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1 Describe the early life of Pasteur.

Pasteur was born in the Jura district of France in 1822. His father was a brave
soldier. Pasteur started his education at Communal College. Then he went to
Besancon. He also studied at great EcoleNormale in Paris.
2 Give some instances of Pasteurs patriotism.
Pasteur was a true patriot. During hard times of national crisis, he enrolled
himself in the National Guard. He donated all his savings to serve the national
cause. He also volunteered himself to join French forces in the war against the
3 What do we mean by spontaneous generation?
Spontaneous generation relates to the development of living organisms. Some
scientists believed that some organisms keep on developing spontaneously
without any parents. In contrary to it some other believed that it was not a fact
that bacteria or other organisms could develop on their own without any
4 How did Pasteur prove that spontaneous generation was not a fact?
Pasteur did a series of experiments to prove that spontaneous generation was
not a fact. He did so by boiling the substance on which experiment was made at
10C higher than the boiling point and made the air in contact free of germs.
5 Describe the importance and popularity of the silkworm industry in France.
What help did Pasteur render in the silkworm disease in his country?
Keeping of silkworm was one of the major home industries in France. Numerous
families were living on this industry. A silkworm disease had affected this industry
drastically. Pasteur was asked for help. He, after a keen observation, suggested
that people should avoid over-crowding of the worms. He advised them to collect
eggs separately from worms so that the disease could be avoided.
6 How did Pasteur discover the treatment for the cattle disease, anthrax?
Pasteur cultivated the anthrax germ in such a way that it became mildly
poisonous. Then he inoculated these weakened germs into suffering animals
blood. It protected the animal from the deadly attack of the disease.

7 How did Pasteur discover the method of making vaccines?

Pasteur cultivated the germ in such a way that it became mildly poisonous. Then
he inoculated these weakened germs into suffering animals blood. It protected
the animal from the deadly attack of the disease. This process is known as
8 Give an account of Pasteurs treatment of Hydrophobia and how he cured
the first patient suffering from it.
Hydrophobia or rabies is a fearful disease produced by the bite of a mad dog.
Pasteur made vaccine for hydrophobia with the help of spinal cord of rabid
rabbits. He treated his first ever patient, Joseph Meister, with this vaccine.
Pasteur was anxious about results but these were very happily positive.
9 How did Pasteur show the way to other scientists? Give an account of the
Pasteur brought to light the reality of diseases. He discovered germs which
cause diseases. From his works, other scientists were stimulated and countless
discoveries were made. More important thing was that people became more
critical in their thinking. They stopped acting upon superstitious beliefs.

First Year at Harrow

Q1. The writer says that the examiners ask questions which students cannot
answer and not those which they can answer. Is the complaint just?
Ans. Students who study selected chapters only always have such complaints with the
examiner. They expect questions which they can answer but the examiner makes his
own choice. Thus the student is wrong and his complaint is not just.
Q2. Why didnt Churchill do well in examinations?
Ans. Churchill liked the subjects of poetry, history and essay writing. He disliked Latin
and Mathematics, and failed to answer questions on these subjects. Where he wanted
to display his knowledge, the examiners exposed his ignorance. Thus he could not do
well in his examinations.
Q3. How did he do in his Latin paper?
Ans. In his Latin paper, Churchill wrote only his name and the question number in
brackets. Then he kept looking at the large stain of ink that had fallen on it. Even then,
Mr. Weldone passed him. Churchill respected him a lot because he judged his ability
regardless of his poor performance.
Q4. Churchill was taught English at Harrow and not Latin or Greek. Was it a gain
or loss?
Ans. The clever boys were taught Latin and Greek at Harrow. They had to learn English
for practical use later. As a weak student, Churchill was taught English only. Practically,
this proved very useful for him. Hence, learning English was surely a gain, not a loss.
Q5. What good his three years stay at Harrow do him?
Ans. Churchill remained in the lowest form three times more than the clever boys. He
was taught English parsing and analysis. He learnt the names of the components of a
sentence. Thus he understood the structure of English sentences much better than
Q6. In after years how did the knowledge of English stand him in good stead?
Ans. Churchill was taught English while intelligent students were taught Latin and
Greek. But when it came to earning livelihood, English stood him in a sound stead.
Those who learnt Latin and Greek had to learn English for practical use. Thus English
gave Churchill an edge over others.

Q7. Write an appreciation or criticism of Churchills views with regard to the study
of Latin, Greek and English and their value in earning a living.
Ans. Latin and Greek attracted students mainly on account of their apparent glamour.
For practical purposes, it was English which they needed. In fact, students should select
subjects keeping their utility above all. Learning should help in earning livelihood as

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