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Supreme Court No. S-15434

Court of Appeals No. A-10893
District Court Nos. 1AG-09-00030 CR,
1AG-09-00031 CR, and
1AG-09-00033 CR (Consolidated)
No. 7062 November 20, 2015

Petition for Hearing from the Court of Appeals of the State

of Alaska, on appeal from the District Court of the State of
Alaska, First Judicial District, Angoon, David V. George,
Appearances: John M. Starkey and Leslie R. Need, Landye
Bennett Blumstein, LLP, Anchorage, for Petitioners. Lance
B. Nelson, Senior Assistant Attorney General, Seth M.
Beausang, Assistant Attorney General, Anchorage, and
Craig W. Richards, Attorney General, Juneau, for
Respondent. Robert T. Anderson, Seattle, Washington, for
Amicus Curiae Alaska Federation of Natives.
Before: Fabe, Chief Justice, Stowers, Maassen, and Bolger,
Justices. [Winfree, Justice, not participating.]
BOLGER, Justice.


A statewide regulation authorizes the Alaska Department of Fish and

Game (the Department) to specify how many fish may be taken annually under a
subsistence fishing permit. Four Angoon fishermen challenged this regulation on
various grounds after they were charged with taking more salmon than their permits
allowed. The district court agreed with their challenge and dismissed the charges. The
court of appeals reversed. We conclude that these harvest limits are regulations that
must comply with the Administrative Procedure Act (APA). Because the Department
promulgated these harvest limits without following the requirements of the APA, we
reverse the court of appeals and reinstate the district court judgments dismissing these


The Kanalku Lake sockeye run has long been a source of subsistence

fishing for the residents of Angoon. In the years 2001 through 2005, the harvest limit
for Kanalku sockeye was 25. In 2001 the Department first assessed the health of this
run and determined that the fish harvest was unsustainably high given the low
escapement level.1 Angoon residents informally agreed to a voluntary moratorium on
fishing for the 2002 season, and resumed the moratorium in 2004. But the Department,
after concluding that the voluntary moratorium had been ineffective, wrote in 2006 to
Angoon community leaders, informing them that [t]he annual [harvest] limit for
Kanalku [would] . . . be reduced from 25 to 15 sockeye salmon. In May 2007 the
Department issued a news release noting that the sockeye possession and harvest limit
for Kanalku sockeye would remain at 15.

[E]scapementmeans the annual estimated size of the spawning salmon

stock. 5 Alaska Administrative Code (AAC) 39.222(f)(10) (2014).


Rocky Estrada, Scott Hunter,2 Stanley Johnson, and Albert Kookesh were
arrested on Admiralty Island, along the shore of Kanalku Bay, in July 2009 for taking
more sockeye salmon than their subsistence fishing permits allowed. Each permit had
an annual subsistence harvest limit of 15 sockeye for the Kanalku fishery, and the four
individuals had collectively harvested 148. Estrada, Johnson, and Kookesh (the
fishermen) were charged under 5 AAC 01.015(b)(1), which provides that the numbers
of fish taken for subsistence use may not exceed the limits set out in the permit.3
The fishermen moved to dismiss the charges, arguing that 5 AAC 01.015
was invalid.

Citing Alaskas subsistence statute, AS 16.05.258, the fishermen

contended that the Board could set harvest limits only through the adoption of
regulations in compliance with the APA.4 Since the harvest limit had not been
promulgated in accordance with the APA, the fishermen argued that it could not form
the basis for their prosecution.
The district court agreed. First, the court looked to the indicia of when
an agency action constitutes a regulation, as defined in the APA.5 Noting that the
harvest limit makes subsistence fishing restrictions specific, subjects any contrary use

Hunter was initially charged with violating the catch limit on his permit,
but this charge was later amended to fishing without a permit. He is not a party to this
petition for hearing.

5 AAC 01.015(b)(4) provides that the permit may designate the species
and number of fish to be harvested. See also 5 AAC 01.730(e) (providing that in the
Southeastern Alaska Area, the Department may establish possession limits on
subsistence salmon fishing permits if resources are limited relative to anticipated
harvest levels, and that the [D]epartment may not set any possession limit which
jeopardizes the sustained yield of a stock).

AS 44.62.010-.950.

See AS 44.62.640(a)(3).


to prosecution, and affects the publics use of the resource, the court concluded that
the harvest limit was a regulation. After looking to the Boards authorizing statute6 and
the subsistence statute,7 the court also concluded that the Legislature has charged the
Board [with] adopt[ing] regulations if it wishes to establish [catch] limits.
Accordingly, the court dismissed the charges against the fishermen.
The State appealed, and the court of appeals reversed.8 The court of
appeals did not address whether the harvest limit was a regulation as defined by the
APA.9 Rather, the court of appeals identified the question as whether the legislature
gave the Board authority to enact regulations that . . . authorize the Department to
impose terms or conditions on [fishing] permits that restrict harvest levels.10 In
considering this question, the court of appeals concluded that the Boards
interpretation of its authorizing statute was entitled to deference, and should therefore
be upheld so long as it appear[ed] to be a reasonable interpretation of the disputed
law.11 In addition, the court reasoned that the legislature had ample opportunity to
learn of the Boards regulations but had never intervened by amending the pertinent

See AS 16.05.251(a)(3) (The Board of Fisheries may adopt regulations

it considers advisable in accordance with AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act) for
. . . setting quotas, bag limits, harvest levels, and sex and size limitations on the taking
of fish . . . .).

See AS 16.05.258.

See State v. Estrada, 315 P.3d 688, 694 (Alaska App. 2013).

Id. at 692.




Id. at 694.


authorizing statutes.12 The court of appeals therefore held that 5 AAC 01.015 was
a valid exercise of the Boards authority and that the fishermen were required to
adhere to the harvest limit specified in their subsistence fishing permits.13
The fishermen filed a petition for hearing, arguing that the court of
appeals applied the wrong standard of review and misinterpreted the relevant statutes.
We granted the petition in full.

We exercise our independent judgment when we review the court of

appeals decision on a petition for hearing.14 We also exercise our independent

judgment to determine whether agency action is a regulation for purposes of the
APA.15 We interpret . . . Alaska law according to reason, practicality, and common
sense, taking into account the plain meaning and purpose of the law as well as the
intent of the drafters.16

We apply a sliding scale approach to statutory

interpretation: the plainer the language of the statute, the more convincing any
contrary legislative history must be.17







State v. Hodari, 996 P.2d 1230, 1232 (Alaska 2000).


Kachemak Bay Watch, Inc. v. Noah, 935 P.2d 816, 825 (Alaska 1997).


Native Vill. of Elim v. State, 990 P.2d 1, 5 (Alaska 1999).


Peninsula Mktg. Assn v. State, 817 P.2d 917, 922 (Alaska 1991); accord
State, Div. of Workers Comp. v. Titan Enters., 338 P.3d 316, 320 (Alaska 2014).


The fishermen argue that the harvest limits set by the Department must
be promulgated as regulations in compliance with the APA. Under the Boards
authorizing statute, any regulations must indeed be adopted in compliance with the
APA.18 The APA defines regulation in part as
every rule, regulation, order, or standard of general
application or the amendment, supplement, or revision of
a rule, regulation, order, or standard adopted by a state
agency to implement, interpret, or make specific the law
enforced or administered by it, or to govern its procedure,
except one that relates only to the internal management of a
state agency . . . .[19]
Although this definition is broad,20 it does not encompass every agency practice or
decision.21 Indicia of a regulation include: (1) whether the practice implements,
interprets[,] or makes specific the law enforced or administered by the state agency,
and (2) whether the practice affects the public or is used by the agency in dealing with
the public.22
In Jerrel v. State, Department of Natural Resources, we explained that
[t]he label an agency places on a policy or practice does not determine whether that
rule falls under the APA; the legislature intended for the term regulation to


See AS 16.05.251(a) (The Board of Fisheries may adopt regulations it

considers advisable in accordance with AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act) . .
. .).

AS 44.62.640(a)(3) (emphasis added).


Alyeska Pipeline Serv. Co. v. State, Dept of Envtl. Conservation, 145

P.3d 561, 573 (Alaska 2006).

Kachemak Bay Watch, Inc. v. Noah, 935 P.2d 816, 825 (Alaska 1997).




encompass a variety of statements made by agencies. Rather, we look to the character

and use of the policy or rule.23 Therefore, we must independently determine whether
an annual subsistence fishing harvest limit constitutes a regulation under the APA.
In Jerrel we invalidated an agency rule requiring that markings on
livestock be visible from a distance of 20 feet because the rule was a regulation not
adopted in compliance with the APA.24 The agency argued that the rule was an
informal policy rule, 25 elaborating on a regulation that allowed the agency to
require that . . . livestock be tagged, dyed, or otherwise marked26 and a statute that
established ownership in livestock if the animal was branded or marked so that the
brand or mark shows distinctly.27 We noted that the 20-foot rule met both core
characteristics of a regulation28: it was used to interpret, make specific, and
implement [a] statutory requirement,29 and it was used not as an internal guideline
but rather as a tool in dealing with the public.30 Both of these core characteristics of
a regulation are present in this case: setting the harvest limit at 15 fish made specific
a statutory requirement, and the limit was used as a tool in dealing with, and indeed
criminally prosecuting, the public.

999 P.2d 138, 143 (Alaska 2000) (footnotes omitted).


Id. at 145.


Id. at 143.


Id. at 142 (quoting 11 AAC 60.070).


Id. (quoting AS 03.40.020) (internal quotation marks omitted).


Id. at 143.




Id. at 143-44 (footnote omitted).



Similarly, in State v. Tanana Valley Sportsmens Assn, we held that the

Alaska Board of Game had improperly altered the criteria it applied in its permitting
decisions by issuing the alteration via verbal instructions to its agents.31 In evaluating
AS 16.05.255 (the statute that empowers the Board of Game to adopt regulations in the
same way AS 16.05.251 empowers the Board of Fisheries32), we noted that the Board
of Games actions in the setting of quotas . . . must be in accordance with the
[APA].33 We held that because the APA does not allow agencies to impose
requirements by oral instruction, such verbal additions to regulations involving
requirements of substance are unauthorized and unenforceable.34 The APA similarly
does not allow agencies to circumvent its requirements for promulgating regulations
by imposing requirements of substance through a permitting process.
The State argues that Brigman v. State is a better analogy to this case.35
In Brigman, the court of appeals considered whether the Department was required to
follow the APA in establishing a brown bear permit hunt area.36 The court reasoned
that, although an area grid applying to all individuals wishing to hunt brown bears in


See 583 P.2d 854, 855 (Alaska 1978).


Compare AS 16.05.255 (authorizing the Board of Game to make

regulations for specified purposes that it considers advisable in accordance with [the
APA]), with AS 16.05.251 (authorizing the Board of Fisheries to make regulations for
specified purposes that it considers advisable in accordance with [the APA]).

Tanana Valley, 583 P.2d at 858.




64 P.3d 152 (Alaska App. 2003).


Id. at 155.


that management unit was a rule of general application, 37 the area did not govern
or restrict hunters activities in the same manner as other rules governing bear
hunts.38 After analyzing the relevant case law, the court ultimately concluded that the
hunt area was not a regulation under the APA.39
In Brigman, the court of appeals reasoned that the permit-hunt
boundaries were not regulations because they [did] not govern or restrict hunters
activities in the same manner as the rules that . . . specify the hunting season, or restrict
the type of transportation or weapon that hunters may use, or that prohibit the killing
of animals of a particular size or sex.40 But we conclude that the harvest limit in this
case restricts [the fishermens] activities in a way that is similar to these archetypal
regulations because the limit adds specific, concrete content to the general rule.
The Brigman court relied on Kachemak Bay Watch, Inc. v. Noah, in
which we determined that a similar system of districts was not a regulation in part
because it [did] not alter the rights of the parties, [and did] not deprive any party of
a fair opportunity for public participation.4 1 In this case, however, setting harvest
limits clearly alters the rights of the parties with respect to how many fish they may


Id. at 159 (quoting AS 44.62.640(a)(3)).


Id. at 159-60.


Id. at 161.


Id. at 159-60.


Id. at 161 (quoting Kachemak Bay Watch, Inc. v. Noah, 935 P.2d 816, 825
(Alaska 1997)).


In Kachemak Bay Watch, we also noted that the district identification

process was the first step in a lengthy, detailed public process,42 and that subsequent
steps in that process would themselves be subject to the APA.43 Here, when the
Department set out the harvest limits on the fishermens permits, that was the last step
in a process that at no point provided for the public participation that is required by the
The State also attempts to distinguish Jerrel, arguing that the marking
requirement at issue in that case was not set out in either the regulation or the Jerrels
lease. Here, on the other hand, the harvest limit was displayed on the permit itself,
giving notice of the limit to the fishermen. This distinction does not alter our
conclusion. In Jerrel, the general marking requirement was set out in the regulation.44
The 20-foot visibility requirement added substantive, specific content to that general
requirement rather than simply enforcing it.
So too here, the regulations relating to subsistence fishing harvest limits
contain general requirements that the numbers of fish taken for subsistence use
may not exceed the limits set out in the permit,45 and that the Department may set
limits by permit that do not jeopardize[] the sustained yield of a stock.46 The
decision to set a 15-fish harvest limit for Kanalku sockeye does not simply implement
these general requirements, but makes them specific and brings them to bear on the


Kachemak Bay Watch, 935 P.2d at 826 (emphasis added).




Jerrel v. State, Dept of Natural Res., 999 P.2d 138, 142 (Alaska 2000).


5 AAC 01.015(b)(1).


5 AAC 01.730(e)(4).


public. However the public received notice of that limit whether by reading and
signing their permits, or by receiving a letter from the agency as in Jerrel47 it has
the core characteristics of a regulation,48 and as such must be promulgated in
accordance with the APA.
The parties do not dispute that the Department did not comply with the
APA when adopting harvest limits. The APA requires, among other things, the
publication of public notice, containing specific information, prior to the adoption of
a regulation;49 it also requires a formal opportunity for the public to comment on
proposed regulatory action.50 Here, the 15-fish limit was first announced after it was
adopted, in a letter the Department sent to Angoon community leaders.
The State argues that the manner in which the harvest limits were adopted
does not offend the purposes of the APA, because the fishermen had notice of the
limits and because the Department informally consulted with Angoon community
leaders and residents before adopting the limits. Even were this true, it is not relevant
to our analysis. Because we have concluded that the harvest limits are, in fact,
regulations, they must do more than satisfy the underlying purposes of the APA; they
must also satisfy its formal requirements. The Board should have complied with the


See Jerrel, 99 P.2d at 140.


Id. at 143.


AS 44.62.190.


AS 44.62.210.


APA in establishing the 15-fish harvest limit, and because it did not, the district court
acted correctly when it dismissed these charges.51


We REVERSE the court of appeals decision, and reinstate the district

courts judgment of dismissal.


Because we find that the harvest limits should have been adopted in
accordance with the APA, we do not reach the other questions briefed by the parties.


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