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A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate Studies

Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College
Zamboanga City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Degree of Master of Arts in Teaching
Vocational Education


January 2016

Cadavedo, C. P. (2016). Teachers Competence and
Administrative Support in Technical-Vocational and Livelihood
Track Towards the Implementation of K to 12 Program Among
Selected Schools in Zamboanga City. Masters Thesis,
Zambooanga City State Polytechnic College, Zamboanga City.
Adviser: Michael Joavanni E. Perez, Ed. D.
This study was conducted mainly to determine the level of teachers
competence and administrative support provided to the teachers handling the
Technical-Vocational Livelihood (TVL) Tracks towards the implementation of
the K to 12 Program among selected high schools in Zamboanga City.
Specifically, it sought to provide answers to the following problems: 1. What is the
profile of the teachers in terms of Length of Service, Educational qualification,
and TVL specializations handled?; 2.What is the level of competence of the
teachers handling Technical-Vocational Livelihood Tracks in terms of Mastery
of Subject Matter and Methods and Strategies of Teaching?; 3. What is the level
of administrative support provided to the teachers handling Technical-Vocational
Livelihood Track towards the implementation of the K to 12 Program among
selected high schools in Zamboanga City in terms of Facilities, Learning
Materials, and Professional Development? 4. Is there a significant difference in
the level of competence of the teachers handling Technical-Vocational
Livelihood Track among selected high schools in Zamboanga City when data is
grouped according to teachers profile? 5. Is there a significant difference in level
of administrative support provided to the teachers handling Technical-Vocational
Livelihood Track towards the implementation of the K to 12 Program among

selected high schools in Zamboanga City when data is grouped according to

teachers profile?
This study hypothesized that there is no significant difference on the level
of competence of the teachers handling Technical-Vocational Livelihood Track
among selected high schools in Zamboanga City when data is grouped
according to teachers profile and that there is no significant difference on the
level of administrative support provided in the implementation of TechnicalVocational Livelihood Track towards the implementation of the K to 12 Program
among selected high schools in Zamboanga City when data is grouped
according to teachers profile. It utilized a 5-point Likert scale questionnairechecklist as the main instrument for data gathering as it adopted a DescriptiveSurvey type of research design.
The respondents were the teachers handling Technical Vocational and
Livelihood Tracks which covers strands in Home Economics (HE), Industrial Arts
(IA), and Information Communication Technology (ICT) among selected high
schools in Zamboanga City during the school year 2015-2016. The study
concludes that majority of the teachers were handling Electrical Installation and
Maintenance Servicing NCII with 16 years in the service and who have earned
units in their respective Masters Degree Program. The level of competence of
the teachers handling specializations under Technical Vocational and
Livelihood track among the selected schools in Zamboanga City for the school
year 2015 2016 were competent in terms of their mastery of the subject matter
and methods and strategies of teaching. The provisions for facilities, learning
materials, and professional development were limited and administrative support

is not enough in general. In addition, significant difference does not exist in the
level of competence of the teachers handling Technology Vocational and
Livelihood tracks among selected high schools in Zamboanga City in terms of
their length in service and educational qualification. However, significant
difference exists in terms of specializations handled. Moreover, significant
difference does not exist in the level of administrative support provided to the
teachers handling Technical-Vocational Livelihood Track towards the
implementation of the K to 12 Program among selected high schools in
Zamboanga City in terms of their Educational Qualification and Specializations
Handled. However, significant difference exists in terms of their length in service.
This study strongly recommends that the Schools Division Superintendent
and other Officials to consider hiring more teachers to handle Hairdressing NCII,
Handicraft, Wellness and Massage NCII, Automotive Servicing NCII, Shielded
Metal Arc Welding NCII, and in Animation NCII; encourage and support teachers
who are new in the service to pursue higher educational degree for professional
growth; and prioritize administrative support programs addressing inadequate
facilities, learning materials and professional development for teachers handling
Technical-Vocational and Livelihood Tracks. The School Administrators were
suggested to recommend teachers handling Technical-Vocational and Livelihood
Track for relative trainings and up-skilling; include developmental programs in
School Improvement Plan for the up-grading of facilities specifically on
Caregiving NC II, Carpentry NCII, Dressmaking NC II, Housekeeping NC II,
Consumer Electronics Servicing NCII, Wellness Massage NC II, Automotive
Servicing NCII, Handicraft, and Hairdressing NC II; encourage and support

teachers in the development of learning materials that caters to the needs of their
learners; and, encourage and support teachers to pursue higher educational and
professional development. The teachers are encouraged to pursue professional
development to keep in pace with the current standards required in the
profession; acquire required TVET Certificate such as NC II and the TMC I or
even higher; develop needed Competency-Based Learning Materials in providing
effective and efficient learning experiences of students; and provide school
officials with a list of the required tools, equipment, and needed facilities
necessary for particular field of specialization or strand.

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