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Turkey United States Relations

Turkey has been a strategic friend, ally, and partner to the United States
throughout the decades. Both Turkey and United States are NATO members. Turkey and the
U.S. cooperate on different fields such as counter-terrorism, energy security, economic
development in region etc. Turkey and US reached bilateral agreements about economy,
commercial, investment, defense sector, military sector and technology.
Turkey has remained a close ally of the United States, especially after
September 11. Turkey supports US war on terror because Turkey has also suffered from
terrorism in its territory. Hence, Turkey understands that the war on terror will require a long
and sustained struggle along many fronts in many countries.
After September 11, Afghanistan was invaded by US and its ally United
Kingdom. Many countries sent their troops to Afghanistan. Turkey has twice commanded the
International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan and sent its troops. Turkey sent
approximately 2.000 troops for training of Afghan military and security forces. Turkey
provides security in Kabul. However, Turkeys troops were not involved in combats.
However, the Iraq war faced strong domestic opposition in Turkey because
Turkey had suffered an estimated $40 to $50 billion in economic losses during the 1991 Gulf
War. The Turkish government decided to separate the issue into two different motions
requiring parliamentary approval. The upgrading of the military infrastructure in Turkey was
approved by Parliament (308 in favor, 198 against ). The second motion was about landing
US forces route to Iraq and the deployment of US troops on Turkish soil. On 1 March 2003,
resolution did not passed because of changing minds of some JDP parliament members (Kaya,

Karen, pp. 69-71). The Turkish Parliament couldn't reach the absolute majority of 276 votes
needed for allowing U.S. troops to attack Iraq from Turkey. This angered United States. After
the fall of Bagdad, group of Turkish military personnel operating in northern Iraq were
captured, led away with hoods over their heads, and interrogated by the United States military.
The Hood event gave damage to relations between Turkey and United States.

Israel Effect on Turkey - United States Relations

In 1990s and early 2000s, Turkey and Israel had good relations. They were
close allies because there were strained relations between Turkey and Iran-Syria. Turkey
needed ally in region. Same was available for Israel. Moreover, there was American impact on
relations of these two countries. Turkey and Israel enjoyed close military ties that fostered
cooperation in other areas, including a free trade agreement signed in 2000. Turkey tried to be
a mediator between Israel and Palestine. Turkey was serving as a "channel of communication"
between Syria and Israel (Zanotti, Jim, 2015). High-level visits started between two countries.
After Zero Problems With Our Neighbors policy, Turkey fixed relations with Iran and Syria.
After that relations were getting worse between Turkey and Israel. Turkeys mediator role did
not work in Palestinian issue. Leaders in Turkey characterize Israeli security measures in the
West Bank and especially the Gaza Strip as institutionalized mistreatment of Palestinians and
Israel relies too heavily on military capabilities and deterrence. The main problems occurred
after Erdogan harshly criticized Israel's conduct in Gaza at the World Economic Forum
conference in Davos. When Israeli officials summoned the Turkish ambassador over an antiIsrael TV show, they seated him in a lower chair and conspicuously failed to place Turkey's
flag on the table. Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman apologized after Turkey
threatened to withdraw its ambassador. After the Gaza Flotilla incident, Turkey withdraw its

ambassador and downgraded diplomatic relations with Israel to the second secretary(Zanotti,
Jim, 2015).
US tried to fix relations between Israel and Turkey because US wants to
coordinate its regional policies with its two regional allies. Some events facilitated
normalization of relations between Israel and Turkey. After Arab Spring, Turkey had bad
relations with Iran, Iraq, Syria and Russia. Isolation of Turkey at region caused close to Israel
again. Also Turkey needs a lobby in US and before deterioration of relations, the Jewish lobby
backed Turkey. Turkey needs them because United States resolution on Armenian Genocide
issue is very important for Turkey. During the Obama administration, Obama visited Israel
and facilitated telephone conversation between Netanyahu and Erdogan. Netanyahu
apologized to Erdogan for any operational mistakes by Israel during the flotilla incident.
(Ravid, Barak, Mar 22, 2013)( Sherwood, Harriet, March 22, 2013)

Syria and Iraq Effects on Turkey - United States Relations

Before the JDP government, relations between Turkey and Syria were very
problematic (Kinga Smolen, 2013). The JDP government has given high priority to the
Middle East in foreign policy. The Turkish government aimed to maintain and expand
relations with Syria. During this period, JDP government implemented Strategic Depth and
Zero Problem With Our Neighbours policies (Smer, Fahrettin, 2013). These policies
strengthened Turkeys influence over region. This created pragmatic rapprochement process
between these two countries. Turkey and Syria have had negative peace and leaders relations
have been affecting relations between Syria and Turkey. Before the Arab Spring, leaders
relations affected states relations positively (Kinga Smolen, 2013).
After Arab Spring, some events caused the deterioration of relations. Esad
started to react Turkeys desires and relations between Erdogan and Esad completely changed

in this period. Turkey gave up its Strategic Depth and Zero Problem With Our Neighbours
policies and she followed more aggressive policies (Smer, Fahrettin, 2013). Turkey lost its
mediator role and to be more aggressive against Esad. Friend Esad, even Brother Esad
turned into Enemy Esed. Tension increased with some incidents between Turkey and Syria
such as assassination of several Syrians, shooting down of a Turkish fighter plane F4Phantom etc. Turkey broke off all contact with the Syrian government by withdrawing its
ambassador and other diplomatic staff.
The Syrian government faces harsh criticism from the UN and the US,
especially from EU. There are two groups in Syria. One group includes Syrian rebels, Turkey,
Jordan, US, the EU and some Arab states like Saudi Arabia, other group includes Syrian
government, Iran and Russia. In 2011 the Obama Administration began efforts to support the
overthrow of the Esad government. US began providing training, cash, and intelligence to
selected rebel commanders (Zanotti, Jim, 2014).
Turkey used more aggressive policies against Syria than US. Esad must go, this
is red line for Turkey but not for United States. Turkey is always trying to convince United
States about it. On the other hand, US is trying to convince Turkey about fighting against
ISIS. Priorities are different for these two countries.
Turkey and US started the Syria Train and Equip Program. The Syria Train and
Equip Program was $500 million United States-led military operation that identifies and trains
Syrian moderate rebels inside Turkey who will then return to Syria to fight ISIS. Obama
Administration ended effort to train Syrians to combat ISIS. After 2013, Syrian opposition
became increasingly complex, with jihadist groups. Turkey and other Gulf states continued to
support these Sunni Islamist radicals. In 2014, ISIS emerged. ISIS takeover considerable
portions of Iraqi territory. Vice President Joe Biden said that Turkey and other countries had
contributed to a sectarian proxy war in an attempt to oust Esad. However, one week later U.S.

Vice President Joe Biden has apologized to the United Arab Emirates and Turkey for
comments he made about Middle Eastern allies to blame for the strengthening of ISIS.
Threat perceptions of Turkey and US are different in this issue. US is fighting
against ISIS with local powers like Syrian oppositions and Kurds in North Iraq and North
Syria. United States is arming PYD (the Syrian sister organization of the PKK) (Zanotti, Jim,
2015). Contradictory statements are coming from US. Some officials are accepting and some
are not. Someday these weapons may turn against Turkey or Kurds may take advantage of
power vacuum in region to found independent Kurdish state (Ergan, Ugur May 25, 2016). On
the other hand, US stated that US does not support independence of Kurds in region. Turkey
agreed to let the US-led coalition forces to use its air bases against ISIS after an ISIS bomb
attack in July 2015 and these days Turkey and US-led coalition bomb ISIS positions in Syria
and Iraq. (Al Jazeera, MAY 16, 2016)
On the other hand, in Iraq, Turkey and US have good relationship with Kurdish
Regional Government. They are fighting against ISIS. Also Turkey has troops in north Iraq to
train Kurdish soldiers against ISIS. This causes problems between Turkey and Iraq central
government (Zanotti, Jim, 2015). Turkey reinforced its existing troops at the Bashiqa camp in
Northern Iraq. After that Iraqi government warned Turkey to withdraw its troops from north
Iraq ( At the beginning, US supported Iraq. In United Nations, Iraqi Foreign
Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari told that The presence of the Turkish troops is a territorial
violation against the sovereignty of Iraq and there is no justification for that violation.
Turkey sent some part of troops to other camps in north Iraq. Turkey accused Iraq to
undermine the global fight against ISIS by taking its complaint about the deployment of
Turkish troops in northern Iraq to the United Nations Security Council (Hurriyet Daily News,
December 19, 2015). Turkey informed US about Turkeys deployment in Iraq. They agreed to
act in coordination in Bashiqa camp.

Iran Effect on Turkey - United States Relations

Turkey and Iran were in pragmatic rapprochement process with JDP
government. Strategic Depth and Zero Problem With Our Neighbours policies created good
relations between two countries. Turkey tried to be a mediator in Iranian Nuclear
Program(Zanotti, Jim, 2015). The US expected to get support from the JDP government to
isolate Iran in the region because of Iranian Nuclear Program. However, Turkey did not agree
with this policy. Turkey is not acting along with the Western allies in this issue because
Turkey does not oppose Irans search for peaceful nuclear energy (KARACASULU, Nilfer
and AKAR KARAKIR, rem, pp. 111 -119). Turkey increased trade volume with Iran and
tried to establish uranium swap deal between Iran and Brazil (BARRIONUEVO, ALEXEI
and ARSU, SEBNEM, MAY 16, 2010). Turkey were against sanctions on Iran and in UN,
Turkeys No vote was disappointment for US. Turkey and US were not acting like strategic
partners (Reinl, James, May 20, 2010).
Another issue is NATO Missile Shield Crisis. Turkey hosted the establishment
of NATO missile shield in 2011. This defense shield system caused a crisis between Turkey
and Iran because For Iran this missile shield is for protecting Israel from any counter attack
when Israel target Irans nuclear facilities. After that Iran criticize Turkeys policies towards
Syria and Iran. Iran accused Turkey acting in line with the goals of US. Turkey stated that the
NATO system neither cause threat to a nation nor target any particular nation and this system
is for security of Europe and Turkey.

Russia Effect on Turkey - United States Relations

In 2014, Russia deployed its troops in Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula and started
annexation of Crimean Peninsula. Crimea is very important for Turkey because of past

memories during the Ottomans and Tatars (Cagatay, Soner and Jeffrey, James). Tatars opposed
Russian annexation. Turkey has established close tie with Ukraine and Russia violated Kievs
sovereignty. On the other hand, Turkey dependent on Russia for around half of its natural gas
imports so Turkey did not want to disrupt relationship with Russia. Turkey tried to balance the
West and Russia (Aliriza, Bulent and Aras, Bulent, pp.14). For example, Turkey balanced its
NATO affiliation with its treaty obligations, rooted in the 1936 Montreux Convention, which
limits the access of nonlittoral powers into the Black Sea through the Turkish Straits. Turkey
used same tactics for Crimea like used before in Georgia(Zanotti, Jim, 2014).
Turkey had pragmatic relations with Russia until Syrian civil war. A Turkish Air
Force F-16 fighter jet shot down a Russian Sukhoi Su-24M bomber aircraft near the Syria
Turkey border. This event caused big problems between Turkey and Russia. After this event,
the US State Department said that the US independently confirmed that the aircraft's flight
path violated Turkish territory, and that the Turks gave multiple warnings to the pilot, to
which they received no response. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan pointed out that
Turkey had the right to defend its airspace. The Russian Defence Ministry broke off military
contacts with the Turkish Armed Forces and Russian defence officials said that future
airstrikes in Syria would be escorted by fighters. This incident gave damage to Turkeys
economy because of Russian attitudes. Many economic and military agreement cancelled
(Zanotti, Jim, 2014).

After JDP government, strategic partnership turned into model partnership. US
President Obama visited Turkey in 2009 and they reach an agreement about model
partnership. However, this was not meant that Turkey and US used same foreign policies.
There are many issues that Turkey and US were different sides. For example, Turkey tried to

balance between Russia and NATO in Crimean issue. Turkey supported Iranian Nuclear
Program for peaceful purposes and acted as a mediator between Iran and the West. Turkey
always support Palestine against Israel and this is big problem for US. US armed Kurds in
north Syria and Turkey opposed it. For Turkey PYD is terrorist organization but for US is not.
During the Arab Spring, Turkey and US supported the people rather than dictators. However,
in Egypt, after Muslim Brotherhood came to the power, Turkey and US were different
positions. Turkey supported Muslim Brotherhood and it was against Abdel Fattah el-Sisis
coup, but US was not (TANIR, lhan, 71-81). In Libya issue, Turkey was against the
intervention of NATO to Libya (Jones, Dorian World Affairs Journal). However, after pressure
of US and EU, Turkey sent troops to Libya. Although there are different choices on foreign
policy, Turkey and US has always good relations and always find a way to be more close

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