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This House would ban genetic cloning.

This House believes computers are the answer.
This House believes spaceship earth is crashing.
This House believes that patriotism is misguided.
This House would not worship at the temple of sport.
This House would exterminate capital punishment.
This House believes that special interests have ruined democracy.
This House believes that advertising degrades the quality of life.
This House believes that reality is just a linguistic construction.
This House believes that crime pays.
This House believes that we have sold our souls for gain.
This House believes that emperors are worse than pirates.
This House believes that the drug war is a civil war.
This House believes that the First Amendment applies to the internet.
This House believes that basic medical care is a privilege, not a right.
This House would open its doors.
This House would heal the wound.
This House believes that the right to strike should be given to all employees.
This House believes that the IRS needs to be abolished.
This House believes that American automobiles are a better bargain than European automobiles.
This House believes that professional athletes are overpaid.
This House believes that convicted rapists are as bad as murderers and should be sent to prison for life.
This House believes that Kevin Garnett's professional services are more important than Bill Clinton's.
This House believes that military justice is an oxymoron.
This House believes that the right to die is the ultimate personal freedom.
This House is resolved that the British monarchy is the best system of government the world has ever known.
This House believes that a comparison of Mother Teresa and Princess Di is morally repugnant.

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This House believes that public funding of sports facilities is immoral.

This House believes that forensics programs should emphasize community service over tournament
This House believes that the right to privacy is more important than the freedom of the press.
This House believes that the local is preferable to the global.
This House believes that the public sphere is a phantom.
This House believes that schools should not prepare students for work.
This House supports radical feminism.
This House believes that the good life is best measured by aesthetics.
This House would rock the boat.
This House believes that the news should be interesting rather than mportant.
This House would increase support for the developing world.
This House would tax the monarchy.
This House would erect a new foundation for the 21st century.
This House would dance like a butterfly and sting like a bee.
This House would rather be in than out.
This House would expand NAFTA.
This House opposes affirmative action.
This House would further restrict free speech.
This House would expose the secrets.
This House would dramatically increase funding for the National Endowment for the Arts.
This House would develop a strategy rather than a theory.
This House would be indifferent to national heritage.
This House would reform the present system of checks and balances.
This House supports the power of labor unions.
This House believes that freedom has been taken too far in the western world.
This House would rather be East than West.

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This House would hold the military to a stricter standard on sexual harassment.
This House would steal from the rich and give to the poor.
This House would reach for the stars.
This House regards royalty as irrelevant.
This House would ban gambling on the internet.
This House would open the gates to immigrants.
This House would rather be poor than rich.
This House believes that the right to strike should be given to all employees.
This House believes that the IRS needs to be abolished.
This House believes that American automobiles are a better bargain than European automobiles.
This House believes that professional athletes are overpaid.
This House believes that a convicted rapist is no better than a murderer and should be sent to prison for life.
This House believes that motion pictures are a reflection of society norms.
This House believes that dogs are better pets for humankind than cats.
This House believes that civil litigation should have the same requirements as criminal litigation.
This House would take from the rich and give to the poor.
This House would hold the media responsible.
This House believes that labor union have outlived their usefulness.
This House believes that political correctness does more harm than good.
This House believes that the government has forgotten its role.
This House supports campaign finance reform.
This House regrets the decline of conventional morality.
This House would use taxation to regulate behavior.
This House believes that the exploitation of animals is immoral.
This House would kill all the lawyers.
This House is resolved that there should be integration of the sexes in professional sports.

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This House is resolved that a global marketplace is good for the US.
This House is resolved that we should increase regulations on the paparazzi.
This House is resolved that the United States should sign the Ottawa Treaty to ban the production and export
of land mines.
This House is resolved that when in conflict, individualism should be valued over collectivism.
This House is resolved that communism was better than capitalism for Russia.
This House is resolved that affirmative action is unfair.
This House should change its locks.
This House should balance its diet.
This House should enact campaign finance reform.
This House should increase regulation of firearms.
This House should recycle.
This House should pull the plug.
This House should teach an old dog a new trick.
This House should consider carefully that which seems initially successful.
This House should announce that the King is naked.
This House should check its messages.
This House would consider cohabiting two-gender couples legally married after six months.
This House would require human would-be parents to be licensed before having children.
This House would stop using cosmetics.
This House would throw the television out of our homes.
This House would penalize U.S. citizens who do not participate in the democratic process.
This House believes that PC is OK.
This House believes that country music reflects a decline in American culture.
This House would limit the salaries of professional athletes.
This House would enact a mandatory retirement age for all elected officials in the U.S.
This House believes that the students should run the school.

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This house believes that the internet is the new opiate of the masses.
This House would pull the plug.
This House would defend elitism.
This House believes that the emperor is naked.
This House would redistribute the wealth.
This House would eliminate letter grades.
This house believes it is wrong to kill people who kill people to show that we shouldn't kill people.
This House would dethrone sport.
This House would support exceptions to gender equality in the workplace.
This House would revolutionize the US educational system.
This House believes that the light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train.
This House believes any federal budget surplus should be returned to the American people in the form of tax
This House would dissolve the House of Lords.
This House believes it is not necessary to understand things in order to argue about them.
This House believes the affairs of state must take precedence over the affairs of state.
This House favors qualitative over quantitative research.
This House would prohibit professional atheletes from competing in Olympic Games.
This House would not have named Washington National Airport after Ronald Reagan.
This House would find in favor of Oprah Winfrey.
This House believes when you wish upon a star, your dreams come true.
This House believes that racism can be controlled by legislation.
This House believes that life imitates art.
If you come to rob this House, we'll let you have it.
This House believes you can judge a book by its cover.
This House believes that immigrants from other countries should focus on trying to blend into the American
culture rather than holding fast to their original culture.
This House believes that good things come to those who wait.

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This House believes that beauty pageants for children should be banned.
This House believes that some calls to the psychic hotline get results.
This House would shop at home.
This House believes that professional sports needs a flea collar.
This House believes the press is too free.
This House believes you can go to the mall and see america.
This House believes that fun is more important than work.
This House believes that the US should be less involved in world affairs.
This House would rather bare legs than bear arms.
This House believes we shouldn't fix it if it ain't broke.
This House would milk the cow dry.
This House believes once you start you can't stop.
This House believes in order to get it you have to give it up.
This House believes love is foolish.
This House believes any book worth banning is a book worth reading.
This House would lock its doors.
This House would put out the fire.
This House believes you can't handle the truth.
This House would have a new song for America.
This House would place privilege before merit.
This House approves of political inertia.
This House would avoid the ideological seductions of "false consciousness".
This House supports the strong state.
This House believes that self-government is degenerate.
This House would break the law.
This House would substantially reduce IMF and World Bank lending programs.

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This House supports nullification by African-American jurors.

This House would manage ethnic conflict in Central Asia.
This House would denuclearize the United States.
This House would take policy action to support Kurdish self-detemrination.
This House declares Saddam Hussein the winner of this round of the Middle East conflict.
This House prefers second place to first.
This House would curb road rage.
This House believes results more important than character in national leaders.
This House would contemplate rather than act.
This House would get entangled in the sublime.
This House believes that peace is undesirable.
This House would televise executions.
This House should investigate the investigators.
This House thinks that internet "junk mail" should be illegal.
This House believes that winning isn't everything; it's the only thing.
This House thinks the U.S. is the Titanic.
This House believes that technology is killing our work ethic.
This House believes that the U.N. is dysfunctional.
This House would make it up as we go along.
This House would free the prisoners.

Koc 2008 motions

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Webmaster: This were interesting motions, I just ask myself, if the 2nd round motion is not a SQ motion? I
recall a couple of incidents in Slovenija, where teams have been punished for what their fans have done (like
destroying stuff or attacking the opposite team's fans)... But its sport, what do I know about it..
1st Round THW suspend welfare payments to drug addicts.
2nd Round THW punish sports teams for violence perpetrated by their fans
3rd Round THW ban the digital enhancement of images of people in advertising and magazines.
4th Round THW impose economic sanctions on Israel until it ends its nuclear program
5th Round THW seize the personal assets of company directors whose companies file for bankruptcy or
are bailed out by the government
6th Round THW place on no restriction on the owning of the firearms
Semi THW suspend Italy's EU membership due for its treatment for the Roman
Final THW ban the killing animals for food
Full tab

Sydney BP Novice tournament motions

These are debate motions from the Sydney BP Novice debate tournament. I find the very interesting, the R4
motion looks as if it would deliver great debates. What do you think?

R1. THW make smokers pay for their own medical expenses
R2. THW not allow children to compete in professional sports
R3. THW deny the right to strike
R4. THW execute war criminals
Final: THW allow mothers in prison to be accompanied by their babies

Dialogue NSU 08 motions

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Round 1
THW recognise the independence of South Ossetial
Round 2
THW ban Digital Enhancement in magazines and billboards.
Round 3
THW ban all Blood Sports.
Round 4
THW Ban Coka Cola.
Semi Final
THW legalize voluntary ethunasia for lifetime inprisoned War Criminals.
Grand Final

THW Build the Wall.

Yale IV 2008 motions

Round 1: This House would prioritize people who have lived a healthy lifestyle when allocating organs.
Round 2: This House would hold parents criminally responsible for crimes committed by their minor children.
Round 3: This House would refuse to extradite criminals to countries with the death penalty.
Round 4: This House supports restrictions on executive pay.
Round 5: This House would extend NATO membership to Ukraine.
Quarters: This House would legalize opium-poppy cultivation in Afghanistan .
Semis: This House would use public shaming in criminal punishments.
Finals: This House supports a doctrine of preemptive war.

Oxford IV 2008 motions

Rd 1: This house would not prosecute battered wives for killing their husbands.
Rd 2: This house would negotiate with al quaeda
Rd 3: This house would nationalise all banks
Rd 4: This house would make politicians work in health, defense, education or emergency services to qualify
for office
Rd 5: This house make entry into university based on a lottery after passing a basic high school exam
Quarter: This house would sell right to sue
Semi: This house would give money to African countries not to take money off China
Final: This House Would Make the Number of Votes a Person Can Cast in an Election Inversely Proportional
to their Wealth

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Father Guindon Cup 2008 motions

THW abandon space exploration

THW allow native groups to perform ceremonies in which participants may be harmed
THW abandon all laws restricting cruelty to animals
THW impose a moratorium on home foreclosures
THW use disaster relief as a tool of diplomacy.
Semi: THBT following orders is an acceptable defense for war crimes
Novice Final: THW pay a salary to stay-at-home parents
Final: THW prohibit in vitro fertilization clinics from creating savior siblings

Irish Times First rounds - motions

Heat 1 "This house believes Israeli policy is the major obstacle to peace in the Middle East"
Heat 2 "This house believes that global security demands a McCain victory"
Heat 3 "This House regrets the demise of the Progressive Democrats"
Heat 4 "This house would ban the eating of meat"
Heat 5 "This house would ban recreational air travel"
Heat 6 "This house would refuse to fund the Arts"
Heat 7 "This house would end all private political donations"
Heat 8 "This house believes in retributive justice"
Heat 9 "This house would introduce compulsory community service."
Heat 10 "This house believes earning a licence should be necessary to vote"
Heat 11 "This house would fund science at all costs"
Heat 12 "This house would jail parents for the crimes of their children"
Heat 13 "This house would no longer pick up the tab for those living unhealthy lives"
Heat 14 "This house believes the time to fund RTE is at an end."
Heat 15 "This house would join a European Army"
Heat 16 "This house believes the Celtic Tiger took away more than it ever gave"

Victoria IV 2008 results

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1. This House believes the gay community should "out" gay celebrities
2. This House believes the military should overthrow governments which have lost popular legitimacy
3. This House would criminalise individuals and organisations who do not recycle
4. This House would abolish all forms of affirmative action
5. This House would allow parents to cast proxy votes on behalf of their children
6. This House believes the Palestinians should give up the Right of Return
Semis: This House would make insulting religion a crime
Final: This House believes freer markets, rather than more government intervention, are the solution to the
current economic crisis

CUSID BP nationals motions

TH believes in a constitutional right to a minimum standard of living

TH supports a ban on the use of runway models below a healthy BMI
TH would legalize insider trading
TH would let dying languages die
TH believes that NATO should have a seat at negotiations with the Taliban, should they occur.
Semifinals: TH would impose a total publication ban on news of high-profile kidnappings.
Final: TH would regret the indictment of Omar al-Bashir.

Cambridge IV 2008 motions

Webmaster: Hrmm... I sure have seen a lot of debate motions, but WTH? (what the Humphrey Bogart?)
Cambridge tournament is weird I see.... Anyone debated this, could you give us some more info?
Round 1: This House should never have switched from Scotch to Martinis. (Humphrey Bogart)
Round 2: This House would strive on with mindfulness. (Siddhartha Gautama Buddha)
Round 3: This House would bugger Bognor. (King George V)
Round 4: This House would live as a philosopher, and die as a Christian. (Giacomo Casanova)
Round 5: This House believes that / light light I mean / never there he will never / never anything / there / any
more. (Malone from 'Malone Dies' by Samuel Beckett)
[ESL Break Motions]
This House is going outside. It may be some time. (Captain Lawrence Oates)
This House believes that the rest is silence. (Hamlet)
[Open Break Motions]
This House believes that the bastards got us but they won't get everybody. (Alexander Litvinenko)
This House told you it was ill. (Spike Milligan's epitaph)

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This House believes that last words are for fools who haven't said enough. (Karl Marx)

Australian BP championships motions

Round One - Religion (Ireland I):

That this house would compel priests to divulge the details of confessionals in criminal trials.
Round Two - Economics:
That this house supports bailing out failing financial icons
Round Three - International Relations:
That this house believes that Iraq has the right to freely prosecute all foreign soldiers for serious crimes
committed in their nation.
Round Four - Health
That this house believes that governments should provide a rebate for preventative health care measures.
Round Five - EU (or Ireland II):
That this house believes that EU member states should allow for domestic referendums on all constitutional
changes to the EU.
Round Six - Social Policy
That this house would grant the mentally ill and their families the right to refuse medical treatment.
Round Seven - International Relations (II):
That this house believes the West should force South Africa to oust Mugabe.
Semi Final: That this house would allow Bosnia to break up
Grand Final: That this house would allow potential parents to pay women to carry unwanted children to term.

WUPID 2008 motions

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Round 1: This house believes that Obama should close the Guantanamo Camp immediately.
Round 2: This house believes that it is time to close the borders to economic migrants.
Round 3: This house would eliminate compuslory service in Malaysia.
Round 4: This house would legislate agains the embedding of journalists.
Round 5: This house would prosecute Robert Mugabe for crimes against humanity
Quarterfinals: This house would bomb terrorist bases in Pakistan.
Semifinals: This house believes that South American countries should nationalize thir natural resources.
Watch the debate video
Finals: This house would use the military against Somali pirates. Watch the debate video

Colgate IV motions

Round 1 - Thbt the criminal justice system should only utilize secular rehabilitation programs.
Round 2 - THW make indigenous communities exempt from laws pertaining to environmental protection.
Round 3 - This house would introduce an international minimum wage.
Round 4 - Thbt the propagation of extreme nationalism during the War on Terror do/did/does more harm
than good.
Round 5 - Thbt professional sporting leagues should be responsible for sports related injuries and conditions
for the lifetime of their athletes.
Round 6 - This House would allow the defendants that belong to a minority group to choose to be judged by
a jury composed exclusively of other members of their same minority group.
Semifinal motion - THBT the international community should Recognize the leadership of populist uprisings
over their national governments.

USU 2011 motions - Vermont

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Round 1: This House would mandate the purchase of insurance in disaster prone areas.
Round 2: This House would prosecute players who commit flagrant fouls for assault.
Round 3: THW grant amnesty to dictators who voluntarily leave office.
Round 4: THW would mandate a quota for women on the boards of large corporations.
Round 5: THW create a public forum for active duty military personnel to criticize government policy.
Round 6: There is context: "Intellectual property is one or more of patents, copyright or trademarks." This
was read to the debaters before the motion was read. Round 6: TH would charge an annual tax on
intellectual property.
Octofinal motion: THB that human shields are a legitimate target in war.
Quarterfinal motion: THW instruct juries to acquit where they believe conviction not to be in the public
Semifinal motion: THB in a constitutional right to a minimum standard of living.

EUDC 2010 motions

Round 1: THBT the EU should pursue new member states by removing all non-economic membership
conditions, including political system and global location
Round 2: THBT schools should prioritise authority of the teacher over enjoyment of the pupil
Round 3: THW offer increased aid to the developing world countries that encourage and accept large
influxes of immigrants
Round 4: THBT social disgust is sufficient justification for censoring art
R5: THBT Bradley Manning should be pardoned if he is convicted of ?communicating, transmitting and
delivering national defence information to an unauthorised source?
R6: THW allow all women, and women only, to bear arms
R7: THW offer the Taliban power-sharing deals in exchange for acts of disarmament
R8: THBT developing nations should distribute as a dividend to citizens all income derived from natural
resource extraction
Open Quarters: This House would prohibit gay pride parades in countries or areas where there is a risk of
violent backlash against those involved.
ESL Quarters: This House would extend the full protections of international law to guerilla fighters, insurgents
and terrorists.
Open Semis: This House believes that the state should determine the wages to be payed (in both private and
public sectors) for jobs deemed of moral value or societal importance.
ESL Semis: This House would grant higher primates rights equivalent to those of human children.
ESL final: THBT even in response to the most serious crimes a just penal system should have no
consideration for society?s desire for retribution
Open final: THBT after a humanitarian intervention has halted human rights abuses the occupation forces
should leave if the population clearly establishes this as their wish

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EUDC 2011 Galway Motions

Round 1: This house would bring back death penalty.

Round 2: This house would prohibit the media from using software to cosmetically improve an individual?s
Round 3: This house believes that Germany should ban the publication of Mein Kampf indefinitely
Round 4: This house believes that Barack Obama should have vetoed any debt deal that did not increase
Round 5: This house would allow the creation of donor siblings.
Round 6: This house believes that hacking is an acceptable form of protest against large corporations.
Round 7: This house believes that early childhood education in schools should undermine traditional gender
Round 8: This house believes that America and the EU should cease all financial, political and military
support to both Israel and the Palestinian Authority until they reach a peace agreement.
Round 9: This house would legally require priests to report all serious crimes that they hear of in confessions.
Quarters: This house would never fight for King and Country.
ESL Quarters: This house would ban all EU arms companies from selling arms outside the EU
ESL Semifinals: This house would require persons who work in the media to wait four years before running
for public office or working for the government
Semifinals: This house believes that the West should promise preferential economic and political cooperation
to Arab democracies who adopt secular constitutions.
ESL Finals: This house believes God Exists.
Finals: this house believes that the state should pay reparations to women

EUDC 2012 Belgrade motions

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R1: THB parents should choose not to send their children to private school.
R2: THBT First Nations' Peoples (e.g. Native Americans) who live in geographically separate areas should be
given complete autonomous govt.
R3: THBT the music industry should not facilitate the comebacks of artists who committed violent crimes.
R4: THBT the Mexican government should remove all limits on law enforcement and the military in the fight
against organised crime.
R5: THBT the ECB should unconditionally buy significant amounts of government debt from struggling
Eurozone countries
R6: THW limit the amount that can be spent by corporations in any one course of litigation
R7: THW require the military to recruit solders in direct proportion to the socioeconomic make up of their
R8: THBT the Palestinians should accept complete demilitarisation in returned for a guaranteed sovereign
R9: THW allow anyone to take up residence in any country, provided that they will not be an economic
burden on that country.
ESL Quarters: THS life sentence without parole for serial re-offenders
ESL Semis: TH believes that militaries in newly democratised arab states should act as guardians of
ESL Final: THW retrospectively remove all amnesty granted to those who committed crimes as part of
oppressive regimes.
Main QF: THBT Republika Srpska should secede from BIH.
Main Semis: THB schools should aggressively stream students according to their ability from a young age.
Main Final: THW amend the US constitution to prohibit any involvement by religious organizations in the
electoral process

Red Sea Open

R1 This house, as Germany, would immediately cease all reparations to the State of Israel
R2 THW incentivize employers to hire non-college graduates
R3 THBT decisions on the legalisation, banning, or limiting of substances, including, but not limited to
narcotics, tobacco & alcohol should be left to panels of experts rather than to elected representatives
R4 THW require any journalist working for a print,TV or radio news organization to have a
government.-issued license
R5 THW force anyone suspected of being a 'stolen child' [under the Argentinian military junta 1976-1983] to
undergo DNA testing to establish whether they are indeed stolen children and then make the results public
R6 THW require all isolated religious communities (eg. Hasidic Jews, Jehova's Witnesses) to give all
18-year-olds a 'Rumspringa' [Amish tradition of sending off 18-y.-olds to live in outside world for 1 year, after
which they may chose to return or not]
Semi THBT all Government Policy Should Follow the Strict Logic of Maximizing Total Happiness
Final THBT the State of Israel should immediately and publicly end all attempts to capture or kill Nazi war

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Roosevelt Academy Open (RA Open), Middelburg, the Netherlands 2012

R1: THW abolish referenda

R2: THW not allow immigrants with illiberal values, such as homophobia, to settle in the country
R3: THW vote for Obama
R4: THBT western countries should criminalize depictions of the Prophet Muhammed
R5: THBT sport's governing bodies, such as IOC and FIFA, should allow performance enhancing
Semi: THB the EU should not pay rural subsidies
Final: THW not use prison to punish non-violent offenders

DDG Master?s Cup 2012

R1: THB in the right of bodily integrity of children

R2: THW out homosexual football players (or forcibly out those it knows about)
R3: THW abolish the Beamtenstatus (i.e. a body of exceptions to the laws governing all citizens of the state
granted to some categories of civil servants)
R4: TH chooses immortality
Semi: TH declares the war on drugs a failure
Final: THBT it is (fully) sufficient to combat the symptoms

Open de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

R1: THW prohibit the grievance of religious beliefs

R2: THW defend that universities give preference to disadvantaged students
R3: THBT illegal downloading is not criminal
R4: THW allow private companies to resort to openly discriminatory hiring practices
Semi: THW recognise the independence of Catalunia
Final: THB in revolution as a solution to the country?s problems

Edinburgh Cup 2012

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R1: THBT the State should pay for university education

R2: THW abolish all hate crime laws and instead prosecute according to criminal law
R3: THS eco-terrorism
R4: THBT the identity of the artist should be obscured from those who buy and display the art
R5: THW financially incentivize drug and alcohol addicts not to have children
Semi: THBT in the event of a Syrian border attack on Turkey, NATO should come to the aid of Turkey
Final: TH welcomes the demise of religion

Alternative Open, Glasgow 2012

R1: THW ban memory erasing technology (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)
R2: THBT it is legitimate for Replicants to destroy any and all means of replicant production (Bladerunner)
R3: THW establish an independent 'prawn' state (District 9)
R4: something about clones being happier if they didn't know they were clones. (Never Let Me Go)
Final: THW give the 4-5-6 the 10% of children from the bottom of the league tables (Or, THW implement
PLEB) (Torchwood: Children of the Earth)

UCL President?s Cup, London 2012

R1: THBT adults who are not on the organ donor list should not be eligible to receive organ transplants
R2: THBT players who are found to have racially abused their fellow competitors should be banned for life
R3: THW ban the depiction of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)
R4: THW prefer US Presidential candidates to be selected exclusively by party elites
Final: THBT the LGBT Movement Should Not Out Homosexual Politicians That Publicly Profess Homophobic

Dutch Debate Masters 2012

R1: THW abolish ethical checks on social science experiments

R2: THBT Turkey should intervene militarily in Syria
R3: THW set a maximum amount to be spent on health care per QUALY (Quality Adjusted Life Year)
Final: THBT the judges in Supreme Court should be elected directly by the American people

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Gutenberg Cup, Mainz, Germany 2012

R1: Should Robin be allowed to drive the Batmobil too?

R2: Does Snowhite need only one Dwarf?
R3: Do we need a women?s quota in prison?
Semi: Do we need an ECO-label for organs?
Final: Should the Dnertier be placed under environmental protection?

SOAS IV, London 2012

R1: TH regrets the criminalisation of squatting.

R2: THW allow high-ranked army officials, when in agreement, to reverse decisions made by democratic
governments regarding military missions.
R3: THW fund research into the existence of a violent gene.
R4: THB that LGBTQI activism in countries with strong anti-gay policies does more harm than good.
R5: THW abolish all term-limits on the service of elected heads of state.
Open Quarter: THB it is legitimate for states to deny residence or asylum to immigrants who openly contradict
their predominant values.
Open Semi: You are the British government. You have full guarantee that SAS (special air service) can enter
the prison which currently holds the Pussy Riot Girls in Russia and you can remove them safely. THW enter
Russia and remove the Pussy Riot Girls from their cells.
ESL Semi: THW not allow members of the royal family to serve in active combat.
ESL Final: THB that European States should end all funding for the arts until everyone lives above the
national poverty level.
Open Final: THB the state should actively prosecute sexist and misogynist remarks.

Bogwall (SSDC Novices), Durham 2012

R1: THW legalise polygamy

R2: THW financially incentivise voting
R3: THBT the West should impose sanctions on Israel until it disbands its nuclear programme and
relinquishes control of all nuclear weapons
R4: THW ban protests at any event connected to a military funeral
Semi: TH supports Scottish independence
Final: THW out closeted LGBT public figures

Namda Novices, Manchester

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R1: THW, ban national football teams who fans use racist or homophobic chants, from international
R2: THW require local councils to provide sufficient plots for gypsies in spite of local opposition.
R3: THW allow law enforcement agencies to monitor the phones, emails, internet activity and text messages
of anyone who has been convicted of a crime linked to organised crime (as opposed to a hypothetical status
quo where permission is granted on a case by case basis, where a judge must approve it based on evidence
that the person is currently committing a crime)
R4: THW force clinically obese children to attend residential weight loss and education camps during the
summer holidays
Semi: THBT western nations should launch pre-emptive air strikes against Iranian nuclear facilities
Final: THBT in order for full gender equality to be achieved, all images designed to even slightly sexually
attract or arouse the viewer must be banned

UCD Novice IV, Dublin 2012

R1: THBT the right to bear arms is the right to be free

R2: THBT the world would be a better place if nobody believed in God
R3: THW ban private healthcare and replace it with a comprehensive public system
Semi: THB corrupt, benevolent and capable dictatorship is preferable to corrupt and inept democracy
Final: Context Slide:
- It is the near future
- There is no discernable technological difference from today
- It has been discovered that 0.1% of the world?s population (60 million people) have developed the ability to
read the thoughts of those in their immediate proximity. These people are called ?psychics?
- ?Psychics? can control their ability and choose not to read minds.
- A drug has been developed which suppresses their ability to ever read thoughts. However this drug also
causes severe depression.
THW Require the Public Registration of All Psychics and the Suppression of their Abilities with Drugs

Imperial Open, London 2012

R1: THBT the West should support a power-sharing deal between the Afghan government and the Taliban
R2: THBT Latin American countries should use private military contractors to police high crime areas
R3: THBT the feminist movement should renounce the title of "Feminism"
R4: THBT in order to be eligible for public funding, art must be subject to a double-blind test, in which it is
judged anonymously by an art critic, and by members of the public against the work of a 5-year-old

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UCU Open, Utrecht 2012

R1: THW Remove All UEFA's Limits on Football Club Spending (which includes transfer and salaries).
R2: THBT the European Union should guarantee membership to regions of member states that secede from
their parent state.
R3: THW fund hymen reconstruction.
R4: TH Regrets the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan.
R5: THBT MGM Film Studios should cast a woman as the next James Bond.
Semi: THBT Japanese Leaders are justified in honouring the Yasukuni War Shrines.
Final: You are a Liberal leaning journalist covering the White House, you have received exclusive and
indisputable evidence that during his college years Barack Obama had an active gay sexual life, THW
Publish the Story.

Newcastle IV, Newcastle 2012

R1: THBT the media should not report on a terrorist attack immediately after the event
R2: THW introduce irreversible laws to be programmed into robots
R3: THW take charitable status away from religious institutions that do not teach comprehensive sexual
R4: THBT it is legitimate for nations to destabilise the governments that are complicit in the production of
hardcore narcotics
Final: THBT state education should purposely undermine the normal gender roles

Durham IV, Durham 2012

R1: THW ban male circumcision for Under 18s, except for medical reasons.
R2: TH wants the USA to lead a Coalition of the Willing to intervene militarily in Syria.
R3: THBT developed countries should not retaliate to protectionist measures by developing countries.
R4: THW publicly shame persons found guilty of committing hate speech.
R5: THBT Britain should seek issue based coalitions rather than a further integration into the EU.
Semi: "Context: A pill has been developed which, if taken during pregnancy will ensure the birth of straight
children. At no point can it be determined if the child would otherwise have been straight or gay.
Motion: This House would allow prospective mothers to take the pill."
Novice Final: This House would ban extremist political parties.
Final: This House would support the partition of nation-states along their ethnic lines.

Welsh Novices, Aberystwyth 2012

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R1: THW not allow anybody under the age of 18 to leave school without first having passed all of their exams
R2: THW institute gender and racial quotas in all government cabinets
R3: THW only intervene in arab uprisings if guaranteed preferential economic agreements in return
R4: THW Make it a criminal offence to know of a crime and not report it
Final: THBT pieces of major social legislation, notably gay marriage, should be passed only by referendum

Oxford IV 2012

R1: THBT Google, YouTube, & social media websites should remove content which it deems to insult
R2: THB the ANC should nationalize all mines
R3: THBT Western governments should buy the freedom of slaves
R4: THBT the Greek military should suspend democratic government until economic recovery
R5: THBT companies should not take public stance in gay right issues
Quarter: THBT Emily's list should fund pro-choice male candidates
ESL Semi: THB governments should actively discourage consumerist lifestyles
Semi: THBT States should forcibly reverse the transmigration policies of their former dictators
ESL Final: THW give extra votes to youths over the age of 18
Final: THB in the right to bear arms

Vienna Freshers 2012

R1: THW ban smoking entirely

R2: THBT there should be obligatory equal parental leave for women and men
R3: THW prosecute violent fouls as criminal assault
R4: THBT testing on animals is immoral
Final: THBT state funded space programs are a waste of tax payers' money

UK Debate Challenge, York 2012

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R1: THW abolish all political parties

R2: THW allow workers to sell employment rights back to their employers
R3: THBT the right to decide the timing and manner of one's death is a fundamental component of liberty
R4: THBT the Myanmar NLD should actively support a pro-democracy campaign of civil disobedience
R5: THW remove immunity from prosecution from holders of high political office
Semi: THBT the works of hip hop legends such as Tupac Shakur, the Wu Tang Clan and JayZ should be
taught in schools
Final: THBT the capitalist system is incompatible with a just society

ESCP Debating Open, Paris

R1: THBT states in the developing world should invest in sex tourism
R2: THW allow all doping in professional sports
Final: THW choose immortality over the opportunity to have children

Open de Debates da Sociedade de Debates da Universidade de Coimbra 2012

R1: TH supports lifting the celibacy of the Catholic Church

R2: THW ban the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, from adopting children
R3: THW require all Portuguese to spend 25 ? per month on local products
R4: THBT all children should have location chips
Semi: THBT Wikipedia should be put on the UNESCO World Heritage list
Final: TH defends that austerity is the solution to the (economic) crisis

Brno Open, Brno 2012

R1: THW adopt life sentences without parole.

R2: THW not read fairytales which contain gender stereotypes to children.
R3: THW grant tax cuts to large foreign investors.
R4: THW cancel permanent membership and veto power in the UN Security Council.
Semi: THBT all regionally concentrated ethnic minorities should be granted territorial autonomy.
Final: THBT the European Union should open its borders for immigrants from third world countries.

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Cambridge IV 2012

R1: The state should pay a living wage to stay at home parents
R2: Infoslide: There are strong allegations that the Rwandan government of Paul Kagame is funding
anti-govenment rebel fighters in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The rebels are ethnically Tutsi and have
caused mass violence in the DRC. Several countries have decided to freeze budgetary assistance to
Rwanda. Others have chosen not to, claiming that aid has been used effectively to develop Rwanda.Motion:
THB all donor countries should freeze aid to Rwanda
R3: THW hold the senior executives of major banks and rating agencies criminally liable for the actions of
their companies that led to the Global Financial Crisis
R4: THBT democratic reform is more important than economic growth for China
R5: THBT prosecutors should never offer reduced sentences in exchange for testifying against others
Quarters: TH regrets the rise of 24 hour news culture
Semi: THBT all companies should be at least 75% owned by their workforce, in equal shares
ESL Final: THBT that Japan should not abandon nuclear power
Final: THBT Egypt should provide a military security guarantee against the invasion of Gaza

Iasi BP Open 2012

R1: THW not make state health care available to smokers

R2: TH regrets the influence of computer games on the next generation
R3: THW ban pornography
R4: THBT the European Union should open its borders to all immigrants
Final: THW give all animals capable of respecting all citizen obligations equal rights to humans

John Smith Memorial Mace, Irish Leg 2012

Heat 1, 2, 3: THW create a permanent seat for the Travelling Community in the Dil.
Heat 4, 5, 6: THW create a constituency for the Irish abroad.
Heat 7, 8, 9: THW allow Asylum Seekers to work.
Heat 10, 11, 12: THW compel parents to take equal paternity and maternity leave.
Heat 13, 14, 15: THW require the unemployed to participate in community work to be eligible for social
Heat 16, 17, 18: THW re-introduce the punishment of banishment for serious crimes.
Heat 19, 20, 21: THW grant the police the ability to stop and search without reasonable suspicion in
designated areas and times.
Heat 22, 23, 24: THB the US Federal Government should continue to enforce the national prohibition on
drugs in states which legalise the personal use of cannabis.

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John Smith Memorial Mace England Leg, London 2012

Round 1: THW Abolish National School Curriculums

Round 2: THBT in Times of High Unemployment, Governments Should Remove all Minimum Standard
Regulations in the Labour Market
Round 3: THB India should not allow Tesco or Walmart into their national market
Round 4: THW Punish Parents when Their Children Bully Others at School
Round 5: TH Regrets the Rise of the Career Politician
Semi: THBT, where resources are scare, minority campaign groups should fund minority art, literature and
films rather than funding lobbying for legislative change
Final: THB that the Press Cannot be Trusted to Regulate Itself

Cicero Debattoernooi, Tilburg 2012

R1: THW force universities to create stricter entrance requirements, even if this would lead to fewer students
R2: THW ban the publication of any photographic and film material that portrays crime suspects
R3: TH, being a teenager, would not open a Facebook account
R4: THW force schools to offer students intensive interaction with different worldviews
R5: THW allow the Supreme Court to reject laws if they contradict the constitution (this is not SQ in the
Semi: THW grant the ECB the right to limit member country?s sovereign debt
Final: THW subsidise genetical modification on humans

Zeit Debatte Tbingen, Tbingen 2012

R1: Should prisoners temporarily lose their right to vote?

R2: Should punishment for use of doping be subject to a statute of limitation?
R3: Should people who are in a relationship with an enemy of the constitution (Verfassungsfeinden) be
considered enemies of the constitution too?
R4: Should people have the right to erase/block the autocomplete for their names in search engines?
R5: Should James Bond retire?
Semi: Should citizens be forced to borrow money to the state in times of crisis? (Should it become mandatory
for citizens)
Final: Should corporate sponsorship of dangerous (life-threatening) sports and stunts?

Lund Debate Challenge, Lund 2012

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R1: THW decriminalize incest between consenting adults

R2: THB enterprises and charities are more effective for development than official development assistance
R3: THW collect DNA of every newborn child in order to prevent and solve future crimes
Semi: THW refuse American statehood to Puerto Rico
Final: THW forbid universities from accepting donations earmarked for the pseudo-sciences

Mnster Ironman, Mnster 2012

R1: THBT separate sports competitions for women harm the feminist cause
R2: THW set up Christian mission schools in Pakistan
R3: THW ban transport of persons and goods by beaming
R4: THW not want a German Europe
Final: THW set up brothels in military bases abroad

BGU IV, Beer Sheva, Israel 2012

R1: TH supports a preference for mothers in custody trials

R2: THW grant high ranking army officers the right to veto government decisions regarding security
R3: THW abolish intellectual property rights over music
R4: THW abolish mandatory retirement age
R5: TH prefers a strong dictatorship to a weak democracy
Final:THBT Marx would have approved of the internet

Cork IV, Cork, Ireland 2012

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R1: THW require prospective parents to obtain parenting licences prior to having children
R3: THW require all news media to graphically depict under-reported armed conflicts
R4: THBT the EU should suspend the membership rights of countries if they elect extremist parties to
government (for example, Greece's Golden Dawn or the UK's British National Party)
R5: THB artists should not set out to sympathetically portray characters who hold morally repugnant world
Semi: Context slide: (abbr.) Blind voting means voters indicating a series of preferences of policies, these
preferences are only later matched to respective parties. Motion: THW introduce blind voting in national
Novice final: THW ban all medical procedures intended to change an individual's racial appearance
Final: THB the ICC should open an investigation on war crimes in Palestine

IDEA Debate@Europe final event, Amsterdam 2012

R1 THBT the European Union should ban art, including literature or film, that directly insults any religion
R2 THBT the EU should oblige its member states to include positive references to LGBT individuals and
issues in their high school textbooks
R3 THBT the European Union should guarantee membership to regions of existing EU member states, such
as Catalonia or Scotland, that secede
R4 THB that Europe should weaken its austerity measures to guarantee its citizens greater social support
Final THW ban far-right parties from competing in elections in European countries

Moscow Open, Moscow, Russia

R1: THBT citizens have no moral obligation to obey laws which they personally believe may be unjust
R2: TH supports direct elections of governors in Russia
R3: THW only allow pornography produced and directed by Women
R4: THBT consumer electronics firms should not be allowed to patent technologies which are not essential to
the working of their product
R5: TH, as Germany, would leave the EU
Semi: THW remove all special legal privileges from religious organisations
Final: THBT Russia should immediately withdraw all support from the Assad regime

Nikolausturnier, Mnster, Germany 2012

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R1: THW force insurance companies to have equal insurance premiums for men and women
R2: THW give the members of every political party the right to determine the voting behaviour of their
R3: THW offer Maria its own bed
Final: THW make all the proceeds that a professors earns with their books and other academic work
available to their universities

King?s College IV, London

R1: THBT Bert and Ernie should get married

R2: TH regrets the 2001 Afghanistan invasion
R3: (infoslide explaining that in 10 years it will be possible to send a manned mission to Mars but they won't
be able to return alive) THBT NASA should fund suicide missions to Mars
R4: THBT Governments should not assist in the rebuilding of disaster prone areas
Final: THBT feminist christians should leave the Church of England

EUDC 2013 Manchester motions

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Round 1: This House would ban videogames in which the player engages in brutal and immoral violence in a
realistic setting.
Round 2: This House would require international development aid budgets to be approved by popular
Round 3: This House, as the Muslim Brotherhood, would sincerely offer to cease resistance, participate in
elections, and respect a liberal constitution.
Round 4: This House would permit government agencies to conduct automated surveillance without court
Round 5: This House believes that Israel should allow members of the Jewish diaspora to vote in its
Round 6: This House applauds the rise of songs by female pop artists that glorify assertive female sexuality.
Round 7: This House belives that it is in China's strategic interest to cease all non-humanitarian assistance
to North Korea until it verifiably ends Its nuclear programme.
Round 8: This House believes that Barack Obama should not have granted legal immunity to officials who
ordered the use of torture.
Round 9: This House would provide welfare in the form of basic goods and services, rather than cash
ESL Motions

QuarterFinal: THBT men should consistently call out and correct chauvinistic claims by colleagues and
SemiFinal: THB that environmentalists should launch a campaign of sabotage and property destruction
aimed at major polluting companies.
ESL Final Motion: THB the state should not fund any work of art or perfomance that the average cititzens
would not recognise as having artistic merit
Open motions
QuarterFinals: THBT African countries should adopt English as the principal language of instruction in
SemiFinals: TH Regrets that Western Media has Demonised Islamic Terrorists Rather than Portraying Them
as Criminals with Legitimate Political Grievances.
Open Final Motion: THW give more votes to citizens according to their performance on a current affairs test.

US Air Force Academy Tournament September 28-29 2013

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1. THBT the forceable outing of homosexuals in professional sports is a legitimate tool for the gay rights
2. THBT all patents on technology pertaining to renewable energy should be government owned.
3. THBT the West should actively include Iran in the resolution of the Syrian conflict.
4. THBT the women's rights movement should encourage women to forego childbirth.
5. THBT religions should adhere to public opinion polls.
6. THW force private schools to mirror the socioeconomic demographics of their state in their student body,
providing financial assistance when necessary.
Quarters: THW transfer funding for the war on drugs to development aid for nations with drug producing
problems. (approximate)
Semis: THBT Egypt will be better off with a secular authoritarianism than a democratic government.
Final: THBT journalists who cover people in distress have a moral obligation to act as good samaritans.

Red Sea Open 2013

R1: THW ban the circumcision of males under the age of 18.
R2: THBT Germany should grant asylum to Edward Snowden.
R3: THBT the jury in all medical malpractice trials should consist solely of medical professionals.
R4: TH Supports the Creation of a New Country, Open to All where the only Functions of the Government are
to provide Security and to Protect Property Rights.
R5: TH Supports the actions of the Gulabi Gang. (Infoslide: The Gulabi Gang ?the Pink gang? are a
collection of women in North India that wear pink saris and engage in violent, non-lethal acts of vigilantism.
They target men who they have reason to believe have gone unpunished for acts of violence against
R6: This House, upon discovering Irrefutable Proof that God does NOT exist, Would use a fail safe system to
destroy the proof and hide it from any human?s knowledge.
Semi Final: THBT the discovery of a means of stopping the aging process would be a bad thing for society.
(Clarifying information for the Semi Final: For this debate ?stopping the aging process? means that bodies
would stop aging after the age of 35; it does NOT mean that people would stop dying of things unrelated to
the process of aging.)
Final: This House as the Israeli Debating League would refuse to accept a debating society from Ariel as a
member. (Clarifying information for the Final: Ariel is an Israeli settlement in the West Bank.)

Heart of Europe 2013 Motions

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Round 1 - THBT the role of the Roman Catholic Church since 1945 in the world diplomacy has been
overwhelmingly negative
Round 2 - THBT with the ending of the Warsaw Pact there is no further justification for the existence of NATO
Round 3 - SPORT
1) THW pardon all sportsmen found guilty of using performance enhancement drugs
2) THW pay professional sportsmen as much as university professors
3) THW Ban Sports that involve killing animals
Round 4 - Culture
1) THBT modern art may be modern but is rarely art
2) THBT the Beetles have contributed more to society than Beethoven
3) THW stop state funding of the arts
Round 5
THW stop public funding of space exploration
Round 6
THBT war causes more problems than it solves
Round 7 - Education
1) TH Prefers single-sex schools to co-educational schools
2) THW require all new teacher graduates from developed countries to work in the developing world for a
period of twelve months.
3) THBT nationalism has no place in the school curriculum
Round 8 - Politics and Economics
1) THS Free Trade to the developing world
2) THBT there is no place for monarchy in a democratic country
3) This house believes that corrupt democracy is better than dictatorship
Open final - Environment
1) THBT there is no future without nuclear energy
2) THW rather use its resources to adapt to climate change than to prevent it
3) THW Mandate recycling Programs in developing countries
Quarter Final -International relations
1) THBT Tibet should be recognized as an independent state
2) THBT America has done more harm than good since 1945
3) THBT the ICC should have the authority to investigate and prosecute any cases
Semi Final - Religion Morality Ethics
1) THW not use medically scarce resources on terminally ill patients
2) THBT multiculturalism has failed
3) THBT religion should have a place in public education
THBT in the long run there is no hope to save Euro without a Federal Europe.

Cameroon Debate Academy July 2013

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Demo debate ? THW compel children to care for their elderly parents
Mini-debate ? THBT Modern technology has done more harm than good to the Cameroonian youth
Practice 1 ? THW increase taxes on tobacco
Practice 2 ? THBT citizens should not give money to beggers
Practice 3 ? THW ban international adoption
Practice 4 ? THBT all politicians should publicly disclose all of their finances sixty days before the election
Practice 5 ? THBT Crimes committed by police should be punished more severely
Practice 6 ? THBT Cameroonian youth will be better off if they stay in Cameroon
Round 1 ? THBT the African Union should have one Pan-African Army
Round 2 ? THW have university administrations elected by the students and faculty
Round 3 ? THBT parents should not hit their children
Round 4 ? THW have Cameroon adopt one educational system for Francophones and Anglophones
Semifinal ? THBT Western Cameroon should be an independent state
Final - THW ban bushmeat

SOAS invitational tournament 2013

R1: THBT new democracies should prevent revolutionary leaders from standing for elected office
R2: THBT increased female participation in violent sports (such as boxing) is good for women
R3: THBT the WTO should allow developing countries to impose tariffs on developed countries
R4: THBT the USA should pay $1 trillion in war reparations to North Korea
Final: THW give the public the power, via referendum, to pardon whistleblowers.

Hart House/North Americans 2013 motions

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Round 1: THW require all criminal defendants to use a government-provided lawyer.

Round 2: THW withhold Government funding from Indigenous Bands and Tribal Councils that do not have
democratic forms of government
Round 3: THW aggressively prioritize the posting of female diplomats to countries with poor women's rights
Round 4: THBT Pakistan should sincerely pursue peace talks with the Pakistani Taliban
Round 5: THW not grant developing countries the right to host major international sporting events
QF: THBT white entertainers should refrain from utilizing modes of expression (dances, etc.) that are
primarily associated with minority cultures.
Info Slide: In the Agreement Accompanying the British Broadcasting Corporation's Charter, there is a
requirement for all news or political programming to "do all it can to ensure that controversial subjects are
treated with due accuracy and impartiality. This effectively results in a ban of editorialising.
Motion: THBT Major Daily Newspapers and TV News Channels should be required to treat controversial
issues with due accuracy and impartiality
Novice Final: THW extend the right to vote in Israeli elections to all Jews everywhere - including those who
live outside of Israel and who are not Israeli citizens
Final: THBT Religious Leaders should not endorse Political Candidates

US Universities National Open 2013

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Preliminary debate motions provided by John Meany.

Motions Up To Round 8
1. This House would bail out Detroit.
2. This House supports the force feeding of incarcerated hunger strikers.
3. Eliminate adoption preference based on race and ethnicity.
4. The government should not promote home ownership.
5. US elected officials should not be subject to recall elections.
6. Individuals displaced by a conflict should have a right to emigrate to any country.
7. Individuals should not be allowed to represent themselves at trial.
8. Governments should establish methods to provide unconditional cash transfers to the poor.
SEMIFINALS: The Jury system does more harm than good.
FINALS: This House would eliminate inheritance.

Binghamton University September 2013

1. THW encourage nuclear proliferation.

2. THW drop all charges against Edward Snowden
3. THW remove the fillibuster
4. THW aggressively pursue green energy.
5. THW require WFAN to renew its contract with the Mets
6. THW allow internet users to sell their own personal information for profit.

IDAS 2013 tournament motions

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Round 1 THW impose a tax on men to reduce the gender pay gap.
Round 2 THBT EU nations should stop cooperating with the USA on intelligence matters.
Round 4 THW pay reparations to European Roma
Round 5 THBT all corporations should become cooperatives owned and operated by the workers.
Round 6 THB the dead are the property of the state.
Quarterfinals THW not tax bitcoin transactions.
Semifinals THW apply universal jurisdiction to crimes against the environment
Infoslide for the finals motion:
Washington Post, 23 November 2013.
?Iran, world powers reach historic nuclear deal?
First step towards a comprehensive agreement within six months.
Iran will:
Freeze or reverse work at all Iran?s major nuclear facilities.
Halts installation of new centrifuges to enrich uranium.
Cease work on heavy water reactor that could produce plutonium.
Accept daily monitoring of nuclear facilities by international inspectors.
Western powers will:
Reduce existing trade sanctions against Iran.
Grant access to frozen assets worth less than $7 billion.
Sanctions reinstated if Iran violates the agreement.

UADC Manila 2013 Motions

Thursday, December 26, 2013 19:48 GMT / Created by

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The 2013 United Asian Debating Championships were held by University of the Philippines Diliman and
Ateneo de Manila University. The winners of the Championships were from University of the Philippines
Diliman. Here are the motions from the tournament:
Round 1: Education
THBT academic researchers should restrict public access to their research that has not undergone peer
THW make public universities free.
THW require all public servants to send their children to public school.
Round 2: If I Were A Doctor?
As far as they are able to, THBT doctors have an obligation to disclose to a patient's sexual partners that the
patient has HIV/AIDS.
THBT doctors should never administer life sustaining treatment to those pronounced brain dead.
THBT doctors should refuse to administer abortions on patients who insist on maintaining a pro-life stance.
Round 3: Mind Your Own Business
THW abolish all patents.
THW nationalize any company that is deemed to be too big to fail.
TH supports multinational corporations who outsource their production to countries that have loose labor
Round 4: Social Networking
THBT social networking sites have done more harm than good for interpersonal interaction.
THBT social networks like Grindr should not allow users to prevent their profiles from being searched by
members of a specific race.
TH condemns dating sites like Ashley Madison that are targeted at people in relationships looking to have an
Round 5: Gender
THW require all employees to take the same amount of leave and work the same number of hours that their
average female colleague with a child does.
Regardless of parental consent, THW fund gender reassignment surgery for minors.
THBT homosexual movement should out homosexuals they know to be in the closet.
Round 6: Crime and Punishment
TH supports the indefinite detention of individuals in the interest of public safety.
THBT justice should involve no consideration for retribution and focus on rehabilitation instead.
THW ban proselytizing (to induce someone to convert to one's faith) in prisons.
Round 7: Environment
THW not cut funding to research that seeks to deal with climate change, even in the wake of austerity.
THW stop searching for new sources of oil.
THW stop preventing the worsening of climate change and focus on adapting to its consequences instead.
Round 8: Democracy
TH prefers a system of proportional representation to first-past-the-post voting.
TH supports parties who choose their policy positions on bills being voted on in the legislature through an
online vote by their constituents.
THBT majority of the members of the legislature should be chosen from a socially representative random
draw from the general population.

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Octo Final: Geopolitics and Conflict

In post-conflict societies, THW stop collecting and destroy all information regarding the ethnic and religious
identities of its citizens.
For as long as Israel occupies Palestinian territories, TH supports an academic boycott of Israel.
THBT journalists should not use deception to gain access to rogue states or conflict zones.
Open Quarter Final and EFL Pre-mi Final: Economics
THW not tax investment income.
THBT governments should balance their budgets unless they secure consent to the contrary from young
voters via referenda.
TH supports the wider use of alternative, non-centralized currencies such as BitCoin.
Open Semi Final and EFL Semi Final: Discourse
TH regrets individualism as the dominant conception of morality in contemporary liberal discourse.
THBT political correctness? gain is discourse?s loss.
TH regrets the state?s monopoly over historical narratives.
EFL Grand Final: Socio Legal
THW abolish welfare services for the poor and give them the equivalent in cash instead.
THBT spouses with no employment income should be entitled to a significant portion of their partner?s
THW have affirmative action for the ugly.
Open Grand Final: Social Justice
THBT all children should be surrendered to the state?s care upon birth.
THW cap the number of years a person can own land.
THW ban inheritance.

UADC MMU 2012 Motions!

Thursday, December 26, 2013 19:48 GMT / Created by

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The 2012 United Asian Debating Championships were held by Multimedia University and won by a team
from Nanyang Technological University. If you are looking for motions from this tournament, this is the place.
Here we go, and don't forget to like this article!
Round 1 (Eminem & Dr. Dre - I Need a Doctor)
THBT those on organ transplant waiting lists should be prioritised according to lifestyle choices
THW disallow individuals below a certain income level from participating in clinical trials
THBT, in the event of life-threatening illnesses, medical decisions should be made by their doctors and not
their parents
Round 2 (Survivor - Eye of the Tiger)
THW mandate equal primetime coverage for men's and women's sports
THW ban all sports that define winning as inflicting pain or glorifying its simulation
THBT companies that promote unhealthy lifestyles should be disallowed from sponsoring sporting events
Round 3 (Jay-Z & Mr. Hudson - Forever Young)
THW forcefully reallocate talent and resources from all the top educational institutions (primary, secondary
and tertiary) to those at the bottom
THW require universities to share the burden in repaying the loans of their graduates if they are unable to find
THW abolish unpaid internships
Round 4 (Neil Young - This Land Is My Land)
THW exempt indigenous communities from laws relating to environmental protection
THW actively and forcefully reverse transmigration policies instituted by former dictators or colonial masters
THBT tribal law should have jurisdiction over all crimes committed on tribal land, regardless of who the
perpetrator is

Round 5 (Star Wars Imperial March)

THBT the ASEAN should have a defense pact stipulating that any attempt by China to occupy the South
China Sea islands will be met with military force
THW ban the use of unmanned combat vehicles (i.e. drones) in combat operations
THBT the United States should adopt a policy that in the event Israel launches any attack on Iran, the U.S.
will withdraw all military support to it
Round 6 (Rihanna & Eminem - Love the Way You Lie)
THBT liberal states with sexually conservative communities should subsidise hymen reconstruction surgery
THBT the feminist movement should condemn celebrities (like Rihanna) who choose to continue to pursue a
personal relationship with abusive partners
THBT the French government should repeal the ban on the burqa
Round 7 (Sister Sledge - We Are Family)

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THW legalise polygamy

THBT state welfare should only subsidise families up to a certain size
THBT liberals have a moral duty to abstain from marriage until gay marriage is legalised
Round 8 (Diana King - I Say a Little Prayer for You)
THBT religions should be held liable for making curative claims on illnesses if an individual refuses to seek
life-saving medical treatment
THW ban proselytizing in prisons
THW ban gay conversion therapy
Open Octofinals
THW cap the number of patents that a corporation can simultaneously hold
THBT corporations only have a duty to their shareholders
THBT victims of environmental abuses by foreign companies should be allowed to hold them liable in the
company's country of origin
EFL Semifinals
THW disallow plea-bargaining in criminal trials
THW make sexual harassment a criminal offense instead of a civil suit
THW elect judges
Open Quarterfinals
Assuming that the technology to predict crime to a very high probability exists, THW use it to preemptively
arrest individuals for their potential involvement
Assuming it is possible to do so, THW identify and abort foetuses that will demonstrate sociopathic
tendencies in later life
Assuming it is possible to do so, THW permanently alter the minds of violent criminals
Open Semifinals
THW ban associates of deposed dictators from contesting elections
THW reserve seats in legislatures for individuals from lower-income groups
THW grant non-transient migrants the right to vote
EFL Grand Final
THBT contracts for projects funded by development aid or loans should be awarded exclusively to domestic
companies in the recipient nation
THBT non-democratic regimes are better at achieving economic goals
THS the use of child labour developing countries
Open Grand Final
THBT former colonial masters have a responsibility to restore stability in their former colonies that descend
into conflict
THBT the international community should form a coalition of the willing and intervene in Syria with or without
United Nations approval
THBT humanitarian aid does more harm than good in active conflict zones

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Did you attend this championship? Please share your experience with us!

UADC 2011 motions

Thursday, December 26, 2013 19:48 GMT / Created by

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The United Asian Debating Championships in 2011 were held by University of Macao and here are the
Round 1:
THW not allow minors to be involved in politics.
THW scrap the government pension system.
TH regrets the practice of 'tiger' parenting.
Round 2:
THBT copyright of visual media belongs to the subject and not the photographer.
THW build a national DNA database.
THW ban the collection and sale of location and usage information by Smartphone companies.
Round 3:
THW ban adult entertainment from casinos.
THBT it is wrong to raise money for social welfare through national lotteries.
THW remove all sin taxes.
Round 4:
THBT countries which pollute common waters should lose their Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs).
THW not grant citizenship at birth to the children of foreigners on domestic soil.
THW pay the militaries of the other states to fight our battles.
Round 5:
THBT doctor should never lie to their patients, even for their own good.
TH celebrates the willingness of women to be 'sluts'.
THW allow individuals to purchase behavior-modifying drugs without prescription.
Round 6:
THBT China should leave the WTO.
THBT China should support the unification of the two Koreas.
THBT China should actively incentivize celebrities and public figures who are non citizen ethnic Chinese to
Round 7:
THW make education in the high arts mandatory in schools.
THW require presidential candidates to disclose their official records upon public request.
TH regrets the high priority given to sports in the national consciousness.
Round 8:
TH prefers a secular autocracy to a fundamentalist democracy.
THW erase the legacies and tear down monuments dedicated to deposed dictators.
THW require election campaigns to be bi-/multi-lingual.

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Double Octo Finals:

-THBT states should actively protect the practice of home grown religion.
-THBT the state should cease to recognize the specific 'right to religious freedom.
-THW not allow religious missions to access the vulnerable.
Octo Finals:
THW target the families of our enemies.
THBT it?s legitimate for states to exaggerate threats to pass unpopular legislation they deem to be in the
interest of national security.
THW discontinue all Black Operations.
Quarter Finals:
THW make the raising of business and labour standards a prerequisite for development aid.
THW punish financial institution who fail to maintain liquidity in situation of market fluctuation.
THW discard tourism reliant economy strategies.
Semi Finals:
TH welcomes the development of the feminist discourse that embraces and expounds on the physical
psychological differences between men and women.
THBT seduction is a legitimate tool in achieving political ends.
THW send women as ambassadors to the countries that oppress women.
THW never offer amnesty to heads of state in the midst of possible regime change.

UADC 2010 motions

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Round 0: BAN
THW ban websites that do your assignments for you
THBT governments should totally ban smoking
THW ban hymen reconstruction surgery
THBT the right to free speech does not extend to offending religion
THBT religious organizations should pay taxes on donations received and assets owned
THBT the Pope should be prosecuted for the crimes of Roman Catholic priests
THBT doctors should be obligated to report suspected cases of domestic abuse
THBT doctors should not be forced to perform medical procedures that are against their faith
THW ban treatments that claim to cure homosexuality
THBT post conflict societies should recruit rebel soldiers into state armies
THBT it is justified to represent fallen regimes as absolutely evil in history textbooks
THW confiscate property of those who cooperated with oppressive regimes after the fall of the regime
THW pay youth to not migrate from rural areas to urban centres
THW impose a prohibitive tax on car ownership (i.e. making car ownership VERY expensive)
THW impose curfews in high crimes areas
Round 5: MEDIA
THBT western liberal democracies should ban online anonymity
THBT the willingness to participate in formal public election debates should be a pre-requisite for candidates
running for national office
THW ban ads that use sex to sell products
THBT Harry Potter has done more harm than good for literature
THBT important characters in movies should be portrayed by actors of the same ethnicity
THW impose a minimum age for pop stars
THBT it's time the US recognize Hamas as a legitimate representative of Palestine
THBT the National League for Democracy (NLD) should not boycott the elections in Burma
THBT the leaders of nations that stockpile agricultural products for economic gain while global hunger
persists should be charged with crimes against humanity

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THW compel children to care for their parents

THW allow minors to apply to be recognized as adults before they reach the age of majority
THBT individuals who have undergone cosmetic surgery should be required to declare it to anyone whom
they want to have children with
Quarterfinal and EFL Semifinal: IMMIGRATION
THBT ASEAN nations should accept Burmese refugees
TH should accept migrants even if they do not respect laws of polygamy
THW give asylum to sexual minorities
I'm still looking for Quarterfinal, Semifinal and Final motions, if you have them, please leave them in the
comments! Thanks!

UT MARA Australs 2013

Thursday, December 26, 2013 19:48 GMT / Created by

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ROUND 1: Education
That universities should not have patents.
That we would abolish tenure for university professors.
That states that don't provide free tertiary education should subsidize career paths for students that is useful
for the state.
ROUND 2: Sport
That the English Premier League should significantly limit the number of foreign players per team .
That professional sporting clubs should only b owned by the local authority of the area they represent.
That we should ban players' unions in major sporting leagues
ROUND 3: Crime
We should require criminal judges to be employed in a prison for 6 months prior to appointment to the bench.
That illegally gathered evidence and information should be admissible in criminal trials
That individuals who commit minor crimes should be allowed 2 convert their sentences into corporal
ROUND 4: Media
That we should require all free-to-air TV stations to have and adequately fund 60min of ad-free news in prime
That journalists should be required to lodge their sources with a press council for verification.
That CEOs of major news companies should be democratically elected in open public elections.
ROUND 5: Economics
That countries should not seek to regulate digital currencies like the Bitcoin
TWS prohibit credit rating agencies from disclaiming legal liability for the inaccuracy of their ratings
TWS make lenders liable for the losses of low-income customers who are not given independent legal advice
ROUND 6: Social Politics
That we should make legislative deliberations & decisions on retirement age and superannuation private,
anonymous, confidential and by the secret ballot.
That we should support granting private administrative control of cities on the basis of charters
That gay rights group should disavow the "Gay is the New Black" campaign.
That the US should pay Chinese activists to combat the efforts of China's '50 Cent Party'
That Detroit should sell the Detroit Institute of Art's 1 billion USD collection to service it's debts
That Obama should grant Edward Snowden amnesty from all charges
Round 8
TWS refuse classification to films and TV shows that fail the Bechdel Test.
TWS pay parental leave as equal and non-transferable portions of leave for each parent
That progressive women's groups should refrain from attacking female politicians regardless of their policies
Adj Test: That individuals should be allowed to sell their right to sue to one/more 3rd parties.
ESL Quarter-Final: politics
That minimum standards of living should be legally enforceable in developing countries
That political parties should abolish their military wings
That we should select only women as diplomats to countries with poor rights standards for women
ESL Semi-Finals:

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That China should establish military bases overseas.

That Palestinians should not accept citizenship from Arab Nations.
That we should require UN approval for the giving of military aid or selling of (words missing).
ESL Final:
That the media should not have broadcast the footage of British soldier, Lee Rigby, being murdered in
Open Pre-Octo Finals: Social Policy
That the infacticide of newborns should not be punished beyond the penalty for unlawful late-term abortion.
That it was wrong for parents to accept confidential settlements from the Catholic Church on behlaf of their
children for abuse committed by clergymen.
That Islamic states should set the curriculum of madrassas.
Open Octo Finals: Environment
That we should abolish Green Belt regulations. (Green Belt regulations prevent urban development beyond a
certain geographic boundary.)
That we should rewrite animal welfare standards to be uniform for each species of animal, regardless the
animal's use/context.
That Obama should use the Environmental Protection Agency and other executive powers to aggressively
combat climate change
Open Quarter-Final: The Middle East
TWS support aggressive Palestinian protests, like property destruction, in illegal Israeli settlements
That the Muslim Brotherhood should cooperate with Adly admin and accept Cabinet positions for ending
protests against the interim gov
That we regret the rise of the nation state in the Arab World
Open Semi-Final: Law
That we should abolish the criminal law, expand tort law and provide extra funding for the litigants
That the standard or 'responsibleness' in criminal cases should never be influenced by prejudicial
assumptions, even if held by the average person in that society.
That the tax offices should be allowed to retrospectively declare acts of aggressive accounting, which expliot
tax loopholes, illegal.
Grand Final:
That women should be criminally liable for harm to foetuses in utero as a result of their lifestyle choices

Wellington Australs 2012

Thursday, December 26, 2013 19:48 GMT / Created by

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Here are the debate motions from Australs 2012:

Round 1 Sport
TWS ban eating contests.
That sporting leagues should never suspend players for off field behaviour.
That developing nations should not host international sporting events.
Round 2 Sin
That the government should not receive any revenue from gambling beyond standard taxation.
TWS require individuals to disclose that they carry STIs even if protection is used.
That individuals should be required to pass drug tests in order to receive welfare benefits.
Round 3 Ethics
TWS grant higher-level primates more rights than other animals.
That doctors should be required to perform medical procedures even when it conflicts with their beliefs.
That employers should be allowed to discriminate on lifestyle factors (such as smoking and obesity) when
Round 4 Growing Threats
That NATO should invite former Eastern Bloc states to be members.
That the UN should establish a standing military force.
That the US should impose retaliatory tariffs on China for currency manipulation.
Round 5 Food
That the state should provide incentives for individuals to grow their own produce and buy locally.
TWS adopt a vegetarian diet.
TWS celebrate the growth of the fat pride movement.
Round 6 Politics
That developing nations should prohibit families of current or former politicians from running for office.
TWS make voting mandatory.
TWS ban all political campaign contributions.
Round 7 Economics
TWS introduce a tax on financial transations.
That EU should create a common fiscal authority.
That governments should not fund reconstruction in areas that are prone to natural disasters.
Round 8 Law
That where gay marriage is legal, religious institutions should be forced to conduct marriage ceremonies for
TWS force victims of domestic violence to testify in court.
TWS criminalise prostitution.
Octos Motions
TWS repeal the individual mandate for healthcare in the
TWS set term limits for US Supreme Court justices.
That the US should declare an amnesty for all illegal immigrants.
Quarters Motions
That the death of print media is bad for journalism
That law enforcement should turn a blind eye to drug use and sale in designated areas.

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That families whose children perform well in school should receive bonus welfare payments
ESL Semi Motions
That media outlets should be allowed to report on the details of suicides.
That the media should not report on the private lives of politicians.
That there should be a minimum Body Mass Index (BMI) for women on television
Semi Final Motions
That we should have a one state solution for Israel and Palestine
That the West should suppress pro-democracy movements which are against the West's strategic interests
That we should only grant amnesty to dictators at the conclusion of conflicts
Final Motion
That we should introduce good samaritan laws
That we should introduce a system of school vouchers
That the state should stop subsidising monogamous relationships.

Korea Australs 2011

Thursday, December 26, 2013 19:48 GMT / Created by

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Motions from the 2011 Australs in Korea

That sporting teams should not tour nations whose players have been found guilty of match fixing
That sporting bodies should allow the use of al performance enhancing drugs
That we should restrict access to international competitions for nations who abuse their athletes
Round 2:Development
That a fixed proportion of development aid should be allocated to microcredit schemes
That developing nations should embrace medical tourism
That the World Bank and IMP chairs should be selected on a rotational regional basis
Round 3:Government
That military officers should be allowed to criticize the governments
That we should abolish parliamentary privilege as a defense to defamation
That the public should directly elect US Supreme Court Justices
Round 4:International relations
That we should not sell uranium to India
That Mexico should cease the war on drugs
That South Korea should return to the Sunshine Policy
Round 5:Economics
That Greece should return to the Drachma
That we should prohibit price gouging after natural disasters
That we should recognize the necessity of sweatshops
Round 6:Crime and punishment
That the state should not fund medical care for those injured as a result of committing crimes
That employers should not have access to job applicants' criminal records
That juries should return not guilty verdicts if they believe laws are unjust
Round 7:Aboreligion
That we should grant automatic asylum to women living in states which practice Shariah law.
That the state should refuse to tolerate sexist indigenous cultural practices
That it is legitimate to oppose religion by seeking out and exposing private immoral behavior of religious
Round 8:Illicit markets
That we should allow the trade of endangered animals
That states should forbid non-citizens from working in the sex industry in order to prevent human trafficking
That we should be allowed to buy and sell children
Double Oct:Politics
That politicians should be able to nominate certain campaign promises as legally binding on them upon
assuming power
That we should remove tax exempt status from any organization that funds or engages in political activity.
That individuals should be able to direct portion of state funding for medical care to alternative medicines
Open Oct:International relations2
That we should recognize the independence of Somaliland
That China should remove all restrictions on internal migration

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That colonial states have a duty to intervene in failed postcolonial states.

That we should create a system of tradeable fishing quotas
That we should allow indigenous groups to manage their own environmental resources as they see fit.
That we should prohibit corporations from sponsoring academic research
That developing nations should sell sovereignty over autonomous zones to entrepreneurs
That all artists should receive a percentage of the resale value of their work
That developing nations should retaliate against developed-world protectionism by refusing to respect
intellectual property laws
That the US should close down all of its military basis in Asia
That Israel should publicly admit possession of nuclear weapons
That nations should use bounty hunters to capture or kill enemies
ESL QF:Families
That the receipt of family benefits should be conditional on the implantation of long-term contraceptives
That welfare-dependent students who perform well academically should receive bonus payments
That parents should receive extra vote per child in elections
ESL SF:Media
That there should be a minimum quota for domestically created content in media
That media organizations should be required to provide equal airtime to all political parties
That the government should not regulate or rate media content
ESL GF:Institutions
That the WTO should allow nations to place tariffs on imports that damage the environment
That ASEAN should allow the free movement of labor
That the ICC should only indict leaders at the conclusion of conflicts

Auckland Australs 2010 motions

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Round 1: Religion
That we should prevent parents from raising their children in a particular religious faith
That governments should refuse to recognise Scientology as a religion
That it should be a crime to insult religions
Round 2: Sport
That we should ban the international trade in sportspeople under the age of 18
That we should ban the private ownership of professional sporting clubs
That all countries competing in the Olympics should have to include male and female athletes
Round 3: Australia (and New Zealand)
That New Zealand and Australia should remove the Fiji Government by force
That New Zealand and Australia should place no restrictions migrants from Pacific countries, other than those
relating to health and security
That we support granting land rights to indigenous peoples as a means of redressing historical injustice
Round 4: Families
That infidelity should be a factor in the financial resolution of divorce
That senior citizens should be financially supported (when required) by their adult children
That courts should refuse to recognise pre-nuptial agreements
Round 5: Asia
That the US should not sell arms to Taiwan
That China should abolish the ?one child? policy
That the Philippines should have a Truth and Reconciliation Commission into the crimes of the Arroyo
administration instead of criminal trials
Round 6: Liberty, Freedom and Choice
That we should prohibit the labelling of products as ?fair trade?
That we should prohibit discrimination in the labour market on the basis of physical attractiveness
That we should end all government funding for health, education, and police measures that aim to prevent
Round 7: La Vieille Europe
That the US should withdraw its military bases from Europe
That we should say, au revoir, tot ziens, and, finally, partition Belgium
That Turkish admission to the EU should be contingent upon a full recognition of the Armenian genocide
Round 8: The Law
That all defendants and victims in sexual assault trials should have their identity protected until a verdict is
That socially progressive movements should use the courts to advance social change
That we should prohibit private prisons
Octo-finals: Learning
That we should ban homeschooling
That we support the use of school vouchers
That we should link funding of schools to performance in standardised exams
Quarter-finals: Democracy
That we should ban professional political lobbyists
That the leaders of parliamentary parties should be chosen by party members rather than their parliamentary

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That individuals should be able to sell their vote
ESL Semi-finals: Health
That we should stop the search for the ?gay gene?
That we should abolish private health insurance
That we should ban non-essential cosmetic surgery
Semi-finals: Tax and Equality
That there should be a constitutional limit on the regressiveness of the tax system
That income tax levels should be determined by the relative privilege of an individual?s upbringing
That we should use the tax system to subsidise the ownership of major businesses by members of
disadvantaged social minorities
ESL Grand Final: Immigration
That we should auction the right to immigrate
That emigrants should pay an ?exit tax? when they change their citizenship
That ASEAN should allow free and open movement of labour within its borders
Grand Final
That the West should immediately withdraw from Afghanistan
That the right to a minimum standard of living should be legally enforceable in developed countries
That the International Criminal Court should allow for the prosecution of ?crimes against the earth?

Monash Australs 2009

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Debate motions from the Australs 2009 held in Monash

Round 1: Education
That extra fees or donations above the actual cost of education should not be used to gain admission into
That talented students should be taught separately from their peers.
That indigenous people should have free and unqualified access to university.
Round 2: Global Financial Crisis
That Governments should bail out homeowners directly.
That trade unions should have their power restricted during times of economic crisis.
That Governments should obtain a majority stake in companies that they bail out.
Round 3: Sexuality
That the gay rights movement should not support the institution of marriage.
That we should recognise the right of religious groups to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation.
That sexual education classes at school should include, but not be limited to: sexual orientation, anal sex,
mutual gratification and masturbation.
Round 4: The Environment
That population control should be part of any global approach to tackle climate change.
That protection of the environment should be considered a mitigating factor when sentencing eco-terrorists.
That the developed world should not sell contaminated material to the developing world for processing.
Round 5: Borders
That soldiers who have fought for foreign countries should be granted citizenship within the country that they
fought for.
That this house would open all borders.
That the US should grant citizenship to all Guantanamo detainees regardless of guilt.
Round 6: Latin America
That the United States should stop funding the Columbian Government.
That Latin American countries should take action against countries whose leaders took power through
military coups.
That the United States should stop buying Hugo Chavez's oil.
Round 7: Law
That single parents in prison should be provided special treatment to allow them to raise their young children
from behind bars.
That parliamentarians should receive no compensation beyond their base salary.
That employees of the United States Government who authorised or carried out "enhanced interrogation
techniques" during the Bush administration should be prosecuted.
Round 8: The "STOP" Round
That we should ban celebrities from participating in political campaigns.
That we should ban mail-order brides.
That we should ban the use and development of all unmanned offensive military weaponry.
Octo Finals
That the international community should provide material support to the Iranian opposition
That we should detain and search North Korean vessels suspected of carrying nuclear weapons technology.
That aid to Pakistan should be conditional on allowing international forces to secure and monitor their nuclear

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weapons installations.
Quarter Finals
That businesses should refuse to comply with China?s internet restrictions.
That the hiring and firing by employers should not be influenced by information found on social networking
That the Government should subsidise print journalism.
ESL Semi Finals
That Western countries should ban the wearing of the burkha in public spaces.
That Governments should not provide religious services to its military personnel.
That aid agencies should not be allowed to undertake missionary activites.
Semi Finals
That water should not be privatised.
That we should create an international market for the sale of babies.
That we should create a global free market for the sale of all drugs.
ESL Grand Final
That ASEAN should establish a Human Rights Court.
That the European Parliament should be abolished.
Grand Final
That Palestine should accept demilitarisation in return for a guaranteed sovereign state.
That we should grant the Roma Gypsies a sovereign state.
That we should divide Sudan.

Ateneo Australs 2008 motions

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Motions from the debate tournament Ataneo Australs in 2008

Round 1: Conflict Zones
That the UN should hire mercenaries for military operations.
That African states should recognize Tsvangirai as the rightful leader of Zimbabwe.
That we would respect China's right to prosecute foreign athletes who protest at the Beijing Olympics.
Round 2: Sin
That we would ban groups that glorify obesity.
That governments should not take any action to discourage individuals from smoking.
That problem gamblers should have their welfare payments suspended.
Round 3: Philippines
That we should end US involvement in fighting terrorism in Southern Mindanao.
That we have had enough People Power revolutions.
That the Philippines should adopt Chavez-style land reforms.
Round 4: Business and Trade
That corporate regulators should have veto power over executive bonuses.
That we would protect nationally important companies from ownership by foreign government entities.
That the WTO should abandon consensus voting as the basis for decision-making.
Round 5: Sustainable Development
That areas of high ecological value should be returned to indigenous peoples for management.
That arable lands should not be used for growing crops for bio-fuels.
That individuals should be given carbon quotas.
Round 6: Bois and Grrrls
That we would create separate units for gays in the military.
That governments should ban groups that seek to 'straighten out' gay men and women.
That we would allow minors to have sex change operations.
Round 7: Science and Tech
That all state-funded projects should be open source.
That genetic research that attributes negative traits to particular races should not be published.
That nations should be able to charge licensing fees for the use of genetic information from their native plants
and animals.
Round 8: Democracy
That candidates should be disallowed from using their own money to finance their campaigns.
That the West should cease pressuring transitioning democracies to hold elections.
That we would abolish political parties.
Women's debate
That pre and post op transsexuals should be allowed into women-only organizations.
ESL Semi Finals: Immigration
That industrialized nations should be forced to accept climate change refugees.
That states should remove all restrictions against the immigration of HIV-infected people.
That medical workers from developing countries should not be allowed to migrate to the developed world.
ESL Final: Energy

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That the price of petrol should be determined entirely by the market.

That we would drill for oil in the arctic circle.
That the production of non-hybrid cars should be stopped.
Octo Finals: Health
That hymen reconstruction surgeries should be banned.
That IVF clinics should be stopped from implanting embryos known to have disabilities.
That all restrictions on the advertising of prescription drugs should be removed.
Quarter Finals: US Racial Politics
That we should vote for Barack Obama on the basis of his race.
That low-income ethnic neighborhoods should be protected from gentrification.
That Latinos should have the right to be taught in Spanish.
Semi Finals: Pedophilia
That we would abolish the crime of statutory rape.
That police officers should be banned from posing as children on the internet to catch pedophiles.
That capital punishment should be allowed in cases of child rape.
Grand Final: Weapons
That international institutions should use force to restrict the sale of small arms to African nations.
That gun ownership should be restricted to law enforcement agencies.
That we should rely on mutual assured destruction rather than on nuclear non-proliferation.

UT Mara Australs 2007

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Motions from Australs in 2007 in UT Mara

That presidential democracies should change to parliamentary democracies.
That the media should be required to cap political advertising by candidates and parties during elections.
That Tonga should abandon its absolute monarchy.
That the West should not recognize clinical trials conducted in the Third World.
That governments should abolish patent protection and instead establish a fund that guarantees payments
for the development of new medicines for Third World diseases.
That we should have a moratorium on genetically modified foods until they are proven to be safe.
That segregating universities on the basis of ethnicity should be abolished.
That all Malaysians should come under the same civil code.
That Malaysia should abolish compulsory national service.
Round 4: The Dismal Science
That governments in the Third World should reclaim ownership of basic services.
That the WTO should enforce fair trade instead of free trade.
That growth in happiness, not growth in GDP, should be the measure of success in developed countries.
That new citizens should be required to pass a language and values test.
That we should strive to prevent endangered languages from becoming extinct.
That the membership of the United Nations Security Council should represent the world's major 'civilizations'.
That we should lift trade sanctions on North Korea as soon as it shuts and seals its nuclear facilities.
That Sri Lanka should grant the Tamils statehood.
That Australia should recruit soldiers from Pacific Island States.
That democratic states should adopt Singapore's law regarding oral sex.
That the state should compel the parents of obese children to sponsor a child in the Third World.
That 'emo' youths should be placed in state care.
That we should use biofuels as the solution to 'peak oil'.
That the developed world should institute a policy of zero population growth.
That we should abandon the Kyoto Protocol in favour of the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development
and Climate (AP6).
The West Bank should become a part of Jordan.
That the West should overtly support pro-democracy movements in Middle Eastern states.
That only 'soft power' can achieve America's goal of democratisation in the Middle East.
Octo Finals: LABOUR
That host countries of guest workers should pay a tax to the country of origin.
That the Members-States should grant free movement of labour in EU.

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That South America should cease coca eradication programs.

That the United States should establish a system of universal health care.
That religious schools should be forced to teach comprehensive sex education.
That Southeast Asian Governments should provide condoms in prisons.
That the election of Hillary Clinton would be good for women.
That we should suspend Russia's G8 membership pending democratic reforms.
That NATO should support the unilateral declaration of Kosovo's independence.
That the US should accept Putin's request to modify its plans for missile defense.
That male circumcision should be banned.
That we should decriminalize prostitution in Southeast Asia.
That cock fighting should be banned.
That we should legalise abortion in Southeast Asia.
That there should be gender quotas for Executive positions in Fortune 500 companies.
That doctors should be required to report suspected cases of domestic violence.
Grand Final: Mental Health
That governments should pay for treatments that seek to 'normalise' autism.

Buddle Findlay Vic Australs 2006

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Debate motions from the debate tournament Australs 2006 in Buddle Findlay Vic
Adjudication test
That we should uphold the right of Iran to develop nuclear weapons.
Women's debate
That we should have quotas for the number of women in national parliaments.
Round 1
That media should be able to freely report suicides.
That we should ban all advertising during children's television programming.
That we should ban the publication of political party support polls.
Round 2
That ASEAN should sign a free trade agreement now.
That we should disband the WTO.
That China should move to float its currency.
Round 3
That we should boycott developing countries that nationalize their oil companies.
That we should support net oil-importing developing nations in building nuclear power plants.
That governments should issue tradable quotas for air travel.
Round 4
That the micro-states of the Pacific should federate.
That Australia and New Zealand should actively uphold the result of the democratic process in Fiji.
That New Zealand should become a state of Australia.
Round 5
That all schools should have comprehensive sex education classes.
That we should require large companies in AustralAsia to provide comprehensive healthcare for employees.
That Catholic medical providers should be forced to provide preventative and emergency contraception.
Round 6
That Pakistan should close its Madrassas.
That Jerusalem should become a UN protectorate.
That we should transfer military resources from Iraq to Afghanistan.
Round 7
That we should abolish detention without trial for suspected terrorists.
That we should abolish the imposition of custodial sentences on young offenders.
That civilian victims of the war on terror should be compensated.
Octo Finals
That players and fans should be able to participate in ambush marketing activities.
That iTunes music should be downloadable to any device.
That we should force pornography websites to move to a .xxx internet domain.
ESL Semi-Finals
That we should publish cartoons of religious figures.
That sporting boycotts are a legitimate tool of foreign policy.
That convicted criminals should be banned from running for public office in Asia.

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Quarter Finals
That corporations should be held responsible for abuses committed by their contracted service providers.
That the compensation of all executives should be pegged to the average wage of that company's workers.
That we should require companies to donate 5% of their annual revenue to charitable causes to be eligible
for government contracts.
Semi Finals
That Australia should compromise the legal protections of asylum seekers to appease Indonesia.
That East Asia should adopt a common history textbook.
That politicians must relinquish all control over family-owned assets to global investment banks.
ESL Final
That we should end affirmative action in Malaysia.
That governments should fund development aid and not disaster relief.
That we would introduce hard labour for criminals in the developed world.
That we should criminalise the payment of dowry.
That it should be legitimate to use aid to buy votes in international organisations.
That China should allow the internal free movement of labour.

University of Queensland Australs 2005

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Round 1: Justice
That the Indonesian President should pardon Scapelle Corby.
That individuals found guilty of crimes overseas should serve their sentences in their country of origin.
That trial by jury sould be abolished.
Round 2: Gay Rights
That this house would legislate to prevent gays becoming parent.
That we should swash the myth of the 'lipstick lesbian'.
That the gay rights movement should mourn the emergence of 'gay-bourhoods'.
Round 3: Environment
That the poverty of people should be a secondary concern to the demise of the environment.
That the decision to uphold the ban on whaling is an act of Western Imperialism.
That this house would charge the CEO of corporations for crimes committed against the environment in the
Third World.
Round 4: Popular Culture
That "hip-hop" culture has a harmful effect on non-black communities.
That fringe art should receive no governmental funding.
That this house would allow the production of animated child pornography.
Round 5: Asia
That the ASEAN should take an interventionist stance in separatist conflicts in member states.
That Japan should have a permanent seat on the UN Security Council.
That this house supports the call for Gloria's?resignation.
Round 6: The Media
That cheque-book journalism should be banned.
That Microsoft should not help China censor the Internet.
That Holocaust denial should be a crime.
Round 7: Terrorism
That this house would pay for the return of hostages.
That the US should prevent its residents from accessing the Al Jazeera Network.
That this house would establish a permanent international tribunal for trying terrorists.
I'm missing the break motions, if you have them, please post them in the comments! Thanks! P.

1st Hangzhou Winter BP Debate Open

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1st Hangzhou Winter BP Debate Open 2013, 13th to 15th December, Hangzhou, China
Round 1: The Zombie Apocalypse is starting in Beijing. There are some infected, some immune, and some
uninfected in the city. You are President Xi Jinping,THBT You should bomb the city.
Round 2: In Rural China, to promote gender equality, THW pay families to raise daughters up to the age of
Round 3: THBT China should disallow the remaking of Chinese classical stories (Journey to the West, Tree
Kingdoms, White Snake, etc) into movies by Hollywood directors.
Round 4: THB in an Olympics where athletes represent themselves instead of their countries.
Round 5: THBT Sinopec should be denationalized (privatized).
Round 6: THW mandate all citizens, after the completion of a medical degree, to serve in a state run
Quarter Finals: THBT the state must seek the approval of local communities whose life and environment will
be affected by national infrastructural projects (Three Gorges Dam, High Speed Railways, and Nuclear
Power Plant).
Semi Finals: THBT the artistic community (artists, writers, film makers, musicians and etc.) have the social
obligation to forward social movements' interests such as LGBT rights, women empowerment, ethnic diversity
and etc. in the work they produce.
Grand Finals: TH prefers a world without pain and suffering.
Adj Core: Loke Wing Fatt (Singapore), Samuel Chan (Hong Kong), George Chen (China) and Mark Escay
Info: This and other motions from the series, are taken from Tuna's website. Thanks!

Oxford IV, Oxford 2013

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Round 1 motion: THW provide mobile teachers for the compulsory education of the children of travelling
communities (e.g. Roma and Irish Traveller)
Round 2 motion: THBT developed economies should collectively agree to impose radically redistributive tax
Round 3 motion: THW ban the gender testing of athletes in sports
Round 4 motion: THW require major polluters to open their borders to environmental refugees
Round 5 motion: THBT national war memorials should commemorate the casualties on all sides of the
Novice Final: THBT when courts sentence offenders, they should give considerable weight to the views of the
Quarter: THW, as a liberal democracy, restrict coverage of small-scale terrorist attacks
ESL Semi: THBT political parties should adopt non-hierarchical organisational structures
Semi: THBT identity-based social movements should not include in their movements allies who are not part
of the identity group in question
ESL Final: THBT liberal democracies should cut all economic and military ties with the Kingdom of Saudi
Final: THBT the United States should dissolve its offensive military capabilities
If you are looking for other Oxford IV motions, here are the 2004, 2007, 2008 or 2012 motions.

UK Debate Challenge 2013

Round 1: This house believes that feminists should oppose restrictions on the wearing of the burkha and the
Round 2: This house would remove all non-military sanctions on Iran
Round 3: This house regrets the portrayal of the developing world in the fundraising campaigns of charitable
Round 4: This house believes that state schools should instil in children the belief that anyone can succeed
through hard work, regardless of their background
Round 5: This house believes that artists from dominant cultural majorities should not seek to portray
minority cultures
Novice Final: You are a government employee who has found evidence that your state is carrying out
actions you personally believe to be gravely immoral. You have no cause to believe these actions are
illegal.Motion: This house would leak the evidence directly to the press
Semi: This house would abolish private property
Final: This house believes that The US should end the War on Terror

Bogwall, Edinburgh 2013

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Round 1: This house believes the (same-sex couples) Marriage Bill 2013 should remove the right of religious
institutions to refuse to perform same-sex marriages
Round 2: This house believes that past colonial empires should pay reparations to their former colonies who
are still classed as developing
Round 3: This house believes that feminist political activists should form a separate political party based on
feminist ideology, rather than joining existing parties
Round 4: This house would Pay Additional Benefits to Families on Welfare Whose Children are Excelling in
Semi: THBT America should refuse to engage with any attempts to end cyber warfare
Final: Info: You are Sherlock Holmes, pursuing your arch nemesis, Moriarty. Moriarty is an elusive criminal
mastermind with a global network. This network is responsible for countless murders, extortions and a
number of other large-scale criminal acts. You have captured Moriarty?s henchman and have enough
evidence to convict him of a number of charges, including murder. Before you take him to the police, the
henchman offers to give you vital information about Moriarty?s plans and whereabouts which MAY lead you
to finally catch him and foil his plans for evil- in exchange for letting the henchman go free. Your deductive
reasoning tells you that this is not a trap. Motion: This house, as Sherlock Holmes, Would accept the
henchman?s offer.

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