Gujarat IAS Transfers On 22nd June

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GOVERNMENT OF GUJARAT General Administration Department, ‘Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar Dated the 23 June, 2046, NOTIFICATION 1 ‘Shri M.S. Dagur, AS (RR:GUJ:1984), Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Social Justice & Empowerment Deparment, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar is transferred and appointed as. Additional Chiet Secretary to Goverment, Forests & Environment Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar vice Shi Punamchand Parmar. IAS transferred, 2 Shri Sujt Gulat, IAS (RR:GUJ:1985), Additional Chiof Secretary to Govemment (Primary '& Secondary Education), ‘Education, Department ‘Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar le tansierred and appointed as Additional Chief Secretary to Goverment, “Energy &. Petrochemicals Department, ‘Sachivalaya, Ganchinagar vice Shi L. Chuaunge, IAS transferred 3 ‘Shri Punamchand Parmar, IAS (RR:GUJ:1985), Principal Secretary to Government, Forests & Environment Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar Ig tancferred and appointed as Principal Secretary to Government, Urban Development & Urban Housing Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar view De Rally Kumar Gupta, IAS vansferred 4 hil Sanlay Prasad, IAS (RR:GUJ:1086), Principal Secretary to Government, Labour & Employment Depariment, Sachivalaya, Gananinagar ig waneferred and. appointed as Principal Secretary to” Government, Agriculture & Cooperation Department, Sachivalays, Gandhinagar vies ‘SRAAM, Solante, IAS transferred. No. Ats/36.2016/21/6, Shit Vipul Mitra, IAS (RR;GUJ:1986), Dlrector General, Sardar Patel Institute of Buble Administration (SPIPA), Ahmedabad is transferred and ‘appointed ae Principal Secretary to Government, Ports Transport Department, Sachivslaya, Gandhinagar vice Shvi Raj Gopal, IAS transferred s Dr. Rallv Kumar Gupta, IAS (RR:GUJ:1986), Principal Secretary to Government, Urban Development & Urban "Housing Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar is" transforred and appointed as _Princppal Secretary #0 Government (Primary & ‘Secondary Education), Education Department, Sschivalaya, “Gandhinagar view Shri Sujit Gulat, IAS transferrea z Shri_L. Chuaunge, IAS (RR:GUJ:1987), Principal Secretary to Goverment, Energy. & Petrochemicals Department, Sachivalays, Gandhinagar is transferred and appointed as Principal Secretary t© Goverment, Labour &. Employment Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar vice Shr Sanjay Prasad, IAS wanstorred a Shri Ra) Gopal, IAS (RR:GUJ:1997), Principal Secretary to ‘Government, Ports & Transport Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar who Slso holds the additonal charge of the ‘post of Principal ‘Secretary to Government, Panchayats, Rural Housing & Rural Development Department ‘Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar Is tansforred from the post of Principal Secretary to Govemmant. Ports & Transport Deparment, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar land appointed to be in the fulfedged charge of the. post of Principal Saccotary to Government, Panchayats, Rural Housing & Rural Development Department, Sechivalaya, Gandhinagar. 2 ‘Smt Anuradha Mall, JAS (RR’GUJ'1888), Commissioner of Women & Child Development & Principal Secretary to Government, Women & Chilé Davelopment Department, ‘Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar is tansferred ang appointed a6 Chie! Executive Officer, Gujarat Stato Disaster Management ‘Authority. Gandhinagar vice Smt Anju Sharma, IAS transferred, 10 ‘Smt. Anita Karwal, IAS (RR:GUJ:1988), who Is transferred from the post of Chie! Electoral offcer for the Stato of Gujarat and Ex-officio Principal Recratary to Government. General Administation Department vide. General ‘Administration. Department. Notifoation No AIS/36 2076/81 cated 25/5/2016 te appointed as Principal Secrotary to Government (NRI & ART), General Administration Deparment, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar relieving Shn Vipui Mitra, IAS of the addilonal charge of that post ‘Smt, Anita Karwal, IAS should held the adsitional charge of the post of Director General, Sardar Patel Instiule of Public Administration (SPIPA), [Ahmedabad unfl further ordare vice Sht Vipul Mitra, IAS transferred u Shri Kamal Kumar Dayani, IAS (RR‘GUJ:1890), Commissioner of “Transport, Gandhinagar is transferred and appointed as Principal Secretary {0 Goverment, Social Justice & Empowerment Department, Sachivalaya, ‘Gandhinagar vice Shri M.S. Dagur, IAS tansterred, 2 Smt. Thara, IAS (RR:GUU:1095), Municipal _ Commissioner, ‘Anmedabad Municipal Corporation, Ahmedabad is transferred and her Services are placed at tie Uispoval Uf il lnlusuios & Mines Department for appointment as. Viee Chairman & Managing Direstor, Gujarat, Industial Bevelopment Comoration, Gandhinagar yioe Shi Mano) Aggarwal. IAS transferred 2 ‘Smt. Mona Khandhar, IAS (RR:GUJ:1995), Secretary to Government (Animal Husbandry, Cow Breeding, Fisheries & Cooperation), Agriculture & Cooperation Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar ts transfered and Sppointed "aa Secretary to” Government (Economic Affairs), Finance Aepanmont. Sachivalaya, “Gandhinagar vice” Dr” T. Natarajan, IAS. wanstered 14 Dr. T. Natarajan, IAS (RR:GUV:1998), Secretary to Government (Economic “Affara), Finance Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar Is {ranetered and appointed a2 Stato Project Director, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan & Exotlio Commissioner of Primary Education, Gandhinagar vice ‘Shr Mukesh Kumar, IAS transferred 18 Shri Mukesh Kumar, IAS (RR:GUJ: 1998), State Project Director, Sarva Sikeha “Abhiyan 8 Exofficea Commissioner of Primary Education Ganchinagar's transferred and his services are placed at tie disposal of the Gian’ Development & Urban Housing Department for appointment as Municipal Commissioner, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, Ahmedabad ee Smt D. Thara, IAS transferred. ‘Shri Arunkumar M. Solank’, JAS (RR:GUJ:1990), Principal Secretary to Government, “Agreulture 8 Cooperation Department, Sachivalay ‘Gandhinagar is ansferred and his services aro placed at the disposal of the Industries & Mines Department for appointment as Managing Director, Gujarat. Mineral Development Corporation Lid., Ahmedabad relieving ‘Shri Hareet Shukla, JAS (RR:GUJ:1999), Development Commissioner, Gandhinagar is transfered snd appointed as Commissioner of Land Reforms & Exofficio Secretary to Government, Revenue Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar vice Shri V.P. Patol, IAS transferred ‘Shri Haraet Shukla, IAS should hold the addtional charge of the post of Revenue Inspection Commissioner & Ex-offcio Secretary fo Government, Revenue Deparment, Sachivalaya, Ganchinagar until further orders relieving Shri AM, Mankad, IAS of the additonal charge of that post 18 Shi DN, Pandey, IAS (RR:GU:1985), who ie transferred trom the post of Commissioner of Rallet and Excoffcio Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Revenue Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar vide General Asministration Department Notiieation No.AISI38 2016/10/6 dated 5/4/2016 fe appointed as Chie! Executwe Officer and Rehabilitation Commissioner, Sardar Sarovar Punarvasavat Agency, Vadodara relieving Shi R.M. Jadav, TAS of the adaltional charge of that post 18 Shri Manoj Aggarwal, JAG (RR:GUJ:1990), Vice-Chairman & Managing Director” Gujarat Industiial Development. Corporation, Gandhinagar 1s Gansforfod and appointed as Development Commissioner, Gandhinagar vice Shri Harest Shukla, IAS transferred, 20 Shri H.S, Patel, IAS (SCS:GUJ:1999), Municipal Commissioner, ‘Vadodara Municipal Corporation, Vacedara 1s fansterred and appointed ss ‘Additonal Chie Executve Officer, Gujarat. State Disaster, Management ‘Authorly, Gandhinagar ralieving Shri PB. Thakar, IAS of the addtional Charge of that post ‘Shri Roopwant Singh, IAS (RR:GLJ:2003), Additions! Secretary to Government (Budget), Finance Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar ls fransforred and appointed a8 Commissioner of Geology & Mining, Gandhinagar viee Shr Mt. Thennarasan, 1AS transferred 22 ‘Shri M. Thennarasan, IAS (RR:GUJ:2000) Commissioner of Geology, & Mining. Gandhinagar, is traneferred and sppolnted as Commlcsioner of Woman & Child Development & Secretary to Gavernment, Women & Child Doparment, Sachivalaya” Gandhinagar vice Smt Anuradha Mall, IAS ‘raneferres 22 Shri MAR. Kothari, JAS (SCS:GUJ:2008), District Development Officer, Rajkot is tanstemed and his services aro placed at the disposal of the Urban Bevelopment & Urban Housing Department for appointment as Municipal Commissioner, Bnavnagar. Muniipal Corporation, Bhavnagar vice Shr Jal Prakash Shivanare, 1AS. Shri VP, Patel, JAS (SCS:GUJ:1999), Commissioner of Land Reforms. and ‘Ex-officio “Secretary to. Government, Revenue Department, Sachivaloya, Gandhinagar is transferred and appointed as Secretary to Goverment, Sports, Youth & Cukural Activities Deparment, Gandhinagar {ica Shi Manish Bhardwa), JAS transferred. ‘Smt. Anju Sharma, IAS (RR:GUJ:1991), Chiet Executive Officer, Gujarat State Disaster Management Authorty, Gandhinagar is transferred fand appointed as. Principal Secretary to Government (Animal Husbandry, Cow "Bresding, Fisheries & Cooperation), Agreuitire. & Cooperation Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar vies Smt. Mona Khandhar, IAS teanstored, Shri DP. Joshi, IAS (Selection:GUJ:2000), Secretary, Gujarat Pubic Service Commission, Ahmedabad Is vansferred and appainted ae Special Commissioner, Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan in the Commissionerate ‘of Rural evelopment, Gandhinagar vice Shii R’M. Jaday, IAS transferred. a ‘Shri Manish Bhardwa), JAS (RR:GUJ:1987), Secretary to Government, Sports, Youth & Cultural Activites Depariment, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar is onsferred and appointed as Commissioner of Relle? & Ex-officio Socrotary fo Govemment, Revenue Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar relieving Smt Anju Sharina, JAS of the additonal charge of that post Shei GT. Panaya, IAS (Selection:GUN2011), | Supernumersry ‘Ackitionsl Coliector, Chhotaudepur is wansforred and appointed ae Distict ‘evelopment Officer, Rajkot vice Shr MR. Kothari, IAS transferred, 29 Shri RM. Jaday, IAS (SCS:GUJ:1998), Special Commissioner, Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan in the Comhissionerate of Rural Development, Gandhinagar |p transferred and appointed se Commissioner of anspor, Gandhinagar vice Shr Kamal Kumar Dayan, (AS tansferred Dr. Vinod R, Rao, IAS (RR:GUJ:2000), Commissioner, National Rural Health Mission, Gandhinagar i fansferred and his services are placed: at the deposal of the Urban Development & Ursan Housing Department for Appsintnent a= Municipal Commissioner, Vadodara Municipal Corporation, Vacodara vice Shi! H.S. Patel IAS transferred. a Smt. Manisha Chandra, IAS _(RR;GUJ:2004), Director (ICDS), Commissionerate of Women & Child Development, Gandhinagar should hold the aduitional charge of tre post of Director. Natisnal Rural Health Mission, Gancihinagar untl further ordere view Dr. Vinod R. Rao, IAS transferred, By order and in the name of the Governor of Gujarat, Dhananjay Dwivedi Secretary to Government (Ser.), General Administration Department. aS, sea ‘Sots Arstaton Oyen, Save he 2 hme, 016 Rees Sees SEDI Baths Seen Ba ‘Te Soil Atte Sere ttbonovnCaiatnwsARTOnt Pree =WS Ca (Ashok Davo) Officer on Special Duty & Joint Secrotary to the Govt. of Gujarat, ‘General Administration Department.

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