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Children conceived through 5-9 Sun Sign vibrations, when the Sun-Moon

exchange is also favourable, are aptly called "love children." Although this can
occur between couples of all Sun Signs, it occurs more often with the 5-9
vibrations. When a man and woman blend sexually, an auric light is sent forth
which attracts souls in the astral, seeking a channel for birth. The auric light of
love attracts the more gentle, evolved souls into its magnetic stream, whereas
mating performed in lust alone attracts the lower evolved or still not yet
sensitive souls into a birth channel. Since both kinds of souls must enter the birth
wheel of Karma for gradual and eventually certain enlightenment, each at its
own chosen speed, even a lust mating has its purpose in the Universal Plan though a constant attempt to add the tenderness of real love to lust is eternally
an obligation to such couples.
Because she'll be sending him a silent, yet eloquent and powerful message,
pulsing through the golden cord that binds together all true lovers linked by the
5-9 vibration, even when they're miles apart. Her whispered message will throb
within him some night, in a deep dream, fragrant with the memory of her hair
and eyes. Then he'll leap up from his strange, cold bed, walk to the window, and
stare into the velvet blackness, shimmering with tiny, brilliant star diamonds.. .
Until sunrise. The Sun, too, will remind him .. . of her slow, rising smile at dawn.
Despite these areas of potential tension between them, these two will find
calmness and tranquillity in their sexual blending. Their hearts and bodies agree
with perfect harmony, never mind the occasional confrontations of their minds.
And frequently, the joy they feel when they're giving and receiving love through
its physical expression has the power to heal, or at least soften the edges of their
intellectual differences. For Libra and Aquarius, intimacy of the flesh and
emotions is easily attainable, and always results in peace of the spirit. In this
facet of their love, they are beautifully in tune, their bodies are in key and their
passions know the lyric of their lovemaking music by heart. It's as though they've
blended in this very way many times before. And they have. For every 5-9
vibration indicates previous incarnations of closeness... a mating of the souls and
bodies in half-remembered past lives, still possessing the power to haunt them
with an indefinable nostalgia, especially during their times of sexual nearness.
The first time of their physical union never seems like the "first time." There's
something so familiar about the way they feel.
These two are bound to hurt each other now and then, because they love so
much. But the 5-9 vibration will ever renew their forgiveness, if they give it half a
chance. This man can't bear to be alone; he must marry (or live as though he's
married) or burn with frustration.
As with all 5-9 vibrations, breaking up may mean repeated making up. The time
between separation and reconciliation may be measured by the brief span of a
few hours or days, sometimes in terms of weeks or months, sometimes years.
That's a long time to wait
But this is a 5-9 vibrational association, and the frequent friction between these
two can be smoothed with the quick regret and open forgiveness both Sun Signs

are capable of demonstrating when they've been naughty or unkind toward each
Once they've discovered that compromise is the best way to solve their
disagreements and end their quarrels, they can achieve a kind of mental and
emotional harmony, not to mention physical harmony, that couples who don't
gamble for such high stakes (and who are not guided by the graced-with-mutualsympathy 5-9 vibration) could ever hope to reach.
ney with careless abandon - so finances will seldom be a subject of contention.
With or without a harmonious Sun-Moon aspect between them, this man and
woman can rely on the smooth empathy of the 5-9 vibration to mist each
misunderstanding with sympathy, and soften each argument with forgiveness.
Most of the time, this man and this woman will be wonderfully able to fulfill each
other's silent needs, through the rare intimacy of understanding common to all 59 vibrations
However, even in the latter case, they can always use the natural sympathy of
all 5-9 vibrations to bridge their difficulties. It's difficult for any two people who
are influenced by this Sun Sign Pattern to remain angry or opposed for long. The
path to reconciliation is always easy, and visible to them, when they desire to
find it
I didn't mean that to be facetious, for sexually, this man and woman are blessed
with the grace to achieve a beautiful physical fulfillment together. Their auras are
color-coded: harmonious, the auric light surrounding them during their mating
nearly always shaded in the rainbow hues of love - unless some Sun-Moon static
in their charts causes a few muddy tones. Children conceived through 5-9 Sun
Sign vibrations, when the Sun-Moon exchange is also favorable, are aptly called
"love children." Although this can occur between couples of all Sun Signs, it
occurs more often with the 5-9 vibrations. When a man and woman blend
sexually, an auric light is sent forth which attracts souls in the astral, seeking a
channel for birth. The auric light of love attracts the more gentle, evolved souls
into its magnetic stream, whereas mating performed in lust alone attracts the
lower evolved or still not yet sensitive souls into a birth channel. Since both kinds
of souls must enter the birth wheel of Karma for gradual and eventually certain
enlightenment, each at its own chosen speed, even a lust mating has its purpose
in the Universal Plan - though a constant attempt to add the tenderness of real
love to lust is eternally an obligation to such couples.
These Sun Signs are astrologically trine (harmonious) and influenced by the
magical 5-9 Sun Sign Pattern (see the Sun Sign Patterns section in the front of
this book). Therefore, each senses the other's superior qualities, when compared
with anyone else either of them knows. Since a genuine admiration for each
other is seldom lacking, when peace descends and an armistice is declared, it's
often full of vows (dramatic, naturally) of eternal loyalty and devotion.

Since their natal Suns are trine to each other, there's a lot going for the
relationship from the start. Their natures, goals and desires are similar.
Influenced by a double Earth vibration,
Sun Signs which are in trine complement each other in ways only the two people
involved can appreciate. But one of them is always ahead of the other on the
zodiac wheel, on the soul level, in karmic lessons.
Yet after he's left her, if she learns her lesson, he may return. He might not return
to another woman, but this one haunts the wakefulness of his sleep . . . and the
sleep of his wakefulness .. . in a way that even he will never completely fathom.
As with all 5-9 vibrations, breaking up may mean repeated making up. The time
between separation and reconciliation may be measured by the brief span of a
few hours or days, sometimes in terms of weeks or months, sometimes years.
That's a long time to wait, but both Pisces and Scorpio souls are patient, and
inured to the sacrifices necessary to seeking the ultimate. Instinctively, they
each sense the magnitude of the rewards for tenacity in the heart's faith.
Whatever disharmony may periodically occur through their emotional chess
games, angry spats and pouting silences, the happy times will outnumber the
unhappy. The combination and ecstasy they exchange in their sexual intimacy
welds Pisces and Scorpio together invisibly, but very surely. If there is a SunMoon
conjunction, sextile or trine between them in addition to their trined Suns, once
this man and woman have loved in a physical as well as emotional and mental
way, each of them will admit, if they're honest with themselves, that no other
experience with anyone else in the past could come near equaling it, nor could
any in the future. Ever. That's a pretty good reason for remaining together, when
you both already know there could be no greater heights to reach than the
heights to which you've already climbed. The silent intensity and complete
concentration of his lovemaking - the miracle of her willingness to both trust him
and surrender her whole self to him - when such magic as this is interwoven into
the natural passion between a man and a woman who love each other, desire
can travel in no other direction save a circle .. . always returning to its genesis.

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