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2012-12-09: Version 3.1.

* General:
* Fix: Mod loading on Windows problem (commit:1fd7036f25949dfd465e8ac2e694f7c
32c63f6cf, ticket:3759)
* Fix: Improved terrain rendering layout (commit:999de2af8b5787e813cefc6c4a4e
396bf34dde97, commit:8e83aee47e24bb0dd1c7c2b3a1ac53be25890506)
* Fix: Factories with a module addon no longer become better each save/load c
ycle (ticket:3732, commit:13b07b78dd85da1889843164d390ccb9d0a8f62b)
* Fix: Do not crash on build cancelations (ticket:3807, 2884e6d607d92efd329e3
* Fix: Try not to crash if a factory loses its production flag (ticket:3768,
* Fix: Attempt to fix commanders on loading/saving games. (ticket:3571, comm
* Build system:
* New version of autorevision fixes MSVC builds (ticket:3765)
* Multiplayer:
* Change: AI droids shoot at blocking features again, and can move through ea
ch other when jammed (commit:a19e41c15d78106c7128e63662e8824454b8900c)
* Scripting:
* New: getStructureLimit(), countDroid() and countStruct() (commit:af757d28bd
082384355272f890fe6d79fd5369a8, commit:def9fb81c34a7c6d3c343c659507ed1b6f40f5ee)
* New: orderDroidBuild() now takes an optional direction parameter for rotati
on (commit:24414caa0c6a8db7459e7204a1c12546d27f7441)
* Change: Updated Nullbot (commit:a2e69a8a2e14c7173d615a78455464a6f264b3a3)
2012-10-08: Version 3.1 rc3
* General:
* Warning: Warn players to downgrade/upgrade PhysFS package from a buggy vers
ion 2.0.2 (ticket:3700, commit:408be743f017cce1519cd955767abf0e697ab7f7)
* Change: Patch PhysFS in the Mac build until there is a new release (commit:
* Change: Updated license and string files for Mac builds (commit:7720aa641da
* Change: HOMING-INDIRECT projectiles no longer collide with large cliffs. Al
so, if the target is missing, or if it disappears, then the projectile will home
in on the terrain where the target was last seen (commit:b256d995b8b23bd4742d7c
* Change: Simplify repair logic, where a droid is repairing a droid or struct
ure (commit:240256248c51cfa39c73e7c22703c5500b82f178)
* Change: Auto-repair now works all the time, not just when droids are stoppe
d (commit:8c83693ba6b96b1810853448370d62e7023a62a7)
* Fix: Pathfind to area around queued structure to be built, instead of to ti
le under structure (ticket:3576, commit:88c1a3c3703d2ba260a101bb24cde419fe009afe
* Fix: Fixed an overflow effect in structure build points which caused a very
long progress bar (ticket:3685, commit:5b3163b9433604a470a9b4b3758081e2cdbb3755
* Fix: Never add completely researched research topics back again to the list
of available research topics (ticket:3454, commit:d37f5276a17bbff963e5d59d1fcb2
* Fix: Fixed a crash when the map included transporters which were placed on
it by the map editor (ticket:3714, commit:508f26a174fd356b778419dd7c4eeaacfd27d8
* Fix: Fixed assertion on scavengers with more than 5 factories (commit:667b5
* Fix: Do not crash on pressing 'T' with a transporter selected (ticket:3683,
* Fix: Fixed commander-related desynch and crash (ticket:1924, ticket:3296, t
icket:3676, commit:e1178b57e9c53f031139f18d36d8158a27e64f39)

* Fix: Select both Super Transports and Cyborg Transports with Shift+P (ticke
t:3644, commit:9f7f7c665b70a244509caf211c67e29904e0fbd8)
* Fix: Fixed failure to repair commanders on Alt+click (ticket:1997, commit:5
* Fix: No longer halt factory production assigned to commanders in skirmish o
n commander limit, or for VTOLs (ticket:2138, commit:0773a9ff6cfc344def015f349e3
* Fix: Automatically relocate delivery points when new structures are going t
o be built on top of them (ticket:2998, commit:1cc0d533f4edf33e672da3b55eb8f3d74
* Fix: Update visible tiles immediately when researching sensor upgrades (tic
ket:3450, commit:b1a1a8e445d29bc2ea5b1ea8b36d93e80d8c656d)
* Fix: Use separate stored-template file for skirmish and campaign (ticket:37
02, commit:d969dd7756859b0daea5ac2fe16422511f6876e0)
* Graphics:
* Fix: Droid parts now properly fly away from a droid which explodes above wa
ter (ticket:3681, commit:60c235ab3ff835edb60b0e0c020923351c893893)
* Fix: Turrets no longer appear to bounce when firing from atop a tower (tick
et:2789, commit:d608f37fadfa969c225fef8149eaa700cc878a46)
* UI:
* Change: Updated disabled Satellite Uplink and Laser Satellite Command Post
icons (commit:0d333a1a0661244015bb8c825e889135d20fac01)
* Change: Player list no longer vanishes after the nickname chooser is closed
* Change: Scale Warzone2100 logo on the main menu to fit box (ticket:3667, co
* Change: Only show build cursor over structures for building modules which h
ave been researched (ticket:3327, commit:4f85a5eaa12ea88d7055e3430577d7dec9391a0
* Fix: Fixed location of centre of viewport rendered on radar window (ticket:
3619, commit:0dde269379507a897ef2945ca76f840a8994f04a)
* Fix: Fixed bug which caused a weird behavior in the way menus worked (ticke
t:3653, commit:594b8a6c631b160fda06f9ffca4b9f227c97c3f8)
* Multiplayer:
* New: Add new maps by NoQ: Emergence (10p), Monocot (3p), by tmp500: Bloat (
5p) and by Ertox: WindFury (9p) (commit:858664124de97921a551367656c0ba7cf4aecf3d
* Change: Make available again research topics if the Research Facilities res
earching these particular topics are out-of-order temporarily for construction o
f Research Modules (commit:5bac6e4273fbdbd43acaf4a0042b373d4c9dec7c)
* Change: Allow setting/clearing game password even after a game is hosted. A
lso, if typing password and pressing Enter, will actually set the password (comm
* Change: Disabled game name icon in multiplayer, since it didn't do anything
anyway (ticket:1231, commit:831d22c7d26930872a9ec766177f8a00b63ace98)
* Build System:
* Change: Check for automake v1.11, for dist-xz support (commit:c3ba9625b96fe
* Translations:
* Change: New Greek translation added (ticket:3703, commit:5ae125c40d7f7c9c5f
f872dc3a46d068d38cbb68, commit:a2c7be0febf6e9d154763c6f16804b695878d3f9, commit:
* Update: Polish (ticket:1347, commit:8299d11fab753c7ecb7865f2fbe22d8444be35b
2012-08-21: Version 3.1 rc2
* General:
* Change: Clear any remaining pathfinding job for the unit on loading into a
transporter. Also fixes minor memory leaks (commit:032956e649e69aa51edd80787c9c9
4bf2c08d164, commit:88e94391669e54808b2d6f40cba994d3501efb08)

* Change: Log and error reporting improvements (commit:845903e5b60292d2a15a2f

442120122ea1ff90e7, commit:3640b024f28b0fc264e2d33ea516687fc41ffccc)
* Change: Added checks to detect hard drive failures (commit:134c51c8902bf80c
* Change: Do not halt production in factories on unit template becoming redun
dant (commit:7621581c8f76f3b7a774182cd3b5eee8e26b7954)
* Change: Don't rename AI players when there are multiple bots of the same ty
pe (commit:ee95d785bdfd72a490863d7cdb3f504f88f9eecd)
* Change: Make available again some of the decals from the Rockies tileset (c
* Change: Use codesigning for the mac builds (commit:c4edfed60de7edf88a5bbf33
4c85beef6d3c813a, commit:93f54a45316d76e3505e66143f5c84369ec665c1, commit:0c9769
* Fix: Do not reload VTOLs automatically when unloaded from a Transport (tick
et:3554, commit:e1dcb241abcfd42ef988bf88bb1c44dd8cd89d1f)
* Fix: Fixed dangling pointer when structures are destroyed and you are repos
itioning the delivery point (ticket:2041, commit:6382bbb08ea7e6ca93a0ba83fdb6595
* Fix: Destroyed research facilities can no longer permanently hog a research
topic (ticket:3570, commit:6a04b6ad677678e1d824209dda45a70f85b64a96)
* Fix: Relocation of Repair Facility delivery point made possible again (tick
et:3581, commit:caabd96741fb3113dc96127ae32826ada643992a)
* Fix: Fixed reverse balanced tree lookup (ticket:3589, commit:64173cbd0826a6
* Fix: Scavengers are now correctly enabled in Challenges (ticket:3630, commi
* Fix: Rework on the hash checking of maps (ticket:3618, ticket:3614, ticket:
3615, ticket:3616, ticket:3617, commit:398f77ede082063bd1bc607d5814e9630f663967)
* Fix: Certain ground type tiles in the Urban and Rockies tilesets to resembl
e the old 2.3 version terrain more accurately (ticket:3621, commit:087ab8c505873
* Cleanup: Various dead code removal and minor enhancements to code readabili
ty (commit:9d82dea37ae9ed2662ccf26ad1614ed386106972, commit:06f10ca89fb7d020b6b2
cac4a6f533b016ac0175, commit:44947ad4a831f4bc31fe3abc526175f37b539456, commit:ad
* Graphics:
* Change: Don't require OpenGL extensions to be reported, if present in the r
eported OpenGL version (commit:e8ee5e6f431d03def032659d4f19856176d4df26)
* Change: Bump MAX_TERRAIN_TILES from 100 to 512 (commit:ab44eafb7bd1daa2d0f4
* Change: Update png to 1.5.12 (commit:d2a8a134a6c3a08d20e461425a9714ab52ee78
* Change: Update GLEW to 1.8.0 (commit:62c8c727dc1919c35c7f20cc3dc262f9170572
* Fix: Align the blueprint of a module correctly with the respective structur
e (ticket:3466, commit:581d65411e714bec6c5b0e783dbaa705ff6a38c4)
* Fix: Don't require texture_env_crossbar for shaders (ticket:3575, ticket:36
29, commit:64a3cc13deda9a59aae2cf0705c68dbe3eadeaa8, commit:e8ee5e6f431d03def032
* Enhancement: Minor openGL enhancement (commit:5b9a496b1a5dd3f1d63e0f035561b
d750266d2da, commit:2ca39e5fc776019a6d5e315e674397a915f860bb)
* Savegames:
* Fix: Savegames are now possible again in Skirmish and Campaign (ticket:3620
, ticket:3636, commit:fdb1c0b52153d3368ae79e8f0befdd2744b43692)
* UI:
* Change: Add settings / UI support for shaders (commit:7e3be754d4daddd771de1
e115ed6845652300638, commit:ef2b23681b2840478a4203b8bd3a75b8882bd9f0)
* Change: Correctly handle interface image texture pages which are not 256x25
6, and also simplify adding/removing of images (commit:f879b83605a601080e3bdd902
996e50575ca9706, commit:26bb10588511f74b2ce60d7243752eb66d5754e2)

* Change: Warn when Satellite Uplink Center and/or Laser Satellite Command Po
st are disabled (commit:1e5fafabb39f76762ab7a560be7770595bc60a8c, commit:552a60b
* Fix: Bitmap cursor now drawn correctly with Qt backend (ticket:3562, commit
* Multiplayer:
* Change: Prevent a zero hash from being sent by the host when the user has n
ot selected the map between starting the program and hosting (commit:9784c655af2
* Change: Minor improvement over silently retrieving the wrong resource on fi
lename hash collisions (commit:74c153cf7bcc823ce1ace112cb9ce96d527c9f97)
* Scripting:
* Change: Add new function that returns unit limit(s) (commit:67b2a6210afa430
* Change: Included NoQ's Nullbot AI (commit:646f6d7b8248dedb5686d86199519d4e7
5a30493, commit:feb7476af63d0715cf989b8174babced8f3d7eda)
* Build System:
* Change: Default to xz compression for make dist (ticket:3492, commit:512ef2
* Fix: Fixes compilation on non-x86 platforms (ticket:3558, commit:6c6180495c
* Translations:
* Change: Update custom translations (commit:0800da0d25d1b6e509b84435ec80cda1
76e046c0, commit:92ce0bca3696da0da41e0e8c5a6ef80090b4871d)
* Change: Disable translations below 80% (ticket:3136, commit:a39f61281c2703a
6d952da27b750b60c6706f6be, commit:16b06c03923dc371418b8e056fdddc59b41ce3fe)
* Update: Polish (ticket:1347, commit:0cec33c0fceeb65fac3c26412a3d2d3667c0488
* Update: German (ticket:3564, commit:44c810bc73ca8f17bdbf8fc28bcbae8ec81233a
* Update: French (ticket:3577, ticket:3671, commit:875be5fda1b9ecf4aae3ece1fa
5639904f3c06ab, commit:674ca3edd22b74508c49d11cff7bf6b62720657e)
* Update: Catalan (ticket:3582, commit:3b261c24d2dfe39eae6f51f3a4827bc3b67e92
* Update: Turkish (ticket:3591, commit:da43686ad35b33850a97ffcb8023c60e5ff55f
2012-08-05: Version 3.1 rc1
* General:
* Change: Allow multiple AIs with similar names (commit:ee95d785bdfd72a490863
* Change: Increase the maximum number of terrain tiles (commit:ab44eafb7bd1da
* Change: No longer save last map played (ticket:3618, commit:398f77ede082063
* Fix: Saving the game might crash it (ticket:3620, commit:fdb1c0b52153d3368a
* Fix: Qt backend compatibility with Qt 4.8.2 (ticket:3562, commit:df32833ab8
* Fix: Scavengers in challenges were always disabled (ticket:3630, commit:956
* Fix: Moving repair delivery points (ticket:3581, commit:caabd96741fb3113dc9
* Fix: Destroyed research lab can no longer block research (ticket:3570, comm
* Fix: Do not halt production on template becoming redundant (commit:7621581c
* Fix: Do not require texture_env_crossbar for shaders (ticket:3575, ticket:3
629, commit:64a3cc13deda9a59aae2cf0705c68dbe3eadeaa8)
* Fix: Various memory issues (commit:032956e649e69aa51edd80787c9c94bf2c08d164

, commit:88e94391669e54808b2d6f40cba994d3501efb08)
* Fix: Possible crash when delivery points are removed (commit:6382bbb08ea7e6
ca93a0ba83fdb65952778c962a, ticket:2041)
* Fix: Fix loading of campaign savegames (commit:1461b3a5a81b72381bc3cc3dbc57
bbd2f5ce22a7, commit:9784c655af2a66bd541268e2c9e6f19fcd1ac200)
* Fix: Terrain rendering should now be more visually accurate (ticket:3621, c
2012-06-20: Version 3.1 beta11
* General:
* Change: CB sensor also defends allies (commit:313738ed235c69c64c83eb9b987d6
* Change: Structures with no cost to build (oil derricks) deconstruct when ab
andoned, taking one minute for 100% build progress (commit:5ba90fec427096f601686
* Change: Queue building on burning oil wells, trucks wait until the fire sto
ps (commit:353357b1b6f3b8a12131abd7c2c2cef571402e5b)
* Fix: Pathfinding improvements (commit:d11516795a7d98a6bcf0cdeafe15943510834
4a4, commit:57a56f21c372e268a645e6312b3f1c5a95a98000, commit:f7c6e38aa8e06051c6a
* Fix: Loading of rearm pads in savegames (ticket:3518, commit:eb3001bd2fb6c0
* Fix: CB fire against mobile targets (ticket:3529, commit:193eba2a9f8d4a5fc2
* Fix: Weapon reloading (commit:74d8086132a3f847ea13b88254096fe68a30474b)
* Fix: Correct unit count of commanders after loading a savegame (ticket:3062
, ticket:3513, commit:b3f3b089f1438bf66fad0e3d4db4447bd2dd6d23)
* Fix: Correct factory numbers after loading a savegame (ticket:3384, commit:
* Fix: Show correct number of selected units (ticket:3479, commit:22799c2b260
* Fix: Player switching in debug mode (ticket:3264, commit:4a2f7d4399649662f3
* Graphics:
* Change: Support texture animations on structures (commit:190c7a99cccc9e831a
49712ec431b194f0b65cb8, commit:2d0a089bad6b6b2fdca75556444a66e07ad3dbaa, commit:
b59fe8bdb587671c8a382887c10ce804a1d1cd9a, commit:07a2a9671b32d4817942739de723f38
0c7b88cc7, commit:e636d41472762f0573979c1f05ada2e1484e4eca, commit:da433789c3e27
* Change: New skybox for urban maps (ticket:3534, commit:aca180e0e860f42206bc
* Change: New cliff decals to make cliffs more visible (commit:4a53a0e010452a
* Fix: Work better with archaic OpenGL drivers, and add a workaround option t
o the menu (commit:f54eb00d7044827e011bd3261108bfd446f6a68e, commit:8b8282cc1f9b
bddd6c48cef4dbf1681b84160129, commit:0c03151e250a89f23ea5960cd488367112bd3fdc, c
ommit:96272ebf5008ad7ac47865e3493d43a597371944, commit:f5a7fd52c01dbe848ecaab27d
a4a08fc7eef536a, commit:7867b7abe209613da26ae36897ac864eaee73a14, commit:691df6a
* Fix: Placement of droid selection boxes and group/commander numbers (ticket
:3547, commit:dd8025d10853fe775ef37c0c632647086752b4d9)
* Multiplayer:
* Change: Add oil barrels to map preview (commit:5b07a7b755a529d37c5f308b5ecd
* Fix: Sensibly handle multiple maps with the same name (ticket:3531, ticket:
3180, commit:15c04ab10f87de89ca7dcae2813834bd1a03247b, commit:205609302755ec151d
4768da6cdcefe768059fb1, commit:1461b3a5a81b72381bc3cc3dbc57bbd2f5ce22a7)
* Fix: Don't crash when a player fails to join a game (commit:bf2483cbd7430bd
81457a6931c1e526828c7d18a, commit:7a0cd2eccfe733215ee43cab28243d7f29918b75)
* Fix: Don't freeze when a player leaves (ticket:3410, commit:53ce0a7c38822fe

da52bc9ba24fd45d02a0fa7cc, commit:e0939a02175e56f8a0f1468286f0cbd039053174)
* Fix: Don't desync when a player leaves (commit:35f301b1ba7f76be1bbfc80d8cdb
* Fix: More consistent ping display (commit:bedd8704f2aef5afd1c2acfa4566a0445
* Fix: When a player freezes, don't block communication (e.g. chat) between t
he remaining ones (commit:e14c39fb38ba8c6f11bb4f8e3f0e78a61cb86828)
* Fix: Show all players when a player has left (ticket:3461, commit:00b196818
* Fix: Play "Artifact recovered" sound only to the player who actually found
it (ticket:3488, commit:acaf4620e0f14d50b0c1696e0236ef9e82ca8e6a)
* Multiplayer balance (commit:ea7b1912fdd6d733288e9b5e783af8cd1c3cf408):
* Nerf flamers, mostly by decreasing incendiary damage of flamers, to compens
ate the fact that it is unaffected by armor type modifiers. Also decrease incend
iary radius to prevent ground flamers from causing incendiary damage to walls.
* Inferno: price 80->110, incendiary radius 64->48, incendiary damage 40->3
* Thermite Cyborg: incendiary damage 38->32
* Plasmite: price 80->130, incendiary radius 96->60, incendiary damage 63->
* incendiary Mortar: price 150->200, pit price 135->170, incendiary damage
* incendiary Howitzer: price 250->300, emplacement price 325->400, incendia
ry damage 60->32
* Thermite Bombs: incendiary damage 200->120
* Plasmite Bombs: incendiary damage 200->140
* Nerf machineguns to compensate the ROF fix that used to decrease with game
* HMG: damage 18->17
* AG: fire pause 3->4, damage 20->19
* TAG: price 100->120, fire pause 3->4, damage 30->28
* AG Cyborg: fire pause 4->5, damage 20->18
* MG: ROF upgrades 15%/30%/45% -> 17%/34%/50%.
* Whirlwind: fire pause 3->4
* Slightly nerf rocket branch in comparison to cannons. Most importantly, ner
f MRAs to compensate the fix in indirect fire mechanics.
* Minipod: range 1152->1088
* MRA: damage 34->29, splash damage 30->29, reload time 145->165
* MC: research points 4800->3600
* HPV: research points 7200->4800
* Make T3 missiles homing, making use of the new homing-indirect targeting cl
ass. Nerf Seraphs to compensate that fact.
* Seraph: damage 120->110, splash 100->90, targeting class INDIRECT->HOMING
* Archangel: targeting class INDIRECT->HOMING-INDIRECT
* Make walls effective even after gates are invented.
* Gates: price 25->75
* Make cannon fortresses cheaper, while nerfing range, in order to make them
usable in low oil matchups and less effective in high-oil settings.
* Cannon Fortress: price 1000->900, range 1792->1408
* Translations:
* Update: Polish (ticket:1347, commit:9fc92b7d64200c65f7ea8baab617ed8d19a773c
* Update: French (ticket:3483, ticket:3512, commit:badb8c05cb3e9e8a8e1af52928
8d57b96126e482, commit:113796a9d6a8e34ced9c93bae213ba53b19d5944)
* Update: Hungarian (ticket:3485, commit:d74ebad6a32dbe49771223c347ad9515a101
* Update: Turkish (ticket:3486, commit:a400fe055fd5d176cd809bcfdc0973cf839a4a
* Update: Dutch (ticket:3484, commit:c46d2d56ea3cbfe9d7ba7516f5b1962a2fef2d37

2012-05-13: Version 3.1 beta10
* General:
* Fix: Loading of skirmish games (ticket:3451, commit:18216c60e76d05ad0fe2bf7
* Fix: Scavengers in Fast Play are on their own team again (ticket:3447, comm
* Fix: Allow building the designed unit in the tutorial (ticket:3058, commit:
* Multiplayer:
* Fix: Don't desync occasionally when some player slots are empty (commit:1ef
4fc6cfdf05435bbaaa95155c23ea1a76d6409, commit:ef685d0b892327b6e8af90da0ade792575
* Fix: Don't tell players who lost that they won (ticket:3449, commit:25e118c
* Graphics:
* Change: Updated texture for the urban building features (commit:4a9ac7fc3ed
* Fix: Team colour mask on Plasmite Flamer, Sunburst AA and AA Flak Cannon (t
icket:3433, commit:e36cdf11e827e85c79cbd9319507809c1fae838b)
* Translations:
* Update: Hungarian (ticket:3458, ticket:3470, commit:0def25206b7d23788919a2a
a067e880626e542fc, commit:9bed66e764a176b7b4b448df5e1f534e1991c450)
* Update: Spanish (ticket:3473, commit:baa143872208ba54bec2dc41213ca622209e48
2012-05-04: Version 3.1_beta9
* General:
* Change: Save campaign and skirmish games separately (ticket:3377, commit:d8
* Change: Target selection improvements (commit:fb8efec5b0278468c445173f7d4e3
0e209f621c6, commit:430e55e5cd279c27bfee42736fb1a516be375114)
* Fix: Don't confuse different unit templates (ticket:3146, ticket:3369, comm
it:28c10b00a8f3bf6d87176e3aba8fba65993cedba, commit:0de0c416297a1694146af7ca8218
9ee971c93502, commit:3bebe1a0d6c3e8f230b56def4a823430a2a58c9f, commit:0ad220b334
* Fix: Don't confuse Super Transport with other templates (ticket:3426, commi
* Fix: Don't keep revealing terrain after units are destroyed (ticket:3339, t
icket:3419, commit:21326496e1b4348ec96a96e268d138394aef183c)
* Fix: Don't randomly prevent units from firing (ticket:3267, commit:17d3ea38
* Fix: Don't accelerate just before reaching the destination (ticket:3424, co
* Fix: Allow shooting through open gates (commit:fcd5510a1311cfc535685aeac298
* Fix: Display correct destroyed structure count at end of game (ticket:3380,
ticket:3435, commit:fae22f7e2031eff681a5e94b6cb51546789ad1c1)
* Multiplayer:
* Fix: Don't desync after picking up oil barrels (ticket:3396, ticket:3413, c
* Fix: Don't desync or freeze when a player leaves (commit:2309f165b021e7ea0a
4d9c8a2e85cdea6e8f10ba, commit:93f0e61d924d6709c8db68b53d19f7e3bbeaa911)
* Fix: Network performance improvements (commit:b9cc7702b7dc7ff3781f32f69b9ca
c110ebd6b98, commit:049982522b9e247a2c8a23c43e89fdc1af9a3ad6)
* Fix: Make debug build net usage stats meaningful (commit:5e3d4bcb388f36c86d
d26b5f9783c7574c5a4901, commit:282efa8884a61d940b0414f0526b8abef78b62d0)
* Fix: Kicking of AIs (ticket:3439, commit:ca736e71af9e2444ae0133a19214f27db4

* Campaign:
* Change: Disable the save option between campaign missions and the autosave,
since the resulting savegames don't always work correctly (ticket:3377, commit:
* Fix: Don't slow the game down by spamming asserts (ticket:3403, commit:9775
* Graphics:
* Fix: Scavenger MRAs (ticket:3365, commit:e50d51339eb55f6990b97ad4e28722b6a4
* Fix: Add gate corners, and fix gate team colour (commit:00bbfea089fc881ac5c
a31b50c463bddfcf4c141, commit:0964038ae0c39c6fcb73eb2f6ef3700d295080ce)
* Translations:
* Update: Turkish (ticket:3417, commit:3015548e6d161ebca885893471edeb26043ffb
* Update: French (ticket:3430, commit:17f7f71f9b4b629491212dbb32d0ec811fa488b
2012-04-22: Version 3.1_beta8
* General:
* Change: Make screen shake not shake on walls, and the duration depend on wh
at was destroyed (commit:33842677af6b6cb591c5a3a677849eb600e10e2f)
* Fix: Enable truck template when building factory before HQ (ticket:3337, co
* Fix: Problem with continent generation making droids refuse orders (ticket:
3269, commit:3bd70ae8b9be93bb19d4bc694b7197277bc412fe)
* Fix: Don't show repair icon for a selected repair droid itself (ticket:3242
, commit:1fae45407f91a89e632a6534b4bebc10450c3e31)
* Multiplayer:
* Change: Update GreatRift, MizaMaze and Wheel to include scavengers and new
walls, add missing cliff tiles (ticket:2857, ticket:3317, commit:0ad1b227ff63958
* Fix: Avoid mixing up droid orders during lag (commit:83f7adecc9ec6d769f10ee
* Fix: Factories drop artifacts again (commit:29966c5da299f944a0e52ab579d2b3a
7ed8d3063, commit:aaeaa4140a157341f68eb827ddbfaf1e90c4261b, commit:8e48e9e422b6a
* Fix: Disable unit design when HQ gets destroyed (ticket:3342, commit:466880
* Fix: Make unit design/radar depend on the existence of an HQ, not the base
setting (commit:d0fc1e580d7fc57a5c10efabc764085835f45e51)
* Lobby:
* Change: Distinguish between wrong version, wrong mod and full game (commit:
* Change: Subtract closed slots from the shown maximum player number (commit:
* Fix: Properly handle a disappearing host (ticket:3313, commit:0de4f38295d2d
* Fix: Always show lock icon when a password is set, don't show it in games w
ithout password (ticket:3357, commit:bd6c1d203b784a923e9331f67b2cee7226daab99)
* Translations:
* Update: Spanish (ticket:3361, commit:a018ecdbb200dc6f83fc45f326ab82b60a78bd
* Update: Polish (ticket:1347, commit:c0d7331cdc30ac4ccca1703d8a746f3f366ea50
0, commit:a67868fed5e3035a7d182095b9d49374c2b4047d)
* Update: Hungarian (ticket:3412, commit:b9d6e17f93c5f651c1070c4d89eedaec0947
94a1, commit:188b4ac5a010e8ab2c1b86b4e77728b76067f713)
* Update: Brazilian (ticket:3415, commit:74bd1b13aed3a369e0c93796d56ee5f32359
* Update: Turkish (ticket:3417, commit:13128367ad68725d310bc3372dfe624b3045a8

* Update: German (ticket:3418, commit:641092f6cefdc3cadbc871a18dc2e08a3b97993
2012-03-19: Version 3.1_beta7
* General:
* Fix: Don't randomly crash when moving units (ticket:3301, commit:fbc600ecdf
* Fix: When unloading a transporter, put the units on the terrain and not abo
ve or below it (ticket:3169, commit:f54529ae0a62b76db6c2bc65a74e60bb021a09e8)
* Fix: Improve pathfinding (commit:c9a618cd821d02b47315c24f4fe0cacecbe04ecc)
* Fix: Save factory numbers to properly restore their order on loading (ticke
t:3244, commit:c041fb3dab50bb6a6348fd9340bf0d61902e3c4d)
* Multiplayer:
* Fix: Show research messages again in the intelligence screen (ticket:3085,
* Fix: Disable unit design without HQ (ticket:3305, commit:d5a97c039912b4b29b
* Translations:
* Update: French (ticket:3311, commit:f1e38830fd6ab7242a0078db53c9c2dfcb72ff3
* Update: Spanish (ticket:3335, commit:952f62a87bae585472556f315157b51098c68d
2012-03-13: Version 3.1_beta6
* General:
* Fix: Make VTOLs rearm on rearming pads, not beside them (ticket:3285, commi
* Fix: Make building on a tile only accessible diagonally work (ticket:3215,
* Multiplayer:
* Fix: Make it work again (ticket:3281, commit:b7d07f663b4781a32e56b97716266b
* UI:
* Fix: Make setting the camera position by right-clicking the minimap work ag
ain (ticket:3283, commit:91614562b0969c47ffed7020caa1e16c8ede5823)
* Graphics:
* Fix: Make VTOL rearming pads stay above the ground (ticket:702, commit:071d
2012-03-13: Version 3.1_beta5
* General:
* Change: Adjust the burning time of destroyed oil derricks by the percentage
they were completed (commit:f6ddbf1878ff2a387c4be95449d8a7835c18ebd8)
* Fix: Don't corrupt savegames (ticket:3200, commit:da9d427e5def9b82ab95c99b4
* Fix: Reduce unit delay by 200 ms (commit:f36cb966ce6effd58e1dc42e275d00fe9b
* Fix: Reduce units shuffling around their destination (ticket:2996, commit:0
* Fix: Don't land several VTOLs on the same tile (commit:9dcf5bdf4eb4d590ea15
* Fix: When picking up artifacts or oil drums with a sensor unit, don't make
the units attached to it shoot (ticket:1281, commit:42017f5e12a29f21dd31e7b595a7
* Fix: Disable target prediction for droids that are trying to drive through
stuff (commit:a94bd6629d17f50df9b3a58b97bb3f8cd734e12b)
* Fix: Make "Go to Transport" button work sensibly (commit:2d938a0323e5c47ce4
* Multiplayer:

* Fix: Supertransporter fixes (ticket:3196, ticket:3210, ticket:3224, commit:

fcede64e428e46657db2ef7b0f7bd1ce26b1d91d, commit:6bc90e6d2e0343d7d5e6e54be09f97f
2c8e1cbd8, commit:475d1e625218924d252f5eb546e55824a5f697ed, commit:9e63fe3433912
* Fix: Don't kick players several times (ticket:3209, commit:bc65f978015b73be
* Translations:
* Update: Russian (ticket:3221, commit:f627fd803c3356fe344e09ac172634e93e7743
* Update: German (ticket:3205, commit:6f5bf39951eccb4d2ee01cef7a64269820a1ddc
* Update: Polish (ticket:1347, commit:2042b60e4f144b483b12164d67f99adf4e915ac
* Update: French (ticket:3276, commit:a26aa5f3ad89312e47b026bcfe1b44271b47fae
f, commit:2c093a6ff96bce87f2edc1d1a7c10369a2f78c58)
2012-02-21: Version 3.1-beta4
* General:
* Change: New keyboard shortcuts for unit selection:
* Ctrl+C: All cyborgs
* Shift+C: All cyborgs with weapons
* Shift+E: All cyborg engineers
* Shift+G: All ground based attack units including hovers
* Shift+M: All cyborg mechanics
* Shift+P: All transporters
* Shift+R: All tanks with repair turrets
* Shift+S: All sensor units
* Shift+T: All trucks
* Fix: Prevent features with low health from becoming indestructible (ticket:
3134, commit:2fc761a304091080a91c5c3660c7b8e0196ffe2a)
* Fix: Correctly use unit speed modifiers (ticket:3140, commit:5a3925391ea12c
* Fix: Don't fire Lassat too many times when clicking fast (ticket:3163, comm
* Fix: Clear tile after destroying a feature (ticket:3155, commit:db74b523883
* Fix: Correctly check for needed OpenGL versions and extensions (commit:a7d2
* UI:
* Change: Add a 'Need more resources' indicator in the power bar when needed
* Fix: Show correct speed bars when designing VTOLs (ticket:3143, commit:2e03
* Fix: Play sound when getting attacked (ticket:3102, commit:001ef35faf1b1207
* Fix: Increase component limit in unit design GUI (ticket:3160, commit:60fb8
* Fix: Adapt minimap size to game resolution (ticket:2694, commit:bccb89cf37e
* Multiplayer:
* Change: Allow configuring preferred player colour (commit:cefd4179f7704e620
* Change: Make the Super Transport faster, lower armour, updated model (commi
* Change: Add in-game kick by right+left clicking over the player's channel i
con (commit:9a005ac66ea5a3abc18a1fec004e22c187438b9d)
* Fix: Allow kicking players in non-alliance mode again (ticket:3121, commit:
* Fix: Make sure we run Nexus AI on the correct players when some players use
javascript-based AIs (ticket:3137, commit:9d616939ecbf289d97baf7be7a2ec86b7e03d

* Fix: Allow private messages to players 8 and 9 (ticket:3141, commit:e581b84
* Fix: Update hosting screen for ten players, move Limits and Start Hosting b
uttons (ticket:3157, commit:ac3b802a44a8e99131198a1e11fd3cfeb355ea88)
* Campaign:
* Fix: Enable minimap and unit design in away missions when an HQ exists in t
he remote base (ticket:3182, commit:391ffb621e4d43d67d0cb61c5aa6c28a5375c81a)
* Mods:
* Change: Remove old-1.10-balance mod, since it was broken (commit:5694a6fded
* Translations:
* Update: Russian (ticket:3184, commit:b7541ac45b9babe0dd0e0b0ffeb3cbd6b9477a
2e, commit:519b83fbd3cd086b1c29f4215a2cbbd46114f534)
* Update: Turkish (ticket:3192, commit:2c9886131b24c488bd70d36a2b81437def0002
2012-02-20: Version 3.1-beta3
* Unpublished
2012-02-08: Version 3.1-beta2
* General:
* Fix: Show unit designs in factories after loading a game (ticket:3094, comm
* Fix: Don't crash when trying to paste text (ticket:3091, commit:de3a4112d9a
* Savegames:
* Fix: Properly load AIs (commit:58160f69c5a5208b6683997b82e87686b4a15a9a)
* Fix: Properly load scavengers (commit:d11b13c422b1b1364410a64778ef0fcd8d364
4e9, commit:2417ba4f4b5ec495f52aff72c249ea9e6b821784)
* UI:
* Fix: Show loading indicator when loading the game (ticket:3104, commit:7859
* Fix: Make aborted research disappear from its research facility again (tick
et:3130, commit:ae59186a07a026ae6dfb4acc78c657f7ca10d279)
* Fix: Show obsolete droids in production, to allow cancelling building them
* Fix: Properly enable Teams and Ready buttons (commit:108b5ef10a889ae2d3fe74
* Fix: Only flash the research button when there is something to research and
a free research facility to do so (ticket:1835, commit:8d925946763711fb7c345b7b
* Fix: Only highlight the player's own ready button on hovering (commit:51b92
* Multiplayer:
* Fix: Actually consider AIs and closed slots when checking if players can st
ill join (ticket:3089, commit:7f7390cb7e1085a5c22cbb55440e679eb9d6506f, commit:3
* Fix: Make the latency guesser less optimistic, should reduce freezes (commi
* Fix: Don't lock people out of other games after getting kicked from one (co
* Fix: While loading the game, show the chat console and player status (commi
* Campaign:
* Fix: Only allow minimap and unit design when an HQ exists (commit:4a71db9e9
b9f5884324943350776a7099b478250, commit:78dee1c706577217542752a1455118e107c16aa0
, commit:1d123dffac5deb5bd9fefea79adfaa4ed84d4321)
2012-01-29: Version 3.1-beta1

* General:
* Change: Incendiary damage doesn't affect allies, affect features (commit:46
* Fix: Incendiary armour works properly again (ticket:3078, commit:666ea1050e
* Fix: Patrol order (commit:f2104c18362570d83700a9852204c452d032113d)
* Fix: Make pathfinding find straighter paths on average (commit:bd38bfd28d5b
* UI:
* Change: Redesign lobby screen, shows disabled tanks/cyborgs/vtols (commit:6
* Fix: Prevent players from choosing already used colours (ticket:3043, commi
* Fix: Make aborted research disappear from its research facility (ticket:304
6, commit:03833edf3fc5c5f726f507d5352635fba9c7e475)
* Fix: Make models on buttons (research, build etc.) rotate at all frame rate
s (ticket:3082, commit:6e00044711222ad4d9309de29226b333d032c32e)
* Fix: Make sure the unit order buttons show the correct unit state, and orde
rs are executed correctly (commit:4b53782254727fc92333325fd33ba9c9b1dbe114)
* Multiplayer:
* Fix: T2/T3 games (ticket:3044, commit:c907d5ab1c554e2fe402ca46bb9d1f9ab96a5
* Fix: Don't allow games without opponents (ticket:3049, commit:4d921267d0a40
* Challenges:
* Fix: Team selection, position lock, allow AI selection (commit:10faa4c77d0b
8729e46066744f81f518eca9d4c4, commit:291ca23ccca79d7c6a8691bd39411d6f3ae43d8d)
* Translations:
* Update: French (commit:3c45fde1438a39936097d024a7c6eef6a0b28785)
* Update: Turkish (ticket:3052, commit:311ae3b1cfe5c99cec2552f68e366eaeeea9de
* Update: Hungarian (ticket:3031, commit:fadffc05569db5ab1b4323b7aa88067ec56b
* Update: Polish (ticket:1347, commit:23d33f6fffc7fd56cd007e84fb13cdbbe1902dc
* General:
* Change: Stored templates. Automatically adds a unit design when all needed
research is available (ticket:1946, commit:a6fa286dcf463d4c6d74e8a874e70f671f3d5
018, commit:add866851b5a58e38004a9cb816a22aedc1e10d9, commit:95bdafdffb78826b217
860356d7ee546654d67b4, commit:e3a981c4f8a92b054d9962ef0073d2f603e7655e, commit:4
f1b79d3d95a8624cd151b016126f20559468ad7, commit:4edc0d77a67f4db3b230f9d3089ee14e
* Change: Don't give back power when a power generator gets destroyed (commit
* Fix: Move units out of the way before building something (commit:9534b4c0bd
* Fix: Direct fire target prediction (commit:acd0587f829bfdde0dc7aa30dcab5faf
* Fix: Homing projectiles (commit:e72787358112170b090efd341617ffe3743c973d, c
* Fix: Loading of units in transporters (ticket:2889, ticket:2959, commit:93a
* Fix: Unload units closer to their transporter (commit:1646499fcbda8dc08e54d
* Fix: Properly abort research after cancelling (ticket:2977, commit:4b355aa0
* Fix: Correct visibility on game start (ticket:2964, commit:2d4e1e1314ea390d

* Fix: Correct the remaining progress bar after research (ticket:2966, commit
* Fix: Don't allow placing blueprints next to each other (ticket:2999, commit
* Fix: Don't crash when clicking fast on a transporter (commit:a35ff1e8fe911f
* Fix: Don't crash when placing beacons (commit:3462f7b5cd02959f05661f48c9f20
* Fix: Reset components between games (commit:4e66209506342112987b9085358dd18
* Fix: Allow queuing of multiple modules (ticket:2997, commit:3dfc823394e3936
* Fix: Queuing of oil barrels and artifacts (ticket:2725, commit:ade80e83c7e1
* Campaign:
* Fix: Allow taking control of allied team in mission Gamma 4 again (ticket:1
855, commit:a4a10cf6ec99393d3cc7b941bcb51e8a17e8af55)
* Fix: Recognize recovered artifact in mission Gamma 5 (ticket:3027, commit:8
* Fix: Make mission Gamma 6 work (commit:555cb0dfa79bb4c4ccf0c4649d52ee09067a
* Savegames:
* Fix: Structure reload status (ticket:1438, commit:c7015df7142ba285158305593
* Fix: Droid order queues (ticket:2752, ticket:3016, commit:c5de04d339c5fd59e
* Pathfinding:
* Fix: Ignore buildings on start or destination (ticket:2978, commit:0119eda5
* Fix: Don't pathfind through satellite uplinks (commit:1e2c71cccd8b8d04312d5
* Fix: Actually use all waypoints (commit:1cc62d6d9d9d95354e10522c86184235657
79b89, commit:ca0c37acfdbb4f495fb8ce4b52c6e0f32344bdd7)
* Fix: Don't cross entire map to reach unreachable objects (commit:9e6b7c31cb
* Graphics:
* Fix: Recoil animation matches the fired projectiles (commit:5e1f159d4bc3a12
* Fix: Projectile graphics (ticket:354, commit:c93bfb237dc5850764ac0b123ca4ff
e0e4f99ebe, commit:82e00bf7747af4962a32b67e4215d40298bbf9b3, commit:11cd71892d86
* UI:
* Change: Add a short delay for the hover map preview (commit:85974cab80890ae
* Change: Make UI respond instantly when holding/cancelling production/resear
ch (commit:5c2cf9fa0634612b44b0922ab9b5e8d982c90317)
* Fix: Use correct colour for scavengers in the map preview (commit:b62e7d335
* Translations:
* Update: Turkish (ticket:2963, ticket:3001, commit:9ea22074d16106c17d717657e
049863cdf8d1c09, commit:39040429f5c506f0e7c596f305203bd84239e09f)
* Update: German (ticket:2967, ticket:3035, commit:075e18828c5a8873fa4157e9c4
7958ddb1547870, commit:c4200b9cd5f7202c2d585818ae6108d7a1ef3b81)
* Update: Polish (ticket:1347, commit:89a282ba9bfe2c16701d270c082c8c0311c618b
* Update: Spanish (ticket:3021, commit:3e982b66c85fd9f96d954c6b3e9f8c950eb4e0
* Update: Hungarian (ticket:3025, commit:1d77a69ae825c58d6c566625a01089cecfa0

* General:
* Change: Remove the rule that made droids fire and move slower when damaged,
since it was confusing and led to less tactical play (commit:88815c3e8bdf6d8afc
* Change: Scrolling stops instantly when changing direction to make it more a
ccurate (commit:943b4c345d5227d486c3be1e2e05b99762ffad07)
* Change: Allow building gates on top of walls (commit:a7b2a5b45fa2634f225d9a
* Change: Units spin on the spot when turning large angles (ticket:1691, comm
* Fix: Try to improve pathfinding behaviour (commit:828fea7ba030b571eade62057
* Fix: Don't pathfind through unfinished gates (commit:e0362c36399ad2429c8254
* Fix: Make sure that the win/lose messages are shown for the players who act
ually won/lost (commit:bf6e450a30578bdaf5b31427c33ce8d37e1c4179)
* Fix: Make sure units are linked to their commander when loading a game (tic
ket:2928, commit:47ac282bcd9904083c0e54414de8e9caeb662fda)
* Fix: Allow unloading single droids from transporters again (ticket:2617, co
* Fix: Do not report incomplete structures as damaged, unless they actually w
ere (ticket:1911, commit:8d7df45d354f1030b3aaf91502cf2036237ca7f5)
* Fix: Make trucks not stop building a wall when its type changes due to conn
ecting with other walls (commit:0898e56847e583500d418feade5688b6d27eadd1)
* Fix: Don't cancel an order queue when trying to build an unresearched modul
e (ticket:2797, commit:a4ac61551c7d7ff8f92a599ef9f1df8028137ea2)
* Fix: Loading/saving of rearm functionality (commit:ae2896fcb18986ae29f4c144
* Graphics:
* Change: Readd the team colour fallback for OpenGL 1.4+ (commit:2f816f5bf47f
* Change: When upgrading a building, only the added part is shown as blueprin
t and built (ticket:2954, commit:e02cb38ac02c2929823a08d1ce1419df8073b038, commi
t:84eb46fa53f172b5a7d6529485ce7a699f957cb8, commit:de1a96e2f2778067f9a2345362be4
70d7c56cc84, commit:af8088f61f8e6b0ba561ca830eae28d0d69cd72e, commit:999b559af34
2bdb0c393ff6c291fbb08f917b4d3, commit:1f194e78f3577f62aeb435677b5342179efa6812,
* Change: Align walls to visually block narrow passages (commit:233ee5e711469
* Change: Add L- and T-shaped walls (commit:aa8b290324e222987224e60954adb3357
aed36f9, commit:1f194e78f3577f62aeb435677b5342179efa6812)
* Fix: Walls correctly align to 2x2 fortresses, allied walls, and hardpoints
(commit:cff886cc3630ffd8374d6cfea5fd77b0ffb60acb, commit:312b4a21c949a8296cf0eb7
* Fix: Make wall blueprints show the actual walls that will be built (ticket:
2581, commit:42f57b6116429c0a94c570fc6996429b5b666229)
* Fix: Display an order arrow when queueing modules (ticket:2602, ticket:2732
, commit:a6c307920bd721230b54c3cc92d0999d2eb99a1d)
* Fix: Show hardpoint blueprints even over walls (ticket:1173, commit:a0aaaa9
* Fix: Show queued module blueprints (commit:6a3eaf0e4d7f26fee354a792dc493eb2
* Fix: Prevent ally blueprints from disappearing before the structure is visi
ble (commit:db864047f71347f1776d549cc7e31b194a3a3cb5)
* Fix: Properly show delivery point numbers again (ticket:2497, commit:0d75a3
* UI:
* Change: Animate changes in power, only for the UI (commit:53e042be1566ffa83

* Change: In multiplayer/skirmish setup, show map preview for the map the mou
se is hovering over (commit:48eda8df503810d3fd24e807427bfb28aaac064e)
* Fix: Don't close the build menu unless all selected trucks are destroyed (c
* Fix: Make sure new radar modes are always used (commit:7861f33505b7deedcbe1
* AIs:
* Change: Make sure Nexus and Semperfi land AIs research half-tracks early on
(ticket:2953, commit:e15eaa349ff163d552b660a4d12f453997247073)
* Maps:
* Fix: Remove three surplus trucks from 4c-Pyramidal (ticket:2945, commit:540
* Translations:
* Update: Turkish (ticket:2937, ticket:2947, commit:e2f6e7f3c1253a5fc5b4b7de5
76c20aa9cd5513b, commit:c9fca43d79f97f41f97e712b5e5d4841adbf4d20)
* General:
* Change: Power is now deducted fully at the start of production (commit:43ce
2e586e15d482831ed4f9a2532b41bb599867, commit:b780ec8d25211e01659a9a7be9bbe300701
* UI:
* Change: Show ETA on production and research progress bars (commit:f4dba73b0
* Change: Show power needed to start production (commit:a63604fd15f97dcf56be2
* Change: Show ETA for construction (commit:3f22dbc11132158909bb8e30a0ea41ff8
* Fix: Prevent random mouse clicks e.g. when saving/loading a game (ticket:28
87, commit:588978ae40c969d5e6b9cbe701b8f6f452cee76b)
* Translations:
* Update: Spanish (ticket:2916, commit:cdd76ef511ff8cb0d1417c05b3f4590278a2f4
* Update: Italian (ticket:2932, ticket:2935, commit:8ec5831657fb323e961b7471f
b22616ccb11f7df, commit:d3ee6bfca8ac009671b6803964b957d003d8be73)
* General:
* Change: Show planned structure blueprints to allies (commit:86c945152515478
* Change: Support for ECM jammers (ticket:340, commit:55a6259b121515b2d0ca9b2
* Fix: Prevent VTOLs from getting stuck on buildings (ticket:2534, commit:818
* Fix: Prevent droids getting strange orders after loading a savegame (commit
* Fix: Factories build properly again after loading a savegame (commit:850e0e
* UI:
* Fix: Correct player placement/colours and buildings in the map preview (tic
ket:2859, commit:0d6a27380de7dc286d6e0131b3e4e2a26c200f1b, commit:4de9642cd9bc91
* Graphics:
* Change: Remove fog of war/mist options in favour of a combined explored/see
n mode (ticket:2920, commit:c04bf74f3a004e95c9d0fa0813a20aa3fdaff079)
* Change: Walls now don't adapt their shape to the terrain, according new mod
els (commit:50f1ce21455ec64c03e2f5bf2d92bc225c364d5d, commit:a4d922dc54cdc2e90a6
fb670dcdca6928a2fa682, commit:aac05b3bff0a42de58dbf992dad947ddc7569034, commit:8
662843058dad71a4d2452bc2bcdf48e7814c4d4, commit:5839c490b10500c1ff251085ceed9434

* Translations:
* Update: Simplified Chinese (ticket:2858, ticket:2869, commit:614ca9a8672e09
e45bdf926f9144a4e7d437aea5, commit:8e29659f64096d574949098054b4b68942587c54, com
* Update: Hungarian (ticket:2865, commit:58668d7fd54fe1245a6ca49012663636d124
* Update: Brazilian (ticket:2868, commit:fbee38857ac66f4902743ab95d26e792ee62
* Update: Turkish (ticket:2884, commit:31da7b5d4d23e57bbbcc81b1f0ec576dccfd66
* Update: Danish (commit:1c8d7e4e0450a40ccffd113ac58bde12ea3893ca)
* Update: Romanian (ticket:2906, commit:ffd2ad7adb69641b6b1cb091af1e359e8f692
cd4, commit:9d7232eb60b51270cc1a12aa6208a99a9df059a3)
* Update: German (ticket:2898, commit:55632ba308f75283141195c70ffd649b25e1aad
* Update: Dutch (commit:0af391ad1db21002d48a6268828e781669953059)
* General:
* Fix: Maps can never override game data (ticket:2825, commit:e0007a217e28232
* Fix: Make mod savegames work properly (ticket:2735, ticket:2825, commit:521
* UI:
* Change: Use Ctrl-V instead of Tab to paste in edit boxes (ticket:2830, comm
* Fix: Show correct vsync status (commit:7dbf108ad688dce25c86bdc21062c95c9a31
* Fix: Make trap cursor on Windows use the correct area (ticket:2813, commit:
* Graphics:
* Fix: Correctly set vsync on start up (commit:866aeb950b1f7b55bb6eea1a8bd273
* Fix: Use QuesoGLC for all font rendering (ticket:2824, ticket:2565, commit:
* Multiplayer:
* Fix: Maps Startup, Basingstoke, Littleegypt, Rollinghills, Bananas, Beggars
kanyon, Mizamaze, Thepit and Yinyyang, which were broken by an error in the conv
ersion to ini format (ticket:2833, commit:ca8595f25a377026f1ea399d3011fa63fbef58
* Fix: Only reset authentication flags when logout succeeded (commit:2cb5bab0
* Translations:
* Update: Turkish (ticket:2831, ticket:2840, commit:f829395d963652346c354f899
7c482423b314fe8, commit:b827f9e918ed0b622fb668efbc0591918f2803a7
* General:
* Change: Revert to unit limits of 2.3, our engine can't handle so many units
at once. (ticket:2812, commit:8b8d2b676ada1b48338e271576150ae42b95ef11)
* Change: New savegame format. Still in progress. Old format still supported.
* Change: Remove framerate limiter. (commit:b786c62da42dcdcd14220672a0f8732bc
* Fix: Bring back quesoGLC, instead of Qt's routines. (ticket:2824, commit:e
* Fix: Always set a sane default size for game window. (ticket:2822, commit:c
* Fix: Add swap interval control. There's no longer any need to restart to ch
ange vsync settings. (ticket:2815, commit:c394a15fda7bdbbb4995ce758b3b567e17ae2
662, commit:195159406ddbd0c1cd70d13aba54938903a39eee)

* Fix: Crash caused by attack order has no object. (ticket:2762, commit:9b4b7

* Change: Suppress windows console. (commit:600952d5d1ac998a6cd2de415893b1721
* Networking:
* Change: Lobby login and lots of related improvements. (ticket:2678, commit:
* General:
* Change: More script and savegame porting
* Change: Add fullscreen resolution switching support and trap cursor for Win
dows and Linux (commit:10a78a4a7ee3d4e3c22dc0f0f67575603a8397bf, commit:5893d299
8e315a3717708df808b72f31e0f4a0e0, commit:2137dfaf1d9aef4c7679268170a757493061bea
a, commit:3d5c00fe4aafe5bd9685b4fafb794027cd7ac5c9)
* Fix: Correctly load droid targets (ticket:2737, commit:10f674077dda2ff38188
* Fix: Load droid rotation (commit:dbea296778027f219c31f584f7bdbcb6a738a6d0)
* Fix: Put autosaves into the correct directory (ticket:2730, commit:7c6261c3
* Fix: Don't crash when clicking on radar blips (ticket:2731, commit:10249e50
* Fix: Correctly end the game on win/loss (ticket:2766, commit:7842a7d981c67b
* AIs:
* Semperfi: Fix attacks of opportunity with allies; do not try to hug an alli
ed oil derrick, believing it to be hostile; do not crash if we check whether an
oil feature is allied to us (commit:5066a04949a34866c955760364478dc2cec4bc6f)
* Dydo AI: Remove it, since it doesn't work properly and might have caused cr
ashes (commit:d82ce97a770bf90ad41d7d14c2b6e9b420c58358)
* Graphics:
* Change: Add support for normal maps (commit:8aca9437a4c425bb0c02c9ab30e8aa3
* UI:
* Fix: Show correct flag colors (commit:5fa3d50f0ccce83700b4fe6c2dea733ead822
* Fix: Don't get confused in the game setup screen when pressing escape (tick
et:2697, commit:7bf5a23cdd19311890dfc0c92647b2d03e3b9188)
* Translations:
* Update: Hungarian (ticket:2738, ticket:2747, ticket:2754, ticket:2782, comm
it:50764d1beecc5605b09fccb843c0eb2b3f695616, commit:dd60a26657e3898ae44a30c2bf91
8f4d5f2c8033, commit:7e55df069b28ded87b465eabed7991aab2957697, commit:c3fc0e01cb
* Update: Dutch (ticket:2761, commit:3df67f1f223a65849c132bc46c7f33a916c1598b
* Update: Brazilian (ticket:2786, commit:1c1bc823ccf3cfa5476448c3003ab01ecab8
* Update: Turkish (ticket:2794, commit:2242dac95fb1e9ff8c516e35bbe89944280fd8
* General:
* Change: Based on Qt now
* Change: Started porting game scripts to Javascript (QtScript)
* Change: Started porting savegames to ini files, saved in "savegames" (not "
savegame" like before)
* New: Two new 2 player maps - Vision and Roughness (commit:9bf8e6b91724ccd9e
cc5ef20a40ecc4afa7ca1a7, commit:7fc26087cde4420898d8d896b7b8fd2b538f39fd)
* Change: Limited map-mod support (ticket:2610, commit:2083b1f4b7469aae9d09aa
4f50120f1ef3142191, commit:a3cff8758beba8adef804d3620e747fefb54e038, commit:b893

* Change: Double the open speed of gates (commit:18e13e2918cbfed27e68e164849a
* Fix: Make UPnP work again (ticket:2631, commit:89063105fa5ffe51fa6317ed0fea
* Fix: Make fullscreen work, using the primary screen only (commit:a0ed219ad7
0608ae6e7a4d45ed5de032625416ac, commit:b808220f9b9338605ac1765640d5ce5a0ff5f6b9)
* Fix: Make units follow their orders better (ticket:2391, commit:54a1771b647
* Fix: Make localized sounds in sequences.wz work in all cases (ticket:2728,
* Graphics:
* Change: Allow video resolutions up to 1024x1024 (ticket:2682, commit:36a2fe
* Change: Add an option to show videos with black or 50% dimmed scanlines (ti
cket:2095, commit:f934b1bfc36a8e6de0ef3da4dddbdb4b5bc04bf8)
* Change: Show power generator effects for all players (commit:049165197b779a
* Fix: Make units not flicker (commit:de3be04ac59a194fd88b1611805c2c908ae8be6
* Multiplayer balance (ticket:2687, commit:d2d87a65fd29a0a4e7cb9fe6fd85e08cd89b
* HP increased:
* Leopard 85 107
* Panther 145 193
* Tiger 225 284
* Range increased:
* Minipod 3-8 4-9
* MRA 3-8.5 4-9
* Pepperpot:
* Damage increased 50 60 (splash 30 40)
* Reload time decreased 2.0 1.8
* Heavy Laser (normal and VTOL):
* Price decreased 600 400
* Build points decreased 1000 600
* HP increased 200 300
* Twin Assault Cannon:
* Damage decreased 55 50 (splash 45 40)
* Plasmite Bomb:
* Weight increased 12000 15000
* VTOL Sunburst AA:
* Damage increased 100 120
* Splash damage removed
* Lowered prerequisites:
* Thermal Armor from Dense Composite Alloys to Composite Alloys Mk3
* High Intensity Thermal Armor from Superdense Composite Alloys to Dense Co
mposite Alloys Mk3
* Mods:
* Fix: 1.10 balance (ticket:2560, commit:59b6c670deb82fe3eb5ac978f005e88a42cc
* Translations:
* New: Hungarian (commit:8bc7aa208c9daeb4b382aa1e48bb78dbfe849a98, commit:846
* New: Catalan (ticket:2616, commit:38088f37bc525bd94e20c6986adf3304c5a72d44)
* Update: German (ticket:2681, ticket:2502, ticket:2729, commit:2d0230cbecbe9
3e6b567a844c4aad50912158ef1, commit:99c47f42715006dd45e79fe8655a85076946839d, co
* Update: Spanish (ticket:2690, commit:961cd68ee47f36917ed332ea58e724ef359f88
* Update: Dutch (ticket:2720, ticket:2723, commit:f1a56c232ab6eda2d1b8a053383

33074fb2cb802, commit:fd1e836cb03313aec98f3dcb5f3a7eccc5f17879, commit:c70c92b9d

* Update: Turkish (ticket:2727, commit:444f2d6e24408033c602c0633a83825fd6c2eb
master_20110320qt and before:
* Stuff. Lots of stuff.
2011-10-23: Version 2.3.9
* General:
* Change: Show damage on all buildings (ticket:2634, commit:eabe72073c5e594f7
* Change: Use Ctrl-V instead of Tab to paste in edit boxes (ticket:2830, comm
* Change: Mouse wheel scrolling in research and build menus (ticket:2110, com
* Fix: Make units follow their orders better (ticket:2391, commit:2c31de52476
* Fix: Make sure files in sequences.wz override included ones, so localized v
ideos are always used (ticket:2728, commit:4830009833b8b89c9dde0080fe862505246c6
* Fix: Maps can never override game data (ticket:2825, commit:1838d20c1db487f
* Fix: Make mod savegames work properly (ticket:2735, ticket:2825, commit:588
* Fix: Prevent VTOLs from getting stuck on buildings (ticket:2534, commit:d1c
93494dee2f1b929776edadc3bad1f7d364491, commit:419ae406336d006c8042e820e9cdec47ec
* UI:
* Fix: Properly update player colours in the map preview (commit:c52d627b85ac
* Multiplayer:
* Change: Some AI improvements from master (commit:2e13cb5420fa65554535f9c9de
a7026fa992b21c, commit:07542186d48dbf0069ec503e845f4f9986438ad3)
* Translations:
* Update: Dutch (ticket:2723, commit:4545d492f2c0a47edc69e88540d3f1f389bb7154
, commit:ae0143c47b959d9b10a0f16a1631d8ab2e5cd2f6)
* Update: Turkish (ticket:2727, ticket:2794, ticket:2831, ticket:2840, commit
:09ac275217921068ef15e09fadf9be73c00f31f7, commit:bbda88a5ff8aaf7b548c1bc4e9caa7
bd60bc4708, commit:a406df2af1c80256dcba47d26537a840d558679e, commit:fcec0a306297
* Update: German (ticket:2729, commit:205120cc0e70bd892cc220c36ee10fb3b724c9c
* Update: Hungarian (ticket:2738, ticket:2747, ticket:2754, ticket:2782, tick
et:2865, commit:03c83546afbdfa63ac25d813391394e7d82cddb9, commit:994e8f9022bdd7d
6ffebe721c5c85bd4808ab90e, commit:7bb82c66d56c179e486ce3f0df2c1b097d4793ef, comm
it:7189dcf2a4885b09b35c749d74cf3820a3d51b23, commit:67686dd337997ba18cd0e607dc01
* Update: Spanish (ticket:2788, commit:d721bb662cae4a91e3bcdf629393c595fa39ab
* Update: Brazilian (ticket:2786, commit:29e8872533efdcb5b3a642e9f83d7df7e1a3
* Update: Simplified Chinese (ticket:2858, ticket:2869, commit:989e65c43e370a
2298bcf5224b356db3f9747a35, commit:64067a5b668584067151db44d8e15f68961b3625, com
* Update: Danish (commit:4e6dfcf01d4521b1aa5b34150a626e2dc746887f)
* Update: Romanian (ticket:2906, commit:54635f94b834a1eaef210957c2b3c92fcc3b4
59a, commit:22a632936d46283aa96996c558547bbec5f6dde8)
2011-05-17: Version 2.3.8

* General:
* New: Two new 2 player maps - Vision and Roughness (commit:697afb16d5244f971
5952f8762b1011c6d75101e, commit:ebfc46b679a1f74df0e63313e4d3e05db55a23ad)
* Change: Increase recycled experience storage in memory (commit:703665b4b7df
* Change: Set a window icon (ticket:2465, commit:ac792c67d4bb66618ae7ff712844
* Change: Allow projectiles to go through terrain again (ticket:2386, commit:
* Change: Limited support for map-mods. Only load the map file actually used
when starting a game. (ticket:2610, commit:65d968cdfccecc6c60e0215ab34dbf3d56f19
* Change: Show the minimap larger on small maps if the vertical resolution is
higher than 480 (commit:5731d0e12c0d58dd42601e5befff3e30804bd1fe, commit:c201b5
* Change: Show experience with one decimal place (ticket:2641, commit:fb5d964
* Change: Allow video resolutions up to 1024x1024 (ticket:2682, commit:1f4690
572be0792a3450f7afce36b3a6b9f8e093, commit:7019d7eb515f974deb544135d661087bc2ce2
* Change: Add an option to show videos with black or 50% dimmed scanlines (ti
cket:2095, commit:96984700f5f0182ad66b7425eace33e7f62c0177, commit:549c476672a91
33d9400eec7b7fefbdd7da35cfe, commit:8895d58d282524b9636bcbf58f0753edc244dbd9)
* Change: Use a resolution-dependent font size for video subtitles (commit:95
* Change: Show power generator effects for all players (commit:adeacf66a1954a
* Fix: Prevent savegame corruption (ticket:2100, commit:a974722e397b7072fb59d
0114e2a4ef9f8d509d8, ticket:2625, commit:cc156a668fb5291e38eab33ff77138a05e29fa2
8, ticket:2627, commit:fc0f87807eeadaeeafb1386b2525a81f0a550fde)
* Fix: Prevent saved experience from being truncated (ticket:2641, commit:4b1
* Fix: Prevent building on burning oil (ticket:1100, commit:2745ac27f84301c05
* Multiplayer balance (ticket:2687, commit:71eac1c4a332be3af4ab8c9bc4cafd65dabe
* HP increased:
* Leopard 85 107
* Panther 145 193
* Tiger 225 284
* Range increased:
* Minipod 3-8 4-9
* MRA 3-8.5 4-9
* Pepperpot:
* Damage increased 50 60 (splash 30 40)
* Reload time decreased 2.0 1.8
* Heavy Laser (normal and VTOL):
* Price decreased 600 400
* Build points decreased 1000 600
* HP increased 200 300
* Twin Assault Cannon:
* Damage decreased 55 50 (splash 45 40)
* Plasmite Bomb:
* Weight increased 12000 15000
* VTOL Sunburst AA:
* Damage increased 100 120
* Splash damage removed
* Lowered prerequisites:
* Thermal Armor from Dense Composite Alloys to Composite Alloys Mk3
* High Intensity Thermal Armor from Superdense Composite Alloys to Dense Co

mposite Alloys Mk3

* Mods:
* Fix: 1.10 Balance (commit:9943ff3a4b67b0f64a9e2ee163c8ccac711be72e)
* Fix: NTW bodies (ticket:2177, commit:a8fb8bec834c9d550fe43bada610bf5440d6b9
* Translations:
* New: Catalan (ticket:2616, commit:9c6b0b8131636c2d1bf2b610114f0fd08291bc42)
* New: Hungarian (commit:5266c78b544593fb9497892ba9e632c1ddcda763, commit:b7c
* Update: French (commit:cdd283ce60c5cdb573106981a35080f2fff0d7db)
* Update: Portuguese and Brazilian (ticket:2489, commit:0ade7219d614505839bd2
* Update: German (ticket:2679, commit:7bfeb3e01c571c077b388e017ec86bfd58b97a6
* Update: Dutch (ticket:2720, commit:7bd5df883557e9f2b2aaa55a93d46a2ec4f9a81a
, commit:6896384f8271aaa577d69e61a18437bd1399e648)
2011-01-21: Version 2.3.7
* General:
* Fix: Make construction, production and research independent of framerate an
d number of parallel tasks (commit:b4e33f24a2dca11fe5c28683f43ccea4fe95e811)
* Fix: Changing droid settings now works, even if selecting more than 100 dro
ids (commit:9bab7867c8d383ab7278c6fe617aa79eb721a7ad)
* Fix: Reset construction speed upgrades between games (commit:9a28d849f9d73f
* Fix: Don't gain experience by shooting your own buildings/units (commit:61a
* Fix: Don't truncate usernames at the first unicode character (commit:da4a6e
* Fix: Correct delivery point placement for cyborg factories and repair facil
ities (commit:b25bc87b3a10a90741d3fc54d80e598d11782a8d)
* Multiplayer:
* Change: Retire the current AI top model template with heavy laser in favour
of two new ones. First is armed with seraph missiles, the second with both sera
ph missiles and gauss cannon on a dragon body (commit:4c0b8a68af17b1a211ac7d5557
* Fix: Prevent clients from getting confused when trying to leave the game se
tup screen by pressing the Escape key (commit:9cacfc52a413512a4cc888ffe3089fd842
* MP Balance (commit:5b863da6955648129e6b571f0c63573a34d2aa65):
* Mg damage to cyborgs up 10%, to tracks down 10%, and to bunkers down 5%
* Cannon damage to buildings and hardpoints up 10% and to bunkers up 25%
* UI:
* Change: Show a savegame's timestamp tooltip in the current locale (ticket:2
303, commit:ec1bbcbbafc292e37052ed919a2a50f416c2bbd1)
* Change: Show distances and speeds in terms of tiles (commit:e192e8a75832a4d
* Fix: Improve UI responsiveness under low framerates (commit:89d8b599d592a64
* Fix: Prevent some key presses from being ignored (commit:942c2f1fe3e05088d8
* Fix: Don't show health bars over empty terrain, when set to always display
energy bars (ticket:912, commit:61a79c761a3872079ddc66d24793a495416b5309)
* Translations:
* Updated: Italian (ticket:2367, ticket:2408, commit:182f6ba3d21207e3bada248f
7e2988e3aaaa2dc8, commit:90658df7e14908829ecc3c1222b6784bd8cced43)
* Updated: Turkish (ticket:2376, ticket:2418, commit:5d93fb0728927772c25298f9
8491f4eae49ff3d7, commit:77f651b5baee8ad8fba97817066666a5c58977ef, ticket:2443,
* Updated: Brazilian (ticket:2387, commit:8500268900bf06e8f09da9c3299a59e0cef

* Updated: Polish (ticket:1347, commit:d46cf8f620f3acd91dfced411e67e539d2e263
* Updated: Spanish (ticket:2442, commit:10626ae3635a2db7b19e3c34a3fd841cbea21
* Updated: Russian (commit:4accc26eca11c79edddc5b2ffa8e44dfdd96e111)
2010-11-29: Version 2.3.6
* General:
* Fix: Prevent memory corruption in the scripting code (ticket:1656, commit:d
* Fix: Don't crash in the unit design screen when using unicode strings (tick
et:2209, commit:209e12b665d23cce1cf286435ace08b86250517b)
* Fix: Don't ignore armor (ticket:2273, commit:0f3bfba7345b6739167c66c7e33a57
* Fix: Do not activate a radar detector before it has been completely built (
ticket:2202, commit:bf058bbf2005cf8b95f1fca3bc704be4739514d9)
* Fix: Clear a droid's order queue when it gets new orders (commit:5e1a50db8d
* Fix: Make rearming pads actually repair units (ticket:2234, ticket:2313, co
* Fix: Projectiles going through terrain due to bad terrain height calculatio
ns, terrain shading (commit:08f9fa58789d20c64ed8eaa0e9076b08d4cf8947)
* Fix: Prevent possible crash with multi-turret units (commit:8d3cbb04888dc82
* Multiplayer:
* Fix: Make power generator output in multiplayer not depend on the game diff
iculty setting (commit:67524762633e2bae0570e8674e3ca34af184d1e9)
* Fix: Make sure not to give to many trucks to another player (commit:0a9b3b4
* Fix: Don't crash when players click the "ready" button too often (ticket:23
46, commit:b665e9d8cf1edd3ad5274bb40af32911c9719fb2)
* NTW mod:
* Fix: Graphics (ticket:1748, commit:e0ced0e4fb024e0bf2b6b7de1a826b5bfbfffe9f
* Translations:
* New: Turkish (ticket:2261, ticket:2316, commit:cc728d8f068e45c0ed198ca9553a
946156a5a8fa, commit:1aad6e751ee657e795bd1a56924153a7a5c1e040)
* Updated: French, Polish, Romanian, Spanish (commit:b2ac76f1706b535476e00cd7
* Updated: Italian (ticket:2199, commit:39a85bb03eda8c50228405beaa6bbd886183f
* Updated: German (commit:c16bf5807aa54a077878e130ca639c17e8a5154a)
* Updated: Korean (ticket:2098, commit:134f0c962c05eadd0a5a15245bbd7874145c38
* Updated: Polish (ticket:1347, commit:1c2df4859990f5bd6bac12f2fa7c74515f9d03
2010-09-24: Version 2.3.5
* General:
* Fix: Fix edit boxes so they correctly calculate the string's pixel borders.
* Change: On LOG_ERROR, notify people in-game via the console and a sound eff
ect that there was a error. (r11702)
* Multiplayer:
* Fix: Don't allow a player to acquire more construction vehicles than the ma
x amount allowed. (r11674, ticket:2175)
* Change: Spawning of oil drums to be host side, and also add a timer between
spawn periods. (r11692, ticket:2174)
* Add: Add new icons for "No tanks", "No cyborgs" and "No VTOLs" (r11710)

* Translations:
* Update: Korean (r11673, ticket:2098)
* Mods:
* Fix: Fixed the sound problem with - old 1.10 balance (r11703, ticket:2176)
2010-09-12: Version 2.3.5_RC4
* General:
* Fix: Possible crash when designing units (r11630, ticket:2150)
* Multiplayer:
* Change: Display no-tank, no-cyborg or no-VTOL icons if the relevant factori
es are disabled via limits (r11633)
* Fix: Make sure new players are shown immediately (r11650, ticket:2136)
* Fix: Lobby tooltip display (r11647, ticket:2157)
* Balance fixes: ticket:2147, ticket:2158
* Update Rebalance 0.8.3: (r11635)
* Weaken Flak Cannon and Sunburst a lot more. I'm pretty sure this change m
akes them too weak, but when introducing new weapons it's better to make them to
o weak than too strong.
* Increase HP of a bunch of VTOL weapons
* Slightly buff Hurricane/Whirlwind
* Translations:
* Update: Polish (r11624, r11646, ticket:1347), Korean (r11625, ticket:2098),
German (r11627, r11644), Brazilian (r11656, ticket:2163)
2010-09-04: Version 2.3.5_RC3
* Multiplayer:
* Fix: Client side messages for when people leave / drop (r11601, ticket:214
* Change: When people are kicked, don't lock them out of all games. (r11605)
* Change: Don't allow Hosts to kick AIs if they are in a skirmish game, unles
s they are in cheat mode. (r11596, ticket:2139)
* Balance (r11600, r11603, r11607):
* Decrease ground-to-air damage modifier of minipod, lancer/TK/scourge cyborg
s/VTOLs, Sunburst, and Flak Cannon from 100% to 80%.
* Add air-to-air versions of Sunburst and Flak Cannon
* Increase research/manufacture/build price of Sunburst and Flak Cannon by a
lot, to offset the fact that you don't have to upgrade them separately
2010-09-04: Version 2.3.5_RC2
* Multiplayer:
* Fix: Player Lobby is updated when it should be updated. (r11586, ticket:213
* Fix: Tech-tree should be fixed (r11588, ticket:2134)
* Balance (r11570):
* Removed Cyclone turret
* Added: AA Flak Cannon (and Emplacement and Hardpoint)
* Flak Cannon is a medium-reload splash weapon
* Prerequisites: HPV
* Added: Sunburst AA Rocket Array (and Site)
* Sunburst is a slow-reload salvo weapon
* Prerequisites: Lancer
* Lancer damage toned down a bit
* Heavy Laser damage increased a bit
2010-09-02: Version 2.3.5RC
* General:
* Change: Show a placeholder video of where to get the videos when they were
not installed (r11566, ticket:2052)
* Change: Don't allow sensor/weapon range display in MP games (r11501)
* Change: Change default video display to 2x (r11576)

* Fix: Disable dragging when in-game menu/popup is up (r11565, ticket:2086)

* Multiplayer:
* Change: Add in-game kick via the 'scoreboard' - hold LMB+RMB over the chann
el icon of the player you want to kick (r11490)
* Change: Only clear player name when needed (r11495)
* Change: Show score as '(cheated)' instead of 0 when people have cheated (r1
* Change: Don't display scoreboard widgets when players are dead (r11504)
* Change: Allow "@" in chat now (r11545)
* Change: Add numeric ping values in the hosting screen for the host (r11559)
* Change: Show map / game name / hosted by in the tooltip for the lobby (r115
46, ticket:2121)
* Fix: Make sure players can't impersonate others (r11449)
* Fix: Try to make the password box more idiot proof (r11492)
* Fix: Host will not pass on bogus messages
* Fix: Non-host players now get info about the research in progress by allied
AIs (r11556, ticket:1478)
* Graphics:
* Update: New detailed weapons textures - new version of page-17-droid-weapon
s.png (r11534, ticket:2115)
* Multiplayer balance (r11560, r11569):
* VTOL balance has been shaken up a bit:
* Removed: Cyclone turret
* Added: AA Flak Cannon (and Emplacement and Hardpoint)
* Flak Cannon is a medium-reload splash weapon
* Prerequisites: Hyper Velocity Cannon
* Added: Sunburst AA Rocket Array (and Site)
* Sunburst is a slow-reload salvo weapon
* Prerequisites: Lancer
* Machinegun is now less overpowered in the early-game:
* HMG now requires APDSB Mk2 instead of TMG
* APDSB Mk2 now requires TMG instead of APDSB Mk1
* Flamer now requires Engineering instead of FIE+MG
* The "mini-rocket" and "rocket" subclasses have been merged:
* Mini-rockets and rockets are now affected by the same upgrades
* The merged subclass has 9 damage upgrades (+25% each), 3 accuracy upgrade
s (+10% each), and 3 ROF upgrades (-15% reload time each)
* Lancer, TK, BB, Cyborg Lancer, and Super TK Cyborg have their damage adju
sted so that their fully upgraded damage remains the same
* These changes should mainly help make MRA more viable
* Slight buff to Heavy Laser, Avenger, and Vindicator damage
* Require HQ for every weapon structure, not just MG Tower
* Mods:
* Fix: Nexus Total War Ai Slider Bug, and update image for name change (r1150
* Translations:
* Fix: More strings (r11539, r11549)
* Updated: German (r11441, r11541, r11551), Korean (r11498, r11544, r11555)
2010-08-11: Version 2.3.4
* General:
* Fix: Really fix burn damage calculations (r11393, ticket:2045)
* Multiplayer:
* Change: Show less netcode errors/warnings (r11356)
* Fix: Possible crash (r11409, ticket:2033)
* DyDo-AI:
* dydo-scav updated to 1.2.1 (r11374)
* Update to 2.2.3, improved efficiency of research for the Gunners and Cannon
s research path, minor fixes (r11375, r11377, r11388, ticket:1945)
* New challenges (r11373, r11376, r11436, ticket:2073)

* Translations:
* Change: Don't save translated descriptions in the keymap (r11408, ticket:20
* Fix: Actually install the Korean translation on Windows (r11434, ticket:207
* New: Slovak (r11421, ticket:2036, r11434)
* Updated: Brazilian (r11364, ticket:2043), Korean (r11396, ticket:2055, r114
20, ticket:2068, r11435, ticket:2075)
2010-08-01: Version 2.3.3
* General:
* Fix: Prevent out of bounds access of player stat arrays that would corrupt
random memory (r11322, ticket:2029)
* Fix: Burn damage calculations (r11303, ticket:2019)
* Fix: Prevent a division by zero (r11308, ticket:2008)
* UI:
* Revert: Don't show "Sk-" and "-T1" in the map chooser (r11327)
* Translations:
* New: Korean (r11349)
* Updated: Polish (r11348)
2010-07-25: Version 2.3.2
* General:
* Change: Save settings when closing the window, not only when quitting with
the menu (r11128)
* Change: Save screenshots as PNG and JPG (r11131, r11201)
* Change: Use the desktop resolution by default instead of 640x480 (r10981, t
* Change: Make sure to use at least 640x480 (r11250)
* Change: Add descriptions for the included Challenges (r11181, ticket:1986)
* Change: Show burning oil wells burning on the radar instead of pulsing (r11
* Change: Show cliffs (impassable tiles) on the radar (r11264)
* Change: Add an option to select fixed or rotating radar (r11286)
* Change: Make the fixed radar have a constant distance from the border (r109
* Change: Make the fixed radar unblurred at full zoom steps (r11130, ticket:1
* Fix: Don't crash when hitting features with 0 hitpoints (r11186, r11280, ti
* Fix: Make fire damage independent of frame rate, fixes armor calculations (
* Fix: Initialize the radar and video textures to black (r10987)
* Fix: Correctly clean up destroyed features (r10994, ticket:1885)
* Fix: Correct unit destinations (r11193, ticket:1988)
* Fix: Unit count in debug mode (r11030)
* Fix: Don't play overlapping sounds in the intelligence window (r11147, tick
* Fix: Make the Debian packaging scripts work again (r11266)
* UI:
* Change: Add an option to rotate with the middle mouse button, or left and r
ight together (r11224, ticket:2003)
* Change: Don't show "Sk-" and "-T1" in the map chooser (r11112, r11202, r112
06, ticket:1971, ticket:1990, ticket:1993)
* Change: Draw the hints in the option menus smaller at the top (r11129, tick
* Fix: Fix broken text alignment in Mac OS X (r11231, ticket:1994)
* Fix: Make sure all menus return to the previous one, and that escape works
in all of them (r11011, r11014)
* Fix: Correctly align the map chooser close button (r11132)

* Fix: Transporter ETA image (r11271, ticket:2001)

* Fix: Show complete game name in the lobby tooltip (r11276)
* Multiplayer:
* Change: Update sync timings (r11016)
* Fix: Don't crash when trying to join a full game (r11051, ticket:1869)
* Fix: Prevent a possible crash when a player drops (r11273)
* Fix: Make sure everyone sees quitting players (r11111, ticket:1020)
* Fix: Make player position and color changes atomic, to prevent inconsistenc
ies (r11272)
* Fix: Receiving the game list from the lobby server (r11257, r11265)
* Fix: Endian issues, byte and packet counts in the net logs (r11065, ticket:
* Maps:
* Change: 2c-Startup rebalanced, files replaced with the files from 2c-startu
p2 (r11145)
* Change: New four player map Pyramidal by Mysteryem (r11190)
* Fix: Add a missing cliff tile on 8c-Wheel (r11145, ticket:1935)
* Translations:
* Updated: Croatian (r11162), German (r11220, r11281, r11288)
2010-06-13: Version 2.3.1
* General:
* Change: Add the Playstation music track (r10905)
* Change: Put date and time in screenshot file names (r10951)
* Fix: If setting the chosen fullscreen video mode fails, retry in windowed m
ode (r10683)
* Fix: Power calculations (r10770, r10772, r10794, r10885)
* Fix: Crash when loading saved games with different mods than currently load
ed (r10531, r10723)
* UI:
* Change: Draw subtitles with shadows (r10681)
* Change: Add "scout" and "disembark" cursors (r10723)
* Change: Improved AI slider (r10725)
* Change: Fast build queueing by holding down shift (r10795)
* Change: Improved map preview (r10901, r10944, r10947, r10962)
* Change: Show backdrops with correct aspect ratio, cut off the part that doe
sn't fit the screen (r10945, r10948)
* Change: Show videos with correct aspect ratio, with black borders (r10946)
* Change: Show an optional description for challenges (r10950)
* Fix: Subtitles menu option works again (r10682)
* Fix: Make double-click interval game-speed independent (r10736)
* Fix: Display "build" cursor while building (r10764)
* Multiplayer:
* Fix: New improved scav script that operates scavengers individually, helps
when they are station in multiple scav bases (r10717)
* DyDo AI (r10773, r10774, r10775, r10776, r10786):
* Update to 2.1.4: Improved initial building sequence and speed, improved the
way trucks are moved between groups (r10786)
* Challenges use maps included in the game
* NTW (r10762, r10800, r10872):
* More range for for twin assault cannon, less mg damage against all building
s, a slower tank and cyborg production at start (r10861)
* 1.10 balance:
* Less hit points for artillery, they are all on 25-35% now (r10879)
* remove the lancer rof upgrades to keep the old balance (r10953)
* Translations:
* Fix: Make subtitles translateable (r10685, r10686)
* Change: Disable translations below 50% (r10919)
* Updated: Ukrainian (r10696), German (r10711, r10733), French (r10738, r1076
8), Spanish (r10742), Italian (r10777), Brazilian (r10785, r10887, r10949), Esto

nian (r10792), Polish (r10864, r10881), Croatian (r10915), Russian (r10942, r109
2010-04-24: Version 2.3.0
* General:
* Fix: Make sure the <config directory> is populated before any write calls a
re made (r10666)
* Translations:
* Updated: Brazilian Portuguese (r10644), Italian (r10650), Ukrainian (r10696
2010-04-17: Version 2.3 RC 1a
* General:
* Change: Supress system dialogs when in full screen mode (r10605, ticket:177
* Fix: Actually use saved experience for new droids (r10604, ticket:251)
* Fix: Various build fixes (r10558, r10561, r10563, r10586, r10595, r10606)
* Multiplayer:
* Fix: When using a passworded game, prevent connection to anyone but the hos
t, until verified. (r10572, ticket:1611
* Mods:
* Change: DyDo AI updated to version 2.1.1
* Translations:
* Updated: Spanish (r10598), German (r10599), Croatian (r10588), Polish (r105
2010-04-10: Version 2.3 beta 13
* General:
* Change: Crash report and log files now will reside in a UAC friendly direct
ory for windows (r10532, ticket:1759)
* Change: All platforms will have stderr routed to <configdir>/logs/WZlog*.tx
t (r10532, ticket:1759)
* Change: Use system dialogs for reporting errors on Mac (r10474)
* Change: Change most references to plural "mods" to singular "mod", to disco
urage using multiple mods (r10498)
* Fix: Oil features were not being added back to the game when oil derricks w
ere destroyed (r10489, ticket:1726)
* Multiplayer:
* Change: Ban IP addresses when kicking people from games (r10465)
* Fix: Crash during game hosting (ticket:1745, r10480)
* Fix: Missing cyborg legs in games with 8 human players (r10527, ticket:1740
* Campaign:
* Fix: Crash when cleaning up memory usage between missions (r10476)
* Mods:
* Change: DyDo AI updated to version 2.1, and includes its own challenges
* Balance: (r10537)
* Remove Cobra prereq from Inferno
* Increase Plasma Cannon range to 10 and damage to 500
* Plasma Cannon and Archie can no longer fire while moving
* Increase HPV weight
* Decrease Assault Cannon/Twin Assault Cannon weight
* Increase Lancer/TK damage by 10
* Increase Bombard damage by 10
* Heavy Laser damage and reload time increased (overall slight buff)
* Heavy Cannon and Medium Cannon range increased 0.5
* Cyborgs sped up a bit
2010-03-29: Version 2.3 beta 12
* General:

* Change: Double-clicking trucks will now select them for consistency (r10391
, ticket:1472)
* Change: let users toggle level name via 'showlevelname' console command (r1
* Change: Template loading code changes for backward compatibility with older
mods (r10418, ticket:1686, r10425)
* Fix: Multiple zooming of radar fixes / changes (r10346)
* Fix: Stop landing VTOLs even if they are below the map height (r10051)
* Fix: Fix adding more body points than possible when repairing (r10040)
* Fix: Memory leaks and crash fixes (r10246, r10247, r10248, r10249, r10251)
* Fix: When failing to load a message, remove it from the message queue to av
oid a crash later (r10392, ticket:1660)
* UI:
* Change: Improved loading bars (r10102)
* Campaign:
* Fix: Fix Tank Killer angle bug in campaign (r10212)
* Fix: Make sure that for campaign, we always set the is human flag correctly
on savegame load (r10081, ticket:1628)
* Multiplayer:
* Change: AI script fixes for trucks grabbed on duty, distance limits, power
limit for factories, placement checks (r10293, r10323, ticket:1626)
* Fix: Make sure all templates get all weapons. This hopefully fixes the cybo
rg leg issue (r10352, ticket:1687)
* Fix: On new player joining, init the struct before setting flags (r10331, t
* Fix: Make use of new AI script function pickDroidStructLocation (see below)
to fix AI not building a power generator (r10323, ticket:1626)
* Fix: When droids are taken over, don't send droid count, since droid count
isn't read, making the message unparsable (r10038, ticket:894)
* Fix: Use isFlying instead of isVtolDroid for checking AA targets, AA can no
w also shoot down transports (r10319)
* Fix: Only let host set player position/colour, send new players info about
unallocated slots too. (r10218)
* Fix: Fix droid frustration so that droids do not start the game frustrated,
make sure that scavs never fire at features (r10085)
* Fix: Fix the game getting completely messed up if anyone changes position o
r colour, and then someone leaves (r10069)
* Fix: Update Dydo-ai to 2.0.8 (r10214)
* Fix: Update NTW (r10354, r10356, r10357, r10359)
* Scripts:
* Added: Add new AI script function that gives position to build a structure
while checking that a given droid can build it (r10323)
* Translations:
* Fix: Translations now work on the mac (r10316, ticket:927)
* Updated: German (r10123, r10126, r10291), Italian (r10242), Polish (r10268,
r10373, r10445), Spanish (r10305, r10422, r10444), Estonian (r10423)
2010-02-26: Version 2.3 beta 11a
* General:
* Change: Display time and level name in release builds now (r9860)
* Change: add 'logs' directory in config dir to store all netplay logs. (r977
9, ticket:1564)
* Change: Use -fstack-protector if available (r9940)
* Fix: NSIS updates (r9764, r9907, r10017)
* Fix: Only drop artifacts on a fully built factory (r9795, r9787, ticket:157
* Fix: Multiple cross build system fixes (r9870-r9878, r9899, r10020)
* Fix: Do not update the orientation of flying droids with respect to the gro
und. (r10022)
* UI:

* New: Add MessageBox support on systems that have Motif (r9814, ticket:1569)
* Gameplay:
* Change: Commanders now work the same way in skirmish and campaign (r9941, t
* Fix: Power generator output should now always be correct (r9891, r9894, tic
* Fix: Trucks could instantly repair structures (r9776)
* Campaign:
* Fix: Commanders could have more than the maximum number of units assigned (
* Skirmish:
* Fix: Add back missing cyborg mechanic, thermite and grenadier (r9750, ticke
* Fix: Stop AI from building VTOL factory before it is researched (r9713)
* Fix: Stop giving a massive power bonus to autogame AI players (r9720)
* Balance: (r9946)
* Oil derricks are no longer limited (r9698)
* Cannons and rails have their original 1.10 HP levels restored.
* Heavy Cannon was moved later-game
* Assault Cannon, Twin Assault Cannon, and Hyper Velocity Cannon were moved e
arlier-game (and rebalanced accordingly)
* Assault Cannon, Twin Assault Cannon, were made lighter
* Hyper Velocity Cannon can now hit air units, penetrate units, and is lighte
r, but reloads more slowly and has less HP. It no longer replaces Medium Cannon
* Plasma Cannon has been made into a cannon (prereqs: HPV + Inferno + Dedicat
ed Synaptic Link Data Analysis Mk3), and has been rebalanced accordingly.
* Cannons, rails, mortars, and howitzers have their splash damage increased.
* Ripples and Archies have been nerfed.
* Lancer has had its damage slightly nerfed. A full lancer rebalance is plann
ed for later.
* Analogous changes have been done to the corresponding cyborgs and VTOL weap
ons, as well.
* Multiplayer:
* Change: Display map transfer progress, for the host, for each player (r9838
* Fix: When player drops, do not remove their oil resources (r9768, ticket:15
* Fix: Fix kicking when host would change limits while hosting a game (r9824,
* Fix: When a player drops, abort the map transfer (r9838)
* Fix: Fix game going out of sync when some Alt key combinations were used (r
9840, ticket:1474)
* Fix: Remove disabled players from the map when scavengers are turned on (r9
* Fix: When player aborts file transfers, close the old filehandle. (r9923)
* Fix: When player is forced to drop, don't strand them in the lobby. (r9924)
* Fix: Try to fix all SIGPIPE and SIGBUS issues on linux (r9915-r9918, r9954,
r9985, ticket:1136)
* Fix: Some droids were not showing up as destroyed on all players' screens (
* Fix: Add a 1s delay between sending a quit message, and closing the socket
* Fix: On player join, send stats from other players to them (r9993)
* Fix: On player quit, close things down and cleanup correctly (r10004)
* Fix: On host quit in buffer fill routine, then exit out into lobby with cor
rect error message. (r10003)
* Mods:
* New: DyDo-AI added to bundled mods (r9901)
* Fix: Update NTW to work with new template system and other various fixes (r
9773, r9910)

* Removed: Aivolution removed from bundled mods (r9752)

* Translations:
* Fix: Make more strings translatable (r9758)
* Updated: Spanish (r9759, r9828), Brazilian (r9829), Ukrainian (r9830), Germ
an (r9831, r9931), Croatian (r9883), Polish (r9933)
2010-02-07: Version 2.3 beta 10
* General:
* Change: Add mod list to crash report file (r9651)
* Fix: Various warnings and asserts (r9494, r9500)
* Fix: Redundant components being still available if researched after being m
ade redundant (ticket:1462, r9492)
* Fix: Now also oil derricks are darkened by true fog of war and pulse when s
elected (r9543)
* Fix: Clear teams when loading from in-game menu (r9541)
* Fix: Unbuilt structures and walls should not confer visibility (r9537, tick
* Fix: Sensor in range check bug (r9531)
* Fix: Sound related crash on exit (r9528, ticket:1444)
* Fix: Structures popping in and out of true fog of war darkness (r9502)
* Fix: Only play detection samples when that person found the power resource
/ artifact (r9596, r9643, ticket:1496 )
* Multiplayer:
* Change: Add sync counters to help diagnose when we can't sync anymore due t
o the packet size exceeding our limits. This is in netplay-xxxx_yyyy.log in your
config directory! (r9584)
* Change: "netplay.log" to now be "netplay-xxxx_yyyyyy.log" where xxxx = mont
h&day and yyyyyy = hour&min&sec (r9645)
* Fix: When player drops, make sure to destroy everything they had (r9644, ti
* Fix: Fix kicking issues when players tried to play a game when they came fr
om a previous game (r9603)
* Fix: Network synchronization updates was broken for most orders (r9681, tic
ket:1505, ticket:1516)
* Fix: Remove disabled players from skirmish games with scavengers turned on
* Fix: Re-initialize player data when a player is removed (r9963)
* Fix: Fix assert if socket set not allocated but socket needs to be deleted.
* Skirmish:
* Fix: The Wide Spectrum Sensor no longer works as a Counterbattery sensor as
this allowed cheating (r9560)
* Fix: Workaround for bug that made AI stop research sometimes fixed (r9534)
* Fix: Some AI unit templates had multiple turrets, but shouldn't have (r9605
, ticket:1510)
* Fix: Scoreboard should be more accurate (r9587, ticket:1500)
* Fix: Scavenger AI is now active again (r9692, ticket:1550)
* Graphics:
* Change: Clear frame buffer on start and exit (r9634)
* Fix: Use correct coordinates for menu, radar, selection box (r9555)
* Translations:
* Fix a string for translating (r9511)
* Updated: Spanish (r9512, r9558), Estonian (r9513, r9613), Russian (r9552),
Ukrainian (r9601), Croatian (r9653)
2010-01-24: Version 2.3 beta 9
* General:
* Fix: Formation speed limiting should be off (r9372)
* Fix: Saving games would often crash, and proximity blips not display (r9382
, ticket:1443)

* Fix: AIs would use host's truck templates (r9426)

* Fix: Miscellaneous bugs and crashes (r9354, r9412, r9425, r9434, r9450, r94
* UI:
* Change: Add key mapping to trap/untrap cursor, alt-t by default (r9481)
* Change: Stop scrolling when the mouse leaves the window (r9428, r9438, r944
* Change: Increase the scroll area from 16 to 22 pixels (r9443)
* Fix: No longer possible to start a game with everyone on the same team (r94
* Fix: Speeding up the game sped up some of the GUI (r9462)
* Multiplayer:
* Change: Players will no longer appear in games for a split second if they h
ave the wrong password (r9425)
* Fix: Players would sometimes be kicked out after one minute, even if they h
ad the same data (r9378)
* Gameplay:
* Fix: Shift+click on radar now queues orders as well (r9361)
* Fix: Projectiles that hit wrong target now do damage to the wrong target (r
* Graphics:
* Fix: Build progress bar is in the right place now (r9374)
* Fix: Some water tiles looked weird in 8c-Manhattan (r9418)
* Fix: Factory had visible seams in some places (r9404)
* Skirmish:
* Change: AI is now more efficient at research (r9384)
* Change: Research messages are now more specific: "Machinegun damage +25%" i
nstead of "upgrades machinegun damage" (r9393)
* Fix: Some numbers were unnecessarily specific: 99% instead of 100%, 999 ins
tead of 1000 (r9394)
* Fix: Flamer Autoloader Mk2 doesn't prerequire Flamer Autoloader (r9394)
* Translations:
* Fix: Spanish locale didn't work on Linux (r9371)
* Updated: Spanish (r9366, r9369, r9410, r9421, r9470)
* Updated: Polish (r9471)
* New: Croatian (r9476)
2010-01-19: Version 2.3 beta 8
* General:
* New: Mod files in mods/autoload/ are now autoloaded - note that this is NOT
the previous autoload location (r9290, ticket:1415)
* Fix: Crash when switching between players in ctrl+o cheat menu (r9283)
* Fix: Better projectile collision detection (r9288)
* Fix: Remove all fog of war darkening when satellite uplink built (r9216)
* Fix: Faster game loading when vsync enabled (r9167, r9163)
* Fix: Widget ID corruption leading to disappearing reticule and other GUI bu
gs (r9325)
* Fix: Miscellaneous crashes and asserts (r9153, ticket:1219, r9192, r9152, t
icket:1402, r9248, r9181, r9174)
* Graphics:
* Change: Darken features and buildings that you cannot see due to fog of war
(r9322, r9343)
* Fix: Only lift fog of war for what you can see (r9199, r9204, r9216)
* UI:
* Change: "HOST" appears below host (r9340)
* Change: Laser satellite firing and structure under attack now generate a ra
dar blip (r9313, r9292, ticket:1134)
* Change: Allow keyboard shortcuts to use the Cmd key as a modifier (r9307)
* Fix: The hide interface keyboard shortcut (Tab, by default) now hides the m
inimap and console, as well (r9273)

* Fix: Non-ascii characters now work, instead of appearing to clear all text
(r9287, ticket:1330)
* Fix: Radar blips should no longer disappear with some zoom levels (r9197)
* Fix: Make build progress bars look nicer by adding a gradient (r9157)
* Fix: Design form sometimes displayed incorrect component (r9255)
* Fix: Make keyboard shortcuts look nicer: "Ctrl + F11" instead of "lctrl - f
11" (r9307)
* Balance: (r9339)
* Pulse Laser range decreased to 14
* Heavy Laser range increased to 16 (and damage toned down to match)
* Prices of Pulse Laser Tower, Pulse Laser Hardpoint, Pulse Laser Emplacement
, Lancer Hardpoint increased to match weapon changes
* Scourge Missile range decreased to 14
* Seraph Missile Array range increased to 15
* Short-range accuracy of Mini-Pod, Lancer, Tank Killer, and Scourge Missile
decreased - long range-accuracy remains unchanged
* Lancer price increased to 150
* Lancer no longer prerequires Mini-Rocket Array
* Mini-Rocket Array damage increased
* Splash radius of mortars, howitzers, cannons, and rails increased
* Damage of cannons and rails against cyborgs and tanks increased
* Damage of artillery against tracked tanks decreased
* Damage of artillery against hover tanks increased
* Gameplay:
* Change: Ctrl + Alt + mouse wheel to change game speed (r9178)
* Change: Formation speed limiter has been removed due to bugs and sync issue
s (r9331, ticket:1177, ticket:1167)
* Fix: Templates created with the design screen started at 1 power/HP instead
of 0 (r9159)
* Fix: Changing speed no longer gives a "cheating" warning (r9177)
* Fix: Bugs with game speed changing abruptly should be fixed (r9280, r9251)
* Fix: Rounding errors in power code (r9172)
* Fix: Tank Killer didn't fire sometimes (r9339)
* Fix: Some structures should be obsoleted by others (r9339)
* Challenges:
* Fix: Restore challenge timer when loading a challenge savegame (r9207)
* Campaign:
* Change: Save an "Autosave" game when a mission is finished (r9145)
* Fix: Transports in campaign could be controlled sometimes (ticket:1418, r92
* Skirmish:
* Change: Rename Dragon from "Super Heavy Body" to "Multi Turret Body" (r9194
* Fix: Allow the AI to know where the game's starting resources are (r9203, r
* Translations:
* Fix: Actually include Ukrainian translation in the Windows installer (r9329
* Updated: German (r9228)
2010-01-10: Version 2.3 beta 7
* General:
* Change: No longer always show all oil derricks in skirmish since it was lea
king too much information about where the enemy expands (ticket:1087, r9060)
* Fix: Some challenges placed players on the wrong positions (r9057)
* Fix: Tutorial could not be finished (r9034, ticket:1361)
* Fix: Tutorial / Fast Play works again (r9029)
* Fix: Fog of War now shown in all radar modes (r9059)
* Fix: Messages sent to allies no longer appear twice (r9055)
* Fix: Audio queue not being cleared properly (r9107, ticket:1391)

* Fix: Incendiary weapon fire could appear in the wrong place (r9126)
* Fix: Various bugs and crashes (r9069, r9063, r9053, r9042, r9048, r9095, r9
098, r9108, ticket:1383, r9113, ticket:1334, r9129)
* Gameplay:
* Change: Sensor tanks now target automatically. (r9105, ticket:1392)
* Change: Power now limited to 100000 (r9073)
* Fix: Transporters didn't fly to delivery point (r9066)
* Multiplayer:
* Change: Allow host to choose teams for any player (r9094)
* Change: Revert outgoing traffic shaping again (r9134)
* Fix: Do not allow kicks to be ignored (r9064, ticket:1375)
* Fix: Revert new sync code to fix sync issues (r9043, r9044)
* Fix: Make sure beacons are only seen by those who should (r9083, ticket:125
* Translations:
* New: Ukrainian (r9040)
* Updated: German (r9072), Estonian (r9079)
2010-01-06: Version 2.3 beta 6
* General:
* Change: "--cheat" command line option no longer necessary for cheat codes.
* Change: New codes "cheat on" and "debug" for turning on debug mode, and "ch
eat off" for turning it off, in case Shift+Backspace isn't working. (r8976)
* Change: Do soft fading of fog of war. (r9008)
* Fix: Crash when calling in reinforcements in campaign. (r8966)
* Fix: "make dist" now includes autorevision.conf in the tarball, so the vers
ion is displayed correctly when compiling from source. (r8957)
* UI:
* Change: Game lobby is now bigger. (r8936)
* Change: Password is asked in a separate dialog, instead of below lobby. (r8
* Change: Do not display the two Warzone logo backdrops. (r8934)
* Change: Add a shadow to the sideways text to make it more readable. (r8931)
* Fix: Crash when trying to join a game via IP. (r8999)
* Fix: Players list didn't appear when exiting from limits screen. (r8962)
* Fix: Change all missile upgrades to use Scourge icon, since the Avenger ico
ns were somewhat confusing. (r8959)
* Fix: Always save changed droid templates. (r9014)
* Multiplayer:
* Fix: Host can change position and color of other players, really this time.
* Fix: Players will not automatically quit and disconnect after losing a mult
iplayer game. (r8969)
* Fix: Give an error message when joining a multiplayer game is unsuccessful,
instead of crashing or causing others to crash. (r8937)
* Fix: Sync improvements. (r8975)
* Change: Readd outgoing traffic shaping. (r9006)
* Change: Remove excessive log messages. (r9005)
* Change: Don't forward port 9990, we only need 2100. (r9012)
* Change: Do UPnP device detection only when going to the "Host Game" menu. (
* Translations:
* Updated: Estonian (r9001), Polish (r9002), German (r9003)
2010-01-02: Version 2.3 beta 5
* General:
* Change: Show sensor visibility coverage on terrain and minimap (ticket:1289
, r8918)
* Change: Add more key shortcuts (ticket:806)

* Change: Screenshots now get saved in "screenshots", not "screendumps" (r881

* Change: Deselect campaign transport when trying to give it orders instead o
f just doing nothing (r8856)
* Change: Revert broadcasting picking up oil drums, per forum consensus (r888
* Change: Add support for an optional descriptive header for stats files (r88
* Fix: Tally up construction borgs/trucks in SP games as well (r8726, ticket:
* Fix: Trucks can't guard things, super cyborgs can (r8808)
* Fix: Don't deselect a retreating unit if it's the only unit selected (r8815
* Fix: Can order more than one transport at one time in multiplayer (r8854)
* Fix: Make VTOLs finish patrolling/scouting before returning to rearm (r8863
* Fix: Rearming pads now actually rearm at the speed they're intended to, rea
rming upgrades affect rearming pad repair speed (r8864)
* Fix: Auto-repair was sometimes instantaneous (r8898)
* Fix: Assorted bugfixes (r8793, r8807, r8843, r8846, r8849, r8860)
* Fix: Various Xcode project fixes (r8798, r8800, r8820, r8852, r8859, r8915)
* Fix: Update win32 cross-build scripts (r8851, r8903, r8906, r8908, r8910)
* UI:
* Change: Add small text, use for ready button (r8795)
* Change: Show version number of games in the lobby (r8795)
* Change: Updated images (r8803)
* Fix: Commanders now display the correct amount of power/health in the desig
n screen (r8877)
* Fix: Design screen issues with two weapons and indication of active compone
nt (r8881)
* Fix: Correctly calculate secondary weapon shadow power/HP, allow changing p
rimary weapon without removing secondary weapons (r8883)
* Multiplayer:
* New: Add the laser satellite to the limits screen (r8729, ticket:1227)
* New: Add a host has dropped dialog when the host drops (r8717)
* New: Add a host only dialog that warns them they are about to kill the game
if they quit (r8717)
* Change: Fix the hash routines to use network byte order (r8762)
* Change: Host can change position and color of other players (r8805)
* Fix: Enforce default limits if host did not enter limits in the limits scre
en (r8713)
* AI:
* Change: No base builds faster by droids cooperating on more buildings; remo
ve AI cheating of 1500 free power on full base games (r8847)
* Balance:
* Update cyborg lasers to match changes to regular lasers
* Change cyborg transport research icon to cyborg transport
* Change Lancer's prereqs from HEAP Mini-Rockets to HE Mini-Rockets Mk3
* Allow only Dragon to have multi-turret; decrease its HP by 50 (r8895)
* Translations:
* Updated: Brazilian (r8699), Finnish (r8913), German (r8761, r8916)
2009-12-13: Version 2.3 beta 4
* General:
* New: For windows people only, show a popup window for errors. (r8652)
* New: Add config variable 'UPnP' to enable/disable UPnP detection / routines
. 1=on, 0=off, default is ON. (r8651)
* Change: Don't add UPnP redirects in singe player skirmish (r8649)
* Fix: Loading savegames would sometimes make you the wrong player - this bre
aks all skirmish savegames - campaign savegames are fine (r8626)

* Fix: Fixed endianness issues - PowerPC Macs can now play with others (r8593
* Fix: Hardware-accelerated cursors work correctly in Mac OS X (r8611)
* Fix: Some crashes (r8596, r8636, r8677)
* Multiplayer:
* New: ".message" sends message to allies (r8640)
* Change: "5message" appears as "(private to Blue) message" instead of "(priv
ate) 5message" (r8640)
* Fix: "5message" now sends message to player in position 5 instead of ID 5 (
* Fix: Game setup screen updates now happen instantly, instead of every 2 sec
onds (r8603)
* Fix: AI difficulty slider can now be dragged continuously (r8601)
* Fix: Map download progress doesn't clear chat screen anymore (r8603)
* Fix: Map transfers should no longer crash. r8667
* Gameplay:
* New: Multiplayer alliances menu now appears in Intelligence screen (r8638)
* Change: Show proximity blips again for oil resources, but they do not blink
on map (r8587)
* Fix: Multiplayer alliances menu sorted by position again (r8638)
* Fix: Bug that caused transporter not to disembark when auto-repairing and a
llow order to be queued (r8624)
* Fix: Don't allow players to control the transport in single-player campaign
. (r8666, r8670)
* Scripting:
* New: Function droidCanReach() allows checking if droid destinations are pos
sible (r8644)
* AI:
* Change: AI will set all its droids to 'do or die' and no longer build repai
r centers (r8681)
* Fix: Make AIs go for closest oil first (ticket:1166, r8632)
* Graphics:
* Change: New wall models for the player in campaign and in multiplay (r8665)
* Translations:
* Updated: French (r8614), Italian (r8661), German (r8662)
2009-11-29: Version 2.3 beta 3
* General:
* Change: Windows installer updated, and allows user to choose video to downl
oad (r8561, ticket:1111)
* Fix: Make Warzone work correctly in Mac OS X again. (r8469, r8481)
* Fix: Some crashes. (r8478, r8498, ticket:1099)
* Gameplay:
* Fix: Friendly fire wasn't working correctly. (r8496)
* Fix: REALLY REALLY make sure AIs can't build on burning oil resources. (r84
* Multiplayer:
* Change: Put UPnP device detection into a background thread. (r8563)
* Change: Multiplayer game setup screen changes including sort by position an
d show info for AIs (r8559)
* Fix: Games with exactly 5 players no longer have template issues. (r8500)
* Fix: Map transfers improved. (r8533, ticket:1104)
* Fix: When host drops a game, broadcast a dropped message. (r8538)
* Fix: Player count in lobby. (r8538)
* Campaign:
* Fix: Transport works correctly in campaign now. (r8540)
* Graphics:
* Change: Backport building blueprints from trunk. (r8562)
* Change: Make use of the new scavenger icons (ticket:1093, r8488)

2009-11-21: Version 2.3 beta 2

* General:
* Change: Allow either the normal return/enter key or the numpad enter key to
terminate strings. (r8425, ticket:1055)
* Change: Alt+click now works in Mac OS X. (r8432, ticket:1084)
* Change: New and improved HP bars! Now 2 pixels high! (r8428)
* Change: New game mode - challenges. See who can complete a fixed game setup
the quickest! (ticket:778)
* Fix: Assorted bug fixes (r8399, 8400)
* Gameplay:
* Change: You can now repair/rearm/upgrade/guard allied units and structures.
(r8432, ticket:1084)
* Change: Cursors should now more accurately represent what happens when you
click there. (r8432, ticket:1084)
* Change: Cyborg transports can be unloaded with Alt+click. (r8421, ticket:10
* Change: VTOLs will scout with Alt+click. (r8432, ticket:1084)
* Change: Repair turrets are more reliable now, and don't fidget before repai
ring. (r8421, ticket:1084)
* Change: You can damage your own units/structures with Alt+click again. Alli
es are still immune. (r8432, ticket:1084)
* Change: Cyborg transports should fly at a lower height now - so they should
n't take so long to descend. (r8430)
* Multiplayer:
* Change: Add UPnP support to automatically forward the needed ports on suppo
rted routers (r8445, r8446, r8447, r8449, ticket:1073)
* Change: In skirmish always show position of and do not show proximity messa
ges for oil wells (r8444, ticket:1087)
* Fix: Set AI colors (r8409, ticket:1070)
* Fix: Enable/disable AIs (r8409, ticket:1065)
* Fix: Send team position (r8409, ticket:1075)
* Fix: Add missing wrf files for limiter screen. (r8408)
* Fix: All multiplayer games are shown again. (r8467)
* Graphics:
* Fix: Corrected cyborg transport model (r8404)
* Fix: Correct menu captions (r8414)
* Translations:
* Updated: German (r8452), Dutch (r8412)
* Mods:
* NTW: Cannons and Cyborgs balance update (r8395)
2009-11-14: Version 2.3 beta 1
* General:
* Change: Try to display dialog box when a internal game error causes game to
crash on Windows (r8307)
* Change: Switched fontconfig question from scary pop-up message to NLS sub-f
eature (r8359, ticket:1034).
* Change: Add new debug flag of "input" used for debug messages for input iss
ues (keyboard/mouse) (r8376)
* Change: Add modifier to the keymap editor to show which keys are set to the
numpad (r8376)
* Change: Warzone 2100 -2.3 is the new (default) config direcotry (r8387)
* Change: NTW Research Balance Update, Cannons, Missiles & Rockets (r8385)
* Fix: Use Enable GLC_AUTO_FONT to enable it to fallback to different fonts i
f the default font doesn't contain the needed font. (r8365)
* Fix: Reduce the time it takes to rebuild font cache on Vista and Windows 7
(ticket:1013, r8322)
* Fix: Collection of smaller bugfixes (ticket:997, ticket:1018, ticket:1021,
* Fix: make distcheck should now work after initial make (to generate yacc/le

x files) (r8360)
* Multiplayer:
* Change: Drop SDL_NET in favor of using BSD sockets (same as trunk code) (r8
342, ticket:1038)
* Change: Try to mitigate turnOffMultiMsg() via setting isMPDirtyBit when nee
ded. (r8369)
* Change: Max unit count is down from 300 to 150 to mitigate bandwidth issues
. (r8369)
* Change: Sync code is now run when isMPDirtyBit is set or 315ms has expired
for droids / 630ms for power / 450 ms for structures (r8383)
* Change: Ping (in game, not lobby!) & score is now sent more frequently (r83
* Change: MAX_BYTESPERSEC bump up to 7K from ~3.3K to mitigate when we can sy
nc. (r8369)
* Change: When we have reached MAX_BYTESPERSEC limit, inform of this event in
the logs **FOR THIS BETA ONLY** (r8369)
* Change: Only tally up outgoing bytes instead of both incoming and outgoing
bytes when checking for max packet size. (8386)
2009-10-11: Version 2.2.4
* General:
* Fix: Indirect fire weapons can no longer use sensors to fire at targets the
sensor cannot see. (r8177)
* Fix: Improved error handling in some cases - try to avoid crashing (ticket:
* Fix: Bug in map renderer that would cause non-power of two maps to display
wrongly. (r8208)
* Fix: Added support for ATI-specific two-sided stencil extension. Will decre
ase CPU usage on ATI cards. (r8185)
* Fix: Correctly handle savegame names (ticket:981, r8227, r8246)
* Campaign:
* Fix: Improve anti-air and make it more like the original by making AA shots
homing like in skirmish (r8258, ticket:206)
* Multiplayer:
* Change: Data integrity check is added. This will break network connectivit
y with 2.2.3. (r8205, ticket:961)
* Balancing - skirmish (r8262):
* Most projectiles 1.5x faster to reduce sync problems
* Mini-Rocket Artillery renamed Mini-Rocket Array
* MRL Emplacement renamed Mini-Rocket Battery
* Angel Missile renamed Seraph Missile Array
* Angel Missile Battery renamed Short-Range Missile Battery
* Hurricane splash increased 10 -> 30
* Cyclone splash increased 40 -> 60
* Whirlwind splash increased 30 -> 50
* Avenger and Vindicator damage increased 320 -> 350, accuracy increased 60%70% -> 70%-80%
* Stormbringer damage increased 140 -> 180
* All lasers now have 80%-80% accuracy
* Plasmite Bomb weight increased 8000 -> 12000
* Mini-pod can hit air targets
* Decrease Pulse Laser and Heavy Laser ROF, increase corresponding damage
* Decrease VTOL MG damage, increase VTOL MG shots-per-rearm
* Artillery to hover multiplier decreased from 110% to 100%
* Artillery to tracks multiplier decreased from 65% to 50%
* Artillery to half-tracks multiplier decreased from 80% to 70%
* Artillery to wheels multiplier decreased from 95% to 90%
* Anti-tank to hover multiplier decreased from 100% to 90%
* AP to hard multiplier increased from 45% to 50%
* Seraph Missile Array range increased from 5-11 to 5-14


Command Center must be built before MG tower can be researched

Truck HP decreased 50 -> 25
Truck weight increased 600 -> 800
Inferno bunker research price 150 -> 125
Plasmite bunker research price 150 -> 125
Plasma Cannon radius increased from 1 to 3.5 and range from 5.5 to 6

2009-09-13: Version 2.2.3

* General:
* Fix: When ownership of a building changes while we are building it, tell ou
r droids to stop building it. (ticket:895, r8125)
* Fix: Correct orientation of sound output in 3D (ticket:220, r8103)
* Fix: Some sounds were missing for super cyborgs (ticket:919, r8110, r8111)
* Fix: Use all three baba scream sounds again (ticket:830, r8102)
* Fix: Do not sometimes crash due to integer underflow when picking up artifa
cts (ticket:373, r8084)
* Fix: Some building issues on BSD (ticket:817, ticket:823, r8116, r8133, r81
38, r8139)
* Multiplayer:
* Change: Add tileset dependent map preview colours (r8064)
* Fix: Crash if map preview during map download (r8079, ticket:756)
* Fix: Stop ability to bypass unit limits by hiding droids in transports (tic
ket:921, r8105)
* Fix: Cyborg transport being invincible while in the air (ticket:892, r8104)
* Campaign:
* Fix: Assert failure on effect cleanup when entering third campaign (ticket:
836, r8045)
* Fix: Infinite loop when transporting a sensor droid to offworld campaign ma
p (ticket:852, ticket:853, r8062)
* Graphics:
* Change: New skybox for urban maps, this one is licensed CC0, not CC-by 2.0
* Video:
* Fix: Do not lower volume to zero when multiple videos queued up (ticket:670
, r8106)
* Translations:
* Fix: Make some more strings translateable (r8121, r8129, ticket:906, ticket
* Fix: Updated German translation (r8092, r8131)
* Scripting:
* Change: Added dummy version of function droidCanReach() that always returns
true for backward compatibility (r8077)
* Fix: Do not crash in non-debug mode when calling allianceExists() with bad
player ID (r8075)
2009-08-23: Version 2.2.2
* General:
* Change: Add the ability of allied players to share sensors (ticket:636, r79
* Change: Stop rotation when "Continue" is pressed after winning a multiplaye
r/skirmish game (r7887)
* Change: Show when a game was saved in a tooltip on the loading screen. (r78
64, ticket:682)
* Fix: Cannot display more than one game from lobby. Also fix a lobby display
issue. (r7839, ticket:691)
* Fix: Various checks and workarounds to make game run more stable (r7836, r7
894, r7889, r7883, r7881, r7851, r7847, r7842, r7822, r7910 / ticket:759)
* Fix: Crash due to path length overflow (r7916, ticket:738, ticket:765)
* Fix: Bug that caused some keyboard shortcuts to be unusable in multiplayer

since they were considered cheats (r7856)

* Fix: Verify that our "target" is still around before doing fire support wit
h it. (r7910, ticket:759)
* Fix: Fix crash length overflow by capping path lengths to max 255 nodes. (r
7916, ticket:738)
* Fix: Fix a typo, we wanted to display "???" when ping is >=2000 (r7922)
* Fix: Fix camera bug in warcam code. Patch by i-NoD (r7924, ticket:757)
* Fix: General order/action code cleanup (r7926)
* Fix: Fix segfault when trying to read target of droid with no target in aiU
pdateStructure (r7928)
* Fix: Use _NSIG in the exceptionhandler if available for *BSD compatibility.
(r7972, ticket:818)
* Fix: Add correct linker flags for openbsd to configure. (r7974, ticket:819)
* Fix: Disable locales without translation. (r7969, ticket:813)
* Fix: NTW updated to 1.8.7 (r7998 - r8009)
* Fix: When babas are burning, we always play the scream now. (r8025, ticket:
* Fix: Make sure we have a valid color choice for our SP game, when we are co
ming from a MP game. (r8032)
* Translations:
* Fix: Commit Portuguese translation. (r7943, ticket:783)
* Fix: Updated Russian translation (r8036, ticket:834)
* Fix: Updated translations (r7880, r7877, r7875, r7871, r7868, r7863, r7861)
* Graphics:
* Fix: Increase video buffer size from 4K to 256K. This fixes playback of vi
deos with a bitrate larger than ~2000kbps. (r7981)
* Change: Add a north pointer for the rotating radar. (r8013, ticket:769)
* Sound:
* Fix: Fixes the removal of unused (sound) sources. (r8012, r8026, ticket:770
2009-06-21: Version 2.2.1
* General:
* Change: No longer require space between rearm pads, allow dragging pad prod
uction with mouse, and droids may drive over inactive rearm pads (r7701, ticket:
* Change: Allow droids to grab artifacts and oil drums from up to 1 tile away
* Change: Bump up MAX_RESEARCH to 500 from 450. (r7774, ticket:599)
* Change: Add more information to the crash dump file (r7740, 7745)
* Change: When host drops from the lobby, abort the game. (r7787 ticket:583)
* Fix: Various crashes related to failing orders (r7699)
* Fix: Show translations for finished research display (r7730)
* Fix: Mac users can read in .wz files (r7754)
* Fix: Experience speed adjustment happens after max speed limit; fix bug wit
h speed calculation. (r7761)
* Fix: Numerous issues with NTW mod (r7676-7677, r7713-7716)
* Fix: Fix to *never* control the transport in SP games (really this time!) (
r7776, ticket:568)
* Fix: Make sure we take xOffset into account, we don't always start at 0 for
the FMV text. (r7780, ticket:625)
* Fix: Make sure either parameter isn't below the minimum screen res. that we
support. (r7786)
* Fix: Make sure we take xOffset into account, we don't always start at 0 for
the FMV text. (r7780, ticket:625)
* Fix: Clear the keyboard/mouse input on lost focus correctly. (r7797, ticket
* AI:
* Fix: Resolve AI droid traffic jams by clearing orders and make jammed droid
s stop going for repair (r7700, ticket:597)

* Campaign:
* Fix: Flashing box around mission timer was too small, resulting in a graphi
cs glitch. (r7672, ticket:596)
* Translations:
* Fix: Italian and Slovakian translations updated (r7769, ticket:621, r7772,
* Build system:
* Fix: Various build system issues (r7669, r7664, r7663, r7661, r7655, r7642,
* Graphics:
* Fix: No more ugly texture seams (r7718, r7724, r7757)
2009-05-31: Version 2.2.0
* General:
* Fix: Tells user if mod entered on the command line / shortcut is enabled, o
r is invalid. Output is to stdout or stderr. (r7586)
* Fix: Launching the game from installer now works (r7568, ticket:364)
* Fix: Angel missile no longer obsoletes long-range artillery, Ripple Rockets
no longer autoupgrades to Archie, and Mortar Fast Loader requires Mortar Rapid
Loader Mk3 (r7559, ticket:533, 292, 398)
* New: Add a new translation: zh_TW.po by chtsau (r7561, ticket:239)
* Change: Allow up to 36 savegame 'slots' (r7535)
* Change: add 'mod/music' directory to be use for custom music. (r7557)
* Fix: set the volume of the FMV based on the user's preferences (r7489, tick
* Fix: Check if the unit has weapons, before trying to see what weapons they
have. (r7488, ticket:523)
* Change: remove 'autoload' handling. (r7474)
* Fix: Fix windows crash dump output (r7473)
* Fix: Fix handling of limbo & expand missions (r7454)
* Change: Let players save games with Num-Enter as well as Return - should ma
ke it easier on international keyboards (r7412)
* Change: translation of ru.po by Maxim (r7444, ticket:347)
* Fix: We now return the truncated string, instead of returning NULL if the s
tring is too long. (r7426, ticket:493)
* Fix: pl.po file by Makary (r7423, ticket:241)
* New: Slovenian translation sl.po file by ThomasCarstein (r7422, ticket:392)
* Fix: pt_BR.po update by Tucalipe (r7421, ticket:350)
* Fix: Clear out old effects (prevents burning lasting between missions) (r74
* Fix: Don't allow the transporter to be controlled in SP games. (r7414)
* Fix: Remember player number and tech level for map selection screen (r7400)
* Gameplay:
* Fix: Make AI ignore hostile structures for path-finding when armed. (r7579)
* Fix: Allow Fog mode to be set based on user preferences for campaign games.
(r7597, ticket:561)
* Fix: Don't allow 2x the experience points in a campaign game, when this is
reserved for MP games. (r7598, ticket:562)
* Graphics:
* Fix: Fix issue with radar / mini-map. (r7458, ticket:333)
* Fix: Fix issue with radar / mini-map drawing objects outside its scope. (r7
* Change: Better map previews (patch by Florian Schanda, color scheme by Zare
l). (r7434)
* Network:
* Change: Increase timeout delay to 2500ms for dial-up modem users. (r7556, t
2009-05-10: Version 2.2_rc1
* General:

* New: Windows installer has option to download and install videos (enabled b
y default). (r7328)
* Change: Windows installer no longer has any license agreements, since they
are not EULAs. (r7328)
* Change: Flash the intel button when we get new intel. (r7317)
* Fix: Don't count cheated games as multiplayer wins and losses. (r7228)
* Fix: Windows installer doesn't redownload the music mod if it's already ins
talled. (r7328)
* Fix: Let's not underflow a unsigned variable. (r7335)
* Change: Remove 'grim' mod, since it is broken for 2.2 (r7385, r7386, ticket
* Fix: NTW Mod 1.8.6b for 2.2 by Delphino (r7368, r7369)
* Gameplay:
* New: Repair facilities will repair nearby units if they don't have anything
else to do. (r7234, patch #413)
* Change: Multi-turret units have been removed due to graphics bugs. (r7274)
* Fix: Trucks will never, ever, ever build on burning oil resources. Ever. No
t even if you're an AI. (r7340)
* Fix: Droids with Fire-At-Will will fire upon anything within range. (r7234,
patch #413)
* Fix: Pretty much every known bug involving repair facilities have been fixe
d. (r7234)
* Fix: Trucks will not help enemies build structures. (r7234, patch #413)
* Fix: Multi-turret units will always shoot with both weapons. (r7261)
* Fix: Target prediction works correctly again. (r7279, r7383, ticket:374)
* GUI:
* Fix: Interface no longer disappears for a few seconds when someone changes
team/color/location/readiness in multiplayer staging area. (r7259)
* Change: Add new icons for when player leaves or gets disconnected. Icons b
y Zarel. (r7373, ticket:274)
* Graphics:
* Change: Do not use texture compression for interface textures. (r7348)
* Change: Scale down textures used for 3D when they exceed the size specified
with the textureSize option (r7347)
* Network:
* Fix / Change: Modify the server & client code to detect when the Host can't
host a game, Change how 'addg' works + other enhancements (r7325)
* Change: Use a more descriptive error message instead of the worthless SDLne
t message. (r7344)
2009-05-01: Version 2.2_beta2
* General:
* New: Add radar detector turret. It will detect and target enemy sensors up
to twice their range (r6955, ticket:340)
* Fix: Crash when a person aborts multiplayer early then tries to start singl
e-player (r6991)
* Change: No longer requires the texture rectangle OpenGL extension to play v
ideo (r7022)
* Change: F10 is now always the screenshot key (r6993)
* Change: New config directory (r6995)
* Network:
* Add: Version checking added of connecting clients (r6992)
* Change: Game now runs on port 2100, and lobby port is now 9990 (r6994)
* Change: Games can now be password protected (r7078)
2009-04-01: Version 2.2_beta1
* General:
* New: Multi-threaded path-finding should make path-finding much faster (r573
5, patch #1064)
* New: Original sound tracks added (r5261)

* New: Playing of Ogg Theora full motion videos are now supported (r6119, tic
ket:64, ticket:46)
* New: Fonts are now configurable (r5841, patch #1095)
* Fix: Clean up input stream after saving a save game, to prevent it from goi
ng into chat mode.
* Graphics:
* Change: The skybox texture is now more easily moddable.
* Fix: The map is now properly capped on the edges.
* Fix: The "deity" cheat now correctly shows the area that was cheated visibl
* Fix: The background in the loading screen no longer flickers.
* GUI:
* New: Add mouse menu option.
* New: Add ability to toggle between hardware (SDL) and software (colored) cu
rsors, in new mouse menu option.
* New: The radar minimap now shows the entire map, can be scaled and rotate t
o ease navigation (r5266, patch #969, r6410)
* Commandline options:
* New: Use --join <host> to join into a game lobby directly from the commandl
* New: Add a --host option (to compliment the --join option), so you can crea
te games via an external program. It takes you directly to the host screen.
* Fix: Difficulty now works when you start the campaign with the --game param
* Fix: --nosound works correctly with videos now.
* Gameplay:
* New: Make repair facilities that are close to each other share the workload
if one is overloaded and others are out of work.
* New: Add radar detector turret. It will detect and target enemy sensors up
to twice their range (r6955, ticket:340)
* Change: Allow VTOLs to uncover fog of war and land-move to unseen areas in
distance fog mode.
* Change: Remove limitation that VTOLs cannot pass over tall cliffs, and allo
w that VTOLs to fly over anything to rearm.
* Fix: Restrict direct fire to weapons range only instead of minimum of senso
r range and weapon range.
* AI:
* Fix: Allow a droid to pick a new target while auto-repairing. (ticket:35, b
ug #12217)
* Fix: Improve targetting AI so that it does not select bad targets, and make
it use full weapon range instead of limited to sensor range. (ticket:97)
* Fix: Fix AI bug that made it build on burning oil derricks (r5883, patch #1
* Buildsystem:
* Fix: Only compile the translations when $(TRANSLATION) is "yes". (ticket:13
* Change: Former "raw" Makefiles are now used for Windows only and thus named
* Tools:
* New: OBJ to PIE format converter (r5774)
* Map:
* New: 8c-cockate and 4c-cockpit by zydonk (r5567, r5566, r5286)
* New: New map 4c-Urban-Chaos (r6827)
* Fix: Water tiles on little egypt map fixed (r6824, bug #9658)
* Engine:
* New: Support for naval propulsion type (r5803)
* Network:
* Change: Replaced SDL-net by using BSD sockets instead. (ticket:435)
* New: Add IPv6 support. (ticket:452)

2009-03-07: Version 2.1.2

* General:
* Fix: No longer crash if more than six players join a game (r6658, ticket:27
* Fix: Fix crash when too many maps are available (r6742)
* Fix: Some other crash bugs may have been prevented (r6688, r6629, r6596, r6
762, r6746, r6744)
* Sound:
* Fix: When sound isn't enabled (at runtime, unrelated to --disable-sound, e.
g. when no sound device is available) do not attempt to set up an AUDIO_STREAM
* Buildsystem:
* Fix: If the target system to run on already provides strlcpy and/or strlcat
, check whether they work as expected, and if they do, use them instead (r6556,
* Change: Allow compiling without OpenAL and Vorbis when compiling with --dis
2009-01-11: Version 2.1.1
* General:
* Fix: Double endian swapping bug that caused loading of save games to go wro
ng on big endian systems, e.g. PowerPC (ticket:96, ticket:127, ticket:177)
* Change: Updated Dutch translation (49%)
2008-12-21: Version 2.1
* GUI:
* Fix: Bug that caused the number of assigned units to a structure to be disp
layed wrongly (ticket:90)
2008-11-30: Version 2.1_rc2
* General:
* Change: Updated Italian (100%), Portugues (99.96%) and Russian (46%) transl
* Fix: Crash when translations for player colour names where larger than the
string buffer allocated for them (12 bytes) (r6283)
* AI:
* Fix: Allow a droid to pick a new target while auto-repairing. (ticket:35, b
ug #12217)
* Multiplayer:
* Fix: More out-of-sync issues fixed (r6230)
2008-11-09: Version 2.1_rc1
* General:
* Fix: Don't validate the weapons of a structure using the maximum amount of
weapons on a droid (DROID_MAXWEAPS, bug #12400)
* Fix: Crash as a result of uninitialised C++ library, caused by linking as C
instead of C++ (ticket:65)
* Fix: Crash when passing an invalid file as log file with the "--debugfile"
parameter (ticket:136)
* Change: Don't terminate on a bad/corrupted save game, instead reload the ma
in menu.
* AI:
* Fix: Prevent the AI from attempting to add command or transporter droids to
a group as that's impossible with these droid types (r5678, r6194)
* Sound:
* New: Add the original sound track
* New: Dump out available devices available for OpenAL on startup when LOG_SO
UND is enabled (r6196, r6197).
* Workaround: Force software "accelerated" OpenAL for Windows XP users to pre
vent audio "clogging" issues (ticket:115)
* GUI:

* Fix: When new games are created in the lobby make sure to remove the "NO GA
MES ARE AVAILABLE" message (bug #12399).
* Fix: Prevent the "return" key from being mistaken for enabling chat mode if
it has just been pressed to save a game (r6132, r6191)
* Fix: Prevent flickering of the backdrop image while loading (ticket:87)
* Gameplay:
* Change: Disable multi turret support
* Fix: Fix the laser satellite such that it does hit droids correctly
* Fix: Team alliances from skirmish/multiplayer games are "copied" over to ca
mpaign games. (ticket:103)
* Scripts:
* Fix: Read some scripts using with the correct case for their filenames (bug
#12011, r5539)
* Change: Dump the script call stack to LOG_ERROR on errors.
* Maps:
* Change: Be more lenient with broken maps, since we do not have a map editor
that we can fix: If the next feature in the map overlaps another, remove the al
ready placed feature in favour of the new one. (bug #12121, r5782, r6195)
* Multiplayer:
* Fix: When a player drops out do not grant control to the AI. (ticket:105)
* Buildsystem:
* Change: Verify the versions of pkg-config, xgettext and msgfmt in the confi
gure script instead of
* Exceptionhandler:
* Fix: Prevent a potential symlink attack by using a temporary filename (of t
he form "/tmp/warzone2100.gdmp-XXXXXX") that's guaranteed not to exist yet
* Fix: Prevent a potential crash in the Windows exception handler (r6146, r61
* Change: Make sure that the backtraces are slightly more useful when GDB isn
't available but the GNU C library is (r5678, r6194)
2008-09-28: Version 2.1_beta5
* General:
* Change: Reordered main menus. Skirmish is now under Single Player.
* Fix: Various source compilation fixes.
* Campaign:
* Fix: Researching Gas Turbine Generator no longer reduces the output of powe
r generators (bug #12262)
* Mods:
* New: New Team War (NTW) by Delphino added
* Multiplayer (non-skirmish only):
* New: Added visual feedback for when there are no games available in the lob
* Fix: Smoking healthy droids gone.
* Fix: Cyborg transports should now unload correctly. (bug #12116)
* Buildsystem:
* Fix: The OS X build system now works properly on both Tiger and Leopard.
* New: Bison is no longer an external dependency when building on OS X as it
is automatically downloaded if the system version of Bison is incompatible with
the build system.
* Change: Verify the Flex and Bison versions in the configure script instead
* Pathfinding and savegames:
* Change: We now use zones for path-finding again. This means savegames from
beta4 are no longer useable. Your beta4 savegames can be used with 2.2, however.
2008-07-19: Version 2.1_beta4
* General:
* New: An error will be shown if an invalid command line option is used.
* New: Support for coloured mouse cursors (ingame only, not in menus), contro

lled by configuration option "ColouredCursor". Turned off by default. (patch #95

* New: "Map Preview" button added to the multiplayer/skirmish lobby, includin
g ability to preview starting positions. (patch #1040)
* New: A 'Ready' button that all players must press in order to start a multi
player game.
* Change: Game speed is limited to 0.3-1.5 range in non-debug mode.
* Change: 'ENTER' key is now the default key for bringing up the chat dialog
instead of 'T' (key configuration must be reset in the 'Key Mappings' dialog).
* Change: All sources and data from the "original" release ("original" here m
eans the open sourcing in december 2004) are now explicitly released under the c
onditions of the GPL; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version of
this license.
* Fix: Game won't crash when commander units are used.
* Fix: Placing a beacon on map will not result in memory corruption and a cra
sh anymore. (bugs #10955, #11373, and #11005)
* Fix: Invalid group orders during multiplayer games are ignored. (bug #11358
* Fix: Smoking structures. (bug #11348)
* Fix: AIs are now always run on Host's machine during multiplayer games.
* Fix: Save games will load properly when trying to load them when a game is
already in progress. (bug #11467)
* Fix: Multiple Nexus Link crashes. (bugs #11500, #11501, and #11444)
* Fix: Assert if upgrading building while second building tab open. (bugs #93
36 and #11446)
* Fix: Assert when smoke effects drift off the map. (bug #11586)
* Fix: Trucks going in circles. (bug #11341)
* Fix: Bug that would make sliders inactive in multiplayer when not hosting a
* Fix: Lots of other things that we may have forgotten about. This beta reall
y does contain a lot of bug fixes.
* Translations:
* New: Support changing the language via the menu. (patch #1018)
* Fix: Translation-related bug in the structure limits screen fixed. (bug #11
* Fix: Translations now completely work on Windows, too.
* Graphics:
* New: Human player console messages are rendered using brighter color. Frien
d-foe colors are can be turned on using Shift+Tab key combination.
* Change: Dull mini-map player colors were replaced by brighter colors.
* Fix: The sky does not disappear anymore when a tooltip is shown. (bug #1121
* Fix: Render super-cyborgs using the bucket list, to avoid jittery HP bars.
* Fix: Derricks do not disappear or blink anymore. (bug #11357)
* Fix: Bad textures after third load of saved game. (bug #11641)
* Fix: Textures missing on first beta away mission. (bug #11733)
* Sound:
* New: A sound is played and a notification is shown on the console when plac
ing a beacon on the map. F12 key can be used to jump to the beacon location.
* Change: Oil pumping and power generator hum sounds are quieter.
* Fix: Game crashes with SIGABRT when starting mission beta 1 (bug #11580)
* Fix: Doesn't disconnect from server port when stopping the game before it s
tarts again (bug #11656)
* Fix: Fix GUI crash when loading a specific savegame twice in a row.
* Fix: Several memory leaks fixed.
* Fix: Bad textures after third load of saved game (bug #11641)
* Fix: Rearming non-weapon VTOLs (e.g. sensor, constructor, etc.) causes the
game to crash (bug #11865)
* Workaround: Crash on first level of campaign (bug #11659)
* Workaround: Remove assert check triggered in structure.c (bug #11984; curre

ntly still not fully solved)

* GUI:
* Change: Add proper icons for the 'ready' buttons in the multiplayer/skirmis
h lobby.
* Fix: Fix tooltip for the circle order. Used to read 'patrol'.
* Fix: Crash when opening any of the research/manufacture/construct menus in
game (bugs #11669 and #12036)
* Gameplay:
* New: Prevent structure 'painting' exploit by making unfinished structures r
eturn power with time and disappear when all power was given back. (patch #1030)
* New: Units gain speed increase with experience. (patch #906)
* Change: Effect of skirmish modifier slider increased by 20%.
* Change: Removed lowest power level, added a higher power level.
* Change: VTOL movement rules simplified. No cliff height limitations anymore
* Fix: Building limits apply correctly. (bug #11293)
* Fix: Rocket Autoloader research does not appear before lancer is researched
and has "HEAT Rocket Warhead" as a prerequisite, instead of "HEAP Mini-Rockets"
. (bug #11312)
* Fix: When cheating is on AIs get power boost on client's machines too.
* Fix: VTOLs did not move over water. (bug #11638)
* Multiplayer (non-skirmish only):
* Change: Make sure that packet size is turned into big endian before we send
it. This allows games between big (e.g. PowerPC) and little (e.g. Intel/AMD) en
dian machines, but breaks network compatibility with previous versions.
* Fix: When three players join the multiplayer lobby dialog, one drops (bug #
* Fix: "Randomly" exploding droids.
* Exception handler (aka crash dumper):
* New: Provide assembly and register dumps of the crash site.
* New: Add PhysicsFS version information to dumps.
* New: Add the used command line to dumps.
* New: Dump up to 20 of the last output debug messages.
* Balancing (Multiplayer Only):
* Change: Tank Killer now fires four projectiles instead of two, total firepo
wer is unaffected.
* Change: AA Projectiles fly faster which increases accuracy.
* Change: Hitpoints of Hardpoints, Fortresses and Walls slightly increased. H
itpoints of other structures doubled.
* Change: All cyborgs are produced faster by 10-15%.
* Change: Mini-pod's accuracy decreased by 10%.
* Change: Mini-Rocket Artillery short range accuracy increased by 10%, long r
ange accuracy decreased by 15%.
* Change: Super Heavy-Gunner, Super HPV Cyborg, Super Auto-Cannon Cyborg and
Tank-Killer Cyborg have more firepower.
* Change: Cost of Super Rail-Gunner, Super HPV Cyborg slightly decreased. Cos
t of Super Pulse Laser Cyborg, Super Heavy-Gunner and Super Auto-Cannon Cyborg h
alved to match their firepower.
* Change: Super Scourge Cyborg's cost increased by 10%.
* Change: Super HPV Cyborg has longer range, Super Auto-Cannon Cyborg's range
slightly decreased.
* Change: Super Cyborg's build time slightly decreased.
* Change: Flamers Rate of Fire decreased, damage increased. The resulting dam
age in the game is not affected.
* Change: Inferno weapon fires two jets instead of one.
* Change: All flamers are 5% less effective against tracked units.
* Change: Rate of Fire of Hyper Velocity Cannon decreased, damage increased.
The resulting damage in the game is not affected.
* Change: Bunker Buster's damage increased by 30% to make it competitive agai
nst flamers.

* Change: Anti-tank weapons are 15% more effective against hardpoints.

* Change: Anti-tank weapons effectiveness increased from 110% to 133% against
Half-tracked units, decreased from 133% to 110% against Tracked units.
* Change: Cost of all bodies (except for 'Viper' body) decreased to reflect b
ody's real value. Later bodies have more value that earlier bodies to justify re
search cost and time.
* Change: Tank-Killer hardpoint cost decreased from 300 to 275.
* Change: Range of Mini-Rocket Artillery increased from 7.5 tiles to 8.5 tile
* Change: Bunker Buster rocket is available earlier and has "Synaptic Link Da
ta Analysis Mk3" and "HEAP Mini-Rockets" as prerequisites instead of Lancer and
"HEAT Rocket Warhead Mk3".
* Aivolution AI:
* New: Different taunts.
* New: To find out what AI players are using Aivolution AI type "are you aiv?
" in the game.
* Fix: Using "go <player>" command makes Aivolution send its units to the pro
per player now.
* Fix: Division by zero error fixed.
* Fix: Won't ask allies for help when already defeated.
* Fix: Assert when trying to find out player name based on incorrect player n
* Fix: All dialogs between allied AIs are visible to all allies.
* Fix: A beacon is always placed on map before initializing a command.
* Fix: Several Aivolution AIs sending chat messages at the same time will not
result in an infinite loop anymore.
* Fix: Undefended enemy derricks will now be properly attacked with defenses
by trucks.
* Fix: Crash when starting skirmish game with aivolution (bug #11930)
* Mods:
* Change: We no longer use zones for path-finding. If they are present in the
map file, they will be ignored. Gateways are only used by AI.
2008-03-16: Version 2.1_beta2
* General:
* New: Preview of italian (35% complete), french (25%) and russian (9%) trans
* Fix: Crash (integer divide by zero) when starting a multiplayer game after
playing a single player game
* Fix: A memory corruption in structure limits could cause destroy button to
disappear (among other things)
* Fix: Crash during saving in multiplayer/skirmish mode, when Aivolution AI i
s enabled (bug #11084)
* Fix: Special characters would be printed as '?' (bug #10913)
* Fix: Warzone could lock up, trying to pick a droid (bug #11250)
* Graphics:
* New: Replaced old menu backdrops with new, high-res ones
* Change: Reduce the number of atmospheric particles generated and lower the
CPU usage
* Fix: Briefings were not displayed at high resolutions (bug #11121)
* Fix: Fonts were not displayed with QuesoGLC 0.7.0 (patch #961)
* Fix: Fireworks looked crappy (patch #994)
* AI:
* Fix: Restarting a map caused "unable to load experience" messages (bug #110
* Fix: Upgrade power generator with powModule instead of resModule (bug #1112
* Fix: AI opponents would use the medium yellow body all the time (bug #11097
* Balancing (Multiplayer):

* Change: Let weapons with high ROF but low damage deal damage too (bug #1119
* Change: Fortress balacing adapted
2008-02-17: Version 2.1_beta1
* General:
* New: i18n support (German translation at 95%, dansk 13%, dutch 11%)
* New: Optional additional AI: Aivolution
* New: 64bit compatibility
* New: Video options menu to allow for things such as resolution to be
changed without needing to manually edit the config file.
* New: 'Locked Teams' alliance mode: human players and AIs can play in a team
against other teams.
* New: Allies now have shared vision in 'Teamplay' and 'Locked Teams' modes.
* New: Height-map mini-map mode (Default key combination to cycle through min
i-map modes: Ctrl+Tab).
* New: Multi-Turret support for units and structures.
* New: 'Circle' command for VTOLs - upon activation will make VTOLs fly in ci
rcles and engage approaching enemies.
* New: A more realistic miss/hit evaluation system - allows to dodge projecti
* New: Top, bottom, left, right, front and rear armor types for units.
* New: Improved scripting language documentation.
* New: UTF-8 and font rendering support added (aids in i18n). This depends on
* Change: Migrate all networking code to a new and improved net-primitives AP
* Change: Store data in "Local Settings\Application Data" instead of "My Docu
ments\My Games", as Microsoft recommends.
* Fix: Skirmish difficulty slider now applies settings to the right players.
* Campaign Mode:
* Fix: accuracy, damage and ROF upgrades, which were mistakenly applied to Mi
ni-Pods and Mini-Rocket
Artillery, are now correctly applied to Lancer, Bunker Buster, Tank Ki
ller and Ripple Rockets.
* Unit AI:
* New: Multi-criteria target selection routine to automatically choose the be
st suitable target.
* New: Units and structures will constantly look for a better target taking i
nto consideration
targets of the friendly units nearby - won't lock on one target foreve
r anymore.
* Skirmish/Multiplayer AI:
* New: Enabled basic level of Human-AI cooperation, for more information visi
* New: AI units now return to defend its own base when it's in trouble.
* Improved: AI is faster at producing units, upgrading structures and oil cap
* Several other improvements.
* Fix: AI doesn't get free units when playing in 'Advanced Bases' mode anymor
* Fix: AI won't preferably attack humans anymore.
* Buildsystem:
* New: Gettext required (0.17 is known to work)
* New: Intel C++ Compiler (ICC) supported (10.0 is known to work, FIXME: only
release-mode compiles atm :FIXME)
* Change: No optional dependencies anymore (Ogg/Vorbis now required)
* Change: Use pkg-config (0.9 should work) instead of autoconf scripts for SD
L, PNG and Ogg/Vorbis (Faster)
* Balancing (Multiplayer):

* Rock-Paper-Scissors applied to all weapon types by emphasizing their specia

* Less popular technologies like LasSat, Fortresses, Flamers, Mini-Pods, Ligh
t Cannon are made more attractive
by raising their effectivity.
* Cost/Performance ratio improved for Cyborgs.
* Cannons cause more splash damage are now more versatile in their use.
* Lancer and Tracks have more pre-requisites to become available.
2007-12-28: Version 2.0.10
* General:
* Change: Exit screen looks a bit cleaner than before now
* Change: Add some more info to the POSIX exception handler (Used compiler, r
esponsible distributor)
* Sound:
* Fix: Make sure that sound still works with libvorbis 1.1 (this got broken i
n 2.0.9)
* Graphics:
* Fix: Prevent AMD OpenGL driver (slow) software rendering fallback, introduc
ed in 2.0.8 (bug #10486)
* Buildsystem:
* New: Distributors now should use --with-distributor="Some String" when conf
iguring, so we can track back where the dump comes from
2007-12-03: Version 2.0.9
* Sound:
* Fix: Sound works with libvorbis 1.2.0 (no more hangups) (bug #10153)
2007-12-01: Version 2.0.8
* General:
* New: Possibility to use the zero-key ('0') to assign groups to as well (pat
ch #828)
* New: Repeat keypresses if the key is hold long enough (e.g. one press of 'A
' becomes 'AAAAAAAAAA' if just held long enough)
* Fix: Remove invalid references to software renderer textures (caused crashe
s between campaign 1-2 and 2-3) (bug #9497)
* Fix: Improve POSIX exception handler reliability (GDB could have had troubl
e locating the executable)
* Fix: Dead objects could be targeted when structures used commanders and cou
nterbatteries for targeting
* Fix: Prevent divide by zero errors caused by ordering a VTOL to attack a dr
oid at the same X & Y coordinates (bug #9704)
* Fix: Workaround mysterious crash when updating beacons (bug #9455)
* Fix: Crash on game exit (bug #9927)
* Fix: Don't add/remove droids to/from groups upon selecting/deselecting them
(patch #829)
* Fix: Crash where rearming VTOL would try to set a dead target (r2651)
* Multiplayer:
* Change: In the "Join Game" menu you can now choose between "IP" (same as th
e old "Internet" option) and "Lobby" (directly proceed to the Lobbyserver)
* Change: Protocol-selection removed from "Host Game", since the only option
was "Internet"
* Sound:
* Fix: Workaround a bug in OpenAL SI 0.0.8 GNU/Linux, which could lead to a c
* Fix: Crash upon receiving invalid sound ID numbers (out of bounds array acc
ess) (bug #9694)
* Fix: Crash when loading sounds without filenames (patch #855, bugs #9927 an
d #10142)
* Graphics:

* Change: Slightly faster terrain rendering (+ 5-10%) (patch #830, patch #833
* Fix: Make progress bar white again
* Fix: Textures where not properly reloaded when finishing a campaign and con
tinueing with the next (bug #9923)
* Fix: Reduce the dark borders around the terrain tiles (patch #845)
* Fix: Slight visual improvement: Reduced flickering of ground and water tile
s (patch #841)
2007-06-22: Version 2.0.7
* General:
* New: Screenshots are now saved as PNGs for better quality
* Fix: AutoPackage (Linux Installer) should be easier to install now and also
work on non Athlon CPUs. It doesn't support playback of MP3s anymore, though.
* Fix: It was possible to disable the computer in singleplayer games
* Fix: Crashes caused by not-loaded file when sound is disabled
* Fix: Crashes after the mission briefing
* Fix: Crash related to the satelite uplink
* Fix: A potential buffer overflow when using longer file names than expected
to set the background music
* Settings:
* New: Masterserver name and IP, as well as the gameserver port is now config
* New: Configurable framerate limit
* New: Possibility to always allow debugmode
* Change: Warzone will now run in fullscreen by default (current configuratio
ns won't be affected)
2007-03-31: Version 2.0.6
* General:
* New: New exceptionhandler allows better bugreports by saving memory dumps (
On Windows and Linux)
* Fix: Windows 98 is supported again
* Fix: Saving of config should work correctly for all settings again
* Fix: Missing transport in Campaign 2 Mission 1 and Campaign 3 Mission 1 arr
ives again
* Fix: Various crashes
* Graphics:
* New: Skybox
* New: Translucent selection-box from version 1.x restored
* Fix: Better fog
* Fix: Wrongly displayed tileset in Campaign 2 Mission 1 and Campaign 3 Missi
on 1 properly fixed
* Fix: Camera now properly displayed on radar
* Fix: Gamma control support improved
* Fix: Colors on Mac corrected
* Sound:
* Fix: No more invalid OpenAL errors
* Fix: Properly startup without sound
* Cutscenes (still text only):
* Change: Make texts more easily readable
* Change: Proceed faster so it does not look as if Warzone hangs
* Change: Exit by pressing left mouse button
* Commandline options:
* Fix: --resolution works as expected now
* Build system:
* New: Docs can now be installed in Autotools builds
* New: You can now control the installation dir for the icon and .desktop fil
e by passing --icondir and --applicationdir to configure
* New: MSVC project file now supports automated building of lexers/parsers

* Change: Generation of lexers/parsers changed

* Change: Data is now build by default
* Change: Automated building of NSIS installer is now supported on Linux and
(You will have to set --with-makensis --with-installer-libdir and -with-installer-version)
* Fix: Autotool build: Cleaning and uninstallation has been fixed (and genera
lly Automake's features are used better)
2006-09-07: Version 2.0.5
* General:
* New: Added beacons for skirmish and multiplayer, can be placed on map and r
adar, default key combination: Alt+H
* New: Allied players send vision to each other automatically (only once)
* New: Non-Mac versions can now load Mac-created savegames and the other way
* New: Ctrl+MouseWheel makes game speed up or slow down
* New: MouseWheel over radar makes radar zoom in/out
* New: Basic map editing in debug mode. 'w' and 'a' raise and lower terrain,
'k' flips tiles
* Fix: Nasty crashes related to (not) playing videos are fixed
* Fix: License clarification
* Sound:
* Fix: Playlists with DOS line endings should work now
* Graphics:
* Fix: Improve shadow performance and fix OpenGL specs violation
* Fix: Framerate counting gives correct results now
* Commandline options:
* New: --noshadows: switches off shadows for better performance (--shadows en
ables them again)
* New: --nosound: switches off sound (--sound enables it again)
* Change: --viewport becomes --resolution
* Build system:
* New: MinGW32 crosscompilation support
* Change: src/version.* not used anymore. In MSVC define VERSION=\"...\" in p
reprocessor settings instead
* Change: Raw Makefile improvements for WIN32: Now adding an icon ressource
* Change: Install desktop icons via "make install"
2006-08-25: Version 2.0.4
* General:
* Changed namings: Project: Warzone Resurrection Project, Product: Warzone 21
00, Binary: warzone2100(.exe)
* MacOS / big endian support
* Desktopmenu entry for Linux (AutoPackage/Debian package)
* Different minimap modes (backported from 0.2.3)
* Fix crash when not properly creating the write dir on Windows
* Fix crash when using uppercase savegame names on Linux
* Several security fixes
* Other bug fixes
* Sound:
* Fixed music playlist loading and ogg music playback
* Graphics:
* 16bpp "supported" (basic playing possible, graphics glitches may occur, eg.
missing progressbars)
* Data:
* Warzone uses AI from original version 1.10
* AI reacts faster and builds stronger and more high-tech things
* Fixed a bug which prevented the AI from creating oil derricks
* Data is now stored in "Documents and Settings\Username\My Documents\Warzone

2.0" (in your local language) on Windows

* Scripting:
* Support for functions (including local variables, arguments and return valu
* String support
* AI can now send and recieve text messages
* Many new predefined functions
* Commandline options:
* New option: --version shows current version and marks debug compiles
* Using --long-opts instead of -short-opts now
* -1234x456 has changed to --viewport 1234x456
* Debugging:
* Cheat mode access changed
* Logfile shows revision and version
* Script parse errors now report filename and line number
* Warzone is now a full Windows app. Debug output goes to stdout.txt/stderr.t
* You can now add any number of own debugging callbacks to output to various
Current implementations: stderr, -debugfile and Windows debugger
See lib/framework/debug.c, src/clparse.c and src/main.c for examples
* Debuging now outputs the same on all compilers
* Build system:
* Makefile.raw system improved. Works without sh/MSys now.
* AutoMake build now requires version 1.8
2006-07-01: Version 2.0.3
* General:
* New logo
* Menu improvements
* Master server support
* Made scenario briefings visible
* Fixed bugs which could prevent the transport from arriving
* Fixed file loading/saving on Windows
* Fixed nearly all memleaks
* Various crashfixes
* Code improvements/simplifications and commonalization
* Pressing TAB pastes clipboard in host address dialogue (join network game)
* Pressing ALT+S toggles shadows
* Framerate limited to a sane amount (60 currently)
* Graphics:
* PNG support (converted all PCX files and removed support for them)
* Support for JPEG files in .wz packages
* Maximum polygons and vertices in pie files increased to 512
* Fixes for the shadows
* Sound:
* Fixed sound system shutdown
* Warzone starts with busy audio device
(eg while playing music from another program)
* Commandline options:
* -help added
* -datadir <path> for userdefined data locations
* -mod <mod> to enable global mod (in mods/global)
* -mp_mod <mod> to enable multiplay only mod (in mods/multiplay)
* -ca_mod <mod> to enable campaign only mod (in mods/campaign)
* Data:
* Support for mods:
* Starting an original map in multiplay mode will load campaign mods on
* Starting a map from patches (original maps in T2+3 and all other maps

will load multiplay mods as expected
* Improved search for data and allow running from src/ directory
dir/maps > dir/mods > dir/mp/ > dir/ > dir/mp.wz > dir/warzone.wz
-datadir > User's home (maps/mods only) > SVN data (plain only) > Aut
oPackage > Program dir > DEFAULT_DATADIR
* Write directory (where config, savegames and screenshots are saved)
is USERDIR\warzone-2.0 on Windows and HOME/.warzone-2.0 on Linux
* All file handling is now case insensitive
* Merge of all 01,02,0x patches into mp/ directory
* Patches (mp.wz) and original data (warzone.wz) are split when installed
(Fixes problems with T2+3 maps)
* Build system:
* make (un)install support
* make DESTDIR="..." support
* Flex and Bison are used to generate parsers
* AutoPackage support (
* G++ support
* MSVC support
2005-10-20: Version 0.2.3
* Added hack to disable shadows.
* Added fps meter.
* Added map preview
* ctrl-tab objects-only radar view
* shift-tab ally-enemy radar view
* make wz remember last used ip for 'enter ip' dialog box
* allies must be visible in multiplayer/skirmish
* fixed double/empty multiplayer msgs
* added routine to process console commands (they start with '/' right now)
* won't send empty lines in lobby and in-game chats anymore
* player's own messages are not doubled during multiplayer games anymore
* Fixed Color issues thanks to input from Troman. :)
* This release fixes more .wz stuff (map loading),
you need a maps directory now for this to work.
This is located on the root directory, along with the music directory.
2005-07-28: Version 0.2.2
* More Compiler warning fixes.
* Fixed a few assert-related problems.
* Lots of lex/yacc related fixes.
* Fixed a crash with missing videos
* Fixed a wrong function definition / call in multiint.c.
* Fixed crash with international characters.
* Fixed memory release crash.
* Removed the last traces of stubs.c in both ivis directories (and thus fixed b
uilding the software renderer with automake).
* Check that video mode can actually be set.
* Changed the static makefiles to build the OpenGL version by default. Use GFX=
software for the software renderer.
* It is now possible to compile the game with g++ using the -fpermissive compil
er flag.
2005-07-16: Version 0.2.1
* .net bug fixes.
* Music sample rate fix.
* New: Shuffle mode for playlists.
* Fixed tile-related crash.
* Removed useless culling code.


Moved MatScale function into the ivis lib.

Configure fix: OpenAL is required, not optional.
More code cleanup.
gcc4 fixes (thanks to Matze Braun).
Fixed problem with power plant effect.
Now use rand() for shuffle mode in playlist on all platforms.
Fixed sound-related crash on exit.
Fixed crash when saving without any available sound device.
Fixed a division by zero.
Made the banner ad only display on pause, since having it on all the time is
really annoying.
--enable-debug removed from configuration options for the time being.
Changed playlist syntax. Replaced '[track1]' and '[track2]' with less cryptic
'[game]' and '[menu]' tags.
Removed some no-more-needed verbosity during playlist parsing.
Reverted to wdg data file format, which re-enabled technology levels 2 and
3, plus more maps.
More sample musics from Neos in order to demo the new shuffle mode.
Cleaned-up (kinda...) JPEG backdrops used for backgrounds in OpenGL.

2005-06-25: Version 0.2

* Code cleanups and minor bug corrections.
* Correction of a bug that prevented network games between Windows and Linux
machines. Windows-only or Linux-only network games were unaffected.
* Music support added. See README.
* Merge of source and data tarballs.
* Video sequences removed (they can't be used anyway).
* "Thump-thump" of the oil-pumps toned down a bit.
* COPYING (oops !), README, CHANGELOG and AUTHORS added to base directory.
2005-06-11: Version 0.1
* Based on the code liberated on December 6th, 2004.
* Proprietary technologies replaced by SDL, OpenGL and OpenAL.
* Network implemented using SDL-net.
* Zoom enhancements (increased range and control using the mouse wheel).
Pre-GPL releases:
0000-00-00: Version 1.10
* Improved Command Turrets. Heavier armours to improve the battlefield survival
of commanders.
* Twin Assault Gun. Faster firing assault guns with increased fire power.
* EMP Mortar. Launch Electro-magnetic pulses into advancing enemies, then blast
them and/or fry them with more conventional artillery.
* Plasmite Bomb.Incendiary bombing hots up with the arrival of the plasmite bom
b bay.
* EMP Missile Launcher. Halt enemy attacks before they even start with the EMP
* HEAT Armour Upgrades. The answer to surviving the plasmite bombers.
* AA Laser Battery. Improved AA defence using laser technologies
0000-00-00: Version 1.09
* Two New Super-Heavy Bodies including the heaviest armours yet. Theyre slow, bu
t theyre almost impossible to stop!
* Plasmite Flamer Upgrades. Three new upgrades to turn up the head on the flame
rs to really high levels.
* Improved Tech 3 Factory Production. Build new units even faster to get those
NEXUS bodies and super-Cyborgs into action faster.
* AA-Gun Hardpoints. New building techniques allow Anti Aircraft defences to be

built on Hardpoint structures.

* Sam Site Hardpoints. New building techniques allow Surface to Air missile def
ences to be built on Hardpoint structures.
* Fixed crash on having more than 40 maps.
0000-00-00: Version 1.08
* Its balance time. Not many new technologies this time, weve addressed the stabi
lity and balance issues before adding new features.
* Cyborg balancing:
* Improved Cyborg Alloys.
* New Cyborg production techniques improve basic Cyborg armours.
* A slight tweak to improve Cyborg resistance damage using existing upgrades.
* New Building Techniques. New hardcrete formula improves defence and structure
upgrades to make buildings more damage resistant.
* NEXUS link harder to research. Moved down the tech tree to make it appear lat
er in the game.
* Fortresses: OK we lied about not adding anything new. Huge heavily armoured s
tructures that pack weapons that are too large to ever fit on a vehicle.
* Super Cannon Fortress - a 2x2 structure with a huge cannon
* Heavy Rocket Bastion - a 2x2 structure with a heavy rocket
* Mass Driver
- a 2x2 structure with a super-railgun
* Missile Fortress
- a 2x2 structure with a heavy AT missile.
* EMP Turret. The EMP turret is the mobile answer to stopping enemy units dead
in their tracks
* Wide Spectrum Sensor Turret. Design and build mobile WSS turrets to target en
emy bases.
* Cant use NEXUS link to build huge armies anymore.
* Select Research screen can now hold twice as many topics, to allow for latest
* Skirmish player has a few new tricks up its sleeve.
* Skirmish scripts are now no longer stored in the wdg. End users can now modif
y and create their own skirmish scripts.
* A number of bug/feature fixes:
* Cant demolish & rebuild the Lassat to cheat anymore.
* Crash when self repairing truck started building fixed (this is the bug man
y people reported after 1.07).
* Minor memory issue addressed.
* Numerous play it safe code changes.
* Loading a save game multiple times(8) now works.
0000-00-00: Version 1.07
* Satellite Up-Link Structure - Research and build the satellite up-link struct
ure to reveal the entire map
* Wide Spectrum Sensors - Operates as sensor, VTOL strike, and counter-battery
* LasSats - Gain control of the LasSats and use them to blast your enemies. The
ultimate in WZ weaponry has arrived!
* New Weapons:
* Plasma Cannon - Long range heavy hitting fire power
* EMP Cannon - Fires an electro-magnetic pulse to disable enemy units.
* Super-Cyborg Reinforcements
* Anti-Tank Missile Super-cyborg - A cyborg gunner with a heavier punch!
* Pulse Laser Cyborg - A heavier laser to take out enemy cyborgs
* Rail Super-gunner - Rail guns step up a notch to kill enemy tanks
* New Maps:
* Beggars Kanyon - A claustrophobic, 8 player desert map.
Oil is plentiful, but you ll have to balance research with good defences if
you want to win.
* Gridlock City - The remains of a huge city. This is an 8 player map with lo
ts of oil resources.

The space between bases and lack of bottlenecks make this an ideal map for
trying out new technology. Try using the LasSat on an enemy Command Center to ca
use confusion before a tank rush.
* Map preview in multiplayer setup.
* Skirmish:
* Fixed power generator upgrade bug, player no longer builds lots of sensors
in his base!
* Skirmish support for artillery emplacements, air defences modified slightly
* Slightly harder on the highest setting.
* Bug fix to structure limit screen.
* Single Player:
* Fixed the case where the transport did not land directly on the landing pad
0000-00-00: Version 1.06
* New NEXUS Technologies:
NEXUS technologies can now be researched! New electronic warfare weapons let
you disable enemy factories and steal their technologies. Also the NEXUS link ha
s been analysed and reproduced - capture enemy forces and take over defensive st
* NEXUS Link - Temporarily disables enemy structures and steals technology. C
apture enemy units and take over defensive structures.
* Unit Auto-Repair - Automatically repairs damaged units. Youve seen NEXUS do
it, now you can too!
* New Super-Cyborgs:
* Theyre here and theyre mean. Super-cyborgs pack big weapons and are heavily a
* Medium Cannon Cyborg - Cyborg gunner with a heavier punch!
* HPV Cyborg - Adds hyper-velocity cannons to cyborgs
* Assault Cannon - The ultimate in Cyborg cannon firepower
* Tank Killa - Fires tank killer rockets (No kidding!)
* New Weapons:
* Twin Assault Cannon - Twice the firepower of the assault cannon!
* Heavy Laser - Disintegrates enemy cyborgs.
* New Maps:
* Basingstoke - 4 player desert map. Work your way in slowly from the corners
of this huge environment, taking the oil first and then the enemy s territory.
In an area as large as this it is impossible to rush your opponents. Be pat
ient, research carefully, and surprise them late in the game with something they
re not expecting.
* Little Egypt - 4 player desert map. In a claustrophobic map the enemy are n
ever far away.
If you re losing the battle then use politics to turn the tables. Choosing
the right alliances in Little Egypt might well win you the war.
One more thing: don t be lulled into a false sense of security by the water
surrounding your base - hover units and VTOL s are easily manufactured!
* Sand Castle - 8 player urban map. Capture the remains of this once great c
ity block by block, securing the bridges with defences as you progress.
Howitzers, mortars and VTOL s will help you reach enemies across the water
when they re least expecting it.
* To help see how resistive your units are to electronic warfare weve added a ne
w power bar. Hold ctrl with a unit/structure selected to display it s resistance.
This feature was also in 1.04 , but weve moved it from overlaying the units power
bar to overlaying the reload bar.
* Choose your own base.
You can now be any player and any color in a skirmish / multiplayer game. Cho
ose your base on the flag-requester in the multiplayer setup menu. Each number c
orresponds to a particular base on the map. To find your favourite base play a s
kirmish game, press keypad-enter to list the players. The number of each players

base is next to the players name. (eg on rush the top left is base 0, top ri
ght 1, bottom right 2, bottom left 3)
* Bug fixes:
* Fixed crash in skirmish when turning off most skirmish players crashed the
game on startup.
* Factory upgrades in multiplayer were sometimes displaying incorrectly (medi
um looked like large).
* Slight Cyborg fix.
* Fixed the awkward cd swap on loading a saved skirmish game.
* Large repair turret is now correctly named.
* Fixed a crash that occurs when a player is typing in a chat message when th
e game starts up.
* Forming an alliance now stops any battles currently happening between allie
d players. Previously they would continue for a while.
* We found a work around using research which could give you some free power.
* Skirmish players are now reassigned when a human leaves. no more dead ski
rmish players.
* Skirmish changes and improvements.
You can ally with the computer players. More templates, super cyborgs, doesn
t build in water, NEXUS technology support, provisional counter battery support
. Research is now shared between allies in Skirmish games. When you complete a t
opic, it is also given to your allies (as in teamplay).
* You can now build next to walls, and build walls next to structures. You aske
d for it! Dont come moaning when you wall yourself in!
* Routing change. Modified the routing code to be a bit smarter.
* Extra cheat modes and debug screens. Warzone-mod fans stay tuned!
* Direct Modem Play options.
You can select a different modem to play with other than the windows default m
odem. This will help those people with 2 or more modem devices (e.g. windows CE s
ervice users). To use a different modem open the direct modem directory in the War
zone 2100 program directory and double click on the desired modem. 0 is the defa
ult setting.
* Map Editor support.
Provisional support for map downloading has been added. If a remote player do
es not have the map it will be automatically downloaded from the host. THIS HAS
NOT BEEN TESTED IN THE INTERNET ENVIRONMENT and is very heavy on communications.
If the connection between machines is non reliable the transfer may fail. If th
is happens you will need to delete the map file from the root of your Warzone in
OR TO STARTING WARZONE. A message will be added to the chat once the player has
the map. Send feedback on this feature to We intend to
address this feature further in the next update.
0000-00-00: Version 1.06b - Extra fixes
* Units no longer return to base when they re auto-repairing.
* Fixed auto-repair when assigned to commander problem.
* Fixed player colours problem on radar map after skirmish re-load.
* Fixed problem where viewing window over radar map was lost following skirmish
* Fixed problem with number of units assignable to commander following re-load.
* Annoying CD-Swap requests for skirmish re-load finally fixed.
* Fixed the problem where the new Heavy Laser wasn t firing correctly (or often
* Units no longer fire on recently assimilated enemy units (ie - taken over by
a Nexus turret).
* Fixed crash that happened when scrapping a commander that had units assigned
to him.
* "Transforming" structures removed - we re looking at revisiting this in futur

0000-00-00: Version 1.05

* New Incendiary weapons:
* Incendiary Mortar - Heat up those entrenched defenders
* Incendiary Howitzer - Fire long range incendiaries into enemy bases
* Plasmite Flamer Emplacement - Short range flamer defense with devastating b
urn damage. Excellent for igniting base rushers!
* New Cyborgs.
Cyborg reinforcements are on their way! First to arrive are the thermite flam
er, grenadier cyborgs, mechanics and combat engineers. Next month watch out for
the first of the super-cyborgs! These are a new class of heavily armored Cyborg
warriors. They cost more and take longer to build, but they pack weapons that ar
e too heavy for regular cyborgs. (known issue: Grenadier cyborgs attached to a c
ommander may not fire. Will be fixed in 1.06).
* Cyborg Transports.
Use transports to move cyborgs across the map. To unload individual units rig
ht click the transport to open the cargo window. To order all cyborgs out of the
transport, hold ALT and left click the destination.
* New Technologies:
* Improved Cyborg and Vehicle HEAT armors - Your best defense against flamers
* Improved mobile repair units - Increase repair rate.
* New Maps:
* Rolling Hills - 4 Player desert map.
Push forward over the rolling hills of the title and retreat to the narrowe
r canyons around your base when the going gets tough. Those who reach the centra
l desert quickly will be rewarded with oil barrels (easily taken from the weak s
cavenger settlements). More permanent oil resources can be found along the banks
of the three rivers - we suggest hit and run hover groups for surprising the en
* Hide and Sneak - 8 player urban map.
In this strange, Tron-like environment you can hide but you can t run. Wind
ing your way around the maze will quickly reveal nearby oil resources, but remem
ber to go carefully and lock down areas as you progress. Later you may wish to b
uild derricks in the oil - rich central area, but be warned: reveal your positio
n and attacks will come from all sides.
* Yin-Yang - 8 player mountain map.
The glacial conditions here have created steep cliffs between the vast swir
ls of high and low ground. Navigate carefully and keep an eye out so as not to b
e outflanked by enemy tank groups. You may find the Cyborg Transport useful in s
etting up surprise attacks and remote structures.
* Sensor Range Display.
Press and hold Z to see a snapshot of your sensor range. Perfect for finding
those spots youve missed.
* Skirmish Improvements:
* Each skirmish player can now be assigned a difficulty. Drag the slider to t
he right to increase the difficulty. Drag all the way to the left to turn off t
he player (the last player cant be turned off).
* Skirmish players now build walls, and dont build on burning oil pools. Most
cheats now work in one player skirmish. Computer players dont cheat as much. Bug
fixes to skirmish save-game. No more mystery units in the middle of the map!
* In one player Skirmish mode, computer players now have a score and are rank
ed on the multiplayer score screen, as a human player would be.
* Multiplayer Research Info.
A small heart appears by any research topic your allies are working on. Now y
ou can see what they are researching! Move the mouse over the heart to see which
player is researching that topic. (note that in TeamPlay, research is automatic
ally shared: you dont have to give a research gift)
0000-00-00: Version 1.04

* Build List Queuing.

Allows queuing of structures to be built by trucks. Select a structure, choos
e a site, then repeat this sequence while holding shift or ctrl for each additio
nal structure you wish to build.
* Demolition Queuing.
Demolish a series of structures by first selecting the demolish icon, followe
d by the first structure you wish to demolish, repeat this sequence while holdin
g shift or ctrl for each additional demolish order. Demolish and build queues ca
n be mixed, as can building lines of defensive structures.
* Campaign 3 Technology Trees.
Research and Develop Campaign 3 Technologies - adds rail guns, lasers and mis
* One-Player Skirmish Save Games.
Now you can save in one player skirmish games. Ideal for those long battles a
gainst the computer.
* Improved Skirmish AI.
This skirmish update improves on enemy detection and how the enemy chooses re
search and units. Its much more realistic and a lot tougher. If you find it too h
ard, try turning off alliances, or remove a few skirmish players on big maps. (c
lick the computer icon where the flags usually appear in the host game screen)
* Commanders and Repair.
Commanders can now be repaired by holding down Alt and selecting a commander
with a repair unit. Also units returning from repair centers now always return t
o the commanders current position.
* Multiple Map download problems are now fixed
* Better support for 3dfx cards. Voodoo3 issues resolved.
* Internal code changes should make cheating more difficult
0000-00-00: Version 1.03b
* Two Great New Maps:
* Great Rift A massive 192x192 sized 4 player map set in the Arizona Desert.
Four high Plateaus surrounding a great chasm. Take control of the oil resources
and wreak havoc with Howitzers and Ripple Rockets.
* The Pit A great crater surrounded by high plateaus. Defend your plateau or
take and hold the center. The choice is yours.
0000-00-00: Version 1.03
* Technology Level 2 changes: Selecting a multiplayer Campaign level now sets t
he starting levels of the technologies in that game.
* Campaign 1 - Enables the entire tech tree from the start of campaign 1 to t
he end of campaign 2
* Campaign 2 - Starts with campaign 1 technology already researched and enabl
es campaign 2 tech.
* Factory Settings Feature.
Attack Ranges, Retreat Levels, Fire Options and Movement Options can have the
ir factory settings altered. To access the factory settings, right click the fac
tory in the 3d view, then select the settings you want to change. All future uni
ts produced by the factory will have the new settings.
* Thicker D3D smoke!
* Modification to video playback in single player.
* Minor Changes to Skirmish code in preparation for a future update.(eg players
dont build themselves in anymore)
0000-00-00: Version 1.02
* Two New Maps:
* Concrete Playground - A massive 250 x 250 sized 8 player map. Our biggest y
Set in an urban wasteland with huge concrete plateaux that with a little ca
reful planning can be defended from enemy attack. With plenty of oil resources a
nd vast expanses of water. Get researching them Hovers! Be sure to let us know w

hat you think of this monster map.

* Fishnet - A big 96 x 96 sized 4 player map.
Set in a huge valley with plenty of lakes surrounded by snowy ridges. Contr
ol the ridges or take the center. Choose wisely!
* DirectPlay setup tweak.
0000-00-00: Version 1.01
* New:
* Support for WZ add-on packs - WZ now has the functionality to support addit
ional maps, units and research technology.
* New maps - Zigurrat, Wheel Of Fortune and The Valley Of Death.
* Unit limit increased to 100 per side in Multiplayer.
* Maps can be played at 2 different technology levels.
This feature is not yet available in skirmish so to ensure that you can acc
ess the campaign two technology maps, make sure that skirmish is not toggled to
be ON since the maps wont be available in this mode. To access the campaign two
technology maps, ensure that you have no computer players enabled and then selec
t a new map. When the map select form comes up, click on the tab with the number
2 on it. You will then be presented with the new maps - they all have -T2 after t
heir name. For the present, you will still have to progress through the campaign
1 research topics in order to access the new campaign 2 items. We are looking a
t the possibility of having these (campaign 1) topics already researched at the
start of the game as an option. This will most likely be introduced into Warzone
2100 in update 1.03.
* Players in a team share radar information and research - this is updated in
real time.
* Can see visibility and units/structures for allies in teamplay in realtime.
* New audio system with EAX support - this should lessen the chances of the a
udio system causing hangs on certain system specifications.
* Critical audio crash bug resolved.
* F12 support added for unit lost audio message and others.
* Fixes/Improvements:
* Revised skirmish code with improved AI. This will continue to be worked on.
For future updates we are looking to add a facility to save the game in skirmis
h mode.
* Key bind hack fixed - some players were cheating in multiplayer by altering
the keymap file - this is now not possible.
* Mplayer fix - Europeans (including UK) can play on Mplayer.
* Interface change to allow more structures and unit designs - the interface
forms will automatically expand to allow sufficient pages to display ALL availab
le options rather than being limited.
* Partially built wall bug fixed - it was possible to trick the interface int
o completing walls for you - not any more!
* Multiplayer communication tweaks. [end of message]
* Flashing cursor added to text entry code - this provides the player with a
more obvious indication that they have entered chat mode.
* Transparent water in d3d - originally only in Glide and now added to D3D. T
his works best in the Fog Of War setting.
* Construction lines working on TNT cards - when the constructors are buildin
g structures they emit a blue light from their bonnet. This was previously not v
isible to TNT owners.

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