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Saddam Hussein

Vs Macbeth
By : Warsame Farah

Saddams Background

Significance and Motive

Saddam Hussein was a lot like Macbeth in the way that he wanted
power. Just like Macbeth, Saddam used fear to keep power as a leader.
He was seen as a great leader by his people. He had several reforms
made to the country such as reforms for education, health, and the
general publics welfare. However, Saddam also developed Iraqs first
chemical weapon program and created a powerful security system. After
the U.S. found out about the chemical program and the 9/11 attack,
president Bush accused Iraq of having weapons of mass destruction.
Though no evidence of mass weapons of destruction was found, America
and iraq went to war. During the war, Saddam had fled and was later
found to be hanged.

Comparison and Contrast

-Similarities: Both killed people in order to

-Differences: Macbeth was king of his

keep their power.

-Both became to confident in themselves
which lead to their downfalls.
-Both fought in wars to keep their positions.

-Saddam was president.
-Macbeth had been mislead to kill duncan
-Saddam influenced himself to lead and kill.

-Saddams quotes: Allah is on our

-Macbeth quotes: None of woman born

side. That is why we will beat the aggressor.

shall harm Macbeth

Human Right Violations

Article 5: No one shall be subjected to torture
or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or

Article 21: Everyone has the right to take

part in the government of his country, directly or
through freely chosen representatives.

Article 26: Everyone has the right to


Article 27: Everyone has the right freely to

participate in the cultural life of the community,



Do you think that the removal of Saddam Hussein was

a good thing for Iraq.

2. In your opion was Saddam a great leader or bad


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