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Jaipur School of Law

Maharaj Vinayak Global University

(Session 2013-14)
Paper I
Public Interest Lawyering
Time: 3:00 Hour
Maximum Marks -70
General Instructions : 1. Question paper consists of 21 questions.
2. Question paper is divided into 3 parts.
3. Part A consists of 02 Multiple choice, 03 Fill in the Blanks, 03 True/False, 02 Match the following questions.
Each question carries 2 mark. All question are compulsory
4. Part B consist of 06 Short answer type questions. Each question carries 5 marks. Attempt any Four questions.
5. Part C consist of 05 Essay type questions. Each question carries 10 marks. Attempt any Three questions.

Q.1. Legal aid for an accused is :(a) Fundamental Right

(b) Legal right

(c) Directive Principle of state policy

(d) Discretion of State

Q.2. Which of the following right is an extension of Art 21 of the constitution of India :(a) Right to shelter

(b) Right to fair trial

(c) Right against public hanging

(d) All of the above

Q.3. In the constitution of India the right to constitutional remedies has been provided in Article. (Art32/Art35)
Q.4. The writ of in form of a command issued by superior court to interior court or authority to
perform public duty.
(Mandamus / Prohibition)
Q.5. Section.of legal service authorities Act makes provisions in relation to supreme court legal
service committee.
Q.6. In traditional rule of locus standi only a person as grieved can bring action in the court.

(True/ False)

Q.7 Certiorari can be issued to quash an act or ordinance on the ground of unconstitutionally.


Q.8. Any citizen of India whose annual income does not exceed 50,000 rupees shall be entitled to legal services.
Match the followings

(Q.9 & Q.10)


List- II


Right to shelter

(i) Chameli Singh (a)


Right to speedy trial

(ii) Hussain are v. Home secretary


Right to medical aid

(iii) Parmanand katarav. VOI --> (c )


Protection of women from prostitution (iv) Gaurav Jain v. VOI (d)



List- I

List- II


Establishment of permanent Lok Adalat

(i) Section - 22-B LSA Act.1987 (a)


High Court legal service committee

(ii) Section 8-A



The District legal service authority

(iii) Section -9



Tluka legal services committee

(iv) Section -11-0A


Q.11. What do you mean by ecological Balance ?
Q.12. What is the main object of legal service authorities Act,1987 ?
Q.13. Legal aid and the cote of criminal procedure code, comment ?
Q.14. Explain the role of CILAS in the field of legal aid ?
Q.15. What is legal literacy camp ?
Q.16. Explain right to education ?


Q.17. What do you understand by the term locus standi. Discuss the scope and object of public interest litigation ?
Q.18. What is the role of PIL in welfare of women and children ?
Q.19. The right to live is not restricted to mere animal existence it means something more than just physical survival.
Explain this statement with the help of cited case law ?
Q.20. Discuss the contribution, function and power of the national legal services Authority ?
Q.21. What are the reasons of development of concept of public interest litigation in India. Briefly enumerate there?

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