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What have I learned from my nieces and nephews responses to this survey, which I
can supplement with a life-long personal acquaintance with them and their parents?
1. Core values of my parents have been transmitted through my generation to
their children. These include family first, integrity, hard work, dedicated
parenting, the importance of education, critical thinking, loyalty, an inclusive
attitude towards all others, generosity.
2. While for Fred and Alice, myself, and my siblings in general, these are seen to
be rooted in our Catholic Christian faith, many in the third generation no
longer seem to make that connection.
3. The closed Catholic world in which we first two generations were raised is not
the present-day America in which the third generation is living and raising
families. They and their children, now spread around the country and
sometimes uprooted by work moves, live in an increasingly secular society
where life is rarely able to be centered around the church. Catholic schooling
is often unavailable or unappealing for their children. Neighbors, friends,
social activities, playmates, sports teams, teachers, etc., by and large are not
Catholic-church or -school based. Priests and nuns are not a regular influence
nor personally connected with them and their children. Faithful practice and
Catholic-based child rearing is no longer the norm in their communities, but a
big challenge for those wishing to do it.
4. Perhaps reflecting their education and experience of todays world, the third
generation no longer accepts the church and its teaching and practice
unquestioningly, placing hierarchy, clergy and religious on a pedestal. Those
who continue to believe and practice do so with their eyes open and are not
shy to note and criticize what they see as errors, shortcomings, insensitivity,
even prejudice in the church and its personnel.
5. Ranging in practice from weekly Mass-goers raising their children in the
church to non-believers, they maintain a loving united family relationship with
mutual respect.
6. Traditional church teaching on such topics as homosexuality, marriage and
divorce, etc. are questioned or rejected in general.
7. A constant theme is a call for the church to be welcoming, open, inclusive,
non-judgmental, aware of the reality of todays world, and teaching and
acting in a way supportive of its members and others who pass through its
doors, as well as the overall community. Along with this is a sense of
frustration that too often peoples views, suggestions, needs are ignored;
decisions are made without due consultation.
8. Catholic schooling has had positive impact on some, but there doesnt seem
to be a great difference between those who had much, little or no Catholic
9. Regarding Mass, the responses coincide with another recent survey which
noted the distinction in motives for Mass-going between older and younger
Catholics. For the former the predominant reason was the Eucharist, not so
for younger folks. Indeed it was mentioned by none of the respondents.
Good homilies, Bible teaching, music, family-friendliness, belonging, spiritual

home, inclusiveness, etc. were what counted most for many. Also significant
was Mass as something to share as a family.
10.Likewise unmentioned as reasons for going to Mass were such things as to
worship God, because Jesus said Do this in memory of me, to grow in
grace, union with the Lord and one another in holy communion, although a
couple did mention Sunday obligation.
11.The word church is generally used to mean the institution rather than We
are the church, the people of God.
12.Significant issues were problems with church structure, rules, individual
priests, disconnect between teaching and practice, negative preaching,
awkward language in Mass texts, etc.
13.I puzzle over what the responses from these intelligent, reflective young
adults suggest concerning the quality of religious formation they received in
Catholic schools and/or parish religious education.
I have to say that I am proud of my family. As a believing priest, I have mixed
feelings about the drift from the church by some. Im saddened that todays
churchs imperfections and errors have caused some of this, but I respect the
integrity of all who have followed their conscience wherever it has led them. I am
tremendously grateful for their willingness to participate in this study. I am grateful
that my dads dying prayer that my family may always be united as they are now
has been heard by God and by all of us across the generations. Fred and Alice, your
legacy lives on and the world (and the Catholic Church!) are better for it!

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