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5 Advance human rights and social and economic justice

Practice Behaviors:
Advocate for human rights and social justice; Engage in practice that
advance social and economic justice
Term paper 2
In this second part of my term paper for Social Welfare and the Social Work
Profession: History, Trends and basic concepts, I am doing a research paper. My topic is
mental health in America and the need for more long term care for those in need. In the
section of the term paper I do an in depth research on the history of mental health in
America, as well as the current statistics and stigmas of mental health.
I this research paper I discuss the importance of education, awareness and
services for those with mental health. My paper discuss the need for long term mental
health care, as well as affordable mental health care. This paper allowed me to research a
topic that I already felt strongly about, and provided me with knowledge to provide for
others. I was able to use this paper to educate myself to help spread awareness and to
advocate for those in need.
This paper encourages social justice by discussing the stigmas and barriers that
those with mental health needs have faced in history and today. This encourages others to
become aware of the long term needs for those who are suffering and are improperly
cared for.

Term Paper part two

In the past many cultures defined mental illness as a personal problem

or as being possessed by some sort of demonic spirit (Uniteforsight). Some
were even thought of as witches and would be punished for this. These
conditions were not recognized as something that could be treated, and
scared most people due to lack of knowledge. Todays definition according to
the dictionary is a persons condition with regard to their psychological and
emotional well-being (Dictionary). Through the years we have made huge
discoveries and accomplishments in the advancements of treatments for the
mentally ill.
There have been cases of Mental Health that dates back as far as 5th
century BC, When Hippocrates was a leader in Advocating for what was then
known as religious or personal problems (Uniteforsight). The awareness of
this mental health grows until 1676 when the first law for treatment of
mental health was passed in Massachusetts. This law ordered selectmen to
provide care for those with mental illness and to protect the community from
this population (Day, 168). But before this law was passed those who were
mentally ill were treated very badly. Most lived with families, and it was their
responsibilities to take care of them. The mentally ill that did not have family
to care for them, were usually locked up, kept separate from other people.
They were beat, whipped or chained to the walls. If they were known to be

aggressive then they were thought to be possessed by the devil (Day, 168).
Thankfully for these individuals there was a man Named Benjamin Rush, he
became an advocate for the mentally ill and wanted moral treatment for
them (Day, 168).
The awareness of mental health care continued to grow in the United
States and in 1840 there was a lobbyist by the name of Dorthea Dix who
over a 40-year period, persuaded the U.S. government to provide funding
and to build 32 state psychiatric hospitals (uniteforsight). This was a huge
step in the institutionalization for the mentally Ill, Families supported this and
the government funded it. Although this didnt last long, with the
Governments money for this began to dwindle so did the care for the
patients, they were often understaffed, they were poor living conditions and
some were thought to compromise basic human rights (Uniteforsight).
Todays identification of mental health is much more understood, those with
these needs are offered many more treatment options. The resources for
these individuals from family support, to government support are more
Mental Health has been treated many ways throughout history, and
has advanced though the years, for example. In the early 1800s based on
Rushes model they organized private asylums for long term care of the
mentally ill. In these asylums they would house the sick, and sadly they
would perform experiments on them to learn about their conditions. They
funded this by exploiting them and selling tickets for people to come and

watch them be exhibited (Day, 168). Throughout history new therapies and
treatments were used to try and aid them. In the 1930s various techniques
were used such as insulin induced comas, lobotomies, malarial infections and
electro shock therapy (dualdiagnosis).many of these treatments were
inhumane and have changed a lot over the years. Todays techniques are
more focused on short term facilities and therapies. There have been drugs
developed in order to help with these illnesses and also a variety of
therapeutic approaches that have proven successful.
There have been a lot of positive advancements in caring for those
with mental health conditions but there are also a lot of social stigmas and
societal prejudices against those who suffer from them. Many people do not
know or understand the variety of mental illnesses that effect people every
day. There are levels of severity and treatments for each, with societys lack
of knowledge there are many of those who judge the mentality ill. Individuals
with mental illness who receive support and seek out help maybe more
successful in their treatments. Because of social stigmas of those who suffer
from mental illness causes many to avoid providing them with proper care or
any care at all. Having proper treatments programs and therapies is
important to help these individuals.

Dual diagnosis. Viewed on February, 23rd 2015.
Uniteforsight. Viewed on February 23rd, 2015.
Dictionary. Definition as viewed on Google February, 24th, 2015.
Day,P. schiele,J. a new history of social welfare. 7th edition 3013.

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