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JembatanTiga Raya No. 36, Komp.

Tama Indah BE BI
Jakarta Utara 14450, Ph. 62 21 6611071/72
Name: _______________________
: Primary 4
: _______________________




A. Choose and put a cross (x) on a), b) or c) that shows the right answers.
1. _________ is everything that has mass and occupies space.
a) Matter

b) Volume

c) Mass

2. The only state of matter that cant flow is _________.

a) solid

b) liquid

c) gas

3. The nearest layer from the Earths surface is _________ layer.

a) thermosphere

b) troposphere

c) exosphere

4. The type of air that plant uses to make food is _________.

a) nitrogen

b) oxygen

c) carbon dioxide

This picture shows that _________.

a) matter has definite shape
b) water occupies space
c) water doesnt have definite shape

6. A syringe is filled with substance K that flows. When the nozzle of the syringe is blocke,
the plunger can not be pushed inwards.

This observation tells us about _________.

a) K is a gas

b) K has a definite shape c) K has definite volume

7. The change of state from water vapor to liquid is called _________.

a) evaporation

b) contraction

c) condensation

8. Force that occurs between two objects that are in contact with each other is _________.
a) friction force

b) kinetic force

c) magnetic force

9. Shadows are formed because light travels in _________ lines.

a) wave

b) straight

c) curve

10.The unit of speed is _________.

a) kilometer per hour

b) millimeter per hour

c) kilogram per hour

11.Which of the followings that use the energy conversion from electrical energy become
heat energy ?
a) clock

b) fan

c) toaster

12.Which of the following materials allow some light to pass through ?

A : Frosted Glass
a) A and C only


B : Paper
b) B and C only

c) A, B and D only

13.The magnetism of a magnet is strongest at its _________.

a) North pole only

b) center

c) North and South pole

14._________ energy is also called stored energy.

a) Kinetic

b) Electricity

c) Potential

15.The flow of electricity along the circuit is called an _________.

a) electric circuit

b) electric current

c) electric appliance

16.The decrease in size due to heat loss is called _________.

a) expansion

b) conduction

c) contraction

17.The part of electric circuit that controls the flow of the electric current is _________.
a) bulb

b) switch

c) wires

18.Examples of low-pitched sound are, except _________.

a) thunder

b) crows shriek

c) dogs bark

This is a/an _________ circuit.

a) open

b) closed

c) big

20.The bulb will light up when A is a / an _________.

a) metal keys

b) Plastic spoon

c) rubber band

21.Which of the following diagram shows a complete circuit ?




22.The _________ of a sound refers to the sharpness of a sound.

a) pitch

b) intensity

c) sharp

23.Soil is made up of about _________ % water.

a) 45

b) 5

c) 25

24.Which of the following soils that cant retain water very well ?
a) sandy soil

b) garden soil

c) clayey soil

25.How long does it take for Earth to make one complete rotation ?
a) one day

b) 365 days

c) 28 days

26.The movement of the Earth that moves around the Sun in circular motion is called the
a) rotation of Earth

b) revolution of Earth

c) revolution of Moon

27.Which of these followings that causes changes in seasons ?

a) rotation of Earth

b) revolution of Earth

c) revolution of Moon

28.Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are known as the _________.

a) gas giants

b) rocky planets

c) outer planets

29.The small pieces of rocks in space that have broken off from a planet is _________.
a) asteroids

b) meteoroids

c) meteorites

30._________ is an imaginary line drawn through the center of the sphere from the North
pole to the South pole.
a) orbit

b) axis

c) path

B. Fill in the blanks with correct answers from the box.










Metal tip








Metal casing
Thick ice

1) The only state of matter that has definite volume and shape is _______________.
2) Ozone layer is present in the _______________ layer.
3) The only state of matter that can be compressed is _______________.
4) The layer of air surrounding the Earth is called the _______________.

5) In polar region, water presents in the form of _______________.

6) The force which pushes the magnets away is called the force of _______________.
7) The unit of force is _______________.
8) The tool to measure a very long distance is _______________.
9) A _______________ force is a force exerted by a magnet.
The form of energy that is associated with moving object is _______________

Materials that catch fire easily are called _______________ materials.


Metal filament in a bulb is made of a metal is called _______________.

We can change the pitch of a sound made by an object by changing the

The loudness of a sound is measured in _______________.

The parts of a bulb that connect the bulb to an electric circuit is _______________
and _______________ .

The type of soil that feels sticky and hard to squeeze is _______________.


Ability of a soil to hold on to water is called soil _____________________________.


_______________ are irregular-shaped pieces of rock and metal exist in space.


Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are known as the four _______________ planets.

An _______________ is a circular movement of an object around another object in

C. Essay.
1. Mention 3 composition of air on our Earth !
__________________________, ___________________________, and ____________________________.
2. Mention 3 properties of pure water !
__________________________, ___________________________, and ____________________________.
3. Mention 3 form of potential energy !
__________________________, ___________________________, and ____________________________.
4. Mention 2 ways to make a magnet loses its magnetism !
________________________________________ and __________________________________________.
5. Mention 4 parts of a bulb !
__________________________, ___________________________, and ____________________________.
6. Mention the reason why Earth is the only planet that can support life !

________________________________________ and __________________________________________.

7. Where can we find the asteroid belt on our Solar System ?
8. Mention and draw symbol of electric circuit parts !

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