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Lesson Plan

Subject: Ancient

Year: 12


Date: 25/5/16

Day: Wednesday

Period: 6

Reference to Work
2004 syllabus


Links to Assessment Objectives/Levels/Specification:

16. Remaining open to

continuous learning
8. Applying past knowledge
to new situations

-Criterion 3

Learning objectives:

Targeted students:

Republic Augustus Principate

5 Mins

Lesson structure

- E.B: Learning Support

Teacher notes/structure


Re-Cap last lesson: Timeline and order

of events.
Introduction to lesson: Looking at the
Republic Augustus Principate
Going through page 567 and half of 568
in their Augustus booklet.
Together we will go through the pages
and highlight key information.
Explain why and how it relates.
Students will then be filling out a table
characteristics of the republic to the
Principate. Political, Social and

(Ask students to leave their laptop lids down)


Introduce what well be doing in class and how

it links to last lesson
Hand out hardcopies of the table
Talk through the table (why they are doing it,
and how)
Its already drawn up on the board.
Ask questions: Does everyone understand?

(Transition Ask students to get their Augustus booklets

out and turn to page 567 along with their highlighters.)
E.B has the Augustus booklet on her laptop

15 Mins

1st Activity:

1st Activity:

24 Mins

Students will have their Augustus

Booklets turned to page 567
Students read out sentences.
Highlight key information Explain why
and how it relates to Augustus.
Keeping in mind Republic - Principate
Student can write notes all over the
page to help them.

2nd Activity:

Introduce what were doing reiterate.

Students will collaborate with me to
write down key characteristics.
Start with Political, social and economic
on the republic side.
Students can use their booklets and
previous knowledge to help them.
Once finished their republic side,
students will fill in the Principate side in

Once students have got their booklets out reiterate what theyll be doing
Ask whether they understand?
Ask one student at a time to read avoid E.B.
Instruct students when to stop and highlight,
write notes etc.
Re-write notes on board for students.
Q. Why, who, how and when?

(Transition Ask students to open up their laptops

And find the table Ive emailed them.)
2nd Activity:

Re-iterate again what theyll be doing, say youll

write the notes on the board so they can fill in
their table.
Ask them questions what political
characteristics were there in the republic?

Come back and share notes.

Ill write them on the board.

What social characteristics were there in the

What economic characteristics were there in
the republic?
Once finished republic side.
Ask them to finish the Principate side in pairs.
(Not Talking)
Ask the question Does everyone understand
what they have to do?
Say well come back once youve finished and
fill in the table on the board.

(Compare and contrast Republic and Principate

characteristics to find what has changed and what
2 Mins

Ask students to pack up

Finish off the table in the next lesson
Did they enjoy the lesson?
Stand behind desks

Instruct students that we can finish it off in the

next lesson.
Ask them to stand behind their desks and
quietly leave.
Thank them.

By incorporating a hardcopy and visual stimulus in the lesson, students like E.B could better understand the content.
Also, I wrote the students notes up on the board, this allowed students to collaborate their ideas In a safe environment.
In addition it also gave students another visual and oratory stimulus. We also did the think, pair, share pedagogy. This
helped the students, especially E.B to learn how to compare and contrast content, better understand historical content
and engage in historical skills.

This lesson didnt go as I hoped, it was a bit boring for them, as they had to compare and contrast characteristics from
the republic to the Principate. I also need to work on my transitioning and being more energetic in class to get them
engaged. The more I do this the more they respond. In addition, I also need to reiterate more what they have done,
going to do and how theyre going to do it.

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