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Pump Pipeline

Analyses & Design

1 - Introduction

This chapter : analysis & design of pipe system

incorporating rotodynamic pumps
Pump selection CE concerned with:

Design of river abstraction

Borehole supplies from g/w & surface water
Foulwater drainage from low-lying land

3 categories of rotodynamic pumps (according to shape

of impellers):

Centrifugal (radial flow)

Mixed flow
Propeller (axial flow

Specific Speed (Ns):




3/ 4

Q: discharge
H: total head
N: rotational speed (rev/min)

Expression interpreted as speed in rev/min

Pump type

Ns range

Mixed flow
Axial flow

Up to 2600
2600 to 5000
5000 to 10 000

Total head generated by a pump is also called the manometric

head (Hm) since it is the difference in pressure head recorded
by pressure gauges connected to the delivery and inlet pipes
on either side of the pump, provided that the pipes are of same

2 Head terms in pumping

Static suction lift

Vertical distance fr water level in source of tank to centerline of
If pump lower than source tank, static suction lift is -ve

Static discharge head

Total static head

Vertical distance fr centerline of pump to w/l in discharge tank

Static suction lift + static discharge head

Total dynamic head (TDH)

Static head + friction loss + minor losses

a.k.a total head

Figure 1 Head terms in pumping

3 System head curve

For any piping system, the friction loss, hf and the

minor loss, hm can be expressed in terms of the flow
through the system.
kV 2
LV 2
H p Z


D2 g


0.81 LQ 2 KQ 2

H p Z

g D


Plot of eq (3) between Hp versus Q, is known as the

system head curve.
The curve represents behavior of the piping system,
important in selection of a pump.

Figure 2 Typical system head curve

4 Pump Characteristics Curve

For a given pump at a given speed, there are definite relationships

among the pump discharge capacity, head, power, and efficiency.

Relations are derived from actual tests on a given pump or similar

unit and are usually depicted graphically by the pump characteristics
or performance curves, comprising the following:

Pumping head versus discharge

Power input (P) versus discharge
Efficiency () versus discharge

Energy imparted to fluid is gQHm, & pump efficiency may be

derived as

gQH m


Figure 3 Pump Characteristic Curve

General shape of curves varies with size, speed &

design of particular pump
Important feature : increase in head reduces capacity
At given speed, pump is rated at the head and Q, which
gives max efficiency, referred as best efficiency point (A)

5 Single Pump & Pipeline System

Primary requirement : to determine a suitable pump and

pipe combination for the required design discharge.
Fig 4 : pump must generate total head equal to Hst plus
the pipeline head losses at Q.
Manometric head is defined as rise in total head across
Pd Vd2 Ps Vs2


g 2 g g 2 g

V s2

V d2
Z 2 hld

H m H st hld hls


Fig 4 Simple pumping main

Discharge is a function of both pump and

For a given system, head-discharge
characteristic curves for the pump may be
superimposed on that for the pipeline (Fig 5).
Point of intersection of the two characteristics
curves locates one possible combination of head
and discharge for the system under steady flow
The intersection point is referred to as the
operating point.

Figure 5 Pump and pipeline characteristics curves

Example 1
Calculate the steady discharge of water between the tanks
in the system shown in Figure below and the power
consumption. Pipe diameter (Ds = Dd) = 200 mm; Length =
2000 m; k = 0.03 mm (uPVC). Losses in valves, bends plus
the velocity head amount to 6.2 V2/2g. Static lift = 10.0 m.

Example 1
Pump characteristics






Total Head













The efficiencies given are the overall efficiencies of the

pump and motor combined.

6 Multiple Pump Systems

A. Pumps in parallel
Pumping stations frequently contain several pumps in parallel
arrangement. (Fig 6a). Any number of the pumps can be
operated simultaneously
Objective: deliver a range of discharges. Common feature of
sewage pumping stations where inflow rate varies.
By automatic switching according to the level in the suction well,
any number of the pumps can be brought into operation.

Fig 6 (a) Pumps operating in parallel

6 (b) Characteristic curves for

identical pumps operating in

In predicting H vs Q curve for parallel operation, it is

assumed that head across each pump is the same.
Thus, at any arbitrary head, individual pump discharges
are added (Fig 6b).

H np H p

Qnp nQ p


B. Pumps in Series

Basis of multistage and borehole pumps; the discharge from the

first pump (or stage) is delivered to the inlet of the second pump,
and so on.
Same discharge passes through each pump receiving a pressure
boost in doing so.
All the pump in series system must be operating simultaneously.
H nH



Figure 7
Pumps operating
in series

7 Variable speed pump operation

By using variable speed motors, Q of single

pump can be varied to suit operating
requirements of the system.
Using dimensionless analysis and dynamic
similarity criteria, it can be shown that if the
pump delivers a discharge Q1 at manometric
head H1 when running at speed N1; the
corresponding values when the pump is running
at speed N2 are given by:
N2 2
Q2 Q1 (


H 2 H1 (


Figure 8 Effect of speed

change on pump

In constructing the characteristic curve for speed N2,

several pairs of values of Q1, H1 from the curve for N1
can be obtained and transformed into homologous points
Q2, H2 on the N2 curve. (Fig 8).

Example 2

A centrifugal pump delivers 30 liters of

water per second against a head of 12
metres and running at 1200 r.p.m. requires
6 kW power. Determine the discharge,
head of the pump and power required, if
the pump runs at 1500 r.p.m.

8 Suction lift limitations

Cavitation : phenomenon consists of local vaporization of

a liquid
Occurs when absolute pressure falls to the vapour
pressure of the liquid at the operating temperature
Can occur at the inlet to a pump and on the impeller
blades, particularly if the pump is mounted above the
level in the suction well.
Cavitation causes physical damage, reduction in
discharge and noise.
To avoid: pressure head at inlet should not fall below a
certain minimum which is influenced by the further
reduction in pressure within the pump impeller. (Fig 9)

Figure 9 Head conditions in suction pipe

ps pv

If Ps represents the pressure at inlet, then

the absolute head at the pump inlet above the vapour
pressure (Pv) and is known as the net positive suction
head (NPSH).


p s pv p a pv

hs h fs


Where Pa : ambient atmospheric pressure; hs : suction lift;

hls : total head loss in suction pipe; Vs : velocity head in suction pipe; :
density of liquid.

Value of NPSH can be obtained from the pump manufacturer;

values must not be exceeded to avoid cavitation.
Thoma introduced a cavitation number:



In recent years electro-submersible pumps in the small

to medium size range have been widely used. They
eliminates the need for suction pipes; problems of
cavitation and cooling are avoided.

9 Installation of Centrifugal Pumps

Figure 10 Typical centrifugal
pump installation

Pump is installed between two valves for easy removal in case of

On suction side, a combined bellmouth entry and strainer are necessary,
together with a non-return valve to ensure self-priming.
On delivery side, a second non-return valve is necessary to prevent
damage from possible surge pressures.
In addition, an air valve and flow meter (venturi type) are desirable.

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