Industrial Visit Report

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Report of



Prepared By

27 MAY 2016

Industrial visit has its own importance in a career of a student who is pursuing a professional
degree. It is considered as a part of college curriculum, mainly seen in engineering courses.
Objectives of industrial visit is to provide students an insight regarding internal working of
companies. We know, theoretical knowledge is not enough for making a good professional
career. With an aim to go beyond academics, industrial visit provides student a practical
perspective on the world of work. It provides students with an opportunity to learn practically
through interaction, working methods and employment practices. It gives them exposure to
current work practices as opposed to possibly theoretical knowledge being taught at college.
Industrial visits provide an excellent opportunity to interact with industries and know more
about industrial environment. Industrial visits are arranged by colleges to students with an
objective of providing students functional opportunity in different sectors like IT,
Manufacturing and services, finance and marketing. Industrial visit helps to combine
theoretical knowledge with industrial knowledge. Industrial realities are opened to the students
through industrial visits.
Industrial visit is considered as one of the tactical methods of teaching. The main reason behind
this is lets student to know things practically through interaction, working methods and
employment practices. Moreover, it gives exposure from academic point of view. Main aim
industrial visit is to provide an exposure to students about practical working environment .They
also provide students a good opportunity to gain full awareness about industrial practices.
Through industrial visit students get awareness about new technologies. Technology
development is a main factor, about which a students should have a good knowledge. Visiting
different companies actually help students to build a good relationship with those companies.
We know building relationship with companies always will always help to gain a good job in
future. After visiting an industry students can gain a combined knowledge about both theory
and practical. Students will be more concerned about earning a job after having an industrial

This is the company that had been visited during this semester. The company was
Fusion World is a showcase in Singapore for A*STAR Research Institute. A*STAR
means Agency for Science, Technology and Research is Singapore's lead public sector
agency that spearheads economic oriented research to advance scientific discovery and
develop innovative technology. The visit to Fusion World take place about 2 hour and the
main attraction in this company is the product they produced for many other company
including Government agencies. In this company, student is expose to 10 products
produced in the company. This program can be said as one of successful program
organized by CS243 student.
The first product in real-time translation. The system will recognize the speech and then
translate into the other person language preference.
Menu Suggestion also known as snap and detect which is a mobile app that allow user to
snap picture of ingredient and the application will suggest the suitable menu for the
ingredient to be used.
Voice Unlock is the technology used in smartphone that will unlock the phone if the voice
signature is the same as the stored one. Every person as different voice signature that as
same as fingerprint.
Protective pad that reduce the impact on a person body. The materials used in this
technology is corn starch.
Human Brain Simulator is a system that will shows a person head component. The system
will allow the user to identify every nerve, veins, arteries, lymph in human head especially
brain part. This system will be useful in medical field and in treating brain disease such as
brain tumor and blood clot due to accident in brain.
Memory Game. The game is not just an ordinary memory game, it is advanced with
focusing technique which is if the user has to focus to open a card and this will help to
prevent Alzheimer in elderly people.

Then, there also a technology that allow the uses of projector as touch screen. This
technology is very important as the user can directly interact with the screen using laser
pointer as finger interacting with laptop touch screen.
The last technology is emergency detection. The technology will help any people in any
emergency such as robbery and also if someone suddenly fainted the machine will detect
and send emergency signal to police or to hospitals to get immediate help.
In conclusion, the visit expose the student about the development of technology in other
country that is far more advanced than Malaysia that was fall behind. Therefore, as a
student and Malaysian citizen we should improve the technology in our country with the
implementation of artificial intelligent.

Photo 1: Fusion World

Photo 2: Transition in Fusion World


IMS Solution is a company that located in Ulu Tiram, Johor. This company focusing on
engraving. Engraving is a techniques used to design usually flat surface by cutting grooves
into it. The result of engraving is sculpture or building decorations.
The engraving is make by a 5-dimensional engraving machine that assembled by one of
the employee in that particular company. The machine works by drilling the polystyrene
block into another shape. The engraving took about an hour depending on the size of the
sculpture and the machine work by using several software.
One of the software is to change the 2-dimensional drawing into 3-dimensional
computerize drawing that allow the employee to identify the part that need to be engrave
into the polystyrene block.

The next software is to identify the part that need to be engrave by succession. This is
important because the machine will just engrave and the human employee has to make
sure that the machine will do what that need to be done first and what will do next.
Last software is to choose the size of drill pointer. The smaller drill pointer will be needed
if the shape of the sculpture is detailed and bigger drill pointer is needed to reshape easier
part of the sculpture. This software also will determine the total time taken to complete
the sculpture.
In conclusion, the visit to IMS Solution expose the student to the engraving technology
which is as popular as 3-dimensional printing and the implementation of artificial
intelligence in construction field and what can be improve in near future.

Photo 3: Some of the sculpture produced by IMS Solution


Neuramatix is company that researching, developing and commercialising neuronal

technologies powered by a proprietary neural engine called NeuraBASE. This approach
provides the ability for machines to learn pattern from data and to express information in
much the same way as the human brain learns, stores, retrieves, and expresses information.
NeuraBASE can be used to rapidly build neuronal network systems with up to 4 billion
neurons, which can subsequently be analysed at high speeds. This makes the mining or
processing of very large volumes of data extremely fast and accurate. It presents unique
opportunities for the use of NeuraBASE in the development of new technologies in
numerous domains such as high-throughput language translation, bioinformatics, robotic
movement, robotic speech, and semantic analysis, among others.
The first project introduce in this visit is speech recognition. In this project, the
NeuraBASE network model was used as an alternate approach to a human speech
recognition system with interactive and adaptive learning capabilities. The mimic feature
of this prototype matches the speech input from the user with words found in NeuraBASE.
This allows the system to reiterate the input speech. The interactive feature allows the
system to respond to a speech input with another phrase. The response to the input speech
is based on continuous training by a user.
Next is Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). In this project, the NeuraBASE network model
was used as a model for an autonomous controller for a UAV. This network model
represents a learning hierarchy of interconnected neurons capable of storing sequences of
sensor and motor neuron events. The model was evaluated using experimental scenarios
simulated on the STAGE robotics simulation software, involving navigational control
towards a stationary target.
Pong game. In this project, a version of the Pong game is developed to evaluate the
performance of the NeuraBASE network model. One of the paddles is controlled by
NeuraBASE while the other paddle is programmed to return the ball randomly. The
NeuraBASE algorithm learns to place the paddle at the correct position at the bottom of
the area, in order to successfully return the ball.
Robotic Equilibrium. In this project, NeuraBASE learns the sensor events obtained via the
force sensors and, the accelerometer used to control the motor events of the Bioloid's
Dynamixel motors.

The Inverted Pendulum System. In this project the NeuraBASE network model was used
as an alternate approach in controlling the swing up and balancing operations of an
inverted pendulum.
In conclusion, the visit to Neuramatix expose student to another neural network
architecture that is simpler that the current neural network uses in class. The visit also give
experience to student about the uses of neural network in technology in our country.

Photo 4: The talk about interactive speech

The industrial visit gives a lot of information about various aspects of production, marketing
as well as the operation of a company. The dissemination of knowledge by the support
organization also gives a clear scope to the transactional analysis of the company. After
conducting a survey of the company we found that intelligent system is expanding in the world
especially in other country. Therefore, it is a good approach to expose student to this companies
so that they will gain experience and knowledge about the usage of artificial intelligent and
others technologies.

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