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TurkeyUnited States

IRL 5002-Current Issues in Turkish Foreign Policy

War on Terror

Turkey has been a strategic friend, ally, and partner to

the United States


Afghanistan was invaded by US,

International Security Assistance Force (ISAF)

Iraq war

The Turkish government decided to separate the issue

into two different motions requiring parliamentary

First and Second Motion

The upgrading of the military infrastructure in Turkey

was approved by Parliament

The second motion was about landing US forces route to

Iraq and the deployment of US troops on Turkish soil.

Iraq War

The Turkish Parliament couldn't reach the

absolute majority of 276 votes needed for
allowing U.S. troops to attack Iraq from

The Hood event


Early 2000s, Turkey and Israel had good


Turkey needed ally in region,

There was American impact on relations of

these two countries.

Cooperation in different areas,

Turkey tried to be a mediator between Israel

and Palestine.

Channel of Communication between Syria and


After Zero Problems With Our Neighbors policy


Turkey fixed relations with Iran and Syria.

Turkeys mediator role did not work in

Palestinian issue.

World Economic Forum conference in



Lower chair


The Gaza Flotilla incident = MaviMarmara

Turkey withdraw its ambassador and

downgraded diplomatic relations with Israel
to the second secretary.

After Arab Spring, Turkey had bad relations

with Iran, Iraq, Syria and Russia.

Isolation of Turkey

Jewish lobby

United States resolution on Armenian


Netanyahu apologized to Erdogan for any

operational mistakes by Israel during the
flotilla incident.


Strategic Depth

Zero Problem With Our Neighbours

These policies strengthened Turkeys

influence over region.

Turkey and Syria have had negative

peace and leaders relations have been
affecting relations between Syria and


After Arab Spring, some events caused the

deterioration of relations.

Friend Esad, Brother Esad turned into

Enemy Esed

Tension increased with some incidents between

Turkey and Syria such as assassination of several
Syrians, shooting down of a Turkish fighter
plane F4-Phantom etc.

One group includes Syrian rebels, Turkey,

Jordan, US, the EU and some Arab states like
Saudi Arabia,

Other group includes Syrian government, Iran

and Russia.


US began providing training, cash, and

intelligence to selected rebel commanders.

Esad must go, this is red line for Turkey but not
for United States.


Syria Train and Equip Program

Jihadist groups

Vice President Joe Biden


Independent Kurdish state

Turkey and US-led coalition forces


Kurdish Regional Government

Turkey has troops in north Iraq to train Kurdish

soldiers against ISIS.

Iraqi Central Government

Bashiqa Camp

Iraqi government warned Turkey to withdraw

its troops from north Iraq,

United Nations Security Council


Turkey and Iran were in pragmatic

rapprochement process with JDP

Mediator role in Iranian Nuclear Program

Turkey is not acting along with the Western

allies in this issue because Turkey does not
oppose Irans search for peaceful nuclear

Uranium swap deal between Iran and


NATO Missile Shield Crisis


Annexation of Crimean Peninsula


Russia violated Kievs sovereignty,

Natural Gas

Turkey tried to balance the West and Russia.

Limits the access of nonlittoral powers into the Black Sea through the Turkish

Syrian Civil War

Russian Sukhoi Su-24M bomber aircraft


Strategic partnership turned into model partnership,

There are many issues that Turkey and US were different sides.

Turkey tried to balance between Russia and NATO in Crimean issue.

Turkey supported Iranian Nuclear Program for peaceful purposes and acted as
a mediator between Iran and the West.

Turkey always support Palestine against Israel and this is big problem for US.

For Turkey PYD is terrorist organization but for US it is not.

Although there are different choices on foreign policy, Turkey and US has
always good relations and always find a way to be more close allies.

Thank You For Your Attention

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