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December 2013:

Our Month of
-Luke 2:10 - 11


-Luke 2:10 - 11
Salutation and prophetic declarations
Introduction of topic and text
Preview of the outline
JOY the pursuit of all but illusion to
JOY and Fear
Has the Great Joy of God been born to

Luke 2: 10 - 11
Then the angel said to them,
"Do not be afraid, for behold, I
bring you good tidings of great
joy which will be to all people.
For there is born to you this day
in the city of David a Savior, who
is Christ the Lord.

JOY, the pursuit of all

But an illusion to many
What is joy? It is defined by the
Encarta dictionary as Great
Great joy could then be said to be
great great happiness though that
will be grammatically wrong and
classified as tautology but that is
the real meaning of great joy.

JOY, the pursuit of all

But an illusion to many

Everyone desires to be happy.

And while the secret of happiness
is an open secret ; good tidings
of great joy which will be to all
people yet only few believe it
and many try to discover the
secret that is no more secret.

JOY, the pursuit of all

But an illusion to many

Satan is confusing the generality of

mankind on the issue of happiness
and joy
Satan lies about the meaning of
joy to many.
He deceive many people about
how to become happy and have

JOY, the pursuit of all

But an illusion to many

Definition of Happiness and Joy

What is your understanding of joy?
Many people think it is excitement. The
dictionary that I used in checking the
meaning of joy does not relate excitement
with joy or happiness but it defines
excitement as the feeling or condition of
lively enjoyment or pleasant anticipation
Microsoft Encarta 2009. 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All

rights reserved.

JOY, the pursuit of all

But an illusion to many

Definition of Happiness and Joy

The fact that someone is jumping up
and dancing does not conclude that
the person is happy but he/she is
surely excited.
Gratification of the flesh feeling, is
not conclusive evidence of joy but of
What is your definition of JOY?

JOY, the pursuit of all

But an illusion to many

How can you become happy? How can

you have joy Real JOY?
How to be happy is the second area in
which satan is deceiving many.
Some people think that by having more
money you will be happy, but as they
pursue money they never have enough
and they never have happiness which the
devil deceives them that they will have.

JOY, the pursuit of all

But an illusion to many

How can you become happy? How

can you have joy Real JOY? Ps. 16:11
Take home for us all today is this
Be in the presence of God continually.

Because of time, the message will

continue next week when we shall be
looking at fear and joy.

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