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The fastest growing areas in telecom are broadband services and networks. The ex
of the Internet coupled with new video centric services has increased the demand
for high
bandwidth in access networks. Fiber to the home, based on a PON due to its high
bandwidth, cost sharing of infrastructure, and absence of active components, is
considered as a good solution to this demand[1]. Services such as IP high-defini
tion video delivery, Voice-over-IP, social networking and cloud computing have p
ushed the demand for bandwidth even beyond what is achievable with todays gigabi
t PONs. TDM-PON is a promising candidate of the low- cost subscriber networks fo
r the fiber-to-the-home systems. Its upgradability, large capacity and flexibili
ty are its qualities that make it such a promising candidate. Wavelength-divisio
n-multiplexing transmits multiple data signals using different wavelengths of li
ght through a single fiber. The objective of this work is to implement and propo
se low cost architectures for high speed performance of Passive Optical Network.
[1]The rapid expansion of high-speed internet market and data communications has
accelerated the demand for broadband access. Broadband services and networks ar
e among the fastest growing areas in telecom. The demand for greater bandwidth i
n access is already fuelling a similar growth in all remaining part of the netwo
rks and will continue to do so even more [6]. Assuming the existing technology,
such bandwidth growth implies a profitability dilemma for operators, as network
costs grow quicker than revenues: new services span many more orders of magnitud
e in terms of bandwidth requirements which cannot be matched by any old-style ta
riffs policy nor supported by the existing network approach. There is a compelli
ng need to deliver new services to a wide number of users over a unique platform
while achieving convergence (a network for all the services), flexibility (a ne
twork for every situation) and lowering overall costs (low investment and mainte
nance cost). The only sensible way to reduce the costs of ownership while delive
ring high bandwidth services is to use a very simple network, capable to fully e
xploit the benefit of the optical technology and fiber based networks. The explo
sion of the Internet coupled with new video centric services has increased the d
emand for high bandwidth in access networks. Fiber to the home, based on a passi
ve optical network (PON), has been extensively investigated due to its high band
width, cost sharing of infrastructure, and absence of active components.[6] Hist
orically, the maximum transmission length of a PON has been considered to be 20
km. Gigabit PONs are being widely deployed in response to the exploding demand f
or high bandwidth. Services such as IP high-definition video delivery, voice-ove
r-IP (VoIP), social networking and cloud computing will push the demand for band
width even beyond what is achievable with todays gigabit PONs. However, these ty
pes of optical access networks which typically serve 32 customers over reaches r
anging from 20 km to 60 km (in the case of reach extended PONs) may not be the u
ltimate solution for network operators which seek to radically.\par
In this project it is proposed and investigates an optically amplified extended
CWDM-based shared infrastructure for four PONs, one with the standardized PON wa
velengths (1490 nm down and 1310 nm up) and the remaining three using downstream
and upstream CWDM wavelengths in the 1500 and 1300 nm bands, respectively. Reac
h extension up to 60 km is accomplished with a bidirectional discrete hybrid SOA
-Raman amplifier having at least 75-nm bandwidth in both the upstream and downst
ream bands ( nm total optical bandwidth). This work improves on [5] by identifyi
ng and correcting an impairment to upstream performance related to the 1.3- m SO
A stage of the hybrid amplifier.
Optical amplifiers will play an important role in the development of future opti
cal systems and networks as they allow the direct amplification of light with a
minimum of electronics. The key thrust in optical transmission in the coming yea
rs will be the development of a transparent optical network in which the use of

electronic hardware is minimised, thus improving the network reliability and fle
xibility. In this context, for example, amplifiers can be used to replace optoel
ectronic regenerators in the long haul sections of the network, provide increase
d fan out in local passive networks and provide optical switching and routing. T
he use of optical amplifiers to realise practical non-linear transmission is als
o now being demonstrated. Such non-linear systems will allow the multi-gigabit t
ransmission of data over large distances without dispersion. In optoelectronic r
egenerators, the optical signal is first converted into electric current and the
n regenerated by using a transmitter. But such regenerators become quite complex
and expensive for wavelength division multiplexing systems. This reduces the re
liability of networks as regenerator in an active device. Therefore, up gradatio
n of multichannel WDM network will require optical amplifier. The optical amplif
iers are mainly used for WDM (Wavelength division multiplexing) light wave syste
ms as all channels can amplify simultaneously. Optical amplifier increases the t
ransmitter power by placing an amplifier just after the transmitter and just bef
ore the receiver.
\item To examine the performance of optical amplifier EDFA, RAMAN, SOA amplifi
ers for presence and absence of nonlinearities in the fiber at different transmi
ssion distance. Compare all amplifiers and find which one is provide better resu
lt in the term of high output power, least BER, high Q factor and large eye open
\item To examine placements of hybrid amplifier after source in optical comm
unication system.
\item To examine the effect on hybrid amplifier by varies the fiber length. Fi
nd the optimize fiber length before which hybrid amplifiers provide maximum powe
r, acceptable BER and Q factor.
\item To examine the effect on RAMAN-EDFA hybrid amplifier by using co-counter
s pumping with various power level in the raman fiber. Find the optimize raman f
iber power level for which hybrid amplifier provide maximum power, acceptable BE
R and Q-factor.
\item To demonstrate four conventional TDM PONs with symmetric 2.5-Gb/s line r
ate and extended reach, sharing a common infrastructure.
\item To expand in the wavelength dimension, extending the physical reach of P
ONs may also bring significant cost benefits.
\item To demonstrate an optically amplified CWDM-based PON system featuring fo
ur extended (60 km) TDM PONs on a common infrastructure (serving 128 subscribers
\item To demonstrate an extended PON system that can be related to existing co
mmercial systems.
\item To improve this proposed system for higher data rate ,for long distance
communication and for more number of subscribers .

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