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Psalm 16:8-9a

I have set the Lord

always before me; because
He is at my right hand, I
shall not be shaken.
Therefore my heart is
glad, and my whole being




Prayer - Praises & Requests

* IT Problems resolved in the nick of
* That our confirmed support level has
risen by 6% since our last newsletter
* That we have the opportunity to come
back to the states, connect with many
people, travel and experience a year of
faith building.

* That we would finish well in Germany
(de-registering, cleaning, final concerts
with German music groups, etc)
* Safety during travels
time with family
* Good and meaningful

and friends while in the States
days left in Germany.
* We only have 9

* We currently have 17% confirmed,
continued support of what we need to
return for BFAs 2017-2018 school year.

Summer Calendar
June 28 - Fly out of Germany and
land in the States
June 29 - July 28 Visiting family,
friends, supporters & churches in
July 29 - Aug. 12 S. Carolina
August 13-24 N. Carolina
August 25-29 Virginia
August 30 Maryland
August 31 Pennsylvania
Sept. 1-4 New Jersey
Sept. 5 Connecticut
Sept. 6-7 Massachusetts
& New Hampshire

Gifted With the Journey

Volume 2, Issue 5 - June 2016
Our Last Months in a Nutshell

We just finished our last month at BFA for a while. We feel like we
ended the classes and projects well. We saw the 76 students walk the
stage on Friday, June 11th. We also saw them reunited with parents,
hugging dorm/school brothers and sisters good-bye. Many of the
graduates from last years class came to see their friends graduate and
see their classmates. We had a reunion evening with them. It was
great to see them all. They did not all have good first years of college,
but they made it and they look healthy and happy.

As we look back, this has truly been a very good year for BFA. Many
remarked how last years Junior class really matured coming into
their senior year, and this year lacked the frequent and significant
poor choices by students that marred last school year. The difference
has been obvious across students, staff, and administration with how
much more relaxed and at peace weve been able to be this year.
Sometimes its easy to forget how one persons poor choices can
impact everyone around them, but in our closely-knit community, it
definitely becomes a lot more evident. On the other hand, we know
that means that good choices all the more benefit everyone, and we
love celebrating during Awards Night the students who lead the rest
of the student body in making good choices!

Construction is now in full swing on the Hight School campus. The

roof has been pretty torn apart, most of the inner walls on the 4th
floor have been torn down, new windows are being installed
throughout the main building, and separate contractors are scheduled
to remove some old asbestos insulation from the outer walls around
the 4th floor. With all of the work and noise going on, most offices in
the main building have been temporarily moved to the adjacent Janz
Building where the classrooms are available over the summer.

We just took our pictures down from the walls in our home
Saturday and delivered them to a friends home where they will be
housed out of the elements for the year. Most of our belongings will
be in our basement. They call it a keller in Germany, but it has a
gridded window to the outdoors. Sowe did not want to keep our
pictures down there.
Address: Hauptstrasse 54, 79400 Kandern, GERMANY

Local Culture
Featured Pictures Below

1 - Spring Concert
2 - Last Day of Band Class
3 - BFA Graduation
4 - Work Week
5 - Time with friends, staff, students &
BFA Alumni

Construction has begun at BFA. We

are seeing that the process for such
projects is different in Germany than
in the United States. For instance, the
crane that is being used to remove
concrete barriers for the roof was
moved into place at least a week
before it was used and will probably
remain until the construction is
finished - at least through the fall
semester. The goal is for the Middle
School to be joining us in the main
Kandern building by the 17-18
school year. This will save BFA money
and solve additional problems as well.

Joshs Highlight
After making the big change-over,
we were finding that the wireless
network was not reliable. We were
just about to try to back-out the
changes, when a lead as to what
might be wrong with our system
was found. I then just happened to
be watching the network at the
exact right time to find the
problem! It was a bad security
camera (and possibly some
missing logic for getting our
printers to work)! So on my very
last day of work before we finish
up here, we were able to get
everything working properly!

Katies Highlight

- Seeing one of my sign team ladies

signing through the last chapel. She
was using it in her own worship!
- Seeing many, about 35 alumni,
come back for graduation and
being able to meet with several of
- It was a good year at BFAjust
finishing well.
- Being able to meet with many
friends and say see you later for
the year - having that time and
- Having about 100 appointments
set up with you all in the states inbetween when we get back and

Circle of Friends

We have had many friends offer

to help us as we are preparing to
leave for the yearinvited over for a
meal, offer to come help clean, etc.
Someone has our home, someone has our
car, someone has our fish, someone has
our plants, someone has our pictures,
someone is acting as our Power of
Attorneyand we are grateful
for these friends willing to
help us through the

1 - Spring Concert

2 - Last Day of Band Class

3 - BFA Graduation

4 - BFA Work Week

5 - Time with friends, staff, students & BFA Alumni


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