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ICAT Design and media college

Bad Blood aliens


Submitted by Akhilesh kumar jagerwal

Stu. id. 13UG03049

Document contents
Game overview
Game concept
Target audience
Game flow summary
Look and feel
3.Game play & mechanics

Artificial intelligence
Technica part
Backstory and characters description

This document is based on the research done fifth semester, for my final game submission, at
ICAT Design and Media College. The document itself has been updated severally time based on
survey and various discussion . In this version my intention to describe every detail of this
This document has been created with the intention of making a clear Game design document .
This is done with the intention of making a modular document that can be updated afterwards
also .

Game overview
Game concept
The concept of the game is one of a hostage saving game in which the player plays as a
saviour and he has to save himself and reach the hostages to save them by killing all the aliens
in any infrastructure.
2. Genre
This game will be a casual game for casual audience who play game for passing time. A casual
game is a video game targeted at or used by a mass audience of casual gamers. Casual games
can have any type of gameplay, and fit in any genre.
3. Target audience
The age group which i have decided for the game is all 5+ age group.
4. Game flow summary
Game start with the alien war in which aliens captured some hostages . Player is the army man
who has to shoot down all the aliens in the levels in order to reach the hostages in order to
complete the level .
5. Look and feel
The look and feel of the game is totally cartoonistic sci-fi , which include some 2d cartoonistic
character including hostages and hero in the game . In this game player will find 5 types of
different aliens which will come in random loops and attack on the player player has to defend
himself and kill all the aliens as he will kill the particular amount of aliens he will moves
automatically towards hostages . The animation of the game will be in brighter look because of
the cartoonistic feel . Some aliens will attack from their UFO . Aliens in the UFO has the 100 %
accuracy shooting .The environment of the game is drastic but not horrible which will be the
factor of player empathy in game.The game play is survival based, so the player picks up all the
power ups which will appear randomly by clicking on them .

Alien with the ship

alien reference

The hero
6. Gameplay and mechanics
Game play
The gameplay of this game is very simple player has to tap on the aliens targets coming on the
screen and when he reaches to the hostages then player has to hold the tap on the hostages to
rescue them .
Basically this game contains 3 types of mode Classic , Arcade and survival all contains different
types of difficulty and scenario . As quick he shoots the aliens he can build the combos and
unlocked the gun or prototypes to kill the aliens . In this game contain some power ups which
will appear in the game automatically and player can perform various action by taking those
powerups like 1 hit shoot , armor, bombs etc. This game is like some of the arcade missions but
the mechanics is little bit different each level is different from other and it became more harder
and harder to the player .The main objective of the game is to rescue hostages and secure the
level structure or building .The Whole situation is in cartoonistic art style so the whole aliens
level is scary but the fun part still focus on the target audience.

challenge structure

2. Game mechanics
The rules of this game is like a random hostage can come during the gameplay player should
leave them in order to get some magical power ups .
Game start with the three option player , weapon , and start .
Player option will take you to the character clothes or Character appearance .
Weapons option will take you to the weapon menu from where you can upgrade and
change your weapon and supplies .

In this game there are so many small objectives which can give coin reward after
completing them .
At the end of the game score will count upon the amount of aliens shoots by the player
and in how much time he rescue all the hostages .
There are three types of currency in this game points , score and coins .
Points is suppose to be the total aliens killed by the players and time will be the score as
a trophies and coins of 100 , 500 and 1000 will popup in game in which 1000 will be the rare

"Aliens wars" is a basic 2d arcade shooting game. The game involves a simple multi directional
shooting mechanism which player can use in order to score points. The idea behind this game
says that the aliens have attacked planet Earth. All of the Earth's army united and formed an
alliance which is fighting for the Earth. Aliens have already killed millions of people and the
remaining are somehow living. So the player's aim is to go on rescue missions in which he have
to rescue hostages from the aliens. Player can shoot aliens and aliens can shoot the player too.
Player's health bar will determine his game time. As soon it reaches 0, player will die and the
game will be over. For winning, player has to rescue some hostages from the top of a building.
Player can restart the game after it is over and player can also go to the main menu and check
for options. Player can exit too after game over. In game screen player can use pause button to
pause will get 3 option 1. Main Menu , 2nd is Continue and 3rd is restart .
Menu reference

In the beginning levels is too easy that it shows how this game is gonna be play like a
demo . Basically the camera angle in this game is third person the game theme is simple tap
and shoot .
The aliens will keep coming to shoot player .
If the player is not shooting its hide Aliens cannot shoot player while shooting player can
hit by aliens and lose his life .
Aliens will come in very huge amount so the player has to shoot as fast as he can to
make higher score.
In further levels hostages can come on the place of aliens asking for help, In this case
player needs to deny shooting them if he does he'll get powerup which will affect the player's
score .
When he'll clear all the aliens from the scenario . he can see the rest of the hostages
and he need to hold the tap on the hostages for 5 second to release them can complete the
game .
This game is basically for the android device 1.2 GHz Quad Core Processor and above
jellybean . This game is 2d so this needs no high graphics .
VIII. In this game friendly character is the help asking person which may come on the place
of aliens player need to leave them to gain the power ups if he shoot them he'll lose the power
ups .

Player can have a bomb time in this in which he can pick the bomb and destroy them .
This part of the game also serves the fun part of the game .
8. Technical Part
Basically its 2d simple game the targeted hardware of this game is any above 1.2 GHz
Quad Core Processor and above jellybean
The game development of this game is going to done in Intel core i7 processor with 8GB
Software required for this game is Adobe illustrator and photoshop in maya , animation
in Adobe flash and Done in unity game engine .

9. Back Story and character description .

This game shows the battle between aliens and humankind . In which player bruce took the
responsibility to kill all enemies and rescue the remaining people from the terror of the aliens by
killing enemy from the scenario and clear levels .
Bruce :Bruce is a fearless army officer .
Aliens :Aliens attack our planet .
Hostages :Hostages need to be rescued

10. Story :The earth has made tremendous progress. Being a planet rich in science, technology and
resources, it has become a target for conquering aliens, who roam in space time, hunting for
valuable and suitable planets to conquer. The aliens have already established their first
stronghold on our planet, and have already begun conquering parts of the world. They have
intruded buildings, warehouses, factories and even natural assets like mountains and valleys.
They enjoy holding humans hostage, to demonstrate their dominion. Thousands have been held
hostage by these conquering aliens already. You are bruce the saviour, a retired army officer.
You must rescue all humans from these aliens, and obliterate this new hostile species from our
sacred planet.

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