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Congestion in the parking garages and lots enables tardiness, is a source of stress for students,
and wastes hundreds of hours each week. Existing solutions are pricey, ranging from $400-$800
per parking space, and require extensive installation. Our system - which monitors the availability
of parking spaces and relays this information to a smart-phone application - offers an economical
$15-$25 per parking space and requires a minimally invasive installation process. We are able to
accomplish this price reduction by using Amazon Web Services in combination with the affordable
Raspberry Pi controller to take and store pictures from strategically placed cameras. Using a
streamlined process, we upload the pictures, analyze them to determine which spaces are occupied,
and update a database with the new information. Users of the phone application will be able to
access the database, and will be able to determine where to park based on the information.
We plan to test this system in three distinct steps. First, we will build a small scale model of a
section of the Elm parking garage, and will begin to test the hardware and software in a controlled
environment. Second, we will install the Raspberry Pi controllers in the Elm parking garage and
troubleshoot the issues that arise. Once we have solved the problems posed by a real-world setting,
we will scale up the system to encompass other garages and parking lots.
The phone application development will proceed alongside the hardware, and will be tested just
as extensively as the camera system. To reduce as much friction as possible, the main screen will
simply be a map of the OU campus with pie charts located at each parking lot or garage. Each
pie chart will have a green or red area, and will update to represent the percentage of spaces that
are free relative to the total capacity of the area. When the user taps on the circle, they will move
to a more detailed screen consisting of a diagram of the parking lot that displays occupied spaces
with red rectangles and free spaces with green rectangles. Different tabs can be used to view the
different levels of parking garages.

Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Proposed Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Phases of Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Evaluation Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Qualifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Total Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11


The purpose of this proposal is to address a smarter parking solution for The University of Oklahoma. Parking is often a problematic situation for students and faculty on campus. The lack of
parking causes students to be late to class on a daily basis. With the quick advances in technology,
it is possible to create a system that utilizes cameras in order to provide real time monitoring of
parking spaces. Using the data collected from the cameras, it will be feasible to create a database
that tracks the availability of the parking spaces, as well as the cumulative time they are occupied.
This data would be able to be converted into a smart phone application, allowing commuters know
exactly where there are available parking spaces prior to arriving on campus. The project will help
to serve students, faculty, and visitors at the University of Oklahoma find parking at an already
highly congested campus.
Due to the size of the proposed program, we decided to limit our scope to have specific guidelines.
Staying on the north side of campus is necessary due to the project emphasis of commuter and
faculty parking. Any of the dorms or anything south of that would not serve the purpose of helping
traffic flow for students attempting to get to class. We want our program to be financially realistic.
We expect an investment to be made for any change on campus, but that does not mean we need
to ask hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. Like any other project, there will be a sizable
upfront cost, we project that the total cost of this project will be approximately $150,000, including
materials and installation costs.
Based on the research done, there are different methods to detect availability of parking spaces,
and the most cost effective is what were proposing. For example, one method of detecting vehicles
is an Anisotropic Magneto-Resistive sensor, which detects the disturbance of the Earths magnetic
field caused by a car above the sensor. One source estimates the cost of an AMR sensor at $7-10
[1], which for the 16,000 spaces on campus could cost upwards of $160,000 without taking into
account installation costs, the server, and the database to manage these sensors. Another problem
with magnetic sensors is that they are susceptible to drift caused by the interference of adjacent
vehicles, and the software to manage the sensors must account for this to maintain high accuracy
[2]. To avoid these problems, we suggest the use of cameras, although it is important to consider
ways to counteract the decreased accuracy during bad weather and at night.
In 2013, Rice University undergraduate engineering students started the company ParkiT, which
provides real time data of parking spots [3]. Using their current technology, they estimate that it
would cost $50 per parking space. There was enough justification for Rice University to fund this
project, which does not accomplish as much tasks as this one, and its more expensive. Due to the
proprietary on their product, it is unknown what methods they are using to detect parking spaces.
The estimate of cost per parking space for this project is less than $10 per parking space.
We found a multitude of sources during research. Our first primary source is a software engineer
at a government nonprofit contractor; Mitre Corporation. Mr. Sandmael Essington provided us
with insight into our project and made recommendations for our project. In addition, we have
also found different scholarly articles that cover our methodology in detail. These articles provide
different methods to use cameras to detect the image of vehicles in parking spaces, so it would be
more simple to implement this project. Based on the research, one camera can easily detect up to
100 parking spaces, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Proof of Concept, [4]

Our project will be split up into three stages. The first stage would be a very small scale test. It
would include a series of matchbox cars with two cameras. The purpose of this would be to test
the cameras overlap and view distance, test the software and hardware, and learn to see how all of
the technology works together. The second stage would be to implement the camera system into a
parking garage on campus. We would start with the parking garage on Elm next to Catlett Music
Building due to its uniform floor plan and smaller size. The idea would be to set up cameras
on each floor to maximize camera coverage. Our estimate would include six cameras per floor
therefore having two per row and two per ramp. The third stage would implement our system over
the entire campus. It would cover all of north campus to target commuters parking for efficiency
of travel.
The technology we propose to use would a series of Raspberry Pis mixed with software and
additional hardware to enable wireless capabilities and high definition pictures to be taken. These
would be placed all around parking lots on campus. We looked at many other technologies and
compared their advantages and drawbacks. We took each into careful consideration. One option
included car sensors that would be set on the ground, but these were determined in the studies to be
too expensive and inaccurate. A second option was to have a series of infrared cameras that would
cover three to six spots each. While very accurate, they would still be too expensive and therefore
not fit the scope. The third option was the Raspberry Pi camera. These can cover many spots each
with proper setup. They cannot be used efficiently at night, but our target drivers are using the
parking spots during the day. With proper placement, this is the most cost efficient option. After

thoroughly evaluating our options, we decided that the Raspberry Pi cameras would best fit our
This program is beneficial to the University of Oklahoma in ways that extend beyond ensuring
commuters have access to the availability of parking spaces. This project will allow parking attendants to have real-time access to parking violations, potentially increasing the income from
such. This project will also be able to increase parking revenue from the Universitys sporting
events. The University of Oklahoma may market this project to help attract new students to the
campus. Since this project is cost-effective, the University may even mention the innovation of
their students are helping change the future for the better.

Our strategy to actively detect availability of parking spaces uses a network of Raspberry Pi controllers with cameras that take a picture of a specific subsection of a parking area every 10 seconds.
Using the WI-Fi network, each controller will upload the picture to a single Amazon Web Services
S3 server using its Internet of Things service. A dedicated computer located elsewhere will download the images from the server, process the images with MATLab to determine which spaces
are empty, and update a database with the new information. The app will make requests to the
database, and will display the new information to the drivers looking for a space. A simplified
flowchart of this process is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Flowchart of Program

Raspberry Pi is a credit card-sized computer that has been used in a multitude of projects over
the past four years, and has sold over five million units. By using such a popular product that
has undergone several revisions over the years, one source of uncertainty in our parking system is
nearly eliminated. Furthermore, the total cost of a Raspberry Pi that has a suitable camera and can
connect to WI-Fi is well below the cost of a prefabricated Internet-connected camera.
Our use of the Amazon Web Services S3 server and DynamoDB database comes with a number
of benefits: 99.999999999% durability, 99.99% availability, the ability to securely transfer data,

and all at an extremely affordable rate [5], discussed further in the Budget section in this report.
Amazon Web Services provide an easy interface to download data to mobile apps, and can interface
with a Raspberry Pi controller as well. Instead of dealing with the hassle of building and managing
our own server, we will essentially rent out space in Amazons servers, eliminating a second source
of uncertainty.
MATLab will be used to process the images sourced from the Raspberry Pi cameras as it has
specialized software to deal with the complex issues of image recognition. An additional benefit
of using MATLab is the breadth of information already available about parking space availability
detection. Building on the progress of others who have explored this area before will save us time
when developing the software, and steer us in the right direction.

Figure 3: Prototype Parking Application

The app will be centered around a main screen with pie charts correlated to how many spots are
filled, which lets the user know at a glance which lots are most open. On choosing a parking area,
the user can see a detailed map of which spots are free, organized by floor in the case of a garage,
an example of such as shown in Figure 3. Using this information, the user can then make a more
informed decision about whether or not they should spend time looking for a space or save time
and park in a more available area. The more this app is used, the lower the congestion in garages,
as drivers will not have to waste time driving through a garage to see if any spaces are open. The

app will have a hands free feature available to mitigate using a mobile device while driving. This
feature will have voice features stating parking available and where. Placing a liability agreement
stating that the driver will not use the app will ensure that the user does not use the app while
driving. It will also ensure that the developers and stakeholders will not be held liable for any
incidents that result from using a mobile device while driving.
One important aspect of this parking availability system is the speed at which the information can
be updated. The actual time it will take to refresh the data will likely vary from any estimate,
but can be determined in the second phase of our plan. Nevertheless, an estimate can be made.
We estimate that it will take 30 cameras to cover the Elm garage, and considering that it will take
approximately 0.5 seconds to upload one image, 0.5 seconds to download it to MATLab, 1 second
to process the image with MATLab, and 0.5 seconds to update the database, we could refresh the
entire garage every 2.5 seconds x 30 cameras = 1 minute or so. This would be an unattainably high
speed for an employee, and provides fresh enough information that it would be useful.

For our program to work in the most efficient manner while also performing at a high standard,
it was deemed that the project should be split up into three phases. We wanted the ability to test
the idea off site in a small scale setting to test hardware and software setups. The second phase
includes setting up a camera system in a garage to test system stability, data recording, and trend
analysis. Lastly the third phase is intended to implement the project across campus and cover all
parking lots and garages. The development of the app will continue parallel to these three phases.
The first stage has a limited set up. Due to wanting to only test hardware and software, we wanted
to keep it simple and cheap with only a few materials needed. We would buy a poster board and
paint or draw on it so that it resembles a parking lot. We also need matchbox cars of different sized
to simulate real vehicles and parking small vehicles next to large vehicles, Raspberry Pis with
attachments, and completed software. The software would ideally have the ability to recognize
parking spaces and whether they were occupied or not. Furthermore, the connections between the
different Amazon Web Services will be established, and will connect to the app as well. At this
point, the user interface will be functional, but not necessarily aesthetically complete, and will be
tested with a single user. We would set up a camera on each end of the simulated parking lot in
different set ups to find the optimal viewing points for the cameras. We would also test different set
ups for vehicles to ensure that our system would be capable of recognizing parking spots inhabited,
but only recognized so by one camera. This test may imply worries when concerned with scale,
but with different camera placements, the test would perform similar compared a full sized test. An
example of this happening would be a large vehicle parking in a manner that it obstructs another
smaller vehicle parked in a neighboring spot. From these tests, we would be able to collect data
on what works and what does not work so that when we are ready for live tests we would be as
prepared as possible.
The second stage also has a limited set up, but it much more applicable to a real world setting
because it is in one. We decided to start in the parking garage next to Catlett Music Building on
Elm Street on the northwest side of campus. This location was chosen for a multitude of reasons.
This garage is one of the busiest garages on campus and would therefore provide good data for test

runs and data collection we would perform. It also has a uniform layout on all floors. This garage
has a two way ramp in the middle of the building with flat rows of parking on each side. Cars
drive in a clockwise manner up and down the garage. Due to the setup, we determined that each
floor should have six cameras; one camera in each corner facing towards the parking aisles and
two cameras on each side of each ramp. This setup would cover all of the parking spaces from two
perspectives and therefore be the most cost and work efficient. These cameras would be tied into
the existing electrical and wireless internet system that the campus provides. They would collect
data for trend analysis as well as parking data so we can provide up to date information on the
status of parking in the garage. We would analyze and fix any bugs encountered here to be able to
prevent or minimize problems from occurring in stage three. In terms of the app, the increase in
the number of cameras might cause some issues in terms of the total time it takes to analyze the
photos, but Amazon Web Services is designed to be easily scaled up. We will continue to refine the
user interface, performing usability tests with a small group and gaining insight into how people
would use this app in a real-world setting.
The third stage would be the most extensive as we would be servicing all of the planned parking,
but with proper time and project management, the implementation would go smoothly. The idea
would be to start at the northwest side of campus and head southeast. After the phase two Catlett
parking garage, we would establish our system in the faculty parking by Goddard and then the
multiple parking lots behind and just north of Dale Hall. For parking lots, our cameras would still
be built into existing electrical and internet networks. We would then go to the North Oval for implementation and to make sure that data collection and analysis is working as intended. We would
hit our next large project with the Union Parking Garage. This garage would be time intensive due
to its setup. With proper planning our team could analyze and implement our system efficiently
into this garage with its long rows and odd layout. From the Union Garage our team would head
to the parking next to McCasland field house and then across the street to the commuter parking
there. A quick jaunt across the street would land us in the Duck Pond parking lots. Completing
this series of lots would be a bit time consuming with the amount of parking available, but no less
feasible than any of the parking garages. After the Duck Pond lots, we would finish the third stage
in the stadium parking garage. This garage has a somewhat similar layout the the Union parking
garage with its ramps and parking format. This would simplify the camera system layout in the
garage. With only a few minor changes, we would have a complete coverage of the parking in the
garage. With the Stadium parking finished, our third stage would be complete and implementation
of the system would be complete. We would gradually make the app available to the public over
the next month by emailing or passing out fliers with unique access codes, to ensure that scaling
issues can be resolved as they appear, and to minimize the effect of any possible problems that
From here we would keep a troubleshooting and maintenance team on campus in case a need came
up. They would ensure proper data analysis for the app and make sure all cameras and systems
had a strong uptime. There would most likely be large amounts of downtime, so the workers could
be tasked with other duties to keep their productivity at a high. Figure 4 shows a Gantt Chart
outlaying the proposed plan to implement this project.













App Development
Phase 1 Set-up
Phase 1 Testing
Phase 2 Installation
Phase 2 Troubleshooting
Phase 3 Installation
Phase 3 QA
Figure 4: Gantt Chart

Our project will entail a series of deliverables to the University of Oklahoma to utilize and advertise. First of all, we offer a service. The ability to provide students and faculty with a means
to check parking on campus allows people to plan ahead and save time while also reducing the
amount of people late to class and meetings. The current parking and expected future parking
within the app will work together to ensure that commuters have the easiest time possible finding a
parking spot. Second, we offer a product and an idea. Our cameras set up all over campus parking
facilities enable parking services with a real time option of monitoring parking status. Combine
this with data collection and analysis, parking services can create a better argument to express
needs when they may arise. For example, if for some reason a parking lot was not being used at
all, parking services could re-utilize the area for other, more productive activities. The data analysis would also help on game days or other days when campus has a large influx of people from
other areas. The data gathered about how people travel around campus during these days could
allow for better planning for the city and university. These plans could enable traffic managers to
create better processes to make traveling in Norman during these days as quick and efficient as
possible. There are many events throughout the year where this app could be implemented during
campus events. Concerts, holiday celebrations, any sports event, or any large event could use our
app. Users can plan out parking for said events instead of driving around looking or waiting for a
parking spot. Users would also be able to add their own parking spots that they have available. In
the future, within our app, a user would have the ability to add a series of parking spaces they have
available near campus and how much they are demanding for the parking. Users could see how
much parking is available around campus.

We have come to expect this project to take a year to complete based on the scope that was created
for the project. The first phase where we test everything in a small scale should take four to six
weeks. The second phase of implementation into the test parking garage is estimated to take two
months. From here, the process will be mostly streamlined and all of the bugs and issues will have
resolutions or fixes available. We expect the rest of the project to take eight and a half months to
complete therefore completing the expected year. Having an idea of this time line will encourage
us to stay on schedule while also ensuring that investors do not have any worries about time. After
the completion of the project, the University of Oklahoma would have the ability to expand this
service to south campus and their other campuses as administration saw fit.
To ensure the quality of the products and services we are wanting to provide, we have come up
with a series of tests for our processes. These tests will help us evaluate problem areas as well
as what is working as expected so that we can create fixes quickly therefore reducing the amount
of work that needs to be redone. Within our program, we will implement measures to monitor
server uptime with our third party service. This will ensure that the app is updated as expected
and therefore having the most up to date data for commuters to use. During the second stage,
we would have team members record incoming and outgoing traffic from the garage to measure
camera accuracy for parking. Our goal is a 98% accuracy for the cameras. If this is not up to
our standards, then we will have to recalibrate our software and hardware to ensure high accuracy.
Pretty much the entire first stage is an experiment and a quality control setting for our project. It is
meant to ensure that the hardware and software is working as expected before we put any time or
effort into implementing our project into campus parking facilities. Most of this testing will occur
in the first stage, but testing will occur throughout the project to ensure high quality work. We want
to ensure the highest quality product and service to be delivered when our project is completed.
As students ourselves, we want to have a working system in place so that commuters can be on
campus when planned without too much hassle.

Our team is comprised of a multi-talented group of collegiate level individuals. Among us, we
have studies in music, programming, information systems, engineering systems, and research experience. As seniors, we have spent a thorough amount of time watching the University grow from
a students perspective and seeing what works and what does not. Through our time at the University of Oklahoma, we have come to experience areas of campus that need updating and reevaluated
so they can be efficiently utilized for the future of the campus.
Our consultant of whom we asked a series of questions about our project comes from the University
of Oklahoma. Mr. Sandmael Essington graduated from the University of Oklahoma with his
bachelors and masters degrees in Electrical Engineering. Mr. Sandmael Essingtons professional
title is a software engineer and currently works for Mitre corporation. Mitre is a nonprofit that
does work on research contracts for the government and most notably the Department of Defense
(DoD), Internal Revenue Services (IRS), and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
These qualifications all together give the authors and project a strong foundation to analyze technical problems that might not be realized by administration. This provides our team with a technical
outlook on issues with a strong emphasis on how to achieve our goals in a realistic and efficient

manner. Our team was able to recognize the parking problem on campus and look at it from another view than just building another parking garage. Our technical solution combined with the
expertise of our own majors and our consultants allow us to objectively see the parking problem
and find a solution that makes sense.

Our budget is primarily based off of the findings of the measurements and observations made from
the different parking facilities we deem fit for our project. The main cost would be the camera
itself. Each Raspberry Pi and all attachments would cost approximately $100 each. For each
garage, based on floors and set up, we would estimate 30 camera systems needed totaling $3000
for equipment per garage. Parking lots are a bit different. They vary greatly in size from the
teacher parking lot by McCasland Field House to the Duck Pond Parking Lot. For a lot as small
as the teacher lot by McCasland, we would estimate needing at most 5 cameras. The Duck Pond
Parking Lot would need anywhere from 15-20 cameras. Each parking system needs to be evaluated
individually to calculate exact costs, but based on estimates, we can create a budget with a range.
Amazon Web Services are very generous with their services. All inclusive with the different aspects of Amazon Web Services would cost less than $10 a month. On top of that, the first year
under 5 GB a month would be free of cost. Due to this low cost, we really are not worried about the
monetary aspect of this part of the project. It is an impressively low cost for the service provided.
Each phase of our project has costs associated with it. In order to properly make this project a
reality, we would need to first invest time in the initial research of the project. This primarily
includes small scale testing. Two cameras are needed to ensure that we can have multiple sources
of information that can overlap to provide double checking. Model cars / trucks are needed to
make sure that the size of a vehicle does not interfere with a smaller vehicle behind it. We would
also need a makeshift parking lot to put the cars on. It could be something simple that we can
paint to resemble a parking lot. Lastly, the cost of the programming software tasked with the job
of distinguishing the vehicles parking situation needs to be taken into account. Overall, we would
expect this to cost $500.
In the second phase of testing, we would install the cameras at one of the parking garages/lots. We
would be able to have an up and functional app at this point developed by a team member and have
it so it could be available to the public. We would do occasional spot checks, making sure that the
program runs as flawlessly as possible. We want something close to a 98% accuracy in order to
validate our results. This test includes about 30 cameras due to the test occurring in Catlett Parking
Garage. We would also need to take into account the cost to establish an Amazon web server. This
test would cost an estimate of $4,000.
The third phase would include the final costs of all the cameras, the installation, and all of the
supporting software. The only goal left would be installing the cameras, and making sure they can
communicate with our server properly. All the kinks that we might experience would be found in
our start up phase and our beta phase. After this phase is complete, our project will be completed.
These costs are summed up in the next section: Total Costs.

There are three parking garages we are focusing on which will need similar amounts of cameras
based on size. It would therefore be safe to assume that the total cost for the three garages based on
earlier calculations would be an estimated $4,500 for the cameras. Now to focus on the uncovered
parking around campus that commuters and teachers can park at. Asp Ave. has parking available
on the street needing 5-10 cameras. The teacher lot by McCasland would need 3-6 cameras. The
Duck Pond lot all inclusive would need 15 - 25 cameras. Sarkys parking would need 10-15
cameras due to layout. The parking lot by Dale would need 7-12 cameras. This brings the total
to 40 - 68 cameras needed for an estimated cost to $4,000 - 6,800 for the uncovered parking on
campus. This bring the total equipment cost to $13,500 - 15,300.
Man hours will be easier to calculate. We expect the project to take a year for a small team to
complete. A team of four people at $30,000 salary each would come out to $120,000 for the year.
Afterwards, the support team could be built into a preexisting group to save administrative costs
and mixed responsibilities on top of monitoring the parking cameras. We expect that two full time
workers could handle these responsibilities as well as other responsibilities given as seen fit by
managers. Paying these workers based off of responsibilities is advised, but we would expect to
pay an IT employee with multiple responsibilities anywhere from $35,000 - 43,000 a year.
Overall first year costs to completely implement the project would come out to $135,000 - $145,000.
For support and to keep the system secure and updated, we would expect the University to pay
$75,000 - 90,000 a year for employees and equipment. This is based off hiring two employees plus
the equipment they will need for updates and repairs. Figure 5 is a detailed estimate breakdown of
all required expenses for the proposed program.



Quantity Cost
Phase 1
Raspberry Pi
Camera Attachment
Small Scale Model
3 months 10,000/month
Phase 2
Raspberry Pi
Camera Attachment
Weather Proof Encasement 30
Installation Materials
4 months 10,000/month
Phase 3
Raspberry Pi
Camera Attachment
Weather Proof Encasement 100
Installation Materials
5 months 10,000/month
Total Expenses


Figure 5: Budget Table

[1] S. Elaouad, S. Benmakhlouf, N. Tobaji, M. A. Dmini and Y. Salih Alj, Car parking management system using AMR-sensor technology, Electrical and Information Technologies (ICEIT),
2015 International Conference, 2015, pp. 414-418.
[2] Z. Zhang, X. Li, H. Yuan, and F. Yu, A Street Parking System Using Wireless Sensor Networks,
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2013, Article ID 107975, 10 pages,
[3] Hard, Andrew. ParkiTs Open Spot Detection Technology Is like an X-ray for Parking Lots
Digital Trends. N.p., 05 May 2015. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.
[4] C. Huang and Y. Tai and S. Wang, Vacant Parking Space Detection Based on Plane-Based
Bayesian Hierarchical Framework, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video
Technology, vol. 23, no. 9, pp. 1598-1610, Sept. 2013.
[5] Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) - Cloud Storage. (n.d.). Retrieved April 20, 2016, from

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