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June 16th, 1640

Scottlands best newspaper

Macduff s
Macdu s wife and
sons were
assassinated by two
unknown murderers
who were contracted
by Macbeth.
According to a
source, his obsession
of maintaining his
title of king was the
reason he decided to
do such terrible
thing. Supposedly,
his only intension
was to kill Macdu,
but since he had fled
he killed his family

Macbeths Reign of Terror

is Finally OVER!
In revenge for the murder of of his whole family, Macdu,
Malcolm, and others who wished to bring down Macbeth got
together. They united forces to fight him in a deadly battle. A
lot of blood was shed. At first, Macbeth had the lead but at
last Macdu proved that evil man that he is not God. He
sliced his head open. Now that he is dead we can sleep
happily at night. Malcolm is our new king! Thanks God!

June 16th, 1640

R.I.P Lady
Yesterday, Lady Macbeth
committed suicide. She
was found dead in her
bedroom. The cause of
her death hasnt been
determined yet. Her
doctor confessed that she
had been having
hallucinations. At the
same time she had been
sleep walking. What was
the cause for these
strange kinds of
behaviors? Maybe, Lady
Macbeth was not so good
as we thought. According
to her doctor, she said, I
cant wash the blood off
my hands. Could this
mean that she killed
someone? This are
questions that we will
never have an answer to.

The new
king of

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