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Peter Ruocco
Senior VIce President
Lobar Relations

June 7, 2016
Thomas J. DePaso, Esq.,
63 Gene Upshaw Place
1133 20th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
Dear Tom:
This letter reflects our agreement regarding Article 33 Practice Squads.
For the 2016 and 2017 seasons the following rules will apply. Absent further agreement, the rules
to ~hich the parties agreed in 2011 will be reinstated beginning with the 2018 season.

Section I. Practice Squads:

The League may elect in any League Year in accordance with this Article to
establish Practice Squads not to exceed ten (10) players per Club. The League's election in any
one season shall not determine or affect its election in any subsequent season.

Section 4. Eligibility:
The Practice Squad shall consist of the following players, provided that they have
not served more than two previous seasons on a Practice Squad: (i) players who do not have an
Accrued Season of NFL experience; and (ii) free agent players who were on the 46~player Active
List for fewer than nine regular season games during their only Accrued Season(s); and (iii) a
maximum of four free agent players per Club who have earned no more than two Accrued Seasons,
with those four players to have no limitation as to the number of games on the 46~player Active
List in either of those seasons. An otherwise eligible player may be a Practice Squad player for a
third season only if the Club by which he is employed that season has at least 53 players on its
Active/Inactive List during the entire period of his employment.
A player shall be deemed to have served on a Practice Squad in a season if he has
passed the club's physical and been a member of the club's Practice Squad for a total of at least
six regular season or postseason games during that season. (For purposes of this Section, a bye
week counts as a game provided that the player is not terminated until after the regular season or
postseason weekend in question.)
This letter agreement will not be used for any purpose othe~ than to interpret and to apply
the specific terms of the Agreement to which they pertain. It may not be used to support or oppose
an interpretation of any provisions of the CBA other than the interpretation expressly resolved by

345 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10154 Tel 212.450.2000

Thomas J. DePaso, Esq.

June 7, 2016
this letter. This letter agreement is being entered into without prejudice to any party's position on
any issue other than those specifically resolved here.

Peter Ruocco

Seen and Agreed:

Thomas J. DePaso

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