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49-45 BC Caesars Civil Wars (Caesar vs Pompey)

49 BC Caesar appointed Dictator by Lepidus
48, 46, 45 BC Caesar granted consulship
44 BC Caesar likes the idea of becoming a kind, instead
becomes Co-Consul with Marc Antony
44 BC 15th March Caesar Assassinated by Cassius & Brutus
44 BC Mark Antony left as Consul of Rome, goes to Culpina
gathers Caesars money and will. Uses this to get what he
44 BC 17th March Senate convenes, condemns Caesarss
murderers, but pardons their act of treachery.
44 BC Caesars will read out and Octavian is adopted as
Caesars Son. Octavius then becomes heir and Mark Antony
is left Disappointed and riots break out.
44 BC- Cassius and Brutus flee, diminishes the aim of the
44BC Antony makes Marcus Aemilius Lepidus Pontifex
Maximus Sends him to Spain.
44 BC Octavius marches on Rome to take his rightful place;
his parents dont want him to because it could mean death.
44-43BC Senate appoints Mark Antony as governor of
Macedonia but he switches it to a five-year tenure in
Cisalpine Gaul whilst giving himself the right to command
Macedonian legions.
43 BC Hostility grew between Mark Antony and Octavian,
Antony refused Octavius attempt to have his adoption made
legally valid and refused to give Octavius Caesars money.
43 BC Octavius hes going to pay from his own money, the
debts of his father and also, statues etc.
43 BC - Senate orders Antony to leave Cisalpine Gaul, he
refuses. The Senate then sends an attack against Antony
(Two consuls plus Octavius) Spurred by Cicero and his
Philippic Attacks.

43 BC April 21st The battle of Mutina Begins and

Octavius brings 8 legions to the battle. Luckily, 2 consuls
died which left Octavian in Sole Command.
43 BC The Senate attempted to discard Mark Antony and
attempted to discard Octavian by granting Brutus & Cassius
(Caesars Murderers) supreme command of the eastern
43BC Antony then decides that his best interest lie within
the Caesarian party. (Octaviuss side) because he hated
Brutus and Cassius. Also, he wanted to be consul.
43 BC Octavius demands Consulship but Senate and Cicero
refuse. So, Octavius sends 400 centurions to Rome and
demand that their leader be given consulship.
43 BC Seized treasury in order to pay his troops and made
consular arrangements.
43 BC Octaviuss cousin, Quintus Pedius were elected
together they revoked the decree outlawing Mark Antony.
43 BC 27th of November - Octavian had been in
communication with Antony and Lepidus Formation of the
second Triumvirate. By means of Tribune Law.
42 BC 3rd of October, first Battle of Philipi. (To avenge
Caesar) Cassius commits suicide because he thinks Brutus
and his forces had been captured. The first battle ended up
being a stalemate.
42 BC 23rd of October, Second Battle of Philipi. Mark
Antonys forces grew weak. Bad Omen Eagles fighting
above. Brutus Lost and ended up killing himself.
42 BC Cassius and Brutus armies joined Antonys and
Octaviuss and they decided to divide up the Empire.
42 BC Mark Antony took the Easter Part (Cleopatra) and
Octavian was destined for imperial rule.
42 BC Octavius had to settle the veterans from the Battle
of Philippi. Land shortage forced him to confiscate the land
of 18 towns Outcry resulted.

42 BC Rome and Italy were threatened with famine as

Sextus Pompeius (in Sicily) prevented the grain ships from
reaching Italy.
42 BC Civil War escalating
40 BC Treaty of Brundisium: Antony to marry Octavia,
Octavians sister.
39 BC The treaty of Misenum: Sextus Pompeius demanded
a share in the control of the empire. Sextus Pompeius
appointed as pro-consul for 5 years.
39 BC War broke out with Octavian: He proved
unsuccessful against Pompeius in Sicily and asked Lepidus
and Antony for help. Instead Agrippa offered her service.
39 BC Antony arrived at Brundisium to help Octavian when
the latter failed to appear. Condemning him for breaking
the treaty with Pompeius.
37 BC Conference at Tarentum: Octavian wanted ships from
Antony for his war against Sextus Pompeius. Antony also
wanted 20,000 soldiers from Octavian. Lepidus helped
37 BC Triumvirate was renewed for a further 5 years.
37 BC Sextus Pompeius Defeated in a naval battle and
killed in the east.
37 BC Lepidus tries to take over Sicily but his troops
mutinied. Octavian then takes over Lepidus and some of
Pompeius troops. Deposed from the Triumvirate but
remained Pontifex Maximus.
37 BC Mark Antony marries Cleopatra.
37 BC Octavius adopts new name (Imperator Caesar divi
filius (Commander Caesar the Son of God.)
37 BC On his return to Rome, he is granted various honors.
Sacrosanctity of a tribune and also had his golden statue
36-34BC Antony and Cleopatra fell under Cleopatras spell
She wanted to restore the old Ptolemic kingdom.

35-34 BC- conducted two campaigns in Illyricum to gain

military prestige. And secured a safe route from Italy to
Macedonia. As well as, providing good food supply to the
roman people and the building of Aqueducts.
33 BC Dec 33rd - The end of the Triumvirate.
32 BC People of Rome and Italy swore an oath of allegiance
to Octavian. But, Antonys friends who were Consuls made a
speech in Antonys favour in the senate.
32 BC Antony sent notification of his formal divorce of
31 BC Octavian Consul again.
31 BC 2nd of September Battle of Actium: A naval
engagement between Octavian and Cleopatra/Antony.
31 BC Cleopatra and Antony sailed back to Alexandria,
whilst Antonys troops gave themselves to Octavian.
29 -28 BC Octavians return to Rome meant the restoration
of order and confidence.

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