CWALAC Scoring Letter

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June 22, 2015

The Honorable
United States House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515
Dear Representative,
On behalf of our members nationwide, Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee
(CWALAC) wishes to express our support for Rep. Gary Palmer s (R-Alabama) amendment that would
prohibit funds from being used to implement Washington D.C. s Reproductive Health NonDiscrimination Amendment Act (RHNDA) to H.R.5485, the Financial Services and General Government
Appropriations Act of 2017. Additionally, we wish to express our opposition to both Rep. Eleanor
Holmes Norton s (D-District of Columbia) amendment granting D.C. budget autonomy and Rep. Alan
Grayson s (D-Florida) amendment to strike the longstanding Smith Amendment prohibiting abortion
funding through the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program (FEHBP).
RHNDA is an assault on our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms of religion, speech, and association, as
well as a violation of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and other federal laws. RHNDA requires an
organization to hire or retain individuals whose speech or conduct is inconsistent with the organization s
mission. It would also require organizations to subsidize elective abortions in their employee health plans.
CWALAC will score in favor of the Palmer amendment prohibiting funding to implement RHNDA
in D.C. Federal funding should not be used to infringe upon First Amendment protections in Washington,
D.C., or elsewhere.
D.C. often serves as the incubator for radical policy. Granting D.C. budget autonomy would concentrate
power in a way the founders intentionally tried to prevent. D.C. was purposefully placed under the
umbrella of federal oversight, and the Constitution grants supreme legislative authority to Congress over
the District of Columbia. For these reasons, CWALAC reserves the right to score against Rep.
Nor ton s (D-District of Columbia) unconstitutional Amendment to H.R. 5485 that would strike such
authority as this initiative removes necessary, constitutionally mandated Congressional oversight.
In addition to these two amendments, CWALAC reserves the right to score against Rep. Allen
Gr ayson s (D-Florida) Amendment to strike the Smith Amendment stopping abortion funding
through the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program (FEHBP). The Smith Amendment is a
longstanding provision that makes no funds available to pay for abortions or administrative expenses in
connections with health plans under the FEHBP which provides any benefits or coverage for abortions.
We urge you to oppose this language and ensure it is not added to the Financial Services and General
Government Appropriations Act of 2017.

Penny Nance
President and CEO
Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee

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