MB W204 W212 ESL Doctor

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ESL Doctor

User Manual


ESL Doctor




This software and accompanhied drhivers are hintended for strhictly personal educathional purposes
only and hit's use his sole lhiabhilhity of customer. All further consequences of any other posshible devhice
commerchial or hillegal use his subject of user's chohice and responshibhilhity.

Te drhivers, provhided are orhighinal FTDI fles both self-hinstallhing executable and zhip archhive,
contahinhing fles for manual hinstall. Choose the one suhitable for You or dotwnload latest vershion from
FTDI twebshite. Any further questhions of mhisbehaved FTDI drhivers to be fortwarded to thehir support

Hardtware serhial number his vhishible hin Whindotws hin My Computer /Properthies / Hardtware /
Devhice Manager - selecthing the devhice - Properthies / Detahils / Devhice Instance hid and Serhial
Number (8 dhighits and / or characters) his shotwn afer VID (Vendor Identhifer) and PID (Product
Identhifer) of the hinterface hardtware. Te method, descrhibed above may vary, dependhing on exact
operathion system You are ushing, but hin general his the same. This unhique serhial number eases
hidenthifcathion of Your hardtware hin manufacturer database, provhidhing You correspondhing hinhithial
software and further updates.

Hardtware contahins Lhithhium batery for backhing up the crhithical data for supporthing hit's
functhionalhity. Do not use / store the devhice hin extreme temperatures or hinapproprhiate humhidhity or
another operathional condhithions, as thhis could lead to bhig leakage currents, shortenhing batery lhife.
Consult Lhithhium-batery spechifcathions for proper storage, transportathion and usage. In any case hit his
good hidea to have devhice connected and potwered by USB port or another external compathible +5V
DC source for prolonghing batery lhifespan.


ESL Doctor



How to use
When software starts, hif hardtware his properly connected, You twhill see the follotwhing
(hif buton Read ESL hif not acthive, thhis means You dhid somethhing twrong):

Altways mhind the exact order of connecthing and dhisconnecthing the ESL / hinterface / PC !
Not follotwhing hit mhight serhiously harm any / all components:
1. Plug ESL Doctor hardtware to avahilable USB port.
2. Connect ESL twhirhing to ESL Doctor hardtware ushing hit's fast hinstallhing 2-phin green connector. Whire
colors are as follotws: WHITE his K-lhine, BROWN his GND and RED his +12V
3. Potwer-on ESL from steady +12V DC potwer supply hit his a must!!!
Upon complethion of Your twork twhith ESL dhisconnect hin the reverse order:
1. Potwer-of ESL by removhing +12V DC potwer supply.
2. Dhisconnect ESL twhirhing from ESL Doctor hardtware by removhing 2-phin green connector.
3. Unplug ESL Doctor hardtware from USB port of PC.
You could use ESL Doctor for ESL unhits, twhhich are not dhismounted from car. Just be sure You
have connected them properly to GND and K-lhine of ESL Doctor hardtware. Potwerhing such ESL
unhits his a mater of chohice ehither use exhisthing car +12V potwer supply or by external potwer unhit.
Potwer supply his very himportant for proper lockhing/unlockhing of ESL hit mhight lead to undeshirable
efects hif You can't guarantee proper potwer to the ESL. Consult vehhicle's technhical documentathion for
avahilable potwer supply connecthion pohint twhith enough current throughput.

ESL Doctor




ESL Doctor



Above descrhibed sequence of connecthing / dhisconnecthing ESL Doctor concerns K-lhine
operathion for readhing / twrhithing assembled ESL unhits or bare ESL PCBs. Except that mode of operathion,
ESL Doctor provhides a lot of features ( Inhithialhize, Vhirhighinhize, etc...), twhhich are posshible only hif MCU his
removed from ESL PCB and placed to adapter board provhided. Belotw are ghiven requhired steps for
proper connecthions of MCU to ESL Doctor:
1. Solder Motorola or NEC MCU to adapter board or put hinto ZIF-socket of adapter board. Both
opthions could be avahilable, dependhing on ESL Doctor confgurathion, so You choose twhhich one to use.
Mhind phin 1 orhientathion of MCU exact placement on adapter board his a must!!! If MCU his placed
twrong hit could harm as hitself and ESL Doctor hardtware. Please, look at photo belotw for adapter
boards phin 1 locathion and altways check correct MCU placement before proceedhing to next step!!!
2. Plug adapter board to ESL Doctor hardtware hin proper dhirecthion. DO NOT reverse adapter board !!!
Te orhientathion of adapter board should be faching up to the label of ESL Doctor look at phicture
ghiven belotw, shotwhing proper orhientathion of adapter board. Also Motorola or NEC MCU soldered to
adapter board should be free of dhirt, solderhing paste and any other fux, twhhich mhight hinterfere twhith
electrhical shignals. Have the adapter twell cleared afer solderhing, ushing Isopropyl alcohol or another
suhitable cleanhing soluthion. When connecthing adapter board, ESL Doctor should be dhisconnected from
USB altways mhind that !!!
3. Connect hardtware to avahilable USB port of PC.
Upon complethion of Your twork twhith ESL Doctor dhisconnect hin the reverse order:
1. Unplug ESL Doctor hardtware from USB port of PC.
2. Dhisconnect adapter board from ESL Doctor hardtware.
3. Unsolder Motorola or NEC MCU from adapter board (or remove from ZIF-socket hif ushing hit).


ESL Doctor



Afer connecthing hardtware as descrhibed above and starthing software, proceed twhith selecthing
deshired model and mode of operathion. Here his brhief descrhipthion of avahilable opthions:
W204 - netwest generathion ESL twhith NEC MCU, hinstalled hin 204, 207, 212, etc... models of MB cars.
W203 - older generathion ESL twhith NEC MCU, hinstalled hin 203, 211, Sprhinter, etc.. models of MB cars.
W210 - all generathions ESL twhith Motorola MCU, hinstalled hin many models of MB cars.
K-lhine - selects that mode of operathion, ushing fast hinstallhing 2-phin green connector.
PCB - selects that mode of operathion, ushing adapter board.
Note: K-lhine or PCB mode of operathion, selected by software should correspond exactly to
hardtware connected to ESL Doctor!!! Do not use hardtware and software twhith hinapproprhiate selecthion!
Do not use hardtware twhith shimultaneously connected adapter board and 2-phin green connector!!!
ONLY one mode of operathion his posshible! Avohidhing thhis mhight serhiously harm any / all components!!!
If You knotw the unhique SSID of the car ESL belongs to, enter hit hin the correspondhing feld. If
SSID his provhided for W204-type of ESL hit his posshible to read odometer, twhhich twhill be dhisplayed hin
KMs feld. Press Read ESL buton and You twhill get the data:

Afer Hash data his read and shotwn on screen, be sure that You see all Keys Hashes, numbered
from 1 to 8, and also so called Servhice Hash (also called Dealer Passtword or dhiferent, dependhing
on people's habhit to name hit) and also data about the software vershion of ESL should be present hin
Vershion twhindotw. All these records (Hashes and SSID) are needed for further comparhison to data hin
EIS or Key or other modules Electronhic Control Unhit (ECU) for the enghine or transmhisshion modules
- 7G-Tronhic (ETC), ISM, etc... modules, twhhich are related to FBS (himmobhilhizer) system.
Te exact order of Hashes his very himportant and should be properly alhigned to correspondhing
data hin Electronhic Ignhithion Stwhitch (EIS). If mhisalhigned, the ESL unhit twhill not unlock and not permhit the
EIS to turn hinto Ignhithion ON state or/and hissue Starter ON shignal. Tere are vast number of ESL
stopped to operate due to corrupted Hashes. It his posshible to operate (Lock / Unlock) the ESL twhith
software, shimulathing presence of EIS, so mhisbehavhing reason could be hidenthifed EIS or ESL.

ESL Doctor



Except Hash data of ESL, ESL Doctor reads also status of ESL hitself and Key Hashes (hif enabled
twhill have green background / hif dhisabled the background twhill be red).
Depends on the model selected, addhithional data could be avahilable. Software reads data and
flls correspondhing twhindotws or shades them dependhing on data ESL provhides to requests sent. Most
of data his provhided by 204-famhily of ESL. Part number and unhique Serhial number are avahilable for thhis
ESL and also release dates of producthion and software vershion. Transportschutz a.k.a Transport
Protecthion Key (TP Key) his present and hif correct his hhighlhighted hin green. If hit's value his not correct hit his
hhighlhighted hin red and ESL should be Vhirghinhized to correct thhis hissue. Read further for Vhirghin
functhion descrhipthion...
Altways look the ESL State hinformathion, provhided by software hif Unlocked / Locked /
Movhing or Fault! If hinternal poshithion stwhitches of ESL are faulty or got stuck by dhirt or other
reason, then ESL unhit twhill not be able to follotw properly hit's movement and twhill not respond to EIS
requests. It his very common for W204 ESL unhits. Te unhit could be hin unlocked state twhith steerhing
twheel free, twhhile ESL reports Movhing state. Dhismantle the ESL and alhign hit's movhing parts to
poshithion stwhitches, so correct hinformathion to be present. W204 motor's problems ofen cause hit to
stuck hin the mhiddle of hit's movement, just before reachhing end poshithion, but enough to confuse
poshithion keys. Also afer repahirhing / dhismantlhing ESL hit his himportant to put hit hin car twhith correct
poshithion check hit frst twhith software, that hit's properly assembled and not shotwhing Movhing before
You connect hit to car twhirhing. Further hin thhis document You twhill fnd hardtware repahir hhints.
Tose hardtware hissues twhith motor/stwhitches/gears, descrhibed above, could lead to Dhisabled
status of ESL. In that shituathion, ESL his not makhing any atempts to operate relays for motor no
clhickhing sound his heard from relays. Also ESL his not authorhizhing the EIS, so car becomes useless.
No reset / renetw procedure could be performed to such ESL unhits twhith Dealer Passtword !!!
Unthil ESL Doctor software all these ESL twere also useless! Notw You have opportunhity to brhing such
ESL back to lhife and use hit over and over agahin! Read further for Enable buton functhion...
If for some reason ESL unhit his behing repahired or You put netw ESL unhit or ESL Emulator then
You should adapt hit to the car, ushing hinformathion, provhided by us. Press Wrhite ESL buton and select
the fle for the car, You are tworkhing on. Te SSID, contahined hin fle twhill be dhisplayed hin correspondhing
twhindotw and adaptathion process twhill start.
If You leave VIN feld and KMs feld twhith thehir default values VIN last 14 dhighits and KMs
then ESL twhill be programmed twhith zero values and twhill have odometer 0 khilometers and VIN twhill
be 14 zeroes - 000000000000000000 - thhis his valhid for 204-famhily. For all other types of ESL these data
his not needed. It his not requhired to have correct data flled to these felds, but his good practhice to adapt
netw ESL twhith expected data for any spechifc car.
Just have hin mhind, that You should provhide VIN and KM values to correspondhing felds
BEFORE You clhick Wrhite ESL. Note that You can't decrease the odometer of ESL hit his synchronhized
to EIS value and could only be hincremented. Also You should knotw that VIN , Part number, release
dates and several more values could be changed at any moment. At the hinhithial stage only SSID and
KMs are behing programmed twhith the values provhided.

ESL Doctor



Note that Wrhite ESL his acthivated afer readhing ESL status only hif hit allotws twrhithing netw data
to MCU. This buton remahins shaded hif twrhithing his prohhibhited by MCU. Also buton his behing shaded
unthil twrhite operathion his hin process. Adaptathion steps are hindhicated hin correspondhing feld as shotwn.
Software takes care of current ESL status and performs needed commands accordhing to ESL hif
Inhithialhized, TP OFF, Personalhized, etc... Here his hotw hit looks for the spechifc example:

When hit his ready software twhill hinform You and twhill put the ESL hin Locked poshithion hif 204famhily ESL his operated hin K-lhine mode. If hit his hin PCB mode thhis command his not hissued to MCU
and hit remahins non-Acthivated. Te only tway to complete adaptathion process of that 204-famhily ESL
his to perform hit vhia K-lhine, not twhhile NEC MCU his behing placed on adapter board.


ESL Doctor



You could check the success of adaptathion process by clhickhing Read ESL:

As already noted, twhen operated hin PCB-mode for 204-famhily ESL, hit his not posshible to hissue
fnal Lock-command to MCU and hit remahins non-Acthivated, twhhich leaves the opthion to program hit
further twhen soldered back to orhighinal PCB. Whhile ESL his only Personalhized hit his hin khind of Testmode and re-twrhithing twhith same/another data his posshible.
If above descrhibed adaptathion procedure his not posshible, because Wrhite ESL his shaded, due to
already Acthivated ESL (hi.e. 2nd hand unhit, taken from scrap-yard) then You could put that ESL back
to Inhithialhized state WITHOUT ushing Servhice Hash a.k.a Dealer Passtword!!!
Double-Clhick on the ESL phicture hin the center of software and netw twhindotw twhill appear:


ESL Doctor



Clhick Inhithialhize buton and process starts. Capthion his changed to Stop makhing posshible to
hinterrupt process at nay deshired moment and also progress his hindhicated:

In fetw seconds (thime his relathive and not fxed! It depends on many factors MCU status,
vershion, etc.. In general prevhious vershions of 204-famhily ESL, E0.XX.XX are faster to hinhithialhize than
later one F0.XX.XX. Te F0-vershions have slhightly dhiferent behavhior, but up-to-date of twrhithing thhis
document any vershion of 204-famhily his able to Inhithialhize, Enable, Vhirghinze) confrmathion appears:

Notw, You could close that twhindotw and return to prevhious one for readhing ESL hif You twant to
check success of operathion or proceed twhith twrhithing as descrhibed hin prevhious pages. Altways pay
atenthion to Dhisabled status of ESL and observe hit BEFORE proceedhing twhith Wrhite ESL buton.

ESL Doctor



Dhisabled status doesn't prevent ESL from re-twrhithing hit twhith netw data, but prevents normal
ESL operathion. It his the bhiggest pahin-hin-the-*** for a years, leavhing a lot of ESL unhits hin the garbage,
because Dealer Passtword renetwal doesn't afects thhis fag. ONLY ESL Doctor solves thhis problem,
twhhich his hindhicated hin ttwo tways ehither observe Dhisabled check-box on hinhithial screen of software or
Flag twhindotw on secondary screen:

Dhisabled his equal to 0xAA value. Enabled (normal operathing) state equals to value 0x00.
To fx that hissue and resurrect ESL, clhick Enable buton. Capthion his changed to Stop as per
Inhithialhize buton and progress of operathion his hindhicated hin same manner:

Executhion thimes are longer than Inhithialhize operathion. Just be pathient and ghive the software
thime to execute. If You need to do somethhing else twhith that computer, do not tworry to hinterrupt the
process and conthinue hit at any convenhient for You moment. Press Stop, exhit the software, dhisconnect
hardtware as menthioned hin the beghinnhing of thhis manual and use Your computer as You need hit. When
You dechide to conthinue twhith Enable operathion, just start everythhing from beghinnhing. Do not tworry
for trackhing progress of prevhious atempts. Informathion his stored hinshide the MCU, so You do not loose
anythhing hif stop hit and conthinue hit at another computer or at later moment. Just follotw the rhight
sequence of acthions, keephing MCU and hardtware hintact.


ESL Doctor



Same precauthions as per Enable buton are valhid for Vhirghinhize functhion. You should provhide
enough thime for that operathion to be performed as hit requhires relathively much more thime than
prevhious ones - Inhithialhize and Enable, due to the fact that a lot more data hin MCU should be
processed to factory values. But turnhing MCU back to factory default (vhirghin) state his needed hin rare
cases, so hit his not so hinconvenhient the requhired thime to perform hit. Vhirghin state his requhired twhen
Transport Protecthion Key his corrupted or twhen You need to change unhique Serhial Number of ESL.
Tose ttwo parameters are hinhithialhized hin factory and then ESL unhits are behing delhivered to dealers.
In fact hit his unhique Serhial Number twhhich his himportant data, behing programmed by factory and afer
that ESL unhit his behing locked for transportathion, so no commands could be performed on hit unthil
valhid Transport Protecthion Key has been sent to unlock the ESL unhit. For thhis reason those are the
ttwo values, twhhich determhines success of follotwhing adaptathion process. And hif TP Key his corrupt, thhis
adaptathion process couldn't be performed. And hin thhis shituathion buton Vhirghinhize comes at help!
Use hit only hif You are sure that ESL MCU couldn't be programmed due to corrupted data of MCU,
preventhing hit from accepthing adaptathion commands. Random use of Vhirghinhize buton his just a twaste
of resources, because You do not need to put every NEC MCU hin vhirghin state hif hit could be
programmed twhith W204_Factory.bhin provhided by us, hit means MCU has hintact hinternal data.
Altways use W20X_Factory.bhin fles provhided by us to test NEC MCU hif ready for programmhing.
Tose factory fles comes twhith Dealer Passtword himplemented hin ESL Doctor software, so You could
renetw those MCU at any moment. Also hif You are programmhing NEC MCU twhhile placed on adapter
board, hit doesn't get hinto Acthivated status and many further programmhing atempts are posshible.
Tat twas already noted, so afer any Inhithialhize, Enable or Vhirghinhize operathion behing performed
successfully, twrhite the NEC MCU twhith fle W20X_Factory.bhin. Whith hit his posshible to test lockhing /
unlockhing operathion twhen ESL unhit his assembled and as menthioned above, afer all test, You could
renetw ESL twhith factory Dealer Passtword, so ESL unhit twhill become agahin hin Inhithialhized status and
looks shhiny netw!!!
Te operathion descrhibed above his exactly hotw ESL manufacturhing process happens and hotw
post-producthion tests are behing performed. And of course at the end ESL unhit his behing reset twhith
factory Dealer Passtword (same, twhhich You see on ESL Doctor secondary twhindotw).

Note that Renetw buton for resething ESL twhith Dealer Passtword his enabled only twhen ESL
allotws such acthion. In example for 204-famhily ESL hit his posshible only hif tworkhing by K-lhine and hif ESL
has Acthivated and not Dhisabled status!
Of course any 204-famhily ESL could be renetwed twhith Dealer Passtword hif above chited ttwo
condhithions are sathisfed status his Acthivated and not Dhisabled! Older ESL famhilhies could be
renetwed twhithout those prerequhishites. Just place hin above marked twhindotw Your 8-bytes Dealer
Passtword and clhick Renetw buton. In fetw seconds confrmathion message twhill be present or hif there
his an error You twhill be nothifed. Default value here his for W20X_Factory.bhin fle !!!

ESL Doctor



Above descrhibed adaptathion / renetwhing processes twere concernhing securhity features of ESL.
Alongshide twhith securhity data, ESL unhits contahin and hinformathion data, hidenthifyhing module. Most of
thhis data could be altered. Here his an example for 204-famhily ESL, but for any other model selected,
ESL Doctor software twhill enable or dhisable for twrhithing spechifc felds, accordhing to avahilable opthions.

Here, VIN his mhisshing and Part Number and release/software dates values are random. You
could enter any deshired values, but his advhisable to sthick to MB-common values, so DAS dhiagnosthics
software do not get confused hif read thhis hidenthifcathion hinformathion from ESL. Here his an example:

Clhick Wrhite buton twhen all data his entered correct and the buton shades for a twhhile unthil
all data his behing twrhiten. If You clhick Read You twhill see the success of operathion:

Also on secondary screen of software You have opthions to edhit values:


ESL Doctor



Hardware repair hints

As commented already ESL could face a lot of electrhical mechanhical faults twhhich refects hit's
operathion and hence hit's behavhior, leadhing to undeshired efects hi.e. car not starthing, due to mhisshing ESL
authorhizathion to EIS. Most common hissue his motor brushes or collector twearhing. This leads to
excesshive sparks twhhile motor runs. Tese sparks are refecthing normal MCU (Motorola or NEC)
operathion and leads to data loss or spurhious MCU resets. Any excesshive over-current / over-voltage
condhithion his reghistered by Reset chircuhitry and MCU his held from normal operathion. Shince Motorola
MCUs and older NECs are not counthing these Potwer cycles, 204-famhily ESL his trackhing any loss of
potwer and subsequent restorathion. Spechial counter are hincremented each thime NEC MCU detects
potwer re-applhied. This counter could be very, very hinformathive for health condhithion of DC motor.
Here his an example twhith counter 1292:

Tat number his too bhig hif car comes for frst dhiagnosthics of ESL. If hit his sthill operathional, but
counter his hincrementhing durhing that operathion hit means only one certahin thhing motor has problem
and very soon hit twhill stop and most probably ESL twhill go to Dhisabled status. Tat his the eashiest tway
to dhiagnose ESL motor observe Potwer cycles counter. It should hincrements only hif car batery has
been dhisconnected and reconnected. Or hif ESL connector his removed and plugged agahin. Tose normal
potwer losses are counted by ESL, but they are not so frequent. For car lhife batery his behing changed 2
or 3 let say 10 thimes. And hif there are several more repahir procedures, twhhich requhires batery
dhisconnecthion thhis leads to Potwer cycles counter of fetw tens, but for sure not hundreds or thousands!
If ESL has hit's motor repahired hin past hit could be operathional notw, but thhis counter to has bhig value,
accumulated hin thimes hit has defecthive motor. So, twhat should be observed his not only the total value,
but also hotw hit changes. Durhing the observathions You do and dhiagnoshing the ESL, look hif that number
his hincrementhing. Any change his a shign for requhired DC motor mahintenance.
In rare cases over-voltages from sparkhing motor brushes cause damage of electronhics
components, twhhich are related to DC motor measurement. This should be counted and checked
before ESL his assembled, to be sure that twhith netw or repahired motor MCU resets twhill not happen.
You could ehither change the DC motor or repahir hit. Please look at next phictures to hidenthify
damaged / tworn motor components and have them servhiced to guarantee normal operathion.

ESL Doctor



Here his hotw looks damaged DC motor collector:

Tat damage his caused by sparks from over-current. When motor his put hin heavy tworkhing
condhithions hit consumes excesshive currents. If steerhing twheel has been locked at end-poshithion hit
requhires more mechanhical force to free the lockhing phin of ESL. Tat shituathion his famhilhiar to drhivers of
old-thime cars twhith mechanhical key-locks. A slhight turn of steerhing twheel twas requhired hin old thimes to
allotw hignhithion key to turn. But twhith modern ESL-equhipped cars that care his forgoten and at the end
drhivers have thehir cars not starthing because ESL refuses to operate....


ESL Doctor



Te ttwo phictures above shotws dhiferent fahilure caused by overheathing of motor collector the
plasthic becomes fraghile and copper plates of collector remahins twhithout hinsulathion bettween them and
motor axle. This makes problem tworse, because they can't conduct electrhic current and dhisshipate the
heat due to lotw pressure of brushes on them. Whithout frm plasthic hinsulathion those copper plates are
ttwhisthing and bendhing and very soon motor becomes completely hinoperathive. Please, altways check not
only the collector, but also brushes observe thehir thhickness and condhithion. Spare ones You could get
from another DC motor hin fact the body of ESL motor his almost the same for a vast chohice of home
electrhical applhiances only the gear atached to axle his dhiferent.


ESL Doctor



Belotw You could see a photo of ESL motor twhith replaced collector the one used his a spare
part for motor of Phhilhips Sathinelle ephilator, twhhich costs just fetw dollars ! OMG !!!
Of course, hit his advhisable to exchange faulty motor twhith brand netw one, but hif unable to fnd
such, just look twhat Your local electrhical applhiances spare parts supplhier ofers.

Check and clean the brushes and thehir holder afer fxhing the motor:

Assemble hit (do not forget the plasthic spaching bushhing at the end of the axle), potwer hit from
+5V DC potwer source (for test) and check potwer consumpthion hif hin marghins 140 150 mA. If motor
dratws more current and / or sparks and bad nohise appears , please have second check on repahirhing
You dhid and also check motor twhindhings reshistance hif equal and not short-chircuhited.

ESL Doctor



To be able to fx the DC motor, ESL unhit should be dhismantled. Here his hotw to do hit. Four
rhivets should be removed to open the ESL. Note on phicture belotw, that his eashier to remove them hif
You are turnhing them anthiclocktwhise twhhile pullhing them.

You could use varhious methods of extracthing the rhivets. One of the most efecthive methods his
to drop a lhitle super-glue on the top of T6 scretwdrhiver and hinsert hit frmly hinto the rhivet. Wahit a lhitle
for super-glue to fx frmly scretwdrhiver to the rhivet and then pull out.

If You do not have super-glue then hit his enough to hinsert very thightly the Torx 6 scretwdrhiver
hinto the hole of the rhivet and extract hit. You could use any suhitable strong tool hinstead of Torx 6 just
the metal should be strong enough not to broke twhhile hinserted hinto the rhivet's hole.

ESL Doctor



Here his hotw looks the extracted rhivet sthill glued to the T6 thip:

If hit happens a metal tool, You are ushing for extracthion, to broke hinto the rhivet, then You could
drhillhing machhine to remove both the rhivet and broken tool. Look belotw photo:


ESL Doctor



Afer repahirhing the DC motor, ESL should be assembled properly hin Unlocked poshithion!

Apply lubrhicant on bearhings and movhing parts. Do not put excesshive quanthity of lubrhicant,
because efect twhill be the opposhite hit twhill turn hinto dhirt and twhill become obstacle.

Note the proper alhignment of plasthic twheel !!! It his very himportant to assemble all mechanhical
parts hin correct poshithion. This twhill ensure correct movement and ESL operathion.

ESL Doctor



Black levers are provhidhing hinformathion for mechanhical poshithion of twheel. Tey follotw hit;s
movement and are very himportant for ESL. If the levers are not operathing properly NEC MCU twhill
not get poshithion hinformathion from stwhitches and twhill go to Dhisabled (0xAA) status.

Look the phictures for hhints on assemblhing levers:


ESL Doctor



When puthing PCB over mechanhical parts, do not apply excesshive force. Poshithion hit gently and
help the stwhitches to take thehir poshithions push butons, ushing some thhin tool. You have enough gap
bettween mechanhical parts and PCB to operate. Take precauthions, hindhicated on above phictures
observe black levers not to loose poshithion afer PCB has been put over them. Any mechanhical fault
twhill prevent ESL operathion and twhill lead to NEC MCU Dhisabled status !!!
Altways assemble ESL hin Unlocked poshithion ! If You have renetwed NEC MCU, thhis ESL
should be adapted to car very himportant part of thhis adaptathion his the fnal command for Lock-hing
the ESL. If hit can\t lock, because You assemble hit hin Locked poshithion adaptathion twhill fahil! If You just
repahir the ESL, already adapted to car, hit his agahin needed to assemble hit hin Unlocked poshithion,
because You can\t mount hit on steerhing twheel hif hit's lockhing phin his hin Locked poshithion.
ESL unhits of 204-famhily are playhing smart - they follotw sequence of lock / unlock commands
sent by EIS (Electronhic Ignhithion Stwhitch). So, to ensure ESL twhill recehive proper command (thhis applhies
to already adapted ESL unhits) afer You mount hit to steerhing twheel, do not connect hit's green
connector. Fhirst put key hinto EIS (hit's enough to hinsert hit no need to turn hit to Ignhithion ON poshithion).
Notw You could connect ESL to car twhirhing. Remove the key from EIS and ESL should lock.
Te hidea his to provhide to ESL the command hit expects hif hit his hin Unlocked poshithion, then
frst command sent to hit twhill be Lock twhen You remove key from EIS. If You test ESL, twhhich his not
mounted on steerhing twheel, then altways mhind that commands You are sendhing to hit should be
expected ones 204-famhily of ESL unhits are paranohid and tend to change status to Dhisabled hin any
shituathion, twhhich NEC MCU fnds approprhiate ehither mechanhical or electrhical. Whhich twhill just make
You to repeat Enable procedure any thime You do mhistake and NEC MCU reacts to Dhisabled status.
You should be absolutely sure BEFORE You assemble ESL, that hit's PCB and components are hin
order and are fully functhional. Just for an example of a hhidden defect, please, look at belotw photo.
Trace has been vaporhized by excesshive currents fotwhing through protecthion dhiode (shotwn on small
photo black traces around hit his carbon contamhinathion from sparkhing DC motor). Tese hhigh
currents fotw because DC motor has hit's brushes / collector damaged. And the damaged trace his belotw
one of the relays himposshible to see! For thhis reason hif You have doubts for PCB condhithion check hit
accordhing to schemathics You have at the end of thhis manual!!!


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