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Clara Park

Fly Lab Write Up

Per. 4
Fly Wing Genetics Lab
Hypothesis: If you breed the heterozygous flies with other heterozygous flies then
their offspring will be a 3:1 ratio of long wing to short wing flies because long wing
is dominant to short wing.
Materials: Test tube, cotton, Long wing flies, Short wing flies, fly food, yeast, fly nap,
petri dish, paint brush, water.
Procedures: 1) Create a test tube and breed the long wing flies with short wing flies.
2) Wait approximately a week for the flies to reproduce.
3) Take the offspring and cross them with short wing flies.
4) Take the offspring of the of the last cross and put them in a new test tube.
5) After the offspring have hatched knock the flies out.
6) Separate the long wing and short wing into pikes.
7) Count each pile and record data.
8) Create a chi square using the data.
9) If the data is less than 3.84 then the data is correct. If the data is lower then the
data is not supported.
Results: Our results conclude that the results do not support the hypothesis. The
results from the first cross showed all of the flies to be long wing. After completing
the chi square, the results came out as 3.93 which is .14 more than 3.84. After the
final cross our ratio turned out to be 9:2.
Conclusion: The hypothesis which was If you breed the heterozygous flies with
other heterozygous flies then their offspring will be a 3:1 ratio of long wing to short
wing flies because long wing is dominant to short wing was not supported because
the ratio was not correct. The final ratio of the long wing and heterozygous was
expected to be 3:1 but instead our results showed 9:2. Our results may have been
off due to fly deaths and miscounting.

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