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lllay 19,2016

To Whom It May Concern:

I am honored to provide this letter of reference for Traci Walker.

She has worked as a

Program Administrator for EntrepreneurWorks since November of 2014 until March of
2016, providing quality Tutoring services within the Detroit Public Schools.

I have come to depend upon Ms. Walker's professionalism and flexibility. She is always
punctual, prepared to teach, and willing to go above and beyond to provide her students
with useful knowledge. She successfully managed to balance her Personal life and her
responsibilities at EntrepreneurWorks. She is a person of good character and a pleasure to
work with. I am sure that Ms. Walker will be successful and will excel at any goal she
sets her mind to accomplish.
Ms. Walker is resourceful, has a great work ethic, and demonstrates initiative. Her
commitment to education and the pursuit of her goals is why it is a pleasure to write a
character reference that will enable her to realize her dreams.
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance or provide any additional information
with regards to Ms. Walker's recommendation.

Perrin Alexander
Director of Programs,

PHoNr: 313.499.0671

nf o@e n tre

pre n e u rworks. org

Fnx: 313.922.8070

www.e n trepre n e u rworks.orq

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