Minutes Oh 2016-06-21

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Minutes of the Old Hutton and Holmescales Parish Open Meeting on the 21st June, 2016

1. Election of the Chairman of Old Hutton and Holmescales Parish Council for 2016 to 2017
Steve Capstick agreed to continue as Chairman of the Parish Council.
2. Comments by parishioners
a) It was noted that parked cars at the foot of Bridge End hill are causing traffic to slow when coming down the
hill. However, the rough surface of the road is unsatisfactory. It will be reported again to CCC.
b) The Old Hutton sign at the junction of the A684 and The Old Scotch Road is damaged and will be reported.
c) The sign next to the M6 bridge at the junction with Brunthwaite Lane is the wrong way around and has caused
problems. It will be reported.
d) The 30mph signs along the B6254 have been renewed.
e) Nothing has happened about the suggested measures to reduce speeding past the school. Stan Collins will
be contacted.
f) Concern was expressed about the conduct of children staying at Hutton Gate Farm. The Community Police
Officer will be invited to attend the next Parish Council meeting in September.
Minutes of the AGM of Old Hutton and Holmescales Parish Council 21st June, 2016
1. Present
Steve Capstick (chairman), John Heap, Ruth Rigg, Arthur Robinson (clerk) and three parishioners
2. Apologies
Alison Nelson and John Shorrock
3. Election of the Vice-Chairman of Old Hutton and Holmescales Parish Council for 2016 to 2017
It was decided that the office of Vice-Chairman is not needed.
4. Minutes of the last AGM held on the 11th May, 2015
These minutes were confirmed to be a true and accurate record on 21-07-2015. [see the document on the
parish website]
5. Chairmans report for 2015/16 see the report at the end of these minutes
6. Review and adoption of appropriate standing orders and financial regulations
Revised standing orders were adopted on 07-11-2013; financial regulations were adopted on 20-04-2016
7. Review of inventory of land and assets
The values of these items were reviewed [see the document on the parish website]
8. Review and confirmation of arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all insured risks
a) The parish council currently has the standard policy from Zurich Insurance (premium 205.33) for the
period 01-06-2016 to 31-05-2017.
b) The values of all items on the assets list were reviewed for insurance cover.
9. Review of the Councils membership of other bodies
These are CALC [current subscription 157.00] and the Upper Kent Local Area Partnership [no subscription].
a) Appointment of a Parish Council representative to the Armistead Wind Farm Funding Committee
Steve Capstick
b) Appointment of a Parish Council representative to the Upper Kent LAP meeting John Heap
10. Review of the Councils procedures for handling requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
and Data Protection Act 1998
None has been received.

Chairmans Report for 2015/16

The council meets regularly throughout the year. It has no set dates because when planning applications come in the
time scale to respond to them is very short so meetings are called to look at them.
The year has seen several small planning applications and the major one being the solar farm at Greaves Farm. After
a public meeting, the council objected to this application. The solar farm was completed in late March and a
community fund has been set up with an income of 4,600/year for a period of 25 years.

Members of the PC are concerned that SLDC Planning Committee have their own agenda on planning and do not
take much notice of councils views. We met an officer after the solar decision to put our concerns to him.
The report of the flooding at Middleshaw in August 2013 was put to parishioners in the year but it was felt that nothing
new has been learned from it and no one was willing to take any responsibility. The PC agreed to endorse a document
put to it supporting the residents affected.
A scheme to provide hyperfast broadband to the parish and surrounding areas was started in the year and the council
thanks all involved in it and will support it in any way it can.
Storms in December 2015 caused damage to some properties in the parish and also to several bridges in the area.
The one causing most disruption locally was the bridge at Saint Sundays which was closed for several months. Roads
were also damaged by the flooding and CCC Highways are repairing them when time and money allow.
Thanks to all the councillors for their time in helping the parish, and to the clerk and website manager who keep
parishioners up to date.

Minutes of the Old Hutton and Holmescales Parish Council meeting on 21st June 2016
160621-1 Present
Steve Capstick (chairman), John Heap, Ruth Rigg, Arthur Robinson (clerk) and three parishioners
160621-2 Apologies
Alison Nelson and John Shorrock
160621-3 Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting
The chairman signed the minutes of the parish council meetings held on 20-04-2016 and 04-05-2016 as true records.
160621-4 Chairmans announcements
a) The full Greaves Solar Farm Fund Committee is Simon Gray, Ann Hinchliffe, Jamie Normington, Ruth Rigg
and John Shorrock
b) The following work will be carried out at the solar farm: seeding of the site in July; narrowing of the site
entrance; and planting of landscape trees and bushes from September.
c) The damaged parapet on Popplemire Bridge will be inspected by the CCC Bridge Surveyor
d) The following dates have been arranged by South Cumbria Rivers Trust to pull out Himalayan Balsam:
28th June 6.30 to 8pm meet at the public hall
9th August 6.30 to 8pm meet at the public hall
160621-5 Declaration of interests:
160621-6 Open session:


no comments

160621-7 Planning applications

a) Applications submitted requiring council comments:
SL/2016/0431 Replacement balcony at 2 Oakfield Farm the council agreed to support this application
SL/2016/0434 - Addition of a manege to a stable between Fairthorns Lane and the M6 the council agreed to support
this application
b) The progress of the following application was noted:
SL/2016/0270 - Single storey extension to the rear of the property to provide a living kitchen with WC and boot
room at Hutton Yeat. The parish council had no objection to this application at its site meeting on 04-05-2016.
160621-8 Payment of accounts
Payment of the following amount was authorised:
50.00 grant for the Queens 90th birthday childrens party to Chris Millray
160621-9 Financial report
The parish precept and precept grant totalling 1000 have been received. The Community Account balance is
currently 4531.58
160621-10 Correspondence
The following items of correspondence were received since the last meeting:
18-05-2016 from The Local Government Boundary Commission Review of SLDC wards [see item 12]
18-05-2016 from CALC May newsletter [forwarded to councillors]
08-06-2016 from CALC June newsletter [forwarded to councillors]

160621-11 Extension of the B4RN broadband network to the parish

A route through Preston Patrick and Old Hutton has been agreed verbally with landowners and all but 1Km has been
walked and photographed to check for obstacles and to determine its exact course. The long spurs to Low Bendrigg
and Sillfield have also been walked. Progress in New Hutton has been slower. The next steps are to agree a route to
join the network to the Lupton network and to visit all landowners to ask them to sign the wayleave agreement. No
digging can start until all the wayleaves have been signed between the electronics cabinets. It is hoped that
installation of duct will be started in early autumn. The total sum invested so far is 268,050 and 271 expressions of
interest in connecting have been received.
160621-12 Pollution of Peasey Beck
The transient pollution of Peasey Beck with green slime was discussed. The parish council has no specific powers in
this issue but the Environment Agency is keen to learn about pollution incidents. Parishioners are urged to contact the
Agency as soon as possible when pollution is seen. The 24 hour phone line is 0800 807060.
160621-13 Review of SLDC wards
The Local Government Boundary Commission has recommended that the number of SLDC councillors remains the
same at 51 and they should represent 17 larger three-member wards. This is so that each district councillor will
represent the same number of electors. There will be an election in three out of every four years. The parish will be in
Kendal Rural ward with the rest of the present Whinfell ward. It was agreed that the comment to be sent to the LGBC
consultation was that there was no objection to the recommendations.
160621-14 Date of the next meeting
The next meeting will be at 7.30pm on Monday 5th September at the Public Hall
Arthur Robinson, parish clerk, Over Bleaze, Old Hutton, Kendal, LA8 0LU
Telephone 01539-725955
e-mail ohpclerk@gmail.com


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