Jesus and The Eschatological Temple 223

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Marile srbtori religioase se concretizau n Israel prin adunarea ntregii comuniti n jurul
sfntului sanctuar.76
Ziua de sabat avea pentru israelii o semnificaie complex, nu doar de ordin ritual, dar i social. n Lev.
23:32 se d indicaia expres ca n ziua de sabat lucrul s nceteze 76

inerea srbtorilor, intrarea n timpul sfnt, poruncile, posturile, abinerile de

la svrirea pcatelor constituie o imagine a modului prin care evreii i-au pstrat
identitatea pn n prezent, dar mai ales atunci cnd mprejurrile probau credina

The eschatological feast was an image used within Second Temple

Judaism to express an idea which could be supported by appeal to a
certain stream of Israels sacred traditions traditions which anticipated a
joyous banquet for restored Israel when God judged the nations enemies.
But the traditions also sometimes spoke of Israels judgement using the
metaphor of a feast and could anticipate a banquet which was broadly
inclusive. These latter traditions apparently informed Jesus practice of
table fellowship, the significance of which is encapsulated in the parable
of the great banquet as a prophetic critique of accepted notions of Israels
election and future restoration. Steven bryan 81
Jesus and the eschatological Temple 223
Temple. Jesus does not merely deny the Temples eligibility for the renewal
that would make it the Temple of the eschaton but charges that
the Temple of restoration should already have come into existence. His
symbolic termination of the Temples operation is seen as a declaration
that the Temple had failed to be what it should already have become.
Albeit rather more tenuous, other evidence may be adduced as support
for this view. J. Dunn among others has called attention to the possible
relevance of the closing line of Zechariah: And there shall no longer
be traders in the house of the LORD of hosts on that day(14.21).97 As
Dunn notes, the fact that Zechariah 14.21 is not actually cited makes it
difficult to be certain. However, there are good reasons to think that the
text did help to motivate Jesus action. First, the so-called triumphal entry
indicates that just before the Temple action Jesus undertook an action
conceived of as a fulfilment of prophecies from Zechariah. Second, there
is a reason why Jesus may have chosen to enact Zechariah 14.21 rather
than to cite it: the Hebrew text is susceptible to two interpretations. The
term rendered above as traders literally means Canaanites . If
1 Jonathan M. Golden, Ancient Canaan and Israel. New perspectives, Editura Abc-Clio, Inc, California,
2004, p. 63.

the literal meaning is in view, the text is easily read as an indication that
Gentiles would be excluded from the eschatological Temple. The LXX
provides us with evidence that the text was in fact read in this way during
the Second Temple. By enacting Zechariah 14.21, Jesus demonstrated
that his interpretation of the text was contrary to the literal reading; the
citation of Isaiah 56.7 confirms his actions rejection of the literal reading.
On Dunns reading, the text provides additional evidence that Jesuswas
symbolically purifying the Temple in anticipation of its eschatological
function. But Zechariah provides no reason to think that the presence of
traders was defiling. Instead, Zechariah anticipates an eschaton in which
the distinction between sacred and common, pure and impure, disappears:
every cooking pot in Jerusalem and Judah shall be sacred to the Lord of
hosts (14.21). Consequently, the traders whose task it was to provide
worshippers with commodities and currency of appropriate sanctity and
purity would no longer be required. If Jesus read the text in this way,
not only would it be consonant with his stance toward purity regulations
generally, but it would reveal yet another way in which Jesus measured
the standing Temple by the eschatological Temple and found the former
wanting: the eschatological Temple was to be a place in which the need
for commerce had been obviated by the sanctification of all society; the 223
Iisus a anunat apropierea unui timp al mplinirii. n concepia lui Steven m Bryan, acest timp
face referire la plinirea judecii divine 21
S-a implinit timpuls-a apropiatsemnele timpuluitimpul primeste valente apocaliptice,
Toi ateptau cu nfrigurare..efervescen spiritual, venirea lui Mesia, mplinirea profeiilor, dar
nimeni nu a putut prevedea momentul ntruprii. Momentul
Regii idolatri Manase i Amon.. Iosia restabilete cultul, gsete cartea Legii nlocuiete
altatrele de pe nlime statornicite de timp, introduce din nou monoteismul 203

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