"The Time Is 16:16. Are You Ready To Proceed Thomas?": Descent

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The time is 16:16. Are you ready to proceed Thomas?

Fuck, muttered Thomas, as his knuckles turned white from
clenching his fists.
I fucking hate this. He was tapping his foot nervously against the
floor, trying to stop his leg from shaking but to no avail. Calm
down. Come on Tom. You can do this. He focused on his breathing,
which had become quicker and shorter the more frantic he got.
Deep breaths, come on.
There wasnt anything Thomas could think of that was worse than
flying. He put his head back against the rest, his body rigid and
tense. His breathing was now under control but his fists remained
clenched, he didnt dare open them. Hed only flown once and the
experience had terrified him. Now, in his early 30s, he had been
forced to make his second journey amongst the clouds.
The plane was starting to fill. An elderly lady walked past, smiling
at Thomas, who couldnt manage to return the gesture. He was sat
on the right hand-side of the plane, in the middle of three seats,
both still remained empty. A bead of sweat formed on his forehead,
threatening to run down his face but for now, remained in place. His
grey T-Shirt stuck to his skin, partly because of his body heat but
also due to how tight his seatbelt was.
Ladies and Gentleman, please make sure your seat number
matches your ticket.
Thomas closed his eyes, soon the plane would be full and they
would be taking off. He was dreading it. The flight and the
destination. He could still hear people walking past, storing their
luggage and clicking their seatbelts. The engine hummed loudly,
which Thomas hoped was normal. If he could just keep his eyes
closed, maybe he could block it out. It was all starting to blur.
This is exciting, isnt it? Take-offs my favourite part.
Thomas opened his left eye, squinting awkwardly to the man who
had just sat next to him. He was bald, double the age of Thomas, his
face slightly gaunt. He was wearing a bright green Hawaiian shirt,
kaki shorts and brown sandals. A floral lei hung around his neck,
fluttering slightly under the air con.
Almost missed the flight, last one on I think, he smiled toothily
at Thomas, his teeth a dull yellow. There was excitement in his voice
as he grinned to himself.
Marvellous seats. What fantastic seats.

Thomas closed his eyes again, determined to ignore the man. Take
off was certainly not his favourite part. Unfortunately for Thomas,
the man spoke again.
I find it amazing that they are even able to get it off the ground.
Think about it, how much must this thing weigh? Its just
remarkable; God knows how they do it. I dont.
Im sorry, Im not a good flier. I think Ill be happier when we are in
the air. Thomas hoped that this would deter the man, who was still
smiling at him. He was wrong.
Ahh, I understand what you mean, how it stays in the air is just
as outstanding.
Thomas had been glad the seat on his right had remained empty
but now, he wish there was someone else that could have distracted
him. The man was now humming a tune under his breath, irritable
but at least something Thomas could pretend to ignore.
Ladies and Gentlemen, could you please avert your attention to
the cabin crew, who will take you through the safety features on this
Thomas looked up over the seat in front of him to where a
stewardess was standing in the aisle. He was distracted slightly, by
how beautiful she looked. Slightly younger than him, her skin was
pale against brilliant bright red lips. Her auburn hair was in a bun,
shiny and thick while her teeth dazzled white. She was dressed in a
red uniform and when Thomas squinted, he could read her nametag
as Lili. His gaze was soon to be interrupted again.
This part does make me chuckle. As if a tiny life vest would save
us after plummeting into the ocean at five hundred miles-per-hour.
Obliterated. Turned to mush. The man motioned an explosion with
his hands.
Thomas could no longer take it. With shaking hands, Thomas
picked up a small bag that had been down by his feet, opened it,
and took out a small box of prescription tablets.
Extra Strong Sleeping Medication
Please refer to prescription.

Thomas then rummaged around his bag again, this time finding a
small bottle of whiskey. He struggled to open the lid with his hands
still unstable. The man was watching him.
Not a good idea that. Very strong. Too strong if you ask me.
Heard a lot about them.
Thomas ignored him, took two tablets and a large gulp of his
drink, straight from the bottle. He winced as it went down.
Youll be out like a light.
The man was right.
Thomas opened his eyes to a dimly lit plane and snoring in his left
ear. The man was fast asleep, head back with his mouth wide open.
He looked a lot older, his skin tight and skull-like. Thomas rotated his
neck until it clicked, it ached and he had no idea how long he had
slept but he was grateful he had. It wasnt a surprise that the plane
was so dimly lit, it was a long flight and they were expected to fly
through the night. He stretched out his back and then his arms,
releasing a small groan of satisfaction. The shaking had stopped and
he appreciated the quiet.
Whats your name?
Thomas jumped slightly from the interruption. It was Lili, standing
next to a food trolley and smiling at him as she spoke. Thomas
watched her red lips, somewhat mesmerised by them. It was an
interruption he welcomed.
Its Thomas. Im not the best flier.
Where are you from Thomas? She was bent forward, leaning in
just a little, but enough that Thomas could smell her perfume. He
absorbed it, he no longer felt troubled.
Im from Austin. Lili is a pretty name, where are you from?
She giggled slightly. Lili is a nickname. Why are you here
He felt like he was floating. She seemed to glow, not just from her
skin, but a glow that surrounded her. It was angelic and she was
What do you mean? Im flying, like everyone else. We all have
somewhere to be.

And how do you feel about the place that you are going?
Thomas wondered for a moment, slightly drifting out of her aura.
I dont want to talk about it. Its personal.
I understand, Im sorry if I was out of line. If you need anything,
please just come and ask. Im here to help.
Sera pushed to trolley to the next row of passengers, the wheel
squeaking slightly, making Thomas wince.
Thomas felt puzzled, the conversation didnt seem right. She was
too nice, too beautiful. The air conditioning above his head hummed
softly, lightly blowing his hair. There was the occasional beep from
machinery; mechanical movement from motors and most
comfortingly, the inhaling of air from the man accompanied by an
aggressive nasally exhale. Thomas ears were tuned to any sound,
including those of footsteps approaching behind him and followed
by the words excuse me. The figure walked past Thomas, a lady,
dressed in dark clothing with long brown hair.
Thomas tried to get a better view of her but she was walking too
quickly until she reached the toilet. As she opened the door, light
illuminated the side of her face from the bathroom.
What the fuck, Thomas muttered to himself. He recognised her
instantly from her voice but seeing the side of her face confirmed it.
It wasnt possible; it couldnt be. The hairs on his arms and neck
were standing up, like he had seen a ghost. He needed to see her
again, to check for sure. He unfastened his seatbelt and stood up so
he could get a better view. Maybe he could walk past her so he
could be truly sure she wasnt
The loud noise made him jump and shout out. He stood up and
stared towards the toilet. No one else had reacted. No one had
woken up. His ears were ringing, as if he had been standing right
next to the gunshot. A pool of thick, red blood started to spill out
from underneath the door. Thomas tried to scream out but he
couldnt. The ringing was getting louder, causing him to collapse
back into his seat. The bang repeated over and over again. Louder
and louder. His hands were covered in blood, crimson in colour. The
bullet sound thundered again, his head was burning. The pain was
unbearable. It was going to explode. He just wanted to scream out.
The blood poured.
The pain burned.


Thomas. Are you okay Thomas?

Thomas made his last distressed noise as Lili, her soft hand
shaking his wrist, woke him. His had no idea where he was, nor that
he had been dreaming. It felt so real, cruelly depicting something so
unimaginably horrific.
Its okay. Try to relax. The burning remained until she let go of
his wrist. The man next to him looked horrified, as if Thomas was
Im sorry. Im really sorry. I dont know what happened. Everyone
was looking towards his direction. Outside there was darkness but
all the cabin lights had come on, illuminating the bemused and
annoyed faces staring at him. Lili looked at him with wide eyes,
Thomas hated her frightened expression.
Ill get you some water, she spluttered, leaving in a hurry and
glancing back at Thomas.
Tea for me please. The man was still staring open mouthed at
Thomas before cracking a mischievous smile. Told you those pills
were no good for you.
Thomas tried to regain his composure; other passengers were
finally taking their attention elsewhere. He looked towards the toilet,
which had no blood outside, nor were there any on his hands. There
was still a burning sensation however, but only in his wrist.
Im sorry, I didnt mean to alarm anyone. I dont know what
Dont fret, no alarm caused. The man had a sympathetic look on
his face, for which Thomas was grateful. He felt a little guilty for
previously judging the man.
So tell me Thomas, how long have you dreamt about your
Thomas froze, he wasnt sure if his imagination had played
another trick on him, the man was still looking at him.
Im sorry. What did you say?.

How long have you dreamt about your mother. There was no
emotion in his voice, just the question asked in a matter-of-fact
What? How do you know my name?
Try and answer the question Thomas. Did you have these dreams
before her death?
Who the fuck are you? How do you know that? Tell me how you
know my name?
This is important Thomas, dont try to fight these. Everything will
be okay if you answer the question.
Fuck you. Fuck you and fuck off.
The man was upset, tutting under his breath. He looked visibly
annoyed, offended.
Thats no way to talk to the Lord of the Flies young man.
Thomas laughed sarcastically out loud. I think a Lord would look a
little more authoritative than an old man wearing a Hawaiian shirt.
Everyone deserves a holiday. It can be hard work, making sure
the dammed and demented are tortured daily. How else did I know
your name? What you were dreaming?
Thomas humoured the man, who he thought was insane. Well, I
told the airhostess my name as I was dreaming, I must have said
that out loud. Same for my mother.
Good try but bollocks. Like Lili asked, where are you going
Thomas? Whats so fucking personal?
Thomas was getting angry. He stared into the mans eyes, leaning
in so their heads were almost touching, trying to intimidate him.
Shut the fuck up old man. Im warning you.
The whores funeral. Well, thats what you think. That isnt true
though. Except the whore part. Had her here for a week. Shes just
the right kind of demented if you know what I mean? The man
winked at Thomas and licked his lips. Thomas finally lost his control
and swung a fist.

Or at least he tried. His arm felt too heavy to move, remaining

limply by his side. He then tried to head-butt the man but there was
an invisible force, holding Thomas head in place.
Tell me Thomas, how did you get on this plane. What were you
doing before you did? Cant remember?
Thomas couldnt.
What the fuck is happening. Youve drugged me! You must of
given me more pills as I slept. Help. This man is crazy! The panic in
Thomas voice didnt make his reasoning convincing. He sounded
No, youre going somewhere much more fun than a funeral. But
dont take it from me, lets ask the beautiful Lili. Ive seen the way
you ogle her. Pervert. The man tutted again.
Almost instantly, Lili was standing next to them, summoned by the
This man is insane. He must have drugged me. He knows
personal details. Im not a good flier and hes making me feel
uncomfortable. Please can you
Lili ignored Thomas with a dull expression on her face until the
man interrupted.
Lili, can you please tell dear Thomas where we are all going?
She finally broke out in a beautiful smile, tilting her neck to one
side and fluttering her eyelashes.
Well eternal hell of course. For a split second, her face changed
into a hideous
creature; jagged features with fiery eyes and a row of sharp fangs,
snarling at Thomas. Thomas jumped back, screaming out. Her face
changed back and she walked away. Thomas looked out at the
other passengers, to see if they shared his disbelief but they were
no longer passengers. Demons looked back at him, their faces
singed, burnt and melted. They all began to laugh.
Now lets have some fun, said the Devil.
Firstly, you will have no more outbursts. You will only speak when
I let you. There is not point in trying to resist or fight against this.
People think Im the embodiment of evil; unfortunately for you they
are correct. But you will have many questions and I like all the

Lets get the facts straight. Youre dead, Thomas. You died in a
puddle of your own vomit. Sleeping pills if I remember correctly, who
cares. Whats important is that youre here and yes, you are on your
way to hell. Thats why you cant remember how you got on this
Why?, spluttered Thomas.
Excellent question, almost like I made you say it. Why are you
dead? Why did you dream of your mother? Why are you going to
hell? And the answer to all these three questions is simple. Its your
fault she killed herself and you know this. I told you this was going
to be fun. The Devil chuckled to himself and put his hand on
Thomas shoulder. Ive had my eyes on you from the very
beginning. Any brothers or sisters?
No, Im the only child.
A perfectly understandable answer, but wrong! You should have
had a baby sister. Please avert your attention to the screen in front
of you.
A small electronic screen slowly moved down into position. The
Devil took out a remote and switched the screen on.
You dont need to pay for headphones on Airways to Hell. And
they have the gall to call me despicable.
He pressed the remote again, showing a safety information video.
The Devil was dressed as an airhostess, signally to passengers what
do in an emergency. He wore red lipstick and had a long blonde wig
on. The Devil quickly pressed on the remote again but the video
kept repeating onto the next screen until finally, was a black one
with the name Thomas Preston written on in white.
Well that was slightly embarrassing, dont mention that to
anyone, quipped the Devil, who uncontrollably laughed again. Im
sorry, lets resume the condemnation of your life, how unprofessional
of me.
The video flickered into life, showing its age with crackling quality.
It was of a ultrasound. Thomas looked closer but couldnt really
make anything out. The Devil pointed a bony finger at the screen.
Twins! How exciting. As you can see, youre here and there is
your sister. Lets fast forward this a little. Ahh. Baby Thomas is a lot
bigger now. Your sister has barely grown at all. Im not a doctor but
this is worrying. Lets go to the final scan. Just as I feared. There is

one healthy baby boy and a second that wont survive birth. Selfish
in the womb, werent you Thomas?
His eyes had teared up, he couldnt take them off the screen. His
mother had never told him, never said he could have had a sister.
I didnt know. It wasnt my fault.
A cynic like me would have to disagree. But Im all for second
chances. The Devil flicked the remote one final time and the screen
when black, moving back up into its resting spot.
I think thats for you. The Devil pointed past Thomas to the seat
that was no longer empty. There was a small brown leather
handbag, with a few droplets of red on it. Open it.
Thomas slowly reached for the bag, unzipped it and looked inside.
He took out a drivers licence.
Does the name Charlotte Jones mean anything to you?
No, I dont think so.
Wow, you really are an insensitive soul arent you? You were 12
years old, your mother was driving you from Disneyworld, which,
may I add, she could barely afford.
Oh.. II never knew that was her name.
So you do remember?
I do, but, it happened so fast. I remember it was bad.
Why dont we take another look. To your right again Thomas. He
looked but he couldnt see anything. Out the fucking window you
Thomas looked again, peering out of the window. There was a light
filling the darkness, with shapes forming. There was a young boy,
sat down gazing out back into the plane. The seat fully formed, as
did the seat belt until there was a whole backseat. The boy was sat
in a car, moving along side the plane, sharing the window.
Thats me.
Thomas put his hands on the windowpane, the boy continued to
look back but didnt notice him, they were only separated by one
piece of glass. The boy started crying, kicking the drivers seat in

front of him. Thomas began to hear the thuds from the kicks. The
wails from the crying.
Thomas, will you please stop kicking my seat. Do you hear me?
I dont want to go back home.
Tough. If youre going to act like a spoilt brat Ill drop you off
His cries only got louder, the kicks getting harder. He threw a
soda can onto the windshield, spraying drink onto the front seats.
You naughty fucking boy Thomas. How dare you. Im trying to
concentrate and.
His mother screamed first, a scream of terror. Then the brakes
screeched, tyre burning against the tarmac. Finally, there was a
thud of bone meeting metal and glass. Thomas could just see
enough of the windshield to see the body of the person that had hit
What happened to her? Mum never liked to speak about it.
She never walked again Thomas, broke her vertebrae in 3 places.
Cost your Mum a lot of legal fees, no wonder she was always broke.
Thats terrible but, that entitles me to hell? I was just a kid.
The Devil looked at Thomas with utter disgust. You selfish piece
of shit. No, probably not but the fact you only ever cared about
yourself meant you had another fuck up in you. For once in your life,
lets make you look smart, make mother dearest proud.
Thomas, without feeling anything, was suddenly wearing a black
suit, with a white shirt and black tie. He was sobbing.
What happened the night your mother died?
II was at a party, the sobs got louder.
Go on, tell the fucking truth.
He had his head in his hands, snot was running from his nose,
tears from his eyes. He barely managed his words.
I was cheating on my girlfriend.

Yes you were. Too busy to even pick up the phone for your
depressed mother. If you had taken that call, maybe shed be alive.
If only you had given a shit.
I didnt know. I just never knew.
Lets see if you can change what happened. Hes your chance.
A phone began the ring. Thomas patted his pockets but there was
no phone in his new trousers. The Devil had the phone and held it
I think its for you.
Thomas hand was profusely shaking, he struggled to clasp his
fingers around the phone. He didnt answer but listened for a few
moments, trying to control his sobs. The phone was still ringing. He
tried to accept the call but it continued.
This bits good sneered the Devil. To your right Thomas.
The seat to Thomas right now had a lady sat in it. She was also
crying, bend forward, hugging her own knees whilst sat on a toilet.
Thomas shouted.
Mum! Mum Im so sorry. Can you hear me?
The phone kept ringing. Thomas tried to reach out and touch her
but he couldnt move. The Devil would only let him watch.
Please answer the phone Thomas. I need you. Please, his
mother begged.
I cant. It wont answer. Hello? He turned to the Devil. It wont
answer. Please make it answer.
Ahh. It would have been a lot easier to just do it the first time,
dont you think?
The phone stopped ringing. She dropped it on the floor,
whimpering to herself.
You see Thomas, youre not evil. Youre not even a nasty
She took out a gun.
No no no no please god no. Dont do this Mum.

But youre selfish. You dont care about other people. Youre a
piece of shit
She held the gun towards her head.
Please make her stop. Im begging you. Ill do anything.
People think if they do enough good, they will be fine. Eternal
happiness and all that crap. What they dont realise, is that there
were rules to obey. That 2000 years later they still apply. Why
should we bow down to mankind? What makes you think youre any
different? Im the fucking Devil and I decide...
No, please god now, Thomas howled in despair. His Mother
cocked the gun.
Im sorry Thomas.
Who goes to hell.
There was total silence, no sound of tears nor cries. There was no
motion, just suspended time, as Thomas stared at his mother with a
gun to her head.
Until it resumed with a bang, blood splatter and brain matter all
over his face, greeted by the Devils applause.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thomas. Youre waking up now Thomas. Can you hear me?
Wha..who are you?
Its Doctor Grant. Open your eyes Thomas.
The room slowly came into focus, it was light, with wooden panels
on the walls and a big window on the side. Thomas was sat in a
large chair and opposite him, sat the Devil. He was dressed in smart
trousers and a brown shirt with the top button undone. Thomas
sprang forward, ready to run.
Get away from me. Where the fuck am I?
Thomas, its Doctor Grant. Just take deep breaths. Youve been
under hypnosis. Do you remember? Im sorry it didnt go well, you
reacted very badly. Can we discuss what happened?

Doctor Grant, yes I do remember. You were the Devil when I

waswas I dreaming?
Yes, well I was accessing your REM state. You came to me with a
problem. We recorded it all if youd like to hear your consent?
No, no its okay.
Thomas sat back down in his chair, engulfed by relief. It felt so
real, it was horrific. I thought I was going to hell. Why were you the
Devil if you were trying to help me?
Yes, Im sorry Thomas. Let me try to explain. You came here
saying you were scared of flying and that you wanted it treated.
When I put you under, in the environment you feared to see how
youd respond, you blocked me out, ignoring my commands. The
mind is a very powerful thing and this is natural Thomas. It was
trying to defend you from me, hiding the causes of your problems.
What did you see when you saw me?
You were in a Hawaiian shirt. Irritating. You made me feel
uncomfortable. Thomas stared at Doctor Grant, he felt so
exhausted from the ordeal.
No one has ever put me in a Hawaiian shirt before, thats a first,
Doctor Grant chuckled, cheerfully at Thomas. I believe making me
irritable was your minds way of protecting you. Doctor Grant
picked up a cup and saucer and took a small drink of tea.
Then who was Lili?
Ahh yes, you spoke her name a few times. I saw that she
distracted you, you felt relaxed within her presence. I was able to
use that to our advantage, ask some simple questions such as your
name and where you were from. We started to gain trust, a
connection but unfortunately the subject of your mother quickly
derailed that. I tried again but you got visibly more agitated. I
presume you saw the Devil instead that second time.
I saw her kill herself. Youthe Devil told me I was responsible.
You are not Thomas, but your mother is the reason you fear
flying. I could see you had so much guilt, you wished you could have
helped. That the only time you tried to fly before, you couldnt and
you regret missing her funeral. Does that make sense? Doctor
Grant took another sip. Your fear of flying is because you have
buried so much deep down about her. It imploded out of you, no
wonder you couldnt control it.

It felt so real, too real. How long was I under?

Doctor Grant looked at his wristwatch. About 6 minutes. You were
really struggling so I had to shock you out of it, loud bang normally
works. Do you feel better?
Much. Thank you.
There is still a lot we need to talk about but I want to give your
mind a rest. Shall we say a 10 minute break?
That sounds good. Lili. Why that name? I wonder if that means
Doctor Grant smiled at Thomas. He crossed one leg of the other
and leant forward. Its short for Lilith. The queen of all demons. She
seems so angelic but burns to the touch, serving the Devil.
Doctor Grant smiled.


The room suddenly fell pitch black.

Doctor? Whats going on? Is the power out? Thomas was
panicking; the lack of light was overwhelming; he couldnt see his
own hands held in front of his face. He was engulfed, swallowed by
the darkness. The Doctor remained silent. Thomas called out again,
Doctor! Are you okay? Can you hear me? Thomas tried to get
up but he couldnt, there was something restricting him. A seatbelt.
He tried to undo it but it wouldnt move. What the fuck is going on?
Let me fucking go. Thomas suddenly fell silent, across the room
where the Doctor had sat; piercing red eyes stared back at him.
They did not blink, but fixated on him, Thomas tried to scream but
he couldnt.
His seat began to shake, slowly at first and then violently. Thomas
was holding onto the armrest so tightly that his hands were
bleeding. There was the sound of air, getting louder and louder.
Thomas struggled again to try and get up, forcefully shaking from
the seat. The red eyes suddenly appeared next to him, to his left.

Back on the plane, bitch.

A yellow smile creped out of the darkness.
Light was slowly filling the room. Windows were lighting up on the
sides. The sound of the air was ear splitting. Seats formed in front of
him, then the isle, roof and floor until the full plane was in view.
Outside the windows, down below, there was nothing but fire, rising
up, flaming licking aggressively. It was getting closer and closer. The
plane was going down. Fast.
Im dreaming. Youre fucking dreaming Thomas. Wake up. Please
wake up.
He turned to look at the man next to him, who grinned menacingly
back at him, his eyes still burned bright red. There was laughter,
coming from the seats in front and behind. Everyone was laughing,
including Lilith. She was laughing louder than anyone, manically
whilst staring at Thomas.
The plane was gaining speed. They were going to crash into the
flames below.
Thomas turned again to look at the man, not through his own
choice, no longer in control.
"Ill have your fucking soul now Thomas.
And there are plenty more just like you.

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