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Lesson plan #1
Date: February 15, 2015

Grade: pre K- kindergarten
Topic: phonics
Main goal: The goal of phonics instruction is to teach students the most common
sound-spelling relationships so that they can decode, or sound out, words. This
decoding ability is a crucial element in reading success.


Analyze Learners: most of kindergarten students havent had any exposure to

phonics or how to decode sounds of letters or words. Kindergarten students in the
classroom have no prior knowledge on spelling. Will make sure that students have
prior knowledge of what is a book and how to use a computer in order for them to
complete the interactive activity.

State standards and Objectives

110.11. English Language Arts and Reading, Kindergarten
(1) Reading/Beginning Reading Skills/Print Awareness. Students understand
how English is written and printed.

Students will:

Practice reading words with the same letter sound to connect those letters and

Recognize beginning consonant sounds by reading and listening to a story that

highlights select words

Construct a story by actively choosing words

Use picture clues to aid comprehension

Match beginning consonant sounds

Select strategies, technology, media, and materials

Utilize technology, media, and materials

The use of technology such as
Computers with Internet for interactive storybook activities
Overhead projector to present some storybooks
A video clip of the meaning of what is phonics

Require Learner Participation

Involve students in the class discussion by letting them explore the sounds on their
own. Hands on activities where they can not only learn how a phonic sounds but as
well practice their writing skills

Evaluate and revise

Were the students able to identify phonics in the storybook?
Where students able to recognize the initial sounds for all letters?
Did students confuse any consonant sound-spellings such as /p/ and /b/?
Were students able to identify additional words with the same beginning consonant

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