Friday Bulletin 169

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Friday Bulletin
The Muslim News Update
Jumaadal Akhir 25, 1427/July 21, 2006

Issue no. 169

Expansion plans for Jamia College

Anti-Adhan woman
taken to court
The wife of a German national together with security guards who
assaulted an Imam in Kikambala,
Kilifi district have been taken to
court. The case will be heard in Kilifi
magistrate court on July 21 (today) `1.
Lily Kurt, wife to a German national
Kurt Burk is accused of assaulting
the Imam, Shaykh Salim Abdallah
Mwamdudu over the call of prayer.
She was accompanied by guards
from KK securities manning her
residence a stone throw away from
the masjid.
Angry residents in retaliation
blocked the road leading to the
beachfront home of the couple.
Lily had earlier accused the Imam
of beating her and orchestrated his
detention after the incident on July
Since they moved to the area two
years ago, the couple had been
making complaints regarding the
adhan and demanding that the
prayer call should not be made
through the public address system
saying that it was a nuisance. They
disturb us in the morning and
evening, Lily was quoted as saying.
But residents have accused the
couple of having a deep hatred for
Islam and called them to leave the
area if they found that the prayer
call was offensive to them.
Last Friday hundreds of people
turned up for prayers at the masjid
and denounced the attack on the
Imam. They called on the police to
exhibit fairness and lamented at
the detention of the Imam which
they marinated had been carried
out illegally.
Among those who attended the
prayers was Shaykh Muhammad
Dormuhammad, the secretary
general Council of Imams and
Preachers of Kenya (CIPK).

Jamia Training Institute (JTI), a major success story for Jamia masjid is to undergo
expansion. The expansion will involve relocation from its present location at the Masjid
and the introduction of more internationally recognised courses.
These has been necessitated by the tremendous increase of students, the chairman of
Jamia Masjid Osman Muhammad Warfa said.
In his report to the Annual General Meeting, Warfa said that the present facilities were
inadequate for the increasing number of students.
He said the college has registered great strides in fulfilling the aspirations of Jamia
masjid in the field of education.
The chairman said that the establishment of the Institute was aimed at giving Muslim
youths an alternative opportunity to acquire technical training skills within a conducive
Islamic environment.
The demand is ever increasing and with the introduction of other courses, soon the
institute will have to relocate to more spacious facilities, he told the assembly on
The aim is to ensure JTI becomes a major player in offering reasonable and best
quality education to the Muslim youths in particular and the Kenyan population in general,
the chairman added.
The institute which only opened its doors just over a year ago now boasts of over 200
students far above the initial 49 students at its inception in June last year.
Presently, Jamia Training Institute offers courses in Information Technology, tailoring,
fashion and design and language courses among others.
To enhance ithe standards, a management board chaired by Dr Noor Ali was put in
In recognition of the importance of education to the community, Warfa said Jamia masjid
will continue its role to facilitate education for deserving students.
Currently Sh150,000 is allocated to the deserving and needy students every term. A
number of Islamic Religious Education (IRE) teachers from different areas receive
financial support to the tune of 80,000 per month.
He announced that plans were underway to sponsor the education of two male and two
female students every year right from secondary to University level. The chairman also
called for more efforts from the community to arrest the trend which has seen many
Muslim children being forced to undertake Christian Religious Education (CRE).
Warfa enumerated a number of activities carried out by Jamia Masjid in the last oneyear.
Continued on Page 3

After land battle Dandora gets new masjid

An imposing masjid with a striking green minaret uniquely stands out among the mud and
mabati dwellings which dominate the Maili Saba village in Nairobis Dandora area.
The recently constructed masjid Junaid is, ironically the fruits of a bitter acrimonious battle
with squatters who had grabbed part of the land belonging to the masjid. Several Muslims
were arrested after the encroachers were forcefully evicted in December last year.
Generous well-wishers went to the aid of the areas Muslim residents after The Friday
Bulletin highlighted the dilapidated state of the then mabati structure which served as the
The masjid complete with a madrassa block for two classrooms cost almost more than
half a million shillings. The compound was also fenced off keeping away pigs and dogs
which used to find their way to the compound. We extend our thanks to those who responded
to our call, may Allah reward them abundantly, said Musa Okoth, the Imam.
A combined force of Muslims from Nairobis Eastlands area participated in the operation
to rid the compound of the land grabbers.
Okoth together with Yasin Adam were later arrested and charged with destroying the illegal
structures. Both are out on bond.

This Newsletter contains some of Allahs names. Please do not throw in the trash. Either keep,circulate or shred.

Implementing Prophecies in Lebanon and Palestine

Dr. Aslam Abdullah

What is happening in Lebanon and Palestine is a pseudo

or even humanistic perspective. The irony is that none of these
religious game being played by dominant powers and their
prophecies are said to be concrete and many with in the Jewish
surrogates in the region to serve their political interests. The
and Christian faiths have challenged them as forgeries and
total subjugation of neighbouring Arabs to the might of Israel, the
misinterpretations, yet they are the backbone of the worlds most
total decimation of any Arab and Muslim opposition to the
serious crisis that has taken thousands of lives.
continued brutal occupation of Palestine and the total disregard
Israel and the US in their attempt to hasten the arrival or return of
of the world opinion, are some of the highlights of the most
Messiah adopt policies that go directly against their own religious
recent conflict sparked in the wake of the kidnapping of ONE
teachings. For instance the preservation of human life is a sacred
Israeli soldier in Gaza and TWO Israeli soldiers on the Lebanon
duty according to old and New Testament, a duty that has never
been held sacred by the dominant religious leaders of the two
The reality of the Middle East cannot be understood through
communities, despite their claims. The two communities can
numerous useless United Nations resolutions passed with
safely be held responsible for some of the biggest carnages that
reference to Palestine, nor can it be understood through the
have plagued our world since time immemorial. Of all the deaths
annals of justice and fairness. Rather, it can be understood only
that have occurred as a result of war and violence in our world,
through analyzing the behavior and attitude and beliefs of the
the two communities account for more than 85 percent of the
ultra fanatic religious leadership that govern some of the most
killings. During the last 100 years these killings have multiplied.
powerful groups in the United States and Israel. Regardless of
The main reason for an increase in human sufferings is that
the secular claims of the power elites in the two countries, the
people who believe in these ideas overtly or covertly have assumed
fact is that the perspectives and policies in the Middle East by
powers and prestige in our world. They have manipulated events
several Christian and Jewish groups are determined on the basis
to suit their interests. They have produced false research and
of prophecies that all of them are waiting to be fulfilled. It is no
facts to substantiate their argument and they have sedated the
wonder that President Bush and his team as well as Prime
people with false hopes and false ideals.
Minister Olmert of Israel and his team pursue policies that in
Why are the ordinary human beings not speaking for the suffering
their view hasten the fulfillment of prophecies. The dominant
of ordinary people in Lebanon, Palestine or for that matter any
Jewish and Christian leaders of Israel and the USA believe in
other place? Simply, because the ordinary person in the USA or
different set of prophecies. The Jewish leadership believes that
Israel or other places have been forced to a life style where there
the Messiah would come and build the third
is no room for other people, and where
temple and the Christian leadership believes
Are we blind to see the Game? concerns for human rights and human dignity
that Jesus would return and engage in the
Are we Deaf to hear the bell?
are secondary to the survival of ones own
final battle with Jews killing one-third and
self or family. Despite the fact that we all are
Are we dumb to say the truth?
converting the rest to Christianity.
witnessing the massacres of innocent people
In this understanding of their religious teachings, the religious
by a war machine in Lebanon and Palestine, we are unable to
and secular leaders of the two communities are concerned only
speak out because we have become indifferent to human
with less than 30 percent of the world population as the others
sufferings or many people see in this as a divine plan to bring the
are either defined as antichrist or gentile born without a divine
Messiah back to the world.
plan without any dignity or decency. Of course, after the
If we fail to realize this reality, we would always be making mistakes
enlightenment and renaissance in Western Europe and after
in our dealings with others. Under the present intellectual and
the interaction of Christian and Jewish leaders with Muslims,
religious as well as political leadership, neither the state of Israel
many started saying that non Christians or non Jewish people
nor the United States seem to be committed to peace or human
too have some dignity, but these are later day additions and they
dignity in the region. The leadership may use terms such as
are in defiance of what the earlier followers of these religion
democracy, human rights and human dignity to deceive the world
believed in.
opinion, but it is essentially committed to the idea of bringing the
These fanatics have held the entire world as hostage to their
Messiah back to the world.
religious thinking and have caused billions of people to suffer. It
The only way to counter this might is not through military means
is only in this framework, we can understand the realities in the
but through peaceful means of education and grassroots action.
Middle East. Otherwise who in his right mind would not stand for
A response to the fanatics in the US and Israel who can be
a people who have been forced to live in refugee camps for the
described as lunatics, would not come through emotional acts.
last 60 years in sub human conditions on a land their forefathers
Rather, the response would come through educating people in
inherited from their forefathers? Who in his right mind would
the United States that the prophecies they believe in have no
justify the occupation of Palestine by the Zionists? Who in his
basis. That God does not discriminate among His creation on
right mind would believe that Israel was justified in forcing itself
the basis of chosen and gentiles and that God does not allow
upon the Middle East? Who in his right mind would believe that
conflicts to escalate on the basis of ones claim over land, property
Palestinians should not be permitted to return to their homes?
or anything material. Unless people are convinced that God has
Some people may argue that the US policy in the Middle East is
plans not only for Jews and Christians but for the rest of humanity
driven by oil interests and the state of Israel is concerned about
and that His grace and mercy supersedes His wrath and anger,
its security and borders. In a market economy the oil is sold to
and unless the existing power elites are replaced with those who
those who pay a good price. So far, the US has not had any
view human beings as one entity, things are not going to change.
disruption of oil supplies based on this market principle. Oil will
This may be a very long struggle, but without this struggle, this
not stop flowing and there will always be the buyers of this liquid
change is not possible. (The Guardian)
gold. There is no reason to believe that any other country would
Dr. Aslam Abdullah is editor-in-Chief of the Muslim Observer and
replace the US as the main buyer of this commodity in the region.
the director of the Islamic Society of Nevada as well as the director
The repeated over-play of the security of Israel or its border is a
of the Muslim Electorates Council of America.
major facade. Israel has never defined its borders and the
For 52 years the world has ignored the just claims and
statements of a few individuals to drown the Zionist State in the
rights of the Palestinian people. We condemn the
ocean cannot be used to develop a realistic policy in the region.
actions (of Israel) in these past weeks. The justice of
On the contrary it is the survival and dignity of Palestinians that is
the current situation lies entirely with the Palestinian
the core issue. Yet we rarely hear about that because according
people. They have been dispossessed. Political control
to religious arguements of those fanatics it is the presence of
over the land belongs to them (Rabbi Weiss condemned
the state of Israel that is crucial in the divine plan for the region
and the world. Obviously, when one is confronted with this type of
Israels use of force in Palestine during a Pro-Palestinian
thinking one cannot look at the reality from any rational or logical

rally in Washington, DC on October 28, 2000).

Israel, Lebanon and Self Defence

The West appears to insist that only one side in the
conflict is able to intervene militarily across borders. That
will never be accepted, writes Ahmad Khalidi.
Much has been made in recent days - at the G8 summit and
elsewhere - of Israels right to retaliate against the capture of its
soldiers, or attacks on its troops on its own sovereign territory.
Some, such as those in the US administration, seem to believe
that Israel has an unqualified license to hit back at its enemies
no matter what the cost. And even those willing to recognize that
there may be a problem tend to couch it in terms of Israels
disproportionate use of force rather than its basic right to take
military action.
But what is at stake here is not proportionality or the issue of
self-defense, but symmetry and equivalence. Israel is staking a
claim to the exclusive use of force as an instrument of policy and
punishment, and is seeking to deny any opposing state or nonstate actor a similar right. It is also largely succeeding in
portraying its own right to self-defense as beyond question,
while denying anyone else the same. And the international
community is effectively endorsing Israels stance on both counts.
From an Arab point of view this cannot be right. There is no
reason in the world why Israel should be able to enter Arab
sovereign soil to occupy, destroy, kidnap and eliminate its
perceived foes - repeatedly, with impunity and without restraint while the Arab side cannot do the same. And if the Arab states
are unable or unwilling to do so then the job should fall to those
who can.
It is important to bear in mind that in both the case of the Hamas
raid that led to the invasion of Gaza and the Hizbollah attack that
led to the assault on Lebanon it was Israels regular armed
forces, not its civilians, that were targeted. It is hard to see how
this can be filed under the rubric of terrorism, rather than a
straightforward tactical defeat for Israels much-vaunted military
machine; one that Israel seems loth to acknowledge.
Some of this has to do with the paradox of power: the stronger
the Israeli army becomes, the more susceptible and vulnerable
it becomes to even a minor setback. The loss of even one tank,
the capture of one soldier or damage done to one warship has a
negative-multiplier effect: Israels deterrent power is dented
out of all proportion to the act itself. Israels retaliation is thus
partly a matter of restoring its deterrence, partly sheer vengeance,
and partly an attempt to compel its adversaries to do its bidding.
But there is also something else at work: Israels fear of
acknowledging any form of equivalence between the two sides.
And it is precisely this that seems to provide the moral and
psychological underpinning for Israels ongoing assault in both
Gaza and Lebanon - the sense that it may have met its match in
audacity, tactical ingenuity and clean military action from an
adversary who may even have learned a thing or two from Israel
itself, and may be capable of learning even more in the future.
There has of course been nothing clean about Israeli military
action throughout the many decades of conflict in Palestine and
Lebanon. Israels wanton disregard for civilian life during the
past few days is neither new nor out of character. For those
complaining about violations of Israeli sovereignty by Hizbollah
or Hamas, it may be useful to recall the tens of thousands of
Israeli violations of Lebanese sovereignty since the late 60s, the
massive air raids of the mid-70s and early 80s, the 1978 and
1982 invasions and occupation of the capital Beirut, the hundreds
of thousands of refugees, the 28-year-old buffer zone and proxy
force set up in southern Lebanon, the assassinations, car bombs,
and massacres, and finally the continuing violations of Lebanese
soil, airspace and territorial waters and the detention of Lebanese
prisoners even after Israels withdrawal in 2000.
It is unnecessary here to recount the full range of Israels violations
of Palestinian sovereignty, not least of which is its recent refusal
to accept the sovereign electoral choice of the Palestinian people.
Israels extraterritorial, extrajudicial execution of Palestinian
leaders and activists began in the early 70s and has not ceased
since. But for those seeking further enlightenment about
Hamass recent action, the fact is that some 650,000 acts of

imprisonment have taken place since the occupation began in

1967, and that 9,000 Palestinians are currently in Israels jails,
including some 50 old-timers incarcerated before and despite
the 1993 Oslo accords, and many others whom Israel refuses to
release on the grounds that they have blood on their hands, as
if only one side in this conflict was culpable, or the value of one
kind of human blood was superior to another.
If there ever was a case for establishing some form of mutually
acknowledged parity regarding the ground rules of the conflict,
Hamas and Hizbullah have a good one to make. And if there ever
was a case for demonstrating that what is good on one side of
the border should also be good on the other, Hamas and
Hizbullahs logic has strong appeal to Arab and Muslim public
opinion - regardless of what the supine Arab state system may
say. Indeed as George Bush and other western leaders splutter
on about freedom, democracy, and Israels right to defend itself,
Tony Blairs repeated claim that events in the region should not
be linked to terrible events elsewhere is looking increasingly
The slowly expanding war in Afghanistan, the devastation of Iraq,
the death and destruction in Gaza and the bombing of Beirut are
all providing a slow but sure drip feed for those who believe that
the west is incapable of taking a balanced moral stance, and is
directly or indirectly complicit in a design meant to break Arab
and Muslim will and subjugate it to untrammeled Israeli force.
Contrary to what Blair seems to believe, the use of force is unlikely
to breed western style-liberalism and moderation. What is at
issue here is not democracy but the right to resist Israeli arrogance
and be treated on a par with it in every respect, including the use
of force. If Israel has the right to defend itself then so has
everyone else.
Furthermore, there is nothing in the history of the region to
suggest that Israels destruction of mass popular movements
such as Hamas or Hizbollah (even if this were possible) would
drive their successors closer to western-style democracy, and
every reason to believe the opposite. Israels invasion of Lebanon
in 1982 did away with the PLO and produced Hizbollah instead,
the incarceration and elimination of Arafat only served to
strengthen Hamas, and the wars in Afghanistan, the Gulf and
Iraq gave birth to Bin Ladenist groups and extended its reach
and appeal. And we should not be surprised if the summer of
2006 produces more of the same.
However Israels latest adventure ends, it will not produce greater
sympathy and understanding between west and east, or a
downturn in extremism. Indeed the most likely outcome is that a
new wave of virulent and possibly unconventional anti-western
attacks may well crash against this and other shores. We will all
- Israelis, Arabs and westerners - suffer as a result. ( The Guardian)
Ahmad Khalidi is a senior associate member of St Antonys
College, Oxford, a former Palestinian negotiator and the co-author,
with Hussein Agha, of A Framework for a Palestinian National
Security Doctrine (Chatham House, 2006)

Jamia College in expansion plans

Continued From Page 1
He observed that as a player in national affairs, the masjid
also played a constructive role in the referendum process
and continues to be involved in the constitutional process as
well and the campaign against the Terrorism Bill to ensure
that the rights of Muslims in the country are safeguarded.
It was also involved in the famine relief programme for Northern
Kenya at the height of the famine early this year.
He however, noted that that there is need to put in place a welfare
programme which will compressively address poverty alleviation
in the Ummah.
The chairman announced that an Islamic Information Centre is
soon to open. The centre to be located at the main entrance
along Banda Street will provide vital information on Islam to
Muslims and non-Muslims alike. A new addition to the services
provided by Jamia is the Jamia Audio-Visual services providing
Audio and visual materials on Islam.

Blair and Bush Condemned over

Israeli war crimes

The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) Tuesday condemned the

continuing failure of the British government to bring the Zionist
regime to account over its latest war crimes in Lebanon.
Had these mass killings and the accompanying savage
destruction of towns been carried out by a Muslim government,
we do not think our government would have remained silent,
said MCB Secretary General Muhammad Abdul Bari.
Bari said that Britains 1.8 million Muslim community was also
appalled by the pathetic statements from the Security Council
and the G8 leaders.
By failing to condemn the Israeli actions under the pretext of
self-defence they have ipso facto given the Zionist fanatics more
time to carry out their rape of Lebanon, he warned.
The MCB, which represents over 400 affiliated Muslim
organizations and mosques, said it condemned in the strongest
terms possible Israels indiscriminate killing and criminal
destruction of Lebanons civilian infrastructure.
There is absolutely no doubt that Israels actions constitute war
crimes, it said. It called on the UK government and other
contracting parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to condemn
these outrageous breaches of international humanitarian law.
In the United States, American Muslims have criticised the US
government for its reluctance to condemn Israel.
US officials have said Israel has the right to defend itself, since
its incursion into Gaza three weeks ago and air raids on Lebanon;
but president Bushs stance is offending Americans who are
Early last week, a coalition of 11 major Muslim organisations
publicly called on Bush to forcefully condemn the attacks on Gaza
and to designate as war crimes the destruction of Palestines
civilian infrastructure.
After the Israeli bombing of Lebanon, the appeals for denouncing
Israel have multiplied.
Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic
Relations (CAIR), the largest US Muslim rights group, said: Once
again, Americas image and interests worldwide are being
harmed by one-sided support for Israeli actions. (Agencies)

Israeli pilot, co-pilot killed in

Lebanon airspace
Pilot and co-pilot of an F-16 warplane have been killed after it
was shot down in eastern Beirut.
Lebanese Army confirmed the death of a pilot and co-pilot of a
Israeli warplane above Kafar shima village in eastern Beirut.
Reports indicated that the warplane had been targeted by a surface-to-air missile launched by military wing of Hezbollah.
Hezbollah also carried missile attacks against Haifa port in
occupied territories of Palestine destroying 3-story building killing several and injuring several people in counterattack against
new waves of Israeli violence in Lebanon which killed more than
200 Lebanese civilians and wounded at least 500 others in the
past week.
Lebanese officials said that Israeli air raids on Lebanese civilian
infrastructure inflicted at least dlrs 500 million damage. (IRNA)



Show solidarity with the

Palestinian and Lebanese people
by boycotting the following
companies and products which
are actively supporting the Israel
brutal attacks against the
innocent .

Spinknit Diary-Tuzo: Lea, Everfresh and Flava Milk products

Prigat Fruit drinks
Coca Cola: Sprite, Fanta, Krest, Spar Letta, Bibo, Dasani
Johnson and Johnson: Personal health and babycare products
Sara Lee: Kiwi and other household and personalcare products
Nestle: Drinking Chocolate, Ice Creme, Nescafe, Nido, Millo,
Kittkat, Maggi

Nairobi Masaajid Joint Programme Faith in Action

Discover yourself workshop

We would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the Womens

Section of the Nairobi Joint Masaajid Programme (NMJP) to invite
you all to participate in a three-day workshop, titled Discover Yourself.
The workshop shall be held at the Bounty Hotel, located in South B,
starting from 5th August 2006 and ending on 7th August 2006 and will
cost Kshs. 3000 for the full three days. Meals and beverages are
The intention of the workshop is to assist participants in looking
within themselves in order to purify their hearts-Spiritual Healing. The
participants will experience freedom from the past and create a new
future for themselves and for others. They will also achieve a high
level of peace, love and happiness, getting rid of the tension, worries,
sufferings and anger. Many questions in ones mind, concerning
who we are, our purpose in life, where we come from and where we
are going so that we can move together as a united Ummah.
The main speaker for the workshop will inshaallah, be Bro. A. W.
Sadathullah Khan B.Sc, B.E (Mech), Editor Islamic Voice Bangalore.
Bro. Sadathullah Khan has conducted over 90 workshops all over
India and South Africa and over 10,000 people have benefited from
similar workshops.
After the three-day workshop, you will focus on life with new optimism
and vigour. In short, you will be a better and happier person, InshaAllah.
Below is a feedback from participants of previous workshops
conducted by Bro. Khan:
I have been to a lot of workshops but this one inspired
me the most. The best part is that, my whole family attended as well.
Participating with the entire family is the best. It helps each one of us
to be open and express and not make each other wrong. Thank you
Allah for showing me the path.
I could hug my parents and tell them I love you. Patched
up a relationship with someone, who really wronged me. I am giving
my undivided attention when I listen to my kids. My self esteem and
confidence has improved. I am already on my way to being the person
I have chosen to be. May Allah ease my path and make it successful.
In order to confirm your participation, kindly get in touch with Sis. Noor
Tel: 020-3003382 Mobile 0727-119 677 or 0733- 515 917.
You could also visit us at our offices at Ngara, Village Plaza, Apartment
2A, 4 blocks left of Fig Tree Trade Centre, if your are coming from
Globe Cinema Roundabout.
Alternatively, you may register your participation by making your
payments to Bro. Hanif Virani, at Super Cosmetics, located on 20th
Century Building.



Forward your donations to

Participating Masaajid Include



For further details contact the Secretariat at Jamia Mosque
P.O. Box: 40629, GPO Nairobi.
Tel: 243504/505, Fax: 342147, Email:

Islamic Lecture
Sheikh Shaban Ismail
Wednesday July 26 2006
After maghrib
Park Road Masjid

Fortnight Lecture
The Ideal Muslim Husband
Sheikh Juma Amir
Saturday July 22 2006
Jamia Masjid Multi-Purpose Hall

The Friday Bulletin is a Publication of Jamia Mosque Commitee, P. O. Box 40629-00 400 Nairobi, Tel: 243504/5 E-mail:

Printed by Pro-phase Marketing- Plessey House Uhuru Highway P. O. Box 8156-00200 Nairobi

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