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Friday Bulletin
The Muslim News Update
Rajab 24, 1427/August 18, 2006

Issue no. 173

Israel aggression: a war on Islam, leaders say

Take up the teaching
career, students advised
Muslim students have been encouraged
to take up the teaching profession so as
to contribute to the development of the
Speaking during the 10th graduation
ceremony of the Islamic Teachers
Training College in Mikindani, Mombasa,
the chairman of the Universal Education
Fund (UEF), Sheikh Amir A. Swaleh
lamented that many students are
shunning and looking down upon the
teaching career
as an inferior
He noted that such attitude did not augur
well for the community as there is need
for more teachers to teach Islamic
studies as well as being role models for
He said it was unfortunate that though
the college was based in Mombasa, the
district had the lowest number of
enrolled students compared to other
areas of the country.
Sheikh Amir also put forward the case
for an Islamic University stressing that
there was need to have such a facility in
the county to train personnel to teach
Islamic Religious Education (IRE) in the
countrys schools.
appreciation that the effective teaching
methods employed by the college had
been able to produce competent primary
school teachers who are serving in many
schools around the country.
In his address, he called on Muslim
youths to work hard in their studies,
saying the future depended on the
abilities to acquire knowledge.
The college, the only one of its kind in
the country has made contribution in
training Muslims to teach in schools in
subjects which include Islamic religious
Education and other subjects.
Speaking at the event, the Chairman of
the Board of Governors, Sheikh
Mohammed Abdillahi Omar advised the
graduands to be role models to the
young generation and commit
themselves to the Islamic teachings at
all times.
He also called on the community to
positively contribute to the development
of the teaching profession by supporting
the the college so as to make it more
effective in serving the Ummah.

Muslim leaders were categorical in asserting that the recent unprecedented attack on Lebanon
and Gaza by Israel was part of the wider war on Islam sanctioned by the United States and
The brutal attack which left more than 1,000 Lebanese and Palestinians dead, mostly women
and children, is part of the campaign to obliterate Islam in the guise of fighting terror.
Mandera Central Member of Parliament Billow Adan Kerrow said Western leaders have at
long last admitted attempts are in place to crush Islam. They have put in clear words, in
black and white that there are fighting Islam and not terrorism, said the MP referring to
British Prime Minister Tony Blairs recent remarks that the West is fighting reactionary Islam.
Billow was addressing a rally in Nairobi called to denounce the Israeli aggression and
atrocities committed against the Lebanese and Palestinian people last Friday outside Jamia
masjid. Speakers at the rally held included three MPs, Muslim leaders and human rights
A ceasefire agreement undertaken by the United Nations ended the month long conflict on
Monday which many analyst said was a humiliating defeat to Israel by the rag tag Lebanese
Hizbullah militia.
Reactionary Muslims are those who are steadfast in following teachings of Islam. They
want to see a Muslim in name only, one who does not subscribe to the teachings of Islam,
Billow said.
He told the gathering that the United States and Britain worked in complicity with the Israelis
who were given a blank cheque to massacre innocent people and to destroy the country.
Israel is the only country in the world which is allowed to break international laws, to kill and
maim the innocent.
All this is because they do no want to hear about Islam, the MP who is also the Kanu
shadow minister of Finance added.
The speakers also lashed out at the government for its attitude toward Muslims in the
country stressing that many innocent Muslims had suffered as a result of the so-called war
on terror.
Isiolo South MP Abdul Bahari decried the arrest and oppression of Muslims by the State and
urged Muslims to unite in agitating for their rights as citizens of the country.
Bura MP Ali Wario asserted that the so-called campaign on terror was a tool to intimidate and
prosecute Kenyan Muslims to fulfil the ambitions of foreign powers.
Addressing the gathering, the Imam of Landhies masjid in Nairobi, Sheikh Ahmad Uthman
took issue with the government for harassing Muslims adding that the government which
was brought to power on the platform of respecting human rights was engaging the police to
undertake Guantanamo-style torture methods against its citizens.
Furthermore, the Imam said, the anti-terrorism Bill was being pushed by the Americans to
further aggravate the campaign of oppression against Muslims.
Continued on Page 3

Somalias Islamic Courts eye close ties with Kenya

The new Somalia rulers do not harbour any territorial expansion outside the countrys border,
the head of the Islamic Courts Union (ICU) said over the weekend.
Sheikh Sharrif Ahmed dismissed claims of possessing plans for the so-called Greater
Somalia and reiterated that they are bound to respect the territorial integrity of its neighbours.
He was speaking after meeting a delegation of Muslim leaders from Kenya. The team led by
Mandera Central MP Billow Kerrow was in the country to oversee peace efforts.
Sheikh Sharrif praised Kenyas role in its efforts bring peace to the country and said that
Islamic courts were looking forward to closer relations with their eastern neighbour. He also
lauded the Kenyan government for ejecting warlords from the country and giving a home to
Somali refugees during the years of civil strife.
The youthful leader dismissed allegations that the ICU was in league with terrorists and
emphasised that the real terrorists were the warlords who for more than a decade had
made life unbearable for the Somali people. He said since the warlords were defeated, the
country has attained a high degree of peace and stability which was not experienced in the
last 15 years.
He however, deplored the presence of Ethiopian troops in Somalia and called on the Kenyan
government to exert its influence to see that the territorial integrity of Somalia was respected.
Continued on Page 3

This Newsletter contains some of Allahs names. Please do not throw in the trash. Either keep,circulate or shred.

Safeguard the interests of Muslims-go for the Voters Card

The Electoral Commission of Kenya (ECK) is undertaking yet
again the gruelling exercise of voter registration. The exercise
hopes to net a further 5 million Kenyans to enable them
participate in the electoral process.
For the Muslims, this exercise should serve as the first strategy
in the preparation for the forthcoming general elections.
Without a clear voting strategy in the past, successive regimes
often took with granted the loyalty of Muslims when it came to
election time resting assured that they will toe the usual line.
The historic referendum exercise last year put an end
to these phenomenon when Muslims for the first time
voted as a block to reject the constitution put forward by
the government.
The referendum was a historic achievement which
proved that with unity and proper organisation, Muslims can
assert their influence on political affairs of the country. With
the community standing as a block, stakes were raised a notch
higher in the requisite bargaining power which the community
could achieve in national politics.
More so, the 30 percent Muslim population signifies a
significant presence of a potential political force in the country
capable of securing the rightful place for the community as an
integral segment of the Kenyan society.
All said and done, this can only be achieved with proper
sensitisation and organisation of the community so as to
consolidate the gains of the referendum.

With proper leadership and organisation, the community can

assert itself politically and claim its rightful share of resource
allocation, chart its progress, enjoy human rights and determine
the direction of statehood.
Politics is an important area that eventually shapes all manners
of social-economic development in the country.
We should not sit back and continue moaning about
discriminations and harassments when we have an important
tool at our disposal to bring the changes to the political spectrumthe Voters card.
The referendum showed that we influence trends in the
political arena and it is time that we start preparations
for this all-important arsenal.
The general elections are on the horizon, only 16 months away.
As a first step, we need to go out in large numbers and ensure
that each of us is armed with a voters card ready to bring about
the desired changes.
Muslim leaders and Imams need to take the rightful roles and
use all available media as well as the mimbar in educating the
community about the importance of participating in the electoral
The more representation we have in the local authorities and
national assembly, the more, we expect to reap in the socioeconomic development arean, hence a better future for Muslims
in the country free from discrimination and oppression.


Nobodys victory, but in the end Israel could not defeat Hizbollah
Peter Beaumont,
Ariel Sharon. For what Israelis have not been slow to notice is that
A month of fighting, more than 1,000 dead, upwards of 800,000
Olmert has signally failed to achieve what he set out to do: destroy
Lebanese displaced and $2bn worth of damage - for what? Who
Hizbullah. The victory being claimed is diffuse and very partial: in
wins in this bloody debacle, assuming it is coming to an end? Given
securing a UN resolution sort-of-on-its-terms and by reducing (by
the continued fighting, that is still a big assumption. Not Israel, certainly.
who knows what amount) Hizbullahs capability. Beyond that Hizbullah
Even while the authors of this military adventure continue to try to
has survived largely intact, but pushed back a little further from Israels
carve out some notion of victory to sell the Israeli public, increasingly
fewer people are buying it.
Then there are the imponderables. The nature of the Israeli campaign
The likes of deputy Prime Minister Shimon Peres have tried to promote
in Lebanon, with its scorched-earth policy designed to drive out local
the notion that Israel has got everything it wants out of the war - and
populations, its mendacious claim that it had allowed humanitarian
from Fridays disgracefully late UN resolution calling for an immediate
corridors when it had not, its lack of concern for the killing of civilians
cessation of violence (on which Israel is still being permitted by the
(and callous explanation that dead civilians should have fled when
US to drag its feet) - but the reality is that the prosecutors of this war
threatened) has amplified the increasing sense abroad that this is a
have lost more than they have won.
country which does not care about international law.
Whatever Israel does now, it is seriously diminished. In military terms
Though the world has long demonstrated a habit of forgetting Israels
it has been confronted successfully for a second time by the guerillas
misdemeanours, this war has dramatised
of Hizbullah. Again and again, its heavilythe urgent need for a return to a proper
armoured Merkava tanks have been
Middle East peace plan, a negotiated
rocketed to a standstill. All its technology
process that will be less generous to Israel
and its large army have been shown
than its own unilaterally-applied
lacking the deftness and determination of
convergence plan. There is a danger too
a vastly smaller force lacking armoured
that if Americas unconditional support for
vehicles, bombers and aircraft. Most
Israel in this affair damages its wider policy
seriously, its vulnerability to missile attack
in the Middle East - in Shia-majority Iraq,
has been amply demonstrated to any
where there are tens of thousands of US
enemy, despite its possession of US antitroops, and over Iran - Israel may feel that it
missile batteries. Israel has lost one of its
squandered a high point in its relationship
most powerful weapons - the
with Washington for little real advantage.
psychological sense of its military
So who has won? Not Israel. Certainly not
It is something for which Israelis are Some of the innocent victims of the Israel terrorist Lebanon or its fragile democracy, the
development of both of which will have been
unlikely to forgive those behind a war which
attacks in Lebanon
pushed back half a decade and more. But
evidence now suggests was being
what about Hizbullah? What can be said is that, on its own terms, it
planned long before the kidnap of two Israeli soldiers. Even before
has not lost. Not yet. It has resisted Israel and thus far at least has
the UN resolution was agreed, support for the conflict, though still
survived, which was all it had to achieve. If it continues to survive until
substantial, was steadily beginning to erode, confronted by a constant
an international force is deployed - which seems likely - then the issue
stream of casualties from the fighting for little geographical and
of its disarmament will have disappeared again into some vague
strategic gain. Indeed, Israels only major victory thus far was the
future. In psychological terms, it can claim that its few fighters have
capture of the largely Christian town of Marjayoun - peopled with its
inflicted disproportionate damage on the Israelis for a second time,
former collaborators with Israels allies from the South Lebanese
and put the issue of the Shebaa farms on the negotiating table.
Army - a few kilometres across the border.
But the real test for Hizbullah will be applied not by the international
Instead, in the past two weeks both the Israeli military and its political
community but by Lebanon itself, which must decide if the price it paid
masters have come under attack for their prosecution of the war. And
for Hizbullah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah to claim bragging rights
if one figure now appears most at risk it is Prime Minister Ehud
was far, far too high.
Olmert, a cold fish who tried and failed to be tougher than his mentor,

Lebanon curse Haunts

Israel Prime Minister
Lebanon has become a curse
incumbent Ehud Olmert likely to be the
latest victim after a war that has proved
to be a military fiasco, leaving doubt
hanging over the very future of his
nascent Kadima party, Israeli experts
and analysts have agreed.
Olmert knows this is the juncture in
time at which an entirely different war
is going to begin the war over his
political future, Ben Caspit of the
Maariv daily told Reuters.
One poll last week showed Olmerts
popularity had dropped below 50
percent from over 75 percent near the
start of the war.
Theres going to be a monumental
eruption, said one army officer, who
could not be named. Its already
started in the army with generals
accusing each other and passing the
blame (for the defeat).
Despite positive noises from Olmerts
allies, Israelis are far from convinced
the month-old war counts as a victory.
We did not win, wrote Nahum Barnea
in the best-selling Yedioth Ahronoth
Analysts told Reuters that Israels
main achievement is the provision
in the UN resolution for the deployment
of the Lebanese army and a
beefed-up UNIFIL peacekeeping force
in the south. But the two soldiers taken
prisoner by Hizbullah are still in the
hands of the resistance group, which
proved it could hold off the Israeli army
and inflict heavy casualties while
raining rockets on northern Israel.
And there is no timetable for
disarming Hizbullah as repeatedly
demanded by Israel and the US.
Except for Israels ongoing conflict with
the Palestinians, Israel has suffered
heavier civilian casualties than in any
war since it was established at the
rubble of Palestine in 1948. A total of
110 Israeli soldiers have been killed
since the start of the war in fierce
battle with well-trained Hizbullah
fighters. Twenty-four Israeli soldiers
were killed on Saturday, August 12, in
the highest single-day death toll.
Over the past four weeks, Hizbullah
proved a foe to be reckoned with,
inflicting heavy losses on the armedto-the-teeth Israeli army.It shot down
at least four Apache helicopters and
destroyed one warship, a fast-speed
patrol in addition to tens of Israels
pride Merkava tanks. (Reuters)

Somalia eyes ties with Kenya

Continued From Page 1
Ethiopian troops are based in the city of
Baidoa to protect the interim government
which wield little power outside the city.
On his part, Billow praised the ICU in its efforts
to bring about peace in Somalia. We praise
Islamic Courts for their devotion towards
creating stability in the lawless capital, he
said. He went on to urge the courts to
participate in talks mediated by the Arab
League in the Sudanese capital Khatoum
with the Baidoa administration so as to bring
a lasting solution to the conflict.
Among those in the delegation were Abdillahi
Abdi, the chairman of the National Muslim
Leaders Forum and Sheikh Hussein Mahdi
Noor, an official of the Majlis Ulamaa Kenya.
Since the Islamic Courts Union took large
chunks of the country, relative peace has
descended in the country. For the first time in
more than a decade, the Mogadishu
international airport and the sea port have
now been open to civilian. Last week, it
reasserted its control over the Somali
coastline promising seafarers that the
hijacking of ships by pirates would be a
matter of history.

War against Islam

Continued From Page 1
He poured scorn on the government for
employing a different set of justice for the
Muslim community pointing to the fact that
incarcerated while Armenian brothers
who were engaged in criminal activities
were left to go scot-free and a
commission of inquiry with tax payers
money instituted to probe their illegal
Speaker after speaker condemned the
government for refusing to condemn the
brutal killings of the innocent.
Other speakers at the rally included the
chairman of the National Muslim Leaders
Forum (NMLF) Abdillahi Abdi and former
Runyenjes MP Njeru Kathangu.
The rally was jointly organised by NMLF
with Muslim Human Rights Forum.
In Mombasa, thousands strode through
the town streets chanting anti-American,
British and Israel slogans and later
converged at the Makadara grounds
where leaders from the area bitterly
criticised Israel together with its allies the
United States and Britain.

KCB Amana goes to Mombasa

Kenya Commercial Bank took its interest free-bank account to
Mombasa with a colourful launch in the coastal town last week.
The Amana account was launched in the coastal town at a
colourful ceremony graced by Muslim leaders and company
officials. Present at the event held at the Treasury Square were
the Chief Kadhi Sheikh Hammad Muhammad Kassim, Mvita MP
Najib Balala, acting mayor of Mombasa Ali Shekue Ali and Prof
Muhammad Hydar among the Muslim dignitaries.
KCB officials included company secretary David Kiprop Makwen
and Amina Ahmed the banks retail manager.
Though the account is specifically aimed for Muslims, it is also
open to those who do not profess the Islamic faith.
The launch in Mombasa comes less than a month after the
unveiling of the Amana account in Nairobi.
A four-man advisory council of Islamic scholars was constituted
to ensure that all functions of the account are in total conformity
with Islamic laws.
The interest-free account, the second of its kind in the growing
Islamic banking window sector, is also available in KCB branches
in Tanzania and Southern Sudan.
Kenya Commercial Bank promised to unveil other features of
Islamic banking once the amendment to the Banking Act is made.
Finance Minister Amos Kimunya in his Budget speech
announced the amendment of the Act to allow Islamic Banking.
Barclays Bank opened the door for the sector with the launch of
the La Riba Account late last year.
A fully fledged Islamic Bank offering a wide range of Shariah
compliant banking services was due to open its doors next month
but delays in amendment of the Banking Act have forced it to
delay the opening to early next year-Inshaallah.

Scrap terror police, Nyanza Muslims demand

Voices are getting louder for the anti-terrorist police unit to be
disbanded. The latest call came from Migori in South Nyanza
where Muslims said the unit was operating outside the confines
of the law and being used to oppress members of the Muslim
The chairman of the Migori Muslim Development Committee
Ibrahim Omar Hussein said Muslims have suffered under the
police squad on the assumption that there are terrorists and
Our colleagues in Mombasa and other parts of the Coast have
had enough harassment and intimidation from this squad. It has
depicted Muslims as criminals and terrorists, he said.
He called on President Mwai Kibaki to ensure that the rights of
Muslims are protected just like other Kenyans.
Last week, at a conference of Kadhis from East Africa, a call was
made for the scrapping of the unit, which came under attack for
violating the rights of Muslims with impunity. The Scholars
asserted that the unit had been used as a tool to oppress innocent
Muslims in the country at the behest of foreigners.
Similar calls have been made by scholars and Muslim leaders at
different forums.

Nairobi Masaajid Joint Programme Faith in Action

Youths told to Focus on team building

Professor Shaukat Abdulrazak, the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Egerton
University in his key note address during a youth workshop organized
by NMJP underscored the importance of team building and group
achievement in the implementation and programmatic engagement
of community youth initiatives and projects.
He pointed out the case of Malaysian Muslim youth, which in all
measurements stands out as a success story on youth
development and implored local youth to enter into viable partnership
and meaningful synergies with similar initiatives regionally and even
globally. Prof.Shaukat presentation proved to be an inspiring mood
for the workshop.
The workshop also looked at team building and group achievement
in the Islamic perspective and proceeded to identify specific
illustrations of the prophets acts and spirit of team-building which
include; team work in building Masjid Al-Nabawi, the team spirit in
the battle of Khandaq and and the cooperation in the battle of Taabuk.
The workshop further noted that team-work is an integral component
of good leadership and that team work is not possible without good
leadership. The following qualities were identified as characteristic
of good leadership;God fearing leadership
self critical leadership
trustworthy leadership
hardworking leadership
a non selfish leadership
a non arrogant leadership
an all integrated leadership
a communicative leadership
focused and wise leadership
a sincere and honest leadership
a just and knowledgeable leadership
Some of the operational qualities of team work from Islamic point of
view are:positive attitude towards goals and objective of team
obedience towards leadership at all levels within the team
sincerity and sacrifice by all members of the team
intensive and systematic communication in the team
trustworthiness and truth fullness between members
involvement in the distribution and carrying out of tasks
volunteerism by all members however difficult the task
Efficiency and effectiveness especially at top leadership
The workshop also discussed Challenges facing the Muslim youth
and looked at possible ways and means of turning the identified
challenges into opportunities.
It might not be possible to enumerate all the challenges and
opportunities identified but suffice it to note the resolve by all the
participants to organize and consolidate gains and achievements
by looking for each other and investing in each other as youth locally
regionally and globally.

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Saturday Lecture
Sheikh Badru Jaffar
Saturday August 19 2006
Jamia Masjid Multi-Purpose Hall

The Friday Bulletin is a Publication of Jamia Mosque Commitee, P. O. Box 40629-00 400 Nairobi, Tel: 243504/5 E-mail:

Printed by Pro-phase Marketing- Plessey House Uhuru Highway P. O. Box 8156-00200 Nairobi

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